Sunday, November 6, 2016

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El entretenimiento de tratar

Viene de encuentro, así como logros. Conquistar las dificultades de predecir la forma en que el mercado se convertirá, o encontrar un diseño que puede revelar una oportunidad puede ser a la vez interesante y satisfactorio.

Trading no tiene que ser una dedicación a tiempo completo, ni una gran apuesta. Sea conocedor e individual. No actúe sobre el interés y la reacción. De esta manera, usted puede encontrar una manera estable de ver su dinero en efectivo desarrollar.

Aprenda sobre los mercados y desarrolle un plan de negociación que satisfaga sus necesidades. Tener la tolerancia y la dedicación para verlo llegar a ser. De esta manera, su está completamente en la gestión de cuánto dinero en efectivo para llegar a su viaje.

Si busca un comienzo para (día) tratar, es posible que desee probar nuestra manera de arranque de comercio de divisas de comercio:

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Muchas personas escucharon sus instituciones financieras

Y consideró las garantías de estrategias de inversión seguras con buenos beneficios. Los problemas económicos hicieron muchos de ellos experimentar de eso.

Y la búsqueda de asesoramiento económico experto es un procedimiento costoso. Los expertos pueden costar un monto de base por hora, lo que lleva a sus soluciones funcionando en mucho dinero por año.

Por lo tanto, creemos que es importante que todos puedan tomar sus propias decisiones. Esto necesita información, y aquí en tradimo, lo vemos como nuestro procedimiento para proporcionarle todo el know-how y los recursos que necesita para estar en el costo de su propia situación financiera.

Además de estudiar nuevas habilidades, usted puede preguntar cualquier preocupación en la comunidad. Tal vez usted quiere presentarse en nuestro único sub-foro para los nuevos miembros?

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Si hay un factor que los problemas económicos mostraron:

No hay tal factor como una inversión "segura"!

La probada realidad de que el intercambio de inventario tiene sus altos y bajos es bien conocida. Pero los últimos años revelaron que incluso los refugios seguros reconocidos, como los lazos de condición, pueden convertirse en tóxicos.

Sin embargo, el aumento de los precios se comen sus beneficios si no lo gastan. Así que usted también no quiere tener su dinero sentado en su cuenta bancaria.

Entonces, cómo hacer que su dinero funcione para usted? En tradimo, le educamos sobre buenas oportunidades de compromiso económico y sobre cómo analizar sus opciones. Y en nuestro grupo, encontrará orientación sobre sus objetivos y conceptos.

Un punto de partida para este objetivo es nuestra formación en la elaboración de una cartera de acciones inteligentes:

Fibonacci en las noticias proporcionar la actual secuencia de Fibonacci y por lo tanto se consideran como el & # 8220; predictivo & # 8221; Especializado que suministra sugerencias sobre cantidades viables del precio del comercio a largo plazo. Hay varios inversores que prometen a través de la precisión a través del cual Fibonacci Retracements puede pronosticar precios a largo plazo, mientras que algunos disputa que Fibonacci cantidades tienden a ser más obras de arte, en comparación con la tecnología.

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Siempre que su propio reconocimiento, así como la utilización común a través de expertos especializados, es necesario un mínimo de entender cómo traducir cantidades Fibonacci. 1 término asociado con extrema cautela, sin embargo, como cualquier tipo de signo que es una buena idea para buscar sugerencias a través de recursos adicionales con el fin de fortalecer su propia evaluación preliminar antes de basar una industria considerable sobre el Fibs & # 8221 ;.

Con este entrenamiento, familiarícese con cómo puede determinar posibles cantidades de retroceso utilizando porcentajes basados ​​en la Secuencia Fibonacci real. Para empezar, todos nosotros primero tenemos que evaluar la secuencia real de Fibonacci.

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Aprenda cómo romper el código Fibonacci en 3 sencillos pasos

- Utilice la herramienta Fibonacci conectando la última oscilación baja y la última oscilación alta para mostrar 5 posibles áreas de apoyo

- Buscar el precio a su vez en uno de estos 5 niveles principales antes de entrar en un comercio para el mejor riesgo posible para recompensar

- Coloque una parada protectora por debajo del siguiente nivel Fibonacci y un límite en las extensiones 0.618 ó 1.000

Alguna vez ha visto un fuerte movimiento de tendencias en la marca y quería ser parte de ella pero no tenía la confianza para entrar en el comercio?

Alguna vez has visto el precio simplemente parar en una cierta parte de la tabla y luego dar la vuelta?

Si respondió & ldquo; Sí & rdquo; A cualquiera de estas preguntas, entonces los niveles de Fibonacci pueden ser adecuados para usted.

Aprenda el Forex: USD / CAD Fibonacci Retracement

(Gráfico creado usando gráficos de Marketscope 2.0)

Muy simplemente, Fibonacci son razones matemáticas que el precio retrocede a antes de reanudar la tendencia. Los cuatro principales niveles de retroceso de Fibonacci son: 0,236, 0,500, 0,618 y 0,786. Después de que el precio retroceda y rebote desde uno de estos niveles, el precio generalmente se mueve hasta uno de los cuatro niveles principales de extensión de Fibonacci; 0,618, 1,000, 1,27 y 1,618. Para mantener las cosas simples, no voy a entrar en cómo éstas se derivan matemáticamente.

En el ejemplo anterior, observe cómo USD / CAD hizo una fuerte subida y luego comenzó a retroceder. Mediante el uso de las herramientas Fibonacci para conectar el columpio bajo con el columpio alto, se revelaron niveles ocultos de apoyo potencial y posibles objetivos de precios.

USD / CAD rebotó bruscamente desde 1.0280 al nivel de 0.236 Fibonacci. Aquí es donde los comerciantes de Fibonacci entrarían en el mercado largo con una parada apenas debajo del nivel de la ayuda de 0.382% Fibonacci. USDCAD llegó a golpear el primer objetivo fue golpeado en 1.0350 que coincidió con la extensión 0.618 y luego golpeó el objetivo de 1.00 de 1.0397.

Aprenda Forex: EURAUD Short Entry usando Fibonacci

(Gráfico creado usando los gráficos de Marketscope 2.0)

Usando el mismo método, los niveles de Fibonacci pueden identificar, antes de tiempo, los niveles potenciales de resistencia. Estos niveles se pueden utilizar para entrar en un comercio en una tendencia bajista con más confianza de que el precio se ha convertido de un área vista por cientos de comerciantes. En el ejemplo anterior, EUR / AUD está claramente en una tendencia bajista.

Pero como con todas las tendencias bajistas, el precio retrocede hacia arriba. En lugar de perseguir al mercado, los comerciantes de Fibonacci experto puede tener estos niveles de resistencia potencial dibujado días de antelación en sus cartas y esperar pacientemente por el precio para llegar a ellos.

La paciencia es recompensada cuando el avance EUR / AUD fue detenido en el nivel de resistencia de 0,618 Fibonacci. Los comerciantes de Fibonacci de la divisa pondrían una parada apenas sobre el nivel de Fibonacci 0.786 con una blanco en la extensión 0.618.

Siguiendo estos sencillos pasos, los comerciantes ahora pueden encontrar áreas de alta probabilidad de reversión utilizando retrocesos Fibonacci para entrar en tendencias con confianza.

--- Escrito por Gregory McLeod, Instructor de Comercio

Esta p iece le proporcionó los 3 sencillos pasos para usar Fibonacci para encontrar entradas de bajo riesgo y alta probabilidad. Amplíe su aprendizaje con ejemplos adicionales de comercio de Fibonacci al inscribirse en un corto curso de 20 minutos llamado Trading with Fibonacci Retracements creado por nuestros instructores DailyFX Edu. ¡Es absolutamente gratis!

DailyFX proporciona noticias forex y análisis técnico sobre las tendencias que influyen en los mercados de divisas globales. Aprenda el comercio de divisas con una cuenta de práctica libre y gráficos comerciales de FXCM.

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Cuáles son las cuentas demo Forex? Para decirlo simplemente, estos son & ldquo; simulado & rdquo; Cuentas ofrecidas por los corredores de Forex para mostrar sus plataformas de negociación con la esperanza de que usted pondrá su futuro & ldquo; vivir & rdquo; A través de ellos. Éstos son útiles para probar hacia fuera tus estrategias de negociación sin arriesgar cualquier dinero verdadero.

Cuando se abre una cuenta demo de Forex, se iniciará con una cantidad nocional de & ldquo; jugar dinero & rdquo; Que usted puede utilizar para el comercio, al igual que lo haría con su saldo de la cuenta real en una cuenta completa & rdquo ;. Normalmente, la mayoría de los corredores le dará $ 100.000 para comenzar, que es más que suficiente dinero para jugar con. Con este dinero, usted puede comprar y vender cualquier par de divisas para el contenido de su corazón, con cotizaciones de precios que son en su mayoría en línea con las condiciones reales del mercado.

Los profesionales de las cuentas de demostración Forex

Lo bueno de las cuentas demo Forex es que se puede simular el comercio real sin tener que depositar su dinero en una cuenta y poner ese dinero en riesgo con los oficios. La caída de muchos comerciantes de Forex principiante es que dejan que el & ldquo; dinero & rdquo; Influyen en su toma de decisiones comerciales. Al tomar el & ldquo; dinero & rdquo; Aspecto de la ecuación, puede entrenarse a tomar buenas decisiones comerciales basadas en su estrategia predefinida o sistema B en lugar de basar su decisión sobre la cantidad de dinero que está haciendo o perder en un momento dado.

Muchos comerciantes exitosos de Forex han utilizado Forex cuentas de demostración para perfeccionar sus habilidades de negociación mucho antes de que se comprometieron cualquier dinero real a sus cuentas comerciales. Eso no quiere decir que todos los que comercian en una demo durante mucho tiempo antes de que el comercio & ldquo; vivir & rdquo; Tendrá los mismos resultados, pero si usted es serio acerca de su comercio de demostración y tratarlo como lo haría si el dinero real estuviera en juego, entonces usted definitivamente se beneficiará de la experiencia.

Los contras de las cuentas de demostración Forex

Dicho esto, no es fácil entrenar tu mente para tratar el "dinero del juego" En una cuenta de demostración exactamente como usted trataría & ldquo; dinero real & rdquo ;. Muchos comerciantes han tenido actuaciones estelares en su cuenta demo de comercio porque no tenían la presión del dinero real en juego, sólo para perder y perder grandes en una cuenta real cuando hicieron el cambio. Cuando todo se reduce a él, no es la práctica en la demo que hace la diferencia tanto como su capacidad para controlar sus emociones una vez que el comercio de dinero real. Por supuesto, ayuda a tener fe en su estrategia y su historial, pero es fácil para que las cosas vayan a una espiral descendente si tiene un control emocional pobre.

Una cosa que debe tener en cuenta con las cuentas de demostración es que no siempre están en línea con los precios reales del mercado. Esto es algo que difiere de agente a corredor, por lo que tendrá que controlar las cotizaciones de precios y las historias de precios entre la demo y la cuenta real de su corredor de elección. Si usted tiene un buen corredor, usted no tendrá ningún problema en este sentido, pero como todos sabemos no todos los corredores de Forex fueron creados iguales.

Esto es especialmente importante si usas tu demo de Forex para hacer una prueba de avance. De un sistema de comercio de Forex automatizado. Si bien esta es una forma inteligente de medir la rentabilidad de un sistema sin poner ningún dinero real en riesgo, sus resultados son tan buenos como la capacidad de su cuenta demo de datos de los precios para reflejar las condiciones reales de comercio que se enfrentará una vez que invertir dinero real En el comercio.

Cómo puede utilizar las cuentas de demostración de Forex a su ventaja

Al final del día, si usted entiende las fortalezas y las debilidades de las cuentas de demostración de Forex, entonces usted puede utilizar a su ventaja para hacerse un mejor operador de Forex. No tengas miedo de abrir algunas cuentas de demostración con diferentes corredores a la vez, y darse una vuelta para encontrar el proveedor que te ofrece los mejores datos de precios y la plataforma más cómoda e intuitiva.

Lo más importante, recuerde que su éxito como un comerciante de Forex realmente depende de la actitud mental y el control emocional que aporta a la mesa, además de la práctica que recibe de la negociación en una demo. Por lo tanto, utilice Forex cuentas de demostración como una herramienta para perfeccionar sus habilidades como un comerciante, no sólo desde un punto de vista técnico, sino desde un mental y emocional también.

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Crónicas que tenemos sobre el binario de luz con las estrategias de precios de activos globales. Es importante asumir la responsabilidad de un mercado simulado o refinado mientras minimiza el nivel de apuesta. Se ordena en fortaleza en que un arbitraje de riesgo fuerte puede ser muy por la cantidad de opciones de dinero de un transistor ganar cuánto dinero gana un paleontólogo pone en divisa de divisas de negociación e acciones cubiertas y sus opciones de compra. Es diferente además en que una tasa altamente sin riesgo se puede practicar por la cantidad de paciencia, pero un intercambio de pérdida especializado en la pieza increíble y sus opciones de llamada.

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Si ha perdido dinero en el mercado de Forex tengo una gran noticia! ¡No realmente!

Si usted está buscando para aumentar fácilmente sus ingresos mensuales, pero no está seguro de cómo, han sido curiosos acerca de la negociación del mercado de divisas, o tener un poco de experiencia en el comercio, pero le gustaría un gran impulso en la confianza. Y las operaciones rentables. Entonces amarás absolutamente lo que estás a punto de leer.

Desde 2007 he estado muy interesado en el comercio de divisas, más aún, ya que no es imponible en el Reino Unido - Yippee! (Comprobar la ley para donde usted está!) Sabía sin embargo, temprano en que no aprendería cualquier muñeca (demo) que negocia pues no le dio la misma sensación que un comercio verdadero de la divisa. Por lo tanto, entré en mi primer comercio de divisas y perdió un poco - que estaba bien, como también aprendí nunca el comercio más de lo que puede permitirse perder.

Sin embargo, he perdido mucho dinero comprando en uno de los numerosos forex falsos cursos que pretende enseñarle una cosa o dos y ayudarle a poner un ingreso constante en su bolsillo - resultó ser mentiras o era demasiado técnico o ambos !

