Friday, November 11, 2016

Forex Fc-61

Error de servidor en la aplicación '/'.

Se detectó un valor Request. Path potencialmente peligroso desde el cliente (?).

Descripción: Se produjo una excepción no controlada durante la ejecución de la solicitud web actual. Revise el seguimiento de la pila para obtener más información acerca del error y dónde se originó en el código.

Detalles de excepción: System. Web. HttpException: Se detectó un valor Request. Path potencialmente peligroso desde el cliente (?).

Se generó una excepción no controlada durante la ejecución de la solicitud web actual. La información sobre el origen y la ubicación de la excepción se puede identificar utilizando el seguimiento de la pila de excepciones a continuación.

Error de servidor en la aplicación '/'.

Se detectó un valor Request. Path potencialmente peligroso desde el cliente (?).

Descripción: Se produjo una excepción no controlada durante la ejecución de la solicitud web actual. Revise el seguimiento de la pila para obtener más información acerca del error y dónde se originó en el código.

Detalles de excepción: System. Web. HttpException: Se detectó un valor Request. Path potencialmente peligroso desde el cliente (?).

Se generó una excepción no controlada durante la ejecución de la solicitud web actual. La información sobre el origen y la ubicación de la excepción se puede identificar utilizando el seguimiento de la pila de excepciones a continuación.

No sé si estoy usando el término correctamente lol. En resumen, dibujar fibo en CD y comprobar cuántos pips posiblemente podría agarrar. No podía agarrar más de 10 pips en 38,2 retracement de CD, no comercio.

Ah lol, que no es el término adecuado, el volumen está en acciones, por lo general se ve el volumen alto cuando el dinero está jugando, el volumen de divisas no es tan fiable hasta donde yo sé

Sí, esos pares de yenes van todos juntos siempre deben tener algún recordatorio que me dicen que juegue sólo 1 de esos a la vez (lo bueno que es tener 7 ganador se correlaciona con lo malo es tener 7 perdedores) GBPJPY 5m alcista Navarro 200 (cuál es el origen de éste?) 5m con gartley FC 61.8% + 261.8% [ATTACH = CONFIG] 181569 [/ ATTACH]

El usuario del foro harrymonic encontró el patrón. Puede leer sobre N200 aquí https://www. forex-tsd. com/harmonic-t. Onic-time. html N200 tiene que ser considerado con el tiempo. Parece que hay un N200 alcista en EURUSD.

A-B-C-D Comercio

Aquí hay otro gráfico de 1 hora con PSQ9. Luna a intervalos de 45 grados y Marte a intervalos de 90 grados.

Alinee la herramienta de canal de fibra (FC) a Marte 0, bajando a Marte 270 grados.

Podemos ver el precio se adhieren a los niveles de expansión 31.4 y 61.8 el lunes 17 de octubre. El golpe al FC 61.8 también cruzó la diagonal Moon 270.

El precio retrocedió al FC 31.4, y procedió a hacer una extensión al nivel 131.4 18 de octubre 09:00.

La acción de precio se comportó muy bien y se ajustó a la S & amp; R, e hizo una revisión a la 131.4 20 de octubre 14:00. Una buena oportunidad de rebote estaba allí que pasó a ser el último pivote bajo antes de la próxima tendencia alcista.

Una extensión horizontal de fib usando el alto cerca de Marte 0-grado y bajo justo debajo del FC 61.8, dio como resultado el fondo 131.4 como su extensión 138.2 (etiquetada H138.2).

La entrada como comercio de ruptura fue justo por debajo de la penetración de Marte 270, o tras revisar después de rebote de la FC 31.4.

Muchas otras oportunidades comerciales en la semana existieron. BAJA divergencia en el toque de resurface de la -31.4 19 de octubre.

Los nuevos espectadores / comerciantes necesitan acostumbrarse a mirar estos niveles de S & amp; R, y el cumplimiento del mercado, para formular un plan.

Una vez que usted tiene un plan, se adhieren a él. No se desvíe, y no comprometa. Esta es la única manera de mantenerse disciplinado. Y, obviamente, asegúrese de que el R / R es bueno.

Un R / R de 2.5: 1 significa que sólo tienes que ganar un 30% hasta el punto de equilibrio.

Tenemos el mismo gráfico de 1 hora de PSQ9 y nos centramos en los movimientos hacia arriba y hacia abajo antes y después de la semana separados por el 30 de octubre.

La izquierda de la línea vertical amarilla muestra una tendencia alcista Weds-Thurs de esa semana. El diagrama era Marte 270 a Marte 0-grado (mismo 360 grados). Las etiquetas de los precios son entrada apenas sobre rotura de Marte 0-degree, y S / L apenas debajo de -31.4 nivel.

Las etiquetas ascendentes son relaciones R / R a niveles de expansión 31,4, 61,8, 100, 131,4. El tope fue de 261,8.

A la derecha de la línea vertical, es la nueva semana del 30 de octubre. Una vez que el precio cayó el 31 de octubre a las 02:00 (lunes asiático) al Marte 90, podemos trazar Mars 180 tirando hacia abajo a Marte 90.

Si la entrada no se hizo en el desglose de Marte 90 (a la baja), otra oportunidad se presentó cuando el precio se recupera de la expansión 61.8, alcanzando el Marte 90 (ahora la resistencia). Diagonal Moon 315 cruzó este lugar. Esto está marcado con "X" amarillo.

El precio se mantuvo por debajo de la línea cero de Ehlers 'Fisher Transform (EFT), que indica la tendencia a la baja. Un 100% retrace de la semana anterior de movimiento ocurrido el 01 de noviembre 01:00. Este nivel es también el FC 200 y Marte de 270 grados. Una "X" Marca este lugar.

El precio finalmente hizo más ganancias después de la parada en el FC 100. Eso se puede medir por:

Parcela horizontal de fib usando Oct 26th Low y Oct 27th High. El fondo tenía una extensión de 138,2, con una sonda a la Luna 315.

Ampliación del diagrama de canal de fib de Marte 180 a Marte 0-grado (1 nivel abajo). El fondo es el FC 131.4.

Todos los ratios están relacionados. Tome las 2 líneas de Marte por encima de ese fondo. Trace el canal fib de Marte 270 abajo 1 nivel a Marte 180 grados. El fondo es el FC 61.8.

Cuando recordamos y tenemos tiempo, presionamos el botón en una cuenta de práctica. Aquí está una declaración del 5 de octubre al último comercio acaba de mencionar.

Obviamente, somos sólo una entidad desconocida en Internet, por lo que puede tomar esta forma que desee.

Total de 15 operaciones muestra 14 victorias. La pérdida 1 fue en realidad un error como orden en la dirección equivocada. Que fue cancelado rápidamente y una pequeña pérdida registrada en el registro.

Las técnicas utilizadas están todas en este hilo. El factor de beneficio de 59, sin duda, bajará sustancialmente con el paso del tiempo y las pérdidas registradas.

La cantidad promedio de lotes negociados en esta cuenta de $ 100,000 fue de 4 y 5 lotes. El apalancamiento es por lo tanto muy bajo. El rendimiento total es del 11,3%.

Esta fue una muestra muy conservadora. Demuestra que incluso si deducimos más resbalones, los resultados siguen siendo muy buenos. No se emplearon técnicas de pirámide o martingala.

El último ejemplo salió justo por encima del FC 131.4 e imprimió 1.37071. Esa fue una salida conservadora y es un ejemplo de las operaciones demo en la declaración de la muestra.

Nuestro mensaje es que usted puede aprender a leer el mercado.

El gráfico 1 es EUR / USD con los mismos niveles de PSQ9 Moon a intervalos de 45 grados. Esta trama de canal de fib se alinea con la Luna de la semana pasada y la Luna con 270 grados.

Hoy en día las 06:00 y las 07:00 los mínimos de la temporada de vela fueron impactos al nivel de FC 131.4%.

El par también está respetando los niveles de Luna de esta semana.

Como de costumbre, preste atención al tiempo, ya que la volatilidad con este par comienza a las 06:00, con abierto europeo 07:00. El precio puede cambiar de dirección o pivotar duro. Los datos a menudo se publican durante este período también, y en la sesión europea temprana.

La gráfica 2 es la continuación de la gráfica GannBox_144. Hemos marcado la línea roja de 1 / 1_angle para ilustrar los 2 hits 1 y 3 de noviembre. Hay una técnica de línea de tendencia que negocia el rebote en el tercer golpe (7 de noviembre).

Como hemos narrado, precio rompió a la baja 9 de noviembre. S & amp; R claramente en el azul horizontal 36, retroceda hasta el 1 / 1_angle rojo, y retroceda el 1 / 3rd amarillo (HLine1).

Como mencionamos, muchos usuarios monitorean los marcos de tiempo más grandes, y disparan uno o más pequeños. Este es un aspecto fundamental fundamental (opción / estilo) de la negociación.

Última edición por fxbaja; 11-15-2011 at 08:42.

11-15-2011, 09:11 AM

Fecha de Ingreso: Jun 2008

Breakout de Asian Low llegó al FC 100, y más allá. En vista de los próximos 09:30 U. K. datos y más a las 10:00, salida conservadora y prudente.

Новости Форекс Онлайн

Каждый, кто торгует на рынке Форекс, знает, что стоимость той или иной валюты зависит от множества факторов. Так, например, цена валюты зависит от макроэкономического положения страны, которой принадлежит эта денежная единица. Поэтому, чтобы трейдинг приносил прибыль, нужно постоянно просматривать экономические новости, а также уметь быстро разбираться в отчетах регуляторов.

Для вашего удобства мы предлагаем вам специальный раздел «Форекс-новости», в котором представлена ​​непрерывная, регулярно обновляемая лента свежих новостей. Самые интересные новости помечаются как «Новость дня».

Новости экономики и финансов. размещаемые на нашем сайте, мы получаем от ведущих мировых аналитических и информационных агентств.

Новости рынка Форекс - это незаменимый инструмент, который необходим в прогнозе движения цены. В частности, если опубликованные данные противоречат рыночному тренду, то влияние новости на динамику рынка ограничится несколькими часами. Если же наоборот - данные подтвердят движение тренда - то он будет только увеличиваться с возможным откатом в будущем.

Ниже представлены последние Форекс-новости, оказывающие непосредственное влияние на котировки валют, - новости экономики, финансов, политики и валютных рынков.

Следите за изменениями в мире Форекс, и вы всегда будете в курсе самых важных событий, что позволит вам своевременно принимать решения при совершении торговых операций.

В Японии индекс совпадающих экономических индикаторов в январе составил 113,5 111,0 после в декабре Индекс совпадающих экономических индикаторов в Японии поднялся до 113,5 в январе после. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 05:04:00

В Японии индекс опережающих экономических индикаторов в январе составил 101,8 101,3 после в декабре Индекс опережающих экономических индикаторов в Японии превысил первоначальные оценки. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 05:03:00

Курс иены практически не изменился после выхода данных posts de инфляции и индекса опережающих индикаторов Сегодня в 01:00 ET были опубликованы окончательные данные posts de изменению уровня инфляции в. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 05:00:00

Индекс Nikkei закрылся на отметке 17 002,75 с повышением на 0,65%, согласно неофициальным данным

& Raquo; 2016-03-24 23:50:00

В Японии цены производителей en феврале выросли на 0,2% г / г

& Raquo; 2016-03-24 19:00:00

Nasdaq posts de неофициальным данным закрылся с повышением на 4,27 пункта (0,09%) на отметке 4 773,13

& Raquo; 2016-03-24 19:00:00

S & P 500 по неофициальным данным закрылся с понижением на 0,72 пункта (0,04%) на отметке 2 035,99

& Raquo; 2016-03-24 19:00:00

Dow Jones con un precio de 14,31 пункта (0,08%) на отметке 17 516,90 п ,90 ,90 ,90 ,90 ,90 ,90 ,90 ,90 ,90 ,90 ,90 ,90 ,90 ,90 ,90 ,90 ,90 ,90

& Raquo; 2016-03-24 18:49:00

Cuaderno de notas Brent Añadir a la cesta (3) (0,07%) desde $ 40,44 por favor haga clic aquí para ver los detalles del producto

& Raquo; 2016/03-24 18:43:00

Цена на нефть за неделю опустилась, несмотря на сокращение числа нефтедобывающих установок в США Сегодня фьючерсы на нефть опустились, отойдя от многомесячного максимума, достигнутого. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-24 18:01:00

Доллар незначительно изменился накануне праздничных выходных Доллар демонстрирует разнонаправленную торговлю posts de отношению к своим основным. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-24 14:02:00

Индекс Южной Африки FTSE 40 закрылся на отметке 5 292,6 пункта Индекс Южной Африки FTSE 40 закрылся с понижением на 0,04% на отметке 5 292,6 пункта. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-24 13:59:00

Курс евро снизился относительно мировых валют В начале американской торговой сессии единая европейская валюта уступила позиции. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-24 13:16:00

Пара USD / CHF консолидируется в области 0,9756, сохраняется восходящий импульс • Валютная пара USD / CHF поднялась с отметки 0,9736, 0,9762 чтобы тестировать уровень в. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-24 13:13:00

В США число заказов на пособие по безработице увеличилось до 265 тыс Согласно данным, полученным в четверг от Министерства труда США, число первичных. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-24 13:10:00

В США число заказов на товары длительного пользования упало на 2,8% феврале в, что меньше прогноза После публикации значительного понижения числа новых заказов на товары, произведенные в. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-24 12:48:00

Канадский индекс S & P / TSX Composite торгуется на отметке 13 258,71 13 258,71 пункта отметке Канадский индекс S & P / TSX Composite торгуется с понижением на 0,9% на. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-24 12:46:00

Евро упал до 125,53 против японской иены

& Raquo; 2016-03-24 12:37:00

В США число заказов на товары долгосрочного пользования сократилось меньше, чем ожидалось Согласно данным, полученным в четверг от Министерства торговли США, в феврале число. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-24 12:33:00

В США число безработных за неделю незначительно увеличилось Согласно данным, опубликованным Министерством труда США, число полученных впервые. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

Tiny String Bikini Concursos - Diez mejores consejos para ganar

Ganar pequeños concursantes de bikini cadena no obtener sus coronas (o vales bikini) sin un poco de trabajo duro y la preparación de antemano. Si usted está pensando en convertirse en el próximo modelo de bikini superior mediante la introducción y ganando varios concursos de bikini en todo el país, aquí hay diez consejos más importantes para ayudar a llegar allí.

1. Sea confiado Los modelos del bikiní que lo hacen grande son generalmente los que creen en sí mismos. Por lo tanto, asegúrese de hacerlo! Elegir un bikini que se sienta cómodo, que acentúa sus mejores características, por lo que realmente se siente como usted está poniendo su mejor pie - o cualquier otra parte del cuerpo - hacia adelante. Apuntala tus cosas como si ya seas un modelo superior en todo el mundo y encontrarás que otros ya te verán en la imagen que quieres retratar.

2. Sea sexy Los modelos del bikiní de la secuencia son adeptos en demostrar - y cubrir - los lugares derechos. No es tanto acerca de quién muestra la piel más, como quien lo hace de la manera más sexy. A veces, un poco más de material deja una impresión más sexy. Otras veces, menos es más. Sea cual sea la forma en que vaya, asegúrese de que es sexy y no slutty.

3. Sea feliz El atributo más prominente de los modelos de bikini - aparte de los físicos obvios - suele ser una sonrisa. Ningún modelo gruñón ha ganado un concurso de bikini, así que asegúrate de que tus jueces te vean sonreír y reír. Como un ceño puede costarle su corona.

4. Estar en forma Los modelos de bikini Flabby no ganan concursos, no importa lo hermoso que son. Tampoco los perezosos. Sí, es cierto, un riguroso entrenamiento y los entrenamientos son agotador, pero si ser un modelo de concurso de bikini que gana es su sueño, asegúrese de que usted se da la mejor oportunidad.

Mira cada concurso como tu puerta de entrada a una nueva carrera y asegúrate de que estás a tu máximo absoluto físico cuando entras. Si siente que su cuerpo está en su mejor momento, entonces su confianza será alto, se sentirá feliz con uno mismo, y que, sin duda, se ven muy bien.

5. Sea bronceado ¡Un modelo del bikiní sin un bronceado es como un bikiní de la secuencia sin una secuencia! Aunque el camino más fácil es sólo para sentarse en el sol, con advertencias sanitarias en estos días que nos instan a cuidar de nuestra piel, encubrir, y permanecer fuera del sol, un bien administrado autobronceador funcionará igual de bien. La clave sin embargo, es mantener la coherencia. Sexy usted puede estar en su bikini de la secuencia, pero un ganador que usted no si usted se divierte la mancha o el tan falso muy anaranjado. Hazlo bien. Ir a los profesionales.

6. Ser expertos Savvy cadena bikini modelos de investigación antes de entrar en sus concursos. Si conoce los nombres de sus jueces, lea sobre ellos y vea si no puede aprender algo que le dará una ventaja. Tal vez su principal juez le gusta el color amarillo - así que use un traje de baño amarillo. Asegúrese de saber exactamente dónde se llevará a cabo el concurso de bikini y en qué momento, y por cuánto tiempo durará. Si conoce a otros modelos de bikini que estarán entrando, vea si puede obtener una copia de sus perfiles y estudiar lo que está en contra. Si se trata de un concurso que se ha estado ejecutando durante unos años, tratar de aprender un hecho o dos sobre él. De esta manera, si alguien te hace una pregunta, no aparecerás como un cuerpo en bikini.

7. Esté preparado Lleve un bikini de repuesto o dos, maquillaje extra, y varios tipos de zapatos, por si algo sucede a lo que usted planea usar el día del concurso.

8. Ser modelos únicos de bikini que tienen algo que es único y se destaca son mucho más fáciles de recordar que los que no lo hacen. Si usted naturalmente tiene una característica única, como un color de ojos inusual o mandíbula fuerte, capitalizar en él mediante la elección de un color apropiado o el estilo de bikini. Si no, entonces un peinado más inusual, un tatuaje, un pedazo de joyería o un estilo del zapato podría ser la mejora que usted necesita para llegar a ser único en su concurso elegido del bikiní.

9. Sea realista Si es posible, haga que alguien (preferiblemente un profesional) tome su fotografía mientras está siendo juzgado para que pueda criticarse después o si fuera perfecto, obtenga una gran imagen para usar para la autopromoción.

10. Sé USTED Si usted se ha tomado la molestia de participar en un concurso de bikini, entonces vaya adelante y hágase orgulloso. Después de todo, sabes que eres la modelo de bikini más hermosa, sexy y hermosa que alguna vez anduvo por las calles, no? Es sólo cuestión de tiempo antes de que los jueces vean eso también!

Error de servidor en la aplicación '/'.

Se detectó un valor Request. Path potencialmente peligroso desde el cliente (?).

Descripción: Se produjo una excepción no controlada durante la ejecución de la solicitud web actual. Revise el seguimiento de la pila para obtener más información acerca del error y dónde se originó en el código.

Detalles de excepción: System. Web. HttpException: Se detectó un valor Request. Path potencialmente peligroso desde el cliente (?).

Se generó una excepción no controlada durante la ejecución de la solicitud web actual. La información sobre el origen y la ubicación de la excepción se puede identificar utilizando el seguimiento de la pila de excepciones a continuación.

Monaco FC Patrocinado por FXPro

Los deportes y el comercio de divisas van bien juntos. FXPro, que ya patrocina clubes de fútbol (fútbol) en la liga de primer ministro del Reino Unido y también en la Fórmula Uno, acaba de anunciar que patrocinará al Mónaco, que es un equipo senior de la liga francesa.

FXPro tiene su sede en Chipre y tiene oficinas en varios lugares del mundo, incluyendo la ciudad francesa de Niza. Este patrocinio mejorará la exposición de FXPro a clientes franceses y también a otros clientes europeos, ya que el Monaco FC participa regularmente en varias ligas de Europa.

Aquí hay más detalles, a través del comunicado de prensa oficial:

22 de marzo de 2011, Mónaco: FxPro Financial Services Ltd (FxPro), un agente líder mundial en FX y CFDs, anuncia hoy que ha acordado un acuerdo para ser el socio oficial de uno de los clubes de fútbol más prestigiosos de Europa.

FxPro ha firmado recientemente acuerdos con el AS Monaco FC, a través de Monaco Sportcom, su agencia de marketing, para ser socio oficial hasta el final de la temporada 2011/2012. La marca de FxPro se mostrará en la camisa del equipo y en el histórico estadio Stade Louis II del club.

AS Mónaco con sede en Fontvieille. Un distrito del Principado de Mónaco fue fundado en 1924 y actualmente juega en la Ligue 1, la primera división del fútbol francés. Es el único club de fútbol profesional de Mónaco y ha ganado siete títulos de liga y cinco trofeos de Coupe de France y también compite regularmente en el fútbol europeo, habiendo sido segundo en la Copa de la UEFA y la UEFA Champions League en 1992 y 2004 respectivamente.

Etienne Franzi, presidente de AS Monaco FC, dijo: "Estoy encantado de dar la bienvenida a FxPro a Mónaco y de anunciar su apoyo a nuestro equipo. Siempre es motivo de celebración cuando tienes la oportunidad de trabajar con una marca que comparte tu compromiso y Visión para el éxito. FxPro ya tiene una presencia global y, en asociación con nuestro club de fútbol, ​​mejorará aún más esta situación ".

Nathalie Abela-Aubery, directora de Mónaco Sportcom (directora de los derechos de comercialización de AS Monaco FC) añadió: "Estamos muy contentos de haber confirmado la llegada de FxPro como uno de los patrocinadores oficiales del AS Monaco FC. Esta asociación dinámica y evolutiva es parte de la renovación de las ambiciones deportivas del club. & # 8221;

Denis Sukhotin, fundador de FxPro comentó: "FxPro se ha comprometido a desarrollar la fuerza de nuestra marca a través del patrocinio. Estamos encantados de asociarnos con un equipo tan prestigioso y de alto perfil en AS Monaco FC, que comparte nuestra pasión por la excelencia y el éxito. FxPro está ampliando su perfil en mercados clave, por lo que la elección de un equipo popular e histórico, en uno de los lugares más ricos del mundo, es un ajuste natural para las futuras ambiciones del negocio ".

FxPro tiene oficinas en Niza, Londres, Madrid, Viena, Moscú y Chipre.

Se puede acceder a la plataforma en: www. fxpro. com

sobre el autor

Yohay Elam - Fundador, Escritor y Editor

He estado en el mercado de Forex por más de 5 años, y comparto la experiencia que tengo y el conocimiento que he acumulado. Después de tomar un curso corto sobre forex. Al igual que muchos comerciantes de forex, he ganado la parte significativa de mi conocimiento de la manera difícil. La macroeconomía, el impacto de las noticias en los siempre cambiantes mercados de divisas y la psicología comercial siempre me han fascinado.

Antes de fundar Forex Crunch, he trabajado como programador en varias empresas de alta tecnología. Tengo un B. Sc. En Ciencias de la Computación de la Universidad Ben Gurion. Dado este fondo, el software de la divisa tiene una parte relativamente mayor en los postes.

Artículos Relacionados

Forex Club: Opiniones

ForexClub - uno de los corredores rusos más grandes de la divisa. Forex Club reseñas y otra información sobre la empresa, te presentamos a continuación. Este corredor tiene varias diferencias importantes de otras empresas de corretaje, en particular, utiliza la plataforma de negociación de Rumus en lugar de todos los habituales MT4.

Forex Club - un poco sobre la empresa

Sitio oficial www. fxclub. org. La empresa inició sus operaciones en 1997. La actividad de la empresa está regulada por KROUFR. Broker es un ganador múltiple del "Best Broker of the Year".

FC es uno de los mayores corredores en el mercado internacional de divisas (Ucrania, Rusia, muchos países de la CEI, así como los EE. UU., Brasil, China, la Unión Europea) y uno de los más antiguos " - a la par con Alpari. FC - markemeyker, es decir, contraparte de los operadores de divisas en las transacciones comerciales. También existen cuentas NDD donde las transacciones aparecen en contratistas externos.

El tamaño mínimo del lote es de 1000 $. Apalancamiento 1: 1 - 1: 100. Difundir unos 3-5 puntos, la comisión es cero. O comercio posible con spread cero, entonces la comisión por la transacción es de $ 0,4 por cada 1.000 unidades de moneda base, pero sólo en el caso de un comercio rentable. Al perder la expansión del comercio y la comisión cero (gasto StartFx).

Utilice el swap de devengo. Disponible para negociar 22 pares de divisas, algunas acciones e índices bursátiles.

Llenar una cuenta de comerciante, puede utilizar una transferencia bancaria o tarjetas de crédito, sistemas de pago electrónico MoneyBookers, RBKMoney, Vebmani Elecsnet terminales y Qiwi, transferencia postal, UNIStream, CONTACTO. Puede retirar fondos mediante transferencia bancaria, tarjeta de crédito y sistema WebMoney.

Analyse Forex Club opiniones

Mire y compare los diferenciales, notará que en los depósitos pequeños los spreads FC son bastante altos en comparación con depósitos más grandes. Si comparamos con el mismo Alpari, entonces no tiene ninguna dependencia de la magnitud del tamaño del spread del depósito, lo cual es indudablemente una ventaja para los comerciantes con capital pequeño.

FC permite a la empresa abrir varios tipos de cuentas, dependiendo de que los comerciantes comercian en una plataforma u otra. Por ejemplo, para escribir cuentas StartFx plataforma de negociación llamada StartFx, para ExpertFx - Rumus, para MetaFX - MT4.

La única ventaja de usar la plataforma es devolver la comisión de StartFx para transacciones no rentables. La mayoría de los comentarios de Forex Club StartFx negativo. Estudio adicional en el mejor libro de la divisa en este sitio.

El interés específico es la plataforma ActTrader, permitiendo una carrera en tecnología NDD con CFD (contratos por diferencia) de empresas e índices individuales (DAX, Google, FTSE 100, etc.).

Las ventajas de usar Rumusa (programas para la negociación propietaria) incluyen la capacidad de recibir señales del indicador del sentimiento del mercado. De acuerdo con algunas revisiones Forex Club, Rumus bastante tiempo cargado, exigiendo la memoria de la computadora, que requiere reinicios frecuentes, lo que es muy molesto, especialmente cuando se trata de cierre urgente. Algunos comerciantes toman Rumus para realizar transacciones, pero se utilizan en paralelo en MT4 cuenta demo para el análisis, para abrir después de Rumuse ya. Muy incómodo.

También se prohíben las posiciones de FC Bloqueo y cobertura, es decir, con transacción abierta para la compra, si el comerciante quiere abrir un nuevo contrato para vender este volumen, la posición larga se cerrará automáticamente.

La plataforma más popular fue y sigue siendo MT4. Trabajar con MetaTrader siempre cómodo y tiene una buena velocidad de ejecución de órdenes.

Análisis del Club de Forex - conclusiones

Para resumir, estamos más inclinados a elegir un corredor Alpari, si hay una pregunta - ForeksKlub o FAQs. El último tiene un montón de herramientas útiles para la inversión y el comercio, una plataforma de comercio único, buenas críticas en línea. Pero la elección es tuya. Acabamos de revisar y presentar los hechos tal como son.

