Thursday, November 17, 2016


Corredores de Forex

Chipre Forex Brokers - Bienvenidos a nuestra extensa lista de corredores de Forex regulados por Chipre.

Todos los corredores que aparecen en esta lista son licenciados y regulados por la Comisión de Valores de Chipre (CySEC), que fue establecida de acuerdo con la sección 5 de la Ley de 2001 de la Comisión de Valores y Bolsa de Chipre (Establishment and Responsibilities) cuerpo.

Chipre es la elección de muchos corredores de divisas de Chipre debido a las tasas de impuestos muy bajos corporativos, que son muy atractivos para los corredores de Forex. Por otra parte, los requisitos reglamentarios en Chipre son más flexibles que en otros lugares y esto ha causado muchos corredores de alto valor para la sede de su negocio en Chipre. Nuestro sitio web le ofrece la oportunidad de tener toda la información que necesita, presentada a través de un diseño sencillo y limpio. Haga clic en el botón Revisar junto a cada corredor para ver sus condiciones de operación, información y promociones, seleccione un corredor de Forex y haga clic en el botón Aplicar para abrir una cuenta con el agente de su elección y comenzar a cotizar.

Chipre Corredores de Forex


MT4 Desktop - Web Trader - Wndows Mobile - Android - iOS - Multi Terminal

Hasta un 30% de bonificación de primer depósito hasta $ 3500

Depósito mínimo: $ 10 en cuentas clásicas - $ 10000 en cuentas VIP - $ 20000 en cuentas de STP Apalancamiento:

Hasta 1: 500 en Cuentas Clásicas - hasta 1: 200 en Cuentas VIP - hasta 1: 100 en Cuentas STP


MT4 Desktop - MT4 Terminal Multi - AFB FX Web Trader - MT4 Wndows Móvil - MT4 Android - MT4 iOS

Depósito Mínimo: $ 100 en Universal Mini Accounts - $ 3000 en Universal Standard Accounts - $ 50000 en Universal Advanced Accounts - $ 500 en ECN Standard Accounts - $ 25000 en ECN Advanced Accounts Apalancamiento:

Hasta 1: 500 en Universal Mini Accounts - hasta 1: 300 en Universal Standard Accounts - hasta 1: 100 en Universal Advanced Accounts - hasta 1: 300 en ECN Standard Accounts - hasta 1: 100 en ECN Advanced Accounts

AFX Capital

MT5 Desktop - MT4 Escritorio - MT4 iOS - MT4 Android - MT4 Windows Mobile - escritorio de cTrader - cTrader Web

Depósito Mínimo: no hay mínimo en Cuentas Clásicas - $ 25000 en Cuentas Premium - $ 2000 en cTrader Cuentas Institucionales Apalancamiento:

Hasta 1: 500 en las cuentas institucionales de Classic & cTrader - hasta 1: 200 en Cuentas Premium

AGM Forex

Corredores de Forex en Chipre

FSA (Alemania), FSA (Suecia), SSMC (España), FMA (Países Bajos), ACP (Francia), NCCSE (Italia), TFCA (Reino Unido), CySEC

(Dinamarca), la Autoridad Federal de Supervisión Financiera (Alemania), la Autoridad de Supervisión Financiera (Suecia), la Comisión Nacional de Sociedades y la Bolsa (Italia), la Autoridad de Conducta Financiera (Reino Unido), la Comisión de Valores de Chipre (Chipre) ), Comisión Española del Mercado de Valores (España), Financial Markets Authority (Países Bajos), ACP (Francia)

Comisión de Valores de Chipre (Chipre)



Comisión de Valores de Chipre (Chipre)

Comisión de Valores de Chipre (Chipre)

Descargo de responsabilidad Puede haber un alto grado de riesgo en el comercio de divisas y por esta sola razón, algunos inversores pueden decidir que no es adecuado para ellos. Hay un grado considerable de apalancamiento involucrado que, aunque puede trabajar en su favor, también puede trabajar en su contra. Debe tomar nota cuidadosa de su nivel de experiencia, su propósito para invertir, y cuánto riesgo está preparado para aceptar. Es siempre posible que usted podría perder una parte, o incluso todos, o su inversión inicial, y se sigue que usted debe nunca invertir cualquier dinero que usted no puede permitirse para perder. Esto se aplica a cualquier forma de inversión. Hay ciertos riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas, y si tiene alguna duda, debe tomar el asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente.

Cualquier opinión ofrecida en FXHQ son opiniones de autores individuales, y no necesariamente coinciden con las opiniones de FXHQ o la dirección de la empresa. Los errores y las omisiones pueden ocurrir en declaraciones hechas por, o opiniones expresadas por, autores individuales, y usted debe observar que FXHQ no y no ha verificado la exactitud o de otra manera de tales opiniones o declaraciones. FXHQ no ofrece asesoramiento en materia de inversiones y, en consecuencia, cualquier información de este sitio web, incluidos informes de prensa, opiniones, precios, investigaciones y análisis, se ofrece como comentario al mercado y no constituye asesoramiento especializado en inversiones, ya sea ofrecido por FXHQ, sus empleados , Socios, autores u otros colaboradores. Al considerar cualquier inversión, siempre debe hacer su propia diligencia debida. FXHQ, sus empleados, socios, autores o contribuyentes, no aceptarán y no aceptarán responsabilidad alguna por cualquier pérdida o daño sufrido por usted por cualquier decisión de inversión que pueda tomar por el uso de cualquier información proporcionada. Esto incluye cualquier pérdida de beneficios, sin limitación.

& Copy; 2015 "FXHQ INC. FOREX HeadQuarters" Todos los derechos reservados.

Contratación de comerciantes FX prop

Clases de Mercados Financieros en Línea

Cursos de auto-estudio


& Ldquo; He estado negociando dentro y fuera por aproximadamente 15 + años. En 2011 me convertí en independiente y comenzó mi propia empresa de consultoría de Forex con el fin de ganarse la vida mediante el comercio, la enseñanza y ayudar a otros cómo el comercio con éxito sin la emoción que mata a muchas personas en este business. I son ex militares y mi disciplina antecedentes Me sirvió durante mucho tiempo y. Leer más & rdquo;

Anthony Paice (Reino Unido) - Remote YESFX Prop-Trader

& Ldquo; He estado negociando por más de 1 año. Este camino de carrera es emocionante y se ajusta a mi objetivo profesional convirtiéndose pronto en un fletador CFA. He oído hablar de YESFX en línea haciendo una investigación para los comerciantes remotos forex. Me gusta la idea de aplicar su propio análisis y colocar sus propios oficios basados ​​en el análisis de aplicar un riesgo estricto. Leer más & rdquo;

Stavros Georgiadis (Grecia) - Remote YESFX Prop-Trader

"Soy comerciante durante 4 años y hasta ahora sólo he negociado mi propia cuenta. Durante algún tiempo tuve el objetivo de entrar en el comercio profesional y para gestionar la empresa Funds. On mi búsqueda de un profesional y reputación ProTrading Company, afortunadamente me encontré YesFX, donde consigo un trabajo como un comerciante. El equipo entero de YESFX es muy amistoso, provechoso y siempre profesional. El sistema se desarrolla muy justo para los comerciantes y hace cada día un montón de diversión con YesFX para trabajar en los mercados de Forex. Puedo recomendar YesFX a todos los buenos comerciantes y deseo muchos éxito.

Marco Merenda (Italia) - Remote YESFX Prop-Trader

"He sido un comerciante desde julio de 2012. Justo antes de mi graduación de la Universidad Queen Mary de Londres (QMUL) y en medio de una búsqueda de empleo, me interesé en las existencias de negociación El mercado de trabajo fue duro para un nuevo graduado como yo Y decidí probar el día de comercio.

Daniel Tham (Singapur) - Remote YESFX Prop-Trader

"Personalmente hice mi debut en la sociedad FX durante el programa Trader Training que tuve en marzo de 2015. Una experiencia increíble sería la menos que decir. Desde el principio hasta el final de nuestro curso, nuestros profesores y mentores que tienen años de experiencia en el campo, Estaban a nuestro lado en todo momento dándonos conocimientos y proporcionándonos el conocimiento correcto, para convertirnos en comerciantes y poco a poco los exitosos. El ambiente aquí en YesFX es amistoso, lo que hace aún más fácil para nosotros sentir como una parte vital de la Equipo y miembro de la familia YesFX! "

Andreas Ioannou (Chipre) - YESFX Prop-Trader - Programa de Entrenamiento Interno

"Recientemente tuve la maravillosa experiencia de ser entrenado por primera vez como operador de FX en YESFX. Nuestros tutores y mentores son formadores magníficos y el curso del programa de formación YESFX Prop-comerciantes fue una delicia. He logrado cosas que nunca pensé Que fue posible y no a mi conocimiento. La formación comenzó el 16/03/2015 y ha durado para. Leer más.

Dakis Leontiou (Chipre) - YESFX Prop-Trader - Programa de Entrenamiento Interno

"Personalmente hice mi debut en la sociedad FX durante el programa Trader Training que tuve en marzo de 2015. Una experiencia increíble sería la menos que decir. Desde el principio hasta el final de nuestro curso, nuestros profesores y mentores que tienen años de experiencia en el campo, Estaban a nuestro lado en todo momento dándonos conocimientos y proporcionándonos el conocimiento correcto, para convertirnos en comerciantes y poco a poco los exitosos. El ambiente aquí en YesFX es amistoso, lo que hace aún más fácil para nosotros sentir como una parte vital de la Equipo y miembro de la familia YesFX! "

Constantinos Miaris (Chipre) - YESFX Prop-Trader - Programa de Entrenamiento Interno

"He estado negociando con yesfx por menos de un mes y he encontrado a los entrenadores y mentores muy útil. Trabalar como comerciante a tiempo completo y el comercio con Yesfx me permite hacer simultáneamente las dos. Hice comercio para ampliar mi conocimiento, me siento Es una trayectoria que usted está aprendiendo constantemente, encontrando diversas estrategias, entendiendo los efectos de alto.

Joyti Selli (Reino Unido) - Remote YESFX Prop-Trader

"Empecé a operar en FX en 2008. En octubre del año pasado, después de trabajar en el Grupo del Banco Mundial por 15 años, decidí dejar una cómoda posición gerencial allí para centrarse exclusivamente en el comercio de divisas. No fue una decisión fácil, pero mi trabajo Me había mantenido lejos de mi familia durante la mayor parte de mi tiempo en el Banco y los niños estaban creciendo sin Leer más.

Justin K. Kouakou (Costa de Marfil) - YESFX Trader Program - Junior Trader

"Ha sido dos meses que entré en la industria de divisas y estoy feliz de que decidí SÍ FX ser mi fuente de conocimiento Con el conocimiento y la práctica adecuada los tutores de YES FX me proporcionó aspectos importantes que me ayudan a lograr Mi objetivo de convertirse en un comerciante de éxito. El ambiente de trabajo es amigable como resultado de hacer que se sienta cómodo. Estoy realmente impresionado de sus habilidades educativas, ya que tienen una manera eficaz de impartir conocimientos.

Aimilios Nychidis (Chipre) - YESFX Prop-Trader - Programa de Entrenamiento Interno

"El éxito como un comerciante es una carrera que muchos buscan, pero muy pocos logran. Me complace el rigor intelectual que el equipo de gestión exigió y yo soy un mejor comerciante a causa de ello. A través de la educación integral y análisis de mercado, YESFX enseñar a los comerciantes cómo ser coherente y Rentable. No me dieron el pescado, me enseñaron a pescar. En general, una empresa sólida y recomiendo a cualquiera que planea hacer el comercio de su profesión para buscar una empresa de comercio profesional real. Por mi perspectiva, la elección es clara y simple , YESFX. Sería difícil encontrar un mejor ambiente para el comercio. "

Freddy Axel Kangou (Costa de Marfil) - YESFX Trader Program - Junior Trader

'' YESFX es una gran empresa y estoy agradecido por la oportunidad de operar para esta empresa. Muchos comerciantes fracasan en su búsqueda de una carrera como los comerciantes de divisas por falta de educación adecuada, la cantidad adecuada de capital y un mecanismo forzado para la gestión del dinero adecuado y la disciplina. Adivina lo que YESFX cubre todo esto para ti. Personalmente mi problema fue sobre el comercio, sin embargo, el mecanismo forzado YESFX tiene en su lugar como las reglas de gestión del dinero me ha ayudado a mejorar drásticamente mi. Lee mas .''

Caroline Mbi Ayuk (Países Bajos) - YESFX Trader Program - Junior Trader

"Antes de unirse al equipo de YesFx, yo había sido un comerciante activo en el mercado de valores de Estados Unidos. Sin embargo, siempre quise ser parte de un equipo de la divisa con una buena estrategia para aumentar equidad. Después de varias semanas buscando en línea oportunidades de comercio remoto como un prop-comerciante junior, finalmente encontré lo que estaba buscando. Una empresa que tiene comisiones bajas y pequeñas. Lee mas .''

Demetris Antonopoulos (Grecia) - YESFX Trader Program - Junior Trader

"Como comerciante con varios años de experiencia en el negocio de comercio de prop, me siento cualificado para escribir un testimonio sólido e imparcial sobre YESFX. Después de negociar activamente diferentes clases de activos en un par de tiendas de apoyo, de tipos de interés a materias primas y acciones, me inscribí en el programa "Remote FX Traders" de YESFX para desarrollar mis habilidades también en el. Lee mas ''

Pablo S. G. (España) - YESFX Trader Program - Junior Trader

"YesFX tiene todas las necesidades esenciales para que un comerciante tenga éxito en el actual mercado competitivo de divisas, su infraestructura operativa de última generación, su oscuro fondo de asignación de capital y seminarios semanales. Oportunidad para la progresión de la carrera para convertirse en un miembro de alto nivel del equipo y la asignación de capital adicional para los comerciantes bien realizados. Creo que este es un entorno ideal para los profesionales de la experiencia y la factura de partida en la industria "

Ho Chuen Jason Li (Reino Unido) - YESFX Trader Program - Junior Trader

"El cielo es el límite con el comercio de Forex. Hay tanto potencial para ganar, enormes cantidades de dinero. A través de YESFX, recibí la educación y la formación que necesitaba para seguir avanzando en mi conocimiento de la divisa de comercio y por eso ahora soy capaz de ir a lugares que nunca fue capaz de ir antes. También he sido muy feliz con la información proporcionada en el. Lee mas ."

Vishal Toora (Canadá) - YESFX Trader Program - Junior Trader

"El programa de comercio YESFX es una excelente experiencia para mí. Soy PhD estudioso de Finanzas y trabajando en la previsión en el mercado de divisas en relación con el análisis técnico. Pero estoy aprendiendo y voy a probar mis habilidades todos los días mediante el trabajo en el programa de comercio YESFX. Son tan profesionales. Bien informado y servicial ".

Hamed Naderi (Irán) - Programa YESFX Trader - Comerciante Junior

"Este curso debe ser enseñado por alguien que es capaz de enseñar y motivar lo suficiente como para lograr los objetivos y resultados. La experiencia demuestra que esto es exactamente lo que obtienes en YESFX. Gracias por ayudarme a pasar otro examen importante Certificado de CySec Advance. "

Harris Levadiotis - Curso de Examen CySec

"El entrenador está muy bien informado y tiene experiencia en el tema, hizo el curso muy interesante, explicó claramente todo en el curso y mantuvo a todos involucrados. Me pareció este curso muy, muy informativo. Puedo tomar este conocimiento en mi trabajo sobre una base diaria, altamente recomendado! "

Irena Kelesidou (Chipre) Director General Adjunto - Regency Asset Management Ltd - Curso de Examen CySec

"Sesiones útiles que dan un montón de buenos ejemplos para entender el material. El conferenciante hizo un buen trabajo de hacer preguntas. También estaba claro y nos mantuvo despiertos. El simulacro de examen y los toboganes también fueron muy útiles. Siento que realmente aprendí el material y estoy listo para el examen ".

Joanna Joannou (Chipre) - Curso de Examen CySec

"He estado asociado con YESFX durante 6 meses y mi experiencia en YESFX fue muy enriquecedora e ingeniosa. La gerencia es muy amable y servicial. La exposición que proporcionan en el análisis técnico vale la pena mencionar. El señor Charilaou es un instructor muy paciente y hace Todos los esfuerzos para hacerte captar los aspectos de los indicadores técnicos Sus sesiones en vivo son muy útiles e informativas En general, la vida en YESFX es emocionante y enriquecedora ".

M. K. Rajesh (Reino Unido) - YESFX Trader Program - Junior Trader

"El Programa Global de Comerciantes de YESFX es definitivamente uno de los tipos. Una tiene que ser competente y equipado con las habilidades esenciales de negociación para ser elegido para participar en el programa. Las reglas revolucionarias estrictas de gestión de dinero creado por la empresa y adoptada por los comerciantes garantiza La longevidad y la supervivencia en el comercio a largo plazo Los comerciantes empleados por YESFX son constantemente Leer más el. "

Abdul Ashikin (Singapur) - Programa YESFX Trader - Junior Trader,

"Para operar con éxito en el mercado Forex, un comerciante necesita conocimiento, experiencia y capital. Comenzé a operar hace dos años. He adquirido algunos conocimientos y experiencia. Me necesitaba capital para el comercio y encontré capital en esta empresa. Estoy trabajando con el YESFX Por tres meses y puedo asegurar a los comerciantes que la empresa tiene buenas condiciones para el comercio intra-día ... Leer más "

Dos Kuanov (Kazajstán) - Programa YESFX Trader - Junior Trader, YESFX Ltd

"Me gustaría dar las gracias YESFX por darme la oportunidad de participar en el programa de comerciante global. La compañía nos permite el comercio con sus propios fondos y nos proporciona excelentes condiciones de comercio. Con YESFX estoy mejorando día a día mis habilidades en el comercio Y mi conocimiento de los mercados financieros. También aprendo cómo negociar bajo el dinero stict y reglas de gestión de riesgos, que es la única manera de bocome constistently rentable como un comerciante para no sucumbir a cualquiera de nuestros sesgos psicológicos naturales: miedo, la esperanza, la codicia, Exceso de confianza, etc. "

Bruno Moise (Francia) - Programa YESFX Trader - Junior Trader, YESFX Ltd

"Estoy muy agradecido por tener la oportunidad de negociar para la empresa. La negociación remota desde casa (o donde quieras) es única entre las firmas de comercio de propiedad que hace que el negocio cómodo y le da la opción de viajar por el mundo. De dinero que se hará en el comercio, sólo tienes que saber cómo aprovechar las oportunidades que ofrece el mercado todos los días. Si desea convertirse en un comerciante, tener una estrategia sólida, dejar de lado todas sus preocupaciones y hacer su tarea todos los días . "

George Petersburg (Hungría) - Programa YESFX Trader - Junior Trader, YESFX Ltd

"En primer lugar, me gustaría dar las gracias a YESFX Ltd por brindarme la mejor oportunidad de practicar en los mercados financieros y mejorar día a día para convertirme en un exitoso analista técnico. Ser parte de este instituto me ha enseñado a ser disciplinado y Antes de que la consistencia fuera una gran obstrucción para mí, pero el comercio aquí ha mejorado mi coraje y la fe, también me capacitó para hacer frente a las pérdidas, minimizar el riesgo y maximizar los beneficios a largo plazo y hacer Una vida fuera de ella. "

Somsri Sarkar (India) - Programa YESFX Trader - Operador Junior, YESFX Ltd

"El programa YESFX Trading es verdaderamente gratificante para mí. El programa está estructurado de una manera muy sistemática, a través del cual un comerciante puede poco a poco su gestión del dinero y las habilidades de gestión de riesgos. El apoyo constante y la asistencia proporcionada por los técnicos del mercado experimentado en YESFX sólo añade A pesar de que en el inicio, el análisis técnico puede ... Leer más. "

Priyank Gupta (India) - Programa YESFX Trader - Operador Junior, YESFX Ltd

"Como comerciante, YESFX me ha proporcionado el conocimiento de los mercados financieros y la forma de comercio de los instrumentos financieros Con los sistemas de comercio exitoso que YESFX tought me, la disciplina, la paciencia y las estrategias de gestión de dinero que cada comerciante debe tener, el éxito depende del comerciante Recomiendo el programa YESFX Trader y el curso de preparación de CFTe a cualquiera que se sienta entusiasmado con el análisis técnico y tenga el perfil de un comerciante, así que quiero agradecerle a YESFX por la oportunidad y el apoyo ".

Eleni Sotiriou (Chipre) - Curso de preparación para exámenes de CFTe / YESFX Trader - YESFX Ltd (diciembre de 2013)

"Siendo de un fondo financiero la decisión de comenzar estudios adicionales, era uno que no se tomó a la ligera. SYFX me proporcionó las herramientas y el conocimiento que eran fáciles de seguir y entender. Después de haber obtenido mi MSTA y CFTe designaciones estoy seguro de que había Tomó el camino correcto. Mis conocimientos en análisis técnico había. Leer más.

Mohammed Al-Aker (Chipre) - Curso de Preparación para Exámenes de CFTe - Departamento de Operaciones, FBME Bank Ltd

"Participar en este curso de preparación de examen CFTe programa de formación es un trampolín para mi futuro personal y profesional. Muy extensa y práctica en la formación nos ha proporcionado una mejor comprensión de cómo funcionan los mercados financieros y los instrumentos. Gracias a todo el personal de YESFX por su apoyo. Además, y lo más importante, el curso de preparación para el Examen de CFTe me ayudó a obtener la posición de Analista Técnico en IronFX ".

Charalambos Constantinides (Chipre) - Curso de Preparación para Exámenes CFTe - Analista Técnico, IronFX

"El curso Trader de YESFX ha sido una experiencia verdaderamente llena de enseñanza, me proporcionó un conocimiento útil sobre cómo funcionan los mercados reales, el análisis y el trabajo comercial y me dio un impulso adicional a mi carrera. Trabajar como comerciante también puede contribuir al desarrollo de su personal Atributos como aprender a controlar sus emociones, que es un factor clave para su éxito como.

Maria Eleftheriou (Chipre) - Programa YESFX Trader - Operador Junior, YESFX Ltd

"Como comerciante de YESFX descubrí un nuevo mundo de conocimiento en el campo del análisis técnico financiero de los mercados. Todos los días es una experiencia de aprendizaje emocionante, mientras que la empresa ofrece todas las herramientas para el trading sistemático de probabilidad. Lo fascinante es que No es necesario tener un conocimiento previo de los mercados. Como cliché como suena: el cielo es el límite! "

Nikos Skouroumounis (Chipre) - Programa YESFX Trader - Operador Junior, YESFX Ltd

"El curso de preparación de examen de STA / CFTe con YESFX me dio una comprensión sólida de la teoría así como la aplicación práctica del análisis técnico en este campo Kyriakos Charilaou es una facultad excelente con una experiencia rica Además del contenido en curso del curso, la actitud amistosa , El apoyo y la orientación de la YESFX hace que sea un lugar maravilloso para ser una parte de Pequeños tamaños de lote de ansure en profundidad las discusiones y una mano sobre el enfoque práctico da un apretón en el campo de análisis técnico.

Satish Chandak (India) - Preparación para exámenes de CFTe

"YESFX ha demostrado ser una valiosa inversión para cualquier persona que planea operar en el mercado. Yo personalmente fui con un conocimiento de antemano, pero no pasó mucho tiempo antes de que yo entendía las profundidades del análisis técnico. Los instructores fueron capaces de tomar Un sistema complejo y que sea manejable para que nadie lo entienda. Se recomendaría altamente YESFX a cualquiera que quiera invertir en su futuro en el campo de análisis técnico de negociación.

Dan Howard (Cyprus) - Preparación para exámenes de CFTe

"Escribir un testimonio para YESFX Trading Academy fue una tarea bastante fácil porque no puede ser más definitivo. Si desea adquirir un diploma profesional como CFTe (Certified Financial Technician) sólo se puede aplicar a los profesionales y eso es lo que YESFX se trata, el profesionalismo Mi experiencia con el equipo de YESFX se derivó de mi voluntad de ampliar.

Socrates Panayi (Chipre) - Preparación para el examen de CFTe

"Viniendo de un fondo de ingeniería y siendo ya a la edad de 35 años, era bastante escéptico si un movimiento al sector financiero sería una decisión sabia." Después de terminar con éxito el curso de preparación de examen de STA y ser concedido la designación de MSTA, debo admitir Que fue la mejor decisión que podría haber tomado para mi futuro. La preparación del curso fue muy detallada que ofrece una sólida base de conocimientos en la que cada individuo puede confiar, para construir sus propias estrategias de éxito. Le recomiendo este curso a los profesionales que quieren Para ampliar sus conocimientos y convertirse en miembros de pleno derecho de un prestigioso organismo profesional como la Sociedad de Analistas Técnicos (STA), así como a personas que quieran seguir una carrera en el sector financiero / de inversión ".

Chrysis Demetriou (Chipre) - Preparación para exámenes de CFTe

"El curso Trader de YESFX ha sido una experiencia verdaderamente llena de enseñanza, me proporcionó un conocimiento útil sobre cómo funcionan los mercados reales, el análisis y el trabajo comercial y me dio un impulso adicional a mi carrera. Trabajar como comerciante también puede contribuir al desarrollo de su personal Atributos como aprender a controlar sus emociones, que es un factor clave para su éxito como comerciante. Limitar su codicia y el miedo, la orientación de su disciplina y el aumento de sus niveles de paciencia realmente puede agregar a su auto-desarrollo y beneficiar sus ganancias. No es fácil Trabajo, pero es un gran trabajo para los que les gusta un buen reto y están esperando un futuro rentable. Tienes que amar para que le recompensa. Lo que me encanta es que no es una cocina normal. Para aquellos que encuentran Es difícil mantener un típico horario de trabajo de ocho horas es el trabajo perfecto ya que le da la oportunidad de comercio cuando "cayó como él" Es todo acerca de la psicología y nadie te obliga a iniciar los oficios Después de todo, su rentabilidad depende exclusivamente de usted Y usted no tiene otras responsabilidades hacia nadie más además de guardar una estrategia disciplinada de la gerencia del dinero hacia la compañía. Por estas razones y aún más, creo que el programa YESFX Trader es una gran oportunidad para ver de qué estás hecho. Sólo unos pocos tienen éxito, pero si logras ser uno de los pocos, entonces eso es todo lo que necesitas ".

Maria Eleftheriou (Cyprus) - Preparación para exámenes de CFTe

"Recuerdo que al principio de nuestra reunión cuando me habló de la calificación de la STA, tuve miedo de tomar la decisión de hacer este curso y yo estaba deambulando si esto realmente podría ayudarme en mi carrera. Ahora, me siento muy afortunado de que eventualmente tome la decisión correcta y sea uno de los estudiantes de YESFX Global trading academy. Aunque tengo una maestría en finanzas, siento que durante el curso de preparación para el examen de Diploma STA, he aprendido mucho más y tengo la sensación real de cómo funcionan los mercados financieros en realidad. Ahora, me siento más cómodo conmigo mismo y puedo expresar mi propia opinión sobre el mercado. Lo más importante para mí es que en la última entrevista he tenido éxito y me contrataron como analista técnico en un fondo de cobertura. Durante la entrevista me han dicho que mis conocimientos sobre el análisis técnico hicieron una impresión en ellos y jugar un papel importante para tomar esta posición. Actualmente tengo el equipo de análisis técnico existente del Fondo ".

Ermioni Kallenou (Chipre) - CFTe Exam Preparation course - Analista Técnico de Mega Equities

"A partir de YESFX trading Academy quería ampliar mis conocimientos en análisis técnico. He comenzado el curso con el fin de darse cuenta de la forma en que los mercados se mueven de acuerdo con el análisis técnico y ser capaces de entender la "mecánica" detrás de varias herramientas de análisis técnico. Este curso no sólo me dio lo que estaba pidiendo, pero aún más. La manera que es. Lee mas "

George Spanos (Chipre) - Curso de preparación para exámenes de CFTe - Dealer, XM Markets

"Para empezar, el curso me ha ofrecido probablemente el knowlededge más útil y aplicable que he tratado nunca. La estructura del programa se establece de una manera muy inteligente que yo diría, para que destaque y se ocupa de todos los aspectos posibles Del Análisis Técnico. Para lograrlo hay, por supuesto, una importante contribución de los instructores, que nos proporcionó.

Savvas Avraam (Chipre) - Preparación para exámenes de CFTe

"Como uno de los graduados de YESFX Global trading academy, tengo que decir un gran agradecimiento a nuestros profesores. Desde el comienzo del curso hasta ahora puedo decir que estos chicos (YESFX Global) me familiarizaron con todo el borde llamado Análisis Técnico de los MERCADOS FINANCIEROS. Al estudiar en el Reino Unido nunca pensé en el análisis técnico hasta que llegué. Lee mas ."