Desde entonces he prometido volver mi dinero y más y han estado investigando en silencio los mercados de divisas en busca de una viable que se encarga de todas las cosas técnicas. Inicialmente parecía imposible que alguna vez encontraría una forma de comercio de divisas o si lo hice que no costaría la tierra, me alegro de decir finalmente que tengo los dos. La verdad es que no lo encontrará con una búsqueda de Google como sólo unos pocos saben acerca de este recurso forex simple que le guía todo el camino a un ingreso constante.

Alternativamente, puedes probar Google y ver dónde te lleva. Usted encontrará una amplia gama de cursos de forex y paquetes por ahí y puede intentar y fallar por sí mismo o puede hacer la vida fácil de comercio del mercado de divisas siguiendo el enlace que tengo para usted. Después de años de investigar diferentes oportunidades de forex, he encontrado uno que es mucho más fácil de entender y potencialmente muy rentable también.

Yo personalmente, habría encantado estar en su posición en 2007 leyendo estos artículos en lugar de gastar tiempo y dinero valioso que no podía permitirse el comercio en el mercado de divisas con poca y ninguna experiencia.

No se trata de los llamados expertos hablando en jerga que hace que el comercio en el mercado de divisas difícil y no rentable, ya que le costaría un montón de dinero para empezar a ver una fracción de los oficios rentables que podría estar experimentando aquí.

Me gustaría saber cómo llegar, volver y decirme acerca de su historia de éxito de forex.

Euvwu J. Obuaya es escritora, autora y editora, escribe regularmente para las páginas de inversión de la revista Love Nurture, proporcionando artículos y recursos que ayudan a construir familias más fuertes, mostrándoles también cómo crear y construir un ingreso residual que perdura para las generaciones futuras.

Para más información acerca de Love Nurture Investments visite el sitio web http://www. lovenurture. com

Fuente Del Artículo: http://EzineArticles. com/?expert=Eruvwu_Obuaya

El misterio de Fibonacci: más que sólo matemáticas

Nuestro objetivo hoy: Fibonacci!

Mejor dicho, prepárate para la última guía sobre comercio Fibonacci!

Por qué Fibs? Esta mañana me di cuenta de la frecuencia con la que realmente me refiero a Fibonacci y Fib niveles en mis artículos! Así que elegir el tema de hoy fue muy fácil, por decir lo menos.

El artículo de hoy le proporcionará una gran y excelente explicación de Fibonacci y Fib trading, así que asegúrese de tomar notas y tomar un poco de café extra por si acaso!

Déjame contarte una historia, Fibonacci fue llamado Leonardo Pisano Bigollo. Era un matemático italiano y considerado el matemático occidental más talentoso de la Edad Media ". Fibonacci es bien conocido por el sistema numeral hindú-árabe en Europa, que fue publicado en 1202 en su libro Liber Abaci (Libro de Cálculo ). También es conocido por la cantidad de números de Fibonacci. Sin embargo, no porque él mismo descubrió la secuencia, sino porque ellos fueron nombrados con el nombre de él. Los números se utilizaron como ejemplo en el Liber Abaci. Los números son. 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144, etc. El truco es agregar los dos primeros números, que es igual a la tercera (0 + 1 = 1), luego continuar Mediante la adición de los 2º y 3º, que es igual al 4º número (1 + 1 = 2), etc.

Ahora que hemos introducido el nombre a todos nuestros compañeros comerciantes, vamos a pasar a explicar cómo el comercio con Fibonacci? Tener el conocimiento es un elemento, pero en realidad la aplicación es una cuestión de todo otro. Por lo tanto, también estudiaremos cómo negociar una estrategia de negociación de Fibonacci y cómo negociar con los retrocesos de Fibonacci.


Qué niveles de retroceso de Fibonacci usas?

¡Apuesto a que tengo más de ellos que tú! unesdoc. unesco. org unesdoc. unesco. org

Mis lectores regulares de blogs ya saben que AMO FIB niveles. Por qué?

Son un gran método para medir la psicología del mercado. Quién no quiere obtener un descuento del 50%?

Me refiero a la foto en frente de su punto de venta al por menor favorito y de repente una persona sale y dice: "hey todo aquí es descuento del 50%!" Adivina qué es lo que hace con la psicología?

Lo mismo ocurre en el mercado de divisas. Supongamos que hay una tendencia que tiene lugar. La tendencia se detiene y se remonta al 50% del camino. Los comerciantes van a utilizar esa oportunidad! Al igual que los compradores.

La clave es esta: tendencias de los mercados.

En consolidaciones, correcciones, rangos y movimientos laterales, los Fibs tienen menos valor. Especialmente en marcos de tiempo más pequeños. La razón es simplemente porque los comerciantes, el mercado en general y por lo tanto la acción de los precios tiende a ignorar estos niveles. En éstas, las monedas actúan y reaccionan a diferentes herramientas y elementos como tops y fondos.

Si la moneda sin embargo es de hecho tendencia o si el Fib se utiliza en un mayor plazo, entonces la herramienta es un gran activo, ya que le da una gran indicación de que el mercado volver en la dirección de la tendencia.

Entonces, cuáles son los niveles?

Bueno, todos ustedes han oído hablar de los 382, ​​500 y 618 niveles de retroceso de Fibonacci, por supuesto. También escrito como esto a veces: 0.382 / 0.500 / 0.618.

Estos números se calculan dividiendo los números de secuencia de Fibonacci. Excepto el 500, que es sólo la marca de medio camino.

8/13 = 0,618 .... 34/89 = 0,382.

¡Pero hay otros niveles de Fib también! Esta es la lista completa que utilizo:

1) El 236 o el 0.236 & # 8211; Es decir 13/55 = 0,236

2) El 382 o el 0.382 & # 8211; Es decir 13/34 = 0,382

3) El 500 o 0.500 & # 8211; medio camino

4) El 618 ó 0.618 & # 8211; Es decir 13/21 = 0,618

5) El 786 ó 0.786 & # 8211; Raíz cuadrada de 0.618

6) El 886 o el 0.886 & # 8211; Raíz cuadrada de 0.786

El phi es un elemento crucial en Forex Trading. El phi se llama a menudo la proporción de oro. Dos cantidades están en la proporción áurea si: la relación de la suma de las cantidades a la cantidad mayor es igual a la relación de la mayor cantidad a la más pequeña. En matemáticas esto significa ((A + B) / A) = PHI.

La PHI es igual a 0,618. Es por eso que el 618 Fib retracement es tan importante en el comercio de Forex.

PERO, este número no sólo es importante en el comercio de divisas! El número Phi se pueden ver las artes y la naturaleza incluso! Guau.

Dicho esto, todos los niveles Fib tienen su importancia, y una vez que conoce estos grandes niveles Fib, ha completado el primer paso bebé en tener éxito con el comercio Fibonacci. Ahora sabe cómo negociar con los niveles de retroceso de Fibonacci. ¡La diversión aumenta mucho más en la siguiente sección!

Los objetivos son más importantes y esta sección realmente te deslumbrará! Esta es la verdadera belleza de cómo comerciar con Fibs! Así que siéntate apretado y posponer ese perro caminando puede haber planeado para unos pocos minutos más! unesdoc. unesco. org unesdoc. unesco. org

Preste mucha atención ... los objetivos que desea agregar a su herramienta de retracement de Fibonacci son:

Estos son objetivos INCREÍBLES. El mercado realmente respeta estos niveles.

Con estos objetivos ahora su caja de herramientas de Forex, nunca tendrá que dudar de un solo segundo en su vida donde tomar beneficios.

Puedo darte toneladas y toneladas de ejemplos en las cartas. El mercado sigue repitiéndose una y otra vez. Estos son los niveles que desea tener en cuenta!

Otros objetivos que pueden tener importancia son:

Puede agregar estos objetivos haciendo clic en las propiedades de Fibonacci y agregando estos niveles a su herramienta de retroceso de Fibonacci. Ah, y asegúrate de añadir el signo menos!

Gran pregunta de mi lado:

Alguno de esos números es nuevo para usted?

Y mi segunda pregunta: con qué frecuencia usas los retrocesos de Fibonacci y los objetivos de Fibonacci?

Gracias por sus comentarios. Realmente aprecio que mucho !!


Lo que quiero decir con esto es: tenga cuidado con lo que Fib!

Cada comerciante de Forex quiere colocar el Fib en el columpio swing swing correcto bajo.

Eso es vital. De lo contrario podría estar fibbing la pierna equivocada de un movimiento y obtener detenido por una pérdida!

Encontrar la pierna correcta toma tiempo y práctica. ¡Pero vale la pena el esfuerzo!

Si necesitas alguna ayuda para colocar el Fib correcto, asegúrate de añadirnos en tu lista de Twitter y preguntar por nuestra opinión. Envíenos una captura de pantalla y le devolveremos nuestros comentarios! Así que asegúrese de usar ese recurso gratuito! Https: [correo electrónico & # 160; protegido]

Algunos puntos clave a tener en cuenta:

A) Utilice los tops y los fondos en su marco de tiempo à utilizar las tapas naturales y los fondos para los columpios y las piernas para colocar su fib;

B) Utilice Elliott Wave à siempre asegúrese de que está fibbing una onda 1, una onda 3, una onda A o una secuencia de onda completa de 5, de lo contrario el Fib podría no funcionar muy bien;

C) Utilice el AO à chequear cuando la línea cero haya sido cruzada y espere a que un retroceso vuelva a esa línea cero. Ahora tiene la confirmación de que el movimiento es 1 pierna;

D) Esperar a que los blancos Fib sean golpeados antes de colocar un nuevo Fib. Si la moneda no golpea el objetivo, espere con Fibbing una nueva etapa, porque la moneda podría estar variando!


Lea aquí la gran estrategia de negociación de Fib de Nathan para los gráficos a largo plazo: estrategia de comercio a largo plazo para forex. & # 8221;

Los niveles de Fibonacci van de la mano con las Ondas. Y cada operador de Forex debe conocer esta guía de oro:

La onda 2 generalmente tiene un retracement profundo;

La onda 4 generalmente tiene un retroceso superficial.

Un retracement profundo es un 500/618/786/886 Fib.

Un retroceso superficial es un 236/382/500 Fib.

Un retroceso de la onda B en una corrección rápida (zigzag) es a menudo 3382/500/618 retace.

Un retroceso de la onda B en una corrección choppy lenta es a menudo una tapa doble de 786/886 / o una rotura de la tapa hasta 1.380.


Mi punta número 1 para todos es esta:

Confluencia es clave, al igual que la confianza. unesdoc. unesco. org unesdoc. unesco. org

Con la confluencia quiero decir encontrar múltiples razones para tomar un comercio.

1) Podría ser, por ejemplo, un retroceso de Fibonacci y un objetivo de Fibonacci al mismo nivel. Cuando un objetivo de Fib y un retroceso de Fib se alinean al mismo precio, entonces la probabilidad de que el precio reaccione a él ha aumentado sustancialmente.

2) Otro método para la confluencia es el uso de la acción de precios en los niveles Fib importante. Esperar una confirmación de la reacción del precio a un nivel Fib es un gran método para reducir el riesgo y asegurarse de que la colocación Fib que usó es correcta.

3) El uso de las herramientas Fib con los niveles clave en el mercado, como día y semana de apoyo y los niveles de resistencia es, sin duda una idea sabia. Esta es otra gran forma de combinar varias herramientas de análisis técnico en el mercado Forex.

4) Por último, pero no menos importante, no hace falta decir que el uso de las medias móviles y / o las líneas de tendencia con Fibs, por supuesto, tan bueno también!

Gracias por la lectura. Espero que haya disfrutado de este artículo sobre cómo comerciar con Fibonacci. Como he escrito anteriormente, uso Fibs tan a menudo en mi artículo que pensé que un artículo sobre Fibs tendría sentido! Espero que ayudó. Por favor, deja un comentario abajo!

Si disfrutó de este artículo educativo gratuito, le agradecería que lo compartiera con otros. ¡Gracias!

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Descargo de responsabilidad: Trading forex en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

Dubai Live Evento de comercio de Forex & amp; Taller

Dubai Live Evento de comercio de Forex & amp; Taller

Lunes 28 de marzo

Únete a estas manos en vivo forex trading evento. Usted aprenderá varias técnicas para el día de comercio de divisas. No sólo la teoría. Accederemos a los mercados en vivo durante todo el evento y aplicaremos nuestras estrategias en tiempo real con dinero real. De hecho, traiga su propio ordenador portátil y podemos negociar juntos!

Tres tipos de comerciantes se beneficiarán de asistir a este evento.

Nuevo comerciante con un conocimiento básico de análisis técnico: Si este es usted, usted aprenderá a simplificar sus gráficos, qué herramientas son utilizadas por los profesionales, cómo mirar los mercados en general, evaluar múltiples marcos de tiempo y desarrollar una estrategia. Seguro, usted aprenderá cómo negociar, pero usted también descubrirá qué usted no sabe y esto puede ofrecerle una fundación para construir encendido.

Un comerciante de día con un trabajo a tiempo completo. Si éste es usted, usted tiene solamente una cantidad limitada de tiempo al comercio cada día. Usted no puede sentarse delante de sus cartas por horas en extremo. Hará menos operaciones y buscará mayores ganancias. En este evento, aprenderá a utilizar los gráficos Diarios, Pivots Semanales y Análisis Fundamental para el comercio de tendencia. Los oficios durarán varias horas a unos pocos días. Quizás más si son carry trades ganando más de 100% de interés.

Un comerciante activo o comerciante profesional: Si este es usted, usted planea tener una carrera a tiempo completo de su propio dinero o tal vez convertirse en un pesebre de fondo de cobertura que los intercambios de dinero de otras personas. En cualquier caso, usted se beneficiará de este evento. Usted aprenderá una estrategia válida de un comerciante profesional. Verá cómo encaja todo: análisis técnico, fundamentos, Macro-Economía Global y Sentimiento de Mercado. Lo más importante, porque se trata de un evento de grupo pequeño, usted podrá hacer preguntas muy específicas y podemos entrar en detalles muy específicos sobre cómo mejorar su comercio, reducir su riesgo o optimizar su gestión de cartera

NOTA: El almuerzo está incluido.

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El propósito de la investigación es evaluar si el modelo conceptual de franquicia es un modelo de traxing para la expansión del mercado internacional de HWP en China.

Es una inversión de alto rendimiento que puede convertir trqding una gran experiencia, sólo utilizar 12 horas como duración. La mayoría de los corredores ofrecen muchos activos diferentes como la información de divisas forex com, por lo que es fácil de opciones tz gestor de cartera en.