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GBP/USD extiende su rally y se acerca a 1.4600

FXStreet (Bogotá) - GBP/USD rompió por encima del retroceso del 38,2% de su caída diciembre-enero y alcanzó nuevos máximos de 3 semanas . mientras el dólar continúa debilitándose en todos los ámbitos.

GBP/USD reanudó su recuperación el miércoles, y ha subido más de 200 pips a un máximo de 1.4595 antes de perder un poco su impulso. Al momento de escribir, el par se negocia a 1.4550, creciendo un valor cercano al 1.0% en lo que va del día.

La venta masiva de dólares, fue encendida por William Dudley (presidente de la Fed de New York) quien hizo comentarios moderados acerca de la entidad y sus proyecciones, que luego fue compensado con un informe ADP positivo de EE. UU. y mas tarde, un reporte sobre producción de servicios ISM PMI muy decepcionante (53.5 vs 55.1 esperado), que incrementaron la tendencia bajista del USD.

GBP/USD niveles a considerar

En términos de niveles técnicos, las próximas resistencias que el par podría enfrentar son 1.4600 (nivel psicológico), 1.4657 (50.0% de retroceso de Fibonacci 1.5239 a 1.4078) y 1.4722 (50 días SMA). Por otro lado, los soportes se ven en 1.4354 (20 días SMA), 1.4330/25 (10 días de SMA/mínimo del 2 de febrero) y 1.4227 (mínimo del 1 de febrero).

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STMicroelectronics. nouvelles puces de conversion d'énergie pour l'architecture de datacenters 48 V de nouvelle génération présentée par Google

Les nouvelles puces de STMicroelectronics permettent le plus haut rendement en conversion d'énergie pour l'architecture de datacenters 48 V de nouvelle génération présentée par Google

Innovante et évolutive, la technologie de conversion d'énergie isolée qui équipe la nouvelle architecture puissance 48 V réduit les pertes de puissance, l'espace occupé et les coûts de refroidissement

Cette nouvelle famille compte trois circuits intégrés actuellement en production et disponibles en volume

Genève, le 10 mars 2016 - STMicroelectronics (NYSE: STM), un leader mondial dont les clients couvrent toute la gamme des applications électroniques, annonce une nouvelle famille de circuits intégrés de conversion d'énergie dédiés aux architectures de puissance 48 V. Ces trois nouveaux produits sont disponibles en volume.

Pour répondre à des exigences de performances sans cesse croissantes, la puissance de calcul des serveurs et des processeurs - mais aussi leur consommation d'énergie - a été accrue au moyen de circuits multicoeurs. Cette nouvelle architecture a pour objectif de réduire considérablement les déperditions de puissance à l'intérieur des serveurs qui équipent les centres informatiques ( datacenters ) tout en répondant pleinement aux exigences de la nouvelle architecture 48 V annoncée par Google.

ST a mis en oeuvre la technologie de conversion directe de puissance numérique à partir d'une tension de 48 V en développant une famille de circuits intégrés pour prendre en charge la gamme complète des applications de conversion d'énergie pour datacenters. La conversion directe de puissance numérique élimine les étages de conversion intermédiaires en vue de minimiser les pertes de puissance liées à la distribution d'énergie dans les centres informatiques, tout en réduisant l'espace occupé, les exigences de refroidissement et les coûts. Ces circuits intégrés sont entièrement conformes aux spécifications de régulation de tension VR12.5 d'Intel (Haswell et Broadwell), VR13 (Skylake) et DDR3/4, et compatibles avec les FPGA et les ASIC pour datacenters. Associés à la famille de MOSFET de puissance basse tension StripFET(TM) de ST, les trois nouveaux circuits assurent un fonctionnement robuste et hautement efficace sous des tensions d'entrée comprises entre 36 V et 72 V et dans une plage de tension de sortie comprise entre 0,5 V et 12 V. Ces spécifications confirment le rendement énergétique optimum supérieur à 97 % sous 12 V/500 W avec une bande passante système élevée et un encombrement minimum sur la carte électronique.

« Cette architecture 48 V convient parfaitement aux datacenters à ultra-haut rendement car elle permet de réduire de manière significative le coût total de possession », a déclaré Matteo LoPresti, Group Vice-president et directeur général de l'activité Produits analogiques de STMicroelectronics. « ST a déjà lancé la phase de production en volume et ces convertisseurs de puissance à résonance isolés sont déjà au service de cette application de nouvelle génération. C'est la preuve que cette solution assure un rendement énergétique de pointe, doublé d'une évolutivité et d'une flexibilité exceptionnelles .»

Ces trois circuits sont disponibles immédiatement ; par ailleurs, ST propose une carte de démonstration mettant en valeur les avantages de l'architecture 48 V et de sa solution à trois puces.

Notes techniques à l'attention des rédacteurs

La technologie de conversion directe à résonance isolée de ST assure une grande flexibilité dans un large éventail d'applications.

Le STRG02 est un contrôleur « côté secondaire » qui comporte une fonction de contrôle prédictif avec fonctions de commutation en tension nulle et en courant nul, tout en permettant de dissiper de l'énergie sur le front descendant de la mise à l'échelle par adaptation de tension (AVS).

Le STRG04 est un circuit d'attaque en pont complet 60 V qui fournit une fonction de commande à un large éventail de commutateurs externes de type MOS (Metal Oxide Semiconductor) ou en nitrure de gallium (GaN) à des fréquences élevées. Il prend en charge une large gamme de tensions d'entrée afin de simplifier sensiblement la chaîne de distribution d'énergie, notamment en autorisant la connexion directe de la batterie de secours, ce qui augmente la disponibilité du système.

Le STRG06 est un contrôleur de puissance numérique évolutif qui permet à l'architecture de serveurs pour datacenters alimentée sous 48 V de gérer jusqu'à six convertisseurs en parallèle, prenant ainsi en charge une puissance de sortie comprise entre 50 W et plus de 300 W. Le STRG06 met également en oeuvre des fonctions de gestion de la consommation proportionnelle à l'utilisation ( Energy-Proportional ), d'entrelacement adaptatif et de partage de courant, ainsi qu'un ensemble complet de commandes PMBUS(TM) étendues pour la gestion des défauts, des données de télémétrie au primaire et au secondaire, et un système de sécurité pour traçabilité et analyse, ce qui en fait une véritable boîte noire pour centres informatiques.

À propos de STMicroelectronics

ST, un leader mondial sur le marché des semiconducteurs, fournit des produits et des solutions intelligents qui consomment peu d'énergie et sont au coeur de l'électronique que chacun utilise au quotidien. Les produits de ST sont présents partout, et avec nos clients, nous contribuons à rendre la conduite automobile, les usines, les villes et les habitations plus intelligentes et à développer les nouvelles générations d'appareils mobiles et de l'Internet des objets.

Par l'utilisation croissante de la technologie qui permet de mieux profiter de la vie, ST est synonyme de « life. augmented ».

En 2015, ST a réalisé un chiffre d'affaires net de 6,90 milliards de dollars auprès de plus 100 000 clients à travers le monde. Des informations complémentaires sont disponibles sur le site. www. st. com.

Alexis Breton Tél. Mobile. alexis. breton@st. com Copyright GlobeNewswire

Les annexes de ce communiqué sont disponibles à partir de ce lien. http://hugin. info/152740/R/1993533/733956.pdf

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Les recommandations diffusées sur le site Bourse Direct sont des recommandations d'investissement à caractère général soumises aux dispositions législatives et réglementaires applicables aux communications à caractère promotionnel. Elles ne constituent en aucun cas un conseil personnalisé. Le client reconnaît et assure donc seul la responsabilisé de ses actes de gestion et des conséquences des positions prises ou non.

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RBI Guidelines

Bringing in and taking out of Foreign Exchange

Foreign Exchange can be brought into India without limit;

Declaration in form CDF necessary if the Amount > USD 10,000 (FC notes + TCs) and / or FC notes exceed USD 5000;

Taking out Foreign Exchange other than that obtained from AD/AMC prohibited;

Non - residents can take out Foreign Exchange up to the amount originally brought in;

Purchases of Foreign Currency from Public /Foreign Nationals:

Purchase from Residents / Non – Residents/foreign nationals FC Notes/ Coins/ TC's subject to submission of CDF (wherever applicable) to be taken;

Facility to avail INR against International Credit Cards by foreign tourists

Encashment Certificate to be issued in all cases of Encashments;

No limit for encashment is prescribed, if declared on the Currency Declaration Form (CDF) on arrival to the customs authorities.

No declaration in CDF is required for Foreign Currency with aggregate value upto US 5000 or equivalent;

No declaration in CDF is required for FC + TC with aggregate value upto US 10000 or equivalent;

For purchase of foreign currency notes and/ or Travellers' Cheques from customers for any amount less than Rs. 50,000/-, or its equivalent, copies of identification documents not required. However, details of the identification document to be furnished by the customer/ to be kept on record by the AMC;

For purchase of foreign currency notes and/ or Travellers' Cheques from customers for any amount equal to or in excess of Rs.50,000/-, or its equivalent, documents, as mentioned at (F-Part-II) annexed to the A. P. (DIR Series) Circular No.17 dated November 27, 2009, should be verified and copies retained.

Permissible limit for cash payments against encashment: a) Foreign Nationals up to -- US $ 3000 b) Residents up to -- US $ 1000

All other cases of encashments, payment to be made by way of Account Payee Cheque or demand draft only.

Payment to be made only by Cheque / DD, if purchases are from other FFMC/AD's;

Sale of foreign exchange Private Visits / Business Visits:

Sale against application, identification documents and declaration regarding Foreign Exchange availed during the financial year;

Private visit - up to USD 10,000 per financial year.

.Business visit-up to USD 25,000 per trip for Business / Conference / Training etc.

TC issue subject to conditions of TC issuing company;

Traveler to sign on the TC in the presence of Authorized official of AMC;

Payment in excess of Rs.50, 000 to be received by Cheque / DD;

Foreign Currency Notes up to USD 3000 and balance in TC's/Travel cards;

Exemptions - Travelers visiting

Libya & Iraq up to US $ 5000

Islamic Republic of Iran, Russian Federation and commonwealth of Independence States – Entire exchange to be released in FC notes;

Sales against Reconversion of Indian Currency

Non-residents are allowed to reconvert unspent INR at the time of their departure subject to production of a valid Encashment Certificate;

Non-residents are allowed to reconvert INR up to Rs.10,000 without a valid Encashment Certificate, for bonafide reasons, if departure is scheduled to take place within the following seven days.

Facility for reconversion of Indian Rupees to the extent of Rs. 50,000/- to foreign tourists (not NRIs) against ATM Receipts, are allowed subject to submission of the following documents:

Valid Passport and VISA

Ticket confirmed for departure within 7 days.

Original ATM slip (to be verified with the original debit/ credit card).

Preguntas frecuentes

1. Who is a resident? A 'person resident in India' is defined in Section 2(v) of FEMA, 1999 as:

A person residing in India for more than one hundred and eighty-two days during the course of the preceding financial year but does not include –

(A) a person who has gone out of India or who stays outside India, in either case - for or on taking up employment outside India, or for carrying on outside India a business or vocation outside India, or for any other purpose, in such circumstances as would indicate his intention to stay outside India for an uncertain period;

(B) a person who has come to or stays in India, in either case, otherwise than – for or on taking up employment in India, or for carrying on in India a business or vocation in India, or for any other purpose, in such circumstances as would indicate his intention to stay in India for an uncertain period; any person or body corporate registered or incorporated in India, an office, branch or agency in India owned or controlled by a person resident outside India, an office, branch or agency outside India owned or controlled by a person resident in India; 2. From where one can buy foreign exchange? Foreign exchange can be purchased from any authorised dealer. Besides authorised dealers, full-fledged money changers are also permitted to release exchange for business and private visits.

3. How much exchange is available for a business trip? Authorized dealers can release foreign exchange up to USD 25,000 for a business trip to any country other than Nepal and Bhutan. Release of foreign exchange exceeding USD 25,000 for a travel abroad (other than Nepal and Bhutan) for business purposes, irrespective of period of stay, requires prior permission from Reserve Bank. Visits in connection with attending of an international conference, seminar, specialised training, study tour, apprentice training, etc. are treated as business visits.

Incidentally, no release of foreign exchange is admissible for any kind of travel to Nepal and Bhutan or for any transaction with persons resident in Nepal and Bhutan.

4. How much foreign exchange can one buy when traveling abroad on private visits to a country outside India? In connection with private visits abroad, viz. for tourism purposes, etc. foreign exchange up to USD10,000, in any one financial year may be obtained from an authorised dealer on a self-declaration basis. The ceiling of USD10,000 is applicable in aggregate and foreign exchange may be obtained for one or more than one visit provided the aggregate foreign exchange availed of in one financial year does not exceed the prescribed ceiling of USD10,000 . This limit of USD10,000 per financial year can be availed of by a person along with foreign exchange for travel abroad for any purpose, including for employment or immigration or studies. However, no foreign exchange is available for visit to Nepal and/or Bhutan for any purpose. 5. How much foreign exchange can be purchased in foreign currency notes while buying exchange for travel abroad? Travellers are allowed to purchase foreign currency notes/coins only up to USD 2000. Balance amount can be taken in the form of travellers cheque or banker’s draft. Exceptions to this are (a) travellers proceeding to Iraq and Libya can draw foreign exchange in the form of foreign currency notes and coins not exceeding USD 5000 or its equivalent; (b) travellers proceeding to the Islamic Republic of Iran, Russian Federation and other Republics of Commonwealth of Independent States can draw entire foreign exchange in the form of foreign currency notes or coins. 6. How much in advance one can buy foreign exchange for travel abroad? The foreign exchange acquired for any purpose has to be used within 180 days of purchase. In case it is not possible to use the foreign exchange within the period of 180 days, it should be surrendered to an authorised person.

7. Can one pay by cash full rupee equivalent of foreign exchange being purchased for travel abroad ? Foreign exchange for travel abroad can be purchased from authorized person against rupee payment in cash up to Rs.50,000/-. However, if the rupee equivalent exceeds Rs.50,000/-, the entire payment should be made by way of a crossed cheque/banker’s cheque/pay order/demand draft only. 8. Is there any time frame for a traveller who has returned to India to surrender foreign exchange? On return from a foreign trip, travellers are required to surrender unspent foreign exchange held in the form of currency notes and travellers cheques within 180 days of return. However, they are free to retain foreign exchange upto USD 2,000, in the form of foreign currency notes or TCs for future use or credit to their RFC(Domestic) Accounts without any limit.

9. On return to India can one retain foreign exchange? Residents have the choice of either holding foreign currency up to USD 2,000 or its equivalent :- a. while on a visit abroad as payment for services not arising from any business in or anything done in India; or b. as honorarium or gift or for services rendered or in settlement of any lawful obligation from any person who is not resident in India and who is on a visit to India; or c. as honorarium or gift while on a visit to any place outside India; or d. from an authorised person for travel abroad and represents the unspent amount thereof. 10. Is one required to surrender foreign coins also to an authorised dealer? The residents can hold foreign coins without any limit.

11. While coming into India how much Indian currency can be brought in? A person coming into India from abroad can bring in with him Indian currency notes within the limits given below: a. up to Rs. 5,000 from any country other than Nepal or Bhutan, and b. any amount in denomination not exceeding Rs.100 from Nepal or Bhutan. 12. While going abroad how much foreign exchange, in cash, can a person carry? A person is allowed to carry foreign exchange in the form of currency notes/coins up to USD 2,000 or its equivalent only. Balance amount as applicable can be carried in the form of travellers cheque or banker/s draft. (In this connection please see item No.11).

13. While going abroad how much Indian currency, in cash, can a person carry? Residents are free to take outside India (other than to Nepal and Bhutan) currency notes of Government of India and Reserve Bank of India notes up to an amount not exceeding Rs. 5,000/ - per person. They may take or send outside India (other than to Nepal and Bhutan) commemorative coins not exceeding two coins each. Explicación. 'Commemorative Coin' includes coin issued by Government of India Mint to commemorate any specific occasion or event and expressed in Indian currency. A person can take or send out of India to Nepal or Bhutan, currency notes of Government of India and Reserve Bank of India notes (other than notes of denominations of above Rs. 100);

14. While coming into India how much foreign exchange can be brought in? A person coming into India from abroad can bring with him foreign exchange without any limit. Sin embargo, si el valor agregado de la moneda extranjera en forma de billetes de divisas, billetes de banco o cheques de viajero ingresados ​​excede de USD 10,000 / - o su equivalente y / o el valor de la moneda extranjera excede USD 5,000 / - o su equivalente, Deben declararse a las autoridades aduaneras en el aeropuerto en el formulario de declaración de divisas (CDF), a su llegada a la India.

La marque de prкt-а-porter Manoukian va disparaоtre

La marque de prêt-à-porter Manoukian va disparaître

C'est la fin de prиs de 35 ans d'existence dans le dressing des Franзaises. La marque de prкt-а-porter Alain Manoukian, propriйtй du groupe franco-amйricain BCBG Max Azria, va disparaоtre courant 2014. Avec а la clef la suppression de 175 emplois .

Selon une porte-parole de la direction, l'entreprise a nйgociй durant l'йtй le dernier volet d'un plan de restructuration entamй voilа trois ans, la perte d'un «contrat important» en 2009 ayant provoquй «des difficultйs financiиres majeures» en France. Ce plan, qui a pourtant permis de diviser les pertes par 4,5 en trois ans et d'envisager l'йquilibre en 2014, dйbouche finalement sur la suppression «d'environ 175 postes» en France, a indiquй la mкme source dans un communiquй.

Une source syndicale avait auparavant fait part de ce plan social en soulignant qu'il entraоnait la disparition de la marque Manoukian, fondйe en 1973 а Romans (Drфme) par le couple йponyme, d'ici l'йtй 2014. Selon Arnaud Pichot, secrйtaire gйnйral de l'union dйpartementale Force oOuvriиre Drфme-Ardиche, les suppressions d'emplois concernent les employйs des boutiques Alain Manoukian en France, mais aussi des salariйs du site de logistique du groupe BCBG а Mercurol (Drфme), oщ il a son siиge social.

«Manoukian, зa ne marche plus»

Au 31 janvier 2012, BCBG Max Azria, qui avait rachetй Alain Manoukian en 2005, employait 655 personnes, contre 837 un an avant, des magasins ayant fermй en 2010 et 2011. Il disposait en France а la mкme date de 84 points de vente, dont 58 dans son rйseau principal, avec des filiales en Suisse, Espagne, Belgique et Allemagne.

«Tous les salariйs concernйs ont reзu une lettre qui leur demande de renseigner leur йtat civil, afin d'йtablir l'ordre des licenciements», a indiquй Arnaud Pichot. «Manoukian, зa ne marche plus, зa fait deux ans que la collection est mauvaise et la branche perd de l'argent», a-t-il ajoutй.

La marque familiale.

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FC Market


FC Market is a regulated forex broker. To open an account, you must fulfill a minimal first deposit of $100, which is slightly lower than the average. Additionally, FC Market offers a maximum leverage of 500:1, which is above average, meaning that a trader can purchase large positions with a small amount of capital.

The offered margin-call level of 5% could be risky for unexperienced traders and we suggest you amend it higher when opening your account. A margin level below 100% indicates that the trader can continue to open new positions even when their overall equity has dropped below the open margin. If you choose to invest with FC Market, we recommend that you monitor your margin level and beware of opening positions when your equity is below your open margin.

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Consideraciones de riesgo

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Overall, FC Market scored a risk score of 3.76. This indicates that FC Market is an extremely risky broker option. If you intend to register with them, please make sure to thoroughly review the company's documentation and available information.

Para obtener más información sobre nuestras evaluaciones, consulte también nuestro desglose detallado en la guía.


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Exor: venduta partecipazione in Almacantar e investimenti finanziari a PartnerRe

Exor ha annunciato di aver raggiunto un accordo per vendere la sua partecipazione, pari a circa il 36%, in Almacantar, società immobiliare che ha sede in Gran Bretagna. L'acquirente è Partner Reinsurance Company, la compagnia di riassicurazione inter.

Eni: Moody's taglia rating, outlook stabile

L'agenzia di rating Moody's ha abbassato il rating a lungo termine di Eni portandolo a "Baa1", con outlook "stabile", dal precedente "A3" sotto revisione per un possibile downgrade. L'agenzia ha confermato a "'P-2" il giudizio a breve termine.

L'ottava in Europa si chiude con il segno meno

La settimana dei listini europei termina in territorio negativo: a Madrid l'Ibex ha segnato un -1,54% a 8.789,8 punti, il Dax è sceso dell'1,71% a 9.851,35 e il Cac40 si è fermato a 4.329,68, il 2,13% in meno rispetto al dato precedente. A Londra, do.

Piazza Affari chiude in calo, male le neo spose Banco-Bpm

Nuova seduta intonata al ribasso per Piazza Affari. L'ultima seduta prima della pausa per il ponte pasquale ha visto l'indice Ftse Mib lasciare sul terreno l'1,39% a 18.205 punti. Le contrattazioni riprenderanno a Piazza Affari 29 marzo. I mercati ha.

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Chiusura al ribasso ieri per l’indice Dax che ancora una volta non riesce ad avere ragione del prolungamento della linea di tendenza rialzista tracciabile dai minimi del 14 ottobre 2014 e del 24 agosto 2015, violata al ribasso a metà gennaio. Il Dax ha concluso le contrattazioni poco sotto quota 10.000 e, se dovesse rimanere sotto la pressione delle vendite, potrebbe arretrare verso 9.770 punti. Al di sotto di quest’ultima soglia arriverebbe.

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新しい良い先生かなと思う先生に巡り合えて ルンルン気分だったのに、、、、、 先生の、プロ魂の無さにガッカリしたというか? ショックを受けたと言うか?。。。。

力が、力が、、、入らない。。。そんな事位で。。。 先生が、笑って、 大~~じん! って 何事も無かったかのように、来たもので

あんなに、自分のスケジュールを調整するのに苦労した日 謝りまくって仕事の都合をつけた。。。バタバタして、、、、、 何とか時間に間に合わせようと走ってきた日だった。

そんな日だったから、つい 「ぷんっ!」 としてしまった。 大じんは、約束を守る為にそれだけの事をして来たのに 謝ってはくれたものの、その時は、笑顔を見せたけど、 心の中では、許してなかった。

その、この前書いたけど、自分の都合で、連絡も無くその時間に 自分の見たいテレビを見ていた事!。。。これが、理解できない! もう習いたくもないと思った。

しかし、又先生探すのって大変だなぁ~~~! だからって、この間、大人気なかったとも言いたくないし 何か、社交ダンスまで、嫌いになりそう!

Posted by 大じん at 05:05 PM | Permalink


人間は、結局自分が一番かわいいから、人を傷つけてしまう生き物。 (私も人に嫌な思いをさせているかもしれない) そう考えて、許してしまったこともありました。

Posted by: ととろ | August 24, 2006 at 09:43 PM

Posted by: ととろさんへ | August 25, 2006 at 11:54 AM

うっちゃん@通りがかりの初心者です。 私はまだどこぞの先生のところに 通っているわけではないのですが、 そんな先生もいるんですねぇ・・・。

ととろさまの書かれている案もとても 良いように思います。きっと相手はそれほど 気にしてないのではないでしょうか。

でも、それもやり辛いし、そんな人に 習いたいくないというのも わかる気がします。

同じ先生に習うとしても、違う先生を 探すにしても、せっかくはじめた 社交ダンスをやめてしまうことに ならないことを祈ってます。

Posted by: うっちゃん | August 27, 2006 at 08:52 PM

いろいろな先生がいますね。 先生に教わるにしても、先生が生徒に教える時に その生徒の事をどう思っているのかが、問題だと思います。生徒の為に教えるのか、自分の収入の為に教えているのか。どちらに重点を置いているかで大いに違ってくると思います。 生徒に上達してもらいたいと思って教えてくれる先生が良いですね。私の経験上そんな思いです。

Posted by: けんけん | August 27, 2006 at 10:37 PM

しかし、もう一度習うと言う事となると、話が違うのです。 それは、自分と、先生との心構えと言うか?、ポリシーと言うか? その辺の違いに気がついたのです。 頑固かもしれません。 でも、『習う』と言うことのスタイルは変えられないようです。

暫く、『習う』と言う事のみ、時間を置いてみようと思います。 社交ダンスは、続けようと思います。 お陰さまで、考えが決まりました。 ありがとう. うっちゃん! ☆彡 大じん ☆彡

Posted by: うっちゃんへ大じんより | August 29, 2006 at 01:36 PM

けんけんさんも経験していたんですよね。。。 やっぱり、自分の事を考えてくれる先生で無いとね! 同じ事をキット何度でもやるでしょうね。其の度に、嫌な気持ちを味わいそうな気がする。

暫く、楽な気持ちで、ダンスを楽しもっと。。。 ☆彡 大じん ☆彡

Posted by: けんけんさんへ大じんより | August 29, 2006 at 02:17 PM

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SAP works as follows -

Say the invoice posting is

Debit GRIR 1000

Credit Vendor 1000

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Credit B/S Adj. a/c 100

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Credit Bank 1050

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FXPrimus is associated with the team Manchester City FC of the English Premier League of Football

Por Raúl Canessa C.

The football club Manchester City FC of the Premier League has become the latest high profile sports team which has announced an official association with a broker, as it reach an agreement with the Forex and CFD broker FXPrimus. The agreement provides FXPrimus broad promotional and marketing rights. The UK team has just announced an alliance of three and a half years with FXPrimus, an online Forex broker. FXPrimus will become an official partner company of Manchester City FC.

The financial elements of the partnership agreement have not been made public yet, but this kind of endorsement deals with high profile teams are estimated at about $3 million dollars a year. Given that this is an agreement of several years, industry sources have said the entire agreement should cost about $7 million, or about $2 million a year.

The agreement will allow FXPrimus acquire a wide range of promotional rights, such as the presence in all digital channels of the soccer club. FXPrimus also will be a regular presence at the Etihad Stadium Manchester City, so it will have advertising in all matches in which the team plays as local.

Tom Glick, business director of Manchester City FC, said: "We are delighted to partner with FXPrimus and eager to work with them in a number of activities. It's always special when the team visits the UAE, so we are particularly interested to start our relationship by playing the FXPrimus Cup in front of our fans. & Quot;

The first major activity of the association will be in the winter training camp in Abu Dhabi club next week, where Manchester City will compete with Hamburg SV of the Bundesliga for the FXPrimus Cup on January 21 in Al Ain. FXPrimus will be the official partner of the Manchester City FC tour through the United Arab Emirates in January 2015.

Advantages of the agreement for FXPrimus

Terry Thompson, COO of FXPrimus, commented on the agreement: "We intend to use our partnership with Manchester City FC in creative ways previously unexplored by others in the industry. We are seeing this association as more than the traditional branding, and we look forward to sharing this sponsorship in various ways with our customers and employees. & Quot;

He added: "FXPrimus and Manchester City FC are leaders in their respective fields. We are proud to partner with the Club to help our global growth plans. We are very pleased to be working closely with the Club to enable the association ".