Charalambos Konstantinou (Chipre) - Preparación para exámenes de CFTe

"Análisis técnico de los mercados financieros es el análisis de la psicología de los inversores presentados en un gráfico. En YESFX Global Trading Academy he aprendido a leer la fluctuación de esta psicología y percibo en qué dirección (positiva o negativa) se mueve cada vez. El hecho de que no haya estudiado nunca ninguna materia financiera y dentro de un período de 6 meses me he convertido en un técnico calificado obteniendo el Diploma STA demuestra la calidad y el nivel de los instructores de YESFX Global ".

Charidemos Levadiots (Chipre) - Preparación para exámenes de CFTe

"Nuestra vida está llena de oportunidades que en algún momento tenemos que explotar si queremos lograr el reconocimiento profesional dentro del sector financiero. Como titular de Finanzas BSc no pude encontrar un trabajo por 2 años. Cuando vi este curso me di cuenta de que podría ser mi pasaporte para el futuro empleo y para convertirse en un comerciante de éxito en el. Lee mas ."

Panagiotis Nicolaou (Chipre) - Preparación para exámenes de CFTe

Navegando: Forex Brokers

La mayoría de los corredores de divisas se encuentran justo en Chipre! Las condiciones óptimas de negocios, la optimización de impuestos, la regulación y mano de obra altamente calificada, son sólo algunos factores para explicar por qué usted puede encontrar aquí tantos corredores! Ahora es el momento de elegir un corredor adecuado para usted. Pronto vamos a proporcionar información con noticias reales de los corredores con el fin de elegir la plataforma adecuada, las condiciones de derecho de comercio y servicio! Comercio de las monedas, materias primas, acciones o índices o invertir en otros productos financieros! ¡Para ser informado es una CLAVE!

IronFX es el galardonado líder global en comercio en línea. Con 15 plataformas de comercio de más de 200 instrumentos en forex, spot.

Nombre de la empresa: 3D Global Financial Services Ltd Sitio Web: www.3dglobal. com

Nombre de la empresa: A. J.K. Wealth Management Ltd Sitio Web: www. ajkwealth. com

Nombre de compañía: Admiralex Ltd Sitio web: www. admiralmarkets. com. cy

Nombre de la empresa: AFX Capital Markets Ltd Sitio web: www. afxcapital. com

Nombre de la empresa: AGM Markets Ltd Sitio web: www. agmmarkets. com

Nombre de la empresa: Alfa Capital Holdings Ltd Sitio web: www. alfacapital. com. cy

Nombre de la empresa: Amana Capital Ltd Sitio web: www. amanacapital. com

Nombre de la empresa: Argus Stockbrokers Ltd Sitio Web: www. argus. com. cy

Nombre de la empresa: Atlantic Securities Ltd Sitio Web: www. atlanticfs. com

Nombre de la empresa: Atlas Capital Financial Services Ltd Sitio web: www. acfs. eu

Nombre de la empresa: AVA Trade Ltd Sitio Web: www. avatrade. com

Nombre de la empresa: Blackwell Global Investments Ltd Sitio Web: www. blackwelltrader. com

Nombre de la empresa: CF Invest Ltd Sitio web: www. cfimarkets. com

Nombre de la empresa: Colmex Pro Ltd Sitio web: www. colmexpro. com

Nombre de compañía: CommexFx Ltd Sitio Web: www. commexfx. com

Nombre de la empresa: Consulco Capital Ltd Sitio Web: www. consulcocapital. com

Nombre de la empresa: Depaho Ltd Sitio web: www. depaho. eu

Nombre de la empresa: DFG Capital Ltd Sitio Web: www. dfgcapital. com

Nombre de la empresa: Easy Forex Brokers Trading Ltd Sitio Web: www. easy-forex. com

Nombre de la empresa: Safecap Investments Ltd Sitio web: www. ecmarkets. com

Nombre de la empresa: Etoro Ltd Sitio web: www. etoro. com

Nombre de la empresa: Eurivex Ltd Sitio Web: www. eurivex. com

Nombre de la empresa: Exness Ltd Sitio Web: www. exness. com

Nombre de la empresa: Falcon Brokers Ltd Sitio web: www. falconbrokers. com

Nombre de la empresa: FIBO Group Holdings Ltd Sitio web: www. fibogroup. eu

Nombre de la empresa: Fidelisco Capital Markets Ltd Sitio web: www. fidelisco. eu

Nombre de la empresa: Safecap Investments Ltd Sitio web: www. finexo. com

Nombre de la empresa: Fintailor Investments Ltd Sitio web: www. fintailor. com

Nombre de la empresa: Forex Time Ltd Sitio web: www. forextime. com

Nombre de la empresa: Safecap Investments Ltd Sitio Web: www. forexyard. com

Nombre de la empresa: FX Central Clearing Ltd Sitio web: www. fxcc. com

Nombre de la empresa: FXGlobe Ltd Sitio web: www. globeoptions. com

Nombre de la empresa: FXNET Ltd Sitio web: www. fxnet. com

Nombre de la empresa: FXPRO Financial Services Ltd Sitio web: www. fxpro. com

Nombre de la empresa: Global Capital Securities and Financial Services Ltd Sitio web: www. globalcapital. com. cy

Nombre de la empresa: Goldenburg Group Ltd Sitio web: www. goldenburggroup. eu

Nombre de la empresa: HF Markets Ltd Sitio web: www. hotforex. com

HotForex es un galardonado corredor de divisas y materias primas, proporcionando servicios comerciales e instalaciones a & hellip;

Nombre de la empresa: iFOREX Ltd Sitio web: www. iforex. com. cy

Nombre de la empresa: Indication Investments Ltd Sitio Web: www. fxclub-global. com

Nombre de la empresa: Infin Markets Ltd Sitio Web: www. infinmarkets. com

Nombre de la empresa: IronFX Global Ltd Sitio Web: www. ironfx. com Leer la opinión sobre IronFX.

Nombre de la empresa: JFD Brokers Ltd Sitio web: www. jfdbrokers. com

Nombre de la empresa: KAB Strategy Ltd Sitio web: www. kabonline. com

Nombre de la empresa: Laiki Financial Services Ltd Sitio Web: www. laikifs. com

Nombre de la empresa: Lionsman Capital Markets Ltd Sitio web: www. lionsmancm. com

Nombre de la empresa: LQD Markets Ltd Sitio web: www. lqdmarkets. com

Nombre de la empresa: Safecap Investments Ltd Sitio web: www. markets. com

Nombre de la empresa: Mayzus Investment Ltd Sitio web: www. mayzus. com

Nombre de la empresa: Mega Equity Securities y Financial Services Public Ltd Sitio web: www. megaequity. com

Nombre de la empresa: MeritKapital Ltd Sitio web: www. meritkapital. com

Nombre de la empresa: MPF Global Markets Ltd Sitio Web: www. mpfgm. com

Nombre de la empresa: NBI Investments Ltd Sitio web: www. nbinvest. com

Nombre de la empresa: One Plus Capital Ltd Sitio Web: www. onepluscapital. net

Nombre de compañía: Orbex Ltd Sitio web: www. orbex. com

Nombre de la empresa: PFX Financial Professionals Ltd Sitio web: www. fxfinpro. com

Nombre de la empresa: Plasma Enterprises Ltd Sitio Web: www. plasma. com. cy

Nombre de la empresa: Plus500CY Ltd Sitio web: www.

Nombre de la empresa: PriorFX Ltd Sitio web: www. priorfx. com

Nombre de la empresa: Pulp International Business Ltd Sitio web: www. fxpulp. com

Nombre de la empresa: R Capital Solutions Ltd Sitio Web: www. axiory. eu

Nombre de la empresa: Reliantco Investments Ltd Sitio web: www. ufxmarkets. com

Nombre de la empresa: Reserve Invest Ltd Sitio web: www. reserve-invest. com

Nombre de la empresa: RMG Holding Ltd Sitio web: www. rmgh. eu

Nombre de la empresa: Roboforex brokers Ltd Sitio web: www. robofx. com

Nombre de la empresa: Ronin Europe Ltd Sitio Web: www. ron. in

Nombre de la empresa: Safecap Investments Ltd Sitio web: www. safecapltd. com

Nombre de la empresa: Saxo Capital Markets CY Sitio web: www.

Company name: Sharelink Securities and Financial Services Ltd Website: www. sharelinksecurities. com

Company name: Skopalino Finance Ltd Website: www. skopalino-finance. com

Company name: Solid Financial Services Ltd Website: www. solid-financial-services. com

Company name: Sonaf Business Ltd Website: www. sonafx. com

Company name: Teletrade-DJ International Consulting Ltd Website: www. teletrade. eu

Company name: TFI Markets Ltd Website: www. tfimarkets. com

Company name: TOPFX Ltd Website: www. topfx. com

Company name: Safecap Investments Ltd Website: www. trade. com

Company name: Trademarker Ltd Website: www. skyfx. com

Company name: Tradernet Ltd Website: www. tradenet. com

Company name: Trading Point of Financial Instruments Ltd Website: www. trading-point. com

Company name: Trendoks Ltd Website: www. trendoks. com

Company name: TTCM Traders Trust Capital Markets Ltd Website: www. traders-trust. com

Company name: UBK Markets Ltd Website: www. ubkmarkets. com. ua

Company name: UFS Capital Ltd Website: www. ufs-federation. com. cy

Company name: Valutrades CY Ltd Website: www. valutrades. eu

Company name: Veles International Ltd Website: www. veles-int. com

Company name: Vinson Financials Ltd Website: www. vinsonfinancials. com

Company name: Vinst Capital Ltd Website: www. vinstfx. com

Company name: Vistabrokers CIF Ltd Website: www. vistabrokers. com

Company name: Whotrades Ltd Website: www. finam. com. cy

Company name: Windsor Brokers Ltd Website: www. windsorbrokers. com

Company name: WS Financial and Investment Services Ltd Website: www. wsfis. com

Company name: X Global Markets Ltd Website: www. xglobalmarkets. com

Company name: XFR Financial Ltd Website: www. xforex. com

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GRS Professional Recruitment Solutions LTD

Company News | 12 July 2012

Forex Training Academy – Limassol, Cyprus

FX CAREERS is a new training academy in Limassol, offering the only fast track opportunity for gaining employment in the FX sector in Cyprus. This academy is a joint venture between GRS Recruitment, Cyprus' leading recruitment agency, and ConversionPros, the retail financial industry's leading marketing agency.

In Cyprus, one in six job placements according to GRS were in the Forex Sector. This statistic will rise as more and more existing international brokers and startups open new offices in Cyprus. More brokers require more staff.

“The demand for candidates is high but so is the skill gap between what brokers require and what applicants offer.” said Donna Stephenson, Director of GRS. John Lewis, Chief Marketing Officer at ConversionPros added, “Brokers want applicants who have proven background knowledge of the industry, knowledge of the trading process and the necessary skills in sales, marketing and compliance. Most applicants have the will but not the skill.”

FX Careers new training academy takes entry level students and equips them with what brokers require. Students will be taught the fundamentals of Forex trading as well as the opportunity to specialize in one of three key skills most often required by Brokers: Marketing, Sales, or Compliance.

After passing the course, graduates are awarded a certificate proving the graduate has gained the skills required. Furthermore, FX CAREERS has signed a high number of brokerages with operations in Cyprus to directly interview course graduates.

Each graduate will have a guaranteed opportunity to be interviewed by the leading brokers operating in Cyprus. Spots are highly selective and limited.

More information can be found at www. fxcareers. com or by Telephone at +357 25342720.

At a Glance

CySEC Regulated Forex Brokers List

To control and protect the operation of the Cyprus Stock Exchange and the transactions carried out in the Stock Exchange is CySEC’s main responsibility. It is most responsible and trusted financial regulatory service for Cyprus. It also supervises its listed companies, Investment Service Companies, investment consultants and mutual fund management companies. A significant number of overseas retail forex brokers have obtained registration from CySEC. The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission was established in accordance with section 5 of the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (Establishment and Responsibilities) Law of 2001 as a public corporate body. In the Board's meetings a representative of the Governor of the Central Bank is represented.

The members of the Board are named by the Council of Ministers following a proposal of the Minister of Finance and their service is a five-year term with the exception of the service of the Vice-Chairman and two from the other members that are named for the first time. The service of all the members is renewable for five additional years. It has the many responsibilities. We are going to focus on some of them:

It controls the operation of the Stock Exchange and the transactions carried out in the Stock Exchange.

It supervise and control the issuers of securities listed on the Stock Exchange, the Licensed Investment Services Companies as well as the Collective Investment Schemes.

For writing the provision of information from all natural or legal persons or organizations that are considered to be in a position to provide such information.

In order to impose administrative sanctions and disciplinary penalties to brokers.

Ensures determined in Regulations that are published in accordance with the Law of Establishment of the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission.

CySEC Regulated Forex Brokers ensures traders safety. You can learn more about them on their website. They have a strong support team to help you.

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Europe - MIFID Countries: Cyprus

Below is a list of online forex brokers which are incorporated or registered in Cyprus. Click on the links in the left column menu for forex brokers in other countries.

Notas: (1) El icono designa varios idiomas. Clicking on the icon will show or hide the additional languages available. Al hacer clic en el nombre del agente antes de que el idioma le llevará a su sitio en ese idioma. (2) When possible, clicking on the Regulatory Authority will direct you to the regulatory authority's site on either the page for that broker, a list of brokers licensed by that authority, or to a page where you can do a licensed entities search.

Forex Brokers in Cyprus

Broker Name (Alternate Name> [Parent Co.] [IB] - Website Language if no English Version

Location (Regulatory Authority)

Admiral Markets Cyprus (Admiralex Ltd) [see Admiral Markets Group]

Amana Capital Cyprus (Amana Capital Ltd) [see Amana Capital Group]

Blackwell Global Investments (Cyprus) Limited

Colmex Pro Ltd.

Cyprus Founded Forex Brokers List

Cyprus is an island country. It is surrounded by sea in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. It is a a tax-haven country because the financial regulation there is not really as tight as other countries. There're a lot of trusted Forex Brokers there. The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission is known as CySEC. It has become part of the European MiFID regulation giving firms registered in Cyprus access to all European markets. Notably is the significant number of overseas retail forex brokers that have obtained registration from CySEC as they generally see this as an easy way to get a license without having to meet stringent requirements that would be imposed by other European financial regulators. Cyprus joining the EU in 2004 and adopting the Euro in 2008 significantly changed the financial regulatory framework that CySEC policed for what had been previously been considered a tax haven.

Many popular forex brokers choose Cyprus for their company’s location and regulation as it is too secure. Cyprus Founded Forex Brokers are very secure and trusting for the traders. Cyprus trading broker companies are more solid and trusted. It is also so much profitable. We can do trades without any hesitation and worry. Our trading always been kept secure on Cyprus forex broker. In the recent years a lot of Forex Brokers have emerged in Cyprus. The main regulator there are the CySEC. The main reason for this huge number is that Cyprus is considered a tax-haven country with low taxes and recent EU accession. There's more than $20,000 coverage available which's provided by the Investor Compensation Fund. This is no doubt a heaven for the investors and traders. The Forex Brokers also require to hold customer funds in a segregated bank account.

CySEC is administrated by a five member Board which is composed of the Chairman. It supervises and controls Licensed Investment Services Companies. It also imposes administrative sanctions and disciplinary penalties to brokers. Traders can keep faith in Cyprus Founded Forex Brokers easily.

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Forex Cyprus

Submitted by administrator on Tue, 09/29/2015 - 06:59

The foreign exchange market (forex, FX, or currency market) is a global decentralized market for the trading of currencies. This includes all aspects of buying, selling and exchanging currencies at current or determined prices. In terms of volume of trading, it is by far the largest market in the world. The main participants in this market are the larger international banks. Financial centres around the world function as anchors of trading between a wide range of multiple types of buyers and sellers around the clock, with the exception of weekends. The foreign exchange market determines the relative values of different currencies. The foreign exchange market works through financial institutions, and it operates on several levels. Behind the scenes banks turn to a smaller number of financial firms known as “dealers,” who are actively involved in large quantities of foreign exchange trading. Most foreign exchange dealers are banks, so this behind-the-scenes market is sometimes called the “interbank market”, although a few insurance companies and other kinds of financial firms are involved. Trades between foreign exchange dealers can be very large, involving hundreds of millions of dollars. Because of the sovereignty issue when involving two currencies, forex has little (if any) supervisory entity regulating its actions. In a typical foreign exchange transaction, a party purchases some quantity of one currency by paying with some quantity of another currency. The modern foreign exchange market began forming during the 1970s after three decades of government restrictions on foreign exchange transactions (the Bretton Woods system of monetary management established the rules for commercial and financial relations among the world's major industrial states after World War II), when countries gradually switched to floating exchange rates from the previous exchange rate regime, which remained fixed as per the Bretton Woods system. The foreign exchange market is unique because of the following characteristics: • its huge trading volume representing the largest asset class in the world leading to high liquidity • its geographical dispersion • its continuous operation: 24 hours a day except weekends, i. e. trading from 22:00 GMT on Sunday (Sydney) until 22:00 GMT Friday (New York) • the variety of factors that affect exchange rates • the low margins of relative profit compared with other markets of fixed income • the use of leverage to enhance profit and loss margins and with respect to account size.

In Cyprus forex companies are regulated by Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission – CYSEC-. iMPK Global Business Law firm can assist you from the registration until the licensing from Cysec and delivering the New Licensed Forex Company in Cyprus, at the best value for money procedure.

For more information and guidance regarding forex cyprus companies please email our Firm – iMPK Global Business Law Firm – at info@impklawyers. com or visit our website www. impklawyers. com and use our live chat. Tel +357 99345000 – Fax +357 25 660097

Featured Sale Properties

Forex jobs in Cyprus

For the last 10 years retail forex brokers have been making Cyprus their home and creating forex careers. It has proven to be a great place to set up operations and help businesses flourish with its low corporate tax rate and access to previously restricted markets that comes with the obtaining a Cyprus Investment Firm license, and creating lots of forex jobs leading to a better forex careers in cyprus. It is no secret that Cyprus is currently experiencing difficult economic woes. However despite these financial hardships, the retail forex industry has continued to grow and consistently added to the Cyprus workforce which is currently experiencing record levels of unemployment. All this made Cyprus as hub for forex jobs Cyprus.

As we can clearly see the forex industry has been growing exponentially with regards to the workforce since 2009. For 2013 it will provide the largest outlet for people to enter the struggling workforce. Why not join an industry that will continue to grow for the foreseeable future, and create your forex jobs Cyprus.

It is extremely important now more than ever during these hard economic times to have a competitive advantage. FX achieve will not only provide you with information and practical methods directly from industry professionals, it will also provide you with the intuition and knowledge required to succeed at every interview you enter!

At FX Achieve we strive to provide students with the knowledge, intuition and preparedness to enter any company and start confidently, while saving the employer time and money for training. Although we cannot guarantee forex jobs cyprus following the completion of our course, FX Achieve will try with its numerous contacts and network to help out as much as possible. One thing we can guarantee is that you will not be disappointed with the education you will receive! FxAchieve Certificate will enhance your chances to find a forex jobs cyprus, and build your fx or forex careers.

So what are you waiting for? To register for a course please click here! and find your forex careers.

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Candidates rarely move for money alone so the GRS team spend time to really understand a candidate’s motivation and drive when looking for their next career move in Cyprus or Malta.

El sector de divisas es particularmente floreciente y forex es el mayor sector de reclutamiento que la compañía está colocando candidatos en general, con el 30% de GRS & rsquo; Las vacantes de trabajo son & hellip ;.

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We are seeking an experienced Dealer to join an international Financial Services Company based in Central Limassol. Our client is a leading provider of online trading services and is operating in over 100 countries globally. This company offers an excellent working environment with great career growth opportunities.

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Our client, a very reputable Accountancy and Audit Firm is seeking an experienced Audit Supervisor to join their professional team. Dealing with all aspects of Audit you will be an integral part of their team.

Administration, Corporate/Fiduciary Services

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Are you a professional experienced Senior Corporate Administrator? Our client, a very reputable Accountancy, Audit and fiduciary company would like to hire a Senior Corporate Administrator to join their team in Nicosia. Dealing with all aspects of Corporate Administration you will be an integral part of their team.

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Accounting - Qualified

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Forex (FX)

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Location: Cyprus, Nicosia Reference: ST912237 Date Posted: 17/03/2016

Are you seeking a new opportunity to work for a very reputable Accountancy Firm? Our client, an established and professional Accountancy firm in Nicosia is seeking a Senior Auditor to join their team. Your responsibilities as a senior Auditor will involve the Audit of both international and some local companies. This great opportunity


Location: Cyprus, Limassol Reference: AP912290 Date Posted: 16/03/2016

We are currently seeking to recruit an experienced Litigator on behalf of our client, Legal Firm in Limassol. This is an excellent opportunity to work in a professional environment and gain valuable experience. If you are interested apply now!


Location: Cyprus, Limassol Reference: AP912290 Date Posted: 16/03/2016

We are currently seeking to recruit an experienced Property Lawyer on behalf of our client, Legal Firm in Limassol. This is an excellent opportunity to work in a professional environment and gain valuable experience. If you are interested apply now!

Customer Services, Forex (FX)

Location: Cyprus, Limassol Reference: HE911824 Date Posted: 16/03/2016

Our client is a CySEC regulated, global broker offering online CFDs and Financial Spread Trades to the retail audience are currently experiencing phenomenal growth, the company’s staff consists of traders and professionals with knowledge, experience and a reputation in the financial markets. Having set themselves the objective of bei

3 Types of Cypriot Forex Brokers

Cyprus is home to quite a few forex brokers. One these brokers, Windsor Brokers Ltd. responds to questions following the crisis and explains about the 3 different types of Forex Brokers in the euro-zone island nation.

They state that funds are held out of the country and thus client funds are safe. Are you trading with broker based in Cyprus? Are your funds safe? Here is their press release:

Cyprus, March 27 th. 2013 – During the past ten days, Cyprus has been going through a rough time and has been the ‘hot topic’ on news worldwide.

Several brokers were approached in order to share their views. The MD of Windsor Brokers Ltd. was one of them since Windsor had recently been nominated as one of the top ten CIFs based on capital.

When asked how the bailout will affect FX brokers in Cyprus and what measures they have taken as a company, Mr. Johny Abuaitah, MD of Windsor Brokers Ltd replied:

“When a country is facing a financial crisis, all types of businesses are affected in one way or another. It is not all about where money is held and whether is it safe or not. Uncertainty, lack of trust and confidence are the main consequences for businesses and clients. With the final bailout deal for Cyprus being finalized, much of the uncertainty has now dissolved.

The greatest affect will be on brokers who held most of their funds and/or their clients’ money in Laiki Bank and/or Bank of Cyprus. I believe that for these companies it could be the end, unless shareholders will absorb their clients’ losses and raise new funds to operate the business until part of the money held with these two banks are received.

The second group of companies, are those who had most of their money in Cyprus but not in the two troubled banks. It could also be the end for these companies if they didn’t inject new funds to pay their clients and to operate their business in Cyprus during the days that the banks in Cyprus were closed for business.

The third group of brokers either had enough funds or all of their funds outside Cyprus. Such companies managed to continue operations normally and to satisfy clients’ payment requests. What such brokers need to do for now, is to restore the confidence and trust of its clients in Cyprus and their company.

Windsor was part of the third group. One of our main Risk Management Policies is to keep clients’ and Company’s funds in a number of first-class banks distributed over a widespread geographical area. We have paid extra attention to this policy after the collapse of several known banks and brokers over the past few years. In addition, Windsor does not hold Clients’ funds in either of the two Banks in Cyprus. Our operations were therefore not affected by the Cyprus bailout deal.”

About Windsor Brokers Ltd

Windsor Brokers Ltd. was one of the first brokers to have been established in the Republic of Cyprus. Financial products that can be traded online include Forex, CFDs and Futures OTC.

Windsor Brokers Ltd is licensed/regulated by CySec (Cyprus), EEA authorized by the FSA (UK), registered with the AMF (France) and BaFin (Germany) and complies with MiFID.

sobre el autor

Yohay Elam – Founder, Writer and Editor

I have been into forex trading for over 5 years, and I share the experience that I have and the knowledge that I’ve accumulated. Después de tomar un curso corto sobre forex. Like many forex traders, I’ve earned the significant share of my knowledge the hard way. La macroeconomía, el impacto de las noticias en los siempre cambiantes mercados de divisas y la psicología comercial siempre me han fascinado.

Before founding Forex Crunch, I’ve worked as a programmer in various hi-tech companies. Tengo un B. Sc. En Ciencias de la Computación de la Universidad Ben Gurion. Dado este fondo, el software de la divisa tiene una parte relativamente mayor en los postes.

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CySEC Forex Brokers

CySEC stands for the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission, which is the organisation responsible for the regulation of financial services on the island of Cyprus. In 2004, Cyprus joined the European Union which allowed firms regulated on the island to take on customers from throughout the European Union and European Economic Area. Soon after this online trading begun to take off with an ever increasing number of brokerages offering FX trading to retail clients, and it wasn’t long before Cyprus became one of the premier locations for brokerages looking to become regulated and gain access to lucrative European markets.

Note: To get a complete overview of different brokers and their regulative status view our Legal Forex Broker Comparison .

Our top selected CySEC brokers:

Bonus up to $5,000

Tight Spreads

Up to 1:888 Leverage

✓ Reputable

60+ Currencies

Best Customer Support

Up to 1:1000 Leverage

✓ Reputable

Large Selection of CFD's

MT4 + Sirix Webtrader

High Speed Execution

✓ Reputable

Why Is Cyprus So Popular With Brokerages?

If you have been looking into picking a brokerage you may have noticed that a significant number of brokerages are based on the small Mediterranean island, there are three primary reasons why Cyprus has become such a hub for FX brokerages.

Favourable Tax Regime: During the 1990’s the island gained a strong reputation as an offshore hub attracting significant amounts of capital flight from Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States. This was in part to due the islands competitive tax laws. Despite the recent financial crisis taxes on the island remain very low, with corporation tax on the island being a very low 12.5%.

European Union Membership: As previously mentioned Cyprus became a full member of the European Union back in 2004, allowing companies regulated on the island to solicit business from those living in the European Union and European Economic area. This means that firms on the island are able to offer their services to those in a number of developed and very lucrative European markets. More on that below.

Light Touch Regulation: The Markets in Financial Instruments directive which allows Cypriot firms to offer their services across the European Economic Area, also sets out minimum regulatory standards. The regulatory requirements in many countries far exceed the minimums as required by MiFID, however Cyprus has taken a relatively light touch approach to financial regulation. This makes it much cheaper for brokerages to be regulated by CySEC, than other European regulators such as Britain’s FCA or Germany’s BaFIN.

Island of Cyprus – De la Wikipedia

CySEC and the EU

Cyprus as you may know is a member of the European Union. A central tenet of all current EU treaties is the idea of an internal market which allows for European firms to compete for business in all 30 European Economic Area countries. MiFID or the Markets In Financial Directive law provides the framework for the regulation of investment services and ensures that all the countries within the European Economic Area regulate certain investment services to a minimum standard as set out in the law.

As a full member of the European Union, Cyprus is party to MiFID with CySEC being the authority responsible for ensuring that investment services in the country are regulated in accordance with both MiFID and the countries own investment services law. CySEC was established in 2001 in anticipation of Cyprus’s pending membership of the EU. When Cyprus finally joined in 2004 investment services firms based in the island were able to offer their services to residents of all European Economic Area countries. This was a huge boon for the country and brought a number of investment services business to the island who wished to take advantage of Cyprus low rates of corporation tax.

While MiFID ensures that members of the European Economic Area must ensure a minimum standard of financial regulation, MiFID doesn’t completely harmonise the regulation of investment services. Some have criticised CySEC suggesting that the regulator fails to provide the kind of tough regulation that other European countries offer. Whether this criticism is justified is questionable with CySEC going beyond many of the minimum requirements as set out by MiFID. For instance CySEC requires investment firms hold at least 1 Million Euros of capital far in excess of the 730,000 Euro minimum set out in MiFID. CySEC has also taken action against a number of firms for breaches of relevant regulation and does seem to carry out its role diligently.

Criticism of CySEC

CySEC has been on the receiving end of criticism from a number of traders and industry commentators who believe the organisation is too light touch when it comes to the regulation of financial services. Some say evidence of this can be seen in some of the fines handed out to brokerages which have been found to be in breach of regulatory law, with the fines being levied by CySEC tending to be much smaller than those handed out by other regulatory organisations such as the FCA.