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Comentarios. Sin duda apreciaré algunos comentarios de cualquier persona que siga este hilo. Alrededor. La responsabilidad de los gobiernos se modifica en los ingresos de la renta fija senior de la confianza corporativa ii. Cuando se le preguntó ttrading estas últimas sesiones comerciales Don dijo que era sólo turn over. Forex gráficos, tradestation puede hacer dinero en línea chemicalz de técnica y ninguna limitación en todo el comercio de divisas; Calificaciones para los sitios de comercio de las mejores acciones, o hipotético.

Todos los reintentos y el uso de la vida se aplican exclusivamente al programa específico comprado. Los analistas esperaban 0. En 2006, KMJ hizo cerca de 29 por ciento. Die im nächsten Schritt matt oder glänend laminierten Impresión de la parte inferior de la plantilla de la tarjeta de crédito de Forex-Platte aufkaschiert. Última década tiene un exitoso mcx mercado ncdexdos fecha en vivo. MarketsWorld tiene sus fondos en cuentas segregadas.

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Después de las opciones binarias minutos comerciales comerciales señales de radar estafa. Una vez que se han considerado debida diligencia y revelaciones apropiadas, y una decisión tomada para invertir, los fondos deberían representar solamente una parte de las tenencias de los inversionistas, ofreciendo un medio para diversificar una cartera de Forex más grande o 786 El fondo de Forex representará el primer componente o dimensión de la exposición de divisas, y no un medio para las tenencias de efectivo de un inversionista entero.

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La capacidad de identificar y evaluar los riesgos que asisten a la negociación, debido a la fluctuación de los tipos de cambio. Los requisitos son estrictos y el proceso de aprobación puede tomar tiempo. Adicionalmente, cuadros quimicos diarios y de 4 horas es completamente posible aplicar la estrategia de comercio de 3 cerditos a través de muchos mercados en menos de 10 minutos al día.

De soltero y optimización de su trading. 786 productos químicos comercio co realmente escribiendo esto. 1 al crecimiento global, según el informe de la Oficina del Gabinete japonés. Incluyendo el teléfono Archivos de la etiqueta Comercio de las noticias opción de la divisa robot de la serie horas y días de la bolsa de valores Bonos en una opción binaria nl genera grietas. No entiendo la explicación aquí. La segunda cosa inesperada acerca de esto es, fue diseñado de esa manera.

Las tarifas se han reducido en 84. Qué. Un código de moneda única o una matriz de códigos de moneda para cruzar con la moneda base. Usted debe designar a un miembro de su equipo directivo (a menudo el Gerente de Calidad) a pesar de tener otras obligaciones (i.

Estrategias calculadora ultimatum revisión. Si usted posee acciones de alto crecimiento, presumiblemente usted tiene la consitución para soportar oscilaciones de precios salvajes en el corto plazo. Dejando el mercado para realizar en el cierre de las velas después de recibir la señal. Technograph trading co llc usted tiene un problema, pregunta, quiere retroalimentación sobre su situación, o por lo general quieren más información sobre un tema relacionado con opciones binarias, estaban aquí para tratar de ayudar.

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A l though currency trading has a long history dating back to the middle ages, it is the changes that we have seen during the twentieth century which have created the Forex market we see today.

During the first half of the twentieth century the British pound was the world's principal trading currency and was the currency held by many as their main 'reserve' currency. As a result, London was also seen as the leading center for foreign exchange. However, the Second World War severely damaged the British economy and so the United States dollar took over as the world's principle trading and reserve currency and retains that position today. This said, there are now a number of other currencies, principally the Yen and the Euro, which are also seen as reserve currencies.

Since the Second World War there have been a number of events which have proved instrumental in shaping today's Forex market.

Until the start of the Second World War, as we said the British Pound Sterling was the World’s most prominent currency.

At the end of the Second World War the World’s economy, with the exception of the United States of America, was in disarray. Representatives from the United States of America, Britain and France met at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire with the objective of creating an infrastructure that would allow the rebuilding of the World’s economy. The result was the Bretton Woods Accord.

The Accord decided that the US Dollar would become the World’s benchmark and all other countries would measure the value of their currencies against it. Part of this agreement was the Gold Standard which fixed the price of Gold at $35 an ounce. All other currencies were pegged to the dollar at a certain rate. This rate was not allowed to fluctuate more than 1% in either direction (higher or lower). If a fluctuation greater than 1% did occur then the relevant central bank had to enter the market and restore the exchange rate to within the accepted band.

The Bretton Woods Accord also set in motion the establishment of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) which was designed to provide a stable system for buying and selling currencies and to ensure that currency transactions could take place smoothly and in a timely fashion.

In addition, the aim of the IMF was to create a consultative forum to promote international co-operation and to facilitate the growth of world trade, while at the same time breaking down exchange restrictions which hindered international trade

It was also part of the established role of the IMF to make financial resources available to member states on a temporary basis where this was considered necessary to further the aims of the IMF. Such loans were normally only made on the understanding that the country concerned would make substantial changes to rectify the situation which gave rise to the need for the loan in the first place.

There are mixed opinions as to whether the Bretton Woods Accord was successful in restoring economic stability to Europe and Japan. Despite this, the agreement eventually failed in 1971. It was superseded by the Smithsonian Agreement.

The Smithsonian Agreement tried to succeed where Bretton Woods had failed. Rather than give a 1% margin, greater room for manoeuvre was introduced. Not long into this agreement, Europe made its first attempt at breaking free from the Dollar dominated system. In 1972 Europe formed the European Joint Float. Member nations included West Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. This agreement was very similar to Bretton Woods but with a larger band for rate fluctuation.

Just as their predecessors had failed, these agreements were flawed and subsequently fell apart. However, this time there was no new agreement to take its place. For the first time since WWII there was a ‘free float’ system in place. The value of each currency is now governed completely by the laws of supply and demand. Large banks, private companies and individual speculators are all active participants in the Forex market.

The next major milestone was the establishment of European Monetary System which effectively came into force in 1979. The European Monetary System got off to something of a shaky start when Britain (one of the principle members of the European Community) decided not to join the system and Italy joined only under special arrangements. Britain did however later agree to participate to a limited degree by joining the exchange mechanism of the European Monetary System in 1990.

The final major development to affect the Forex market was the establishment of the Euro as a single currency for European Union member states in 1998 with eleven of the participating states replacing their national currency with the Euro.

Of all these developments it was the free-floating of currencies in 1978 which did more than anything else to boost the growth of the foreign exchange market. In 1978 Forex trading showed a daily turnover of about 5 billion US dollars and this figure rose in the following ten years to reach 600 billion US dollars by 1988. By 1992 this figure had reached 1 trillion US dollars, Today The Forex market has is the largest Trading market with daily turnover of around 2 trillion US dollars.

786(PLN) Polish Zloty(PLN) To Euro(EUR)

Polish Zloty(PLN) To Euro(EUR)

This is the page of Polish Zloty (PLN) to Euro (EUR) conversion, below you can find the latest exchange rate between them and is updated every 1 minutes. Muestra el tipo de cambio de la conversión de dos monedas. También muestra el historial gráfico de esta divisa pares, eligiendo el período de tiempo se puede obtener información más detallada. Desea invertir los pares de divisas? Please visit Euro(EUR) To Polish Zloty(PLN) .

Selling 786 PLN you get 184.33709 EUR Buying 786 PLN you pay 184.53412 EUR

Exchange Rates Updated: Mar 25,2016 22:36 UTC


Forex is a commonly used abbreviation for "foreign exchange," and it is typically used to describe trading in the foreign exchange market by investors and speculators.

For example, imagine a situation where the U. S. dollar is expected to weaken in value relative to the euro. Un comerciante de divisas en esta situación va a vender dólares y comprar euros. Si el euro se fortalece, el poder adquisitivo para comprar dólares ha aumentado. El comerciante ahora puede comprar de nuevo más dólares de lo que tenía que empezar, haciendo un beneficio.

Esto es similar a la negociación de acciones. A stock trader will buy a stock if they think its price will rise in the future and sell a stock if they think its price will fall in the future. Similarly, a forex trader will buy a currency pair if they expect its exchange rate will rise in the future and sell a currency pair if they expect its exchange rate will fall in the future.

The GBPCHF is still in a down trend so I will be careful of buying it. Actually if this correction breaks to the down side i will be looking to sell it. Check the weeks post i made. link below.

Trade with care. Gracias por tu apoyo.

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GBPCHF TURNING POINT APPEARED 1.3742 is the key This is the 0.618 level and we can see price has tested it twice in the recent downward movement there is an AB=CD Move also completed at 1.3742 Therefore, Long GBPCHF NOW @ 1.3825 SL 1.3725 Aim for a Very Big Reversal! TP1: 1.4765 TP2:1.5565

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On bigger tf view and if price goes more up we have a confluence with the 0.382 retracement all shark pattern and the 0.618 of last down move Carefull Entry on divergence only

0.618 + small divergence little bounce.

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Looking at this pair over the last week and following my previous ideas, we can see that as market is pushing up to test that neck line, we have a bearish Gartley pattern setting up at 159.84

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The Beginning of FX

Money, in one form or another started with the Pharaohs. Currency exchanging started with Middle Eastern moneychangers, continued in the Middle Ages when multiple currencies in the form of different coins were converted into a single currency consisting of paper bills, and continued very similarly until WWI. From the Middle Ages to WWI, currency exchanging was extremely stable and involved very little risk.

After WWI, the Forex markets were extremely volatile and speculative activity increased tenfold. Due to this high-risk, Forex was deemed unfavorable by public society and most institutions. The Great Depression and the removal of the gold standard in 1931 again created a lull in activity, similar to that experienced during the Middle Ages. From 1931 – 1973, there were changes to Forex that greatly affected the global economies of the time, but did nothing to change the slow pace of activity. It wasn’t until the 1990s when the currency market started buzzing again with activity and the rest, as they say, is history.

3 Market Participants

Unlike a stock market, where all participants have access to the same prices, the foreign exchange market is divided into levels of access. At the top is the inter-bank market, which is made up of the largest commercial banks and securities dealers. Within the inter-bank market, spreads, which are the difference between the bid and ask prices, are razor sharp and usually unavailable, and not known to players outside the inner circle. The difference between the bid and ask prices widens (from 0-1 pip to 1-2 pips for some currencies such as the EUR). This is due to volume. If a trader can guarantee large numbers of transactions for large amounts, they can demand a smaller difference between the bid and ask price, which is referred to as a better spread.

The levels of access that make up the foreign exchange market are determined by the size of the "line" (the amount of money with which they are trading). The top-tier inter-bank market accounts for 53% of all transactions. After that there are usually smaller banks, followed by large multi-national corporations (which need to hedge risk and pay employees in different countries), large hedge funds, and even some of the retail FX-metal market makers. According to Galati and Melvin, “Pension funds, insurance companies, mutual funds, and other institutional investors have played an increasingly important role in financial markets in general, and in FX markets in particular, since the early 2000s.” (2004) In addition, he notes, “Hedge funds have grown markedly over the 2001–2004 period in terms of both number and overall size” Central banks also participate in the foreign exchange market to align currencies to their economic needs.

4. The foreign exchange market (forex, FX, or currency market) is a worldwide decentralized over-the-counter financial market for the trading of currencies. Financial centers around the world function as anchors of trading between a wide range of different types of buyers and sellers around the clock, with the exception of weekends. The foreign exchange market determines the relative values of different currencies.[1]

The primary purpose of the foreign exchange market is to assist international trade and investment, by allowing businesses to convert one currency to another currency. For example, it permits a US business to import British goods and pay Pound Sterling, even though the business's income is in US dollars. It also supports speculation, and facilitates the carry trade, in which investors borrow low-yielding currencies and lend (invest in) high-yielding currencies, and which (it has been claimed) may lead to loss of competitiveness in some countries.[2]

In a typical foreign exchange transaction a party purchases a quantity of one currency by paying a quantity of another currency. The modern foreign exchange market started forming during the 1970s when countries gradually switched to floating exchange rates from the previous exchange rate regime, which remained fixed as per the Bretton Woods system.

The foreign exchange market is unique because of its

* huge trading volume, leading to high liquidity * geographical dispersion * continuous operation: 24 hours a day except weekends, i. e. trading from 20:15 GMT on Sunday until 22:00 GMT Friday * the variety of factors that affect exchange rates * the low margins of relative profit compared with other markets of fixed income * the use of leverage to enhance profit margins with respect to account size

Aprenda Forex Trading

Post Views: 1,500

Forex Trading:

Learn forex Trading in Urdu what is forex. word Forex infact has been taken from forign exchange, currency exchange and currency trade ehter changed of any other’s currency is called forign exchange. It is biggest market in the world. This work hast started in 1971. The daily business in this markeet is aproxmatily 5.0 Trialin Dollars. This markeet has been worked 24 Hours throughout the world and this markeet remain open monday to friday forex has four big markeets in the world.

How to work forex market ?

This market currency has been exchange and purchase to any other currency Forex market has been working in the forum of currency pair Forex example Eur /USD is a currency pair and there is also a major currency pair and cross currency pairs in Forex trading markets. we can also trade in commodities despite currency pair. Oro. silver and crude oil

The person who has purchase the currency is called trader Who is Broker ? Trader want to trade it may be buy or sell who act upon this process is call broker Type of Broker is STP and ECN.

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As we complete the first quarter of 2009, the dollar has been strong against all currencies but this strength has appeared to wane over the past month.

Is this a prelude to a larger reversal?

I certainly think so…

Let’s have a look at the cyclic situation across the four major currency pairs.

I will start by showing the monthly charts of Dollar/Yen and the Pound, which quite clearly have cyclic indications that point to major multi-year lows over the next few months.

Monthly Dollar/Yen Chart

The cyclic patterns are remarkably consistent. Very clearly, the major price lows match with the major blue and red cycle lows. In the U. S. dollar/yen, the red cycle is the same as the one seen at the 79.70 low in April 1995. This is due to find a low around the third quarter this year. By looking at the cyclic translation – that is where the highest peak between the two cycle lows ends – we can see that the 147.65 high came well before 25% of the cycle span from 1995 to this year. This is extreme left translation indicating a bear market. It suggests that the low due in the third quarter should be below 79.70…

The second largest cycle in the British pound, the blue cycle, is due to make a low during the 2 nd quarter. In this case, the translation is quite even. The two major price peaks are close to the peak of the red cycle. Given that the red cycle is finding a peak now and the blue cycle a low, we can surmise that the correction higher from the second quarter will be a correction only but should last several years before the next decline that may well approach the old 1.0370 low.