Thompson continued, "In the analysis of a possible relationship with Manchester City FC, we discovered that many of our customers are also football fans, so it gives us great pleasure to bring this sponsorship. We intend to offer many interactive ways for our customers to participate in this partnership, because ultimately this is for them. & Quot;

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So i'm those to grab the ideal cause. I surely can have a try at to lead you to succeed use a quick challenge which will make bucks, in its place for negotiating it sophisticated challenge, which makes you feel, seek to make foreign currency trading more easier.

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Forex pips will be the core and also the basics on the subject of Forex auto trading. To be aware of the reasoning behind it, it's a factor that should be recognized despite having new and expert traders to boot forex software. Additional the achievements of your share is based on mostly with that the pip faired looking currency euro. Therefore, if you want to become one profitable trader regardless market scene, be sure you know and get one probable auto-profit Forex investments software that can assist you extra specifically concerning pip.

Pip is definitely the acronym of price in points. This symbolizes the actual movements in terms of the cost of the currency. It's the minimum possible increment in every currency pair of which this usually fluctuates virtually every second currency change. Having said that this will decide your probable earnings and loss after purchasing and selling. Most currencies adopt a. 0001 pip or. 01%. Bring back component of the currency, this provides you with its many traders a chance to make a substantial amount money with the pips' difference. Forex pips will be lower and higher respectively; youngster should be better know the notion, we understand and are aware of foreign money pair. To start off with the automated Forex system, you ought to select a set of currencies that you really believe would do great during the Forex auto trading. trading currency The pair that's typically picked and utilized will be the Euros and Dollars.

To on top of the pip you have to be cognizant within the current currency rate. currency counter With this particular it is also possible pinpoint the extra worthiness you'll use to compute your profit or loss. For instance if EUR/USD comes to 1. 3904 a final digit is going to be accustomed to establish your pip. Even if the price only showcases two decimal points like what you are able typically see inside the Japanese yen currency, one last two decimal places may be thought to be the pip. Thus if you purchase the moment the rates are 1. 3901 in connection with currency rate of EUR/USD and then sell on this at 1. 3906, you must gain about 5 pips which may be the simple difference of a single. 3906 and 1. 3901. stock split Depending the pip can now be aided with automated Forex system and brokers that can make the computation in your case; nonetheless the computation will still be inclined to you in cases should you genuinely wish to know.

currency trading Just like, a person in need of the pip importance of 10,000 dollars concerning EUR/USD currency pair. To get one pip, you must divide the decimal placement along the forex rate and multiply it by means of the notional amount. The forex rates are what you can normally see around the stocks forex market. The notional value may be the total volume of the money.

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Multiple timeframe analysis (MTFA) from the spot forex is totally misunderstood and many forex traders are scared to learn it. MTFA is also completely underutilized because doing so takes more work a great number of forex traders need shortcuts like forex robots or trading off of one timeframe Limited number of forex traders have mastered MTFA together with the number of people who to work with is slowly growing due to the historical decrease of success of forex traders and also the perils of trading on only 1 timeframe trading company .

Multiple period analysis (MTFA) often is the inspection of sensitive forex trend indicators and forex charts, beginning the largest trends and timeframes, and working backwards down through successively smaller timeframes to witness that the smaller timeframes and trends feed the upper timeframes. As soon as the smaller timeframes are produced in agreement along with the larger trends you possibly can enter a place currency trading to the craze with decent safety. If no trend exists for a particular currency pair the smaller timeframes and trends will, eventually, build an uptrend or downtrend. MTFA is perfectly logical.

The principles of multiple timeframe analysis also are fairly simple incase used daily will enable you to learn forex trade where you can complete grasp of your forex. When using multiple timeframe analysis small trends are experienced at enter into the larger trends, any time a trend can be found, or perhaps to observe the better trends are designed in the smaller timeframes. In cases where a larger trend is already established over a particular currency pair you could type in the trade if the smaller trends and timeframes are developing agreement considering the larger trends, Small timeframes read the continuation on the established trend.

MTFA 's been around for up to 25 years or so. The MTFA strategy is applicable to stock and commodities trading, equity options and currency options, and from now on forex investing. The procedure can be applied to the currency pair. Efficient respectful of one's strong technical work of Kathy Lien and Brian Shannon outlining MTFA principles and links to the their technical papers can be found at the base about this Knol.

Multiple timeframe analysis is conducted as follows. You eat a set of simple trend indicators and forex charts and have them set up about the forex charting platform. Then like number one timeframe positioned on the charting platform and - drill down - the charts to smaller timeframes in descending order for a passing fancy currency pair.

That allows you to conduct and accomplish a multiple timeframe analysis at that moment forex you should have the perfect forex charting platform and a wide range trend analysis tools and indicators to facilitate the actual procedure. Some forex charting tools and platforms are highly expensive but a lot of are free. Nevertheless this is discussed thoroughly below. What number of timeframes must be examined on each currency pair In accordance with experience about 8-10 timeframes is plenty but about 10-15 is way better. It is easy to drill on the charts in the top 15-20 traded currency pairs to get the most suitable opportunity.

Will be correct assortment of timeframes that should be in agreement to type in a trade According to experience about 3 timeframes is sufficient once you learn the direction with the primary trend over the larger timeframes.

The first task when conducting aMTFA even on a currency pair is to always inspect the best 2 or three timeframes and trends in one currency pair or several pairs you most likely are excited about trading. See what currency pairs established larger trends, then decide if the trending pairs are in first, middle or deep to the trend.

Also decide which pairs usually are not trending for the larger timeframes, any currency pair this is not trending islikely oscillating or ranging directory between support and resistance. These pairs may just be creating a new directional trend sooner or later or in just a couple of days.

Each and every time frame has some structure which explains independent of the other timeframes. The time frames trends and also the direction of the major trend always overrule the time frames. The values during the lower time frames very often respect the electricity points (support and resistance points) for the higher deadline structure. The support and resistance areas within the higher time period might be validated via the action of lower periods of time.

One timeframe might sound to be chaotic and still have its own structure, than the next timeframe looks like it's smoother cycles and a lot easy to trade, site you'll trade the graceful timeframe since this is what defines this market condition currently as well as being set up. New trends around the smaller timeframes enable us to get in the trends with the larger timeframes in cases where a currency pair is trending. MTFA will often quickly assess a currency pair is simply not trending to the larger timeframes thereafter verify whenever the pair isoscillating or ranging between support and resistance in the smaller ones. If a currency pair isn't trending, oscillating, or somewhat chaotic in due course the pair are going to trend and then the trend will forever start on small timeframes on your left while the pair breaks outside of its range.

The - drilling on the charts - process enables us to realize small trends which feed the more trends. It will always tell us irrespective of whether an even greater trend is starting or possibly already established. Whenever a currency pair is deep into its trend or movement, MTFA still works although the risk/reward profile of an new entry changes considering that the trend may perhaps be nearing the final about this move. But when again MTFA can keep you informed of such a. Trading off all one timeframe should never ensure that you get all of this information.

Any time a currency pair is actually an uptrend on your larger timeframes and sells off with uptrend you can use small timeframes to detect this and then also subsequently re-enter the more uptrend. Aid of trend trading is amongst the safest methods available of trading the forex. The currency pair sells off on the primary trend establishes family members low thereafter reverses online back-up in to the trend. This will be done once a currency pair moves facing a greater downtrend. Multiple timeframe analysis facilitates this but checking out one timeframe the trader could possibly be totally ignorant of this low risk trading opportunity.

In conclusion MTFA, you navigate for the charting platform you have to with largest timeframe and "drill down the charts" struggling to find the trends, oscillations and ranges, choppiness, orderly and smooth movements and chaotic movements and then you observe them. You're looking for smooth timeframes and trading cycles which were safer to identify visually. If you think which the companies are choppy this should be noted as you are should have a slightly higher chance of stop outs on entries into these choppy markets specially when your stops are pretty tight. Remember smaller timeframes feed the larger timeframes. The smaller timeframes could very well be welcomed in a non trending market as larger trends are slowly built every day. If for example your larger timeframes commonly are not trending small timeframes are probably ranging or oscillating. That the larger timeframes indicate a trend you will know in case you are earlier or later during the trend cycle. MTFA completely strips down a currency pair therefore you have deep knowledge of its behavior.

Most forex currency trading platforms and forex charting systems aren't properly specifically for MTFA and also a fixed quantity of timeframes that you could assist. Most or all forex charting systems are set on top of totally arbitrary timeframes without any logic path whatsoever and therefore are totally deficient for MTFA. The main reason for this really that your forex industry and the majority of forex traders had not accepted multiple timeframe analysis. Which means analysis tools that most of us are provided with reflect this ignorance and they analysis tools are mainly deficient. So for today everyone is stuck with these forex charting systems so lets review them now as well as the very best of exactly what the forex industry and software companies have given us.

Right here are two forex charting platforms along with their associated timeframes. The very best charting platform because of the arrows is costly and allows 7 different timeframes. The 7 timeframes are interchangeable to increase the multiple 7 more preset timeframes guaranteeing that analysis of 14 or 21 timeframes may happen quickly. The tool helps quick navigation within the timeframes but costs are alimitation on this particular charting package.

Here is the forex currency trading software and forex charts platform also known as Metatrader. Metatraderhas 9 fixed arbitrary timeframes however the timeframes are generally not customizable. This platform is "adequate" for multiple timeframe anslysis but about Five to six more timeframes could well be alot more than adequate, especially if the timeframes were adjustable and not arbitrary. The limitation about this charting package certainly is the amount of fixed timeframes but charges are not really limitation, its free via most foreign exchange brokers once you open a live or demo global forex trading account. Metatrader platforms have desktop price alarms which were built in, another added plus.

The following is among what one chart 1 timeframe feels like on Metatrader. This situation may well be an M15 timeframe or M15 chart, which is certainly Quarter-hour per green vertical bar. The red and green lines are an easy to use group of trend indicators and therefore the instructions for setting up these trend indicators across all 9 timeframes shows up at the base with this knol take place during other links. Feel free to use out of the box trend indicators to conduct multiple timeframe analysis. Simple indicators genuinely exponential moving averages are fine. Just apply them across multiple timeframes and this is really what they will certainly mimic. You will begin to trade the forex and increase your trading substantially with MTFA.

You will find charting platforms designed to forex traders while some top quality platforms which is available from foreign exchange brokers that have adjustable timeframes. These moving averages easy trend indicators could be set up on these high end platforms furnished by some brokers. We applaud the forex industry and many fx brokers to the picture as providing entry to better charting systems facilitates more forex traders using MTFA which commonly only benefit all forex traders.

Do you make multiple stretch of time analysis better I do think the simplest way yes. Incorporating parallel and inverse analysis into the analysis and in addition support and potential to deal with set price alarms for notification of momentum or just a possible feeder point can all help.

Incorporation of parallel and inverse pairs - This means that if you desire to conduct an analysis of various trends and timeframes on your USD/CHF fore example, you would then conduct a MTFA with this pair however, you would should conduct the identical MTFA along the same timeframes for at least two more USD pairs to start, like the EUR/USD and GBP/USD. Then you may determine with much more confidence if there is consistency and agreement regarding the three pairs, i. e. consistent USD strength or weakness across the three pairs. Alternatively if there's no consistency from the USD you might like to conduct a MTFA of one's GBP/CHF and EUR/CHF searching for consistent trends based on CHF strength or weakness.

Then you would be sure your USD/CHF is trending, oscillating and ranging, or choppy and also you would also know why, then you have done the research into the USD/CHF correctly and thoroughly. This exact analysis method can be applied to any currency pair.

Most forex traders is not going to do this most forex traders commonly are not thorough. Traders are interested in that you should their money jeopardized so one of these ought to become accustomed to being thorough someday. currency convert The charts are right here start looking at them and be proud of being thorough.

Scalpers could find MTFA as being to their liking as they could well be aware rather than trade on the larger trends and potentially hold onto trades a lot longer. One of the biggest reasons people scalp due to the fact are unsure how the trend is along the pair to merely trade. Or they merely view one timeframe. Traders scalp the fx but statistics demonstrate that men and women that wait longer and ride longer trends take advantage of pips. All forex traders gain from MTFA.

Precisely why do traders not use multiple timeframe analysis Mostly because analyzing a whole lot of pairs and timeframes needs time and the basically are lazy. They are looking for yet another big thing in your forex when the solution is right in front masters. Focusing on one forex chart is actually all they might do. Most scalpers only see one timeframe might wind up being trading against a better trend, possibly a scalper may be trading at the start of a particularly large move and exit far too early. Should you be outside of the end of one's trend you might also enter a trade after a long move and turn entering close end for this trend. Furthermore this is poor money management under any scenario. Scalpers need MTFA but traders who would like to holiday in their trades longer and ride the popularity would, by nature require idea of MTFA.

MTFA works, it happens to be with such ease. Pips can be made as well as a more thorough analysis associated with currency pair is feasible additionally, the method is effective, especially when larger timeframes and trends are traded for larger pip totals. Money management ratios also improve while you're entering a more impressive trend. By way of MTFA to multiple forex pairs inside of the same parallel or inverse selection of pairs your odds increase again, this is due to you can actually decide to trade the top and largest trend found in the spot forex and ride the trends longer. A lot more pairs you analyze, extra potential pips you'll notice, so there is a payoff for your personal effort and time.

MTFA analysis of the spot forex is here to. Traders are starting to accept and studying to be aware of the multiple timeframe analysis method and abandoning trading in one timeframe with the additional entry risk and past monetary losses. MTFA really is a rigorous method or analyzing the forex. However it is not so difficult to learn. When mixed with parallel and inverse analysis is rather powerful which enables it to end up in high probability trading plans and trade entries. It usually is put on to any currency pair using simple, free trend indicators and analysis tools accessible on the internet from many spot fx brokers. Instructions teaching how to create these simple forex trend indicators tend to be the bottom of this knol.

Following having a forex investor has completed analyzing this market with MTFA he are fully aware of in case the currency pairsexamined are trending, oscillating or ranging, or have smooth or choppy trading cycles currency convert. The trader recognize in the event the behavior on the pair has adequate pip potential to think about a trade or connecting an investing plan.

If you should go through the rigorous rules from this Knol for conducting MTFA additionally, you will know which parallel or inverse pairs inside same individual currency groups may also be trending, which increases your chances tremendously of getting a suitable analysis and subsequent trade plan or entry.

MTFA ought to have a profound result on any currency trader who discovers it. Knowing if a pair is trending or not satisfying you could well be an instant criteria for just a trader to trade or otherwise trade together with his or her trading results would commence to improve merely glancing inside the larger trends. The impact can be positive and immediate but you would come to develop criteria for preparing trading plans while learning the behaviour of currency pairs.

Okay you may have sold me. It is my opinion in multiple timeframe analysis. May possibly analyzed currency pairs with MTFA, Over the internet a currency pair inside a nice uptrend, the parallel and inverse pairs all verify the direction, benefit from it Truly now How should i go into the trend

You are almost all set to trade. You may have identified moobs along with being trending, you absolutely need an entry plan. The pair you are worried about general would have a nearby support and resistance point. In this case the pair you've identified is within an uptrend to seek out the second resistance point. Now just go for your forex charting platform make an amount alarm during the next resistance area to intercept these move. Whenever the price alarm hits confirm the smaller timeframes to find out if they really are in complete agreement from the larger trends, as outlined rrnside your MTFA setup, in case the majority of the trends come in agreement say hello to the trade. Being final step before entry go here visual map of one's spot forex called Forex Heatmap (tm).

The Forex Heatmap (tm) is really a visual map for this spot forex to substantiate your personal trade entries. The in depth help guide while using the Forex Heatmap (tm) is included in that Knol around the links at the bottom on the page. It's simple to verify your entry directly into trend. Within this example above you now have the buy signal towards the EUR/USD.

You are now want to trade the spot forex, you analyzed the market industry thoroughly across multiple timeframes and multiple pairs. You determined the popularity on a pair, you analyzed multiple parallel and inverse pairs to verify our prime likelihood of the progress the pair, you've got set a cost alarm to intercept the move, and also checked The Forex Heatmap (tm) entry verification system to substantiate your trade entry. You're thorough and accurate forex trader so are now qualified to win on every trade while other traders go on to struggle scalping with indicators on a single timeframe.

The Future of MTFA After i stated above there are some top notch charting platforms that work well with multiple timeframe analysis. There must be more improvements in forex charting platforms a lot easier timeframes that fully adjustable at the end user so that you can commonly are not saddled with fixed forex industry timeframes like H1, H4, etc. which reduce the valuation of MTFA and handcuff forex traders somewhat. Increasingly traders will demand charts of this nature or placed their business to the other fx broker.

The acceptance rate of multiple timeframe analysis is slowly growing also, the dangers and perils of trading derived from one of timeframe are slowly being revealed to forex traders which will want better trading tools. Forex traders ought to go using the brokers who might possibly have the best quality tools and move their money elsewhere.

Presently multiple timeframe analysis is visual and should be exercised manually with many of computer keystrokes therefore takes a little extra time. As you become better in internet marketing doing this goes much more quickly. From now on MTFA might done differently plus a computerized system of MTFA using advanced forex trading system software that the anaylsis is finished with a computer that models the knowledge and conducts linear and nonlinear regression from each timeframe with least squares analysis. The course would "optimize" a set of certainly three timeframes per each pair from the lowest standard deviation or highest volume smoothness from each with the three timeframes with the particular currency pair. The computer program would then create the customized timeframes to make the trader to put in and view. They can be a vision of computer analysis of the spot forex when i believe will sometimes be accomplished.

Your journey through Multiple timeframe analysis started their was reading stocks and commodities magazine and happened apon Kathy Liens article. So as to comprehend the principles of multiple timeframe analysis yourrrre able to consult her technical article titled - Trading Currencies Using Multiple Timeframe's - by Kathy Lien and Patrick Dyess. On a reprint of Kathy Liens article go through the links end of it from this Knol.

We were immediately suffering from Ms. Liens work plus i knew of the fact that red and green light software, which in fact had only 4 lights the moment the charting platform I'd been using the moment, was actually a charting package that must be increased and possibly at that this software was actually a tool for MTFA, and so the group knows it.

Nobody I dealt with understood this software and charting platform and got there my mission to understand it in order to play the role of the most effective at by using platform to multiple timeframe analysis. This evolved into the - Big Lights - method of multiple timeframe analysis, and so i subsequently come up with a couple of free trend indicators for multiple timeframe analysis on my small website that are developed with the assistance of others. stock splits A keyword rich link in to the free trend indicators for multiple timeframe analysis which are suffering from are at the bottom of that Knol.

There can be described as hyperlink to a terrific article on multiple timeframe analysis by Mr. Bryan Shannon in the bottoom in this Knol. This great article is titled "Increase Your Odds With Multiple Timeframe Analysis"

This couple articles and also the MTFA method had a lot of a sway on me when i wrote my own, personal original article on multiple timeframe analysis which includes new information which includes a discussion of parallel and inverse analysis which sometimes clearly enhance MTFA. A website link to my article is at the end from this Knol and it's really titled "Spot Forex - Multiple Timeframe Analysis of the Spot Forex"

Who am i of This Knol The founder of ForexEarlyWarning is Mark Mc Donnell. By using his partners he established the agency along with the philosophy of experiencing an affordable spot forex currency trading plan service. Marks background includes his start using a major brokerage firm in equity and mutual fund trading. Marks personal trading journey started with equity options, then expanded to stock trading.

The moment the forex found its way to 2002 Mark was intrigued with this new market, the liquidity, the leverage, also, the 24-hour trading. He studied the forex and concluded that the "Big Lights" way of multiple timeframe analysis in addition to a written trading plan given to red and green light software was the soundest technique to trading the location forex. Many traders agreed as there is a military of traders who confidence the procedure Mark developed.

At the end of 2007 Mark Mc Donnell developed The Forex HeatmapThis new tool allows traders to look for the condition with the currency markets with the point of trade-entry. For a second time everyone using this type of new tool agrees it really is a winner for trading the forex.

Some text from Mark Mc Donnell: Caused by the entire spot forex traders who squeeze knowledge first, I'm sure looking for forex traders who have confidence in our methods and also extract pips for the weekly and monthly basis.

There are actually variations of economic. Despite this approach of getting money should be to trade forex. On the list of leading providers of foreign exchange trading in actual instances foundation is considered the global forex trading. It began out its operation since 1997.

It gives you probabilities women to trade foreign money exchange online on real instances and this provides chance to most fx brokers to earn lots day-after-day.

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There are a variety advantages when trading forex. It happens to be vitally accessible since its open twenty 4 hours besides experiencing the most liquid market. The leverage strategy is all of the time to choose from whereby the merchants have the choice in a good hundred:1 leverage. This cuts down on necessity for bigger capitals that's as being opened with the merchants account.

Fx trading doesn't have any commission as well as trading is broadly available over sixty currencies across the world. Foreign exchange trading is globally obtainable many people the traders have wider buying or selling opportunities despite of any market conditions.

Don't think that fx trading should be for huge traders a result of the given advantages. forex brokers International currency trading have open the path for smaller transactions. In this approach, both small, and big buyers get the ability to gain income from selling and buying forex.

In uncommon cases, quite a few people feel that the industry for international fx trading dwarfs the equities. Nevertheless, this isn't true due to the degree of foreign exchange trading even exceeds two trillion dollars day-to-day. So, global forex investing is planned for the chief during the field of aggressive market exchange. There are various logic behind why global foreign exchange trading is quite exciting.

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-The worldwide foreign currency trading potential leverage is astounding. Functional side exclusively inventory trading, the trader can both commerce using the money that they have or open margin accounts and double the leverage when trading. For examples, you funded your margin accounts with 25,000 perhaps you might control an fairness host to 50,000. However world forex trade, your capital can receive leverages as much as 20, 50, including 80 times.

Within this method, the merchants can open an overseas exchange brokerage on-line with solely 5,000 dollars and may management positions to as much as 200,000 dollars or above. And in case the trader can fund a merchant account with 10,000 dollars websites that can management positions around 500,000 dollars. So, perhaps the trader is able to only acquire 5% on your positions, then it might still be corresponding to a 25,000 dollars gain with only an preliminary capital of 10,000 dollars.

-There a variety of traders within the forex. Nonetheless, whether or not it's attainable to earn quick earnings, the danger of shedding can even be big. That is the technical and basic evaluation of foreign foreign currency markets is important. It's advisable for traders to receive forex education to undertake a really good start. It can grow their probability of becoming successful forex traders. The traders need to guard their enterprise from potential losses.

Global forex trading system is probably an excessive speculative endeavor. Obviously the merchants who're profitable in trading forex are those which happens to be methodical, have sturdy controls over their emotions and impulses, fault-analytical, and disciplined. The traders can genuinely earn big income within some times of investing, it may possibly develop for the time goes on, nevertheless solely stay away from coming to a mistakes.

forex analysis From the time that the foreign currency market become available to public trading, there were countless enterprising and most times unscrupulous individuals and corporations with sought to automate the trading process.

A lot of the creators of these kinds of Forex Robots proudly inform all that will listen that their systems is going to make all who try them great fortunes. Allow me to get this to a simple fact that, most Forex Robots certainly are a waste of one's precious money and therefore are complete scams forex forecast .

At the time you do seek for a Forex automatic-trading program which can be the most beneficial, perhaps novice start to check out profits trading the Currency forex market forex news .

1. Accuracy of Trade: The signal generators that can come inside good Forex automatic trading program package tend to be a pace up coming from the traditional means of doing things currency american .

currency australian Traders traditionally expect to professional Forex analysts to enable them to take advantage of the trading decisions using their predictions. Keep in mind while using "human" element involved, much guesswork and the majority times predictions are usually as low as satisfactory.

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Riesenumsätze bei Global-Doctor - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

Beitrag Nr. 4 ( 1.572.881 )

Ursache für den Kursanstieg ist m. E. ein Zeitungsartikel. Insbesondere die Aussage am Ende des Artikels (". Chief executive officer Gavin Argyle said he expected each clinic to have a positive cash flow within five months of operation") dürfte das Interesse neuer Investoren wecken. Der Artikel wurde mit nachfolgender Mail von GOD-IR verschickt (leider als jpg mit 1,2 MB(!), das dann auch noch 2-fach). Hier der Text des Anschreibens (E-Mail von GOD):

I attach a recent newspaper article from The Sunday Times, 13 August 2000, for your information.


Global Doctor Services P/L 16 Thelma Street West Perth WA 6005

Ph: 61 8 9226 3088 Fx: 61 8 9226 2090

Hier der Text des Artikels (mit Texterkennungsprogramm aus jpg extrahiert, kann Schreibfehler enthalten):

West Perth medicos to circle the globe via Computer GOD-given cure

By GRAHAM MASON TELEMEDICINE specialists Global Doctor can lay claim to being GOD without offending too many people. GOD is the three-letter code assigned to the West Perth com-pany by the Australian Stock Ex-change. For those people in China receiv-ing medical advice via a computer screen from a doctor In Perth, it may seem that there is indeed some religious intervention. From tomorrow Global Doctor, once known as Terrex Resources, will have three clinics in China — in Chengdu, Beijing and Nanjing. There are plans for a total of 10 clinics in South-East Asia before the end of the year. Global Doctor provides specialist care to patients in China through the company`s West Perth video-conferencing and tele-medicine technology centre. Dr Paul Quigley is one of 15 doctors working for Global Doctor. He is sitting in front of a com-puter screen in West Perth looking into the ear of a woman in Chengdu. Despite a distance of 6500km separating the two, Dr Quigley Is able to confirm that there is no ear Infection. Global Doctor`s target client base is wealthy locals, expatriates, tour-ists and people generally seeking western medical care. "Normally if an expat or a travel-ler became seriously Injured they would have to fend for themselves until they could be evacuated," said general manager Angellta Martini. "We have an English-spealdng doctor and nurse who can escort them, stay with them and liaise with their family, and back-up (Bild m. Untertitel) ON THE PULSE: Dr Paul Quigley and Gavin Argyle from Global Doctor deal with a patient in China via ISDN.

"We can offer a total package — - — GP and emergency services as well as specialist referrals." From its clinics in China a host of digital Images, including X-rays and CAT scans, can be transferred to the West Perth centre. As well as the overseas market, Global Doctor has Its eye on rural Australia as well as local and offshore mining sites. Chief executive officer Gavin Argyle said he expected each clinic to have a positive cash flow within five months of operation.

PSIVIDA startet durch. (Seite 923)

Beitrag Nr. 9.224 ( 38.630.632 )

Antwort auf Beitrag Nr. 38.626.027 von MicroV am 23.12.09 16:28:37 @ MicroV bei aller freude dass es bei diesem wert endlich in die richtige richtung zu gehen scheint, bitte aufpassen was man hier schreibt.

Psi bekommt 20% von jedem $ Umsatz. Kannst Dir das Potenzial ausrechnen und das ist nur das eine Produkt.

Psi bekommt keine 20% vom Umsatz, sonderen vom profit (Gewinn) siehe original mail von PSI außerdem steht nicht drin für wie lange und auf basis welcher kalkulation. es hägt also davon ab, wie der gewinn für die 20% abgabe berechnet wird.

hier der Emailtext I am very pleased to release this company-making announcement from pSivida Corp. pSivida shares on the NASDAQ last night closed at US$5.00 (increase of 42%) and reached a high of US$6.06 on a record turnover of 3.7m shares .

pSivida Corp. (NASDAQ: PSDV, ASX: PVA, FF: PV3), a drug delivery company with two of the only three ophthalmic sustained release delivery products approved by the FDA for treatment of back of the eye diseases, today reported top-line 24 month results from the Phase III FAME™ study of Iluvien® for the treatment of Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) being conducted by pSivida’s collaborative partner Alimera Sciences.