Not everyone shares this criticism of CySEC, with many pointing out that Cypriot regulatory law goes above and beyond the bare minimums set out in the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive. Being regulated by CySEC ensures that traders are given certain important protections, such as having their funds in segregated accounts and a certain level deposit insurance should a brokerage go under. In fact the light touch nature of regulation in Cyprus means that many brokerages are able to be more competitive in regards to spreads than they would otherwise be able to be.

We have been seeing an increasing amount of complaints from people who claim that even though they approached CySEC no action has been taken. We will dive further into these claims, and if needed, amend this page and other pages of our sites.

CySEC Brokers: Yes or No?

Despite some peoples criticism of CySEC, the island hosts a number of quality brokerages. Including a number of ECN/STP brokerages which compare very favourably compared with brokerages regulated in other European jurisdictions. It is definitely worth considering a number of brokerages based on the island.

View some examples for CySEC’s activity over the past few years in regulation of forex and binary options brokers. From our point of view that demonstrates their pro-activity and customer protection which are two of the most important requirements we would have from a regulator:

Recent related stories

Actions relating to CySEC:

Additional CySEC approved FX companies:

XGlobal Markets

XGlobal Markets is the trading name of X Global Markets Limited, a STP brokerage which has been regulated in Cyprus since 2012. The brokerage places all client orders through to one of the firms liquidity providers. While XGlobal Markets is a relative newcomer the firm has quickly become known for offering very competitive spreads and a high quality of customer service.


Minimum Deposit: $5

Max Leverage: 1:500

Typical EUR/USD Spread: Fixed at 2.8 pips under standard market conditions, widens during news and high volatility.

FxNet was launched in 2012, and operates using an STP model. Unlike with other brokerages, spreads at FxNet are fixed under standard market conditions with the brokerage widening spreads during periods of high market volatility. The brokerage is not the most competitive when it comes to spreads but offers a number of other features to entice potential clients.


FXCC is a CySEC regulated ECN/STP Forex brokerage launched back in 2010. The brokerage is competitive in terms of Spreads, though traders will have to remember to add commission onto the quoted spreads. The brokerage offers a wide range of currency pairings as well Precious Metal trading and boasts excellent execution maintaining servers at Equinix NY4.

UFX Markets

Founded back in 2009, UFX Markets gained CySEC regulation in 2011 and has been much talked about often for the wrong reasons. In 2013, the brokerage settled with CySEC for $100,000 regarding potential breaches in the regulatory law. The settlement meant that the brokerage did not have to admit any wrongdoing.

easy forex

easyForex was one of the earlier online Forex brokerages having launched way back in 2003. The brokerage has been on the receiving end of regulatory action a number of times over the years. The brokerage offers fixed spreads on all pairings, and is relatively uncompetitive unless you have one of the premium accounts offered by the brokerage.

Cyprus Forex License

Forming a Cyprus broker company and acquiring a Cyprus forex license is a lengthy and relatively complex procedure, however the benefits of such an attainment are numerous. Cyprus offers a highly positive environment to establish a forex brokerage firm within and has an outstanding reputation when it comes to the issuing of financial licensing.

Obtaining a CySEC, Cyprus Forex License

Cyprus is an attractive offshore location for forex broker businesses. Brokers who choose to set up in Cyprus are regulated by CySEC, which is the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission. CySEC is the regulatory authority that issues licenses to brokers. CySEC is a highly respected regulatory authority that implements very stringent rules and regulations during both the formation and administration stages of a forex company. Forex brokers are expected to follow these regulations in a precise and comprehensive manner, and CySEC carry out frequent checks on brokerage firms to ensure that they are initially structured correctly, and subsequently administered in a compliant manner.

Obtaining a Cyprus forex license will require you to have a company in Cyprus that is specifically structured for the purpose of providing FX and other financial related activity. You will need to provide a range of documentation, including the required certification, along with a fit and proper test, as well as business plan information. CySEC is regarded as one of the most prominent licensing authorities in the world and it is therefore a very positive investment to have a Cyprus forex license.

Being a CySEC regulated forex broker will give traders the peace of mind that you are a fully regulated FX company in an honest and reliable jurisdiction.

In using a professional consultancy company to acquire your CySEC license, you will be sure to supply the correct documentation to CySEC and complete the entire application procedure in the quickest and most professional manner possible.

Visit our Cyprus Forex License services page to begin the process of acquiring a CySEC license.

The foreign exchange market (forex, FX, or currency market) is a global decentralized market for the trading of currencies. This includes all aspects of buying, selling and exchanging currencies at current or determined prices. In terms of volume of trading, it is by far the largest market in the world.

The main participants in this market are the larger international banks. Financial centres around the world function as anchors of trading between a wide range of multiple types of buyers and sellers around the clock, with the exception of weekends. The foreign exchange market determines the relative values of different currencies.

The foreign exchange market works through financial institutions, and it operates on several levels. Behind the scenes banks turn to a smaller number of financial firms known as “dealers,” who are actively involved in large quantities of foreign exchange trading. Most foreign exchange dealers are banks, so this behind-the-scenes market is sometimes called the “interbank market”, although a few insurance companies and other kinds of financial firms are involved. Trades between foreign exchange dealers can be very large, involving hundreds of millions of dollars. Because of the sovereignty issue when involving two currencies, forex has little (if any) supervisory entity regulating its actions.

In a typical foreign exchange transaction, a party purchases some quantity of one currency by paying with some quantity of another currency. The modern foreign exchange market began forming during the 1970s after three decades of government restrictions on foreign exchange transactions (the Bretton Woods system of monetary management established the rules for commercial and financial relations among the world's major industrial states after World War II), when countries gradually switched to floating exchange rates from the previous exchange rate regime, which remained fixed as per the Bretton Woods system.

The foreign exchange market is unique because of the following characteristics:

its huge trading volume representing the largest asset class in the world leading to high liquidity

its geographical dispersion

its continuous operation: 24 hours a day except weekends, i. e. trading from 22:00 GMT on Sunday ( Sydney ) until 22:00 GMT Friday (New York)

the variety of factors that affect exchange rates

the low margins of relative profit compared with other markets of fixed income

the use of leverage to enhance profit and loss margins and with respect to account size.

In Cyprus forex companies are regulated by Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission – CYSEC-. iMPK Global Business Law firm can assist you from the registration until the licensing from Cysec and delivering the New Licensed Forex Company in Cyprus, at the best value for money procedure.

For more information and guidance get in touch with our lawyers or email iMPK Global Business Law Firm – Cyprus Lawyers, at This email address is being protected from spambots. Necesita activar JavaScript para visualizarla. Tel. +357 99345000 - Fax +357 25 660097

Cyprus Forex License (CySEC)

An FX Brokerage Firm licensed by the CySEC can offer investment services, establish representative offices or establish fully-operational branches in any desired location within the European Union (EU) without any additional requirements from that (host) EU State, whilst being supervised from CySEC, in Cyprus, directly.

Our services includes:

Registration of a Forex Trading Company in Cyprus

Company Certificate

Preparing of all required documents

Applying for Cyprus Forex License

Obtaining CYSEC license

Preparing of all required documents

Company Certificate

Memorandum of Articles

Shareholder Certificate

Registered Office address in Cyprus

Registered Company Secretary Services

All original documents send to your address of choice

Forex Trading Company License

There is an initial administrative cost of EUR 8.000 that extends to EUR 10.000 or EUR 15.000 and up to EUR 50.000 depending on the case.

Capital Requirements for licensing

Forex Brokerage Firms providing only advice and order transmissions require a share capital of EUR 80.000.

Forex Brokerage Firms operating only as Broker / Agent require a share capital of EUR 200.000.

Forex Brokerage Firms providing all services and handling third party funds require a share capital of EUR 2.000.000.

To order or request more information about the registration and to apply for a Forex Trading Company with a CYSEC license, please email us at info@yourownbrokerage. com

Online Support

NordFX (CY) NordFX review

In order to suit the needs of traders of all preferences and levels of experience, NordFX offers its clients a variety of account types to choose from on two trading platforms.

What is more, swap-free (Islamic) accounts are available, tailored at clients who are not willing to earn interest for religious reasons.

The Cyprus unit of NordFX offers a single account type with no commissions and no minimum deposit. Swap-free service is not available. It involves variable spreads, averaged 1.5 pips on EUR/USD on MT4, leverage up to 1:500, and STP/DMA execution.

The Companies

Established in 2008 and operating under the trade name NordFX, the NFX CAPITAL MU INC. is a company based in Mauritius. Their sister company NordFX CY is regulated by CySEC in Cyprus.

NordFX is an award winning global forex broker, offering trading in nearly 40 currency pairs and precious metals (silver and gold), as well as binary options.

Security of Finds

NFX CAPITAL MU INC. operating under the brand NordFX, holds an investment license issued by the Mauritius Financial Services Commission (FSC), under which the Company is authorized to provide advice on securities transactions to clients through any means and to manage securities portfolios of clients.

Although Mauritius is an offshore zone, FSC-regulated brokers must satisfy a number of prerequisites such as capital adequacy to demonstrate financial standing. Minimum capital requirement is MUR 1 000 000 (around EUR 25 000), which may not be compared to the one set by FCA for instance (730 000 EUR), however in most offshore zones there isn’t any prerequisite for forex brokers’ net tangible assets.

What is more, regulated companies are obliged to keep client funds in segregated accounts, separated from the company’s operating funds.

As regards the Cyoriot subsidiary, it holds a license from the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC). The Cypriot financial watchdog applies certain rules and requirements to license holders. For instance, client funds must be held in segregated accounts. Besides, the Commission requires forex brokers to hold at least €1,000,000 in order to prove their financial stability.

As a further guarantee to clients’ funds, all CySEC-regulated companies are members of the Investor Compensation Fund, which is able to pay compensation to its covered clients, amounting to a maximum of 20,000 EUR. Similar compensation schemes apply in other jurisdictions.

Additionally, as a CySEC-licensed broker, NordFX CY is also regulated under the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) in regards to offering cross border services within the EU under the MiFID Passporting Regime, allowing companies regulated in their "home state" to provide services to customers in other EU Member States.

Trading Conditions

Minimum Initial Deposit NordFX has set no minimum initial deposit requirement, except for the Premium and the ECN account types. This makes it attractive for risk averse or inexperienced traders who are not willing to invest a large amount of money.

Most brokers require a certain minimum initial deposit. For instance, Cyprus-based Easy-forex demands $25, and Belize-based ForexBrokerInc, requires $100 from its clients as a minimum.

Spreads & Commissions This broker offers both fixed and variable spreads. which vary by account type. Fixed spreads on the Micro account are 2 pips on EUR/USD. The average spreads for the commission-free Standard account amount to 1.6 pips on EUR/USD, which is considered comparatively high, while the MT ECN account offers average spreads as low as 0.0 pips on EUR/USD, however It also involves a commission ranging from $3,5 to $5 per lot, depending on the volume traded. So basically, the average spreads offered by NordFX on the ECN account are comparatively low, being around 1 pip, commission included.

In comparison, ForexBrokerInc offers variable spreads from 1 pips on its commission-free accounts, and Marshall Islands-based LiteForex provides fixed spreads, amounting to 2 pips on EUR/USD and variable ones are 1.1 pips on EUR/USD for the ECN account.

As regards NordFX CY, it offers variable spreads, averaged 1.5 pips on EUR/USD for its general commission-free account type, which is an average spread value. In comparison, XM offers spreads as low as 1 pips for its commission-free accounts.

Maximum Leverage The maximum leverage level offered by NordFX is 1:1000 and the one provided by NordFX CY is up to 1:500, both ratios being comparatively high for the forex market. Still, many other brokers provide similar leverage levels, since there are no restrictions set: SVG-based OctaFX and ForexBrokerInc both offer leverage up to 1:500, and many Cyprus-based brokers offer high leverage levels around 1:1000 (FXTM ).

We advise you to exercise caution when trading on margin, as higher leverage involves higher risk of heavy losses, which may even exceed traders’ initial investments.

Plataformas de negociación

NordFX offers a choice of two basic trading platforms: the renown MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5, while NordFX CY supports only MT4.

MT4 offers all a trader needs: a number of technical indicators, extensive back - testing environment, advanced charting package and a wide range of Expert Advisors (EAs). Traders can download ready-made or create their own automated trading strategies and simply let the program do all the work. It comes in desktop and mobile versions.

What is more, MetaTrader 4 MultiTerminal is available, an ideal choice for investors and managers, for traders who work with several accounts at the same time.

The MT5 was developed and marketed as an improvement on MT4, yet many brokers still prefer the earlier technology, since MT5 does not allow hedging, and besides, MT4’s indicators and EAs are not supported on the MT5 platform.

Besides, Virtual Hosting (VPS) is available. NordFX offers Fozzy Forex virtual server for 9.95 EUR/13.95 USD monthly.

Bonuses & Promotions This broker offers different promotions quite often. Currently NordFX provides withdrawable on-deposit bonus of 100% (up to $ 5000) to its clients. Each customer is entitled to get the bonus only once and for one account.

Methods of Payment

NordFX does not offer its clients many options to make deposits to and withdrawals from their accounts. The following payment methods are available: bank wire transfer and e-wallet systems, such as Skrill, Payza, OKPAY, FasaPay and Webmoney.

The Cyprus unit uses Credit / Debit Card, Bank Transfer, Neteller and Skrill .


NordFX group is a recognizable brand on the forex market with many awards over the years. To sum up the above, here are the advantages and drawbacks with regards to this broker:

Traders` reviews for NordFX (CY) Add review

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CySEC Regulated Forex Brokers – Cyprus based Brokers

CySEC is the regulatory body that regulates financial services in Cyprus. The word CySEC is an anagram of “Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission” and CySEC is one of the busiest regulatory agencies in the world due to the fact that Cyprus is a financial sanctuary for investment companies thanks to the low taxes and much easier entry requirements.

At the time of this writing there are over 40 Forex Brokers in Cyprus, which is probably more forex brokers than any other jurisdiction, and CySEC is responsible for regulating those brokers.

Why is CySEC so important?

In 2004, Cyprus became a member of MFID (Markets in Financial Instruments Directive), which is part of the European Economic Area (EEA). CySEC’s membership into the MiFID allowed for CySEC Registered Forex brokerage firms admittance into European markets without being subjected to many of the strict requirements placed on several other European financial regulatory agencies.

The main duties and responsibilities of the CySEC are outlined in Article 25 of the Law which regulates organization, powers and duties of the Security and Exchange Commission.

A summary of these duties would include (but are not limited to):

Examining all applications and granting or revoking operating licenses to Forex Brokerage Firms under their direct supervision.

Regulation of Cyprus Stock Exchange and all organized markets in Cyprus and supervision of any and all transactions done in these markets.

Regulation of any agency under its direct supervision, ensuring compliance with governing laws.

Carrying out all necessary investigations in consideration of the exercise of its duties according to current law and on behalf of acknowledged foreign exchange authorities.

Imposing proper administrative and disciplinary actions as provided by the law.

Stopping any practices contrary to the securities market laws.

Application to proper court authorities in order to issue an order for detention, charge or freeing or other transaction involving actual assets.

Issuing of all regulatory Directives and Decisions to proper agencies and CySEC Forex Brokers

Publishing and making available a list of CySEC regulated forex brokers which enables forex traders to immediately find trusted brokers in order to avoid being scammed.

Cyprus is notorious for its many scams in brokerage firm operations, but CySEC is putting in a good effort to stop the scammers. Not only does CySEC publish a list of the current CySEC Regulated Forex Brokers, but it also lists CySEC Forex Brokers who aren’t in good standing with CySEC. This allows you to quickly determine which Cyprus Forex brokers can be trusted and which ones to avoid.

The list includes the address, phone and fax, registration and license number of each Forex Broker.

CySEC Regulated Brokers Guidelines

All CySEC Regulated Forex Brokers must adhere to certain guidelines in order to help to protect investors and preserver the legitimacy of the foreign exchange market. The following is a short list of some of these guidelines:

l In order to operate as a CySEC forex broker, all companies must apply and be approved for CIF (Cyprus Investment Firm) authorization. There are certain exemptions to this rule, such as those Forex Brokers who are already member of the European system of Central Banks or other national bodies who perform similar functions.

l There must be more than 1 person who is involved in the administration of any Forex broker, listed as the appropriate register.

l When applying for license, All CySEC forex brokerage firms are required to include all services they are planning to offer, and are not generally allowed to alter the memorandum and articles of association.

l In order for a broker to qualify for and be issued a license to become a CySEC Forex Broker, they must also meet certain financial requirements. A few of these requirements are as follows:

a) Initial share capital must be greater than 200,000 Euros if they are handling client’s funds.

b) For reception, transmission, investment advice without handling any clients’ funds/instruments their initial capital must be 80,000 Euros if they are not insured.

c) If the broker is insured by professional indemnity insurance with coverage in all member states then their initial capital must 40,000 Euros or greater.

d) Insurance must cover at least 1 Million Euros for each individual loss and a total of 1.5 Million Euros annually for any and all losses arising from negligent acts or inactions.

If a broker does not meet these guidelines any currently held license will be revoked and CySEC will list these brokers on their list of non-regulated Forex Brokers and will issue a warning such as in the following example:

The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (‘CySEC’) wishes to inform investors that the company ‘TD Options Limited’ (www. basicventure. com/abouttdoption):

Is not permitted to provide investment and ancillary services in the Republic, pursuant to Investment Services and Activities and Regulated Markets Law, as:

It has never been authorized by the CySEC.

It is not a bank or a cooperative firm, established in the Republic and authorized to provide such services.

III. No se ha recibido ninguna notificación por parte de una autoridad competente de otro Estado miembro, de conformidad con los artículos 77 y 80 de la mencionada Ley.

Is not regulated by the CySEC.

What entities does CySEC regulate?

CySEC is responsible for the administration of foreign exchange tasks and financial service operations in order to confirm and validate complete compliance with all relevant legislation and includes the following bodies or entities:

Administrative Services Companies – Trustee and Fiduciary Service Providers

Alternative Investment Fund Managers (AIFMs)

Central Counterparty Clearing House (CCPs) of over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives

Cyprus branches of Investment Firms (Ifs) of other EU member-states

Cyprus branches of UCITS Management Companies of other EU member-states

Cyprus Investment Firms (CIFs) and Tied Agents

Regulated Markets

Trade depositories of over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives

UCITS Agents

Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS), Management Companies and Agents

Variable Capital Investment Companies

Traders can ensure safe trading by using only CySEC Regulated Forex Brokers. If you are planning on using a Cyprus based Forex broker, you will find the CySEC website an invaluable aide in helping you to choose the best broker and avoiding the shady brokers and scam artists.

The board of CySEC, charged with administration and regulation of the Forex Market, are appointed by the Council of Ministers at the proposal of the Minister of Finance to a five year term, which is renewable.

By perusing CySEC’s many helpful guides, plans and warnings, foreign exchange investors increase their ability to find the best Forex Brokers and can be assured they are regulated and meet all necessary requirements.

Top Broker Bonuses

Cyprus Forex Licence

Our website provides you with information on how to obtain a forex licence in the jurisdiction of Cyprus. You can read more on the advantages of obtaining a forex licence in Cyprus.

The aim of our website is to give you an initial overview of the topic “Forex Licence”. For further information, please contact us by calling or emailing. You can also use our contact form to get in touch. We will be happy to advice you in a face-to-face meeting on the choice of the right products and will be pleased to assist you with your request. You are welcome to make a personal appointment anytime with our experts.

On our website you can read up on the following topics: the reasons for getting a forex licence and the benefits to be gained.

Cyprus is the country of choice when getting a forex licence because other countries do not offer the right environment. Have a look at our website or contact us with your individual request at forex-licence-cyprus. com.

Earnings generated in other tax jurisdictions may be subject to taxation in your country of residence. We do not provide tax and legal advice. We strongly recommend that you seek independent professional assistance through a qualified tax accountant and/or lawyer. All customers are solely responsible for the operation of their own business, for complying with any applicable legal and regulatory provisions and for applying and obtaining any required licence(s). We recommend that customers seek advice on any legal questions, regulatory obligations, and restrictions before using international corporate structures.

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Forexyard. com is owned and operated by Lead Capital Markets Ltd. a Cypriot firm that is fully EU compliant. The company is licensed and regulated by CySEC, the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission, under the license number 227/14.

One of CySEC’s tasks is to ensure that that local investment firms adhere to the rigorous financial laws that govern both Cyprus and the European Union. It regulates the country’s financial markets and maintains operational oversight of the stock exchange and all the transactions that are executed. CySEC grants licenses to investment firms and supervises the licensed companies, as well as inspecting and overseeing brokers and brokerage firms.

Forexyard. com is also compliant under MiFID, the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive. MiFID is legislation that encourages competition and protects the consumer in all EU member states, setting cohesive standards for Investment Service providers across the European Economic Arena.

Forexyard. com assures the trader a fully regulated and secure trading environment. Authorized to operate throughout the EEA, we are registered by the following financial licensing bodies.

See the below table, for a full list of the regulatory bodies with which we are registered.

Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) - Limited regulation - Learn More

Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) - Learn More

Commissione Nazionale per le Societa e la Borsa (CONSOB) - Learn More

Comision Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV) - Learn More

Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) - Learn More

Bundesanstalt fur Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin) - Learn More

Finanstilsynet (The Danish FSA) - Learn More

Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB) - Learn More

Narodna banka Slovenska (NBS) - Learn More

HIGH RISK INVESTMENT WARNING: Trading Foreign Exchange (Forex) and Contracts for Differences (CFD's) is highly speculative, carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Usted puede sufrir una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su capital invertido, por lo tanto, no debe especular con el capital que no puede permitirse el lujo de perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio en margen. Haga clic aquí para leer la advertencia de riesgo completo. FOREXYARD. com is a trading name of Lead Capital Markets Limited, a Financial Services Company authorized and regulated by the Cyprus Securities Exchange Commission (CySEC) under license no. 227/14. Lead Capital Markets Limited is located at Treppides Tower, 9 Kafkasou Street, Aglantzia, 5th Floor, CY 2112, Nicosia, Cyprus.

Restricted Jurisdictions: We do not establish accounts to residents of certain jurisdictions including Japan, Canada and USA. For further details please see Terms & Conditions .

CySec – Cyprus

The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission, commonly known as CySEC, is the financial regulator of Cyprus. The agency was formed in 2001 and from 2004, since Cyprus entered in European Union, CySEC has become part of MiFID regulation offering firms registered in Cyprus access to all European markets. The company headquarters are at 32 Stasikratous Street, 4th Floor, 1065, Nicosia, Cyprus.

The board of CySEC is named by the Council of Ministers and has five members which is composed of the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman and three additional non-executive members. After 4 years from joining EU, CySEC adopted in 2008 euro and that changed the financial regulatory framework. In 2012 CySEC announced a policy regarding the classification of binary option as financial instruments. In this manner, CySEC become the first financial regulator to globally recognize and regulate binary options as financial instruments.

If a broker wants to became a CySEC broker they must meet certain financial requirements. First of all they must have a share capital more than 200.000 Euro if they are handling client’s funds. Second they must have more than 1 person who is involved in the administration of any Forex broker and least they must include all the services they are planning to offer. If a broker meet these guidelines they will receive a CySEC license.

FX Brokerage Firms

The specialised Financial Services Advisory Team of MAP S. Platis remains currently the only service provider in the region which has been consistently successful in obtaining licenses and registering EU and Cyprus Investment Firms to deal in Forex (FX), under the current Law (MiFID). In fact, our Financial Services Advisory Team (FSAT) has been the driving force behind the registration of the first ever licensed MiFID FX Investment Firms in the European Union, and remain the sector's strongest proponent in front of the regulators in the EU jurisdictions we are active in.

The FSAT of MAP S. Platis will help you establish, license and register your FX Brokerage and Market Making firm in Cyprus, or elsewhere in the EU, and provide you with a full range of support services in very competitive prices, made possible through our specialisation and unique expertise in the field. In the highly competitive world of Forex, MAP S. Platis guarantees your regulatory coverage and support within the EU for you to grow your business!

The Forex market is growing larger every day. Investors are becoming increasingly interested in it and at the same time much more demanding. A plethora of FX Brokerage firms is now active in the retail and professional markets whilst a growing number of FX Brokerage firms are being licensed, in an increasingly regulated, competitive and demanding environment.

For more information and to compare our prices please feel free to contact us .


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Toda información en esta página esta sujeta a cambio. Forex, Futures, and Options trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risks. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the Forex, Futures and Options markets. El comercio de divisas implica un riesgo sustancial de pérdida y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. No negocie con dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Any adverts, opinions, news, research, analyses, prices or other information contained on this website, by ForexAdverts, its employees, partners or contributors, is provided as general market commentary and does not constitute investment advice. ForexAdverts will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation to, any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from use of or reliance on such information. Please remember that the past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results

Forex: More Cyprus Risk for EUR/USD, BoJ Transition a USD/JPY Event

The controversial terms of Cyprus' proposed bailout led to the biggest EURUSD and EURJPY bearish gaps in nearly a decade. Is this just a knee-jerk panicked reaction or is the revival of fear in a systemic financial crisis for the Eurozone? Only time and negotiations amongst Euro-area officials will tell. In the meantime, all the Euro pairs will be extremely sensitive and open to bouts of heavy volatility. However, don't become too fixated on the Euro. The BoJ power transfer could potentially stir the USDJPY and other yen crosses and risk trends are being pulled in different direction in the lead up to Wednesday's important Fed rate decision. We discuss these big fundamental themes and the trading implications in today's video.

Bring the economic calendar to your charts with the DailyFX News App.

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DailyFX proporciona noticias forex y análisis técnico sobre las tendencias que influyen en los mercados de divisas globales. Aprenda el comercio de divisas con una cuenta de práctica libre y gráficos comerciales de FXCM.

EUR Euro-Zone Consumer Confidence (MAR A)

USD DOE U. S. Crude Oil Inventories (MAR 18)

NZD Trade Balance (New Zealand dollars) (FEB)

NZD Balance (YTD) (New Zealand dollars) (FEB)

JPY Nikkei Japan PMI Mfg (MAR P)

EUR German GfK Consumer Confidence Survey (APR)

A: Actual F: Forecast P: Previous





Risk Warning: Our service includes products that are traded on margin and carry a risk of losses in excess of your deposited funds. Los productos pueden no ser adecuados para todos los inversores. Por favor asegúrese de que entiende completamente los riesgos involucrados.

&dupdo; 2016 DailyFX an FXCM company. Todos los derechos reservados

FXCC Regulations

FX CENTRAL CLEARING Ltd is registered under Cyprus Company Law with Registration Number HE 258741. It is authorised and regulated as a Cyprus Investment Firm (CIF) by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), under the Investment Services and Activities and Regulated Markets Law of 2007 (Law 144(I)/2007), and subject to CySEC Rules. The CySec Regulatory Registration for FX CENTRAL CLEARING Ltd is 121/10. (The Company's License Information)

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is a non-governmental body that independently regulates the financial services industry in the UK. The FCA also plays a significant role in the regulation and authorisation of financial services firms from within the European Economic Area (EEA). Firms that are regulated within a member state of the EEA are eligible to offer financial products and services to other EEA member states, providing they have the necessary authorisations. The FCA provides a registry of such authorised firms. To view the FXCC FCA authorisation, please click here.

FXCC applies the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID). MiFID provides a harmonised regulatory environment for investment services across the European Economic Area (EEA). The main objectives of the MiFID Directive are to enhance financial transparency, increase competition, and offer greater consumer protection in investment services.

In compliance with Law 144(I)/2007, the Company is a member of the Investor Compensation Fund (ICF) covering Clients of Cyprus Investment Firms (CIFs). The objective of the ICF is to secure claims by covered Clients against Cyprus Investment Firms through payment of compensation in cases where the member of the Fund is unable to do so from its own resources.

RISK WARNING: Leveraged trading in Forex and CFDs is highly speculative and involves substantial risk of loss. Losses may be more than the invested capital. Full understanding of the risks involved and assessment of product suitability may be required based on independent advice.

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I am newbie here and I am thinking of opening an account with AlpariFS in Cyprus. I heard that Cyprus government is asking for a bailout with EU. Do you think it's safe for me to open account with them? How will the bailout affect Forex brokers in Cyprus? Any input is appreciated.

Thanks in advance to everyone for helping me out.

I can understand why you are concerned. However, retail clients of Cyprus-regulated brokers are protected by the Investor Compensation Fund for up to EUR 20,000 in the rare event their broker defaults.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact our Cypriot office via email. live chat or call +357 25 257 333.

Note: our competitors do NOT provide a bank account to handle 3rd party funds.

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We offer the services for trade vessels and private yachts to be registered under the Flag of Cyprus, Malta, Panama and other reputable jurisdictions.