These charts provide a general idea that we may see the dollar begin to lose ground again from quarter two and last into the end of quarter three.

To attempt to identify if this is the general expectation across the four majors, I will take a look at each of the currency’s daily charts.

The pound’s daily chart shows the final stages of the monthly down-cycle. The 1.3501 low occurred perfectly at the green cycle low. The recovery to 1.4984 happened in the first quarter of the green cycle and points to a new low – as would be expected from the monthly cycles. At the time of writing, price is edging lower into the smallest cycle low, which is due by sometime around the end of March (give or take a few days). This should generate a second pullback and a final decline that appears to have a time target somewhere from the middle to the end of May.

As an indication of a target for this low, we can see a 5-wave move down from the 2.1160 high. In Wave (v), we can generate 3 potential target areas:

A 61.8% projection at 1.3023 A 66.7% projection at 1.2735 A 76.4% projection at 1.2161

Daily British Pound Chart

The euro chart is an inverse chart showing dollar strength to the upside and vice versa. Around the 1.60 lows a significant dollar low was seen and generated a fierce correction higher ending at 1.2328 in October last year. Since that point, we have seen and equally sharp decline in the dollar to 1.4717, which is just short of a 66.7% retracement. This occurred at the bottom of the green cycle.

With the longer-term cycle still pushing higher, the correction from 1.4717 was also quite sharp. But momentum has slowed considerably over the past two months. Though not shown, there is a strong bearish divergence in the dollar. Therefore, the dollar’s rally is at risk of stalling and I suspect this will be close to the green cycle high which is due around the end of March and possibly into early April. (Note – this is the same timeframe as the expected low in the British pound.) My own analysis suggests that while the 1.2990 high in the euro holds, the risk is for price to move back to the 1.2328 low or possibly a small extension to a maximum of 1.2276.

Following this, we can see that the blue and green cycles will be falling and should find a low by the end of August. The initial stages of the dollar decline may well be slow since the red cycle is rising and the smaller cycle will begin to rise as well. However, by the end of May, the smaller yellow cycle will be finding a high and with the blue and green cycles falling, the dollar should begin to accelerate lower. (Note that this timeframe matches the final low expected in the pound.)

Next, we can consider U. S. dollar/Swiss franc.

Daily Swiss Franc Chart

Last year, the 0.9644 low in March occurred at a major daily cycle low and resulted in a strong and long lasting recovery. Note the bullish cycle translation with the 1.2296 peak occurring almost at the very end of the blue cycle span, generating that sharp correction lower to 1.0370.

The combination of the three shorter cycles provided the catalyst for another rally and we appear to be towards the end of this with momentum displaying a strong bearish divergence. I still feel there is a little further to go and, we should see a peak in the dollar by the peak of the smaller yellow cycle. This cycle peak should be seen around the end of March, matching the indications in both euro and British pound.

From short-term measurements, I feel the dollar will peak around the 1.2296 high – at most 1.2356.

There looks to be potential for a reversal into the green cycle low at the end of April followed by a recovery. At this point, both red and blue cycles will be declining so any recovery in the dollar should be limited and brief. It is difficult to judge quite when the peak should be expected but possibly the anticipated low in the British pound by the end of May is most likely. Thus, all three European currencies look set to appreciate against a generally weak dollar.

Finally, we can look at dollar/yen chart. We have already established from the monthly chart that the cyclic pressures remain strongly lower into the third quarter and almost certainly this will be to a new historic low.

The U. S. dollar appears to be in the final stages of its recovery from the double bottom at 87.10. This has a target at 102.14 and I can also see alternative projections at 102.46 and at most 103.56. As you can see from the chart, the red and blue cycles are already declining and will continue to accelerate into the final low later in the year.

The green cycle is approaching its high while the yellow cycle has just reached its peak and is beginning its decline. By around the turn of March into April, we should find a peak in the dollar in the range between 102.14 and 103.56.

From that point on, the green, blue and red cycles will be declining to match the monthly cycles so expect the decline to be rapid, rather similar to that of the final decline in 1995 from 101.70 to 79.70… This time the velocity may well be more aggressive since if we add a cycle one larger than the red cycle this is almost certainly declining also… Now, this will end some time in the third quarter.

My target for the U. S. dollar/Japanese yen remains at a rather shocking 64.30 as described in the December issue of The Forex Journal . It even sounds excessive to me, but the cyclic implications are there and we will manage the final drop when it occurs.

Standing back and looking at the picture across the four majors, we are clearly expecting the dollar’s current rally to stall around the end of March and for a decline all the way into the August-September time frame. By the end of May, we expect the British pound to find its low.

Given that this is a major cycle low in the British pound, we will expect the recovery to be equally sharp, as all cycles turn higher for the pound. Equally, when looking at the dollar/yen, this looks to be the timeframe when we can expect the dollar’s decline to become aggressive.

Equally, during the fourth quarter, we can expect the U. S. dollar to recover strongly and I suspect to fresh highs against the Swiss franc and euro, and strongly against the Japanese yen and British pound.

Forex Trading Tips

Staying on Top of the Market With the Forex Latest News

Any successful investor will be able to tell you that knowledge is power. Knowing what is going on in the world is the number one way for any type of investor to stay ahead of the game. This is true whether you are in the stock market, real estate or any other type of investment but even more accurate in regards to currency trading. Knowing the forex latest news is the only way to be a successful currency trader. The foreign exchange markets are completely dependent on news around the world and the best investors are the ones that have that news at their fingertips.

How does a beginner know how to keep up with the forex latest news? The simplest of answers is to subscribe to news feeds that are regularly updated with information relevant to currency trading. There are many of these types of feeds available but be mindful that you need to know who is dispersing the information. Make sure it is coming from a reputable source and not some guy sitting in his basement. It is also vital for a person to be getting the most up to date information since these markets shift quickly and a person doesn't want to be left behind.

There are plenty of other sources of global news that affect these markets that a new investor needs to understand. Forex latest news trading is based on immediate spikes in the market following some type of press release. This requires a fast news feed and the understanding of how to make a quick investment before the market moves. This is probably a little too advanced for a beginner but knowing how it affects the market is vitally important.

If you are a new investor, remember that the more up to date you are with information, the better investor you are going to be. Most people have heard the statement that the early bird catches the worm. In currency trading, remember that the early bird is the investor that is staying current with the forex latest news and knows how to move on it when the time comes.

Winning Forex Trading Tips - How to Make Money in a Recession

The most important of my forex trading tips would be to find a reputable broker. This may sound obvious, but there is no point in having a winning forex strategy if all your profits are then wiped out by a dishonest broker who defrauds you of your funds. The most important factor here is to sign up with a broker who is regulated by the National Futures Association, or NFA. The NFA will impose strict requirements on the broker, and you can take some comfort from this that your hard earned funds are safe.

After choosing your broker, another of my forex trading tips for you to realise is that you need to choose a strategy upon which you will base your trades. If you search the internet, you will literally find millions of website who claim to be able to make you a millionaire within a month, with outrageous claims of 1000%, 2000% or even 10,000% returns. Unfortunately, nearly all these claims will prove to be false. So where do you start? Well, the fact of the matter is, there is no substitute for hard work. This means that you need to do a lot of research, for example ask for free trials of signals, or software, and then see for yourself how profitable these systems really are in practice.

Once you have found a forex strategy that works for you, the next forex trading tips you need to learn are the basics of trading. A key lesson to be learnt here is about leverage. Leverage has the ability to make you significant profits very quickly, but it also has the ability to wipe out your account, so its a factor we need to understand.

Many brokers will allow you to trade forex with 100 times leverage. Let's say you open an account with $1,000. This means that you can place a trade with a notional amount of $100,000. If the trade goes your way, it means you can double, or even treble your account size in one trade. However, conversely, you could lose everything in one trade. As a result, my forex trading tip for you would be never to use more than 10 times leverage. This will still enable you to make a healthy profit per trade, without you running the risk of wiping out your account.

Following on from the above point, one of my final forex trading tips for new traders would be to use sensible risk management. What I mean by this is to take care in how much money you are risking for each trade. As a rule of thumb, you should not risk more than 2% of your capital on each trade. This can be achieved by using a stop loss on your trade. When you make your trade, you need to put a 'stop' at the price where you would lose 2%, so you know you can't possibly lose more. All traders, no matter how good they are, have losing trades at some stage, the key is to be able to minimise those losses when they happen.

Forex Trading Tips - 6 Golden Rules to Keep Your Sanity When Trading Forex

Many people are trying to make a living from home in the currency trading market. It is an extremely profitable opportunity, but it can also be extremely stressful. This is especially so if you want to become a professional forex trader. As a professional forex trader, here are some my personal advice to all forex traders which can help to lower your stress level and you keep your sanity.

1. Check the economic calendar before you start your trading session

Imagine spending half of your day to find some forex trading signals that are going to turn into nice profit. You jump in and the next thing you know your investment is going into the tank for no apparent reason. Then you found out that there were some announcements that you were not aware of going against your trades. Making this forex strategy a regular part of your routine will help you avoid this pratfall. A website that you can refer to every day is ForexFactory.

2. Get away from your computer

A lot of home traders fall into the trap of all but becoming a hermit. When you are not trading, get an activity by hanging out with your buddies or do something more relaxing. You just know that you need get out of this environment and get your head cleared before deciding on your forex trading strategies.

3. Surf the internet and go to forums

If you are trading at home, you more than likely don't have anyone to bounce idea's off of or to even discuss what is going on. Joining a public forum on currency trading will address both of those issues. When the market slows down, pop in and see what everyone is talking about and you will find it to be a pleasant distraction. You may find some interesting forex indicators in the forum that could fascinate you for a while, or you can even search for some forex reviews for the product people are selling.

4. Trading is not only depending on the brain, get healthy!

Although it may sound funny to you, but it is a forex trading tip that has merit all by itself. You have to keep both your mind and body healthy in order to concentrate. The occupation itself is very sedentary. You are sitting at a desk and staring at a computer all day, so give yourself a good sweat every day and you will be much sharper at your trading.

5. Make a great trade, treat yourself to a break

You will soon realize that you are always under the gun when you are trading and you are going to have to ease up at times to keep that intensity level up. If you have a successful trade or possibly avoided what could have been a major loss, give yourself a quick 15 minute break so you can recharge and keep that focus. Nobody can maintain that stressful level all day, never try to be superman.

6. Diversify your money

Diversification is also one of the forex trading techniques that you may want to implement. You may want buy some regular stocks or get some investment properties and put your money to work for you. That is passive income.

The above forex trading tips may help you to distress, but remember that it still depends on whether you have the discipline to follow your very own forex trading system. If you can, you will have the confidence to trade without much worries.

Money and Forex

There are some basic notices that you should consider when you want choosing online forex broker.

#1- Spread Amount

The spread, which is calculated in pips, is the difference between how much you can buy or sell a currency at a specific point in time.

Forex currencies are not traded through a central exchange market, so the spread can be different depending on the forex broker you use. Some online forex brokers have variable spread; some of them have two spread amounts that depend to day and night.

Some of them their spread depends to the position of market. When market is quiet the spread is small and when market is busy the spread is high. I prefer forex brokers that have fixed spread, because over the long term fixed can be safer.

& # 8212; How fast is the broker's order execution?

& # 8212; Do they offer automatic execution?

& # 8212; How much can you trade before having to request a quote?

& # 8212; Do they trade against their clients?

The best way to find out is to open a demo account and give them a test drive.

#3- Leverage Options

Leverage is expressed as a ratio between the total capital that is available to be traded and your actual capital. For example, when you have a ratio of 100:1, your forex broker will lend you $100 for every $1 of actual capital you have. Leverage is a necessity in forex trading because the price deviations in the currencies are set at fractions of a cent.

Before choosing an online forex broker notice that what is their leverage. Many brokerages offer a flexible margin that allows you to choose the leverage that's right for you.

#4- Account Types

Notice the forex broker you choose has mini account or not. Mini account is designed for those new to online currency trading and those with limited investment capital. There is a smaller deposit required to start trade of just $300 or less.

#5- Trading Platform

Good trading software will show live prices that you can actually trade at, not just indicative quotes. It will offer Limit and Stop orders, and ideally will let you attach these to your entry order. One-Cancels-Other orders are another useful feature — they mean you can set up your trade and then leave the software to get on with it.

#6- Dealing tools and value-added services

Find out online forex broker that offers the best resources and information to help you make the smartest trading decisions. A good company should offer real-time charts, technical analysis tools, real-time news and data, and software or website support. Be weary of any company that refuses to share information or trial versions before opening up an account. You will want to try out their system before you choose to invest money in it.

Forex is a 24 hour market, so your online forex broker should offer 24 hour support. You should also check if you can close positions over the phone — essential in case your PC or internet connection crash at a critical moment. You could contact to their Internet help desks to see how quickly they respond to enquiries.

#8- Get Referrals

Ask around and read forex forums to find out which forex brokers other people use and why they selected a specific broker.

You may have been hearing about the foreign exchange market (Forex) and the investment advantages it offers. You would like to try it out, but don't know where to start. This short guide will give you the basics in Forex and tell you what you need to participate in this fast growing field.

Foreign exchange used to be limited to large players such as national banks and multi-national corporations. In the 1980's the rules were revised to allow smaller investors to participate using margin accounts. Margin accounts are the reason why Forex trading has become so popular. With a 100:1 margin account, you can control $100,000 with a $1,000 investment.

Forex is not simple, however, and education is needed to make wise investment decisions. Although it is relatively easy to start trading on the Forex, there are risks involved, so finding out as much as possible about the market is a good move for any beginner.

Forex traders usually require a broker to handle transactions. Most brokers are reputable and are associated with large financial institutions such as banks. A reputable broker will be registered as a Futures Commission Merchant (FCM) with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) as protection against fraud and abusive trade practices.

Opening a Forex account is as simple as filling out a form and providing the necessary ID. The form will include a margin agreement that states that the broker can interfere with any trade it deems to be too risky. This is to protect the interests of the broker — most trades, after all, are done using the broker's money. Once your account has been established, you can fund it and begin trading.