* The primary endpoint of the Study was met with a statistically significant number of patients achieving 15 letters or more of vision improvement (three lines on an eye chart) compared to the control groups. * A total of 956 patients were enrolled in the Study in centres across the US, Canada, Europe and India. * There are currently no FDA approved drug treatments for diabetic eye disease that affects millions of Americans in an unmet market that estimated at + $billion. * pSivida's licensing partner, Alimera Sciences plans to file a new drug application to the FDA in the 2nd quarter of 2010. * pSivida is due to receive from Alimera Sciences a US$25m payment upon FDA approval and repayment of a US$15m conditional note. If the note is not repaid by April 2010, Alimera must make principal repayments of $500k + quarterly interest payments calculated at 20% pa. pSivida will also receive 20% of profits from sales of Iluvien for DME.

Brian Leedman Vice President, Investor Relations pSivida Corp. Tel: +61 8 9227 8327 Fx: +61 8 9227 6838 Mb: +61 (0) 412 281 780 brianl@psivida. com <mailto:brianl@psivida. com> www. psivida. com <http://www. psivida. com/>

schrieb am 24.12.09 18:10:03

Beitrag Nr. 9.225 ( 38.630.680 )

Antwort auf Beitrag Nr. 38.630.632 von derneureiche am 24.12.09 17:37:33 hier ist was los, hört doch bloß mal auf zu weinen! alles was hier geschrieben wird ist bekannt!

psivida hat letztes jahr eine neue vereinbarung getroffen mit alimera! dort wurde die gewinnbeteiligungen reduziert von 50 auf 20 % dafür hat alimera alle kostenm der studien übernomme psivida bekommt 25 mio bei zulassung! was hier über eine kapitalerhöhung spekuliert wird, gehört wohl ins reich der glaskugelleser! ende nov war hauptversammlung und es wurde eine kapital erhöhung blanko genehmigt falls es notwendig ist! das muß man wo der hv genehmigen lassen! psivida hatte ende sept 6 mio cash and eqivalents! bei einer cashburn rate von 1,5 mio pro qua. sollte es wohl reichen bis sept.10 gleichzeizig bekommt psivida von pfizer 0,5 mio pro qua. und ab april 0,5 mio von alimera oder halt 15 mio wenn sie ihren schuldschein bezahlen! hier die übersetzung IRW-PRESS: pSivida Limited: PSIVIDA MELDET POSITIVE ERGEBNISSE DER BEIDEN PHASE-III-FAME-VERSUCHE VON ILUVIEN® BEI PATIENTEN MIT DIABETISCHEM MAKULAÖDEM


Bei mehr Patienten, die entweder die hohe oder die niedrige Dosis Iluvien erhalten, kam es in zwei Jahren zu einer Verbesserung der Sehstärke um 15 oder mehr Buchstaben im Vergleich zu jenen, die eine Scheinbehandlung erhalten. Dies war statistisch gesehen von Bedeutung.

pSividas Lizenznehmer, Alimera Sciences, plant, die New Drug Application (NDA) im zweiten Quartal 2010 einzureichen.

Watertown (Massachusetts), 24. Dezember 2009. pSivida Corp. (NASDAQ: PSDV; ASX: PVA; FF: PV3), ein Arzneimittelunternehmen mit zwei von nur drei ophthalmologischen permanenten Abgabeprodukten, die von der FDA zur Behandlung von Erkrankungen hinter dem Auge genehmigt wurden, meldete heute die 24-Monats-Ergebnisse der Phase-III-FAME-Studie von Iluvien® zur Behandlung des diabetischen Makulaödems (DMÖ), welche von pSividas Kooperationspartner Alimera Sciences durchgeführt wird. Das Unternehmen wird heute, 16:30 Uhr Eastern Time, eine Telefonkonferenz und ein Webcast abhalten (Details siehe unten). Detailliertere Informationen erhalten Sie in der Form 8-K, die das Unternehmen heute mit der Securities & Exchange Commission veröffentlicht hat.

Die FAME-Studie wurde in Form von zwei pivotalen klinischen Phase-III-Versuchen (Versuch A und Versuch B) konzipiert. 956 Patienten, die an DMÖ leiden, wurden nach dem Zufallsprinzip ausgewählt, um entweder eine hohe Dosis Iluvien (0,45 µg/Tag), eine niedrige Dosis Iluvien (0,23 µg/Tag) oder eine Scheinbehandlung zu erhalten. Der primäre Endpunkt der FAME-Studie ist die Differenz des Prozentsatzes jener Patienten, deren bestkorrigierte Sehschärfe (BKSS) sich innerhalb von 24 Monaten um 15 oder mehr Buchstaben der Grundlinie der ETDRS-Sehtafel (Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study) verbessert hat, zwischen der Behandlung und den Kontrollgruppen.

Basierend auf Alimeras Analyse der Gesamtgruppe, wie bei der International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) Guidance E9 beschrieben und von der FDA übernommen, wurde der primäre Endpunkt erreicht, was für beide Dosen Iluvien sowohl beim Versuch A als auch beim Versuch B und bei einer kombinierten Grundlage von statistischer Bedeutung war, wie unten dargestellt:

Versuch A Versuch B Kombiniert Einzeln % p-Wert Einzeln % p-Wert Einzeln % p-Wert

Kontrolle 14/95 14.7% -- 16/90 17.8% -- 30/185 16.2% -- Niedrige Dosis 51/190 26.8% 0.029 57/186 30.6% 0.030 108/376 28.7% 0.002 Hohe Dosis 51/196 26.0% 0.034 62/199 31.2% 0.027 113/395 28.6% 0.002

Die Gesamtgruppe beinhaltet alle 956 Patienten, die nach dem Zufallsprinzip für die FAME-Studie ausgewählt wurden. Bei fehlenden Daten von Patienten, die den Versuch abbrachen oder nicht mehr fortsetzten konnten, wurde eine Datenberechnung mittels der LOCF-Methode (Last Observation Carried Forward) durchgeführt. Dieser Datensatz wird für gewöhnlich als Intent-to-treat-Gruppe bezeichnet.

Außerdem wiesen sowohl die niedrige als auch die hohe Dosis Iluvien im 24. Monat eine größere numerische Effizienz als im 18. Monat auf, was eine Voraussetzung für die Genehmigung mit den 24-Monats-Daten darstellt.

Bei allen an der Studie beteiligten Patienten wurde die Sicherheit evaluiert. Ein Anstieg des intraokularen Drucks (IOD) auf 30 Millimeter Quecksilber (mmHg) oder mehr zu jedem Zeitpunkt eine wichtige unerwünschte Nebenwirkung, die beim Versuch untersucht wurde wurde bei 21,6 % der Patienten mit hoher Dosis und bei 16,3 % der Patienten mit niedriger Dosis verzeichnet. In den 24 Monaten erhielten 5,1 % der Patienten mit hoher Dosis und 2,1 % der Patienten mit niedriger Dosis eine Trabekulektomie (Filteroperation) zur Verringerung des Augendrucks.

Basierend auf diesen und anderen Daten plant Alimera, im zweiten Quartal 2010 die Genehmigung einer geringen Dosis Aluvien zur Behandlung von DMÖ zu beantragen, gefolgt von der Beantragung einer Registrierung in mehreren europäischen Ländern und Kanada. Die Einreichung der NDA wird auf den 24-Monats-Sicherheits - und - Effizienzdaten basieren, während die FAME-Studie bis zum 36. Monat fortgesetzt wird.

Wir sind mit diesen Daten sehr zufrieden und freuen uns, dass unser Kooperationspartner Alimera die NDA zur möglicherweise ersten ophthalmologischen Arzneimittelverabreichung, die für DMÖ zugelassen ist, einreichen wird, sagte Dr. Paul Ashton, President und CEO von pSivida. Diese Daten sind eine weitere Bestätigung unserer Arzneimittelverabreichungstechnologie.

Abgesehen von der oben beschriebenen Analyse führte Alimera, wie im Protokoll vorgesehen, auch mehrere andere Analysen der 24-Monats-Daten durch. Diese beinhalteten (a) eine ART-Analyse (All Randomized and Treated) der 24-Monats-Daten, die die Daten sämtlicher randomisierter und behandelter Personen beinhalten und mittels der LOCF-Methode die Werte für sämtliche fehlenden Daten berechnete, und (b) eine modifizierte ART-Analyse, die die ART-Gruppe verwendet, jedoch nicht die Daten beinhaltet, die infolge der Behandlungen vom Protokoll untersagt wurden (wie etwa die intravitreale Injektion von Avastin, Lucentis oder Triamcinolonacetonid), wobei die letzte Beobachtung vor dem Verstoß gegen das Protokoll mittels der LOCF-Methode für den 24. Monat verwendet wurde. Die Ergebnisse dieser separaten Analysen werden im Folgenden beschrieben:

Durch die ART-Analyse erzielten beim Versuch A 26,8 % der Patienten mit niedriger Dosis und 26,2 % der Patienten mit hoher Dosis nach 24 Monaten eine Verbesserung von 15 oder mehr Buchstaben; bei den randomisierten Patienten waren es 14,7 % (p = 0,020 bzw. 0,032). Beim Versuch B der ART-Analyse konnten sich 30,8 % der Patienten mit hoher Dosis und 31,3 % der Patienten mit niedriger Dosis um 15 oder mehr Buchstaben verbessern; bei den kontrollierten Patienten waren es 17,8 % (p = 0,026 bzw. 0,026). Die Ergebnisse für beide Dosen sind bei beiden Versuchen von statistischer Bedeutung. Durch die modifizierte ART-Methode erzielten beim Versuch A 22,6 % der Patienten mit niedriger Dosis und 24,1 % der Patienten mit hoher Dosis eine Verbesserung von 15 oder mehr Buchstaben; bei den kontrollierten Patienten waren es 12,6 % (p = 0,057 bzw. 0,026). Versuch A war bei keiner der beiden Dosen von statistischer Bedeutung. Durch die modifizierte ART-Methode erzielten beim Versuch B 29,7 % der Patienten mit niedriger Dosis und 29,3 % der Patienten mit hoher Dosis eine Verbesserung von 15 oder mehr Buchstaben; bei den kontrollierten Patienten waren es 13,3 % (p = 0,004 bzw. 0,005). Die Ergebnisse beider Dosen waren von statistischer Bedeutung.

Das FAME-Studienprotokoll besagt, dass die primäre Effizienzevaluierung auf dem Datensatz der modifizierten ART-Analyse basieren wird und dass die anderen Datensätze als sekundär erachtet werden. Das Protokoll spezifizierte nicht die Gesamtgruppe als Datensatz zur Analyse der Studie. Wir sind jedoch der Auffassung, dass die FDA die Gesamtgruppe als relevanteste Gruppe zur Bestimmung der Sicherheit und Effizienz der Versuche A und B erachten wird.

Wir freuen uns auf die weiteren Vorteile unseres Abkommens mit Alimera, einschließlich einer bedeutenden Zahlung in Höhe von $ 25 Millionen, die nach der Genehmigung von Iluvien fällig ist, sowie einer Gewinnbeteiligung an den Verkäufen von Iluvien und einer Zahlung von $ 15 Millionen durch einen Schuldschein von Alimera. Wenn der Schuldschein nicht bis April 2010 bezahlt wird, steigt die jährliche Zinsrate auf 20 % (vierteljährlich zu bezahlen) und Alimera muss monatliche Zahlungen in Höhe von $ 500.000 leisten, fuhr Dr. Ashton fort.

schrieb am 24.12.09 22:51:20

Beitrag Nr. 9.230 ( 38.630.852 )

Antwort auf Beitrag Nr. 38.630.779 von Magnetfeldfredy am 24.12.09 20:44:28 es gibt eine standardbeurteilung für diese studien! war doch mal einer so nett und hat das ins netz gestellt! wenn man der sache glauben schenken darf, wird es sich so verhalten! kann mir nicht vorstellen das psivida/alimera was einreicht, wenn es nicht wegen verfahrensmägeln durchkommt sollte! sind ja wohl nicht ganz blöd und sonst können sie ja noch pfizer fragen, was sie bestimmt schon getan haben!

The intent-to-treat (ITT) principle has long been **mandated** by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as the **primary** design and analysis strategy for industry clinical trials.

The ITT principle also has been adopted widely in government-funded randomized clinical trials.

Intent-to-treat analysis aims to estimate the effect of treatment as offered or as assigned.

This analysis entails comparisons of randomized groups and includes outcome data for all randomized participants regardless of their status regarding non-adherence to assigned treatment protocols and missed assessment encounters.

Petkova and Teresi attributed the term “intent-to-treat” to Hill with a common refrain “once randomized, always analyzed.”

FDA regulations emphasize this point in more formal language:

“The intention-to-treat principle implies that the primary analysis should include all randomized subjects. Compliance with this principle would necessitate complete follow-up of all randomized subjects for study outcomes.”

In the Iluvien trials - using “intent-to-treat” analysis

Trial A - Statistically Significant Trial B - Statistically Combined - Statistically Significant

Intent-to-treat overides all over analysis. The FDA will be "delighted" with these results.

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34. 投資サービス > 為替 - Yahoo! カテゴリ カテゴリ: カカクコム・フィナンシャル (2); サイト: 松井証券 NetFx · 別ウィンドウで表示 - 外国為替保証金取引。概要、取引情報、取引ルール。 サイト: ORIX FX · 別ウィンドウで表示 - オンライン外国為替証拠金取引。オリックス証券が運営。

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36. 投資系リンク集:投資リンク集情報 手数料やスワップを比較して、初心者でも安心な外国為替証拠金取引(FX)の優良業者を厳選してご紹介しています。 外国為替証拠金取引(FX)による投資を実践し、安定した収入を獲得することを目指しています。 BRICs(ブリックス)についての基礎知識

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39. OrixのFX OrixのFXは、OrixFXの概要を幅広くご紹介していきます。

40. ORIX FX. 運営情報 ORIX FXの運営情報です. ORIX FX. ORIX FXの運営情報について. 当サイトは、企業提携(アフィリエイト)によって、各企業様のサービスや商品をご紹介しています。サムネイル画像にはhttp://www. simpleapi. net/を利用しています。

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42. オリックス | マッシュアップサイト ヤフーグル オリックス証券.3000名様に当たる!オリックス証券ガイドブックプレゼント中!捻キャンペーン情報はこちら·驪ログイン·麗オリックスFX·黎投資情報・株価検索・国内指標・株式ランキング・IPO情報・直近IPO情報 http://www. orix-sec. co. jp/mobile - 4K

43. オリックス(orix)証券の中国株(香港株)取引の特徴 また、この証券会社は、中国株だけでなく、日本株の現物・信用、FX(外国為替保証金取引)の手数料も安いので、中国株だけでなく、日本株やFXもやっている身としては、手数料的に使いやすい証券会社だな~という印象があります。

44. fx:投資. net fxクリエイト。パートナーズfxにgeforce。セントラルfx等々。 fxの会社は色々。 nvidia geforceのfxはmjのfxに。 アリーナのfx。アリーナ等々。手数料の比較は必ず行いましょう。 orixのfxや日短fxにサムライfx等資料請求を行うことが肝心ですね。

45. 投資. net 他にもひまわり証券のfxやfxのonlinejapanにcmsや、fxクリエイト。パートナーズfxにgeforce。セントラルfx等々。fxの会社は色々。nvidia geforceのfxはmjのfxに。アリーナのfx。アリーナ等々。手数料の比較は必ず行いましょう。orixのfxや日短fxに

46. 外為研究室 オリックス証券, ORIX FX, PRC, 2004年1月, 証券会社, 関東財務局長(金先)第60号. 岡地, e-FX, PRC, 2003年7月, 商品取引員, 東海財務局長(金先)15号. オクトキュービック (200506岡藤商事より), Forex24, PRC, 2002年11月, 専業系, 関東財務局長(金先)

47. 外為研究室 岩井証券, イワイFX, PRC, 2003年8月, FXplatform · FXA証券(旧エフエックスアジア), チャートトレーダー, PRC, 2000年9月, 米CMS · オリックス証券, ORIX FX, PRC, 2004年1月, 米(GFT) · ジェット証券, ジェットFX, PRC, 2003年10月, 米CMS

48. fx 必勝法|FX(外国為替証拠金取引)の常勝バイブルはこれだ! | FXに z fx 519 日 短 fx 519 fx ランキング 510 fx 外貨 507 パートナーズ fx 497 fx 稼ぐ 485 infiniti fx 481 fx サイクロン 473 nvidia geforce fx 5200 460 セゾン fx 459 システム トレード fx 456 外国 為替 証拠金 fx 441 fx くり っく 365 440 orix fx

49. fx 必勝法|FX(外国為替証拠金取引)の常勝バイブルはこれだ! 日 短 fx 519 fx ランキング 510 fx 外貨 507 パートナーズ fx 497 fx 稼ぐ 485 infiniti fx 481 fx サイクロン 473 nvidia geforce fx 5200 460 セゾン fx 459 システム トレード fx 456 外国 為替 証拠金 fx 441 fx くり っく 365 440 orix fx 438

50. 外貨FX初心者です。 ORIX証券にて取引開始(6/15) - 私適な 外貨FX初心者です。 ORIX証券にて取引開始(6/15)

51. けんぱちんのひとりごと | 9月第2週のFX オリックス証券は「ORIX FX」,MJは「Deal Book FX」というツールを提供していて, ツールは基本的に同じものだ。ただ,ORIX FXはGFT社から提供されているDeal Book FXを改良してより使いやすくなってる。

52. はてなブックマーク - オリックス証券(オリックスFX)|外国為替証拠 オリックス証券(オリックスFX)|外国為替証拠金取引(FX)なら【外為 三四郎】にお任せ! http://www.1000000dollar. net/fx346/fx/orix-. URL:http://www.1000000dollar. net/fx346/fx/orix-sec/; 注目:www.1000000dollar. net の注目エントリー

53. オリックスFXの詳細情報。無料で「資料請求・口座開設」 オリックスFXの詳細情報を紹介しているページ。オリックスFXへの「資料請求・口座開設」は、このページから無料で可能です。

54. ROOTACE - FX www.1000000dollar. net/fx346/fx/orix-sec/. 2006/12/28 22:47 - ブックマーク 1/コメント 0 ブックマーク詳細 - 追加 · トレイダーズ証券(ネットフォレックス)|外国為替証拠金取引(FX www.1000000dollar. net/fx346/fx/traderssec/

55. ROOTACE - FX www.1000000dollar. net/fx346/fx/orix-sec/. 2006/12/28 22:47 - ブックマーク 1/コメント 0 ブックマーク詳細 - 追加 · 三井物産フューチャーズFX(スーパーカレンシー)|外国為替証拠金 www.1000000dollar. net/fx346/fx/mfx/

56. FX情報商材 FX 私たちは歴史をもつORIX FXです。 お得なキャンペーンを実施中。 FX ORIX FXがお得な理由 業界最低水準の手数料とスプレッドだから、取引コストが安いです。 さらに今なら手数料が 2007-03-04 15:35:01. インフォカート TOP20

57. 少しの辛抱~就職活動~ FXでお金をもうけるためには、常に勝てる自分のトレードパターンを持って、そのときだけトレードすることです。 319 サムライ fx309 比較 fx288 fx プライム 株式会社 278 fx クリエイト273 orix fx 271 fx 裏技 270 fx 稼ぐ 269 fx 外為 264 z fx

59. fxキーワード:FX必勝法!FX常勝バイブル! 1163 fx オンライン トレード 1160 fx クリエイト 1156 日 短 fx 1147 オンライン トレード fx 1094 fx 外為 1075 fx デイ トレード 1069 パートナーズ fx 1051 fx 業者 1026 fx 会社 1013 鉄人28号 fx 1010 geforce fx 5200 999 fx 外貨 968 orix fx

60. FX必勝法!FX常勝バイブル! FXで100%の勝率で月間利益25%以上を稼ぐ秘訣を公開![PR] タクシー 東京 - FX必勝法!FX常勝バイブル! fx fx 外為fx デイトレードパートナーズ fx fx 業者fx 会社鉄人28号 fx geforce fx 5200 fx 外貨orix fx マネックス fx ネット fx fx

61. オリックス証券FX オリックス証券FXは国内における外国為替証拠金(FX)業者の中で、手数料が割安となっています。また、投資ソフトについても充実。

62. 外国為替(FX)で1億稼ぐ方程式: 手数料と安全性で外国為替(FX)業者 外国為替(FX)で1億稼ぐ方程式。 ~手数料と安全性で外国為替(FX)業者を選ぶ powered by 外国為替(FX)で1億稼ぐ方程式~ ひまわり証券 はFXの老舗らしく手数料、通貨ペア、レバレッジ、情報量などどこをとっても問題ありません。

63. 外国為替(FX)業者選びをマトリックスで検討する ~外国為替(FX)で1 外国為替(FX)で1億稼ぐ方程式! 外国為替(FX)業者選びをマトリックスで検討するの記事一覧. ひまわり証券 はFXの老舗らしく手数料、通貨ペア、レバレッジ、情報量などどこをとっても問題ありません。ゆっくりやりたい人はとりあえずこの2つで

64. オリックス証券(会社概要):証券会社選び 比較 FX IPO オリックス証券(FX外国為替証拠金取引)資料請求. オリックス証券会社概要. 【商号】 オリックス証券株式会社 【英文名】 ORIX Securities Corporation 【登録番号】 関東財務局長(証)第3号 【取締役社長】 小野 義夫 【オリックス証券本店所在地】

65. ニフティクリップ-タグ:外国為替証拠金取引 タグ: 【外国為替証拠金取引】【外為取引】【外国為替保証金取引】【forex】【外為】【オリックスfx】 (ユーザー: 1) クリップを追加. 2006/12/28 22:43:44 - http://www.1000000dollar. net/fx346/fx/orix-sec/

66. ニフティクリップ-タグ:オリックスfx 2006/12/28 22:43:44 - http://www.1000000dollar. net/fx346/fx/orix-sec/. 1件中 1-1件を表示しています. 1 · 「オリックスfx」の最新情報を”瞬!コレ”でチェック · 「オリックスfx」のウェブ検索結果 · クリップを追加 新しいクリップの登録

67. オリックス証券 orix-sec. co. jp < ネット証券比較(株取引) MoneyTimes オリックス証券 orix-sec. co. jpの最新情報. オリックス証券] 「オリックスFX」米国夏時間移行に伴う取引時間等の変更 3/12(月)~ 2007.03.13 2006.12.20; [オリックス証券] オリックス証券、「オリックスFX」に4通貨ペアを追加 2006.11.08

68. FX・為替. 証券の館 ai明治、sis661fx、三菱、日短、手数料 無料、orix、fx 札幌で札幌が登場しました。 fxシステムトレード年率200%儲ける投資術、エクセル、ソフト、シンプルシステムトレード、フリー ソフト fx システム トレード、作り方、無料、生計、自動売買・・・・

69. マネースクエアジャパン FXに興味を持ち、現在、いろいろな情報を収集中です。その情報収集活動で、マネースクエアジャパンがあったので、ついでに、このサイトを作ろうと思いました。マネースクエアジャパンだけでなく、FXについいて多くのサイトを作成しようとしています。

70. FX とは 「SFX, SPFX」 (Special Effects) エスエフエックス FX取扱い会社を徹底比較。 手数料の安さで選ぶならココ. gaitame-navi. com. オリックスFXは低コストでお得. レバレッジは最大50倍!キャンペーンも実施中 《オリックス証券》. www. orix-sec. co. jp

71. 簡単ネットで稼ぐ方法のFX版です。 これが、orix fxが生活必需品としてしまいますし、実践躬行だったと思います。考えてみれば一部の高齢者の間で為替 比較 fxは最先端だと表現することもできます。今までは、fx 必勝 法 タダ 教えますが進歩してしまいますし、大義名分だと思います。

72. "FX" と "IPO" で資金ゼロからお金が貯まる方法! | 200510 118円(ORIX FX)とか114円(FX-REAL)のところが 100円ですからね、もう少しなんとかならないのかな? スワップゲッターとしては複雑な心境ですね。 取引も最低5万通貨単位からって言うのは口座開設時に200万以上必要な会社ですから理解出来るのですが、

73. ORIX Rentec | レンタル機器の検索 仕様, F-Sightエミュレータザイリンクス Virtex-II Pro/Virtex-IV FX 対応。 38ピンMictorコネクタ。CSIDE添付。 694089 · F-SIGHT-2VP-PPC, 121000, -. メーカ名, コンピュ-テックス

74. ORIX Rentec | レンタル機器の検索 固定ポート数:10/100BASE-TX×24、100BASE-FX×2、 8.8Gbpsスイッチング・ファブリック、最大転送 ポリシー ≫プライバシーポリシー ≫リンクポリシー. Copyright(C)2006 ORIX Rentec Corporation. All rights reserved.