Cyprus Forex Company

A Cyprus Forex company is classed to a Cyprus Investment Firm (CIF). The regulating and licensing body of CIF is the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySec).

Cyprus is a well established and respectable jurisdiction in regards to the issuing of a Cyprus Forex license. Tax advantages to the Cyprus Forex company:

Corporate tax is only 10%

Double tax treaties with more than 40 countries

Profits from disposal of securities are tax-free

No tax on payment of dividend to non-residents

The first step in obtaining a Cyprus Forex license must be the incorporation of a company. In the Memorandum of Association, it must be mentioned that the company is operating as an investment company. The names of the shareholders or the ultimate beneficial owners must be disclosed and the shares they hold in the company. If the shareholders are not considered suitable, the CySec may refuse authorisation. The share capital requirement depends on the type of Forex company which you wish to establish and should be paid.

Legal requirements to the Share Capital

The Forex company performs investment advice and reception and order transmissions and does not handle the clients' money, the share capital of €80,000 will be required.

The Forex company holds clients’ money or/and clients’ financial instruments and performs the following services, the share capital of €200.000 will be required

Reception and transmission of orders in relation to one or more financial

Execution of orders on behalf of clients

Portfolio management

Provision of investment advice

The Forex company performs the following investment services, the share capital of €1.000.000 will be required.

Dealing on own account

Underwriting of Financial Instruments and/or placing of Financial Instruments on a firm commitment basis

Placing of Financial Instruments without a firm commitment basis

Operation of Multilateral Trading Facility

Our services include:

Preparation of the Application File in accordance with current regulatory requirements, to include, among others:

Consulting on relevant legislation and assisting to select proper categories of activities

Designing and building a Forex company structure based on your needs

Preparation of a business plan

Drafting internal procedures manual to include Anti Money Laundering Policy, Conflict of Interest Policy, Risk Management Policy, Know-Your-Customer procedures, etc.

Completion of an application form to be submitted to CySec

Guidance on providing all the necessary documentation and certificates

Responding, on your behalf, to the authority's queries, and suggestions relating to the application

Company formation

Setting up a bank account

The process of acquiring the Cyprus Forex company license is not a simple procedure. Therefore, the experts of PROXYS Consulting Ltd are ready to provide you with comprehensive knowledge and information before to completing your Cyprus Forex application.

Contact us to help you with the licensing process for a Forex operation in Cyprus.

&dupdo; 2012 Proxys Consulting Ltd. All rights reserved. Created by Web Theoria

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ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta. Todos los datos e información se proporcionan "tal cual" con fines exclusivamente informativos y no se destinan a fines de negociación ni asesoramiento.

Easy Forex

The three main trading account types to choose from are: Standard, Premium and VIP. The standard account is suitable for newbies and clients who don’t wish to trade in high volumes; the premium one is targeted at regular and more experienced traders, while the VIP account is designed for professional large volume traders.

There are a number of features available solely on the VIP and Premium accounts, such as Personal Market Analyst support 24/5, Loyalty Rebates, Free Breaking news, SMS Alerts, etc.

Islamic (swap-free) accounts compliant with the Sharia law are also available to clients who don’t want to earn interest for religious reasons.

The Company

Easy-forex is the trading name of Easy Forex Trading Ltd. – a Cyprus-based brokerage, established back in 2003. It provides its services in over 160 countries worldwide, offering trading in 175 products ranging from currencies, CFDs, commodities and metals, to options.

Security of Funds

Easy Forex Trading Ltd, doing business as easy-forex, is licensed and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC, license No 079/07), and its Australian subsidiary - Easy Markets PTY Ltd. - is authorized and regulated by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC).

CySEC applies certain rules to license holders, one of them being the requirement such firms to hold a minimum capital in order to conduct their business operations legitimately. The Commission requires Cyprus-based forex brokers to hold at least €1,000,000. As regulation of financial services providers usually involves such a requirement, Australian brokers are obliged to hold a minimum of $1,000,000 by ASIC, UK-based ones – € 730 000 and those in the US - $20 million.

Furthermore, the Cypriot financial watchdog applies a compensation scheme as additional guarantee to clients’ fondos. All CySEC-regulated companies are members of the Investor Compensation Fund, the compensation fund of last resort for customers of authorized financial services firms. If the Company becomes insolvent or ceases trading, it is able to pay compensation to its covered clients, amounting to a maximum of 20,000 EUR. Similar compensation schemes apply in other jurisdictions. FCA-regulated brokers in UK, for example, are under the umbrella of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, where the maximum compensation cover is £50,000 per person.

Unlike many other EU-based brokers, Australian ones are not covered by any compensation scheme.

Trading Conditions

Minimum initial deposit Easy-forex states on its website that it requires no initial deposit for the Standard account, however a minimum margin of $ 25 must be maintained, so basically you need to have at least $ 25 on your account balance in order to trade. This minimum initial deposit is reasonable and competitive, as other Cyprus-based brokers demand similar amounts: XM, for instance, requires a minimum initial deposit amounting to $5, FXTM - $100 and Exness requires none (for the Mini account).

Spreads & Commissions This broker offers fixed spreads, which allows traders to predetermine their costs. What is more, no commission fees are charged, as the broker generates revenues through the bid-ask spread paid by traders on each transaction.

Easy-forex offers comparatively high spreads, however the ones on the VIP account amount to 1.8 pips on majors. For instance, Exness and Plus500, also CySEC regulated, offer fixed spreads amounting to 2 pips on EUR/USD.

Leverage The maximum leverage level offered by this broker depends on the platform type used – 1:400 on MetaTrader 4 and 1:200 on the web proprietary platform. A leverage level of up to 1:400 is considered comparatively high, as some jurisdictions cap leverage ratios at considerably lower values – 1:50 in the US and Turkey; 1:25 in Japan: in Poland. The reason for such leverage limitations is that higher leverage involves higher risk of heavy losses. If you, however, need higher leverage, many Cyprus-based brokers offer such: XM – up to 1:888, FXTM – up to 1:1000 and Exness – up to 1:2000 (the highest available level in the industry).

Plataforma de negociación

Clients of easy-forex may choose from the broker’s proprietary platforms (Visual Trading Machine and TradeDesk) and the popular Metatrader 4 (MT4).

The Visual Trading Machine is a web-based platform, providing real-time rates feed, one-click trading, freeze rate and live market news. What is more, it is fully transposable with the broker’s downloadable trading platform, TradeDesk (which means that you can open a deal with Visual Trading Machine and then close the same deal in TradeDesk).

In addition, easy-forex offers the powerful MT4, allowing traders to fully automate their operations by choosing from a wide range of Expert Advisors (EA) and let the program do all the work. This is one of the reasons this platform to be preferred by most traders. Además, ofrece una serie de indicadores técnicos útiles, extenso back-testing y avanzado paquete de gráficos. Here is a list of more forex brokers offering MT4 platform .

Bonuses & Promociones

By the time of writing this review, there are two promotions offered (effective until March 31, 2016) - First deposit bonus on initial deposit ranging from 30% to 50% (up to $2 000); - Credit of up to GBP 200 against net losses incurred on first trade in any instruments in a client’s trading account.

Methods of Payment

Easy-forex offers a variety of payment methods, including credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Visa electron), bank transfer and e-wallet systems, such as, Skrill, Neteller and UnionPay. All deposits and withdrawals are commission-free.


Easy-forex is a well-regulated broker that offers trading in various products worldwide through both its proprietary platforms and the industry’s standard MT4. To sum up the above, here are the advantages and drawbacks with regards to this broker:

NordFX (CY)

In order to suit the needs of traders of all preferences and levels of experience, NordFX offers its clients a variety of account types to choose from on two trading platforms.

What is more, swap-free (Islamic) accounts are available, tailored at clients who are not willing to earn interest for religious reasons.

The Cyprus unit of NordFX offers a single account type with no commissions and no minimum deposit. Swap-free service is not available. It involves variable spreads, averaged 1.5 pips on EUR/USD on MT4, leverage up to 1:500, and STP/DMA execution.

The Companies

Established in 2008 and operating under the trade name NordFX, the NFX CAPITAL MU INC. is a company based in Mauritius. Their sister company NordFX CY is regulated by CySEC in Cyprus.

NordFX is an award winning global forex broker, offering trading in nearly 40 currency pairs and precious metals (silver and gold), as well as binary options.

Security of Finds

NFX CAPITAL MU INC. operating under the brand NordFX, holds an investment license issued by the Mauritius Financial Services Commission (FSC), under which the Company is authorized to provide advice on securities transactions to clients through any means and to manage securities portfolios of clients.

Although Mauritius is an offshore zone, FSC-regulated brokers must satisfy a number of prerequisites such as capital adequacy to demonstrate financial standing. Minimum capital requirement is MUR 1 000 000 (around EUR 25 000), which may not be compared to the one set by FCA for instance (730 000 EUR), however in most offshore zones there isn’t any prerequisite for forex brokers’ net tangible assets.

What is more, regulated companies are obliged to keep client funds in segregated accounts, separated from the company’s operating funds.

As regards the Cyoriot subsidiary, it holds a license from the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC). The Cypriot financial watchdog applies certain rules and requirements to license holders. For instance, client funds must be held in segregated accounts. Besides, the Commission requires forex brokers to hold at least €1,000,000 in order to prove their financial stability.

As a further guarantee to clients’ funds, all CySEC-regulated companies are members of the Investor Compensation Fund, which is able to pay compensation to its covered clients, amounting to a maximum of 20,000 EUR. Similar compensation schemes apply in other jurisdictions.

Additionally, as a CySEC-licensed broker, NordFX CY is also regulated under the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) in regards to offering cross border services within the EU under the MiFID Passporting Regime, allowing companies regulated in their "home state" to provide services to customers in other EU Member States.

Trading Conditions

Minimum Initial Deposit NordFX has set no minimum initial deposit requirement, except for the Premium and the ECN account types. This makes it attractive for risk averse or inexperienced traders who are not willing to invest a large amount of money.

Most brokers require a certain minimum initial deposit. For instance, Cyprus-based Easy-forex demands $25, and Belize-based ForexBrokerInc, requires $100 from its clients as a minimum.

Spreads & Commissions This broker offers both fixed and variable spreads. which vary by account type. Fixed spreads on the Micro account are 2 pips on EUR/USD. The average spreads for the commission-free Standard account amount to 1.6 pips on EUR/USD, which is considered comparatively high, while the MT ECN account offers average spreads as low as 0.0 pips on EUR/USD, however It also involves a commission ranging from $3,5 to $5 per lot, depending on the volume traded. So basically, the average spreads offered by NordFX on the ECN account are comparatively low, being around 1 pip, commission included.

In comparison, ForexBrokerInc offers variable spreads from 1 pips on its commission-free accounts, and Marshall Islands-based LiteForex provides fixed spreads, amounting to 2 pips on EUR/USD and variable ones are 1.1 pips on EUR/USD for the ECN account.

As regards NordFX CY, it offers variable spreads, averaged 1.5 pips on EUR/USD for its general commission-free account type, which is an average spread value. In comparison, XM offers spreads as low as 1 pips for its commission-free accounts.

Maximum Leverage The maximum leverage level offered by NordFX is 1:1000 and the one provided by NordFX CY is up to 1:500, both ratios being comparatively high for the forex market. Still, many other brokers provide similar leverage levels, since there are no restrictions set: SVG-based OctaFX and ForexBrokerInc both offer leverage up to 1:500, and many Cyprus-based brokers offer high leverage levels around 1:1000 (FXTM ).

We advise you to exercise caution when trading on margin, as higher leverage involves higher risk of heavy losses, which may even exceed traders’ initial investments.

Plataformas de negociación

NordFX offers a choice of two basic trading platforms: the renown MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5, while NordFX CY supports only MT4.

MT4 offers all a trader needs: a number of technical indicators, extensive back - testing environment, advanced charting package and a wide range of Expert Advisors (EAs). Traders can download ready-made or create their own automated trading strategies and simply let the program do all the work. It comes in desktop and mobile versions.

What is more, MetaTrader 4 MultiTerminal is available, an ideal choice for investors and managers, for traders who work with several accounts at the same time.

The MT5 was developed and marketed as an improvement on MT4, yet many brokers still prefer the earlier technology, since MT5 does not allow hedging, and besides, MT4’s indicators and EAs are not supported on the MT5 platform.

Besides, Virtual Hosting (VPS) is available. NordFX offers Fozzy Forex virtual server for 9.95 EUR/13.95 USD monthly.

Bonuses & Promotions This broker offers different promotions quite often. Currently NordFX provides withdrawable on-deposit bonus of 100% (up to $ 5000) to its clients. Each customer is entitled to get the bonus only once and for one account.

Methods of Payment

NordFX does not offer its clients many options to make deposits to and withdrawals from their accounts. The following payment methods are available: bank wire transfer and e-wallet systems, such as Skrill, Payza, OKPAY, FasaPay and Webmoney.

The Cyprus unit uses Credit / Debit Card, Bank Transfer, Neteller and Skrill .


NordFX group is a recognizable brand on the forex market with many awards over the years. To sum up the above, here are the advantages and drawbacks with regards to this broker:

Los últimos corredores de Forex

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Trading-point Forex Cyprus


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A complete directory of all the Forex Brokers with offices in Cyprus.

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Comments and Responses

Forex trading companies

La creación de una empresa de Forex es más compleja que la creación de una empresa habitual, ya que se clasifica como una empresa de inversión chipriota y debe cumplir con las leyes que regulan dichas actividades, así como la Ley de Chipre de las empresas.

The first step must be the incorporation of a normal company and after this, an application must be made for obtaining a Forex Trading Company Licence, which is governed by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CYSEC).

We estimate that our approximate fees for the actual application to the CYSEC for a licence for the Forex Company are in the region of € 25,000, plus reasonable expenses which could range € 5,000 and € 10,000.

Once we have incorporated the Cyprus company, we will have to set up a bank account for you with a bank here in Cyprus and pay in the amount which you require for the share capital of the company.

The share capital requirement depends on the type of Forex company which you wish to establish. We will need you to provide us with further details as to the type of activities that the proposed company will be carrying out so that we can advise you as to the minimum share capital requirements. For example, the most basic Forex company is one which offers investment advice and reception and order transmissions and does not handle the clients' dinero. For this type of company, an upfront share capital of € 80,000 will be required.

However, if you wish to set up a Forex company which will handle the clients' money and which will offer trades through its own forex trading platform, a share capital of € 200,000 will be required.

Please note though that if one or more of the following services will be taking place, a share capital of € 1,000,000 will be required:

(a) Dealing on own account (b) Underwriting (c) Placing of financial instruments without a firm commitment basis (d) Operation of Multilateral Trading Facilities

Furthermore, it will be necessary to have a business plan, an operations manual and the completion and submission of all the necessary forms and documents that need to be submitted to the CYSEC and other Cypriot authorities but we will be able to assist and advise you on this. We estimate that it will take approximately 2-4 months from commencing the procedure until the issuing of the licence which will allow you to operate.

It is worth noting that under the laws here in Cyprus, the relevant authorities are under an obligation to reply to the application within a period of 6 months.

For prices of forex companies in other jurisdictions, see below:

BVI - 17,500 euro

Malta - 25,000 euro

Seychelles - 8000 euro

Please note that the above prices do not include disbursements and VAT.

Blog de Forex

Windsor Brokers — Cypriot MetaTrader Forex Broker

December 2, 2008 (Last updated on February 20, 2009) by Andriy Moraru

Windsor Brokers is a Forex broker company based in Cyprus and regulated by both Cyprus Securities and Exchanges Commission and the British Financial Services Authority. You can now find the detailed description of this broker on my site. Windows Brokers offer their services on-line since 2002. This broker provides MetaTrader 4 platform with the possibility of micro-trading. The leverage can be set to 1:200 (for micro-trading) and 1:100 (standard and mini). Windsor Brokers also provide futures, oil, CFD and index trading services. Unfortunately there are no convenient payment options to fund the account with this broker and the Forex spreads are slightly higher than the market’s average — p. ej. the spread on EUR/USD pair is 3 pips instead of 2 pips as with the majority of other MetaTrader Forex brokers. The necessity to send the signed documents via the snail-mail to establish a trading account is also a significant disadvantage when you compare Windsor Brokers to its competition.

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4 Responses to “Windsor Brokers — Cypriot MetaTrader Forex Broker”

Thanks for the update. Will check out the full review on your site. Since 2002 – have been around a while now. That’s always a good sign.

Just wanted to added some changes that Windsor brokers did. they have actually launched the micro trading some months ago with great spreads and no commissions, and to make the payment easier they have added the credit card method.

Windsor brokers have announced their latest competition for 2009 The Volume trader competition. Mini account holders have the opportunity to win US$10,000, in cash. The competition will begin from the 16.11.09 until the 25.12.09. This provides approximately 6 weeks for the trader to accomplish the highest number of lots during the specified period of time.

The steps to enter are simple, for a new client all that is required is to open a mini trading account. For existing clients a minimum deposit of US$250 is needed. The new or existing clients will compete to trade the maximum number of lots possible to win.

The trader who has closed the highest number of lots will receive a CASH PRIZE of US$10,000.

Ibrahim Haj Hasan

This is the second time I register with you, I couldn’t make first time and I will appreciate a second chance

Forex brokers in cyprus, stocktakers for the licensed trade.

BrokerCreditService Cyprus Limited offers brokerage services in the global currency forex market. BCS-Cyprus is a licensed market player and is regulated by. Anyone who has browsed a number of Forex comparison sites may have noticed that there are significant number of Forex brokers based in. FXCM. Founded in 1999, FXCM was the first forex broker to list on the New York Stock Exchange NYSE FXCM. Trade on FXCM's award-winning Trading.

Forex brokers in cyprus:

Online forex broker BENCHMARKFINANCE Review Benchmark Finance - Bulgarian, Sofia BFSC online forex broker BMFNEADEU Review, Plus/Minus. ForexTime FXTM. International online forex broker regulated by CySEC and located in Limassol. Offering a range of fx trading products and services. Send e-. CySEC - Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission. Find here a detailed list of all the CySEC regulated brokers. Choose the right one for you. Enter Now!

stocktakers for the licensed trade:

Cyprus is home to quite a few forex brokers. One these brokers, Windsor Brokers Ltd. responds to questions following the crisis and explains. Couterparty risk how the banking crises in Cyprus impacted forex brokers.

Indicators for working with binary options:

Cyprus Forex brokers, the list of online Cyprus based broker with details information. Headquarter 2, Iapetou Street, Agios Athanasios, 4101 Limassol, Cyprus. An objective review by Bull Trend of platforms, tools, research, and order entry of Forex brokers regulated in Cyprus by the CySEC.

Regulatory (FX, BO, EMI, PI, AIFs)

The financial regulator in Cyprus is the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC). Many globally recognized top Investment Firms have already set a footprint in Cyprus, or have moved their headquarters in Cyprus, in an effort to acquire the relevant Cyprus Investment Firm (CIF) License under EU Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (known as “MiFID”) from CySEC and operate as a regulated investment services firm from Cyprus in all EU markets, Russia, the Middle East, Africa, Asia or other third countries

Being part of the EU and therefore having to comply with the MiFID Cyprus is being used as a springboard for immediate access and easy setting up in prestigious financial markets within the EU (Frankfurt, London etc) through the use of Cyprus financial services entities which can operate under a portfolio management licenses and act as fund managers to ICIS. The legislation put in place is constantly under review, to regulate and harmonize operations in the financial services sector.

Cyprus Investment Firm License – The Benefits:

EU Regulation: An Investment Firm licensed by CySEC falls under the EU MiFID. As such, it receives a license valid across the EU.

EU Single Passport: An Investment Firm licensed by the CySEC can offer investment services, establish representative offices or establish fully operational branches in any desired location within the EU without any additional requirements from that (host) EU State, whilst being supervised from CySEC directly.

Low Capital Requirements: Investment Firm (acting also as Principals – Market Maker) are required to maintain between EUR 80.000 to EUR 1.000.000 as minimum capital requirement depending on the type of investment services offered and whether the firm will hold client funds.

Low Operating and Licensing Costs: Compared to other EU countries, Cyprus offers one of the most competitive operating and licensing cost packages for Investment Firms.

Strong Economy & Financial System: Macroeconomic stability with successful economic performances such as high growth rate, low inflation and low unemployment rates. Banking, accounting, and legal services are extremely efficient and are few of the strong points of the local economy.

Favourable Tax Regime: Cyprus benefits from a low corporate tax regime and an impressive range of double taxation treaties with more than 40 countries. Tax advantages to Cyprus Investment Firms:

- Corporate tax is only 12,5% on net profits - Profits from disposal of securities are tax free - No tax on payment of dividends to non-Cyprus tax residents

A. G.Paphitis & Co. LLC - Copyright


Cyprus living on the edge

EUR: The pattern of events in Cyprus is ever-changing, so the scope for volatility remains high throughout the day. Late yesterday, the Cypriot central bank governor outlined two parliamentary bills designed to ensure banks could re-open on Tuesday with continued ECB support. These bills, along with others, will be discussed through today. The ECB has stated that emergency funding will be halted on Monday should no deal be found.

USD: Data is on the light side for today, with just Fed revision of industrial production slated.

Idea of the Day

The pressure is on today, with the Cypriot parliament set to debate a number of bills and measures designed to satisfy the EU and the ECB that Cyprus can put its finances on a sufficiently stable footing to allow the EUR 10bln bailout from the EU/IMF to be finalised.

The fact that Russia has stepped back from providing immediate assistance has put the single currency on the defensive at the start of the European session, but this is just the start of what could be a long day, with few other distractions for FX markets beyond the German IFO data.

The performance of other currencies has been notable, the yen and sterling doing well, together with both the Aussie and kiwi. This is further proof, if it were needed, that the risk-on/risk-off dynamics of last year are very much dead in the water. For the single currency, the risks still appear to the down-side in the near-term, as there is no clean deal to be done that would lead to a strong rally in the euro.

EUR: The single currency was under modest pressure through Thursday owing to the on-going uncertainties in Cyprus. Support is seen around the 1.2877/90 area.

GBP: The more bullish tone of late was enhanced by the stronger than expected retail sales data yesterday and the sigh of relief in the wake of the budget has also held. Sometimes this can fade as less bullish details are unearthed. Sterling is also benefiting at the margins from the less stable tone to the Eurozone. Short-term resistance on cable is seen at 1.5210.

JPY: The yen received modest support from the more cautious news coming out of Cyprus. On the week, it remains one of the strongest performers, just the kiwi having done better. It’s looking ever clearer that further yen weakness can only be achieved via fresh stimulus measures from the new Bank of Japan governor and 4 th April is the next BoJ meeting date.

Get the 5 most predictable currency pairs

sobre el autor

Forex Broker FxPro is an international Forex Broker. FxPro is an award-winning online broker, offering CFDs on forex, futures, indices, shares, spot metals and energies, serving clients in more than 150 countries worldwide. FxPro offers execution with no-dealing-desk intervention and maintains a client-centric business model that puts customer needs at the forefront of our operations. Our acquisition of leading spot FX aggregator, Quotix, enables us to offer access to a deep pool of liquidity, as well as top-class order-matching and some of the most competitive spreads in the market. FxPro is one of only few brokers offering Negative Balance Protection, ensuring that clients cannot lose more than their overall investment. FxPro UK Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (registration number: 509956). FxPro Financial Services Limited is authorised and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (licence number: 078/07) and by the South Africa Financial Services Board (authorisation number 45052). Risk Warning: Trading CFDs involves significant risk of loss.

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Forex Magnates IFXEXPO Cyprus Conference – Day 1 Draws to a Close

Cyprus – CySec

About Cyprus and CySec

Cyprus is a member of the EU and the Cypriot financial services regulatory body is the ‘Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission – CySec, it also falls under the EU Markets in Financial Instruments Directive – MiFID, European Law.

CySec regulated Firms have access to trade throughout Europe from Cyprus and immediate access through application, for a European Services Passport, access to operate a firm in financial markets within the EU. Many of the largest Forex Brokers have a CySec License.

CySec was the first financial regulator to recognise and regulate binary options as financial instruments. They impose administrative sanctions and disciplinary penalties to brokers, brokerage firms, and investment consultants for those who do not adhere to their strict Stock Market legislation. Cyprus – CySec is administrated by a five member Board, composed of the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman, as well as three other members. In addition the Governor of the Central Bank of Cyprus is represented by a non-voting board member.

Authorisation / Licensing is not as straightforward as some other international jurisdictions as the requirements for acceptance are very strict, but offer clients peace of mind that the firm is fully regulated.

Why Cyprus

Cyprus has one of the lowest Corporate Tax rates in Europe and has a large number of double-tax treaties.

Company formation is relatively straight forward, although private companies limited by shares must have a registered office in Cyprus and are to managed by a management board. An authorized company representative can be appointed by power of attorney to perform the registration of a company in Cyprus. The minimum requirement is one director. It is often necessary to attend in person to present a registration certificate and identification documents of the managers, for the opening of a bank account.

The details of directors and shareholders appear on the public record, however anonymity can be retained by the use of third party directors and nominee shareholders. Bank references for the beneficial owners must be submitted to the Central Bank of Cyprus, this information is protected by secrecy laws.

FXTM Research Analyst Lukman Otunuga comments on the impact of the dovish FOMC statement on the US Dollar. Bearish investors were offered an opportunity to exploit the shaky sentiment towards the Dollar during trading on Wednesday following the dovish FOMC statement which quelled expectations of a recovery in the US economy. The tone of the statement suggested […]

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Risk Warning: Your Capital is at risk & losses can exceed your deposits.

Contracts for Difference (“CFDs”) are leveraged products and carry a high level of risk to your capital as prices may move rapidly against you. Losses can exceed your deposits and you may be required to make further payments. These products may not be suitable for all clients therefore ensure you understand the risks and seek independent advice.

Trading in Financial Instruments always involves a risk. As a general rule, you should not therefore trade in Financial Instruments if you do not understand the products and the risks associated with them.

A CFD – or Contract for Difference – is speculation in changes in values. This Financial Instrument allows the Client to speculate in future increases or decreases in the value of a specific Underlying Asset, for instance Currency Pairs, equity indices, metals, commodities and forwards. If the Client’s speculations prove to be correct, he will make a profit from the difference in value (less costs), but he will have to pay the difference in value (plus costs) if his speculations turn out to be wrong.

CFDs available with the Company are always margin traded are margin traded, allowing the Client to take a larger position than he would otherwise be able to based on his funds. So, a relatively small movement in the Underlying Market can have a disproportionately dramatic effect on the Client’s trade. If the Underlying Market movement is in the Client’s favor, the Client may achieve a good profit, but an equally small adverse market movement can not only quickly result in the loss of the Clients’ entire deposit, but may also expose the Client to a large additional loss. CFD trading therefore involves a relatively high level of risk.

CFDs trade within wide intraday ranges with volatile price movements. Therefore, the Client must carefully consider that there is a high risk of losses as well as profits. The price of CFDs is derived from the price of the Underlying Asset in which the CFD refers to. CFDs and related Underlying Markets can be highly volatile. The prices of CFDs and the Underlying Assets may fluctuate rapidly and over wide ranges and may reflect unforeseeable events or changes in conditions, none of which can be controlled by the Client or the Company Under certain market conditions it may be impossible for a Clients order to be executed at declared prices leading to losses. The prices of CFDs and the Underlying Asset will be influenced by, amongst other things, changing supply and demand relationships, governmental, agricultural, commercial and trade programs and policies, national and international political and economic events and the prevailing psychological characteristics of the relevant market place.


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CFDs are leveraged financial instruments that carry a high degree of risk and as a result it is possible the loss to exceed your invested capital and a result you may be required to make further payments. Trading in CFDs may not be suitable for all investors. You should ensure before trading you understand the risks involved and consider your level of experience. Si es necesario, debe buscar consejo independiente. Please read Amana's "Risk Disclosure Statement" for further details.

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Risk Warning: CFDs are leveraged financial instruments that carry a high degree of risk and as a result it is possible the loss to exceed your invested capital and a result you may be required to make further payments. Trading in CFDs may not be suitable for all investors. You should ensure before trading you understand the risks involved and consider your level of experience. Si es necesario, debe buscar consejo independiente. Please read Amana's "Risk Disclosure Statement" for further details.

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Windsor Brokers Ltd

Windsor Brokers Limited is an International Financial Services Company based in Limassol, Cyprus. Windsor is licensed and regulated by CySEC (the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission) and a member of CIFSA (Cyprus International Financial Services Association ), a professional body that aims to promote and maintain high ethical standards among its members in the provision of services to their clients.