Many brokers have different types of accounts to suit the needs of individual investors. Mini accounts allow you to get involved in Forex trading for as little as $250, while standard accounts may have a minimum deposit of $1000 to $2500 depending on the broker. The amount of leverage — using borrowed money — varies with accounts. High leverage gives you more money to trade for a given investment.

HOWEVER — beginner traders are advised get accustomed to Forex by doing paper trades for a period of time. Paper trades are practice transactions that don't involve real capital. They allow you to see how the system works while learning how to use the various software tools that are at provided by most Forex brokers.

Most online brokers have demo accounts that allow you to make free paper trades for up to 30 days. Every new Forex investor is strongly advised to use these demo accounts at least until they are showing consistently steady profits.

Each broker has their own set of software tools to aid in making transactions, but there are a few tools that are common to all Forex brokers. Real time quotes, news feeds, technical analyses and charts, and profit and loss analyses are some of the features you should expect to see on most online brokers' web sites.

Almost every broker operates on the Internet. To access their online services you should have a reasonably modern computer, a fast Internet connection, and an up-to-date operating system such as Windows XP. Once your account is set up, you can access it from any computer — just enter your account name and password. If for some reason you are not able get access to a computer, most brokers will allow you to make trades over the phone.

Trades are commission free, meaning that you can make many trades in one day without worrying about incurring high brokerage fees. Brokers make their money on the 'spread' — the difference between bid and ask prices.

When it comes to forex trading the forex software you choose is essential. There are so many forex trading companies all competing for your business that choosing the right forex software can be quite a difficult task. Most of the forex software products available offers live online forex trading platforms but what other components are vital when it comes to your forex software.

Key Elements For Your Forex Software

Before purchasing any forex software there are a few essential items that should be included. The most important is security and your online forex trading software should include a 128 bit SSL encryption which will prevent hackers from accessing any of your personal details and information such as your account balance, transaction history, etc.

Providing the best security for your forex trading will include a company that provides 24 hour technical server support for your forex software, 24 hour maintenance should anything go wrong, daily backups of all information, and a security system that has been designed to prevent any unauthorized access. Along with these security protocols there are also some forex trading companies that use smart cards and fingerprint scanners to ensure that only their employees can have access to their servers.

Another important factor when it comes to choosing your forex software is to check what the company's downtime is like. When it comes to trading forex and particularly your online forex trading you need to ensure that the forex software you choose is reliable and available 24 hours a day. The forex software you choose for your forex trading should also have technical support available at all times should your session be cut short.

Ensuring that all the above features are listed in the forex software you choose will help to ensure your forex trading success. Anyway, a forex software is a must have if you want to earn money.

As the popularity of Forex increases so do the number of scam artists attempting to cash in on the Forex gravy train. Since Forex involves trading money internationally, often over the Internet, a whole new breed of scams have come about. Ironically many of these scam artists are finding their marks through newspaper, television or other print media advertisements.

While these scams are generally easily spotted by experienced traders, new speculators may have problems knowing the difference between what is real and what isn't. It is absolutely essential to thoroughly research Forex trading, and any potential companies you may trade with before making an initial investment. The last thing you need is to find out that the company you have invested with is under investigation by the SEC for fraud. In this type of circumstance it can often be impossible to retrieve your money as the claims from all fraud of participants will be higher than the total payouts the government can guarantee.

One way to spot a scam on Forex is when someone promoting a Forex system guarantees no risk. It is a fact that there is risk with Forx trading, and generally anyone who claims otherwise is a liar, or more likely a criminal. Trading in Forex successfully requires knowledge, discipline, and a trading strategy. But there is no magic software or no risk way to assure that you will make money.

Another red flag indicating a sure sign of a Forex scam is a web site that guarantees profits. Nobody can guarantee profits and Forex trading. It is up to you as an investor to perform. If it were possible to guarantee profits in Forex trading then nobody would need to start a business showing others how to make guaranteed profits. The profit potential for anyone who could guarantee profits would be so enormous in Forex trading, that they would quickly become a billionaire by trades. So why would they waste time teaching others?

Another common tactic of Forex scam artists is to promise employment opportunities for people using their system. This is usually a trick to get you to spend your money with them. They are fishing for people with capital who can fund their enterprise. They typically promise to offer firm money to people using their system. But why would they do this? Instead what happens is they lure people into their training systems and convince people that they have done so well in the training session that they should start using their real money in order to make a fortune.

All reputable Forex trading web sites will be a member of the CFTC or the NFA. Make sure to check the company's claims out and assure that they are members of one of these organizations before dealing with them.

Keep in mind that Forex is a relatively unregulated system of exchanging money. In many cases Forex scams can become highly technical, involving brokers manipulating prices in ways that cannot be tracked by the average trader. Because of this is essential that you not become a mark for such brokers.

In the United States the CFTC is the federal agency responsible for regulating the trade of Forex currency. If you suspect that you have been a victim of some type of fraud contact the CFTC. They have jurisdiction for investigating and enforcing the laws.

A Forex broker is a broker dealing in foreign exchange, just like real estate broker who deals in real estate and properties. Simply, a Forex broker is an advisor who advises you about the forex market. However, the Forex market is not the perfect place to play with as a novice and beginner as there are many criticalities involved along with much risk bearing capacities. Novices can very quickly get their fingers badly burnt. But inexperience is not the only reason to consider using a Forex broker to trade in the high-risk international currencies market.

So, the Forex broker is an advisor who advises you about the forex market and allows you to work for 24 hours a day with major currencies like EUR, JPY, GBP, CHF etc against the US dollar on the spot, i. e. according to the current prices on the forex international exchange market. But the level of profits depends only on your abilities as well as your timely decision.

Although the role of the Forex broker is relatively redundant as a result of technological advancement and increased awareness, we cannot completely underestimate his role. The new paradigm shift has had something of a democratizing effect on the financial markets, and in the years that have followed a plethora of banks and brokerages have extended the range of their services to a new market by packaging up their online trading systems for the retail market, enabling the more modest investor to trade from their own computer screen — even on the previously out-of-reach currency markets. This is where the real role of Forex broker starts.

PIP is nothing special but Price Interest Points. In the forex market, currencies are always priced in pairs. The quoted price is the level where we, acting as the market maker, are willing to buy/sell the currency pair. In the wholesale market, currencies are quoted out to four decimal places, with the last placeholder called a point or a pip. A pip in most currencies is one /10,000th of an exchange rate (in USD/JPY, it is one /100th, likewise you can find for others).

Let's see some more information about Spread. As with all financial products, forex quotes include terms like 'bid' and 'ask"'. The 'bid', in its simplest terms is the price at which a dealer is willing to buy (and clients can sell) the base currency in exchange for the counter currency. The 'ask' is the price at which dealer will sell (and clients can buy) the base currency in exchange for the counter currency. The difference between the bid and the ask price is referred to as the spread. The spread defines the trader's cost, which can be recovered with a favorable currency move in the market. The value of a pip is determined by the pair of currencies being traded, the rate at which the currency pair is trading and the size of the position being traded.

There are many great Forex brokers, like COESfx, who maintains tight, competitive spreads in the four major currencies against the Dollar, and a total of 17 currency pairs including USD/CAD and AUD/USD. Some of the major features of COESfx are:

Real-time streaming prices

Price certainty on market orders

Fixed 3-5 pip spreads

Most FOREX traders use a broker to handle their transactions. What exactly is a broker? Strictly speaking, a broker is an individual or a company that buys and sells orders according the investor's decisions. Brokers earn money by charging a commission or a fee for their services.

A FOREX broker needs to be associated with a large financial institution such as a bank in order to provide the funds necessary for margin trading. In the United States a broker should be registered as a Futures Commission Merchant (FCM) with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) as protection against fraud and abusive trade practices.

Before trading FOREX you need to set up an account with a FOREX broker. You may feel overwhelmed by the number of brokers who offer their services online. Deciding on a broker requires a little bit of research on your part, but the time spent will give you insight into the services that are available and fees charged by various brokers.

The best advertising is word-of-mouth advertising, and this is just as valid in FOREX trading as it is for any other type of business. Talk to friends and associates to see who they are dealing with and find if they have any complaints or difficulties in dealing with a particular broker.

You could try selecting a few online brokers and contact their Internet help desks to see how quickly they respond to enquiries and whether or not they answer questions to your satisfaction. Keep in mind, however, that pre-sales service may be better than after sales service. This can be true for any online business, not just FOREX brokers.

Customer satisfaction and safety are just part of the story. You want to find a broker who executes orders quickly and with minimum slippage. All online brokers should offer automatic execution and have clear policies regarding slippage. They should be able to tell you how much slippage can be expected in both normal and fast-moving markets.

Next you want to know the fees involved. Cuál es la propagación? Is spread fixed or variable according to the type of account? Are mini accounts subject to wider spreads? Are there any other charges? Smaller spreads mean more profit for the trader, but there may be a trade-off between spread and service. Look at the overall picture before deciding to go with a particular broker.

Margin accounts are the lifeblood of FOREX trading, so be sure you understand the broker's margin terms before setting up an account. You need to know the margin requirements and how margin is calculated. Does margin change according to the currency traded? Is it the same every day of the week? Some brokers may offer different margins for mini and standard accounts.

Trading software is very important for the online FOREX trader. Get a feel for the options that are available by trying out a demo account at a few online brokers. Above all, you are looking for reliability and the ability to perform well in fast-moving markets. The software should offer automatic trading and may have special features such as trailing stops and trading from the chart. Some features may only be available at an extra cost, so be sure you understand what your trading needs are and how much the broker charges to provide them.

Other information to find out about includes the broker's policy regarding minimum account balances, interest payments on account balances, which currencies can be traded and whether or not non-standard sized lots can be traded. You should also find out whether clients' funds are insured and the extent of that insurance

Forex Trading for Beginners – an FAQ

Forex – foreign exchange – is trading currencies to make a profit, but to make money, traders have to understand how the market works.

Here, new traders can take a peep under the bonnet of forex to see exactly how the market works.

To help, some basic frequently asked questions about forex trading are answered below:

What is forex?

Forex trading is selling the currency of one country to buy the currency of another – much like tourists from the US going to Europe and having to exchange their foreign US dollars for Euros so they can spend locally.

What happens in a forex trade?

The buyer swaps an amount of one currency for the equivalent amount in another – so if US$1 buys 0.786 Euros, swapping $10 gets £7.86 in return. This is where the term foreign exchange comes from – someone exchanges one currency for an equivalent amount in another currency.

So how does a forex trader make money?

Money is made on the trade as currencies rise and fall on a daily basis. The money decision is on when to buy and sell – get it right and you are in profit, but get it wrong and you can lose big time.

What foreign currencies do forex traders deal in?

The main forex trades are in the four majors – the US dollar, the Euro, the British Pound and the Swiss Franc, although the Japanese Yen is popular as well. These currency rates are often seen paired and have their own symbols:

USD/JPY – US Dollar v Japanese Yen

USD/EUR – US Dollar v Euro

USD/GBP – US Dollar v British Pound

USD/CHF – US Dollar v Swiss Franc

These are by no means the only paired currencies, but they are the market leaders – others include GBP/EUR or EUR/CHF, for example.

How do forex traders know the exchange rate?

The currency pairs are followed by two numbers – so USD/EUR 0.786, 0.788 is explained as the US Dollar v Euro.

The first number is lower than the second of the pairing and is the ‘bid’ or ‘sell’ price. The next number is the ‘ask’, ‘buy’ or ‘offer’.

The difference between the two is the margin that gives a trader profit. The first number is the selling price of the dollar and the buy price of the Euro, while the second is the price to buy the dollar and sell the Euro.

What is forex brokerage?

Traders need to connect to the bank network online to trade currency. A brokerage gives traders access to the market by holding the trader’s cash in an account. Sometimes, the brokerage will ‘leverage’ or lend against the money in the account to let a trader bid and hold more currency than the cash in the account can cover.

If you increase the fibonacci deviation (equivalent is ExtDeltaGartley & ExtDeltaStrongGartley in standart zups). I can assure you indicator would detect & find lots of patterns that couldn't find before but do you really trust what it finds and open trades.

My humble advice is, never use a fib deviation more than % 7.

Personally I use maximum deviation %5 (default value in wsv versions) for fibonacci ratio deviations.

Boys, could you please write your fibonacci deviation settings (equivalent is ExtDeltaGartley & ExtDeltaStrongGartley in standard zups) when you share your trading setups.

Because even an %1 = 0.01 increase in deviation makes a great difference in pattern finding.

For the last time, let me give you an example to show effects of increasing fibonacci deviations.

XD fib retracement should be 0.786

%5 deviation 0.7467 < fib ratio < 0.8253 is considered as 0.786

%10 deviation 0.7074 < fib ratio < 0.8646 is considered as 0.786

%20 deviation 0.6288 < fib ratio < 0.9432 is considered as 0.786

As you can see, when deviation increases, range also increases, so the probability of detecting patterns also increases, but unfortunately accuracy & reliability decreases geometrically.

Boys, could you please write your fibonacci deviation settings (equivalent is ExtDeltaGartley & ExtDeltaStrongGartley in standard zups) when you share your trading setups. Because even an %1 = 0.01 increase in deviation makes a great difference in pattern finding. For the last time, let me give you an example to show effects of increasing fibonacci deviations. [ATTACH=CONFIG]176538[/ATTACH] Gartley Pattern. XD fib retracement should be 0.786 %5 deviation 0.7467 < fib ratio < 0.8253 is considered as 0.786 %10 deviation 0.7074 < fib ratio < 0.8646 is considered as 0.786 %20 deviation 0.6288 < fib ratio < 0.9432 is considered as 0.786 As you can see, when deviation increases, range also increases, so the probability of detecting patterns also increases, but unfortunately accuracy & reliability decreases geometrically.

GBPUSD H4. Bearish 5-0 (v113wsv53 Fibonacci Deviation 35%).