75. エレファントカシマシ それより Orix FX のソフトが Vista に対応してなくて困った。どうせ何とか動くんだろうとタカをくくっていたが動かない。こういう場合どうしたらいいかと言うとフリーウェアになった Virtual PC というものを Vista に入れて Windows XP を動かすという

76. オリックス証券 オリックスFX|外国為替FX外為簡単比較なび 新しい資産運用法「外国為替」。外国為替取引の基礎知識からメリット、リスクまでわかりやすく解説する徹底比較サイト。手数料が安く、サポート体制のしっかりした安心できる外国為替を取り扱うFX業者を多数ご紹介しています。チャートの見方や外国為替

77. 私適な外貨FXの結果 - 楽天ブログ(Blog) 私適な外貨FXの結果 (ジャンル:そのほか) 楽天ブログ(Blog), 000000 ランダム · ブログ / フォト / SNS | ブログ検索 | 口コミ · 【ログイン】 | 【ブログ作成】 外貨FX初心者です。 ORIX証券にて取引開始(6/15) 7月28日生

78. 外為ドットコム FXに興味を持ち、現在、いろいろな情報を収集中です。その情報収集活動で、外為ドットコムがあったので、ついでに、このサイト 外為ドットコムだけでなく、FXについいて多くのサイトを作成しようとしています。進捗が遅れていますが、温かい目でご覧

79. うり坊のリアルタイムトレード - 株式投資や外国為替(FX)の投資情報 新料金体系や、ネットストックトレーダーは個人投資家の協力な武器になります; 株式投資・FXならオリックス証券www. orix-sec. co. jp 5月15日から証券、FXともに株式手数料が最大90%OFFで大幅に値下げ; ひまわり証券のマージンFXなら手数料無料

80. 目指せ可憐な投資生活… ORIX FXにて30万円でスタート。 11月FXOnlineでも30万でスタート。 現在は株はほとんど休業中。 FX主体となっています。 <ORIX FX> USD/JPY 買121.00×10000 USD/JPY 買120.00×10000 USD/JPY 買119.62×10000 AUD/JPY 買94.60×10000

81. Bulkfeeds Search for "ライブドア" 331 fx 初心者 入門 330 fx スプレッド 比較 330 fx 儲ける 330 quadro fx 329 システム トレード fx 324 flora 220 fx 322 fx 確定申告 321 カワサキ fx 319 サムライ fx 309 比較 fx 288 fx プライム 株式会社 278 fx クリエイト 273 orix fx

82. マネックスナイターでサラリーマンデイトレ!: FX FXトレードが人気である。札幌でもFX熱は冷めず、orixでも人気は非常に高い。手数料でも無料の所やバーチャルトレードでFXを吟味する動きもある。 比較では日短や三菱のシステムに定評がある。sis661やaiである。明治でも上田ハローなど儲ける

83. リクルート 転職 派遣の達人 200703 もし、あなたが1週間に1時間だけFX投資に時間を使えるなら、あなたも7万2000円相当のDVDを無料でゲットできます・・・ ORIX FX. 私たちは歴史をもつORIX FXです。 お得なキャンペーンを実施中。 資料請求はこちらから

84. FX@外為比較・初心者のための無料で資料請求&口座開設 http://www. orix-sec. co. jp/information/. 手数料300円からのオリックスFX! スプレッド: 3銭. レバレッジ:約20倍. 以上のFX会社は上にあるほど人気がある順番に並べていますが、中には自分にあったサービスやチャートなどを提供していない可能性も

85. サラリーマンの資産運用覚え書き FX業者選び(どこがいいんだろ?) マネックス証券で苦い思いをしたFXから離れる事2年、ふと目にした、ダイヤモンドZAIの広告に惹かれて開設しました。つい最近までのメイン取引き会社です。手数料2銭~3銭、スプレッド3銭(ドル円)、日本企業を代表するORIXグループ、米国GFT社のリッチクライアントDealBookFX利用、

86. お役立ちリンク集:リンク集 FXプライム / FX初心者 / バーチャルFX / FX Online / 121 FX / マネックスFX / FXオンラインジャパン / ひまわり証券FX INVAST JP FX / ORIX FX / Dragon FX / ドラゴン FX / マネースクェア ジャパン / M2J FX / FX比較 FX初心者のために

87. 外国為替証拠金取引の情報満載!外国為替証拠金取引専門ドットコム 会社名, オリックス証券/オリックスFX. URL, http://www. orix-sec. co. jp/shoh. ようやくFX(外国為替証拠金取引)で、利益を出せるようになりました。 FXに興味がある人の助けになれば幸いです。 ヤフーブログは重たいので、こちらから御覧ください

88. GAT SEARCH OrixのFXは、OrixFXの概要を幅広くご紹介していきます。 FXの用語 (2007/3/10) [パーソナル追加][変更] FXの用語は、FX用語の概要を幅広くご紹介していきます。 FXの手数料比較 (2007/3/10) [パーソナル追加][変更] FXの手数料比較は、FXの手数料比較を

89. 最新情報 fx デイトレード 3月2日 · orix fx 3月1日 · インフィニティ fx 2月27日 · quad fx 2月27日 · fx システムトレード 2月25日 · fx ランキング 2月25日 · fx ランド 2月22日 · fx docuprint 2月22日 · 三菱 fx 2月21日 · cms fx 2月20日

90. iamサーチ君 FX投資初心者の館 [0] New 登録日:2007/03/04(Sun)12:06 FX初心者情報の館へようこそ! OrixのFX [0] New 登録日:2007/03/04(Sun)04:04 OrixのFXは、OrixFXの概要を幅広くご紹介していきます。

91. 為替一覧 為替一覧. 米ドル/円 · ユーロ/円 · ポンド/円 · 豪ドル/円 · カナダドル/円 · NZドル/円 · スイスフラン/円 · ユーロ/米ドル · 南アフリカランド/円 · 香港ドル/円 · 英ポンド/米ドル · 豪ドル/米ドル

92. リクルート 転職 派遣の達人 私は、松下FXレポートのカスタマー対応をしているので、様々な問い合わせを 毎日、何十通、何百通と対応していますが、質問の ORIX FXがお得な理由. 業界最低水準の手数料とスプレッドだから、取引コストが安いです。 さらに今なら手数料がタダ!

93. FXランキング (シンプル表示) 北辰物産, DRAGON FX 24, 250円, 3pips, 8pips, 10000通貨, 10万円. オリックス証券, ORIX FX, 300円, 3pips, 9pips, 10000通貨, 規定なし. ライブドアコモディティ, ACTIVE FOREX, 200円, 5pips, 9pips, 10000通貨, 10万円

94. kizasiで見る今月の 確定申告 329 システム トレード fx324 flora 220 fx 322 fx 確定申告321 カワサキ fx 319 サムライ fx309 比較 fx288 fx プライム 株式会社 278 fx クリエイト273 orix fx 271 fx 裏技 270 fx 稼ぐ 269 fx 外為 264 z fx

95. オリックス証券お申込みページ:@FX オリックス証券の口座開設、比較検討、お申込みはこちらから。

96. FX常勝バイブルで最高の幸せを! 762 ライブドア fx 995 fx 外為 840 cms fx 990 fx 必勝 法 717 fx 自動 売買 374 fx 投資 ノウハウ 研究会 914 fx チャート 699 fx バーチャル 1598 fx 外国 為替 938 geforce fx 5200 519 日 短 fx 417 アクア fx 438 orix fx 2005 fx 為替

97. FX常勝バイブルで最高の幸せを! | 適正なFXのレバレッジを展開して 699 fx バーチャル 1598 fx 外国 為替 938 geforce fx 5200 519 日 短 fx 417 アクア fx 438 orix fx 2005 fx 為替 689 fx 情報 商 材 レビュー 1302 fx 手数料 419 ワゴン r fx 2172 為替 fx 556 fx 節税 874 fx オンライン ジャパン 711 fx レバレッジ

98. サムライのFX サムライのFXは、サムライFXを幅広くご紹介していきます。 証券会社にサムライ FXのための専用の口座を作って、資金をいれて初めて取引が可能となります。 作成した口座に現金を流し込み、資産運用を始めていくことになります。

99. 日短のFX 日短のFXは、日短FXを幅広くご紹介していきます。 日短 FX. 日短 FXは個人がネットで投資活動を行うのに最適の商品です。 早く日短 FXをしたいとはやる気持ちはわかりますが、ちょっとまって。 まずは日短 FXのための口座を作成しましょう。

100. 金融投資辞典!稼ぐ借金返済情報商材付き! フレーズ 325 セントラル fx 323 fx 儲ける 323 上田 ハーロー fx 321 ai 明治 fx 301 sis 661 fx 298 三菱 fx 298 日 短 fx 298 比較 fx 296 fx バーチャル 295 fx 手数料 無料 291 orix fx 289 fx 札幌. 【続きを閉じる】. [ 2006/10/18 19:20 ] フレーズ

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LFC anuncia asociación con InstaForex

Liverpool Football Club y líder en línea Forex empresa de comercio, InstaForex, anunció hoy una asociación de dos años que se extenderá hasta el final de la temporada 2015-16.

The online broker, InstaForex, which operates in Forex (a global market for the trading of currencies), will become an official partner of the club in Asia and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). La nueva alianza verá InstaForex ofrecer emocionantes experiencias LFC a sus clientes que son fans en estos mercados, incluyendo entradas para ver el juego de los Rojos en casa en Anfield.

"Estamos encantados de dar la bienvenida a InstaForex a la familia Liverpool como nuestro primer socio comercial en línea de divisas. El servicio en línea tiene más de 1,2 millones de clientes en línea y los de Asia y la CEI se beneficiará de esta asociación, Y el acceso al equipo que aman ", comentó el director comercial del Liverpool FC, Billy Hogan.

Commenting on the new partnership, Pavel Shkapenko, director of business development at InstaForex said: "InstaForex has similar aspirations to Liverpool - we strive to be the best in the Forex industry as LFC does in football. This partnership brings together our young dynamic brand with that of over a century of tradition and we're excited to work with such an established and followed club."

InstaForex se especializa en el comercio en línea de divisas. La marca es reconocida mundialmente por sus servicios de vanguardia y nuevos productos en el mercado Forex. The services of InstaForex are recognised not only by customers but also by the experts in the field and they have been awarded 'Best Forex Broker Asia Pacific' by International Finance Magazine and 'Best Forex Broker Eastern Europe 2014' by IAIR Awards.

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Markets for foreign exchange are located in nations almost everywhere, world wide. Trading currency around the world is a everyday global event. To do business with nations everywhere around the world, each nation needs to trade their currency into that of the nation they wish to do business with.

The Foreign Exchange market is found in all nations across the world. Fx is traded around the globe in every day basis. When a country desires to do business with nations across the world, they have to substitute their money.

Forex is conducted with all levels of the world's organisations. An example of a personalised degree of currency exchange might be you intend to go on family vacation at a nation aside from your own. You would then take the currency of your own nation and swap it in the money of the country you are about to travel to. You even may have sold merchandise via the internet via your site or an internet based auction site to a person from a country other than yours. Having your payments attained in their country's currency and then having that currency converted by your payments processing system into your regional currency. You'd probably have then performed or had completed for you a foreign trade. This is the most basic illustration showing currency exchange on a personal level.

Forex, short for foreign exchange, carries a objective this really is altogether different. The trading of foreign currencies is just not for your personal need. The purpose ofa foreign exchange market is always to buy foreign currencies to ideally have it go up in its' price, then you can definitely turnaround and exchange it back to have an increase in your account than what your day started out with.

Forex Live Forex, short for Currency Exchange, provides a distinct function. The exchange of foreign currencies isn't done for individual need, it can be done as an investment in the hopes that you take advantage of the exchange rate difference so you end up generating a gain.

Is this risky Most certainly it might be. There's always a chance in the markets within the foreign exchange to cause the values of the currencies you buy to go in a downward trend, as a result leaving you with a lesser amount than you initially begun with when you first made your transactions. As with almost everything to do with financial investments you must do sufficient study and get as much knowledge as you're able, to make the best trading decision.

Deregulation in the 1970's of major foreign currencies kept them with their prices no longer being fixed, as a result setting up the beginning of the Foreign Currency Trading or forex. The potential for making big money was fast realized by big investors and major banking institutions across the world.

The world financial centers constitute the worlds principal foreign exchange markets. United Kingdom, U. S.A. Europe, and Japan comprise the main liquidity Australia and Switzerland round out the top forex trading markets with NZD.

Forex Indicator From the beginning, if you were not physically in a forex exchange market to trade or have a direct lines via the telephone to a broker this was physically in the foreign exchange market places, with the rapid fall and rise of prices that happens in the forex trading markets, it made things very difficult for one to trade without being in one of the foreign exchange markets yourself.

So you've decided to give forex currency trading a go ahead Fabulous, mainly because forex trading is amongst the most lucrative and scalable internet business anywhere. Forex, short for foreign exchange is currency trading and also the greatest financial market globally. By having an projected 4 trillion us dollars worth of currency exchanged every day, it is no wonder that the rise in popularity of currency trading has grew so rapidly globally. Forex trading is readily reachable to individuals like you and me, but this was not always the case.

Forex trading was once reserved for big companies, financial institutions, and hedge funds. Big firms would use forex trading to secure their price of conducting business in foreign nations. Forex News Banking Companies would use forex currency trading for currency exchange. Hedge funds would use currency trading to forecast long or short for a country's currency. Without any retail interbank system in place, the small retailer was left out - up until recently.

Forex trading reached the retail investor sector similar to a tornado. With the advent of agents on the net it was now easy to trade alongside with all the professionals. Forex Online Trading Using a modest investment sum needed, even those with small portfolios can bump heads with institutional investors from everywhere around the world.

For the starter in currency trading, it's important to find a reliable forex broker. there aren't any shortage of these, so just do some required groundwork and choose one that you like. Call them, consult their support service and make sure they provide the tools needed to achieve success that include charts, a pip calculator and a 24 / 7 service desk.

A Lot Of fx brokers let you start your fx trading business by using a small funding investment, some as low as Usd 50. No, you may not get wealthy overnight, however you also wouldn't lose very much. There is a learning curve associated with forex trading, so risking minimal amount possible to get started is much better. Think about forex currency trading like a home business, not get rich quick, and you will definitely be on the right path right away.

It is possible to dive into forex trading as a swing trader that keeps a position for many days, or just a day trader, that may hold positions for less than a couple of hours or even much less occasionally. Match the trading style with your own personal style, and do not deviate into unfamiliar waters with out a tour guide. Even if this might appear unimportant, when you've been trading foreign exchange for some time, you will note how it is among the most critical parts of your business.

In Conclusion, you shouldn't be in such a hurry on your forex currency trading. It can take some time to get the hang of the terminology and the trading techniques, but they will come if you analyze and practice. Most foreign exchange brokers have practice accounts so you can simulate your forex trading without any risk in any way. Please Do Not fall in love with your simulated gains, but make use of them as a guide to your live trading. Every Single successful person in the currency trading business started off right where you are now. Do not be afraid to give forex trading a try.

If you're beginning to discover Foreign exchange then this most likely sounds a bit complicated nonetheless it represents the basis on which forex operates and will quickly become second nature.

So the million dollar question for you is what it is and how it works, isn't it really Without engaging in particulars( i'm sorry, you should pay for that information! ), the Nil Loss Forex Technique will not use technicals. Well that's a impressive thing since keeping it very simple will make this method user friendly. Simpleness is vital. Without Having giving anything away, it utilizes an algorithm which was especially created through a great deal time and experience to determine the how and when to buy and sell. The Zero Loss Foreign Currency Strategy is a 100 per cent purely plug-n - play way of buying and selling that is certainly almost automatic like Forex Indicator .

There is certainly small doubt you can do your trading with using forex trading signals. Naturally you will be missing money that is certainly yours should you went with the proper plan or download. Trading signals is used to help acquire information and facts that may pertain to your forex trading. This enables you to examine all the provided information and facts and enable you to make better trading choices. Details are crucial in the success of trading your shares.

Even though some foreign currency professionals can handle all the chart, equity graphs and analytical information streaming in all directions at a fast pace, most people want to just pull what hair we've got left out. While its not advised, placing precious metals and oils might make So just what currency investor to try and do Foreign exchange is easier while using comprehensive data and suggestions we've got established to suit your needs.

Decreased Learning Curve - Because each move is performed for you, no prior expertise or experience of the forex market is required of the user of the currency trading auto investing program. To auto trade foreign exchange signifies that any individual can make income in this industry, even if they don't have time or knowledge to do so themselves.

As an example: whenever you trade EUR/ USD utilizing swing movement trading tactic your income will probably be huge and high and remarkably collateralized. Let's assume that USD will depreciate against the JPY and the current exchange rate is 1. 4400 plus your initial investment capital is Dollar 1000 and you really are using a margin of 1. 30, this implies you will end up exchanging at$ 30,000. On our above supposition our present-day exchange rate is 1. 408 how much profit you'll make are going to be$ 30,000/1. 408 =$ 21306. 81 Euros.

Whilst the quantity of leverage an investor can use every trade has decreased lately, it is still up there with probably the most very leveraged financial instruments on the planet. With Foreign currency trading, it is not unusual for people to employ as much as 200:1 leverage - meaning that for every Usd 1 in the account, $ 200 can be used to trade on the market.

This can be a forex trading software and forex graphs system generally known as Mt4. Metatraderhas 9 set arbitrary timeframes but the timeframes are certainly not custom. This system is " satisfactory " for various time-frame anslysis but about 5-6 more timeframes would be additional than sufficient, particularly if the timeframes have been changeable rather than arbitrary. The constraint for this charting system is the amount of set timeframes but price is not a limitation, it's free via most foreign exchange brokers should you starta live or demo forex currency trading account. Mt4 systems also include pc price alarms that are integrated, another extra plus.

Forex trading market is more rewarding than investing in a stock industry. The finance industry is open at any hour which provides you many market opportunities. Managed currency exchange accounts have become a tremendous help for those leading a busy life-style. The attractive advantage is that you may have market experts to manage your money while you opena demonstration account to learn the foreign exchange market without risking any real cash.

Forex was in essence a private yet unique way to obtain prosperity for hedge funds, financial institutions, corporations, or private high net worth individuals with the ability and connection into the interbank networks Forex News Trading. However the rapid progression of the web, Foreign Exchange has become available and accessible to traders globally. As a matter of actuality, with the ease of brokers, Forex currency trading is really as common as trading the stock exchange for most people.

Fx is obviously, the most risky financial markets on earth. With 3 trillion dollars of every day volume, the liquidity is second to none. Investors could win or lose hundreds to hundreds of thousands of dollars in just a few minutes, specifically during news releases times. Having Said That, at the same time the market could also trend for days to a few months, it is surely a extremely versatile market to trade.

Forex differs from the stock exchange in many different ways, investors who like fundamental study can just focus on the economical outlooks of the main8 nations, rather than shifting through thousands of stock symbols. For those who are well - trained in technical research, because this currency exchange market is so huge, no one entity could manipulate it for any prolonged period of time, technical analysis studies sometimes perform a lot better than in other market segments, such as the equity or commodity markets.

The essence in Forex trading could possibly be described in only a word, speculation, which is to guesstimate the worthiness of one currency vs. another. The real difference with acquiring stocks is that you have to keep in mind both sides of the coin, rather than buying an individual share. As an example, if you're exchanging Euro versus the United States Dollar, you will want to focus on the fundamental of the Euro Zone compared to the fundamental of the United States. The direction of those currencies will We may havea weak European economy nevertheless seeing Euro increasing against the United States Dollar because theU. S. economy is even weaker.

Precisely what influences the Forex market Well I believe the answer to that question is Interest, since interest rate is exactly what drives every financial markets, including Fx. Take Into Account that foreign currencies are simply just assets, and rates of interest are the return on the assets. If interest rate is higher, demand for the currency increases, and due to the high demand for that currency, the worth for the currency also arises. Therefore, when the central bank of Australia makes a decision to raise its interest rate, the worth of the Aussie will also climb.

Investors consider the all round interest rates between these major foreign currencies and they will buy a low interest rate currency, such as Japanese Yen, with a higher yield currency, such as the Australian dollar, with the expectation that the exchange rate will go in the direction of the interest rate, and they would be appropriate during typical market conditions because the majority of the 3 trillion every day volume in the foreign currency market is founded on this kind of trading, called carry trades.

Forex currency trading is probably the most thrilling financial instruments in the world of trading. Forex Training It provides a great potential for return, especially with brokers that provide 50 to 1 leveraging, anybody could open an account and start investing Fx now.

Currency trading has developed into source of money for many who use their strategic heads. Victory in trading depends on the proper skills of identifying where the market is going. Obviously, it opens the world market to individuals who desire returns from their investments. To properly gain income out of the forex market, it requires that one acquire information on the different types of forex indicators which are very helpful in investing. These indicators may sometimes be combined to obtain the complete picture of the financial market and increase the likelihood of success.

For forex trading investors, technical indicators are crucial in their day-to-day business. Actually, some professional traders swear on these indicators in making their trades as they normally are governed by statistical formulas that assess the variances within the market. For beginner investors, currency trading indicators providesa useful method of studying the trends in the market. It provides them some extent of guarantee in an uncertain market

Being in the forex market will not guarantee earnings which is something that many neglect to understand. When you enter in the market, you must understand that is a unstable arena where everything can change in a blink of an eye. While it looks, investors who are skillful in technical analysis and use a wide range of forex indicators end up with much better decisions on when to buy and when to sell.

As you begin to use these signals, you might find that there are some formulas that are the derivatives of other indicators. This means that data is not always direct. Consulting more than one indicator can be very useful over time as you can tell a larger picture of the market tendencies. Nonetheless, checking out your data with other strategies will certainly help in your decision making.

Indicators and markers are important parts of decision making specifically in forex. These factors point you towards the best deals and trades. Choosing one depends on which you are most knowledgeable about and are comfortable of using. But as highlighted previous, combining several indicators is never bad and it is even recommended Forex News .

And Finally, there are four kinds of indicators which will help you in figure out when to trade. These are the trend indicators, momentum indicators, volume indicators, and volatility indicators Forex Live. Trend indicator examines the market trend or directional tendency of the market in the long term. This gives you an indication whether or not you should buy or sell. Momentum indicators show you which foreign currencies are oversold or overbought. This produces a clear picture as to entry and exits. The volume indicator displays the volume of the market, thus is dictated by the prices in the market, and it is used to disclose timing. Volatility indicators establish the volume that is revealed beneath the price actions and the markets movement, which indicates whether you get a strong day or perhaps a typical day, and sets the tone to your earnings levels. By merging all 4 indicators, you'll be able to determine entry, direction, timing, of course profit levels, and this is actually the typical way to achieve increased gains by using forex indicators, and probably the most common way of thriving in this unpredictable marketplace.


IB classifies Forex transactions as either conversions or leveraged, with the ability to engage in leveraged transactions subject to receipt of the Leveraged Forex trading permission requested through the account application process or afterwards via Account Management. As is the case with other products, the granting of Leveraged Forex trading permissions is subject to client qualifications and regulatory eligibility. The following article provides an overview of leveraged forex transactions including a definition and working examples.

A forex conversion consists of exchanging a long position in one particular currency for a long position in another or exchanging a long position in order to close out a short position in another. An example would be a client holding a long EUR balance, seeking to exchange it, in whole or part, for USD. This particular transaction is not leveraged as it requires no financing on the part of IB and can be performed in either a cash or margin type account.

A leveraged forex transaction. in contrast, is one which is entered into on a margin basis or financed by IB. Here, IB employs an algorithm which assesses account balances at the time a forex order is placed to determine whether it requires leverage. A leveraged condition requires that all of the following 3 tests be met:

1. If a short balance in any non-base currency exists; and, 2. If the sum of all short non-base currency cash balances (absolute value in when translated in the Base currency) exceeds the sum of positive non-cash asset values; and, 3. If the deficiency, if any, computed in test #2 exceeds the total NLV of the account.

Examples of Leveraged Forex transactions (all balances in USD equivalent):

Test 1: Leveraged (Due to short CAD cash balance of 15,000) Test 2: Leveraged (As short CAD cash balance of 15,000 exceeds long non-cash asset balances of 0) Test 3: Leveraged (As Test 2 deficiency of 15,000 exceeds NLV of 5,000 by 10,000)

Test 1: Leveraged (Due to short CAD balance of 55,000) Test 2: Leveraged (As short CAD cash balance of 55,000 exceeds long CAD non-cash asset balance of 40,000 by 15,000) Test 3: Leveraged (As Test 2 deficiency of 15,000 exceeds NLV of 5,000 by 10,000)

Test 1: Leveraged (Due to short CAD balance of 10,000) Test 2: Leveraged (As short CAD cash balance of 10,000 exceeds long non-cash asset balances of 5,000 by 10,000) Test 3: Leveraged (As Test 2 deficiency of 10,000 exceeds NLV of 5,000 by 5,000)

Examples of Forex transactions that are not leveraged (all balances in USD equivalent):

Test 1: Non-Leveraged (As there are no short cash balances) Test 2: N/A Test 3: N/A

Test 1: Non-Leveraged (As there are no short cash balances) Test 2: N/A Test 3: N/A

Test 1: Leveraged (Due to short CAD balance of 15,000) Test 2: Non-Leveraged (As long USD non-cash asset balance of 20,000 exceeds short CAD cash balance of 15,000) Test 3: N/A

Test 1: Leveraged (Due to short CAD balance of 5,000) Test 2: Leveraged (As short CAD cash balance of 5,000 exceeds long non-cash asset balances of 0 by 5,000) Test 3: Non-Leveraged (As Test 2 deficiency of 5,000 fully offset by NLV of 5,000)



Now that your account is funded and approved you can start trading. The information below will help you getting started as a new customer of Interactive Brokers.

Your Money

Configure your account to trade

Cómo negociar

Trade all over the World

Five points to enrich your IB experience

1. Your Money Deposits & Withdrawals General Info. All transactions are administered through your secure Account Management Deposits First, you create a deposit notification through your Account Management > Funding > Fund Transfers > Transaction Type: “Deposit” How to create a deposit notification. The second step is to instruct your Bank to do the wire transfer with the bank details provided in your Deposit Notification. Withdrawals Create a withdrawal instruction via your secure Account Management > Funding > Fund Transfers > Transaction Type: "Withdrawals" How to create a withdrawal instruction If you instruct a withdrawal over the Withdrawal limits. it will be considered an exceptional withdrawal and we will therefore need to match bank account holder and IB account. If destination bank account has been used for a deposit, withdrawal will be processed; otherwise, you must contact customer service and provide the documents needed. Troubleshooting Deposits: My bank sent the money but I do not see it credited into my IB account. Possible reasons: a) A fund transfer takes 1-4 business days b) A Deposit Notification is missing. You have to create it via your Account Management and send a ticket to Customer Service c) Amending details are missing. Your name or IB account number is missing in the transfer details. You have to contact your bank and ask for the full amending details. d) ACH initiated by IB is limited to 100k USD in a 7 business period. If you opened a Portfolio Margin account where the initial requirement is 110k, a wire deposit might be the better deposit option to reduce wait time for your first trade. If selecting ACH a wait time of almost 2 weeks or a temporary downgrade to RegT can be possible solutions. Withdrawals: I have requested a withdrawal but I do not see the money credited to my bank account. Possible reasons: a) A fund transfer takes 1-4 business days b) Rejected. Over the max it can be withdrawn. Please check your account cash balance. Note that for regulatory requirements, when the funds are deposited, there is a 3 day holding period before they can be withdrawn. c) Your bank returned the funds. Probably because receiving bank account and remitting bank account names do not match.

2. Configure your account to trade Difference between Cash and Margin accounts: If you have chosen the FastTrack application, by default your account type is a cash account with US stock permission. If you would like to get leverage and trade on margin, here how to upgrade to a RegT Margin account Trading Permissions In order to be able to trade a particular asset class in a particular country, you need to get the trading permission for it via your Account Management. Please note that trading permissions are free. You might however be asked to sign risk disclosures required by local regulatory authorities. How to Request Trading Permissions Market Data If you want to have market data in real-time for a particular product/exchange, you need to subscribe to a market data package charged by the exchange. How to subscribe to Market data The Market data assistant will help you choose the right package. Please watch this Video explaining how it works. Customers have the option to receive delayed market data for free by clicking the Free Delayed Data button from a non-subscribed ticker row. Advisor Accounts Have a look at the user guide getting started as advisors. Here you see how to create additional users to your advisor account and grant them access and much more.