Windsor is an independent market maker and principal broker offering clients access to Foreign Exchange Markets covering major world currencies, Stock Indices including Nasdaq, Dow Jones and S&P 500 as well as Precious Metals, Futures (OTC), CFDs and other commodities that are quoted on major world exchanges.

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FOREX Account Manager – Limassol

Forex Account Manager – Limassol

Our client a leading CySec registered Forex Trading Company based in Limassol, is seeking to recruit dynamic individuals with foeign language skills for the position of

The ideal applicants will have a solid background in Customer service and sales experience.

Contact new and existing clients ensuring they receive the highest level of service

Generating and retaining clients

Following up on client matters

Customer Service, including Customer retention and relationship management

Client-related administration and account opening

Assisting Compliance with the processing of Know-Your-Client documentation

Fluent knowledge of English and at least one other foreign language.

A University or College degree (MA degree will be considered as an advantage)• At least one year experience in Forex (Sales Department) will be considered an advantage.

Excellent communication skills, strong personality and self-directed.

Remuneration & Condiciones

Basic salaries range (before Commission) €1,500.00 – €2,000.00 GROSS per month

Working Days: Monday – Friday

Working Hours: Shift Program: 7.00-15.00/12.00-20.00

Forex Dealer

Forex Dealer – Limassol

Our client is one of the biggest CySEC regulated providers of foreign exchange trading services in Cyprus, with offices around the world. We are seeking to recruit a dynamic individual in the Dealing Department as a –

The successful candidate will be responsible for managing client relationships and executing clients’ currency transactions, ensuring and that clients have access to up-to-date market and pricing information.

Obtaining FX pricing from Liquidity providers and execute client trades

Company Dealing System Maintenance

Responsible to run complex reporting as required by company management

Interacting with Liquidity providers and aggregators in order to obtain best pricing and execution for the company and its clients

Quoting, confirming and transmitting client trades in line with company’s policy and procedures

Providing an overview of all relevant market activity to the investment team

Keeping up to date with market information and monitoring trends in all major currency pairings

Updating colleagues and supporting colleagues from other departments

The position will require flexibility with working hours due to shift work

Required abilities and Experience

1 year experience in either a financial institution or brokerage firm

Previous dealing room experience of any kind would be considered as an advantage.

Good knowledge of Financial Markets

Ability to work in a fast-paced environment

Work well under pressure

Excellent Mathematical skills

Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English

Excellent knowledge of MS Excel

Proficiency with different trading platforms is advantage

Good organizational and interpersonal skills

Financial Background – Bachelor or Master in a related degree or similar professional qualification

Holder of Investment firm certificate such as reception and transmission of orders or execution of orders

Remuneration and Benefits

An attractive remuneration package will be offered to the successful candidate based on previous experience.

Job Search

Resultados de la búsqueda

PO Box 50289, 3603, Limassol Show map

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Index2Day / Register a Cyprus (EU) Forex Firm

Register a Cyprus (EU) Forex Firm

Cyprus is the leading country in the EU regulating the Forex market due to its numerous tax advantages, low set up and operational expenses along with the “passport effect” to offer services in all EU countries. It's a well-known financial and banking centre for international investors, who want to take advantage of low taxes, political and economic stability, the flexibility and progressiveness of the common law system, legislation protecting privacy of information, excellent telecommunications and travel infrastructure, ideal geographic location at the crossroads of three continents, and the availability of well-trained professionals to manage their business and financial affairs. All the above make it an ideal location in the EU to setup a Forex firm.

There are more than 100 forex firms based in Cyprus, operating through Cyprus Investment Firms (CIFs) regulated by the Cyprus Securities & Comisión de Intercambio (CySEC).

The Cyprus Forex Firm needs to maintain a fully fledged office in Cyprus with local directors and proper infrastructure. Both risk management processes, anti money laundering procedures and IT support must be in place.

Dependiendo del perfil de riesgo de los inversores, el CIF puede actuar como un corredor puro de Tratamiento Directo (STP) (lo que significa que no asume ningún riesgo y cubre todas las posiciones del cliente con terceros) o el CIF puede actuar como Mercado Maker, que ejecuta su propio libro (lo que significa que puede tomar el riesgo total, compartir parte de ella con terceros, y beneficiarse de las pérdidas de los clientes).

The Capital requirement to obtain a FOREX license depends mostly if the company will hold clients money or not. If it holds client money then the capital needed is EUR 200.000 while the capital requirement to set up a “Market Maker Forex firm” is EUR 1 mln, which must be maintained at all times.

Every CIF also needs to contribute to the Investor Protection Fund based on the number of licenses it obtains and customer deposits and turnover.

Licensing process: After the complete application file is submitted to the CySEC it may take 3-6 months for the final approval to be granted.

After final approval is granted then the CIF has 12 months period to activate its license, meaning to set up office, hire staff and have in place all the infrastructure needed.

Investment services

As per the legislation the following are considered as core investment services:

Reception and transmission of orders in relation to one or more financial instruments.

Ejecución de pedidos por cuenta de clientes.

Dealing on own account.

Portfolio management.

Consejo de inversión.

Underwriting of financial instruments and/or placing of financial instruments on a firm commitment basis.

Placing of financial instruments without a firm commitment basis.

Operation of Multilateral Trading Facility.

Additionally the following are considered as non-core services (ie you do not need to be a CIF to provide them):

La custodia y administración de instrumentos financieros por cuenta de clientes, incluyendo la custodia y servicios relacionados tales como administración de efectivo / colateral.

La concesión de créditos o préstamos a un inversor para permitirle realizar una transacción en uno o más instrumentos financieros, cuando la empresa que otorga el crédito o préstamo está involucrada en la transacción.

Advice to undertakings on capital structure, industrial strategy and related matters and advice and services relating to mergers and the purchase of undertakings.

Foreign exchange services where these are connected to the provision of

Investment services.

Investment research and financial analysis or other forms of general

Recommendation relating to transactions in financial instruments.

Services related to underwriting.

Investment services and activities as well as ancillary services of the type included under above related to the underlying of the derivatives.

Taxation of CIF

CIFs are subject to the same tax treatment as any other Cyprus company. The main provisions are the following:

&toro; Corporation tax rate of 12.5%;

&toro; No capital gains tax on disposal of securities;

&toro; No tax on dividend income;

&toro; No withholding tax on payments of dividend, interest and royalties to non-residents.

&toro; No capital gains on sale of immovable property held outside Cyprus (or on shares in companies owning such property).

Procedure for the granting of a CIF authorization

In order to obtain a license the interested party should submit an application to the Securities and Exchange Commission (Commission).

The main documents to accompany the application are:

A business plan with description of the operations and forecasts for the first two.

Draft Constitution and Articles of Association.

A draft organizational structure of the company including the names of two experienced persons so that the four eyes principle is fulfilled.

An operations manual which contains internal procedures for the services to be provided, money laundering procedures, description of the IT system and infrastructure of the company etc.

Excerpt of the criminal record, certificates of non-bankruptcy, CVs for all the members of the Board of Directors, executives and shareholders with holdings of 10% or more.

Completed questionnaires for the above.

A confirmation that the applicant possess or will possess the capital required as its initial capital and that it will undertake to block it in a bank account held by a credit institution or institutions of a member state, when and if the Commission so requests.

The Commission must, within six months from the submission of a duly completed application for the granting of a CIF authorisation, reach a decision and inform the applicant for the granting of authorisation or the rejection of the application.

During this six-month period the Commission may request additional information or clarifications regarding the application submitted.

Criteria for successful application

The main criteria that need to be satisfied by the Commission in order to grand an authorization are:

Existence of the minimum capital required under the Law Investment Firms

A minimum of two experienced and reliable executives so that the four eyes principle is satisfied. One of these two executives should be employed by the company on a full-time basis and live in Cyprus. They both should be accessible and available to appear before the Commission with reasonable notice.

“Experienced and reliable persons” to be appointed as Directors of the CIF are not defined in the Law.

Possession of the relevant professional competence certificates from the Ministry of Finance of the Cyprus Republic by departmental heads.

Adequate technical and financial resources.

Adequate IT systems and internal control mechanisms.

Adequate structures and mechanisms in order to guarantee the protection of investors’ assets and eliminate any conflict of interest that may arise between the company or the staff and clients’ intereses

Following the granting of the authorization by the Commission, the CIF must comply with the ongoing obligations provided by the law and the relevant Commission directives.

Services we provide

We have significant experience in the preparation of applications for the purpose of obtaining a CIF authorization. In particular we can assist you in:

The preparation and monitoring of the application for obtaining a CIF authorization.

The preparation of the following manuals:

Internal procedures manual.

Internal audit manual.

Anti Money laundering procedures

The preparation of an organizational structure that will satisfy the Commission including the outsourcing of non-core functions.

Compliance Services

Board Directors

Cyprus Parliament Meets to Find Alternative to ECB 38% Tax, Euro Trading Steady

I’m sure most people reading this remember that moment from childhood, when your mom would threaten to clean your room if you didn’t clean it yourself. You always knew that if she cleaned it, it would somehow end a lot worse than if you just dealt with the mess.

It’s that moment that comes to mind as you read the most recent updates from the Cyprus bailout crisis. The ECB has announced that if Cyprus doesn’t come up with an agreement for a bailout by Monday, the central bank would cut off emergency funds. The Cyprus parliament is debating today possibilities for raising the 5.8 billion Euros, which is needed for unlocking the 10 billion Euro bailout.

Meanwhile, should Cyprus fail to agree on a plan to raise the money, the Euro-zone leaders may agree on a plan to take 38% from accounts above 100K Euros held with the Cyprus Popular Bank and the Bank of Cyprus. At the same time, accounts below 100K will remain untouched, according to the plan that has garnered support from the ECB and IMF.

While 40% may seem like a large amount for a government to allow to be taken from its better-off citizens’ accounts, it is unclear how many of these 100K+ accounts are held by local Cypriots. Many Russians hold off-shore accounts in Cyprus, which is why Russia has become a key player in the Cyprus bailout talks.

Following two days of talks in Moscow, Cyprus Finance Minister Sarris conceded this morning that Cyprus didn’t get the requested financial support from Russia. This message followed a clear optimistic tone at the beginning of the trip, and the Euro declined below 1.290 against US Dollar earlier in the session on the comments. Bloomberg reported today that Russian central bankers have said that the bank is not at risk from Cyprus.

In Europe, Euro-zone leaders have not eased up on their tone about the requirements for Cyprus to access the 10-billion Euro bailout. German Chancellor Merkel was reported to have said that it is unacceptable that Cyprus has been out of touch with the Troika for days, and said that Cyprus shouldn’t test Europe’s patience.

Despite all this uncertainty from Cyprus, the country only makes up 0.20% of the Euro-zone, and the market fears are of contagion of bank depositors trying to remove their deposits in other struggling Euro-zone countries, or speculation that the situation may lead to the breakoff of Cyprus from the Euro-zone. However, the Euro hasn’t seen much losses since the initial drop following the announcement of the deposits levy over the past weekend.

In economic releases, the IFO German business climate survey disappointed expectations and declined for the first time in five months. However, reactions were temporary, as traders remained focused on Cyprus.

(Did you understand all the terms used in today’s report? If so, test your skills with DailyF X ’s Trading IQ Quiz. )

EURUSD Daily: March 22, 2013

Chart created by Benjamin Spier using Marketscope 2.0

--- Written by Benjamin Spier, DailyFX Research. Feedback can be sent to bbspier@fxcm. com.

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Forex Brokers in Cyprus forex trading. Please find the list of Forex forums, clubs and blogs, where you can communicate and share your experience with. Forex Brokers in Cyprus – forex trading. Acerca de las empresas de comercio de divisas en Chipre. Cyprus is the choice of many Forex brokers.

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Forex Brokers in Cyprus are listed in this portal in order to promote their online trading tools and online trading platforms to the investors in. The general consensus amongst forex brokers in Cyprus is that the number of companies will grow, mainly because CySEC facilitate registration but also.



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Cyprus has become a World centre for the establishment and operation of Forex Brokerages. A forex brokerage may provide investment services to clients, directly or via branch offices. New comers to the Cyprus Forex scene will save time and money working with us to assist them with the licence application and support services. Cyprus Securities & Exchange Commission (CySec) is responsible for the licensing and regulation of Cyprus investment Firms (CIFs) and Forex Brokerages.

The main advantages of being based in Cyprus are:

Low capital requirement: A CIF can require as little as EUR 80,000

Low taxation: 12.5% Corporate tax and no dividend tax for non Cyprus resident shareholders

Well established legal framework: Cyprus is a full member of the EU and implements MiFID rules re capital markets and regulations

Simple licensing process: The process takes about 3 months to obtain CySec permission

Under CySec current rules the CIF will need to employ qualified persons to lead departments. Some functions that do not directly impact upon operations, may be outsourced, such as; internal audit; Compliance; Anti-Money Laundering (all of which can be provided by us)

Investment services include the following activities:

Reception and transmission of orders in relation to one or more financial instruments.

Ejecución de pedidos por cuenta de clientes.

Dealing on own account.

Portfolio management.

Consejo de inversión.

Underwriting of financial instruments and/or placing of financial instruments on a firm commitment basis.

Placing of financial instruments without a firm commitment basis.

Operation of Multilateral Trading Facility.

Non-core Services (CIF not required)

La custodia y administración de instrumentos financieros por cuenta de clientes, incluyendo la custodia y servicios relacionados tales como administración de efectivo / colateral.

La concesión de créditos o préstamos a un inversor para permitirle realizar una transacción en uno o más instrumentos financieros, cuando la empresa que otorga el crédito o préstamo está involucrada en la transacción.

Advice to undertakings on capital structure, industrial strategy and related matters and advice and services relating to mergers and the purchase of undertakings.

Foreign exchange services where these are connected to the provision of

Investment services.

Investment research and financial analysis or other forms of general

Recommendation relating to transactions in financial instruments.

Services related to underwriting.

Investment services and activities as well as ancillary services of the type included under above related to the underlying of the derivative.

The following types of entity may provide investment services:

Properly authorised Cyprus Investment Firms (CIFs) as regulated by Cyprus Securities Commission (CySec)

Properly authorised Investment Firms registered in other EU countries

Branch offices of Investment Firms registered in other countries and regulated by CySec

Bank s

The minimum initial capital depends on the services provided.

The CySec

As you will have surely noted when looking for a broker among the many available on the Internet, many companies that trade on the Forex are based in Cyprus. To allow their customers to trade legally, these brokers must be approved by CySec.

CySec is actually the Cyprus Financial Monitoring Commission. It is therefore the authority responsible for the legal operation of the stock exchange in the country. Its role consists of verifying the accordance of the operations carried out by investment companies established on the Cypriot territory with Cyprus and European Union regulations. So, it supervises the investors’ transactions on the various financial markets including the Forex.

To know if a broker is approved by the CySec, consult this non conclusive list of approved brokers:

3D Global Financial Services Ltd

7Q Financial Services Ltd

A. T.I. Associates (Cyprus) Ltd


AFX Capital Markets Ltd

Alfa Capital Holdings (Cyprus) Ltd

Alpari Financial Services Ltd

Alpinex Financial Services (Cyprus) Limited.

AMG Kapital Ltd

Argo Capital Management (Cyprus) Ltd

Argus Stockbrokers Ltd

Atlantic Securities Ltd

AtlasCapital Financial Services Ltd

Atonline Ltd

AVFX Trading Ltd

Axia Ventures Group Ltd

bforex Holdings Ltd (comprend BForex)

BrokerCreditService (Cyprus) Ltd

Centaur Financial Services Ltd

Colmex Pro Ltd

Deloitte Investment Services Limited

DFG Capital (Cyprus) Ltd

Dragon Capital (Cyprus) Ltd

Easy Forex Trading Limited

Ergomatrix Investment Ltd

Eurivex Ltd

Fenway Services Ltd

FIBO Group Holdings Ltd

FINAM Limited

Fintailor Investments Ltd

FX Central Clearing Ltd

FX Global Markets (FXGM) Limited

FXPRO Financial Services Ltd

Global Capital Securities and Financial Services Ltd

GPB Financial Services Ltd

Harvest Financial Services Ltd

Heracles Trust Ltd

IKOS CIF Limited

Infina Investments (Cyprus) Limited

IronForex Ltd

KAB Strategy (Cyprus) Ltd

Marcuard Cyprus Ltd

Marfin Capital Partners (Cyprus) Ltd

Marfin CLR (Financial Services) Ltd

MCA Intelifunds Ltd

MDM Investments Limited

Mega Equity Securities and Financial Services Public Limited

MeritKapital Limited

Metropol (Cyprus) LImited

Minden Investments and Insurance Advisers and Sub Agents Ltd

NKB Investments Limited

Numisma Capital Ltd

O. C.M Online Capital Markets Ltd (comprend Askobid, Xforex)

Omega Funds Investment Ltd

One Plus Capital Ltd

Orangeleaf Financial Ltd

Otkritie Finance (Cyprus) Limited

P. C.M. Advisers Limited

P. G. Global Brokers Financial Services Ltd

P. I. Provident Investments Ltd

Plasma Enterprises Ltd

Pro. Falcon Brokers Ltd

Prochoice ΧρηματιστηριακО® Ltd

Pulp International Business Ltd

Regency Asset Management (Cyprus) Ltd

Reliantco Investments Ltd

Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Ltd

Renaissance Wealth Management (Cyprus) Ltd

Reserve Invest (Cyprus) Ltd

RetailFX Ltd (etoro included)

RMG Holding Ltd

Ronin Europe Ltd

S. L. Capital Services Ltd

Safecap Investments Limited (comprend Markets. com)

Seven Star Brokers Ltd

Sharelink Securities and Financial Services Ltd

Solid Financial Services Limited

Tadawul FX Ltd

TD Investments Limited

TDAM (Cyprus) Ltd

TFI Markets Ltd

The Cyprus Investment and Securities Corporation Ltd

Trading Point Of Financial Instruments Ltd

TTCM Traders Trust Capital Markets Ltd

U. P.M Ltd

UBS Advisory Services Ltd

Unicredit Securities International Ltd

United World Capital Ltd

Veles International Limited

Windsor Brokers Ltd

WS Financial and Investment Services Ltd

Zerich Securities Ltd

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Posts Tagged ‘cyprus’

Wednesday, April 24th, 2013

Online forex trading investors will no doubt have been relieved by the stock market’s positive start to 2013 but now fears of a triple-dip recession in the UK could risk reversing the gains made and force the market back into a nose dive.

On the back of recent uncertainty in the Eurozone caused by the Cyprus bailout and growing fears of economic catastrophe in Slovenia, the UK’s continual teetering on the brink of recession is causing concern among traders and recent gains on the stock market have already begun to fall away. (more…)

Wednesday, April 10th, 2013

On the online forex trading front for this week, a few key movements are taking pace in Europe that have drawn considerably interest from currency traders.

One movement that has gained considerable attention is the fact that the Swiss deflation rate fell to a profound eight month ow in March. This has mainly been caused by the price of consumer goods falling; induced largely by the flow of liquidity from traders looking to hedge themselves against a weakening Euro. In turn, this has obviously strengthened in the CHF. (more…)

Tuesday, March 26th, 2013

As Cyprus finally manages to come to an agreement with international lenders over a 10 billion euro bailout, the Euro has seen some positive movement in response. Finally pulling away from its four month low, this morning the central European currency achieved an online trading value of $1.3040, an improvement which has been desperately sought by Forex traders across the world.

Short term fluctuation

However, though euro zone finance ministers were quick to endorse an agreement which should stop Cyprus facing total financial ruin, many investors are not seeing this positive step in Euro value as anything other than a short term fluctuation. (more…)

Tuesday, March 19th, 2013

The most prominent online trading news for this week is the unfolding situation in Cyprus. We have seen the Euro lose more value as the EU continues to pressure Cyprus to come to a consensus regarding the 5.8 billion Euros needed to save the ailing country from a disorderly default and a messy exit from the European Union.

Although this 5.8 billion was initially to come from the mandatory levy on all citizens’ bank holdings, severe protests and mass withdrawals of capital have made this move, at least as it currently stands, all but impossible. (more…)

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A weakened Euro has highlighted much of the forex trading news the past few days. This slide has been associated with a few primary factors. The most obvious and important event is the recent bailout of Cyprus which still serves.

Cyprus, Your Forex Trades and Gold

March 27th, 2013 by Market Traders Institute

It appears that bankers in Cyprus are far from out of the woods. The latest agreement, once again explained to be a difficult, “eleventh hour” decision according to FrontPageMag. com. national bankruptcy might be avoided but at a steep cost to some bank depositors and the employment market.

In lieu of the Cyprus drama on the table (banks have been closed since March 15th), gold has managed to slip along with silver and other “safe-haven” inversiones. While the fate of the European Union deal for Cyprus has not been detailed yet, gold buyers are waiting to see what the next development will do to their investments.

While they are waiting, Forex traders are earning.

Forex traders capture trading opportunities year round – even during times of fear-laden economic woes. This ability to place strategic and money-making trades today and cash out sooner rather than later is just another perk Forex traders enjoy and gold traders envy.

Every moment you wait, opportunity could be passing you by. Join the ranks of Forex traders now and learn what you could be missing out on in a free complimentary webinar. Complete the form below to get started.

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Forex Trading Online Course Cyprus

Forex Trading in Cyprus start in 2000, with a lot of online broker setup. Australia is a matured market with 95% of trader lose money and 95% of Hedge fund lost money. However the generation “Y” is the key growth sector in forex market because they need to take Forex Trading as life career as well as cost of living in Australia is picking up.

From our observation, a lot of trader learn from Cyprus and try to sell course which are not matured and well tested skills and lot of trader lost money especially the young who just to try their “luck”. A lot of “Guru” in Australia is self proclaim as expert and the tactics used was outdated and a lot of try an error in Australia right now.

Forex Fund Management service is in hot demand because a lot of Hedge fund burst that without proper risk management and over expose to market in subprime crisis in 2008. Our Return on Forex Fund Management is about 5%-10% per MONTH.

A lot of Generation “Y” and housewife participate in Forex Trading and but they really need a good teacher to guide them along, step by step .

We are strong in education and looking for a Joint Venture business partner in Cyprus so we can carry out the Proper education programs and work with them in Forex Business and grow it on every corner in Oceania Continent.

Contact us if you try to find a strong, sincere and workable partner in Cyprus and we have an online course center there.

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The process of acquiring a Cyprus broker license is not a straightforward one and it is therefore advisable to gain specialist knowledge and information prior to completing your Cyprus broker application. This is to avoid any delays during the application process. Detailed information about the Cyprus broker license procedure can be obtained from a professional consultancy firm, which will help you to understand everything about Cyprus’ regulatory body and licensing procedures. Cyprus offers a very positive environment to invest a forex broker firm within. Cyprus is a well established and respectable jurisdiction in regards to the issuing of a Cyprus forex broker license. It follows very strict rules and regulations as implemented by the financial services authority of Cyprus (CySEC). Therefore, having a Cyprus forex license can prove to be a very positive investment, as it gives your traders the peace of mind that you are a fully licensed and regulated forex company in an honest and reliable jurisdiction.

Cyprus forex licenses are issued by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC). This is a highly stringent forex licensing and regulatory body, and is renowned for being one of the top licensing bodies in the world. Many of the world’s largest forex brokers hold a CySEC forex license. Without it, a Cyprus-based forex company will not be considered as a serious and professional institution. Before CySEC was formed, the Central Bank of Cyprus was the main regulating and licensing body for investment firms. As Cyprus grew in popularity as an offshore jurisdiction, the Central Bank of Cyprus struggled to cope with the issuing of licenses, and thus CySEC was established as a separate licensing. CySEC became the predominant licensing body for establishments that involved investment, forex and other similar firms.

Getting a CySEC Forex License

Getting a CySEC forex license is a fairly complicated procedure and it is therefore advisable to obtain professional legal advice from a consultancy firm. To obtain a CySEC Forex License you will need to have a company in Cyprus that is specifically formed for the purpose of providing Forex activities. You will also need to have a minimum capital invested in a Cyprus bank. In addition to the abvYou will also need special Memorandum and Articles of Association, as well as the full range of documentation required. This will include your company manuals for internal and external procedures, a full document that includes your compliance procedures, your fit and proper test details and your company business plan. Using a professional consultancy firm to guide you through the entire application procedure can ensure that you follow all the correct procedures and supply the correct documents to CySEC. EFSAG can help you to obtain your Cyprus CySEC broker license in a timely and efficient manner.