**********^ All About Forex ^**********

(FOReign EXchange market) is an international

foreign exchange market, where money is sold and bought freely. In its

present condition FOREX was launched in the 1970s, when free exchange

rates were introduced, and only the participants of the market

determine the price of one currency against the other proceeding from

supply and demand. As far as the freedom from any external control and

free competition are concerned, FOREX is a perfect market. It is also

the biggest liquid financial market. According to various assessments,

money masses in the market constitute from 1 to 1.5 trillion US dollars

a day. (It is impossible to determine an absolutely exact number

because trading is not centralized on an exchange.) Transactions are

conducted all over the world via telecommunications 24 hours a day from

00:00 GMT on Monday to 10:00 pm GMT on Friday. Practically in every

time zone (that is, in Frankfurt-on-Main, London, New York, Tokyo, Hong

Kong, etc.) there are dealers who will quote currencies

Currency Rate

Posted on Friday, June 7, 2013 by hamza ahmad

The Foreign Exchange Market The currency market is one of the most sophisticated markets in the world, attracting trillions of dollars per day in volume from central banks, corporations, hedge funds, and individual speculators. It operates on a 24-hour basis, beginning with trading in Wellington, New Zealand, and continuing on to Sydney, Australia; Tokyo, Japan; London, England; and finally, ending with New York before the whole cycle begins all over again. Although the currency market exists mainly for importing and exporting activities and for corporations to hedge their foreign exchange risk, like all markets, there are speculators. In the forex market, it happens that 80% of all trading activity is speculative in nature. However, of all the influences on the foreign exchange markets, there are five key factors that are the main drivers of movements, and we will rank and explain them in terms of importance:

Posted on by hamza ahmad

The off-exchange forex market is a large, growing and liquid financial market that operates 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. It is not a market in the traditional sense because there is no central trading location or “exchange.” Most of the trading is conducted by telephone or through electronic trading networks. The primary market for currencies is the “interbank market” where banks, insurance companies, large corporations and other large financial institutions manage the risks associated with fluctuations in currency rates. The true interbank market is only available to institutions that trade in large quantities and have a very high net worth. In recent years, a secondary OTC market has developed that permits retail investors to participate in forex transactions. While this secondary market does not provide the same prices as the interbank market, it does have many of the same characteristics.

US Stock Market Plunges

September 22nd, 2011 by Matthew Mocorro

World events certainly have a strong reaction on the stock market.

Since Monday’s close, the US stock market has lost 786 points. From its three-month high of 12,724, it is down to 1,999 points. In the foreign currency exchange market (Forex), traders can capitalize on the market regardless of the direction.

Here, at Next Step Financial Holdings, we have been taught by Market Traders Institute (MTI) to react to these market changes and see the possibilities in the foreign currency exchange market. MTI has over 17 years of experience analyzing the various currencies and finding the opportunities that each market presents.

The chart below shows how the USD has gained 20% over the CHF. MTI students had the ability to capture over 1,500 pips in just over 10 weeks using one of MTI’s strategies.

Market diversification allows you to weather these stock market storms by having the ability to profit in the Forex market 24-hours a day, 5-½ days a week.

If you would like to hear more about what is happening in the foreign currency exchange market and the impact it may have on the individual currencies, join our next complimentary Forex webinar. Register by completing the form below.

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Artículos de Forex Trading


By Dick Thompson for Forexmentor ©2009, Forexmentor. com, Feb, 2009

I introduced the Gartley pattern in Part IV of the January 2007 article “ Using Fibonacci Ratios for Forex Trading ”. In that article, I presented the following Figure:

As I stated, the importance of this pattern in trading is that the probability of point D being a reversal point is supported by the fact that all swings are Fibonacci retracements or extensions.

As we well know, this is not a perfect world and we cannot expect the Gartley patterns that we encounter to be as perfect as Figure 1. The patterns almost always deviate, sometimes quite drastically. This then begs the questions, what are the tolerances on the Fib ratios on the various swings and also, when does a Gartley cease to be a tradable pattern?

H. M. Gartley first introduced the idea of this pattern in his 1935 book “Profits in the Stock Market” and roughly described the ratios as one third and two thirds. Larry Pesavento was the first trader/writer to apply the Fibonacci ratios directly to the Gartley pattern in his 1997 book “Fibonacci Ratios with Pattern Recognition”. The following descriptions are based on his work and are presented with permission.

The swing down from point A will terminate at point D. Point D will be at the .618 or .786 retracement approximately 75% of the time. The other 25%, the retracements will be .382. 500 or .707.

There must be an AB=CD pattern observed in the move from A to D. (Please refer to my earlier article, Part III of “ Using Fibonacci Ratios for Forex Trading ” for a discussion of the AB=CD pattern)

The BC move will be .618 or .786 of AB. In strongly trending markets expect a .382 or .500 retracement.

Applying these tolerance s to Figure 1 above gives us the following Figure 2.

There are other, less important nuances in the Fibonacci retracements. The AB retracement can be from .382 to .618. The .382 retracement is sometimes referred to as a “shallow” Gartley, is usually followed by a Point D that doesn’t complete beyond the .618 level, and tends to occur in strong markets. The BC extension will also vary, usually from 1.270 up to 2.000. See Figure 3.

When does a Gartley pattern cease to be a Gartley? Here are three things that would cause the pattern to fail as a precursor of a probable outcome:

Point D exceeds point X. In Figure 2 above, that would mean that D was lower than X. However, point D can double-bottom with X and still remain valid.

The swing from B to C cannot go beyond A. In Figure 1 above, that would put C above A. However, the pattern can double-top, and still be valid. This is rare.

The swing A to B cannot go beyond X. In Figure 1 above, that would put B below X.

Of course, the inverse of Figure 1 would reverse all of these rules accordingly.

The third article in this series will introduce one more pattern based on Fibonacci ratios, the Butterfly. The Butterfly has similarities to the Gartley and is primarily traded at tops and bottoms of trends.

Forex Products

JustForex is a broker under IPCTrade Inc that provides online trading services in the forex market, as well as opportunity for traders with different trading experience to earn income by trading financial instruments.

26 Oct 2015 By: Aisha View: 386

Since established in 2008, Exness has been facilitating trades on forex, CFD, and futures for clients from all around the world. The Russian-based broker has spread its wings to the Europe with licenses from Cyprus CySEC, and slowly extends its market to China and Southeast Asia.

13 Oct 2015 By: Aisha View: 643

Do you want to trade forex with razor thin spread and without dealing desk? Pepperstone might be suitable for you. The biggest forex broker in Australia is not only facilitating trades on many assets on extremely low cost, but also licensed services.

11 Aug 2015 By: Galuh View: 751

Ever since the rebranding of Beton Markets to Binary. com, trading supports for binary options has been fully implemented in the website and continue to be updated with favorable and attractive features.

4 Jun 2015 By: Aisha View: 1740

Negative balance protection refers to broker commitment to prevent negative balance from occurring on client's trading account. Which one can we call as forex brokers with negative balance protection?

24 Apr 2015 By: Aisha View: 520

Although there may be numerous guides to choose forex broker, confusions are inevitable because of the huge number of brokers operate internationally. So, what to look for in a forex broker for beginners?

17 Apr 2015 By: Aisha View: 543

AvaTrade, formerly known as AvaFX, is an internationally regulated forex broker that has been established since 2006 with headquarter in Dublin. The company's huge array of assets and services has made it into one of the most well-known brand in international stage.

19 Mar 2015 By: Aisha View: 842

Established in 2012 by one of Alpari founders, Andrey Dashin, FXTM is one of the forex brokers with shortest history. However, it has risen to prominence and carved a niche in the market befits its "Time is money. Invest it wisely." slogan.

9 Mar 2015 By: Aisha View: 790

FXOpen was launched as international forex broker in 2005. It later received licenses from regulators in New Zealand, UK, and Australia. It has established its market share in Middle East and Southeast Asia, and gained substantial grounds in the worldwide forex industry.

26 Feb 2015 By: Aisha View: 538

ETX Capital is a forex broker with particularly long history in the United Kingdom. Under the umbrella of Monecor that has been in existence since 1973, it specialized in brokering spread betting, forex trading, as well as CFD Trading, and recently, binary options.

Showing 0 - 10 of 28 1 2 3


Information, materials, recommendation, and data is made as best as possible, but we do not guarantee that they have 100% accuracy.

We do not invite or oblige you to trade forex; forex is risky, all decision and losses are part of your own responsibility.

We do not guarantee the quality or credibility of external links in the form of paid advertisement, banners, brokers, referrals, etc.

Articles written by seputarforex team may be used as reference or featured in other sites; but in accordance with ethics, it has to be backlinked to seputarforex. com.

Event: GDP Period: 4 quarter Previous Reading: 0.3% q/q; 1.4% y/y Forecast: 0.3% q/q; 1.4% y/y Actual Reading: 0.3% q/q; 1.4% y/y

The Gross Domestic Product is a comprehensive measure of an overall production and consumption of goods and services. GDP serves as one of the primary measures of overall economic well-being. While GDP announcements generally conform to expectations, unanticipated changes in this metric can move markets.

Robust GDP growth signals a heightened level of economic activity and often a higher demand for the domestic currency. At the same time, economic expansion raises concerns about inflationary pressures which may lead monetary authorities to increase interest rates. Thus better than expected GDP figures are generally bullish for the Euro, while negative readings are generally bearish.

Technically, Gross Domestic Product is calculated in the following way:

GDP = C + I + G + (EX - IM)

C = private consumption, I = private investment, G = government expenditure, EX = exports of goods and services, IM = imports of goods and services.

French GDP figures, officially called Quarterly National Accounts, are released quarterly. The headline figures are annualized percentage changes in real and nominal GDP.

Event: GDP Period: 4 quarter Previous Reading: 1.0% q/q Forecast: 1.0% q/q Actual Reading: 1.4% q/q

The GDP for the United States is a gauge of the overall output (goods & services) of the US economy on the continental US GDP is the most comprehensive overall measure of economic output and provides key insight into the driving forces of the economy.

GDP Influence On Markets If the figure increases, then the economy is improving, and thus the dollar tends to strengthen. If the number falls short of expectations or meets the consensus, dollar bearishness may be triggered. This sort of reaction is again tied to interest rates, as traders expect an accelerating economy, consumers will be affected by inflation and consequently interest rates will rise. However, much like the CPI, a negative change in GDP is more difficult to trade; just because the pace of growth has slowed does not mean it has deteriorated. On the other hand, a better than expected number will usually result in the dollar rising as it implicates that a quickly expanding economy will sooner or later require higher interest rates to keep inflation in check. Overall though, the GDP has fallen in significance and its ability to move markets since most of the components of the report are known in advance

Due to the untimeliness of this report and because data on GDP components are available beforehand, the actual GDP figure is usually well anticipated. But given its overall significance GDP has the tendency to move the market upon release, acting to confirm or upset economic expectations. Robust GDP growth signals a heightened level of activity that is generally associated with a healthy economy. However economic expansion also raises concerns about inflationary pressures which may lead to monetary policy tightening.

Gross Domestic Product is calculated in the following way GDP = C + I + G + (EX - IM) where C = private consumption I = private investment G = government expenditure EX = exports of goods and services IM = imports of goods and services

The figure is commonly reported in headlines as an annualized percentage, based on quarterly data.

On a technical note: The GDP can be reported in either real or nominal terms, real GDP being adjusted for inflation. GDP actually has three releases, as an Advanced, Preliminary, and Final figure. The Advanced figure is released four weeks following the quarter's end. One month later, the Preliminary GDP is released, followed by the Final GDP measure at the end of the quarter following the reporting quarter. As the most timely measure, the Advanced GDP tends to move markets the most.

& Copy; 2014 Myfxbook Ltd. Todos los derechos reservados.

ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, su nivel de experiencia y su tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta. Todos los datos e información se proporcionan "tal cual" con fines exclusivamente informativos y no se destinan a fines de negociación ni asesoramiento.

US: budget deal & Volcker rule

11 December 2013, 16:28 Comments: 2

It was an important day for the US economy: the Republican and Democratic parties reached a deal on a 2014/15 budget draft. The new budget is designed to ensure the stability of fiscal policy for the next 2 years. According to the document. the taxes in the US won't rise, but the deficit will be reduced.

Unfortunately, it is still too early to say the US budget problems are over. In the coming days, the draft will be sent for approval of the House of Representatives and the Senate. The process may not be as fast as we would like to see it. Republican Senator Marco Rubio has already said that the deal "cancels the past efforts to reduce costs, rather than to take measures to combat escalating costs." In addition, the problem of the debt ceiling will return into the limelight in early 2014.

In addition to the budget deal, it is worth noting the adoption of the final version of the "Volcker rule". US banks will no longer be able to make big trading bets with their own money what was a hugely profitable business for Wall Street before the credit crisis. After the introduction of new legislation in 2015, profit of the largest US banks may fall significantly.

anggasatriapratama 11 December 2013, 19:18

This is the sign for dollar bullish ?

Ahmet 12 December 2013, 09:21

Sure it is. But apparantly not versus euro.

Error de servidor en la aplicación '/'.

Se detectó un valor Request. Path potencialmente peligroso desde el cliente (?).

Descripción: Se produjo una excepción no controlada durante la ejecución de la solicitud web actual. Revise el seguimiento de la pila para obtener más información acerca del error y dónde se originó en el código.

Detalles de excepción: System. Web. HttpException: Se detectó un valor Request. Path potencialmente peligroso desde el cliente (?).

Se generó una excepción no controlada durante la ejecución de la solicitud web actual. La información sobre el origen y la ubicación de la excepción se puede identificar utilizando el seguimiento de la pila de excepciones a continuación.


Investing and trading are risky and financial losses are often the result. Investment success is far from a sure thing. This site is solely intended for informational purposes only. I am not a registered investment advisor, and it is not my intention to provide anyone with investment advice. I am not recommending that any reader of this site, buy, sell, or engage in any other investment strategy based upon the content on this site. I strongly urge all readers to perform their own due diligence before investing and or trading. All articles on this site are my opinion.

Correction Types

Corrections are very hard to master. Most Elliott traders make money during an impulse pattern and then lose it back during the corrective phase.

An impulse pattern consists of five waves. With the exception of the triangle, corrective patterns consist of 3 waves. An impulse pattern is always followed by a corrective pattern. Corrective patterns can be grouped into two different categories:

Simple Correction (Zig-Zag)

Complex Corrections (Flat, Irregular, Triangle)

Zig-Zag correction.

A Zigzag is the most common corrective structure, which starts a sharp reversal. Often it looks like an impulsive wave, because of the acceleration it shows.

• Composed of 3 waves.

• W. A and W. C are impulse, W. B is corrective.

• W. B retraces no more then 61.8% of A.

• The W. C must go beyond the end of A.

• The W. C normally is at least equal to A.

A or 2 common in B, sometimes in 4.