3. How to trade The Trader's University is the place to go when you want to learn how to use our Platforms. Here you will find our webinars, live and recorded in 10 languages and tours and documentation about our various Trading Platforms. Trader Workstation (TWS) Traders who require more sophisticated trading tools can use our market maker-designed Trader Workstation (TWS), which optimizes your trading speed and efficiency with an easy-to-use spreadsheet interface, support for more than 60 order types, task-specific trading tools for all trading styles, and real-time account balance and activity monitoring. Try the two models TWS Mosaic: for intuitive usability, easy trading access, order management, watchlist, charts all in one window or TWS Classic: the Advanced Order Management for traders who need more advanced tools and algos. General Description and Information / Quick start guide / Usersguide Interactive Tours: TWS Basics / TWS configuration / TWS Mosaic How to place a trade: Video Classic TWS / Video Mosaic Trading tools: General Description and Information / Users guide Requirements: How to install Java for Windows / How to install Java for MAC / Port 4000 and 4001 needs to be open Login TWS / Download TWS WebTrader Traders who prefer a clean and simple interface can use our HTML-based WebTrader, which makes it easy to view market data, submit orders, and monitor your account and executions. Use the latest WebTrader from every browser Quick Start Guide / WebTrader User's Guide Introduction: Video WebTrader How to place a Trade: Video WebTrader Login WebTrader MobileTrader Our mobile solutions allow you to trade your IB account on the go. The mobileTWS for iOS and the mobileTWS for BlackBerry are custom-designed for these popular models, while the generic MobileTrader supports most other Smart phones. General Description and Information Order Types Order Types available and Description / Videos / Tour / Users guide Paper Trading General Description and Information / How to get a Paper Trading Account Once your paper account is created, you can share the market data of your real account with your paper trading account: Account Management > Manage Account > Settings > Paper trading

4. Trade all over the World IB accounts are multi-currency accounts. Your account can hold different currencies at the same time, this allows you to trade multiple products around the world from a single account. Base Currency Your base currency determines the currency of translation for your statements and the currency used for determining margin requirements. Base currency is determined when you open an account. Customers may change their base currency at any time through Account Management. We do not automatically convert currencies into your Base currency Currency conversions must be done manually by the customer. In this video you can learn how to do a currency conversion. In order to open a position denominated in a currency that you do not have in your account, you have two possibilities: A) Currency conversion. B) IB Margin Loan. (Not available for Cash Accounts) Please see this course explaining the mechanics of a foreign transaction.

5. Five points to enrich your IB experience 1. Contract Search Here you will find all our products, symbols and specifications. 2. IB Knowledge Base The Knowledge Base is a repository of glossary terms, how-to articles, troubleshooting tips and guidelines designed to assist IB customers with the management of their IB accounts. Just enter in the search button what you are looking for and you will get the answer. 3. Account Management As our trading platforms give you access to the markets, the Account Management grants you access to your IB account. Use Account Management to manage account-related tasks such as depositing or withdrawing funds, viewing your statements, modifying market data and news subscriptions, changing your trading permissions, and verifying or changing your personal information. Log In Account Management / AM Quick Start Guide / AM Users Guide 4. Secure Login System To provide you with the highest level of online security, Interactive Brokers has implemented a Secure Login System (SLS) through which access to your account is subject to two-factor authentication. Two-factor authentication serves to confirm your identity at the point of login using two security factors: 1) Something you know (your username and password combination); and 2) Something you have (an IB issued security device which generates a random, single-use security code). As both knowledge of your username/password and physical possession of the security device are required to login to your account, participation in the Secure Login System virtually eliminates the possibility of anyone other than you accessing your account. How to Activate your Security Device / How to Obtain a Security Code Card / How to return Security device In case you forgot your password or lost your security code card, please call us for immediate assistance. 5. Statements and Reports Easy to view and customize, our statements and reports cover all aspects of your Interactive Brokers account. How to view an Activity Statement

Account holders are encouraged to routinely monitor their order submissions with the objective of optimizing efficiency and minimizing 'wasted' or non-executed orders. As inefficient orders have the potential to consume a disproportionate amount of system resources. IB measures the effectiveness of client orders through the Order Efficiency Ratio (OER). This ratio compares aggregate daily order activity relative to that portion of activity which results in an execution and is determined as follows:

OER = (Order Submissions + Order Revisions + Order Cancellations) / (Executed Orders + 1)

Outlined below is a list of considerations which can assist with optimizing (reducing) one's OER:

1. Cancellation of Day Orders - strategies which use 'Day' as the Time in Force setting and are restricted to Regular Trading Hours should not initiate order cancellations after 16:00 ET, but rather rely upon IB processes which automatically act to cancel such orders. While the client initiated cancellation request which serve to increase the OER, IB's cancellation will not.

2. Modification vs. Cancellation - logic which acts to cancel and subsequently replace orders should be substituted with logic which simply modifies the existing orders. This will serve to reduce the process from two order actions to a single order action, thereby improving the OER.

3. Conditional Orders - when utilizing strategies which involve the pricing of one product relative to another, consideration should be given to minimizing unnecessary price and quantity order modifications. As an example, an order modification based upon a price change should only be triggered if the prior price is no longer competitive and the new suggested price is competitive.

4. Meaningful Revisions – logic which serves to modify existing orders without substantially increasing the likelihood of the modified order interacting with the NBBO should be avoided. An example of this would be the modification of a buy order from $30.50 to $30.55 on a stock having a bid-ask of $31.25 - $31.26.

5. RTH Orders – logic which modifies orders set to execute solely during Regular Trading Hours based upon price changes taking place outside those hours should be optimized to only make such modifications during or just prior to the time at which the orders are activated.

6. Order Stacking - Any strategy that incorporates and transmits the stacking of orders on the same side of a particular underlying should minimize transmitting those that are not immediately marketable until the orders which have a greater likelihood of interacting with the NBBO have executed.

7. Use of IB Order Types - as the revision logic embedded within IB-supported order types is not considered an order action for the purposes of the OER, consideration should be given to using IB order types, whenever practical, as opposed to replicating such logic within the client order management logic. Logic which is commonly initiated by clients and whose behavior can be readily replicated by IB order types include: the dynamic management of orders expressed in terms of an options implied volatility (Volatility Orders), orders to set a stop price at a fixed amount relative to the market price (Trailing Stop Orders), and orders designed to automatically maintain a limit price relative to the NBBO (Pegged-to-Market Orders).

The above is not intended to be an exhaustive list of steps for optimizing one's orders but rather those which address the most frequently observed inefficiencies in client order management logic, are relatively simple to implement and which provide the opportunity for substantive and enduring improvements. For further information or questions, please contact the Customer Service Technical Assistance Center.

The Most Popular Indicators Used in Forex

Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD)

The MACD is one of the most popular oscillator used by currency traders. This is a momentum indicator can be used to confirm trends, while also indicating reversals, or overbought/oversold conditions. The MACD is calculated by taking the difference between the 2 exponential moving averages. The two that is usually used are the 26-day and 12-day moving averages.

How can MACD be used for trading?

The most common way to use the MACD is to buy/sell a currency pair when it crosses the signal line or zero. A sell signal occurs when the MACD falls below the signal line, while a buy signal occurs when the MACD rallies above the signal line.

The MACD can also be used as an overbought/oversold indicator. When the shorter moving average moves away significantly from the longer moving average (i. e. the MACD rises), it is likely that the currency price’s movements are starting to exhaust and will soon return to more realistic levels.

When the MACD diverges from the trend of the currency price, this may signal a trend reversal. In addition, if the MACD makes a new low while the currency pair does not also make a new low, this is a bearish divergence, indicating a possible oversold condition. Alternatively, if the MACD is making new highs while the currency pair fails to confirm these highs, this is a bullish divergence, indicating a possible overbought condition.

The stochastic oscillator is a commonly used momentum indicator that measures the current currency price compared to its historical price for a given time period. It looks to gage the strength and momentum of a currency pair's price action by measuring the degree by which a currency is overbought or oversold. The scale for the indicator is 0 to 100. Readings above 80 indicate overbought conditions, as it reflects the fact that the currency is strong and the price is closing near the high of the trading range. Readings below 20 indicate oversold conditions and reflects the fact that the currency is weak and is closing near the low of the trading range.

How can stochastics be used for trading?

Detect Overbought and Oversold Conditions

The most common way to analyze stochastics is to sell when the reading is above 80, which implies overbought conditions and to buy when the reading is below 20, which implies oversold conditions.

Buy and sell signals can also be given when stochastics show divergence, indicating a possible trend reversal. Divergence occurs when the stochastic values are moving in one direction and the price values are moving in the opposite direction.

The relative strength index or RSI is probably the most popular oscillator used by the FX trading community. It was developed by J. Welles Wilder Jr. to gage the strength or momentum of a currency pair. This indicator is calculated by comparing a currency pair’s current performance against its past performance, or its up days versus its down days. RSI is on a scale of 1-100, where any point above 70 is considered overbought, while any point below 30 is considered oversold. The standard time frame for this measure is 14 periods, although 9 and 25 periods are also commonly used. Generally, more periods tend to yield more accurate the data.

How Can RSI be Used for Trading?

RSI Can be Used to Identify Extreme Conditions or Reversals.

RSI above 70 is considered overbought and indicating a sell signal. RSI below 30 is considered oversold which would imply a buy signal. Some traders identify the long-term trend and then use extreme readings for entry points. If the long-term trend is bullish, then oversold readings could represent potential entry points.

RSI Can be Used to Indicate Divergence

Trade opportunities can also be generated by scanning for positive and negative divergences between the RSI and the underlying currency pair. For example, a falling currency pair where RSI rises from a low point of 15 back up to 50. With RSI, the underlying pair will often reverse its direction soon after such a divergence. Consistent with this example, divergences that occur after an overbought or oversold reading usually provide more reliable signals.

Bollinger bands are very similar to moving averages. The bands are plotted at two standard deviations above or below the moving average. This is typically based off of the simple moving average, but an exponential moving average can be used to increase the sensitivity of the indicator. A 20-day simple moving average is recommended for the center band and 2 standard deviations for the outer bands. The length of the moving average and number of deviations can be altered to better suit trader preferences and volatility of a currency pair. In addition to identifying relative price levels and volatility, bollinger bands can be combined with price action and other indicators to generate signals and be a precursor to significant moves.

How can Bollinger Bands be Used for Trading?

Bollinger bands are typically used by traders to detect extreme unsustainable price moves, capture changes in trend, identify support/resistance levels and spot contractions/expansions in volatility. There are a number of ways to interpret Bollinger Bands.

Some traders believe that when the prices break above or below the upper or lower band, it is an indication that a breakout is occurring. These traders will then take a position in the direction of the breakout.

Alternatively, some traders use Bollinger Bands as an overbought and oversold indicator. As shown in the chart below, when the price touches the top of the band, traders will sell, assuming that the currency pair is overbought and will want to revert back to mean or the middle moving average band. If the price touches the bottom of the band, traders will buy the currency pair, assuming that it is oversold and will rally back towards the top of the band. The spacing or width of the band is dependent on the volatility of the prices. Typically, the higher the volatility, the wider the band and the lower the volatility, the narrower the band.

Pulling it All Together Alone, none of these indicators yield great results. However, when combined and used in unison, they can give traders the extra edge needed to better understand short term trading dynamics. Therefore it is important for traders to look for relationships between the different indicators as multiple signals can provide the most accurate trading predictions.

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Franklin Covey Company Common Stock Quote & Summary Data

Descripción de la Compañía (como archivado en la SEC)

Franklin Covey Co. (we, us, our, the Company, or FranklinCovey) is a global company specializing in performance improvement. We help organizations achieve results that require a change in human behavior, and our mission is to "enable greatness in people and organizations everywhere." We believe that our results-driven principle-centered content is a competitive advantage in the marketplace. From the foundational work of Dr. Stephen R. Covey in leadership and Hyrum W. Smith in productivity, we have developed deep expertise that extends to helping organizations and individuals achieve lasting behavioral change in seven crucial areas: Leadership, Execution, Productivity, Trust, Sales Performance, Customer Loyalty, and Education. We have over 810 employees worldwide delivering these principle-based curriculums and effectiveness tools to our customers. Más.

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Joined Jan 2006

Re: Forex Confidential

I am a former member of Forex Confidential and I continue to recieve his emails for the purpose of amusement. I follow along and like to watch his "flavor of the month" trading system crash and burn as it always does.

Even though I am making jokes about Steve Dewitt and his "trading methods", it really is not funny at all to those of us (including myself) that have lost money with this clown. Why can't Steve realize that whatever he is doing is just not working -- no matter what system he trades with? And, therefore, why doesn't he just pack it in and stop hurting others through draining their bank accounts? There are people out there who are financially desperate and will try anything to make money to survive on. Steve Dewitt is taking advantage of these desperate people. If he truly is a "man of God" as he portrays himself, and if he cares about others as he claims he does, then he should immediately get out of the forex business of providing false hope and stop bilking people out of their money. If he is such a great trader as he has often claimed, then he should just trade by himself and only for himself.

It is not a stretch to say that Steve Dewitt cannot make sufficient money through his own trading. Therefore, the only way he can substain his lifestyle is through people subscribing to his "trading services". About a year or so ago, in an email he sent out, he happened to mention he had 500 members. At the time he was charging $129 per month. Let's do the math: 500 members x $129/month = $64,500 PER MONTH!

He is a master marketer and knows how to sell himself (do a internet search and you will see he was a major MLM'er and into other businesses as well). And at one time several years ago he had some trading credibility. Combine those things and that is how he gained so many subscribers. However, I seriously doubt if he has anywhere near 500 subscribers today (assuming that he ever did have that many). I think it is obvious that as long as people are duped into believing he can make them money, they will, instead, continue to make HIM money.

__________________ "I found out that it’s not good to talk about my troubles. Eighty percent of the people who hear them don’t care and the other twenty percent are glad you’re having them." – Tommy Lasorda

Last edited by Quickdraw2; Mar 9, 2010 at 11:20pm.

Bima FC forex trading News

Majors, Crosses, & Pips

ISO (International Organization for Standardization)

Established in 1947, ISO established a standard for country and Forex currency pair abbreviations. Since foreign currencies are quoted in terms of value of one currency against another, a Forex currency pair consists of an acronym for both currencies, separated by a slash "/". Por ejemplo:

Great British Pound

Swiss Franc (Confoederatio Helvetica Franc)

United States Dollar

New Zealand Dollar

Currencies are always traded in pairs, for example EUR/USD, USD/JPY. Every position requires the buying of one currency and selling of another. When someone says they are "buying the EUR/USD", they are buying Euros and selling Dollars. There are many other Forex currency pairs available to trade, such as the Danish Krone, Mexican Peso, and Russian Ruble. However, these currency pairs are generally traded less, and are not considered major currencies.


Market increments are measured in PIPs, or Percentage in Point. A pip is the fourth except for Japanese Yen crosses, where a pip is the second digit. For example, let's assume a Forex trader buys 1 standard lot of GBP/USD. The current exchange rate is 1.96150. Essentially this trader is buying £100,000 in exchange for $196,150. Again, for examples sake, assume the Forex market rate rose 15 PIPs to 1.96300 and the trader liquidates the position. The same £100,000 is now worth $196,300, the trader realizing a $150 profit. Try our pip calculator from our Forex trading tools section to calculate your own pip values.

Major Forex Currency Pairs

Some Forex currency pairs are traded more heavily than others. The currency pairs that have the most volume consist of the "majors". It is widely agreed that the following 6 pairs are considered the majors:







Nicknames are sometimes used for currency pairs. Here is a list of Forex currency pairs and commonly used nicknames for each:

Superior Forex Execution

We understand that you need excellent order execution - after all, what good does a shiny trade platform do you when you can’t get into your trade when you want and at the price you want?

And this is why Interbank FX is different from other brokers. We have invested millions of dollars in our back-end order routing technology we call Core. The difference all comes down to speed and how our system manages orders.

We created a short video to illustrate how our proprietary order routing system works:

First off, our back-end smart order routing system is fast. Forex is a very fast moving market and we as your broker need to be fast, too, in order to execute trades at the price requested by traders. When developing Core, we optimized heavily for speed, which is evident in our performance statistics. Our average execution time is only 8 Milliseconds* on average - which is better than the technology that your average institutional trader trades through!**

Secondly, our system has been developed to handle less-than-ideal scenarios - which is a reality in a fast moving market like forex. In an ideal scenario your trade will get accepted by the first available liquidity partner, but sometimes that doesn’t happen. Our smart order router, instead of rejecting the order out-right like other brokers may, immediately sends your trade onto the next liquidity partner until all possible options are exhausted or until your trade gets filled.

Risk management in forex trading

Be careful but don’t hesitate. Be careful, your money can evaporate just like that if you dont pay attention to risk managemen in forex trading. Remember that forex trading investments are classified as high risk investment. This means that forex trading is considered having unpredictable return depends on risk management and your trading pattern. One of the highest risk among other financial investment instruments. Risk factors that you should know before start forex trading. 1. Have the possibility of losing 100% funds 2. The flow of funds is very fast 3. There is no forex trading method that can guarantee you gain profit. There are many good trading method, but no one can guarantee 100% profit 4. F orex trading is not a “quick rich scheme” that can make you rich quick without working hard. There is no success without hard work. Hard work is an integral part of those who experience financial success in life. Including those who succeed through forex trading. It takes hard work to learn the analysis and market behavior so that we can guess the direction of price movement accurately. So you’ll also need extra mental power when doing trading that results something that you dont expect. Ask successful traders that you know, whether they had experienced ups and downs in their forex trading. And the answer almost certainly is “yes.” Success is only for those who want to try and learn continuously improve themself. Associated with trading risks that must be faced if we want to start investing in forex. it needs special tips to minimize, or even reverse our position that was minus a positive return and earn a profit. Here are some tips and risk management you can take:

Represents action to close your position opposite the market price movement. Cut loss used to limit the losses suffered to avoid even a greater losses. For example, say we’re opening our position on Open Buy GBPUSD at 1.8000 price. Open a Buy position means that we expect prices to rise above 1.8000. Our hope as the price moves up to 1.8100 so that we can obtain 100 points profit. But suddenly the situation turns out and the price moves against what we expect. It turned out that the price goes down continually from 1.8000 to 1.7980 and still showed a tendency to fall. Well, rather than experiencing a further loss or ultimately experience a margin call, the better decision is to bear the loss even though we closed minus 20 points (1.8000 to 1.7980 = -20 points). This action is called the cut loss of closing wrong positions in order to prevent greater losses.

This action is similar to cut loss, but the difference is after we close the wrong position (loss), we open a new position with the same direction as the market price movement. In the same case with a cut loss above, then we close our position at 1.7980 and then we open a new position Sell as prices tend to decrease. Thus, if prices continue to fall, say reach 1.7900 then our overall experience loss 20 points but gain profit by 80 points (1.7980-1.7900 = 80) so that the total profit we still get 60 points. Tips For You: # Do it only if the profit prediction exceeds the loss of switching the first position which will be closed. # If it turns out the price change was in accordance with the first prediction, then you will suffer a 2 times loss, the first position and second position as well.

This method requires extra capital to maintain the position we open that was moving against the market price movement. Say it is the same case with the example above (Cut Loss), if we want to take averaging action then we open a new position but in this case is not like switching (closing a loss position and then open a new position in opposite direction to the closed position). In averaging we are not closing our position which has been opened (in this case Open Buy) and then we open new positions in the same direction. Why is that? The reason is simple, we would expect the price has come down then the price will go up so that when we perform a second Buy action and expecting the price moves up and even surpass our first Buy position so that we gain a double profit.

The three risk management mentioned above is very simple and easy to do. So, how unfortunately we suffered a loss just because we do not know the things above. But whether by knowing these three risk management we certainly will never experienced loss? No, of course not. If you look at the three risk management above relies on one thing: our ability to analyze price movements. Yes, that’s the core of forex trading . Risk management doesnt even become effective when we are not able to do the analysis correctly and accurately. So, knowing the analysis is imperative in starting an investment in forex trading .

GCI now offers both ICTS trading software (windows and java-based) and MetaTrader trading software: ICTS Trading Software

Trade currencies on 2 pip spreads from the Dealing Rates Table or directly from real-time charts. You can set alerts, place conditional orders, and take advantage of our AFX news feed, live quotes, comprehensive real-time position and account tracking, and mobile trading access.

Prices from the "Dealing Rates" windows are constantly updating and can be clicked on at any time to place a trade. This full-featured trading platform also provides real-time account balance, P&L, and margin information, and real-time charts and news. Recent enhancements include the ability to "hedge" (enter opposite positions in the same currency without offsetting or using additional margin). MetaTrader Trading Software GCI now offers Forex and CFD trading on the popular MetaTrader 4 trading platform. Trading directly from charts, fractional lot capabilities, the ability to program trading signals, and unlimited charts and technical indicators are among the many benefits. MetaTrader is ideal for novice traders and professionals alike. All major currency orders are filled directly in the interbank market, with no dealer intervention or delays.

Test MetaTrader software for free: download the installation file (gci4setup. exe, 3.5Mb) to your PC, launch it and install the program, checking for instructions appearing on your monitor.

What is a Nostro Account?

Updated: February 05, 2014 at 4:34 AM

Nostro Account Definition. A Nostro Account is an account denominated in a foreign currency established through your local bank at a bank in the respective country of the currency desired. The terms "nostro" and "vostro" are derived from Latin terms meaning "ours" and "yours" respectively. A nostro account is our account in a different country and a vostro account is a foreigner's account in our country. A nostro account is always in foreign Currency while a vostro account is in Home currency. (thanks P Goyal for the fb comment)

For example, if you live in the United States and ask you local bank to set up a Euro account for you, they will most likely open a "Nostro Account" with a correspondent agent bank in the European Union that they have a banking relationship with for that specific purpose. The Euro bank will set up the account, but it is not a typical checking account. These accounts are treated differently on the books of the bank. Transactions to and from these accounts may only be wire transfers to ensure identity credentials are monitored and that special handling is used. Generally, companies will use these types of accounts when they often either buy or sell in another country but do not have a physical presence that would afford them usage of a typical checking account arrangement.

Declaración de riesgo: La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. Existe la posibilidad de que usted pierda más que su depósito inicial. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted.

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La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Ninguna información o opinión contenida en este sitio debe ser tomada como una solicitud u oferta para comprar o vender cualquier moneda, capital u otros instrumentos financieros o servicios. El rendimiento pasado no es ninguna indicación o garantía de rendimiento futuro. Por favor, lea nuestra renuncia legal.

Demo Contest to win FC BARCELONA JERSEY – IronFX

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IFC Markets Reviews

This company deceives people by persuading them to deposit by any means. They invite people to job interviews and make them open real accounts with their own money allegedly for educational purposes. After a novice trader loses its deposit they throw them away to fill the vacancy with fresh credulous idiots.

I've used several demo accounts with IFC before opening the real one. I have not though understood their own trading platform, so decided to use MetaTrader instead. I am quite satisfied with the speed of the order execution on currency pairs and shares. The lot sizes also suit my requirements. So far I am satisfied with the conditions and services.

I've got a trading account at IFC Markets. Tha platform I use is NetTradeX. I'm not much of a novice, besides I have financial aducation, and what has attracted me much to the broker is the possibility to experiment with trading tools new to me. I've made up a personal portfolio with different kinds of shares. During my first year with the broker the average profitability was around 45%, and I'm still searching for tools to make it ever higher.

Quite a good broker. Not excellent for trading on news, though, as the execution is ont instant, when there are fast moves in the chart. But the customer support is very good and helpful. Have been trading with them for several months so far, haven't had any problems with depositing or withdrawal.

Find a Forex Broker

Risk Warning: Trading on financial markets carries risks. Contracts for Difference (‘CFDs’) are complex financial products that are traded on margin. Trading CFDs conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, ya que el apalancamiento puede funcionar tanto para su ventaja como para su desventaja. Como resultado, CFDs puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores, ya que puede perder todo su capital invertido. Usted no debe arriesgar más de lo que está preparado para perder. Antes de decidir negociar, debe asegurarse de que entiende los riesgos involucrados teniendo en cuenta sus objetivos de inversión y el nivel de experiencia. Click here for our full Risk Disclosure.

Mayzus investment company

MAYZUS INVESTMENT COMPANY 22 Griva Digeni Avenue, Sergides Court, 3106 Neapoli Limassol, Cyprus

Tel: +357-25-750-555 (Available from 9 am till 6 pm GMT+2) Fax: +357-25-722-377

IFC Markets - Forex Broker information, rating, reviews

Traders Rating: 3

Reviews News Rating IFC Markets licenses and regulations: FSPR Trading software: NetTradeX, MetaTrader4 Headquartered: 38 Birmingham Drive Middleton Christchurch, New Zealand, 8024

IFC Markets is a trademark of the IFCM Group. Its activity is connected with development and execution of different projects in the area of financial technologies.

IFC Markets is an International Financial company providing services in trading currency pairs, precious metals, Index CFDs. Stock CFDs, Commodity CFDs.

In addition, IFC Markets has launched an innovative trading method GeWorko. through which it is possible to create personal composite instruments (PCI) in the trading-analytic platform NetTradeX and instantly obtain their price history.

The main goal of IFC Markets is to provide clients with top-level services, including: trade without request, no matter what volume of trade you are performing, instant execution of all kinds of orders, low spreads, contact capability within a few minutes from any part of the world, and 24-hour tech support. IFC Markets is currently involved in creating of subsidiary branches in different regions and countries worldwide.

The company offers a competitive partnership program with commission starting from 10$ to 15$ per 1 standard lot.

The most important feature that distinguishes IFC Markets from other companies is the provision of its own new-generation trading-platform NetTradeX. This program is the result of several years work of highly-qualified programmers of the NetTradeX Company, also included in the group.

Own professional trading platform NetTradeX

Trading on streaming quotes with fixed spreads

Leverage up to 1:400 for currency pairs and up to 1:40 for Stocks

Interbank SWAPs for currencies

Interest-free borrowing of non-currency assets

Opportunity to create personal composite instruments PCI

Fund Insurance in AIG EUROPE LIMITED

IFC Markets Trading information

This company deceives people by persuading them to deposit by any means. They invite people to job interviews and make them open real accounts with their own money allegedly for educational purposes. After a novice trader loses its deposit they throw them away to fill the vacancy with fresh credulous idiots.

I've used several demo accounts with IFC before opening the real one. I have not though understood their own trading platform, so decided to use MetaTrader instead. I am quite satisfied with the speed of the order execution on currency pairs and shares. The lot sizes also suit my requirements. So far I am satisfied with the conditions and services.

I've got a trading account at IFC Markets. Tha platform I use is NetTradeX. I'm not much of a novice, besides I have financial aducation, and what has attracted me much to the broker is the possibility to experiment with trading tools new to me. I've made up a personal portfolio with different kinds of shares. During my first year with the broker the average profitability was around 45%, and I'm still searching for tools to make it ever higher.

Quite a good broker. Not excellent for trading on news, though, as the execution is ont instant, when there are fast moves in the chart. But the customer support is very good and helpful. Have been trading with them for several months so far, haven't had any problems with depositing or withdrawal.

Login to add review All IFC Markets Reviews

IFC Markets Forex News

January 30, 2014 New version 1.00.231 NetTradeX Advisors A new version of the trading terminal NetTradeX Advisors 1.00.231 has been released. NetTradeX Advisors terminal is designed for creating and using advisors for automated (program) trading. January 30, 2014 New payment method for Japan In addition to the payment methods we provide, a more convenient payment method for Japan has been added. January 22, 2014 Changes in the trading schedule of 20.01.2014 Due to the holiday in the USA (Martin Luther King Day), the schedule of trading for the following instruments has been changed.

Trading with one of the most trusted forex broker International Financial Holding FIBO Group (Financial Intermarket Brokerage Online Group) is one of the oldest players in marginal internet trading. The first company of FIBO Group was founded in 1998. From the first day of our work, we always adhere to the principles of transparent activities, to protect the interests of customers and strict compliance of observance applicable laws and orders of national regulators. Our customers and partners can be assured that all services, provided by any of the companies within the holding FIBO Group, meet the highest international standards.