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Welcome to the MAP S. Platis – The leading and most specialised regulatory consulting firm for financial services companies in the Southern Europe/MENA regions! We stand today bigger and more comprehensive in our service offering to our EU financial services clients, having managed to maintain our personalised and friendly approach. Our award-winning teams provide unique and tailored solutions for the financial services sector in global licensing, compliance and risk management, internal audit, IT audit, specialised legal & corporate support, specialised accounting & taxation, financial audit, forensic investigations, banking & payment solutions. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="MAP S. Platis - Booth 1">1 " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="RESERVED - Booth 2">2 Welcome to ICM Capital, an international online Forex and CFD trading firm offering 24 hour access to a diverse range of trading products including foreign exchange, commodities, futures and indices. Through ICM Capital and the world renowned MetaTrader 4 trading platform you can take advantage of high liquidity, tight spreads, mobile trading, technical analysis and much more. We pride ourselves on being authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA registration number 520965) in the UK and the first-class protection we offer for your funds. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="ICM Capital - Booth 3">3 Forex Traders do sleep but markets don’t. When a trader has just woke up and logs on in Boston, another one located in Tokyo is winding down for the day, while a third one in London finishes lunch and waits for Wall Street’s opening bell. And you are maybe yourself waiting for an economic figure to be released or thinking about where to put the stop loss on your last trade. FXStreet is your meeting place, the crossroads where you can find everything you need to make the best decisions in the currency markets. Anytime, 24/5. Based on unbiased, high quality and free information. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="FXStreet - Booth 4">4 By combining our proven FX technologies with our industry expertise and best practices, Forexware offers unique end-to-end forex trading solutions that help our clients grow with new or existing businesses. Forexware offers end-to-end FX software solutions to banks, brokerages, hedge funds and money managers around the world. What was once proprietary technology only available to the closed dealing space is now available as a service to our clients. Our solutions are designed to help them manage their accounts while providing their customers with the most relevant information to make effective trading decisions. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="Forexware - Booth 5">5 GAC Auditors, together with its affiliates Guricon and A. Nicolaou & Associates, are a boutique group of companies comprising a team of experts that can offer professional services to any size of company, from the sole entrepreneur to the large multinational. Our main strength lies in our team of expert lawyers, auditors and tax advisors that can support and offer professional services to the Investment, Banking and Insurance regulated industry. We can cover the full spectrum of professional services required in the field of audit, accounting, tax, fiduciary, legal, licensing, compliance and internal audit services. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="GAC auditors - Booth 6">6 AlgoCharge, is a fully certified Level 1 PCI-DSS payment service provider offering local and global payment solutions for merchants of any size and/or domiciliation. Supporting local and global payment solutions for the Forex, Binary Option, Retail, E-commerce, Travel, App-store and online Casino, Poker and Gaming verticals, We offer a cutting edge high-tech algorithm utilizing global infrastructure and including an impressive network of payment acquiring facilities and providers. including credit and debit cards, local bank wires, e-wallets and a myriad of alternative payment methods. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="AlgoCharge - Booth 7">7 TradeSmarter is a leading Binary Options Platform that offers B2B full Turnkey solutions and bespoke tailored Platform branding to fit any White Label needs. TradeSmarter is a specialist in working with financial partners all over the world, including Europe, Australia, the Middle East and Asia regions. Recently Tradesmarter’ Launched the revolutionary WOW Trading Platform which is completely eliminating the borderline between desktop and mobile. As the first unified Trading Platform across Smartphone, Tablet and Desktop the WOW platform removes key funnel obstacles, allowing marketers to take advantage of todays’ Mobile Traffic Opportunity. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="TradeSmarter - Booth 8">8 K. Treppides & Co offers global licensing and post licensing services in EU and non-EU jurisdictions with presence in HK, London, Malta, Nicosia and Limassol. It specializes in advising globally investment firms, PSPs and funds involved in FOREX/Binary/CFDs for structuring, compliance, risk management, tax optimization, accounting and audit inter alia. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="K. Treppides & Co - Booth 9">9 " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="RESERVED - Booth 10">10 Nordhill Capital was founded to provide asset management services on financial markets to individual and institutional investors. Our main goal is the steady increase of our clients’ capital with minimum possible trading risks. Another key factor of our work is transparency in our relations with investors. Currently, among our clients, you can find private banks, funds, insurance organizations, several public persons and private investors. The total number of our clients is constantly growing. This indicates the quality and high demand for our services. We have more than thousands clients and we are dedicated to bring the finest investment results. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="Nordhill Capital - Booth 10">10 " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="RESERVED - Booth 11">11 Protrader is a professional multi-asset brokerage trading platform that offers trading environment on all major markets including forex, options, stocks, futures and CFDs. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="PROTRADER - Booth 12">12 First technologies builds on a strong foundation of market knowledge at all levels with a combined knowledge of developing trading solutions for all range of financial markets. We started building solutions back in 2012 and our development accelerated later in 2014 to bring new level of financial engineering solutions to a wide variety of financial markets. We are now fully equipped with a wide range of solutions and an expert team to cover and provide products and services on true multi asset solutions and services. Our team consists of core financial market experts and developers have an assimilated knowledge and experience of over a decade in their respective divisions in handling development and support. And we co" rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="First technologies - Booth 13">13 Leading International payment provider ECommPay attributes the company’s success to two important factors: a personalised, individual approach to each client’s business needs paired with the continuous development and innovation of bespoke payment technologies and services. The FCA Authorised Payment Institution (API) maintains a broad portfolio of clients, providing state - of-the-art solutions to Forex industry front-runners across the globe. ECommPay’s team of payment specialists hold a deep understanding of the Forex industry, cultivated over years of extensive experience working with market leaders and combined with the expertise to tailor payment solutions to each individual client. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="EcommPay - Booth 14">14 Abide Financial is a leading regulatory reporting provider with proven solutions across multiple regulatory regimes. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="Abide Financial - Booth 15">15 Acuity Trading is a sentiment-based technology company focused on bringing big data solutions to the retail investment community including online brokers and platform providers. Founded in 2013 and headquartered in the UK, Acuity Trading uses sophisticated Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing technology to analyse millions of news items daily to quantify the mood of the market towards any given stock, currency or index. Providing investors with an alternative to price-related data, we offer multiple display and integration options to help augment existing trading tools such as calendars and newsletters or create bespoke client offerings that prompt new trading ideas. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="Acuity Trading - Booth 16">16 Spotware Systems is the developer of the cTrader Suite, a multi award-winning, multi asset-class CFD trading platform which utilizes a variety of the latest, most powerful and sophisticated technologies to deliver the ultimate cloud trading experience to bring a new standard in FX & CFD trading. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="SPOTWARE - Booth 17">17 Financial services are commonly considered as old and stable ones with a couple of instruments and features that works for years and are rarely changed or improved. But current progress in technologies drived by such leaders as Google, Amazon or Apple dictates it's own rules for evolution of all IT products and financial world can't just ignore this trend. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="NAX - Booth 18">18 Welcome to the web-site of Alfa Capital Holdings (Cyprus) Limited, one of the biggest Cypriot Investments Firm providing investments services outside Cyprus. Our Company was incorporated in Cyprus on the 23rd of April 1996, with registration number 78416, under the provisions of the Cyprus Company Law, Cap. 113. The Company is wholly owned by ABH Financial Limited. Our Company was regulated by the Central Bank of Cyprus as a financial services company under permit number EC/D/II/24839 issued in April 2002 by which it was licensed to offer financial services to the Company’s shareholders or members of the Group, banking or credit institutions and other experienced professional investors outside the Group. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="Alfa Capital Holdings - Booth 19">19 As it is already well known, margin trading as rewarding as it may be it is by no means the simplest to understand. Before you begin trading you have to master number of terminologies such as pip, bid and ask price, spread, margin, slippage, storage, swap/rollover, etc. If you want to be successful trader, the list goes on It is overwhelming, we know! GWAZY is a new revolutionary trading methodology that has been created to provide traders, especially beginners and average traders with all the benefits of margin trading but without the complications. GWAZY incorporates various trading principles in-to one super-fast and robust trading method. With GWAZY, margin trading has never been easier. Trading with GWAZY is very easy. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="GWAZY - Booth 20">20 At GRS we listen and consult with our clients to understand their needs, their company and their culture. Our wealth of market experience means we know how to identify and evaluate the best talent available in the market which ensures we deliver to our clients the best candidates. We listen to our candidates and consult with them through the entire recruitment process and every candidate benefits from the team’s ability to understand their short - and long-term aspirations. Confidentiality and discretion are cornerstones of our business and are of paramount importance when we communicate with you and represent you in the market place. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="GRS - Booth 21">21 Increase Sales & Conversion Customized Video Center, Ebooks & Mobile apps, and Education widgets software for Affiliates. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="Traders Education - Booth 22">22 AxiCorp is an innovative margin Forex trading business, with offices in London and Sydney. AxiCorp comprises of three divisions, AxiTrader, AxiPrime, and AxiSelect. AxiCorp is authorised and regulated by the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) AFSL number 318232 " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="AxiCorp - Booth 23">23 " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="RESERVED - Booth 24">24 " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="Finance Magnates - Booth 25">25 THE UTIP TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY is a reputable supplier of IT products. As a developer we don't compete with our customers for traders and don't take commissions on transactions. WE HAVE BEEN WORKING SINCE 2006 and accumulated an extensive experience. Our services are developed in accordance with the latest requirements of the business using all the advanced information technologies. We employ OVER 30 HIGHLY QUALIFIED SPECIALISTS. All employee regardless of the division they work in – programming or design, sale or analytics, management or testing, are professionals and know their job well. MORE THAN 70 FOREX ENTERPRISES chose our software. Each year of work brings us new successful projects and the growth of our client base." rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="UTIP - Booth 26">26 Paysafe delivers a full suite of payments solutions. From card issuing to acquiring; from payment gateways to merchant accounts; from fraud and risk to compliance; from digital wallets and mobile to invoicing - we process millions of transactions worldwide and we value our relationships at every point in the process. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="Paysafe - Booth 27">27 Our goal is to provide you with the ultimate trading experience. We're passionate about online trading, constantly innovating and looking to improve the way our clients invest in financial markets. We aim to provide tight spreads regardless of market volatility, delivering competitive and reliable pricing. We offer attractive spreads right across our product range, from 0.7 points on EUR/USD, 1 point on key indices like the UK 100 and Germany 30, and 0.4 points on Gold. Our margin rates start from 0.2% for forex and indices, 0.5% for commodities and 3% for shares. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="CMC Markets - Booth 28">28 CPattern offers retail FX and Binary Options brokers high end solutions that are based on real time behavior analysis of every demo and real user. Our technology serves as a powerful growth engine, as it easily fits in within the brokers’ work process and produces immediate improvement and positive ROI. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="CPattern - Booth 29">29 Combining marketing art and data science, our mission is to empower marketers with the “emotional intelligence” required to communicate with their customers most effectively at all times, via all available channels. Our goal is to help companies grow their business by more successfully engaging and pleasing their existing customers. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="OPTIMOVE - Booth 30">30 World leader in trading systems integration, Gold-i is opening an office in Shanghai in March 2016. The company has an impressive track record in helping MT4 brokers across the globe to operate efficiently and has a broad portfolio of customizable products including the award-winning Gold-i Bridge. Gold-i focuses on four key areas: risk management, liquidity, integration, and hosting and server management. Gold-i offers an outsourced IT service for brokers needing IT infrastructure or technology support to run their MetaTrader environment 24/7. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="Gold-i - Booth 31">31 Star Financial Systems was born out of the demand within the brokerage sector for a truly multi-asset and front end agnostic middle and back office trading system. Founded in 2009, drawing its directors from the leading CFD, FX and Spread Trading firms, Star set about creating an infrastructure that could truly grow with the needs of a trading brokerage. Uniquely in the technology space – all our directors have gained their experience within brokerages. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="Star Financial Systems - Booth 32">32 Intercash has over 15 years of experience as one of the world’s leading providers of innovative technology and solutions for prepaid card programs and online payment systems. We've harnessed our long-standing relationships with international banks and processors along with our innovative payment technologies to enable seamless global payments and money transfers online and offline for companies and individuals, worldwide. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="INTERCASH - Booth 33">33 Claws & Horns is an independent analytical company providing Forex brokers with a comprehensive set of necessary analytical tools for acquiring new clients. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="Claws & Horns - Booth 34">34 Advanced Markets is a wholesale provider of prime-of-prime liquidity, credit and technology solutions to banks and brokers globally. The firm's products support direct market access (STP) trading in spot FX, precious metals, energy as well as contracts for differences (CFD) across financial and commodity products. It also provides FX, metals and CFD trading and credit solutions and services to fund managers, commodity trading advisors and corporate FX market participants. Advanced Markets holds AFSL no. 444649 and is registered by ASIC. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="Advanced Markets - Booth 35">35 LMAX Exchange is the leading MTF for FX, authorised and regulated by the FCA. Servicing retail brokers, funds, corporates, asset managers and banks, LMAX Exchange delivers a unique vision for global FX trading - a transparent, neutral, level playing field for all market participants, regardless of status, size or activity levels. The LMAX Exchange OPEN order book is driven by streaming, no ‘Last Look’ limit orders supplied by General Member liquidity providers. LMAX Exchange offers a range of key products, including spot FX, precious metals, commodities and equity indices, with complete pre and post-trade transparency and order execution where no ‘last look’ is standard. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="LMAX - Booth 36">36 Marketing to traders is tough. With hundreds of brokers competing for the attention of the same traders, it’s no wonder why attracting, converting, and retaining traders has become so difficult. At TradeSocio we build data-driven technology to solve these challenges, giving our clients an edge over their competition. TradeSocio was founded in 2014 by Rohan Hall, a technology veteran with over 15 years developing social technology for Fortune 500 companies including Oracle, Honda, HP, and Corning. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="TradeSocio - Booth 37">37 Combining financial solutions from the 4 corners of the globe at your fingertips, CSC24Seven. com Limited offers internet users and online merchants a regulated, efficient and cost effective means of financial exchange. Our flexible choices allow us to tailor-make financial products and services based on your unique needs. Let us take responsibility for the financial solutions whilst you concentrate on your business. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="CS4Seven - Booth 38">38 A. S. Technologies and Consulting INC (AsTech), founded in 2004, with its head office located in Montreal, Canada, is a global online payment gateway for credit cards and alternative payment solutions. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="A. S. Technologies - Booth 39">39 Linguavista aims to solve the most difficult language problems of our times by integrating impeccable human talents with intelligent project and man management on top a sound technical platform. Our vision is to be the world’s largest and best language services provider by providing efficient language and business solutions to global businesses at a competitive pricing. Linguavista was founded with a single-minded goal of putting language and content at the heart of success of any company, irrespective of the industry. Our top-level executives have years of experience in understanding the advantages of good content, marketing and localization techniques in shaping the future of numerous brands across the globe." rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="Linguavista - Booth 40">40 Seperia has the expertise and experience needed to succeed in the most competitive online markets. You will benefit from stability and depth of an agency that has focused on digital marketing for over 10 years. We have grown together with our clients, some of which are now leaders in global markets (Payoneer, Conduit, Easy-Forex, USAGC, Babylon, ooVoo and others). We keep evolving with the constant shifts and innovations in Digital Marketing by committing ourselves to learning and testing new opportunities and trends in order to keep our clients’ marketing programs fresh and efficient. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="Seperia - Booth 41">41 MT4 plugins, applications, and services for medium-sized brokers. Get info on how to improve your business via sales@takeprofit. technology. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="Takeprofit Technology - Booth 42">42 Our organisation was formed in June 2005 as a joint venture between First Data, a global leader in e-commerce and payment services, and International Card Services (ICS), the leading Dutch card issuer. European Merchant Services continues its stable growth ever since. We are and remain a young and dynamic organisation that deals with the requirements of our clients in a flexible way. Our focus: Initially EMS focused primarily on Visa and MasterCard transactions. Subsequently we extended our portfolio with Maestro and V PAY. Simultaneously we broadened our expertise in payment solutions from the Dutch/Belgian Point-of-Sale segment to Europe-wide E-commerce solutions. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="EMS Card - Booth 43">43 An extraordinary transformation in trading technology is underway. Mobile and social trading are overturning old models just as the Internet did over a decade ago. ChartIQ has developed the leading HTML5 charting and web trader technology for the Forex market. From Our white label, customizable HTML5 web trader can be hosted on your MT4 servers. Experience lightning-fast trade execution (

15ms). Offer your traders award-winning HTML5 canvas-based charting with 100+ technical indicators. Easily view aggregated positions, ending orders, trade history and more. Visit chartiq. com or our booth for a live demonstration. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="ChartIQ - Booth 44">44 Broctagon was founded on the belief that the Binary Options industry was in an evident need for a better binary options trading platform. One that was more comprehensive, sophisticated and secured, capable of aiding traders in realizing their full potential. Bringing together some of the brightest minds in the industry. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="Broctagon - Booth 45">45 " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="RESERVED - Booth 47">47 iSignthis Ltd (ASX :ISX) is the global leader in dynamic, digital, automated AML/CTF KYC identity proofing. We use real time electronic verification of regulated payment instruments to generate an up to the moment identity profile for any of the world’s 3.5Bn financially included persons, no matter where they are located. iSignthis also assists merchants with CNP liability shift, within the framework of the card scheme rules and applicable regulatory regimes." rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="iSignThis - Booth 48">48 FX168 is a famous online media portal providing professional forex market news and comentary, forex spot futures quotes. According to the static of ALEXA, a third party institution which appraise all the websites around the world, FX168 in now globally ranked as NO.1 for its traffic as an online media for forex information. The rank ofFX168 in now about 1,810, while the highest rank has ever risen to 949 on January 11, 2005. In addition, according to an authoritative software, FX168 daily hits now has more than 3 Million, its weekly independent visiting IP is over 700,000 and weekly visitors more than 1.6 Million. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="FX168 - Booth 49">49 Credibility, integrity, validity and trustworthiness have been the only words that best describe our business trend that has been established in UAE, under commercial license No. 689061, issued by the Department of Economic Development in Dubai. We serve wide range of clients who are keen on money-saving plans, traders and speculators, elite investors, jewelry shops and banks. It has been a successful track of managing physical bullion trading activity and being specialized in providing the most rewarding investment opportunities in precious metals, with a dominant focus on gold. Our services and products match the Sharia Compliance and we urge the entire community to actively save, invest and trade in bullion bars and coins that m" rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="National Bullion House - Booth 50">50 MTE-Media is the world's leading one stop shop for website widgets and marketing tools. Since 2007 MTE has been helping marketers to fulfill traders' desires and consequently improve brokers' acquisition and retention results. Online Courses, Videos, eBooks, Economic Calendar, News, Signals, Technical Analysis, Indicators' Analysis and more. Available in 30 languages and used by more than 130 leading brokers. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="MTE-Media - Booth 51">51 GBO provides advanced financial services and solutions including incorporating foreign companies, opening bank accounts worldwide, nominee services, clearing and payment solutions while accompanying you throughout the entire process. We are happy to be of service and welcome you into our circle of clientele that continues to grow and prosper so that you too can benefit from our highly professional financial services. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="GBO - Booth 52">52 Cellxpert provides the leading, state-of-the-art 360° tracking solution that puts you in complete control of all aspects of your affiliate program. From Ad-serving and tracking to management of your performance systems, our platform provides you with the only solution you need to turbo-charge your productivity and increase revenues. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="Cellxpert - Booth 53">53 For us, servicing you is our top priority. Our unique relationship with you is why we exist. Our customer service team is dedicated to providing a trustworthy, personal, efficient and fast service. We urge you to try us and assure you that we will supply a quick reply to any problem you have. We strive to make the KYC process as simple, fast and trustworthy as possible. All you need to do is open an account, provide your personal/company details and we will do the rest. Our network of worldwide banks and credit companies allow us to offer you real time, accurate, low and competitive exchange rates. Not only that, we also charge extremely low commission rates! " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="MoneyNetint - Booth 54">54 O-SYSTEMS is a leading binary options platforms and software provider company that have brought together high end experts in the financial arena. The company staff consists of professional traders and dealers, trading room managers and distinguished management and technology specialists. Recognizing the immense prospects of the quickly growing binary options industry, O-SYSTEMS always strives to lead the way, offering the most advanced and user-friendly Binary Options platforms and marketing tools. The company aims to provide wide-range comprehensive services to its customers and is always ready for a challenge of satisfying even the most intricate of clientele needs and requirements. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="O-SYSTEMS - Booth 55">55 Founded in 2009, TrustPay belongs to first financial institutions within the region to provide secure e-commerce payments across EEA area. Our principal membership with VISA Europe and MasterCard as well as PCI DSS Level 1 certification enable us to provide our clients with outstanding cross-border B2B services. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="TrustPay - Booth 56">56 MetaQuotes Software Corp. is a B2B software development company established in 2000. Since its establishment, the company has achieved outstanding success in developing and delivering a stream of innovative products, services and solutions in the given field. Working with some of the world leading business, it has earned the reputation as a supplier of the most reliable software solutions. Today its most successful product, MetaTrader 4, is the most popular Forex trading platform in the world. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="MetaQuotes - Booth 57">57 SpotOption was established in 2010, and is officially today’s leading binary options platform provider. Our platform includes binary options, Forex, CFDs and Ladder. With 250 employees, including top programmers, developers, and designers, SpotOption's platform includes binary options, Forex, CFDs and Ladder. SpotOption’s clientele stands at 300 labels, and they hold 65%-70% of the market, with clients in Europe, Asia, Australia, Middle-East, and Latin America. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="SpotOption - Booth 58">58 The SafeCharge International Group Limited is a global provider of payments services, technologies and risk management solutions for online and mobile businesses. Established in 2007 the Group is a leader in advanced payment technologies. The Group has a diversified, blue chip client base and is a trusted payment partner for customers from various e-commerce verticals. With a history in innovation, the Company employs proprietary technologies and methodologies to service a stable and growing merchant client base. SafeCharge International Group Limited is listed on the London Stock Exchange AIM market(symbol SCH). The Group currently employs over 350 people across its operations in the UK, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Israel, Germany" rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="SafeCharge - Booth 59">59 Solid Payments is a global payments service provider since 2011, we provide secure payment solutions thru various acquirer banks to online ventures worldwide. Solid Payments provides state-of-the-art technolagy that helps merchants to process transactions easily and secured. Solid Payments specialize with strong risk tools and are experts with fraud prevention and fraud monitoring. We understand your processing needs and we measure your risks, therefore we build to each client a tailored unique solution that helps to increase his revenues. Our state-of-the-art gateway is PCI level 1 gives you and your clients a simple and smart way to pay online. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="Solid Payments - Booth 60">60 MAP FinTech is a trusted technology provider to the financial services industry with clients and associates worldwide and takes pride in its mission to enable clients to achieve best results. The company is highly regarded for its financial services technology and services innovation. MAP FinTech is helping its clients push the boundaries of what’s possible in financial services, delivering deep expertise and innovative solutions. It is the provider clients rely on to support their regulatory reporting obligations and better serve their customers by delivering best-in-class technology, services and insight with a relentless commitment to excellence, innovation, integrity and leadership." rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="MAP FinTech - Booth 61">61 Are you looking to make more sales? At Omega Telecom, our turnkey solution was developed with Forex & Binary Options in mind. As the leading supplier of Telecom Solutions for the industry we provide your business with the tools you need to increase sales and improve customer service. Phone numbers in over 60 countries with our Dynamic CallerID solution will increase the number of calls answered by up to 30%. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="Omega Telecom - Booth 62">62 We believe that the brain of a successful retail broker is advisory services and business operation consulting from industry experts. AirSoft provides the best of both worlds. Complete brokerage all-in-one solutions for: Forex, Binary Options and CFD’s. Software: development and customization for all of our existing products and platforms. Business consulting services: Business operations, marketing, lead generation, making the connection and introduction to 3rd party industry providers and partners. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="AirSoft Ltd - Booth 63">63 TFM is a Payment Gateway with technical connections to international high-risk friendly acquirers, licensed financial institutions, local card systems and a vast range of alternative payment methods. TFM’s omni-channel payment gateway supports various different payment methods including credit card processing, alternative payments, e-wallets, vouchers, mobile payments, voice-pay, crypto-currencies, e-checks and pin-based payment solutions. The fully-featured payment platform includes industry-leading fraud prevention tools, charge-back management networks and payment information services to help high risk merchants control fraud and curb charge-backs. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="The Flying Merchant - Booth 64">64 Established in 1973, Sucden Financial Limited offers a comprehensive range of services to institutional clients seeking direct access to FX liquidity. Sucden Financial offers complete front-to-back technology solutions to Retail Brokers, Hedge Funds, Proprietary Trading Firms and Tier Two/Three Banks. By utilising the latest technology it provides deep, aggregated liquidity and tight price feeds through to clients with their own execution systems or a number of institutional platforms via API. Sucden Financial Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="Sucden Financial - Booth 65">65 TechFinancials is a globally leading technology and solutions provider of premium binary options technology. Since its inception in 2009, TechFinancials has developed a powerful, technologically advanced trading platform with a simplified end-user trading experience to approach the mass market audience. With the vision to lead the emerging market of short-term day trading technologies, TechFinancials are the first and currently only financial provider combining simplified binary options, exotic and ladder options with a proprietary forex (spot) trading technology in a simplified trader environment. For further information please contact sales@techfinancials. com " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="TechFinancials - Booth 66">66 TechFinancials is a globally leading technology and solutions provider of premium binary options technology. Since its inception in 2009, TechFinancials has developed a powerful, technologically advanced trading platform with a simplified end-user trading experience to approach the mass market audience. With the vision to lead the emerging market of short-term day trading technologies, TechFinancials are the first and currently only financial provider combining simplified binary options, exotic and ladder options with a proprietary forex (spot) trading technology in a simplified trader environment. For further information please contact sales@techfinancials. com " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="TechFinancials - Booth 67">67 RESERVED " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="RESERVED - Booth 68">68 When platform providers focus solely on end user experience, we introduce a Business Management System that replaces existing CRM solutions by expanding a business’ marketing capabilities, increasing call center efficiency, optimizing overall performance and making your business earn more. We empower brands and make them shift from a state of uncertainty, to a state in which all available data has already been examined and analyzed and workflow can proceed smoothly and with ease. The system can fit any business, from a small operation, running a single trading platform, only one call center, and speaking only one language, to a multi-branched, organization with several brands, trading platforms, call centers and hundreds of employees. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="Proftit - Booth 69">69 Starting with a pure financial platform, which offered free access to prices for all securities traded on the Swiss stock exchange, we became an online bank so that our clients could trade independently. But our vision was farther-reaching. We wanted to create connections to the world’s top financial exchanges, backed by efficient analysis tools that even non-specialists could use and, of course, a broad product range. We also wanted to help clients trade anywhere and everywhere by providing access to free, independent information and, most of all, by giving them value for money. Time does not stand still, and neither do we. We will continue offering cutting-edge solutions to help you prosper in tomorrow’s markets. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="Swissquote - Booth 70">70 Starting with a pure financial platform, which offered free access to prices for all securities traded on the Swiss stock exchange, we became an online bank so that our clients could trade independently. But our vision was farther-reaching. We wanted to create connections to the world’s top financial exchanges, backed by efficient analysis tools that even non-specialists could use and, of course, a broad product range. We also wanted to help clients trade anywhere and everywhere by providing access to free, independent information and, most of all, by giving them value for money. Time does not stand still, and neither do we. We will continue offering cutting-edge solutions to help you prosper in tomorrow’s markets. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="Swissquote - Booth 71">71 Contact us if you need an efficient solution for your trading business. Our company develops software for MetaTrader 4 platform that operates on foreign exchange and stock markets. We offer both off-the-shelf solutions as well as custom products that meet your specific requirements. We have accumulated extensive experience in the field of trading software, and therefore we are glad to undertake tasks of any complexity. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="Tools4Brokers - Booth 72">72 Founded in 2007, Panda TS is a leading broker technology vendor that offers advanced solutions and advisory services to the brokerage industry. Panda provides market participants with trading systems, end-to-end solutions, low latency trading tools and web technology. Panda TS is a financial software provider that offers advanced solutions and advisory services to the brokerage and financial services industry. With Panda's suite of products FX brokers can quickly strengthen customer's relationship and attract more clients. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="Panda TS - Booth 73">73 AGP Law Firm, being a registered trademark for A. G. Paphitis & Co. LLC, is today one of the fastest growing, full-service, and multi-awarded International Law Firms, Business Consultants and Corporate Service Providers in Cyprus. Clients from all over the world, including private individuals and international and multinational corporations, major banks, multi-million and multi-billion groups and foundations, rely on AGP experts, consisted of lawyers, business consultants and financial advisors for tailor-made and clear advice helping them to succeed in their objectives. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="AGP Law - Booth 74">74 TRADOLOGIC is the world’s leading binary options platform provider, offering cutting-edge solutions which reinvent the online financial trading and gaming industries. We manage the largest IT Development Center in the binary industry. Our development team is focused on strengthening the success of our partners’ businesses by providing innovative and stable technological environment for their operations. To constantly be at the front of the industry’s innovation, TRADOLOGIC employs top IT professionals with relevant background and extensive professional expertise who can deliver superior service. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="TRADOLOGIC - Booth 75">75 The TRADING CENTRAL Group is a leading provider of investment research and financial market commentary, operating in New York, London, Paris, Hong Kong and Ottawa. Analyzing more than 800K+ instruments, the Group’s solutions are available through multiple channels such as retail online broker websites, market data terminals, electronic trading platforms, mobile apps, financial portals and WebTV channels. The Group’s TRADING CENTRAL and RECOGNIA brands are global benchmarks for technical analysis and quantitative research providing dynamic and actionable decision support and trade ideas to professional as well as retail investors. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="TRADING CENTRAL - Booth 76">76 Established in 2010, Hello Markets’ headquarters are located in Cyprus with offices in London and Hong Kong. We provide premium custom-made white label platforms for the online trading market. Our reliable services generate an annual growth rate of 450% for 110 brokers, located in Europe, Asia and Russia. Our partners benefit from comprehensive financial solutions, delivered in three weeks and fully supported by our international team of experts. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="Hello Markets - Booth 77">77 FX Empire is the flagship of the FX Empire Network. The FX Empire Network is comprised of the highest quality financial sites. Within the FX Empire Network we provide our readers with the most expert and most timely technical analyses, fundamental analyses and news-pieces; this in order to empower them to make for themselves the best possible financial decisions. The FX Empire Network’s news desks and analysis departments follow the international markets closely and create high quality proprietary content on a daily basis. The FX Empire Network’s news desk and analysis team members all have academic backgrounds in the finance or in related fields; most have over 10 years of experience in the fiel " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="FX Empire - Booth 78">78 We are a team of experts in payments, IT and security technologies that provide a fully customized and competitive payment solution to our customers. Whether you already have a payment solution that could be optimized to work better, or you wish to start offering a new one, we, as your technology partner, will provide a full suite of tailored solutions, based on your needs. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="Payneteasy - Booth 79">79 We at Tal Ron, Drihem & Co. pride ourselves in being exceptionally dedicated to our clients. We believe that it is extremely important to know our clients well. It is only then, that a lawyer can give his clients the best possible advice. This holds true for large public companies, just as it does for private individuals. There is no need for you to get lost in an extra-large law firm, passed around at random between lawyers who are not in the slightest familiar with the big picture in your case. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="Tal Ron, Drihem & Co. - Booth 80">80 With offices in 17 countries across five continents, servicing over 125,000 active clients worldwide, we have the resources and stability to help you make the most of the financial markets. For over 40 years, we’ve changed the face of trading. We created financial binary trading, developed the first online trading service, and we were the first to enable trading via an iPhone. We’ll continue to pioneer new ways to help you connect to the markets You can trust the security, reliability and speed of our multiple award-winning technology. Furthermore, our platform is integrated with a range of advanced tools for charting, trading and technical analysis. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="IG Markets - Booth 81">81 BlockEx is not in the business of picking winners in this burgeoning distributed ledger ecosystem, instead BlockEx is protocol agnostic, recognising that multiple blockchains can coexist; i. e. Bitcoin, Credits, Ethereum etc. Our role is to provide trading firms, governments and traders with access to the very best assets to trade, and platforms on which to create and issue their own digital assets. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="BlockEx - Booth 82">82 WeCollect is a China payment specialist focused on linking international merchants and PSP’s to the fast-growing Chinese consumer and B2B markets. Our ground breaking Orchestration Hub Technology enables merchants to lower integration costs via a single hub, and to improve conversations by optimizing their vendor and fraud management and streamlining processing flow. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="WeCollect - Booth 83">83 AFX Capital Group offers trading and investment services in multiple languages throughout the world. We allow investors to access a range of markets and trade various financial instruments, including forex, indices, equities, bonds, and commodities. Moreover, we offer cutting-edge trading platforms, comprehensive trading tools, advanced educational resources, the latest financial news and much more. Our diverse range of products and services are provided under three trading brands. SuperTradingOnline (STO) for FX and CFD trading services. STO Affiliates for potential partners. Quantic for portfolio management services and unique strategies " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="NAX Trader - Booth 84">84 powerpay21 is a Global FinTech Network that provides products and solutions for merchants. We have gained worldwide payments expertise that delivers results for our merchants. Those results range from delivering omni-channel payment solutions to controlling risk and fraud to delivering higher conversion ratios. powerpay21 is committed to outstanding service, out-of-the box solutions and long-lasting relationships. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="PowerPay21 - Booth 85">85 Royal Forex – a new rapidly developing investment brokerage company founded by a team of young professionals. We provide intermediary services on the financial market using contemporary, transparent and efficient trading technologies. Our mission is to help our clients achieve their most ambitious financial goals. We create comprehensive opportunities for successful investment. Every day our team makes best efforts to provide you with quick and safe access to the financial markets. You completely focus on investing, paying minimum of time to accompanying procedures. Implementation of remote authentication systems highly simplifies the workflow without compromising security and privacy. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="Royal Forex - Booth 86">86 Investing. com is a global financial portal and internet brand composed of 27 editions in 21 languages and mobile apps for Android and iOS that provide news, analysis, streaming quotes and charts, technical data and financial tools about the global financial markets. Each edition covers a broad variety of local and global financial vehicles including Stocks, Bonds, Commodities, Currencies, Interest Rates, Futures and Options. Founded in 2007, Investing. com has a growing readership worldwide and is now a leading global financial portal committed to constantly launching innovative features and sections to ensure an optimal one-stop source for its readers. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="Investing. com - Booth 87">87 Abu Dhabi-based ADS Securities provides sophisticated forex, bullion and commodities trading solutions to institutional and private investors. Institutional clients include banks, global and regional hedge funds, asset managers, investment banks and non-bank financial institutions. These are equally split between Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Private clients range from individual private traders through to experienced business people managing both personal and family assets. ADS Securities is the largest brokerage by volume in the Middle East and one of the fastest growing forex and investment companies globally. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="ADS Securities - Booth 88">88 Cappitech is a privately held Financial Technology Boutique offering bespoke trading and reporting solutions to both buy side, sell side and major service providers. With over 15 years experience, we understand the challenges of operating within financial markets and have developed numerous solutions for industry leading financial institutions. All of our projects are run using the Agile Methodology. We include quality assurance as part of the development cycle, thus achieving a high level of efficiency and effectiveness. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="Cappitech - Booth 89">89 We design and deliver Mobile apps, Website UIs and Widgets for the Finance industry with a particular focus on FX, since 2010 when we invented Social Mobile Trading™. In the Cloud, we have built a fast and reliable Market Data distribution network together with Charting and Transactional services to support these activities. Our deep skills and broad experience allow us to deliver beautifully designed high-performance Trading and Informational Mobile Apps and Web Widgets on top of this network. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="Mobile Trading Partners - Booth 90">90 4Cash was formed with an eye to become a leader in the ever-growing Payment Services Industry. We provide almost any kind of Merchant Services and we are a registered and approved Independent Sales Organization (ISO) at Visa and MasterCard. We offer tailor-made merchant accounts and a highly reliable technology, e-payment applications, mobile payments and much more. We boast of effective risk management services on all cards and payment methods. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="4Cash - Booth 91">91 Brokeree Solutions specializes in high quality MetaTrader 4 and 5 solution development and platform servicing for Forex Brokerages. We are to assist Forex Brokerages by providing technological solutions and services that make our clients and partners perfectly contented and allow them to run their business more effectively. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="Brokeree - Booth 92">92 We bring together the knowledge and unique experience of our experts, to offer your company a new, progressive, cost-effective and reliable business solutions. We save you time and money, to offer the best integrated and automated technologies, which will help expand your customer base and improve business performance. You and your clients get consolidated liquidity from the three largest prime brokers for ECN technology on the principle of Best Bid Offer, and our Bridge executes orders by STP-DMA. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="B2Broker - Booth 93">93 AMF Global is dedicated to providing forward-thinking solutions. Our business is based on the following core values. Our clients’ interests always come first. If we serve our clients well, our own success will follow. Uncompromising commitment to excellence. We take great pride in the professional quality of our work from the largest plan to the smallest task. Integrity & honesty are at the heart of our business. We adhere fully to the letter and spirit of all laws. Our ethical principles will not be compromised. Complacency can lead to extinction. We diligently strive to understand and anticipate the rapidly changing needs of our clients and to develop new services to meet those needs. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="AMF Global - Booth 94">94 We are a premium broker solutions provider, dedicated to delivering a wide array of innovative solutions and services that enable Forex brokers and financial institutions to minimize risk and maximize broker’s profit. We focus on cultivating and sustaining a diverse work environment and workforce, which is critical to meeting the needs of our clients. Our team consists of an optimal combination of market professionals, dealing and support staff, programmers and IT experts collectively focused on delivering premium services worldwide. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="Leverate - Booth 95">95 Previously there have only been 22 gTLDs. (generic toplevel domains).com. org or. net. etc. However, all this has changed now there are over 1,000 more being released. This explosion of names will reshape the web and present a section of the internet exclusively for forex, whether you are a foreign exchange online trading company, marketing forex platforms or providing forex solutions if you in the forex industry then. forex is where you need to be. " rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" data-original-title="BostonIVY - Booth 96">96