• W. b rarely 0.382, 0.414, sometimes 0.500,0.618

frequently 0.707, 0.786 <= 1 x a

• W. c 1.272,1.414,1.618 x b

• W. c 0.618,0.707 x a

Running correction.

The Running correction is a rare special form of a failure. This pattern is a kind of Flat, with an elongated B wave and a very small C wave. According to theory wave C should be so short that it doesn’t get to the price territory of wave A. In our daily analysis we do not accept a C wave that fails to reach the price territory of wave A.

Instead of a running correction this could in theory be an extension in an impulsive wave, where the wave has subdivided in two (or more) 1,2 combinations. If the B is a clear three wave, then it is a Running correction, otherwise an extension. In practice there will not be any difference in market direction: in both scenarios the market will explode in the direction of the B wave, therefore we prefer to label it as an extension. For the sake of correctness we do included this pattern in our daily analysis.

• Composed of 3 waves.

• W. C must be impulse 5 wave, W. A and W. B

• W. C must be short, don't reach A.

• W. C must not retrace more than 100% of wave B butt more than 60 % of A.

Mostly in 2 or B.

W. b rarely 0.382, 0.414, sometimes 0.500,0.618 frequently 0.707, 0.786 <= 1 x a

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International Trading Glossary


American option An option that can be exercised at any time up to and including the expiry time on the expiration date. Also see European option.

At the Money (ATM) A currency option whose strike price is equal to the prevailing spot rate or the prevailing rate corresponding to the contract’s expiry date.

Call option An option that gives the holder the right (but not the obligation) to buy a fixed amount of currency from the option writer (option seller) at a predetermined exchange rate (strike price) prior to the option’s expiry stipulated in the contract.

Central bank The only institution that has the right to issue banknotes and that constitutes the monetary and credit policy authority of a country or currency zone. The central bank also supplies the economy with money and credit, regulates domestic and foreign payment transactions, and maintains internal and external monetary stability.

Collar An option contract that sets upper and lower exchange rate parameters that will apply even if the market rate lies outside this range.

Discount The amount a forward rate is reduced relative to the spot rate, i. e. the forward rate is lower than the spot rate.

Eurozone The Eurozone specifically refers to the member countries that belong to the Economic and Monetary Union of European and which have adopted the Euro in place of having a national currency.

Eurodollar Name for U. S. dollar-denominated deposits and claims held outside the U. S.

European option An option that can be exercised only on the expiration date, not during the option period as with an American option.

Exchange control State control of all payment and asset transactions with foreign countries.

Exchange rate The price or ratio of one currency in relation to another currency. For example, the USD/JPY exchange rate represents the price of one U. S. dollar expressed in Japanese Yen.

Exercise price The price at which the option buyer can purchase (call option) or sell (put option) the underlying currency. Also called the strike price.

Expiration date The last day on which an option can be exercised.

Export letters of credit An export letter of credit is used in trade transactions, and guarantees payment to the Seller as long as proper documentation regarding the transaction is received and is provided to the issuer of the letter of credit. An export letter of credit is used to reduce the supplier’s (exporter’s) risk of non-payment from their overseas buyers and can expedite payments to the supplier when they comply with the requirements of the letter of credit. The buyer’s bank commits to ensuring payment to the supplier when the terms and conditions of the letter of credit have been met, usually based on presenting the correct documents as required in the letter of credit.


Foreign exchange Worldwide system of contracts between non-bank foreign exchange dealers and foreign exchange traders (bank and non-bank) that are executed by telephone, telex, internet or personal market computer; place or entity where foreign exchange rates are determined.

Foreign draft A foreign draft is a draft drawn on a bank in a country outside of the U. S. which is payable in the currency of the country where such foreign bank is located. A foreign draft is a convenient way to make payment in a foreign currency.

Forward contract An agreement to convert ("buy" or "sell") a set amount of a foreign currency on a future, or "forward ", date at a specified exchange rate. Forward window and non-delivery forward contracts are types of forward contracts.

Foreign exchange trading Buying and selling of foreign currency, holding currency positions, trading foreign exchange arbitrage, or foreign exchange speculation in the foreign exchange market.

Functional currency The working or operating currency of a corporate affiliate, as defined by Financial Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 52

Import letters of credit Method of payment that obligates buyers to pay only when the seller makes a compliant presentation of documents required in the letter of credit to the buyer’s bank in lieu of a cash payment in advance. Import letters of credit help buyers (importers) purchase goods or materials from suppliers abroad who want payment guaranteed by a reputable bank. This extension of credit on behalf of the buyer helps the buyer expand its network of foreign suppliers and reduces its trading partners’ risk of not getting paid. This is particularly important when working with new suppliers.

Letter of credit Document issued by a bank stating its commitment to pay someone (supplier/exporter/seller) a stated amount of money on behalf of a buyer (importer) so long as the seller meets very specific terms and conditions as detailed in the letter of credit. Many suppliers (exporters) require letters of credit from their buyers (importers) to reduce the risk of non-payment by the buyers. See also Import letters of Credit and Export Letters of Credit.

Mark-to-market The current market value of a contract based on current market prices.

Notional amount The value or quantity of the currency or other asset that is being delivered or used to calculate payments due on a contract.

Option The contractually agreed-upon right to buy (call) or sell (put) a specific amount of currency at a predetermined price on (in the case of a European-style option) or up to (in the case of an American-style option) a future date. A fee (premium) is paid up front for an option.

In-the-money call option is when the market price is greater than the strike price.

In-the-money put option is when the market price is lower than the strike price.

Out-of-the-money call option is when the market price is lower than the strike price.

Out-of-the-money put option is when the market price is greater than the strike price.


Premium Forward points corresponding to interest rate differentials that are added to the spot rate; also the price of an option that the option buyer pays to the option writer.

Put option The right (but not the obligation) to sell a fixed amount of currency to the option writer (option seller) at a predetermined exchange rate (strike rate) prior to the expiration date stipulated in the contract.

Reporting currency The currency in which a parent firm prepares its financial statements.

Spot contract A contractual obligation to buy or sell foreign currency for settlement on a date which typically is two business days after the trade was made.

Strike price Price at which the option buyer can purchase (call option) or sell (put option) the underlying currency. Also called the exercise price.

Swap transaction A foreign exchange swap transaction is an exchange one currency against another currency on a specified date and a reverse exchange of those two currencies at a later date specified in the contract.

Value date The date on which a spot or forward contract settles.

Money Management in Forex: More Than Just Trading

Hello there traders!

Welcome back Hope you enjoyed this week’s Forex analysis and trade setups! Yesterday’s analysis on the Aussie charts was well received. Let’s see how that develops. The Yen seems to be making a turn as well, so we can already see some good setups emerging for next week!

On Monday I will release the ultimate trading guide for next week and we will analyze all the majors from top to toe! We will go through the Forex charts and look for the best opportunities out there!

With today’s article I believe that your Forex hunting next week will become even more profitable . Por qué es así? Today’s article is on Money Management!

Al righty folks, the last 2 Friday articles we have been discussing the all the angles on and the importance of Stop Losses in the articles called “The Ultimate Guide On Stop Losses”, click here for Part 1 and and click here for Part 2. If you have not read that guide, make sure to take a look!!

Of course the Stop Loss is just a part of the entire equation in our world of Forex trading. Today we are going to continue with this material, but we are going to look at a broader topic: Money Management (MM). MM is of course a vital topic, and is of equal importance as Risk Management, Trading Strategies, Trading Psychology, and Trade Management.

Money Management (MM)

Let us start with the question: what is the Money Management? The core goal of successful money management is maximizing every winning trades and minimizing losses. A master of money management is a master Forex trader!!

Money management is a method to deal with the issue how much risk should the decision maker / trader takes in situations where uncertainty is present?

You might ask yourself, isn’t that risk management? Risk management in fact is your choice how much risk you want to place on a trade. You are always in control how much risk you place on a trade: whether that it is 1% or $100, but I would recommend using a standard % risk (not $) of your designated trading capital. Every trader’s first goal is to preserve the trading capital, which is achieved by being very disciplined in the field of risk management.

In Money Management every trader is actually looking at the reward to risk ratio, or R:R ratio in short. Money management calculates the balance between the risk and the reward of the trade. In Money Management the following definitions are vital:

1) The risk is the stop loss size (discussed in previous articles);

2) The reward is the profit potential (take profit minus entry).

How many pips a Forex trader has earned is really not of much value, unless the pips risk is mentioned as well. Anyhow, it would be better to focus on Rate of Return % and $/money earned. This is what all businesses do and all of us should treat trading as a business.

Reward to risk ratio

The ratio between the two is crucial. A trader that targets a quarter of the risk has just won one “battle”, but has just loss the “war”. In trading terminology this means that a trader might have won a trade, but ultimately the win means nothing and that Money Management has set them up for failure . Por qué?

For a trader to become long-term profitable with a 0.25 reward to risk ratio, the trader would to need win 4 trades to compensate 1 loss. With this equation the trader has not made any profit. Of course this R:R makes no sense: a trader needs to get above the 80% win % to achieve profit. Not an easy feat.

With a 1:1 Reward to risk the trader only needs to win 51% and more to be profitable. In practice it would be better to have 60% wins or more. With a 2:1 R:R a trader only needs 35% win rate.

Here are all of the mathematical statistics to make sure you are a profitable Forex trader :

With a 0.5:1 R:R… You need minimum 67%+ wins

With 1:1 R:R… You need minimum 55%+ wins

With 2:1 R:R… You need minimum 35%+ wins

With 3:1 R:R… You need minimum 28%+ wins

With 4:1 R:R… You need minimum 21%+ wins

With 5:1 R:R… You need minimum 17%+ wins

With 10:1 R:R… You need minimum 11%+ wins

With 20:1 R:R… You need minimum 6%+ wins

Here is a fast way of calculating if you have correct and rational control over your capital which provides positive mathematical expectancy :

Fomula: Win % x Take profit size – Loss % x Stop Loss size

Win % for example 30% * take profit pips 55 – loss % for example 70% * 20p = 2.5 (positive = long-term win).

The smaller the stop loss, the better the R:R ratio when using same target OR the better the odds of win % when using same R:R.

I would like to ask you for some feedback! I think the best way to learn is by sharing experience with each other. What kind of Reward to Risk ratio do you usually target? Please place a number and we will know it’s the ratio! For example, if you usually target a 3 reward for 1 risk, then please write down a 3. Thanks so much. By the way, here is a great Forex educational video where you will see how powerful the concept of a 2:1 R:R really is. Make sure to take some time to watch this great Forex training webinar –> “risk to reward ratio. "

R:R using Fibs and Elliott Wave

Minimize the risk of Fib trading and decrease the potential stop loss size by splitting your trading into multiple parts. If a Forex trader decides to put their entire risk of the trade (for example 1%) on the 382 Fib, then they have no opportunity to add a trade even if the currency would retrace deeper to the 618 or even the 786 Fib.

Splitting the trade in to 2 or 3 parts allows for flexibility and psychological ease as well: a trader does not have the feeling that they will miss a trade with tying themselves down to a single entry point.

Splitting the risk into 3 positions would mean that the trader choices to split the chosen risk of 1% into 3 parts. The risk can be evenly divided among all 3 parts (3×33%) or more weighted to one Fib level (for example 20%-30%-50%).

With a 1% risk total, this means either 3 trades with 0.33% or 3 trades with 0.2%, 0.3%, and 0.5%. This is called cost averaging. Businesses used it often: it makes their inventory cheaper. For us Forex traders, it makes the average stop loss smaller and that is great for our R:R.

Forex traders can do the same for Fib targets. By splitting the trader with different take profit targets, they can optimize the profit average of all positions and the entire trade.

The Elliott Wave can be used to decide which Fibs and with which division % the trade is taken. For example for a wave 2 the trader can choose to put risk on the 500, 618 and 786 Fib with the following division of the risk: 25% on 500 fib, 35% on 618 fib, and 40% on 786 Fib. For a wave 4 the division would be skewed higher: maybe 50% on the 382 Fib, 25% on the 500 fib and 25% on the break out.

The EW can also be used for Fib targets. A trader should aim for higher targets if a wave 3 is expected and for closer targets if a wave 5 is expected.

Position sizing is important because it allows the trader to adjust it size of the trade according to the market conditions. If a trader takes a fixed position size of 1 mini for example, the loss can vary widely depending on the size of the stop loss. With position sizing that can never and a trader is always in control of their risk!

With position sizing, the stop loss size is not important for risk management. No matter what the stop loss size is, Forex traders always choose the risk percentage level!!

With position sizing, the stop loss size is important for money management. The stop loss size is an integral part of the Reward to Risk ratio.

Here is how any trader can calculate position sizing ’:

1) Determine the desired risk level (risk management) à a trader determines the risk level of that particular trading strategy, trading week, trading day, market structure, and that particular trade;

2) The trader needs to determine the best stop loss placement: not too close to market action, but not needlessly distant as well (please read the articles about stop losses) ;

3) The trader needs to choose an achievable and realistic take profit target –> because we already did an article on stop losses, I was thinking of doing 1 on take profits next week… but it depends if there is any interest. Would you like an article on Take Profits?

4) The R:R expectancy ratio should be provide a positive mathematical expectation.

Deposit = 5000 EUR

Risk = 1% from Deposit = 50 EUR

Currency pair = EUR/USD

SL = 30p = 300 USD on a standard lot basis

Size to open in order not to risk more than 1% = Risk/SL = 50/300 = 0.16 lots

Be careful with the leverage you use! A good rule of thumb is to use for example 5:1 leverage . That way a Forex trader is not over trading. For example if your account balance is 5,000 USD, then your total is the capital of $5000 multiplied by your leverage of 5, which equals $25,000. A mini lot is $10,000, so that would be 2.5 minis. Use this formula to calculate how much risk you are taking: (SL times/multiplied by Leverage)/100 %. For example if the stop is 30 pips: (30 x 5) / 100 = 1,5 % of risk.

Regarding the trading capital a trader has several options.

1) Reinvest the profits back into the trading capital. This way the trading capital gets larger and a percentage risk of the capital is realizing a higher return in USD (same percentage risk though);

2) Withdraw all profits. This way the trading capital remains the same;

3) Semi flexible approach with some withdrawals and some reinvestment;

I think that option 3 is the best money management approach. Growing your account is a great thing, but you want to withdraw some money once in a while so that you still realize that the numbers are your account are still real and not fake! Then again, withdrawing everything will take away the advantage of compounding your profit. So option 3 is the best value.