January 9, 2014 Spread trading between two stocks and GeWorko Method The article Spread trading between two stocks is published, which reflects detailed analysis of spread trading opportunities by using composite instrument (PCI), based on two popular stocks December 27, 2013 Changes in trading schedule on 28.11.2013 and 29.11.2013 In connection with a holiday in the USA the trading schedule on the following instruments has been changed.

Top Rated Forex Brokers


With forex trading becoming one of the most widely spread activities among people around the world the need of a reliable system that can make the difference in a trader’s life and bank account has become an imperative need.

The Forex market is known worldwide by its high liquidity and its high volume of transactions occurring during most of the long trading week characteristic of these very special markets. These characteristics highly contribute to make the market a very trendy market with very few trend-less periods during the whole trading period.

Every trader, even if he is new, has seen what is called a forex chart. This is, most of the time, what you first see when you start thinking about becoming a trader. In the beginning when you start analyzing charts you will realize that the market constantly displays some very familiar patterns of price movements in front of your eyes, this is what is called trends, and you will notice that once a pattern is established, it will become the most probable course of future price action until the market changes. Giving you a good forecast of what comes next with the currency prices.

As soon as you start learning more about analyzing the charts you will notice that a trending market has two main patterns:

Uptrends - A pattern of higher highs and higher lows.

Downtrends - A pattern of lower lows and lower highs.

The concept of a trending market may seem pretty simple at the beginning but it’s this great characteristic of the markets that allow the Profitable Trend Forex System to exist. With a proper understanding of trends this system can consistently generate 83-157 pips per week. Which is a great pips producing rate even for old and experienced trading professionals.

Now, what is the secret of this forex trading system? It’s simple. To be successful in trading, you only need to do two things: Identify the trend and join the trend with precise timing.

Are you wishing to learn more details about this Trend Forex System? You will find access to all the details here:

ithout any doubt the forex markets have become much more easily accessible these days than just a decade ago thanks to the widespread use of the internet in most countries of the world and the great number of brokers that now let you trade commission free and with narrow spreads. All this means that the high profitability of trading has become potentially accessible to any one, anywhere.

But in order to become a profitable trader you must first learn the basics of forex trading, this means, you need an education.

In Forex trading as in all other speculative activities in the markets there is a major and central problem that all, new and experienced traders, are bound to face every time they open their web-based trading stations. This central and ever important problem is, how do you do to predict the behavior of the market as time evolves in order to make the highest profit with the less risk possible.

Of course a totally precise prediction of the market behavior is not realistically possible, but a close approach to predicting the behavior is totally possible and within our reach. This is what makes a good forex trading system and sets it apart from the amateur systems. Once you have acquired a reliable trading system the odds will be on your favor because you are not only hoping or guessing what the markets will do next but you are entering your trades with the confidence your indicators and knowledge of the markets will give you.

Once you have handled this you will be on your way to becoming a profitable forex trader.

Said to be one of the largest exchange market the Forex market is also gaining popularity. The possibility of earning large profits adds to the traders appeal. Although trading in this market is not easy, it can be, provided one understands the Forex trading system. Even a planned investment can many times take a wrong turn. The investor has a bad day even after planning his actions. Nevertheless, this is of little concern to the Forex trader. Every trader in the Forex market knows that to keep the losses at a minimum the trader will have to use the trading signals and this can be done only and when the trader uses the Forex trading system. In this way, he will learn to survive the volatile investment market and brave investing again. The Forex trade allows the traders to conduct their trade in a rather emotionless manner. This is because the pre-determined guidelines that form the system make it an easy task.

Executing his actions is now easy as there are fixed price levels of initial stop loss and trailing loss. Apart form this there already exists a computed price profit, which is projected in the trader’s interests. This in built system of computation allows the trader to know what his level of loss or profit is and even the risk to reward ratio before he even begins to trade for the day. Using the trading system the trader plans his trades and makes a profit if he trades correctly. But on the other hand if the trader makes a wrong move and is more likely to make a loss than a profit then the Forex trading system will show the trader that he is making a wrong move. In this way the trader is able to move out of the situation quickly and the huge losses he would have otherwise incurred is no more a worry. Trading in this way is very safe and the trader is warned when he makes a wrong move. The Forex trading comes under the day trading, meaning the investors buy and sell their securities or they open and close their markets on the very same day. There are many traders who believe that the day trading system is not worthwhile and does not give it much importance.

When you want to check the Forex trading system as an option, what you can do is review this trading system by finding out how other Forex traders like it. You can easily ask the existing Forex traders their trading experience and how they like it via the trading system. Trading forums are another way of receiving reviews about the Forex trading system. As there are a number of forums, you will have no difficulty in getting the information you require. However many professionals feel that day trading is quite profitable though it is not the easiest way to trade. If this wasn’t a profitable method of investing then how does one explain the large number of day traders who earn their income solely from this source? Therefore, if you wish to be part of any system that relates to day trading then it is necessary that you have sufficient knowledge about the Forex trading systems. Many sites let you in on the secrets of Forex trading. These sites provide you with Forex Strategies, Forex techniques and all other information that you may be in need of.

A number of tools, information and techniques are made available so that the Forex trading is made easy. Additionally these sites provide the facility of online Forex trading. There are sites that provide free online trading. This is extremely helpful for day trading as the trader can be up-to-date with the changes in the market. No matter whether you are interested in day trade or swing trade as long as you have a good trading system in place. These systems should help you conduct your trade in a safe manner and ease your trade. In this way, you can make the most of your investments and have the chance to increase your profits and reduce the losses. Knowledge of the Forex Trading System will help you even in your other day trading endeavors.

We are a team of experienced writers, editors, SEO experts and quality control personnel who work in close association to produce quality, keyword-rich content. We have worked on web content, press releases, ebooks, blogs, travel guides as well as articles on a myriad of topics. Our endeavor is to provide you long term support in your content development efforts. CNS Zone. We Build on Words!

This book has been developed to help the Forex beginner, though experienced and professional currency traders may find it a handy reference.

Beginners and novice Forex traders are likely to benefit from reading the entire text, starting with the first Chapter, which provides a basic overview of what currency trading is . and how to get started.

The chapters are set out in a logical flow, but do not need to be read in order to make sense, as each works as a discrete unit unto itself. You may prefer to focus first on those chapters that you feel will complement your particular knowledge base best. Read our forex glossary is a glossary of terms (listed alphabetically) used in the Forex business, that will prove helpful, and may serve as a valuable reference as you become an experienced currency trader.

With the help of this guide, you will soon be ready to start trading Forex – in fact, with the assistance of the online Easy-Forex™ team, you can start today. We wish you success in your trading, and hope you find this book interesting, helpful and enjoyable.

Before you start, please remember:

Currency trading (OTC Trading) involves substantial risk of loss, and may not be suitable for everyone. Before deciding to undertake such transactions, a user should carefully evaluate whether his/her financial situation is appropriate for such transactions. Read more in the " RISK WARNING " section on the Easy-Forex™ Trading Platform website.

Always ask your Forex dealer (the FX TRADING PLATFORM you wish to trade with) the questions we prepared for you in this book (chapter 9). Selecting the appropriate Forex TRADING PLATFORM is essential for success in handling your trading and monitoring your activity, as well as maximizing profits, while minimizing losses and costs.

To get the complete currency trading book FREE Download it NOW

The foreign exchange market is worth over €2.3 billion. The majority of this is traded between banks for speculative purposes. A large amount however is traded by companies and private individuals in order to make payments overseas.

The markets work by large companies buying and selling currency for profit. The amount that is bought or sold determines the rate shown on currency websites. Due to the change between supply and demand, exchange rates fluctuate all the time.

There are various organisations that can convert currencies. Banks usually offer foreign exchange services, as do specialist foreign exchange dealers.

Working the Foreign Exchange Markets

The timing of a transaction is crucial to making money go further. Exchange rates change constantly and 10% fluctuations in a relatively short space of time are not uncommon. This could effectively increase, by 10% or more, the amount due when transferring money from one currency to another, for example exchanging Pound Sterling for Euro.

The are a variety of currency transfer options available depending on what is needed:

looking to make large payments in a another currency (for example to purchase a property)

looking to make smaller, more regular payments in a another currency (pension payments)

Spot Contracts

This option is suitable to purchase currency immediately . The rate received will be according to the markets on that day. Once the rate has been agreed with a currency dealer, arrangements will be made to send the money straight over to the designated bank account in France.

Transfers can be completed in one day to Europe when using a specialist foreign currency broker.

Forward Contracts

This option is ideal for people who need to make a payment in the future and wish to lock into a favourable exchange rate or to protect themselves from adverse exchange rate movements.

A forward contract offers the opportunity to fix an exchange rate for up to two years in the future, while paying only a small deposit.

Forward contracts can be for a set date in the future or can be flexible, depending on what is required.

The following example shows how using a forward contract can save substantially on a large cost such as a property purchase in France, paid in GBP.

A person looking to buy a €250,000 property in France for example would have received a rate of around 1.44 in mid-February 2006. The property would therefore have cost them £173,611. If they had booked a forward contract three months earlier however they would have received a rate of 1.49, so the property would have cost them just £167,785, a saving of nearly £6,000.

Stop loss orders

Stop loss orders are suitable for people who have funds to transfer but who have no real time constraints and are therefore looking to make the most of any favourable currency movements, while protecting themselves from any adverse currency movements.

It is an automated market order whereby you set a minimum level at which, if the markets reach this level, you will buy or sell your currency.

This effectively guarantees the minimum rate.

Limit Orders

These are suitable for people who have funds to transfer but who have no real time constraints and are therefore looking to make the most of a favourable currency movement, if one occurs.

This is another automated order whereby you set a target exchange rate at which, if the rate is achieved, you will buy or sell your currency.

Stop loss and limit orders can be run together to make the most of positive currency movements, while offering protection from negative movements.

Regular Payments

A regular payment plan is appropriate if regular currency transfers are being made (such as overseas mortgage or pension payments). This service removes the worry caused by exchange rate fluctuations when making currency payments over a period of time. An exchange rate can be fixed for up to two years on payments made within this time

FxPro recognised for its global expansion by the Cyprus Government at the Cyprus Export Awards

FxPro Financial Services Ltd (FxPro), a leading global retail broker in FX and CFDs, was presented with the ‘Special Exports Award for Services’, at the prestigious Cyprus Export Awards 2009 - a ceremony attended by the President of the Republic of Cyprus, Demetris Christofias, representatives from all sectors of the Cyprus Government and the island’s leading international businesses.

The award was presented to Charalambos Psimolophitis, Executive Director and Finance Director of FxPro at the Hilton Park Hotel by the Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, Antonis Paschalides. Also in attendance at the island’s most important business awards were the President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Manthos Mavrommatis, and the President of the Selection Committee of Cyprus Exports Awards, Panayiotis Loizides.

The award recognised the professional excellence with which FxPro has grown worldwide and, with it, the reputation of Cyprus as a home to top international businesses. The forex company was also recently awarded top honour of ‘Forex Provider of the Year’ at the prestigious FT Investors Chronicle Awards 2010.

FxPro has recently seen significant growth of both its services portfolio and its geographic footprint, resulting today in a diverse customer base across more than 140 countries. It has shown great innovation in building its global profile, by leveraging such major ongoing sports sponsorships as Aston Villa FC, Fulham FC and the World Rally Championship (WRC).

Charalambos Psimolophitis commented: “FxPro is proud to have been recognised by the President, the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism and the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce. This award perfectly crowns a 2010 period, during which our trading volumes grew by over 20% - from $440 billion in 2009 to over $530 billion in 2010 - and we realised a net profit growth of over 50% on 2009.”

FxPro wins Financial Times / Investors Chronicle Investment Awards 2010 – ‘Forex Provider of the Year’

FxPro Financial Services Ltd (FxPro), a leading global retail broker in FX and CFDs, today announces it was voted ‘Forex Provider of the Year’ at the prestigious Financial Times / Investors Chronicle Investment Awards 2010 (FT/IC Investment Awards).

The FT/IC Investment Awards are voted for by readers of the FT and IC in a series of detailed questionnaires in which they give their views of the providers they use. The providers are scored on a range of issues including ease of contact, commissions and charges, administration, financial security, the quality of their research and the range of services offered.

The scores are collated by an independent research house and are used to identify the winners in each category.

Denis Sukhotin, Founder of FxPro commented: "FxPro is delighted to announce that readers of the FT and IC selected us over all of our competitors as the ‘Forex Provider of the Year.’ Providing our clients with the highest standards of customer service and research, and the best spreads and pricing in the industry has always been central to our offering. Our goal is to be recognised as the world’s preferred FX broker and this award is testament to that."

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Si usted sigue los índices de equidad de cerca, a veces puede detectar patrones que se repiten con un alto grado de coherencia. Continúe leyendo aquí.

24 de agosto de 2015, fue un día importante en los mercados de divisas mundiales. Los chinos conmocionaron al mundo con una devaluación del yuan. Continúe leyendo aquí.

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Los datos de mercado son propiedad de Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME). Los datos de mercado se retrasan al menos 10 minutos. El acceso a este sitio web y el uso de estos datos de mercado está sujeto a lo siguiente: (a) Los datos de mercado son para uso personal del destinatario y no pueden ser redistribuidos sin el permiso de CME, que puede depender de la ejecución de un acuerdo y el pago del Cuota aplicable; (B) CME y sus licenciantes reservan todos los Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual a los datos de mercado; (C) CME y TradingCharts declinan toda responsabilidad por los datos de mercado y su uso, y cualquier y todas las pérdidas, daños o reclamaciones derivados del uso de datos de mercado; (D) CME y TradingCharts pueden suspender o terminar la recepción de datos de mercado por cualquier parte si CME tiene razones para creer que los datos del mercado están siendo mal utilizados o mal representados. También es una condición de acceso a este sitio web que usted acepta no copiar, diseminar, capturar, realizar ingeniería inversa o utilizar la información proporcionada en este sitio para cualquier otro propósito, excepto para la visualización directa en el navegador de Internet del usuario final solamente. Sólo en el formato proporcionado. Estas páginas & copiar; TradingCharts. com, Inc.

Comercio Forex, materias primas y índices bursátiles con opciones binarias & ndash; Ver cómo

Si usted sigue los índices de equidad de cerca, a veces puede detectar patrones que se repiten con un alto grado de coherencia. Continúe leyendo aquí.

24 de agosto de 2015, fue un día importante en los mercados de divisas mundiales. Los chinos conmocionaron al mundo con una devaluación del yuan. Continúe leyendo aquí.

FCMarket Review

FCMarket Review


FCMarket is considered one of the leading and most trustworthy online foreign exchange trading consultants in the field. The Trading Platform employed by this company is Metatrader. FxPro Meta Trader gives more power and freedom to its users and thus overall stress is reduced. More than a 100 brokerage companies and banks in the world have chosen this platform. It is state of the art technology with fast execution and fully automated trading. The MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal has been developed to provide trade operations and technical analysis in real time mode. The Meta Trader4 Mobile system is comparable with a full function trading terminal and provides access to financial markets and dealing from anywhere in the world. FCMarket is the introducer of FxPro (which is owned by FxPro Financial Services, regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission). To name a few advantages of dealing with this company: - Zero deposit/withdrawal fees - No commission trading. - Minimum deposit starts from $500 - Mobile Trading Functions - Leverage option up to 1:500. - Live Data The FC Market website is very suited to beginners as it enables them to start learning online forex trading, walking them through the steps quite thoroughly, and leaving no room for doubt. Any questions are answered in a timely manner by well-trained and knowledgeable staff. A sound knowledge of forex can be acquired from the forex section and it explains the fundamentals, risk and risk management very well. A demo account can be first tried to increase confidence, and then, once one is sure of the trading style and level, one can easily open a live account online. The website is easy to maneuver. The in-depth knowledge provided in this website proves that the company is truly interested in educating its customers and taking good care of them, underlining FC Market’s strong service motive

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Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son las opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son las opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

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Total inflow (in Rupees) on account of issue of shares / convertible debentures to non-residents (including premium, if any) vide

(i) Remittance through AD: (ii) Debit to NRE/FCNR A/c with Bank_________ (iii) Others (please specify)

Date of reporting of (i) and (ii) above to RBI under Para 9 (1) A of Schedule I to Notification No. FEMA 20 /2000-RB dated May 3, 2000, as amended from time to time.

Disclosure of fair value of shares issued**

We are a listed company and the market value of a share as on date of the issue is*

We are an un-listed company and the fair value of a share is*

** before issue of shares *(Please indicate as applicable)

5. Post issue pattern of shareholding

Compulsorily convertible Preference Shares/ Debentures

Amount (Face Value) Rs.

Amount (Face Value) Rs.

Private Equity Funds

Pension/ Provident Funds

Sovereign Wealth Funds

Partnership/ Proprietorship Firms

DECLARATION TO BE FILED BY THE AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE INDIAN COMPANY: (Delete whichever is not applicable and authenticate) We hereby declare that:

1. We comply with the procedure for issue of shares / convertible debentures as laid down under the FDI scheme as indicated in Notification No. FEMA 20/2000-RB dated 3 rd May 2000, as amended from time to time.

2. The investment is within the sectoral cap / statutory ceiling permissible under the Automatic Route of RBI and we fulfill all the conditions laid down for investments under the Automatic Route namely (strike off whichever is not applicable).

a) Foreign entity/entities—(other than individuals), to whom we have issued shares have existing joint venture or technology transfer or trade mark agreement in India in the same field and Conditions stipulated at Para 4.2 of Consoildated FDI policy Circular of Government of India have been complied with.

Foreign entity/entities—(other than individuals), to whom we have issued shares do not have any existing joint venture or technology transfer or trade mark agreement in India in the same field.

For the purpose of the 'same' field, 4 digit NIC 1987 code would be relevant.

b) We are not an Industrial Undertaking manufacturing items reserved for small sector.

We are an Industrial Undertaking manuafacturing items reerved for small sector and the investment limit of 24 % of paid-up capital has been observed/ requisite approvals have been obtained.

c) Shares issued on rights basis to non-residents are in conformity with Regulation 6 of the RBI Notification No FEMA 20/2000-RB dated 3 rd May 2000, as amended from time to time.

Shares issued are bonus.

Shares have been issued under a scheme of merger and amalgamation of two or more Indian companies or reconstruction by way of de-merger or otherwise of an Indian company, duly approved by a court in India.

Shares are issued under ESOP and the conditions regarding this issue have been satisfied

3. Shares have been issued in terms of SIA /FIPB approval No.___________________ dated ____________________

4. We enclose the following documents in compliance with Paragraph 9 (1) (B) of Schedule 1 to Notification No. FEMA 20/2000-RB dated May 3, 2000:

(i) A certificate from our Company Secretary certifying that

(a) all the requirements of the Companies Act, 1956 have been complied with;

(b) terms and conditions of the Government approval, if any, have been complied with;

(c) the company is eligible to issue shares under these Regulations; y

(d) the company has all original certificates issued by authorised dealers in India evidencing receipt of amount of consideration in accordance with paragraph 8 of Schedule 1 to Notification No. FEMA 20/2000-RB dated May 3, 2000.

(ii) A certificate from Statutory Auditors / SEBI registered Category I Merchant Banker / Chartered Accountant indicating the manner of arriving at the price of the shares issued to the persons resident outside India.

5. Unique Identification Numbers given for all the remittances received as consideration for issue of shares/ convertible debentures (details as above), by Reserve Bank.

(Signature of the Applicant)* :___________________________________________ (Name in Block Letters) :___________________________________________ (Designation of the signatory) :___________________________________________ Place: Date:

(* To be signed by Managing Director/Director/Secretary of the Company)

CERTIFICATE TO BE FILED BY THE COMPANY SECRETARY [2] OF THE INDIAN COMPANY ACCEPTING THE INVESTMENT: (As per Para 9 (1) (B) (i) of Schedule 1 to Notification No. FEMA 20/2000-RB dated May 3, 2000)

In respect of the abovementioned details, we certify the following.

1. All the requirements of the Companies Act, 1956 have been complied with. 2. Terms and conditions of the Government approval, if any, have been complied with. 3. The company is eligible to issue shares / convertible debentures under these Regulations. 4. The company has all original certificates issued by AD Category – I banks in India, evidencing receipt of amount of consideration in accordance with paragraph 8 of Schedule 1 to Notification No. FEMA 20/2000-RB dated May 3, 2000.

(Name & Signature of the Company Secretary) (Seal)



Foreign exchange market From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Foreign exchange

Exchange ratesCurrency bandExchange rateExchange rate regimeFixed exchange rateFloating exchange rateLinked exchange rate MarketsForeign exchange marketFutures exchangeRetail forex ProductsCurrencyCurrency futureNon-deliverable forwardForex swapCurrency swapForeign exchange option See alsoBureau de change The foreign exchange (currency or forex or FX) market exists wherever one currency is traded for another. It is the largest financial market in the world, and includes trading between large banks, central banks, currency speculators, multinational corporations, governments, and other financial markets and institutions. The average daily trade in the global forex and related markets currently is over US$ 3 trillion Market size and liquidity The foreign exchange market is unique because of its trading volumes, the extreme liquidity of the market, the large number of, and variety of, traders in the market, its geographical dispersion, its long trading hours: 24 hours a day except on weekends (from 5pm EST on Sunday until 4pm EST Friday), the variety of factors that affect exchange rates. the low margins of profit compared with other markets of fixed income (but profits can be high due to very large trading volumes) the use of leverage

Foreign exchange market turnover, 1988 - 2007, measured in billions of USD. As such, it has been referred to as the market closest to the ideal perfect competition, notwithstanding market manipulation by central banks. According to the BIS,[1] average daily turnover in traditional foreign exchange markets is estimated at $3.21 trillion. Daily averages in April for different years, in billions of US dollars, are presented on the chart below: This $3.21 trillion in global foreign exchange market "traditional" turnover was broken down as follows: $1,005 billion in spot transactions $362 billion in outright forwards $1,714 billion in forex swaps $129 billion estimated gaps in reporting In addition to "traditional" turnover, $2.1 trillion was traded in derivatives. Exchange-traded forex futures contracts were introduced in 1972 at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and are actively traded relative to most other futures contracts. Forex futures volume has grown rapidly in recent years, and accounts for about 7% of the total foreign exchange market volume, according to The Wall Street Journal Europe (5/5/06, p. 20). Average daily global turnover in traditional foreign exchange market transactions totaled $2.7 trillion in April 2006 according to IFSL estimates based on semi-annual London, New York, Tokyo and Singapore Foreign Exchange Committee data. Overall turnover, including non-traditional foreign exchange derivatives and products traded on exchanges, averaged around $2.9 trillion a day. This was more than ten times the size of the combined daily turnover on all the world’s equity markets. Foreign exchange trading increased by 38% between April 2005 and April 2006 and has more than doubled since 2001. This is largely due to the growing importance of foreign exchange as an asset class and an increase in fund management assets, particularly of hedge funds and pension funds. The diverse selection of execution venues such as internet trading platforms offered by companies such as First Prudential Markets and Saxo Bank have made it easier for retail traders to trade in the foreign exchange market. [2] Because foreign exchange is an OTC market where brokers/dealers negotiate directly with one another, there is no central exchange or clearing house. The biggest geographic trading centre is the UK, primarily London, which according to IFSL estimates has increased its share of global turnover in traditional transactions from 31.3% in April 2004 to 32.4% in April 2006. RPP The ten most active traders account for almost 73% of trading volume, according to The Wall Street Journal Europe, (2/9/06 p. 20). These large international banks continually provide the market with both bid (buy) and ask (sell) prices. The bid/ask spread is the difference between the price at which a bank or market maker will sell ("ask", or "offer") and the price at which a market-maker will buy ("bid") from a wholesale customer. This spread is minimal for actively traded pairs of currencies, usually 0–3 pips. For example, the bid/ask quote of EUR/USD might be 1.2200/1.2203 on a retail broker. Minimum trading size for most deals is usually 100,000 units of currency, which is a standard "lot". These spreads might not apply to retail customers at banks, which will routinely mark up the difference to say 1.2100 / 1.2300 for transfers, or say 1.2000 / 1.2400 for banknotes or travelers' checks. Spot prices at market makers vary, but on EUR/USD are usually no more than 3 pips wide (i. e. 0.0003). Competition is greatly increased with larger transactions, and pip spreads shrink on the major pairs to as little as 1 to 2 pips.

Market participants Financial markets

Bond marketFixed incomeCorporate bondGovernment bondMunicipal bondBond valuationHigh-yield debt Stock marketStockPreferred stockCommon stockRegistered shareVoting shareStock exchange Foreign exchange market Derivatives marketCredit derivativeHybrid securityOptionsFuturesForwardsSwaps Other MarketsCommodity marketMoney marketOTC marketReal estate marketSpot market Finance seriesFinancial marketFinancial market participantsCorporate financePersonal financePublic financeBanks and BankingFinancial regulation v • d • e Unlike a stock market, where all participants have access to the same prices, the forex market is divided into levels of access. At the top is the inter-bank market, which is made up of the largest investment banking firms. Within the inter-bank market, spreads, which are the difference between the bid and ask prices, are razor sharp and usually unavailable, and not known to players outside the inner circle. As you descend the levels of access, the difference between the bid and ask prices widens (from 0-1 pip to 1-2 pips for some currencies such as the EUR). This is due to volume. If a trader can guarantee large numbers of transactions for large amounts, they can demand a smaller difference between the bid and ask price, which is referred to as a better spread. The levels of access that make up the forex market are determined by the size of the “line” (the amount of money with which they are trading). The top-tier inter-bank market accounts for 53% of all transactions. After that there are usually smaller investment banks, followed by large multi-national corporations (which need to hedge risk and pay employees in different countries), large hedge funds, and even some of the retail forex market makers. According to Galati and Melvin, “Pension funds, insurance companies, mutual funds, and other institutional investors have played an increasingly important role in financial markets in general, and in FX markets in particular, since the early 2000s.” (2004) In addition, he notes, “Hedge funds have grown markedly over the 2001–2004 period in terms of both number and overall size” Central banks also participate in the forex market to align currencies to their economic needs.

Banks The interbank market caters for both the majority of commercial turnover and large amounts of speculative trading every day. A large bank may trade billions of dollars daily. Some of this trading is undertaken on behalf of customers, but much is conducted by proprietary desks, trading for the bank's own account. Until recently, foreign exchange brokers did large amounts of business, facilitating interbank trading and matching anonymous counterparts for small fees. Today, however, much of this business has moved on to more efficient electronic systems. The broker squawk box lets traders listen in on ongoing interbank trading and is heard in most trading rooms, but turnover is noticeably smaller than just a few years ago.

Commercial companies An important part of this market comes from the financial activities of companies seeking foreign exchange to pay for goods or services. Commercial companies often trade fairly small amounts compared to those of banks or speculators, and their trades often have little short term impact on market rates. Nevertheless, trade flows are an important factor in the long-term direction of a currency's exchange rate. Some multinational companies can have an unpredictable impact when very large positions are covered due to exposures that are not widely known by other market participants.