Welcome to the MAP S. Platis – The leading and most specialised regulatory consulting firm for financial services companies in the Southern Europe/MENA regions! We stand today bigger and more comprehensive in our service offering to our EU financial services clients, having managed to maintain our personalised and friendly approach. Our award-winning teams provide unique and tailored solutions for the financial services sector in global licensing, compliance and risk management, internal audit, IT audit, specialised legal & corporate support, specialised accounting & taxation, financial audit, forensic investigations, banking & payment solutions. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="MAP S. Platis - Booth 1" class="floorLogo booth1"> " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="RESERVED - Booth 2" class="floorLogo booth2"> Welcome to ICM Capital, an international online Forex and CFD trading firm offering 24 hour access to a diverse range of trading products including foreign exchange, commodities, futures and indices. Through ICM Capital and the world renowned MetaTrader 4 trading platform you can take advantage of high liquidity, tight spreads, mobile trading, technical analysis and much more. We pride ourselves on being authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA registration number 520965) in the UK and the first-class protection we offer for your funds. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="ICM Capital - Booth 3" class="floorLogo booth3"> Forex Traders do sleep but markets don’t. When a trader has just woke up and logs on in Boston, another one located in Tokyo is winding down for the day, while a third one in London finishes lunch and waits for Wall Street’s opening bell. And you are maybe yourself waiting for an economic figure to be released or thinking about where to put the stop loss on your last trade. FXStreet is your meeting place, the crossroads where you can find everything you need to make the best decisions in the currency markets. Anytime, 24/5. Based on unbiased, high quality and free information. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="FXStreet - Booth 4" class="floorLogo booth4"> By combining our proven FX technologies with our industry expertise and best practices, Forexware offers unique end-to-end forex trading solutions that help our clients grow with new or existing businesses. Forexware offers end-to-end FX software solutions to banks, brokerages, hedge funds and money managers around the world. What was once proprietary technology only available to the closed dealing space is now available as a service to our clients. Our solutions are designed to help them manage their accounts while providing their customers with the most relevant information to make effective trading decisions. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Forexware - Booth 5" class="floorLogo booth5"> GAC Auditors, together with its affiliates Guricon and A. Nicolaou & Associates, are a boutique group of companies comprising a team of experts that can offer professional services to any size of company, from the sole entrepreneur to the large multinational. Our main strength lies in our team of expert lawyers, auditors and tax advisors that can support and offer professional services to the Investment, Banking and Insurance regulated industry. We can cover the full spectrum of professional services required in the field of audit, accounting, tax, fiduciary, legal, licensing, compliance and internal audit services. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="GAC auditors - Booth 6" class="floorLogo booth6"> AlgoCharge, is a fully certified Level 1 PCI-DSS payment service provider offering local and global payment solutions for merchants of any size and/or domiciliation. Supporting local and global payment solutions for the Forex, Binary Option, Retail, E-commerce, Travel, App-store and online Casino, Poker and Gaming verticals, We offer a cutting edge high-tech algorithm utilizing global infrastructure and including an impressive network of payment acquiring facilities and providers. including credit and debit cards, local bank wires, e-wallets and a myriad of alternative payment methods. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="AlgoCharge - Booth 7" class="floorLogo booth7"> TradeSmarter is a leading Binary Options Platform that offers B2B full Turnkey solutions and bespoke tailored Platform branding to fit any White Label needs. TradeSmarter is a specialist in working with financial partners all over the world, including Europe, Australia, the Middle East and Asia regions. Recently Tradesmarter’ Launched the revolutionary WOW Trading Platform which is completely eliminating the borderline between desktop and mobile. As the first unified Trading Platform across Smartphone, Tablet and Desktop the WOW platform removes key funnel obstacles, allowing marketers to take advantage of todays’ Mobile Traffic Opportunity. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="TradeSmarter - Booth 8" class="floorLogo booth8"> K. Treppides & Co offers global licensing and post licensing services in EU and non-EU jurisdictions with presence in HK, London, Malta, Nicosia and Limassol. It specializes in advising globally investment firms, PSPs and funds involved in FOREX/Binary/CFDs for structuring, compliance, risk management, tax optimization, accounting and audit inter alia. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="K. Treppides & Co - Booth 9" class="floorLogo booth9"> " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="RESERVED - Booth 10" class="floorLogo booth10"> Nordhill Capital was founded to provide asset management services on financial markets to individual and institutional investors. Our main goal is the steady increase of our clients’ capital with minimum possible trading risks. Another key factor of our work is transparency in our relations with investors. Currently, among our clients, you can find private banks, funds, insurance organizations, several public persons and private investors. The total number of our clients is constantly growing. This indicates the quality and high demand for our services. We have more than thousands clients and we are dedicated to bring the finest investment results. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Nordhill Capital - Booth 10" class="floorLogo booth10"> " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="RESERVED - Booth 11" class="floorLogo booth11"> Protrader is a professional multi-asset brokerage trading platform that offers trading environment on all major markets including forex, options, stocks, futures and CFDs. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="PROTRADER - Booth 12" class="floorLogo booth12"> First technologies builds on a strong foundation of market knowledge at all levels with a combined knowledge of developing trading solutions for all range of financial markets. We started building solutions back in 2012 and our development accelerated later in 2014 to bring new level of financial engineering solutions to a wide variety of financial markets. We are now fully equipped with a wide range of solutions and an expert team to cover and provide products and services on true multi asset solutions and services. Our team consists of core financial market experts and developers have an assimilated knowledge and experience of over a decade in their respective divisions in handling development and support. And we co" rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="First technologies - Booth 13" class="floorLogo booth13"> Leading International payment provider ECommPay attributes the company’s success to two important factors: a personalised, individual approach to each client’s business needs paired with the continuous development and innovation of bespoke payment technologies and services. The FCA Authorised Payment Institution (API) maintains a broad portfolio of clients, providing state - of-the-art solutions to Forex industry front-runners across the globe. ECommPay’s team of payment specialists hold a deep understanding of the Forex industry, cultivated over years of extensive experience working with market leaders and combined with the expertise to tailor payment solutions to each individual client. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="EcommPay - Booth 14" class="floorLogo booth14"> Abide Financial is a leading regulatory reporting provider with proven solutions across multiple regulatory regimes. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Abide Financial - Booth 15" class="floorLogo booth15"> Acuity Trading is a sentiment-based technology company focused on bringing big data solutions to the retail investment community including online brokers and platform providers. Founded in 2013 and headquartered in the UK, Acuity Trading uses sophisticated Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing technology to analyse millions of news items daily to quantify the mood of the market towards any given stock, currency or index. Providing investors with an alternative to price-related data, we offer multiple display and integration options to help augment existing trading tools such as calendars and newsletters or create bespoke client offerings that prompt new trading ideas. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Acuity Trading - Booth 16" class="floorLogo booth16"> Spotware Systems is the developer of the cTrader Suite, a multi award-winning, multi asset-class CFD trading platform which utilizes a variety of the latest, most powerful and sophisticated technologies to deliver the ultimate cloud trading experience to bring a new standard in FX & CFD trading. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="SPOTWARE - Booth 17" class="floorLogo booth17"> Financial services are commonly considered as old and stable ones with a couple of instruments and features that works for years and are rarely changed or improved. But current progress in technologies drived by such leaders as Google, Amazon or Apple dictates it's own rules for evolution of all IT products and financial world can't just ignore this trend. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="NAX - Booth 18" class="floorLogo booth18"> Welcome to the web-site of Alfa Capital Holdings (Cyprus) Limited, one of the biggest Cypriot Investments Firm providing investments services outside Cyprus. Our Company was incorporated in Cyprus on the 23rd of April 1996, with registration number 78416, under the provisions of the Cyprus Company Law, Cap. 113. The Company is wholly owned by ABH Financial Limited. Our Company was regulated by the Central Bank of Cyprus as a financial services company under permit number EC/D/II/24839 issued in April 2002 by which it was licensed to offer financial services to the Company’s shareholders or members of the Group, banking or credit institutions and other experienced professional investors outside the Group. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Alfa Capital Holdings - Booth 19" class="floorLogo booth19"> As it is already well known, margin trading as rewarding as it may be it is by no means the simplest to understand. Before you begin trading you have to master number of terminologies such as pip, bid and ask price, spread, margin, slippage, storage, swap/rollover, etc. If you want to be successful trader, the list goes on It is overwhelming, we know! GWAZY is a new revolutionary trading methodology that has been created to provide traders, especially beginners and average traders with all the benefits of margin trading but without the complications. GWAZY incorporates various trading principles in-to one super-fast and robust trading method. With GWAZY, margin trading has never been easier. Trading with GWAZY is very easy. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="GWAZY - Booth 20" class="floorLogo booth20"> At GRS we listen and consult with our clients to understand their needs, their company and their culture. Our wealth of market experience means we know how to identify and evaluate the best talent available in the market which ensures we deliver to our clients the best candidates. We listen to our candidates and consult with them through the entire recruitment process and every candidate benefits from the team’s ability to understand their short - and long-term aspirations. Confidentiality and discretion are cornerstones of our business and are of paramount importance when we communicate with you and represent you in the market place. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="GRS - Booth 21" class="floorLogo booth21"> Increase Sales & Conversion Customized Video Center, Ebooks & Mobile apps, and Education widgets software for Affiliates. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Traders Education - Booth 22" class="floorLogo booth22"> AxiCorp is an innovative margin Forex trading business, with offices in London and Sydney. AxiCorp comprises of three divisions, AxiTrader, AxiPrime, and AxiSelect. AxiCorp is authorised and regulated by the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) AFSL number 318232 " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="AxiCorp - Booth 23" class="floorLogo booth23"> " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="RESERVED - Booth 24" class="floorLogo booth24"> " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Finance Magnates - Booth 25" class="floorLogo booth25"> THE UTIP TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY is a reputable supplier of IT products. As a developer we don't compete with our customers for traders and don't take commissions on transactions. WE HAVE BEEN WORKING SINCE 2006 and accumulated an extensive experience. Our services are developed in accordance with the latest requirements of the business using all the advanced information technologies. We employ OVER 30 HIGHLY QUALIFIED SPECIALISTS. All employee regardless of the division they work in – programming or design, sale or analytics, management or testing, are professionals and know their job well. MORE THAN 70 FOREX ENTERPRISES chose our software. Each year of work brings us new successful projects and the growth of our client base." rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="UTIP - Booth 26" class="floorLogo booth26"> Paysafe delivers a full suite of payments solutions. From card issuing to acquiring; from payment gateways to merchant accounts; from fraud and risk to compliance; from digital wallets and mobile to invoicing - we process millions of transactions worldwide and we value our relationships at every point in the process. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Paysafe - Booth 27" class="floorLogo booth27"> Our goal is to provide you with the ultimate trading experience. We're passionate about online trading, constantly innovating and looking to improve the way our clients invest in financial markets. We aim to provide tight spreads regardless of market volatility, delivering competitive and reliable pricing. We offer attractive spreads right across our product range, from 0.7 points on EUR/USD, 1 point on key indices like the UK 100 and Germany 30, and 0.4 points on Gold. Our margin rates start from 0.2% for forex and indices, 0.5% for commodities and 3% for shares. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="CMC Markets - Booth 28" class="floorLogo booth28"> CPattern offers retail FX and Binary Options brokers high end solutions that are based on real time behavior analysis of every demo and real user. Our technology serves as a powerful growth engine, as it easily fits in within the brokers’ work process and produces immediate improvement and positive ROI. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="CPattern - Booth 29" class="floorLogo booth29"> Combining marketing art and data science, our mission is to empower marketers with the “emotional intelligence” required to communicate with their customers most effectively at all times, via all available channels. Our goal is to help companies grow their business by more successfully engaging and pleasing their existing customers. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="OPTIMOVE - Booth 30" class="floorLogo booth30"> World leader in trading systems integration, Gold-i is opening an office in Shanghai in March 2016. The company has an impressive track record in helping MT4 brokers across the globe to operate efficiently and has a broad portfolio of customizable products including the award-winning Gold-i Bridge. Gold-i focuses on four key areas: risk management, liquidity, integration, and hosting and server management. Gold-i offers an outsourced IT service for brokers needing IT infrastructure or technology support to run their MetaTrader environment 24/7. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Gold-i - Booth 31" class="floorLogo booth31"> Star Financial Systems was born out of the demand within the brokerage sector for a truly multi-asset and front end agnostic middle and back office trading system. Founded in 2009, drawing its directors from the leading CFD, FX and Spread Trading firms, Star set about creating an infrastructure that could truly grow with the needs of a trading brokerage. Uniquely in the technology space – all our directors have gained their experience within brokerages. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Star Financial Systems - Booth 32" class="floorLogo booth32"> Intercash has over 15 years of experience as one of the world’s leading providers of innovative technology and solutions for prepaid card programs and online payment systems. We've harnessed our long-standing relationships with international banks and processors along with our innovative payment technologies to enable seamless global payments and money transfers online and offline for companies and individuals, worldwide. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="INTERCASH - Booth 33" class="floorLogo booth33"> Claws & Horns is an independent analytical company providing Forex brokers with a comprehensive set of necessary analytical tools for acquiring new clients. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Claws & Horns - Booth 34" class="floorLogo booth34"> Advanced Markets is a wholesale provider of prime-of-prime liquidity, credit and technology solutions to banks and brokers globally. The firm's products support direct market access (STP) trading in spot FX, precious metals, energy as well as contracts for differences (CFD) across financial and commodity products. It also provides FX, metals and CFD trading and credit solutions and services to fund managers, commodity trading advisors and corporate FX market participants. Advanced Markets holds AFSL no. 444649 and is registered by ASIC. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Advanced Markets - Booth 35" class="floorLogo booth35"> LMAX Exchange is the leading MTF for FX, authorised and regulated by the FCA. Servicing retail brokers, funds, corporates, asset managers and banks, LMAX Exchange delivers a unique vision for global FX trading - a transparent, neutral, level playing field for all market participants, regardless of status, size or activity levels. The LMAX Exchange OPEN order book is driven by streaming, no ‘Last Look’ limit orders supplied by General Member liquidity providers. LMAX Exchange offers a range of key products, including spot FX, precious metals, commodities and equity indices, with complete pre and post-trade transparency and order execution where no ‘last look’ is standard. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="LMAX - Booth 36" class="floorLogo booth36"> Marketing to traders is tough. With hundreds of brokers competing for the attention of the same traders, it’s no wonder why attracting, converting, and retaining traders has become so difficult. At TradeSocio we build data-driven technology to solve these challenges, giving our clients an edge over their competition. TradeSocio was founded in 2014 by Rohan Hall, a technology veteran with over 15 years developing social technology for Fortune 500 companies including Oracle, Honda, HP, and Corning. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="TradeSocio - Booth 37" class="floorLogo booth37"> Combining financial solutions from the 4 corners of the globe at your fingertips, CSC24Seven. com Limited offers internet users and online merchants a regulated, efficient and cost effective means of financial exchange. Our flexible choices allow us to tailor-make financial products and services based on your unique needs. Let us take responsibility for the financial solutions whilst you concentrate on your business. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="CS4Seven - Booth 38" class="floorLogo booth38"> A. S. Technologies and Consulting INC (AsTech), founded in 2004, with its head office located in Montreal, Canada, is a global online payment gateway for credit cards and alternative payment solutions. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="A. S. Technologies - Booth 39" class="floorLogo booth39"> Linguavista aims to solve the most difficult language problems of our times by integrating impeccable human talents with intelligent project and man management on top a sound technical platform. Our vision is to be the world’s largest and best language services provider by providing efficient language and business solutions to global businesses at a competitive pricing. Linguavista was founded with a single-minded goal of putting language and content at the heart of success of any company, irrespective of the industry. Our top-level executives have years of experience in understanding the advantages of good content, marketing and localization techniques in shaping the future of numerous brands across the globe." rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Linguavista - Booth 40" class="floorLogo booth40"> Seperia has the expertise and experience needed to succeed in the most competitive online markets. You will benefit from stability and depth of an agency that has focused on digital marketing for over 10 years. We have grown together with our clients, some of which are now leaders in global markets (Payoneer, Conduit, Easy-Forex, USAGC, Babylon, ooVoo and others). We keep evolving with the constant shifts and innovations in Digital Marketing by committing ourselves to learning and testing new opportunities and trends in order to keep our clients’ marketing programs fresh and efficient. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Seperia - Booth 41" class="floorLogo booth41"> MT4 plugins, applications, and services for medium-sized brokers. Get info on how to improve your business via sales@takeprofit. technology. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Takeprofit Technology - Booth 42" class="floorLogo booth42"> Our organisation was formed in June 2005 as a joint venture between First Data, a global leader in e-commerce and payment services, and International Card Services (ICS), the leading Dutch card issuer. European Merchant Services continues its stable growth ever since. We are and remain a young and dynamic organisation that deals with the requirements of our clients in a flexible way. Our focus: Initially EMS focused primarily on Visa and MasterCard transactions. Subsequently we extended our portfolio with Maestro and V PAY. Simultaneously we broadened our expertise in payment solutions from the Dutch/Belgian Point-of-Sale segment to Europe-wide E-commerce solutions. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="EMS Card - Booth 43" class="floorLogo booth43"> An extraordinary transformation in trading technology is underway. Mobile and social trading are overturning old models just as the Internet did over a decade ago. ChartIQ has developed the leading HTML5 charting and web trader technology for the Forex market. From Our white label, customizable HTML5 web trader can be hosted on your MT4 servers. Experience lightning-fast trade execution (

15ms). Offer your traders award-winning HTML5 canvas-based charting with 100+ technical indicators. Easily view aggregated positions, ending orders, trade history and more. Visit chartiq. com or our booth for a live demonstration. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="ChartIQ - Booth 44" class="floorLogo booth44"> Broctagon was founded on the belief that the Binary Options industry was in an evident need for a better binary options trading platform. One that was more comprehensive, sophisticated and secured, capable of aiding traders in realizing their full potential. Bringing together some of the brightest minds in the industry. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Broctagon - Booth 45" class="floorLogo booth45"> " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="RESERVED - Booth 47" class="floorLogo booth47"> iSignthis Ltd (ASX :ISX) is the global leader in dynamic, digital, automated AML/CTF KYC identity proofing. We use real time electronic verification of regulated payment instruments to generate an up to the moment identity profile for any of the world’s 3.5Bn financially included persons, no matter where they are located. iSignthis also assists merchants with CNP liability shift, within the framework of the card scheme rules and applicable regulatory regimes." rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="iSignThis - Booth 48" class="floorLogo booth48"> FX168 is a famous online media portal providing professional forex market news and comentary, forex spot futures quotes. According to the static of ALEXA, a third party institution which appraise all the websites around the world, FX168 in now globally ranked as NO.1 for its traffic as an online media for forex information. The rank ofFX168 in now about 1,810, while the highest rank has ever risen to 949 on January 11, 2005. In addition, according to an authoritative software, FX168 daily hits now has more than 3 Million, its weekly independent visiting IP is over 700,000 and weekly visitors more than 1.6 Million. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="FX168 - Booth 49" class="floorLogo booth49"> Credibility, integrity, validity and trustworthiness have been the only words that best describe our business trend that has been established in UAE, under commercial license No. 689061, issued by the Department of Economic Development in Dubai. We serve wide range of clients who are keen on money-saving plans, traders and speculators, elite investors, jewelry shops and banks. It has been a successful track of managing physical bullion trading activity and being specialized in providing the most rewarding investment opportunities in precious metals, with a dominant focus on gold. Our services and products match the Sharia Compliance and we urge the entire community to actively save, invest and trade in bullion bars and coins that m" rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="National Bullion House - Booth 50" class="floorLogo booth50"> MTE-Media is the world's leading one stop shop for website widgets and marketing tools. Since 2007 MTE has been helping marketers to fulfill traders' desires and consequently improve brokers' acquisition and retention results. Online Courses, Videos, eBooks, Economic Calendar, News, Signals, Technical Analysis, Indicators' Analysis and more. Available in 30 languages and used by more than 130 leading brokers. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="MTE-Media - Booth 51" class="floorLogo booth51"> GBO provides advanced financial services and solutions including incorporating foreign companies, opening bank accounts worldwide, nominee services, clearing and payment solutions while accompanying you throughout the entire process. We are happy to be of service and welcome you into our circle of clientele that continues to grow and prosper so that you too can benefit from our highly professional financial services. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="GBO - Booth 52" class="floorLogo booth52"> Cellxpert provides the leading, state-of-the-art 360° tracking solution that puts you in complete control of all aspects of your affiliate program. From Ad-serving and tracking to management of your performance systems, our platform provides you with the only solution you need to turbo-charge your productivity and increase revenues. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Cellxpert - Booth 53" class="floorLogo booth53"> For us, servicing you is our top priority. Our unique relationship with you is why we exist. Our customer service team is dedicated to providing a trustworthy, personal, efficient and fast service. We urge you to try us and assure you that we will supply a quick reply to any problem you have. We strive to make the KYC process as simple, fast and trustworthy as possible. All you need to do is open an account, provide your personal/company details and we will do the rest. Our network of worldwide banks and credit companies allow us to offer you real time, accurate, low and competitive exchange rates. Not only that, we also charge extremely low commission rates! " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="MoneyNetint - Booth 54" class="floorLogo booth54"> O-SYSTEMS is a leading binary options platforms and software provider company that have brought together high end experts in the financial arena. The company staff consists of professional traders and dealers, trading room managers and distinguished management and technology specialists. Recognizing the immense prospects of the quickly growing binary options industry, O-SYSTEMS always strives to lead the way, offering the most advanced and user-friendly Binary Options platforms and marketing tools. The company aims to provide wide-range comprehensive services to its customers and is always ready for a challenge of satisfying even the most intricate of clientele needs and requirements. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="O-SYSTEMS - Booth 55" class="floorLogo booth55"> Founded in 2009, TrustPay belongs to first financial institutions within the region to provide secure e-commerce payments across EEA area. Our principal membership with VISA Europe and MasterCard as well as PCI DSS Level 1 certification enable us to provide our clients with outstanding cross-border B2B services. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="TrustPay - Booth 56" class="floorLogo booth56"> MetaQuotes Software Corp. is a B2B software development company established in 2000. Since its establishment, the company has achieved outstanding success in developing and delivering a stream of innovative products, services and solutions in the given field. Working with some of the world leading business, it has earned the reputation as a supplier of the most reliable software solutions. Today its most successful product, MetaTrader 4, is the most popular Forex trading platform in the world. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="MetaQuotes - Booth 57" class="floorLogo booth57"> SpotOption was established in 2010, and is officially today’s leading binary options platform provider. Our platform includes binary options, Forex, CFDs and Ladder. With 250 employees, including top programmers, developers, and designers, SpotOption's platform includes binary options, Forex, CFDs and Ladder. SpotOption’s clientele stands at 300 labels, and they hold 65%-70% of the market, with clients in Europe, Asia, Australia, Middle-East, and Latin America. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="SpotOption - Booth 58" class="floorLogo booth58"> The SafeCharge International Group Limited is a global provider of payments services, technologies and risk management solutions for online and mobile businesses. Established in 2007 the Group is a leader in advanced payment technologies. The Group has a diversified, blue chip client base and is a trusted payment partner for customers from various e-commerce verticals. With a history in innovation, the Company employs proprietary technologies and methodologies to service a stable and growing merchant client base. SafeCharge International Group Limited is listed on the London Stock Exchange AIM market(symbol SCH). The Group currently employs over 350 people across its operations in the UK, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Israel, Germany" rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="SafeCharge - Booth 59" class="floorLogo booth59"> Solid Payments is a global payments service provider since 2011, we provide secure payment solutions thru various acquirer banks to online ventures worldwide. Solid Payments provides state-of-the-art technolagy that helps merchants to process transactions easily and secured. Solid Payments specialize with strong risk tools and are experts with fraud prevention and fraud monitoring. We understand your processing needs and we measure your risks, therefore we build to each client a tailored unique solution that helps to increase his revenues. Our state-of-the-art gateway is PCI level 1 gives you and your clients a simple and smart way to pay online. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Solid Payments - Booth 60" class="floorLogo booth60"> MAP FinTech is a trusted technology provider to the financial services industry with clients and associates worldwide and takes pride in its mission to enable clients to achieve best results. The company is highly regarded for its financial services technology and services innovation. MAP FinTech is helping its clients push the boundaries of what’s possible in financial services, delivering deep expertise and innovative solutions. It is the provider clients rely on to support their regulatory reporting obligations and better serve their customers by delivering best-in-class technology, services and insight with a relentless commitment to excellence, innovation, integrity and leadership." rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="MAP FinTech - Booth 61" class="floorLogo booth61"> Are you looking to make more sales? At Omega Telecom, our turnkey solution was developed with Forex & Binary Options in mind. As the leading supplier of Telecom Solutions for the industry we provide your business with the tools you need to increase sales and improve customer service. Phone numbers in over 60 countries with our Dynamic CallerID solution will increase the number of calls answered by up to 30%. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Omega Telecom - Booth 62" class="floorLogo booth62"> We believe that the brain of a successful retail broker is advisory services and business operation consulting from industry experts. AirSoft provides the best of both worlds. Complete brokerage all-in-one solutions for: Forex, Binary Options and CFD’s. Software: development and customization for all of our existing products and platforms. Business consulting services: Business operations, marketing, lead generation, making the connection and introduction to 3rd party industry providers and partners. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="AirSoft Ltd - Booth 63" class="floorLogo booth63"> TFM is a Payment Gateway with technical connections to international high-risk friendly acquirers, licensed financial institutions, local card systems and a vast range of alternative payment methods. TFM’s omni-channel payment gateway supports various different payment methods including credit card processing, alternative payments, e-wallets, vouchers, mobile payments, voice-pay, crypto-currencies, e-checks and pin-based payment solutions. The fully-featured payment platform includes industry-leading fraud prevention tools, charge-back management networks and payment information services to help high risk merchants control fraud and curb charge-backs. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="The Flying Merchant - Booth 64" class="floorLogo booth64"> Established in 1973, Sucden Financial Limited offers a comprehensive range of services to institutional clients seeking direct access to FX liquidity. Sucden Financial offers complete front-to-back technology solutions to Retail Brokers, Hedge Funds, Proprietary Trading Firms and Tier Two/Three Banks. By utilising the latest technology it provides deep, aggregated liquidity and tight price feeds through to clients with their own execution systems or a number of institutional platforms via API. Sucden Financial Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Sucden Financial - Booth 65" class="floorLogo booth65"> TechFinancials is a globally leading technology and solutions provider of premium binary options technology. Since its inception in 2009, TechFinancials has developed a powerful, technologically advanced trading platform with a simplified end-user trading experience to approach the mass market audience. With the vision to lead the emerging market of short-term day trading technologies, TechFinancials are the first and currently only financial provider combining simplified binary options, exotic and ladder options with a proprietary forex (spot) trading technology in a simplified trader environment. For further information please contact sales@techfinancials. com " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="TechFinancials - Booth 66" class="floorLogo booth66"> TechFinancials is a globally leading technology and solutions provider of premium binary options technology. Since its inception in 2009, TechFinancials has developed a powerful, technologically advanced trading platform with a simplified end-user trading experience to approach the mass market audience. With the vision to lead the emerging market of short-term day trading technologies, TechFinancials are the first and currently only financial provider combining simplified binary options, exotic and ladder options with a proprietary forex (spot) trading technology in a simplified trader environment. For further information please contact sales@techfinancials. com " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="TechFinancials - Booth 67" class="floorLogo booth67"> RESERVED " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="RESERVED - Booth 68" class="floorLogo booth68"> When platform providers focus solely on end user experience, we introduce a Business Management System that replaces existing CRM solutions by expanding a business’ marketing capabilities, increasing call center efficiency, optimizing overall performance and making your business earn more. We empower brands and make them shift from a state of uncertainty, to a state in which all available data has already been examined and analyzed and workflow can proceed smoothly and with ease. The system can fit any business, from a small operation, running a single trading platform, only one call center, and speaking only one language, to a multi-branched, organization with several brands, trading platforms, call centers and hundreds of employees. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Proftit - Booth 69" class="floorLogo booth69"> Starting with a pure financial platform, which offered free access to prices for all securities traded on the Swiss stock exchange, we became an online bank so that our clients could trade independently. But our vision was farther-reaching. We wanted to create connections to the world’s top financial exchanges, backed by efficient analysis tools that even non-specialists could use and, of course, a broad product range. We also wanted to help clients trade anywhere and everywhere by providing access to free, independent information and, most of all, by giving them value for money. Time does not stand still, and neither do we. We will continue offering cutting-edge solutions to help you prosper in tomorrow’s markets. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Swissquote - Booth 70" class="floorLogo booth70"> Starting with a pure financial platform, which offered free access to prices for all securities traded on the Swiss stock exchange, we became an online bank so that our clients could trade independently. But our vision was farther-reaching. We wanted to create connections to the world’s top financial exchanges, backed by efficient analysis tools that even non-specialists could use and, of course, a broad product range. We also wanted to help clients trade anywhere and everywhere by providing access to free, independent information and, most of all, by giving them value for money. Time does not stand still, and neither do we. We will continue offering cutting-edge solutions to help you prosper in tomorrow’s markets. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Swissquote - Booth 71" class="floorLogo booth71"> Contact us if you need an efficient solution for your trading business. Our company develops software for MetaTrader 4 platform that operates on foreign exchange and stock markets. We offer both off-the-shelf solutions as well as custom products that meet your specific requirements. We have accumulated extensive experience in the field of trading software, and therefore we are glad to undertake tasks of any complexity. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Tools4Brokers - Booth 72" class="floorLogo booth72"> Founded in 2007, Panda TS is a leading broker technology vendor that offers advanced solutions and advisory services to the brokerage industry. Panda provides market participants with trading systems, end-to-end solutions, low latency trading tools and web technology. Panda TS is a financial software provider that offers advanced solutions and advisory services to the brokerage and financial services industry. With Panda's suite of products FX brokers can quickly strengthen customer's relationship and attract more clients. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Panda TS - Booth 73" class="floorLogo booth73"> AGP Law Firm, being a registered trademark for A. G. Paphitis & Co. LLC, is today one of the fastest growing, full-service, and multi-awarded International Law Firms, Business Consultants and Corporate Service Providers in Cyprus. Clients from all over the world, including private individuals and international and multinational corporations, major banks, multi-million and multi-billion groups and foundations, rely on AGP experts, consisted of lawyers, business consultants and financial advisors for tailor-made and clear advice helping them to succeed in their objectives. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="AGP Law - Booth 74" class="floorLogo booth74"> TRADOLOGIC is the world’s leading binary options platform provider, offering cutting-edge solutions which reinvent the online financial trading and gaming industries. We manage the largest IT Development Center in the binary industry. Our development team is focused on strengthening the success of our partners’ businesses by providing innovative and stable technological environment for their operations. To constantly be at the front of the industry’s innovation, TRADOLOGIC employs top IT professionals with relevant background and extensive professional expertise who can deliver superior service. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="TRADOLOGIC - Booth 75" class="floorLogo booth75"> The TRADING CENTRAL Group is a leading provider of investment research and financial market commentary, operating in New York, London, Paris, Hong Kong and Ottawa. Analyzing more than 800K+ instruments, the Group’s solutions are available through multiple channels such as retail online broker websites, market data terminals, electronic trading platforms, mobile apps, financial portals and WebTV channels. The Group’s TRADING CENTRAL and RECOGNIA brands are global benchmarks for technical analysis and quantitative research providing dynamic and actionable decision support and trade ideas to professional as well as retail investors. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="TRADING CENTRAL - Booth 76" class="floorLogo booth76"> Established in 2010, Hello Markets’ headquarters are located in Cyprus with offices in London and Hong Kong. We provide premium custom-made white label platforms for the online trading market. Our reliable services generate an annual growth rate of 450% for 110 brokers, located in Europe, Asia and Russia. Our partners benefit from comprehensive financial solutions, delivered in three weeks and fully supported by our international team of experts. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Hello Markets - Booth 77" class="floorLogo booth77"> FX Empire is the flagship of the FX Empire Network. The FX Empire Network is comprised of the highest quality financial sites. Within the FX Empire Network we provide our readers with the most expert and most timely technical analyses, fundamental analyses and news-pieces; this in order to empower them to make for themselves the best possible financial decisions. The FX Empire Network’s news desks and analysis departments follow the international markets closely and create high quality proprietary content on a daily basis. The FX Empire Network’s news desk and analysis team members all have academic backgrounds in the finance or in related fields; most have over 10 years of experience in the fiel " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="FX Empire - Booth 78" class="floorLogo booth78"> We are a team of experts in payments, IT and security technologies that provide a fully customized and competitive payment solution to our customers. Whether you already have a payment solution that could be optimized to work better, or you wish to start offering a new one, we, as your technology partner, will provide a full suite of tailored solutions, based on your needs. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Payneteasy - Booth 79" class="floorLogo booth79"> We at Tal Ron, Drihem & Co. pride ourselves in being exceptionally dedicated to our clients. We believe that it is extremely important to know our clients well. It is only then, that a lawyer can give his clients the best possible advice. This holds true for large public companies, just as it does for private individuals. There is no need for you to get lost in an extra-large law firm, passed around at random between lawyers who are not in the slightest familiar with the big picture in your case. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Tal Ron, Drihem & Co. - Booth 80" class="floorLogo booth80"> With offices in 17 countries across five continents, servicing over 125,000 active clients worldwide, we have the resources and stability to help you make the most of the financial markets. For over 40 years, we’ve changed the face of trading. We created financial binary trading, developed the first online trading service, and we were the first to enable trading via an iPhone. We’ll continue to pioneer new ways to help you connect to the markets You can trust the security, reliability and speed of our multiple award-winning technology. Furthermore, our platform is integrated with a range of advanced tools for charting, trading and technical analysis. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="IG Markets - Booth 81" class="floorLogo booth81"> BlockEx is not in the business of picking winners in this burgeoning distributed ledger ecosystem, instead BlockEx is protocol agnostic, recognising that multiple blockchains can coexist; i. e. Bitcoin, Credits, Ethereum etc. Our role is to provide trading firms, governments and traders with access to the very best assets to trade, and platforms on which to create and issue their own digital assets. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="BlockEx - Booth 82" class="floorLogo booth82"> WeCollect is a China payment specialist focused on linking international merchants and PSP’s to the fast-growing Chinese consumer and B2B markets. Our ground breaking Orchestration Hub Technology enables merchants to lower integration costs via a single hub, and to improve conversations by optimizing their vendor and fraud management and streamlining processing flow. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="WeCollect - Booth 83" class="floorLogo booth83"> AFX Capital Group offers trading and investment services in multiple languages throughout the world. We allow investors to access a range of markets and trade various financial instruments, including forex, indices, equities, bonds, and commodities. Moreover, we offer cutting-edge trading platforms, comprehensive trading tools, advanced educational resources, the latest financial news and much more. Our diverse range of products and services are provided under three trading brands. SuperTradingOnline (STO) for FX and CFD trading services. STO Affiliates for potential partners. Quantic for portfolio management services and unique strategies " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="NAX Trader - Booth 84" class="floorLogo booth84"> powerpay21 is a Global FinTech Network that provides products and solutions for merchants. We have gained worldwide payments expertise that delivers results for our merchants. Those results range from delivering omni-channel payment solutions to controlling risk and fraud to delivering higher conversion ratios. powerpay21 is committed to outstanding service, out-of-the box solutions and long-lasting relationships. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="PowerPay21 - Booth 85" class="floorLogo booth85"> Royal Forex – a new rapidly developing investment brokerage company founded by a team of young professionals. We provide intermediary services on the financial market using contemporary, transparent and efficient trading technologies. Our mission is to help our clients achieve their most ambitious financial goals. We create comprehensive opportunities for successful investment. Every day our team makes best efforts to provide you with quick and safe access to the financial markets. You completely focus on investing, paying minimum of time to accompanying procedures. Implementation of remote authentication systems highly simplifies the workflow without compromising security and privacy. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Royal Forex - Booth 86" class="floorLogo booth86"> Investing. com is a global financial portal and internet brand composed of 27 editions in 21 languages and mobile apps for Android and iOS that provide news, analysis, streaming quotes and charts, technical data and financial tools about the global financial markets. Each edition covers a broad variety of local and global financial vehicles including Stocks, Bonds, Commodities, Currencies, Interest Rates, Futures and Options. Founded in 2007, Investing. com has a growing readership worldwide and is now a leading global financial portal committed to constantly launching innovative features and sections to ensure an optimal one-stop source for its readers. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Investing. com - Booth 87" class="floorLogo booth87"> Abu Dhabi-based ADS Securities provides sophisticated forex, bullion and commodities trading solutions to institutional and private investors. Institutional clients include banks, global and regional hedge funds, asset managers, investment banks and non-bank financial institutions. These are equally split between Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Private clients range from individual private traders through to experienced business people managing both personal and family assets. ADS Securities is the largest brokerage by volume in the Middle East and one of the fastest growing forex and investment companies globally. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="ADS Securities - Booth 88" class="floorLogo booth88"> Cappitech is a privately held Financial Technology Boutique offering bespoke trading and reporting solutions to both buy side, sell side and major service providers. With over 15 years experience, we understand the challenges of operating within financial markets and have developed numerous solutions for industry leading financial institutions. All of our projects are run using the Agile Methodology. We include quality assurance as part of the development cycle, thus achieving a high level of efficiency and effectiveness. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Cappitech - Booth 89" class="floorLogo booth89"> We design and deliver Mobile apps, Website UIs and Widgets for the Finance industry with a particular focus on FX, since 2010 when we invented Social Mobile Trading™. In the Cloud, we have built a fast and reliable Market Data distribution network together with Charting and Transactional services to support these activities. Our deep skills and broad experience allow us to deliver beautifully designed high-performance Trading and Informational Mobile Apps and Web Widgets on top of this network. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Mobile Trading Partners - Booth 90" class="floorLogo booth90"> 4Cash was formed with an eye to become a leader in the ever-growing Payment Services Industry. We provide almost any kind of Merchant Services and we are a registered and approved Independent Sales Organization (ISO) at Visa and MasterCard. We offer tailor-made merchant accounts and a highly reliable technology, e-payment applications, mobile payments and much more. We boast of effective risk management services on all cards and payment methods. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="4Cash - Booth 91" class="floorLogo booth91"> Brokeree Solutions specializes in high quality MetaTrader 4 and 5 solution development and platform servicing for Forex Brokerages. We are to assist Forex Brokerages by providing technological solutions and services that make our clients and partners perfectly contented and allow them to run their business more effectively. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Brokeree - Booth 92" class="floorLogo booth92"> We bring together the knowledge and unique experience of our experts, to offer your company a new, progressive, cost-effective and reliable business solutions. We save you time and money, to offer the best integrated and automated technologies, which will help expand your customer base and improve business performance. You and your clients get consolidated liquidity from the three largest prime brokers for ECN technology on the principle of Best Bid Offer, and our Bridge executes orders by STP-DMA. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="B2Broker - Booth 93" class="floorLogo booth93"> AMF Global is dedicated to providing forward-thinking solutions. Our business is based on the following core values. Our clients’ interests always come first. If we serve our clients well, our own success will follow. Uncompromising commitment to excellence. We take great pride in the professional quality of our work from the largest plan to the smallest task. Integrity & honesty are at the heart of our business. We adhere fully to the letter and spirit of all laws. Our ethical principles will not be compromised. Complacency can lead to extinction. We diligently strive to understand and anticipate the rapidly changing needs of our clients and to develop new services to meet those needs. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="AMF Global - Booth 94" class="floorLogo booth94"> We are a premium broker solutions provider, dedicated to delivering a wide array of innovative solutions and services that enable Forex brokers and financial institutions to minimize risk and maximize broker’s profit. We focus on cultivating and sustaining a diverse work environment and workforce, which is critical to meeting the needs of our clients. Our team consists of an optimal combination of market professionals, dealing and support staff, programmers and IT experts collectively focused on delivering premium services worldwide. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Leverate - Booth 95" class="floorLogo booth95"> Previously there have only been 22 gTLDs. (generic toplevel domains).com. org or. net. etc. However, all this has changed now there are over 1,000 more being released. This explosion of names will reshape the web and present a section of the internet exclusively for forex, whether you are a foreign exchange online trading company, marketing forex platforms or providing forex solutions if you in the forex industry then. forex is where you need to be. " rel="popover" data-placement="top" data-original-title="BostonIVY - Booth 96" class="floorLogo booth96">



Cyprus iFX EXPO has broth great business opportunities for O-SYSTEMS year after year! With true excitement I am looking forward to once again host this year's opening party, and meet you all here, in Sunny Cyprus!

Haim Lagziel

Owner & CEO at O-SYSTEMS

It's an honor to present MTE's innovations and services in the event which gather the entire industry in one place. I believe that the IFX Expo is indeed the best B2B expo in the industry.

Erez Shifron

I was very impressed with iFX-Expo, which is by far the leading conference in the finance industry. As a company which participates consistently in these events, we always get to see a positive ROI on our investment and a truly added value to our business. Participating in the events is always a great opportunity for us to meet with our colleagues in the field, to create business partnerships and create new relationships with potential customers. The conference itself is organized in the most professional way, from planning to operating, allowing us, the presenters, to focus on the main event. We enjoyed our experience in the event and we’re looking forward to our next participation.

Maor Lahav

COO & Co-Founder, Panda TS

Tradesmarter has been with iFXEXPO since the beginning. We are attending both the European and Asian iFXEXPO's and we find it as the best vehicle to show case our B2B technology in a focused and highly productive manner. We are very satisfied with the production team for the excellent value they provide and for seeking our feedback in order to constantly improve.

Hanan Cohen

VP Business Development, Tradesmarter

The iFX team is formed by dedicated experts, demonstrating high levels of professionalism, unique personal approach and brilliant customer care. Our close cooperation has always been steady and successful, leading to profits for both parties.

Anelia Ivanova

Marketing Manager, Tradologic

Attending and sponsoring iFX EXPO has helped us bring massive exposure to our product and allowed us to meet with clients and potential clients from all over the world. In addition, being able to meet with other delegates, and attend the panel discussions, has gained us valuable insight into the state of the currency trading industries on all levels.

Mikhail Chistyakov

Managing Director, Binarystation

Our participation iFX EXPOs has enabled Swissquote to successfully promote our FX Services to targeted audiences, meet face to face with existing clients, potential partners and industry participants as well as stay update to date on current industry trends.

Ryan Nettles

Investing. com Team loves coming back to the iFX EXPO year after year, it's the best conference to meet the majority of the industry and create new business relationships. I would recommend the conference to any Brand, Company and individual within the Finance and Media industry.

Itai Ronel

Business Development, Investing. com

Every CEO is interest in the bottom line, for me iFX EXPO has proven to be the best B2B expo. The expo had more attendees then any other expo I have attended within the sector and I believe the expo will continue to grow.

Ran Cohen

CEO, Traders Education

The iFX EXPO is the leading global and regional Forex event and AlgoCharge has benefited substantially from this dynamic yet focused and target exhibition year after year. We look forward to exhibiting again at the upcoming iFX EXPO Asia 2015 with many new cutting edge solutions geared for Asian Forex and Binary Brokers.

James Abraham

VP Sales & Marketing, Algocharge

SafeCharge has been a proud sponsor and participant of iFX EXPO events since their inception. Events are always busy and vibrant, with numerous key industry executives in attendance. iFX EXPO events are recognized as leading conferences for the financial services industry and where the latest trends and services are unveiled.

Praful Morar

Corporate Development & Strategy Director, SafeCharge

Get In Touch

We would like to hear from you! Whether you are interested in exhibiting, sponsoring or attending our event, feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or requests. We will do our best to respond to your message within 48 hours.

155, Agias Fylaxeos street, Ersi Court, Office 101, Limassol, 3083, Cyprus

xForex Trading

Xforex is certainly not new to the forex industry, as they have been online for over 5 years and are backed by Saxo Bank, Deutsche Bank, and Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, three very experienced and highly capitalized world banks. They opened their platform to traders in 2003 and are now expanding to the US with a Canadian office out of Toronto, Canada. Their home operations are out of Cyprus. Xforex started as Trouvia Investments LTD, but the company has since changed names to Ultimass Global Inc.

The unique and proprietary forex trading platform is very good. The software is all web-based, so you can trade from anywhere without downloading any software to a pc. They have made the registration and deposit process very simple and we don’t forsee even the most novice trader having any difficulties getting started trading forex with Xforex. You can start an account wtih as little as $100 and they offer up to 200:1 leverage. You will have access to 21 currency pairs including all the majors, and the opportunity to trade both gold and silver.

The interesting thing about trading with Xforex is that you will be assigned an personal financial trading expert to assist you while trading on their platform, and this applies to both novice and professional trader alike. This is a perk you definitely want to take advantage of, as this is definitely something we don’t see a lot of with online brokers. The support is 24 hours per day and they have multilingual representatives to assist you.

The trading platform is precise, clean and quite good with tight fixed spreads, no slippage and over 20 currency pairs to choose from. Trade $200k with a $1000 account with the leverage Xforex provides. Their reputation precedes them with secure backing, 5 years of experience online trading, one of the best and easiest trading platforms, and a very nice bonus of up to 20% on your first deposit.

The Xforex platform is multilingual and works well for beginning forex traders. The design of this system sets it apart, providing for a quick and reliable connection. Your provided with great customer service 24 hours per day, and a beginning platform that interfaces with the novice trader more like a video game than a hard to learn forex platform. This provide an entertainment facet to your forex trading you will find hard to match with any other forex broker.

They offer credit card deposits for funding your trading account, accepting most of the major credit cards. Withdrawals of profits are seamless and expedient. The promotions changed regularly, so check back often, but you can be rest assured that Xforex will always have a nice initial bonus offer. Xforex as we said earlier, has recently established a North American office in Toronto, Ontario at 296 Richmond Street West, Suite 301, after starting off in Cyprus with a slow start, Xforex is poised to really develop a name for itself with American investors.

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Major Plus500 stakeholders reduce their shares

Shares of the London Stock Exchange (LSE)-traded UK forex broker Plus500 (LON:PLUS) have changed hands in the past several days. According to the official regulatory publications on the LSE website, two of the major stakeholders in the broker – the US mutinational financial services firm JP Morgan Chase and the hedge fund Odey Asset Management have slightly reduced their shares in the company.

As a result of the transactions, JP Morgan Chase has reduced its share from 10.03% towards the end of February to 7.48% on March 8. On March 3 it has sold some stock, reducing its share to 6.99% and several days later bought some, to reach the current figure.

In the same period Odey Asset Management also sold some shares and now holds 23.95% of Plus500. In the several past months the hedge fund has been consistently reducing its share in the forex broker. Since December last year it has dropped by 1.5%.

Besides Alon Gonen, the founder of Plus500, JP Morgan Chase and Odey Asset Management, another major shareholder is the US multinational financial services company Morgan Stanley . It holds 6.81% of the shares.

Plus500 offers trading in forex, options, contracts for difference (CFDs), commodities, indices, and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). It operates its own online trading platform for CFDs available in over 31 languages on desktop and mobile operating systems. According to Investment Trends report from July 2015, Plus500 is the second largest CFD provider in the UK. It is licensed by three regulators – the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).

In the middle of February Plus500 released its preliminary unaudited results for 2015. According to them it generated revenues of $275.6 million and had a net profit of $96.6m. Over the same period its active customers increased 29% to 136 540. In 2015 Plus500 attracted 84 858 new customers.


JP Morgan Chase increases share in Plus500

Odey Asset Management sells shares in Plus500

Plus500 (LON:PLUS) steady upward trend continues

UK forex broker Plus500 consolidated revenue grows 20.4% in 2015

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An index of Asian shares erased its early gains on Tuesday after a measure of Chinese factory activity unexpectedly skidded to an 11-month low.

US Dollar, Pound May Fall as Soft Inflation Dents Rate Hike Bets

The US Dollar and the British Pound may decline as soft inflation figures weigh against near-term Fed and BOE interest rate hike speculation.

Forex Technical Analysis: EUR, JPY, GBP, CHF

Forex Technical Analysis: EUR, JPY, GBP, CHF Euro (EUR) EUR closed higher Monday. The high range close set the stage for a steady to higher open Tuesday. Stochastics and the RSI are turning Neutral to Bullish indicating that a short term low might be i…

GBP/USD Vulnerable to Slowing U. K. CPI - 1.4700 Support in Focus

A slowdown in the U. K. Consumer Price Index (CPI) may spur a test of the monthly lows in GBP/USD as it dampens bets of seeing a Bank of England (BoE) rate hike in 2015.

EURUSD Daily Forecast: March 24

EURUSD Forecast The EURUSD had a bullish momentum yesterday topped at 1.0970. The bias is bullish in nearest term testing 1.1040 key resistance located around the H4 EMA 200 as you can see on my H4 chart below. A clear break and daily close above that area could be an early signal of a major bullish reversal scenario. Immediate support is seen around 1.0880. A clear break below that area could lead price to neutral zone in nearest term testing 1.0800 area.

GBPUSD Daily Forecast: March 24

GBPUSD Forecast The GBPUSD was indecisive yesterday. Price attempted to push lower bottomed at 1.4837 but whipsawed to the upside and closed higher at 1.4950. The bias is neutral in nearest term. Immediate resistance is seen around 1.5000. A clear break above that area could trigger further bullish pressure testing 1.5050 – 1.5100 region. Immediate support is seen around 1.4900. A clear break below that area could trigger further bearish pressure testing 1.4850 or lower. I still prefer to stand aside for now.

USDJPY Daily Forecast: March 24

USDJPY Forecast The USDJPY was indecisive yesterday. Price slipped below the bullish channel as you can see on my h4 chart below suggests a potential bearish scenario. The bias is bearish in nearest term testing 119.30. A clear break below that area could trigger further bearish pressure testing 118.70 area. Immediate resistance is seen around 119.90. A clear break above that area could lead price to neutral zone in nearest term but would keep the bullish scenario remains intact testing 120.30 – 120.60 or higher.

USDCHF Daily Forecast: March 24

USDCHF Forecast The USDCHF had a bearish momentum yesterday after broke below 0.9730 bottomed at 0.9639. The bias is bearish in nearest term testing 0.9623. A clear break below that area could trigger further bearish pressure testing 0.9550 before test…

US Dollar Lower, US Treasuries Higher

US Dollar Lower, US Treasuries Higher US Treasury Complex The US Treasury market saw sellers stayed on the sidelines Monday Yields were little changed, although the belly of the curve managed to pad some of its recent gains 2-yr yield Unch at 0.58% 3-yr yield -2 bpts at 0.93% 5-yr yield -2 bpts at 1.39% 7-yr […]

XE Market Analysis: Asia – Mar 23, 2015

The dollar headed broadly lower in N. Y. trade on Monday, as its recent run-up continued to unwind to a degree. EUR-USD ran up to 1.0954 highs, after finding good support on brief forays under the figure, though given QE from the ECB, and the ongoing Gr…

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В еврозоне рост уровня себестоимости рабочей силы ускорился в 4 квартале

Согласно данным, полученным в пятницу от Статистической службы ЕС, в четвертом квартале 2015 года, рост уровня себестоимости рабочей силы ускорился по сравнению предыдущими двумя кварталами.

В четвертом квартале почасовые затраты на рабочую силу увеличились на 1,3% в годовом выражении после роста на 1,1% в предыдущем квартале. Во втором квартале 2015 года, рост показателя составил 1,7%.

Почасовые затраты на рабочую силу в промышленном секторе увеличились на 1,2%, в строительном секторе – на 0,5% и в секторе услуг – на 1,3%.

В 28 странах ЕС уровень себестоимости рабочей силы поднялся на 1,9% в годовом выражении.

Среди стран ЕС самый значительный рост показателя был зафиксирован в Румынии, Чешской Республике, Латвии, Болгарии, Словакии и Австрии, в то время как снижение показателя произошло в Италии, на Кипре, в Люксембурге и Нидерландах.

Опубліковано: 2016-03-18 10:33:00 UTC+00

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