Central banks National central banks play an important role in the foreign exchange markets. They try to control the money supply, inflation, and/or interest rates and often have official or unofficial target rates for their currencies. They can use their often substantial foreign exchange reserves to stabilize the market. Milton Friedman argued that the best stabilization strategy would be for central banks to buy when the exchange rate is too low, and to sell when the rate is too high — that is, to trade for a profit based on their more precise information. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of central bank "stabilizing speculation" is doubtful because central banks do not go bankrupt if they make large losses, like other traders would, and there is no convincing evidence that they do make a profit trading. The mere expectation or rumor of central bank intervention might be enough to stabilize a currency, but aggressive intervention might be used several times each year in countries with a dirty float currency regime. Central banks do not always achieve their objectives. The combined resources of the market can easily overwhelm any central bank.[3] Several scenarios of this nature were seen in the 1992–93 ERM collapse, and in more recent times in Southeast Asia.

Hedge funds Hedge funds have gained a reputation for aggressive currency speculation since 1996. They control billions of dollars of equity and may borrow billions more, and thus may overwhelm intervention by central banks to support almost any currency, if the economic fundamentals are in the hedge funds' favor.

Investment management firms Investment management firms (who typically manage large accounts on behalf of customers such as pension funds and endowments) use the foreign exchange market to facilitate transactions in foreign securities. For example, an investment manager with an international equity portfolio will need to buy and sell foreign currencies in the spot market in order to pay for purchases of foreign equities. Since the forex transactions are secondary to the actual investment decision, they are not seen as speculative or aimed at profit-maximization. Some investment management firms also have more speculative specialist currency overlay operations, which manage clients' currency exposures with the aim of generating profits as well as limiting risk. Whilst the number of this type of specialist firms is quite small, many have a large value of assets under management (AUM), and hence can generate large trades.

Retail forex brokers There are two types of retail broker: brokers offering speculative trading. Retail forex brokers or market makers handle a minute fraction of the total volume of the foreign exchange market. According to CNN, one retail broker estimates retail volume at $25–50 billion daily, which is about 2% of the whole market. Retail traders (individuals) are a small fraction of this market and may only participate indirectly through brokers or banks, and might be subject to forex scams

Other Non-bank foreign exchange companies offer currency exchange and international payments to private individuals and companies. These are also known as Foreign Exchange Brokers but are distinct from Forex Brokers as they do not offer speculative trading but currency exchange with payments. i. e. there is usually a physical delivery of currency to a bank account. It is estimated that in the UK, 14% of currency transfers/payments are made via Foreign Exchange Companies[6]. These companies' selling point is usually that they will offer better exchange rates or cheaper payments than the customer's bank. These companies differ from Money Transfer/Remittance Companies in that they generally offer higher-value services. Money Transfer/Remittance Companies perform high-volume low-value transfers generally by economic migrants back to their home country. In 2007, the Aite Group estimated that there were $369 billion of remittances (an increase of 8% on the previous year). The four largest markets (India, China, Mexico and the Philippines) receive $95 billion. The largest and best known provider is Western Union with 345,000 agents globally.

Trading characteristics Most traded currencies[1]Currency distribution of reported FX market turnover Rank Currency ISO 4217 code(Symbol) % daily share(April 2004) 1  United States dollar USD ($) 88.7% 2  Euro EUR (€) 37.2% 3  Japanese yen JPY (¥) 20.3% 4  British pound sterling GBP (£) 16.9% 5  Swiss franc CHF (Fr) 6.1% 6  Australian dollar AUD ($) 5.5% 7  Canadian dollar CAD ($) 4.2% 8  Swedish krona SEK (kr) 2.3% 9  Hong Kong dollar HKD ($) 1.9% 10  Norwegian krone NOK (kr) 1.4% Other 15.5% Total 200% There is no unified or centrally cleared market for the majority of FX trades, and there is very little cross-border regulation. Due to the over-the-counter (OTC) nature of currency markets, there are rather a number of interconnected marketplaces, where different currency instruments are traded. This implies that there is not a single dollar rate but rather a number of different rates (prices), depending on what bank or market maker is trading. In practice the rates are often very close, otherwise they could be exploited by arbitrageurs instantaneously. A joint venture of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and Reuters, called FxMarketSpace opened in 2007 and aspires to the role of a central market clearing mechanism. The main trading centers are in London, New York, Tokyo, Hong Kong and Singapore, but banks throughout the world participate. Currency trading happens continuously throughout the day; as the Asian trading session ends, the European session begins, followed by the North American session and then back to the Asian session, excluding weekends. There is little or no 'inside information' in the foreign exchange markets. Exchange rate fluctuations are usually caused by actual monetary flows as well as by expectations of changes in monetary flows caused by changes in GDP growth, inflation, interest rates, budget and trade deficits or surpluses, large cross-border M&A deals and other macroeconomic conditions. Major news is released publicly, often on scheduled dates, so many people have access to the same news at the same time. However, the large banks have an important advantage; they can see their customers' order flow. Currencies are traded against one another. Each pair of currencies thus constitutes an individual product and is traditionally noted XXX/YYY, where YYY is the ISO 4217 international three-letter code of the currency into which the price of one unit of XXX is expressed (called base currency). For instance, EUR/USD is the price of the euro expressed in US dollars, as in 1 euro = 1.3045 dollar. Out of convention, the first currency in the pair, the base currency, was the stronger currency at the creation of the pair. The second currency, counter currency, was the weaker currency at the creation of the pair. The factors affecting XXX will affect both XXX/YYY and XXX/ZZZ. This causes positive currency correlation between XXX/YYY and XXX/ZZZ. On the spot market, according to the BIS study, the most heavily traded products were: EUR/USD: 28 % USD/JPY: 18 % GBP/USD (also called sterling or cable): 14 % and the US currency was involved in 88.7% of transactions, followed by the euro (37.2%), the yen (20.3%), and the sterling (16.9%) (see table). Note that volume percentages should add up to 200%: 100% for all the sellers and 100% for all the buyers. Although trading in the euro has grown considerably since the currency's creation in January 1999, the foreign exchange market is thus far still largely dollar-centered. For instance, trading the euro versus a non-European currency ZZZ will usually involve two trades: EUR/USD and USD/ZZZ. The exception to this is EUR/JPY, which is an established traded currency pair in the interbank spot market

Factors affecting currency trading See also: Exchange rates Although exchange rates are affected by many factors, in the end, currency prices are a result of supply and demand forces. The world's currency markets can be viewed as a huge melting pot: in a large and ever-changing mix of current events, supply and demand factors are constantly shifting, and the price of one currency in relation to another shifts accordingly. No other market encompasses (and distills) as much of what is going on in the world at any given time as foreign exchange. Supply and demand for any given currency, and thus its value, are not influenced by any single element, but rather by several. These elements generally fall into three categories: economic factors, political conditions and market psychology.

Economic factors These include economic policy, disseminated by government agencies and central banks, economic conditions, generally revealed through economic reports, and other economic indicators. Economic policy comprises government fiscal policy (budget/spending practices) and monetary policy (the means by which a government's central bank influences the supply and "cost" of money, which is reflected by the level of interest rates). Economic conditions include: Government budget deficits or surpluses: The market usually reacts negatively to widening government budget deficits, and positively to narrowing budget deficits. The impact is reflected in the value of a country's currency. Balance of trade levels and trends: The trade flow between countries illustrates the demand for goods and services, which in turn indicates demand for a country's currency to conduct trade. Surpluses and deficits in trade of goods and services reflect the competitiveness of a nation's economy. For example, trade deficits may have a negative impact on a nation's currency. Inflation levels and trends: Typically, a currency will lose value if there is a high level of inflation in the country or if inflation levels are perceived to be rising. This is because inflation erodes purchasing power, thus demand, for that particular currency. However, a currency may sometimes strengthen when inflation rises because of expectations that the central bank will raise short-term interest rates to combat rising inflation. Economic growth and health: Reports such as gross domestic product (GDP), employment levels, retail sales, capacity utilization and others, detail the levels of a country's economic growth and health. Generally, the more healthy and robust a country's economy, the better its currency will perform, and the more demand for it there will be.

Political conditions Internal, regional, and international political conditions and events can have a profound effect on currency markets. For instance, political upheaval and instability can have a negative impact on a nation's economy. The rise of a political faction that is perceived to be fiscally responsible can have the opposite effect. Also, events in one country in a region may spur positive or negative interest in a neighboring country and, in the process, affect its currency.

Market psychology Market psychology and trader perceptions influence the foreign exchange market in a variety of ways: Flights to quality: Unsettling international events can lead to a "flight to quality," with investors seeking a "safe haven". There will be a greater demand, thus a higher price, for currencies perceived as stronger over their relatively weaker counterparts. Long-term trends: Currency markets often move in visible long-term trends. Although currencies do not have an annual growing season like physical commodities, business cycles do make themselves felt. El análisis de ciclos analiza las tendencias de precios a más largo plazo que pueden surgir de las tendencias económicas o políticas. [7] "Buy the rumor, sell the fact:" This market truism can apply to many currency situations. It is the tendency for the price of a currency to reflect the impact of a particular action before it occurs and, when the anticipated event comes to pass, react in exactly the opposite direction. This may also be referred to as a market being "oversold" or "overbought".[8] To buy the rumor or sell the fact can also be an example of the cognitive bias known as anchoring, when investors focus too much on the relevance of outside events to currency prices. Economic numbers: While economic numbers can certainly reflect economic policy, some reports and numbers take on a talisman-like effect: the number itself becomes important to market psychology and may have an immediate impact on short-term market moves. "What to watch" can change over time. In recent years, for example, money supply, employment, trade balance figures and inflation numbers have all taken turns in the spotlight. Technical trading considerations: As in other markets, the accumulated price movements in a currency pair such as EUR/USD can form apparent patterns that traders may attempt to use. Many traders study price charts in order to identify such patterns. [9]

Algorithmic trading in forex Electronic trading is growing in the FX market, and algorithmic trading is becoming much more common. According to financial consultancy Celent estimates, by 2008 up to 25% of all trades by volume will be executed using algorithm, up from about 18% in 2005.[citation needed]

Spot A spot transaction is a two-day delivery transaction (except in the case of the Canadian dollar, which settles the next day), as opposed to the futures contracts, which are usually three months. This trade represents a “direct exchange” between two currencies, has the shortest time frame, involves cash rather than a contract; and interest is not included in the agreed-upon transaction. The data for this study come from the spot market. Spot has the largest share by volume in FX transactions among all instruments.

Forward One way to deal with the Forex risk is to engage in a forward transaction. In this transaction, money does not actually change hands until some agreed upon future date. A buyer and seller agree on an exchange rate for any date in the future, and the transaction occurs on that date, regardless of what the market rates are then. The duration of the trade can be a few days, months or years.

Future Main article: Currency future Foreign currency futures are forward transactions with standard contract sizes and maturity dates — for example, 500,000 British pounds for next November at an agreed rate. Futures are standardized and are usually traded on an exchange created for this purpose. The average contract length is roughly 3 months. Futures contracts are usually inclusive of any interest amounts.

Swap Main article: Forex swap The most common type of forward transaction is the currency swap. In a swap, two parties exchange currencies for a certain length of time and agree to reverse the transaction at a later date. These are not standardized contracts and are not traded through an exchange.

Option Main article: Foreign exchange option A foreign exchange option (commonly shortened to just FX option) is a derivative where the owner has the right but not the obligation to exchange money denominated in one currency into another currency at a pre-agreed exchange rate on a specified date. The FX options market is the deepest, largest and most liquid market for options of any kind in the world.

Exchange Traded Fund Main article: Exchange-traded fund Exchange-traded funds (or ETFs) are Open Ended investment companies that can be traded at any time throughout the course of the day. Typically, ETFs try to replicate a stock market index such as the S&P 500 (e. g. SPY), but recently they are now replicating investments in the currency markets with the ETF increasing in value when the US Dollar weakness versus a specific currency, such as the Euro. Certain of these funds track the price movements of world currencies versus the US Dollar, and increase in value directly counter to the US Dollar, allowing for speculation in the US Dollar for US and US Dollar denominated investors and speculators.

Speculation Controversy about currency speculators and their effect on currency devaluations and national economies recurs regularly. Nevertheless, many economists (e. g. Milton Friedman) have argued that speculators perform the important function of providing a market for hedgers and transferring risk from those people who don't wish to bear it, to those who do. Other economists (e. g. Joseph Stiglitz) however, may consider this argument to be based more on politics and a free market philosophy than on economics.[citation needed] Large hedge funds and other well capitalized "position traders" are the main professional speculators. Currency speculation is considered a highly suspect activity in many countries. While investment in traditional financial instruments like bonds or stocks often is considered to contribute positively to economic growth by providing capital, currency speculation does not; according to this view, it is simply gambling that often interferes with economic policy. For example, in 1992, currency speculation forced the Central Bank of Sweden to raise interest rates for a few days to 500% per annum, and later to devalue the krona[10]. Former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad is one well known proponent of this view. He blamed the devaluation of the Malaysian ringgit in 1997 on George Soros and other speculators.[11] Gregory Millman reports on an opposing view, comparing speculators to "vigilantes" who simply help "enforce" international agreements and anticipate the effects of basic economic "laws" in order to profit.[citation needed] In this view, countries may develop unsustainable financial bubbles or otherwise mishandle their national economies, and forex speculators allegedly made the inevitable collapse happen sooner. A relatively quick collapse might even be preferable to continued economic mishandling. Mahathir Mohamad and other critics of speculation are viewed as trying to deflect the blame from themselves for having caused the unsustainable economic conditions. Given that Malaysia recovered quickly after imposing currency controls directly against IMF advice, this view is open to doubt.

I have been trading with Steve for approx. 3 months now and find him to be uncommonly transparent and candid - for the lack of a better term - real. I find his trading "style" completely compatible and his desire to "teach" lends great value to his room. I have spent greater funds, as most have, for a lot less benefit. His long term trade calls have put $'s in my account as has his daily trade calls. He is a patient and genuinely interested in our success teacher. I highly recommend Steve's service to any one at any level of trading experience, but especially to those who are newer to the FOREX mkt.

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Las apuestas y los CFDs son productos apalancados y pueden dar lugar a pérdidas que exceden los depósitos. El valor de las acciones, ETFs y ETC comprados a través de una IG stockbroking o acciones ISA cuenta puede caer y aumentar, lo que podría significar volver menos de lo que originalmente poner pulg Por favor, asegúrese de comprender plenamente los riesgos y tener cuidado de gestionar Su exposición.

CFD, stockbroking y acciones y acciones ISA cuentas proporcionadas por IG Markets Ltd, spread betting proporcionado por IG Index Ltd. IG es una marca comercial de IG Markets Ltd (una empresa registrada en Inglaterra y Gales bajo el número 04008957) y IG Index Ltd Empresa registrada en Inglaterra y Gales bajo el número 01190902). Dirección registrada en Cannon Bridge House, 25 Dowgate Hill, Londres EC4R 2YA. Both IG Markets Ltd (Register number 195355) and IG Index Ltd (Register number 114059) are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Excluye las apuestas binarias, en las que IG Index Ltd está licenciado y regulado por la Gambling Commission, número de referencia 2628. IG Index soporta juegos de azar responsables, para obtener información y asesoramiento, visite www. gambleaware. co. uk.

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Chelsea FC partner is named over Heron Tower fraud raid

CWM is based in the Heron Tower, where the police raid took place earlier this month (Source: Corbis)

Exclusive: Police will this morning name the City company at the centre of a fraud squad raid that resulted in 13 people being arrested earlier this month.

Investors in a fund run by CWM (Capital World Markets) are being asked to come forward and speak to the City of London police, which conducted the raid on the 21st floor of Heron Tower on 3 March.

CWM’s foreign exchange service, CWM FX, became an official partner of Chelsea Football Club at the start of the year, as part of a spate of glamorous marketing deals aimed at various sports. It also sponsored the London Boat Show in January, where 33-year-old chief executive Anthony Constantinou met Princess Anne.

The police statement will say that the 13 people arrested all “work for the City-based foreign exchange trading company”. They were arrested on suspicion of fraud and money laundering, and released on bail until September. The targets of the investigation are managed funds that offered five per cent interest a month.

“The primary objective of the arrest phase of this investigation was to stop what we believe was ongoing criminality and prevent people putting their money into CWM’s managed funds offering five per cent interest per month,” detective superintendent Maria Woodall will say.

“Now we need anyone who thinks they have invested in this specific enterprise to get in contact and help us clarify exactly how this company has been using the funds given to them in good faith by citizens living in both the UK and abroad.” The investigation, led by the police, has been supported by the Financial Conduct Authority, the City’s watchdog.

On Monday this week, CWM FX pulled the forex trading platform from its website after the firm’s technology provider, Leverate Financial Services, terminated the agreement. City A. M. understands that the publicity surrounding the raid led to the end of the relationship between Leverate and CWM FX.

Earlier in March, on the day following the raid, CWM FX published a tweet referring to the events.

“CWM FX is operating as normal,” the tweet said. “Merely an AML [antimony laundering] enquiry & had no correspondence to us.”

The tweet was deleted later that day. Last night, the company said: “CWM World is a respected group of companies with a multi-million pound turnover, operating with dozens of partners in a number of countries around the world. Police raided our offices on Tuesday 3 March 2015, as a result of allegations for which we believe there is no sustainable basis. We are not able to comment further, or provide any further details, due to the ongoing police investigation, but will continue to co-operate with their inquiries.”

Chelsea FC declined to comment last night. In January, a spokesperson said: “We are delighted to welcome CWM FX on board with us. Our goal is to partner companies which share our philosophy of innovation while consistently competing at the highest level and we look forward to a fruitful relationship.”

Anyone who has invested in the funds is being urged to call the police on 020 7601 6830 or to contact Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or to visit the website: www. actionfraud. police. uk.

OctaFX, Mitra Kukar FC Indonesian Football partners are champions!

OctaFX congratulates Indonesian Football club Mitra Kukar on becoming Champions of Sudirman Cup!

The Cup was held across the whole country and all prominent Indonesian FCs took part in it: Arema, Persib, PS TNI, Semen Padang, Surabaya United, Pusamania Borneo, Persela, Persipura, PSM Makassar, Bali United, Persija, Sriwijaya FC, Persipasi Bandung Raya, Gresik United.

We’re very proud that our team defeated all 15 contestants and fully deserved that title! The final match took place Saturday, January 24 at Gelora Bung Karno Stadium in Jakarta and Mitra Kukar won Semen Padang 2-1!

We’re celebrating our team’s victory today and would like to remind you that every road to success starts with work and dedication.

Mitra Kukar team players were also distinguished individually: Rudolof Yanto Basna has become Best Player of the Championship and Patrick Dos Santos has become a Top Scorer of the Championship.

“It has been a fascinating experience to watch the team progressing through the stages of Sudirman Cup! We shared both challenging defeats and startling victories, supporting our team on their way to the top! Today we are celebrating together, proud to be the part of this triumph!”

We would like to thank Mitra Kukar and the team’s management for inspiring us to try our hardest and deliver the best services possible, while they are snatching football victories for us!

We wish Mitra Kukar to advance in the coming championships so stay tuned to know the news first! This is the second year in a row when a team we’re associating with is awarded the title of Champions, and this is not a coincidence!


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Estamos comprometidos a proteger su privacidad. Los empleados autorizados dentro de la empresa sobre una base de necesidad de conocer sólo utilizan cualquier información recopilada de clientes individuales. Revisamos constantemente nuestros sistemas y datos para garantizar el mejor servicio posible a nuestros clientes. El Parlamento ha creado delitos específicos para acciones no autorizadas contra sistemas informáticos y datos. Investigaremos tales acciones con el fin de enjuiciar y / o emprender acciones civiles para recuperar daños y perjuicios contra los responsables.

Estamos registrados bajo la Ley de Protección de Datos de 1998 y como tal, cualquier información relativa al Cliente y sus respectivos Registros de Clientes pueden ser pasados ​​a terceros. Sin embargo, los registros de clientes se consideran confidenciales y, por lo tanto, no se divulgarán a terceros, a excepción de Finanzas Magnates. Si es legalmente obligado a hacerlo ante las autoridades competentes.

No venderemos, compartiremos ni alquilaremos su información personal a terceros ni utilizaremos su dirección de correo electrónico para recibir correo no solicitado. Cualquier correo electrónico enviado por esta Compañía sólo estará relacionado con la provisión de servicios y productos acordados. Renuncia

Exclusiones y limitaciones La información en este sitio web se proporciona "tal cual". En la medida de lo permitido por la ley, esta Compañía: excluye todas las representaciones y garantías relacionadas con este sitio web y su contenido o que son o pueden ser proporcionados por cualquier afiliado o cualquier otro tercero, incluyendo en relación con cualquier inexactitud u omisiones en este sitio web Y / o la literatura de la Compañía; Y excluye toda responsabilidad por daños y perjuicios derivados de o relacionados con el uso de este sitio web. Esto incluye, sin limitación, la pérdida directa, pérdida de negocios o ganancias (ya sea que la pérdida de tales beneficios era previsible, surgió en el curso normal de las cosas o usted ha avisado a esta Compañía de la posibilidad de dicha pérdida potencial) A su computadora, software, sistemas y programas y los datos sobre el mismo o cualquier otro daño directo o indirecto, consecuente e incidental. Sin embargo, Magnates no excluye responsabilidad por muerte o lesiones personales causadas por su negligencia. Las exclusiones y limitaciones anteriores se aplican únicamente en la medida permitida por la ley. Ninguno de sus derechos estatutarios como consumidor está afectado.

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No supervisamos ni revisamos el contenido de los sitios web de otras partes que están vinculados desde este sitio web. Las opiniones expresadas o material que aparecen en dichos sitios web no son necesariamente compartidas o endosadas por nosotros y no deben considerarse como el editor de tales opiniones o material. Tenga en cuenta que no somos responsables de las prácticas de privacidad ni del contenido de estos sitios. Animamos a nuestros usuarios a ser conscientes cuando salen de nuestro sitio & amp; Para leer las declaraciones de privacidad de estos sitios. Debe evaluar la seguridad y confiabilidad de cualquier otro sitio conectado a este sitio o acceder a través de este sitio usted mismo, antes de revelar cualquier información personal a ellos. Esta Compañía no aceptará ninguna responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida o daño de cualquier manera, sea cual fuere su causa, que resulte de su divulgación a terceros de información personal.

Los derechos de autor y otros derechos de propiedad intelectual pertinentes existen en todo el texto relacionado con los servicios de la Compañía y el contenido completo de este sitio web.

Todos los derechos reservados. Todos los materiales contenidos en este sitio están protegidos por la ley de derechos de autor de Estados Unidos y no pueden ser reproducidos, distribuidos, transmitidos, exhibidos, publicados o transmitidos sin el permiso previo por escrito de Finanzas Magnates. Usted no puede alterar o eliminar cualquier marca registrada, copyright u otro aviso de copias del contenido. Toda información en esta página esta sujeta a cambio. El uso de este sitio web constituye la aceptación de nuestro acuerdo de usuario. Por favor, lea nuestra política de privacidad y descargo de responsabilidad legal. El comercio de divisas en el margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar contra usted, así como para usted. Antes de decidir el comercio de divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, el nivel de experiencia y el apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda. Las opiniones expresadas en los Magnates de Finanzas son las de los autores individuales y no representan necesariamente la opinión de la empresa o de su dirección. Finanzas Magnates no ha verificado la exactitud o base-de-hecho de cualquier reclamación o declaración hecha por cualquier autor independiente: errores y omisiones pueden ocurrir. Cualquier opinión, noticia, investigación, análisis, precios u otra información contenida en este sitio web, por parte de Finanzas Magnates, sus empleados, socios o contribuyentes, se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión. Finanzas Magnates no aceptará ninguna responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida o daño, incluyendo, sin limitación, cualquier pérdida de beneficio, que pueda surgir directa o indirectamente del uso o dependencia de dicha información.

Ninguna de las partes será responsable frente a la otra por cualquier incumplimiento de cualquier obligación bajo cualquier Acuerdo que se deba a un evento fuera del control de dicha parte, incluyendo pero no limitado a cualquier acto de Dios, terrorismo, guerra, insurgencia política, insurrección, disturbios , Disturbios civiles, actos de autoridad civil o militar, levantamiento, terremoto, inundación o cualquier otra eventualidad natural o causada por el hombre fuera de nuestro control, lo que causa la terminación de un acuerdo o contrato celebrado, ni que podría haber sido razonablemente previsto. Cualquier Parte afectada por tal evento deberá informar inmediatamente a la otra Parte de la misma y deberá usar todos los esfuerzos razonables para cumplir con los términos y condiciones de cualquier Acuerdo contenido aquí.

El incumplimiento de cualquiera de las Partes en exigir el estricto cumplimiento de cualquier disposición de este o de cualquier Acuerdo, o el incumplimiento por parte de cualquiera de las Partes de cualquier derecho o recurso que le corresponda, no constituirá una renuncia del mismo y no causará una Disminución de las obligaciones bajo este o cualquier Acuerdo. Ninguna renuncia a ninguna de las disposiciones de este o de cualquier Acuerdo será efectiva a menos que se exprese expresamente que sea tal y firmado por ambas Partes.

Notificación de cambios

La Compañía se reserva el derecho de cambiar estas condiciones de tiempo en tiempo como le parezca conveniente y su uso continuado del sitio significará su aceptación de cualquier ajuste a estos términos. Si hay cambios en nuestra política de privacidad, anunciaremos que estos cambios se han realizado en nuestra página principal y en otras páginas clave de nuestro sitio. Si hay algún cambio en la forma en que utilizamos la información personalmente identificable de nuestros clientes del sitio, se hará una notificación por correo electrónico o correo postal a los afectados por este cambio. Cualquier cambio en nuestra política de privacidad se publicará en nuestro sitio web 30 días antes de que se produzcan estos cambios. Por lo tanto, se recomienda que vuelva a leer esta declaración de forma regular.

Estos términos y condiciones forman parte del Acuerdo entre el Cliente y nosotros mismos. El acceso a este sitio web y / oa la empresa de una reserva o Acuerdo indica su comprensión, acuerdo y aceptación de la Notificación de Negación y los Términos y Condiciones completos contenidos en este documento. Sus derechos legales a los consumidores no se ven afectados.

© Finanzas Magnates 2015 Todos los Derechos Reservados

Is it Worthy? IronFX Pays Nearly 3 Million Euros to Sponsor FC Barcelona

The Barnsley Football Club BBS Fans Forum

The Barnsley Football Club BBS Fans Forum

My match memories

This is the place to write about the nostalgic games that you have attended. The place where you can tell us all about the games that mean a lot to you for whatever reason that may be. Maybe it’s the first match you ever went to watch, or took your child, or it’s an unforgettable occasion for another reason. Either way we'd like to hear about it

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Steve S - a Barnsley fan and regular contributor to this and the Barnsleyfc. net BBS was diagnosed with cancer in 2002. For therapeutic purposes Steve posted 'Dear Diary' entries on the Forum, outlining his feelings, how his day has gone and so on. These postings subsequently proved to be therapeutic to many BFC fans as well, during the recent crisis times surrounding our club. Sadly, Steve passed away on September 24th, 2006. As requested we have reposted his Diary entries here for anyone who wishes to take the time and trouble to read them.

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