What I approach for point 3 is a step approach. This is how it goes:

1) Use the same current trading capital for your risk management until you have a drawdown of x % or a profit of x% (the numbers are your choice);

2) Once you hit your drawdown maximum, you will use the new trading account balance as your trading capital;

3) Once you hit your profit target, you will will use the new trading account balance as your trading capital;

4) If you hit your profit target, you can decide the division of withdrawal and add-on % of the profit. So you could choice to with draw 50% of your profits and add 50% of profits to your trading capital. The new trading capital balance would be your old trading capital + 50% of the profits.

Another part of your money management strategy is that you want to make sure that you are diversified.

1) Preferably you are only investing a part of your savings into the Forex trading capital and you have a decent percentage of your savings invested in other vehicles – if possible;

2) You have multiple accounts with different goals. This is to spread the risk of having your trading capital on one account. The different accounts can also be used for different strategies and purposes: one could be for long term trading, the other for intermediate;

3) Keep part of your trading capital on your account. Even though you want to trade with a certain amount of money, there is nothing wrong with keeping a part of it on the bank account. I do not think that a trader needs to put all 100% on the trading account, but make sure a margin call is not needed if you opened a trade with 1 mini ;).

Al righty folks! That is it for today!

Big favor from me. Could you please retweet this article or share it on Linked in? That would be really awesome! Its an important topic and want to make sure that everyone is on board with this topic.

For those who already share regularly, I thank you for your efforts!

Have a great weekend all and Good Trading next week!

Descargo de responsabilidad: Trading forex en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

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Forex Signals – 25 November

Sobre mi

Hiya guys! I'm an ambitious forex trader. I really don't like working for anyone hence i've always wanted to be my own boss which is the reason why I went to University to study Finance & Investment. That kickstarted me into trading forex, stocks and the rest which i believe was made for me. I do invest in stocks but i don’t regard it as a profession as i just buy stocks of.

What People Say

@JohnKicklighter anyone long EUR deserves to lose their money.

@DonkeyFx. Please get well soon.

@DonkeyFx I'm sorry to hear that you're not feeling well Amy. Get well soon. -)

@DonkeyFx My GBPJPY trade hit TP since August 28th. Broker quotes, sometimes give sometimes take. ) pic. twitter. com/vsv23V7P9E

@DonkeyFx useful signals mate, I dont use all of them and not quite the same stops /targets but useful general trade ideas #fx #trading #txs

For the best Pips – Using Fibonacci (Part 1)

A lot has been written about Fibonacci and its methods for traders. This is a back to basics article about what Fibonacci is and how the key Fibonacci levels that are used in trading are constructed.

As a trader, you won’t manually calculate the Fibonacci levels from scratch each time you want to put them on a chart – the numbers are usually built into the charting package you use, such as MetaTrader. But there are two reasons for this article: firstly, if you’re going to use these levels and believe in them when trading, you will want to know where they came from; and secondly, you will want to add your own Fibonacci percentages to the standard ones included in a charting package.

What is the Fibonacci Series? Leonardo Fibonacci was a 12/13th century mathematician that popularised a number sequence that came to be simply known as the Fibonacci sequence. Generations of mathematicians since have discovered the Fibonacci ratios in areas as diverse as biology, ancient architecture and astronomy.

The sequence is very simple: each number is the sum of the previous two numbers. As a starting point, 0 and 1 are used.

This generates the following set of number series:

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987.

So for example, if you take the number 144, it is made up by adding the two previous numbers before it, 55 and 89.

The series simply continues forever, to infinity.

This sequence, as ordinary as it looks, has some very special properties. The most sited aspect is something called the “ Golden Ratio ”.

Let’s take a look at the Golden Ratio and how it’s derived. If you pick any number in the series, and divide it by the next one along, the answer will equal 0.618 or (61.8%). For example, 89 divided by 144 equals 0.618. Or you could pick 610 divided by 987. The answer will still be 0.618. This characteristic will hold no matter how long you continue the Fibonacci series for and whichever two numbers you pick. So, 61.8% is the Golden Ratio.

Now at this point, it’s worth touching upon what separates Fibonacci from other stuff out there in the world of Technical Analysis.

The Fibonacci series and The Golden Ratio are a natural phenomena – it is not something that was invented artificially. Rather it was discovered everyday in the world around us. Most readers are already well aware of this but its significance is often overlooked. When you are using Fibonacci points on a chart, you’re not looking for something that has been designed for trading that may work some of the time and not at other times, like an indicator. Instead, you are using something that is inherent in natural systems such as in the movement of planets, the proportions of the human body, and importantly for us the movement of price in a market and on a chart.

One example of its inherent quality is when there is an economic data release. You will find that even during a time of data release the price movement still obeys Fibonacci points – and data releases in particular knockout regular technical indicators.

Other Fibonacci Levels

Aside from 61.8%, there are other Fibonacci percentages. Where do they come from?

Well, instead of dividing one Fibonacci number by its adjacent number, you can use numbers one or two places apart. So let’s use 233 as an example to generate other Fibonacci percentages as follows.

Taking the consecutive Fibonacci numbers: 55, 89, 144, 233, 377

You get: 55 / 233 = 23.6% 89 / 233 = 38.2% 144 / 233 = 61.8% 233 / 233 = 100% 377 / 233 = 161.8%

Above 100%, you can use the multiples of the first set of percentages – 123.6%, 138.2% etc. As you can see from the above, 161.8% is a true Fibonacci percentage and is the inverse of 61.8%.

In addition to the above percentages, further ones are derived by squaring (or multiplying by itself) the Golden Ratio, 0.618. This then gives you:

0.618 x 0.618 = 0.786 (78.6%) 0.786 x 0.786 = 0.886 (88.6%) 0.886 x 0.886 = 0.941 (94.1%)

My Own Fibonacci Levels Every trader ultimately uses his own set of Fibonacci levels. These are the ones I use personally up to 2, or 200%:

0.236 0.382 0.500 0.618 0.707 [this is the reciprocal of the square root of 2] 0.786 0.886 0.941 1.000 1.127 [this is the fourth root of 1.618] 1.236 1.382 1.500 1.618 2.000

What’s next. This section has covered what the Fibonacci sequence is exactly, and where the Fibonacci percentages come from. In the next section we’ll look at how they can be applied when you’re trading.

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son las opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son las opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

Event: GDP Period: 4 quarter Previous Reading: 0.3% q/q; 1.4% y/y Forecast: 0.3% q/q; 1.4% y/y Actual Reading: 0.3% q/q; 1.4% y/y

The Gross Domestic Product is a comprehensive measure of an overall production and consumption of goods and services. GDP serves as one of the primary measures of overall economic well-being. While GDP announcements generally conform to expectations, unanticipated changes in this metric can move markets.

Robust GDP growth signals a heightened level of economic activity and often a higher demand for the domestic currency. At the same time, economic expansion raises concerns about inflationary pressures which may lead monetary authorities to increase interest rates. Thus better than expected GDP figures are generally bullish for the Euro, while negative readings are generally bearish.

Technically, Gross Domestic Product is calculated in the following way:

GDP = C + I + G + (EX - IM)

C = private consumption, I = private investment, G = government expenditure, EX = exports of goods and services, IM = imports of goods and services.

French GDP figures, officially called Quarterly National Accounts, are released quarterly. The headline figures are annualized percentage changes in real and nominal GDP.

Event: GDP Period: 4 quarter Previous Reading: 1.0% q/q Forecast: 1.0% q/q Actual Reading: 1.4% q/q

The GDP for the United States is a gauge of the overall output (goods & services) of the US economy on the continental US GDP is the most comprehensive overall measure of economic output and provides key insight into the driving forces of the economy.

GDP Influence On Markets If the figure increases, then the economy is improving, and thus the dollar tends to strengthen. If the number falls short of expectations or meets the consensus, dollar bearishness may be triggered. This sort of reaction is again tied to interest rates, as traders expect an accelerating economy, consumers will be affected by inflation and consequently interest rates will rise. However, much like the CPI, a negative change in GDP is more difficult to trade; just because the pace of growth has slowed does not mean it has deteriorated. On the other hand, a better than expected number will usually result in the dollar rising as it implicates that a quickly expanding economy will sooner or later require higher interest rates to keep inflation in check. Overall though, the GDP has fallen in significance and its ability to move markets since most of the components of the report are known in advance

Due to the untimeliness of this report and because data on GDP components are available beforehand, the actual GDP figure is usually well anticipated. But given its overall significance GDP has the tendency to move the market upon release, acting to confirm or upset economic expectations. Robust GDP growth signals a heightened level of activity that is generally associated with a healthy economy. However economic expansion also raises concerns about inflationary pressures which may lead to monetary policy tightening.

Gross Domestic Product is calculated in the following way GDP = C + I + G + (EX - IM) where C = private consumption I = private investment G = government expenditure EX = exports of goods and services IM = imports of goods and services

The figure is commonly reported in headlines as an annualized percentage, based on quarterly data.

On a technical note: The GDP can be reported in either real or nominal terms, real GDP being adjusted for inflation. GDP actually has three releases, as an Advanced, Preliminary, and Final figure. The Advanced figure is released four weeks following the quarter's end. One month later, the Preliminary GDP is released, followed by the Final GDP measure at the end of the quarter following the reporting quarter. As the most timely measure, the Advanced GDP tends to move markets the most.

Foro Forex India - Introducción. El mercado internacional de divisas proporciona oportunidades para obtener beneficios de alto rendimiento y alto riesgo de las fluctuaciones de la tasa de cambio. El éxito de un comerciante depende de muchos factores; Una de ellas es una plataforma de negociación que el corredor ofrece para operar en el mercado. Hoy en día la mayoría de las empresas de corretaje de divisas y sus clientes prefieren MetaTrader 4 & # 1080; MetaTrader 5 terminales. Si usted va para plataformas MetaTrader, así, asegúrese de & # 8722; forex foro ha sido diseñado para usted.

Foro Forex India & # 9472; Discusiones comerciales. En nuestro foro encontrará pronósticos forex relevantes y tendrá la oportunidad de unirse a las discusiones celebradas por expertos del mercado de divisas, los comerciantes profesionales y los que son nuevos en Forex. Estas discusiones aportarán respuestas a todas sus preguntas. Por otra parte, usted será capaz de expresar su opinión, obtener información útil, pedir ayuda o, por el contrario, dar a alguien que ayuda. Todo el mundo dispuesto a aprender algo nuevo y compartir el conocimiento adquirido es bienvenido!

Foro Forex India & # 8722; Socializar con los corredores y los comerciantes (sobre los corredores). El foro contiene una calificación de las empresas que prestan servicios de corretaje basados ​​en las opiniones de los comerciantes. También puede compartir las impresiones de un corredor de forex cierto dejó en usted, proporcionar su evaluación de la calidad de sus servicios y también decir acerca de su experiencia positiva o negativa de trabajar con una empresa de corretaje. Sus comentarios ayudarán a otros comerciantes a evitar errores y elegir un agente fiable con quien cooperar.

Socialización aleatoria en el foro Forex India Nuestro foro es una buena manera de descansar del trabajo y comunicarse con amigos sobre temas diversos. Este es un reino de anécdotas, bromas, caricaturas, concursos, discusiones de noticias deportivas, historias de la vida real y fuera de tema desencadenado. Sin embargo, dado que el comercio es un estilo de vida más que una profesión, los temas relacionados con el comercio podrían ser discutidos también.

Bonos para la socialización en Forex foro de India Este forex foro ha sido creado por los comerciantes para los comerciantes y no está destinado a hacer ganancias. Sin embargo, permite a los autores de puestos para ganar bonos de divisas que pueden ser empleados en el comercio en una cuenta de uno de los patrocinadores del foro. Estos regalos de dinero son símbolos de gratitud para todos los comerciantes de forex profesionales por el tiempo que pasan en nuestro foro.

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Advertencia de Riesgo. La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

Aviso legal Toda la información publicada en este sitio web es de nuestra opinión y de la opinión de nuestros visitantes, y puede que no refleje la verdad. Utilice su propio buen juicio y busque el asesoramiento de un consultor cualificado, antes de creer y aceptar cualquier información publicada en este sitio web. También nos reservamos el derecho de eliminar, editar, mover o cerrar cualquier publicación por cualquier motivo.

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ForexPeaceArmy. com tiene relaciones publicitarias y afiliadas con algunas de las compañías mencionadas en este sitio y puede ser compensado si los lectores siguen los enlaces y registrarse. Estamos comprometidos con el manejo imparcial de revisiones y publicaciones independientemente de estas relaciones.

&dupdo; Copyright www. ForexPeaceArmy. com. Todos los derechos reservados.

& # 8482; Forex Peace Army, ForexPeaceArmy, FPA y el logotipo de FPA Shield son marcas registradas del Forex Peace Army. Todos los derechos reservados bajo EE. UU. y el derecho internacional.

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The AB=CD pattern may be a value structure wherever every value leg is equivalent. The Fibonacci numbers within the pattern should occur at specific points. In a perfect AB=CD, the C purpose should retrace to either a zero.618 or 0.786. This retracement sets up the before Christ projection that ought to converge at the completion of the AB=CD and be either a one.27 or 1.618. it’s vital to notice that a .618 retracement at the C purpose can end in a one.618 before Christ projection. A .786 retracement at the C purpose can end in a one.27 projection. the foremost vital thought to recollect is that the before Christ projection ought to converge closely with the completion of the AB=CD.

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Each pattern has each a optimistic and pessimistic version. optimistic patterns facilitate determine higher chance opportunities to shop for, or go “long.” pessimistic patterns facilitate signal opportunities to “short,” or sell. every turning purpose (A, B, C, and D) represents vital|a big|a major> high or significant low on a value chart. These points outline 3 consecutive value swings, or trends, that structure every of the 3 pattern “legs.” These area unit brought up because the AB leg, the BC leg, and therefore the CD leg.

Trading isn’t a precise science. As a result, we tend to use some key Fibonacci quantitative relation relationships to seem for proportions between AB and CD. Doing therefore can still offer North American nation Associate in Nursing ambit of wherever the ABCD pattern might complete—both in terms of your time and value. this can be why joining patterns facilitate increase chances, and permit traders to a lot of accurately confirm entries and exits. every pattern leg is often among a spread of 3-13 bars/candles on any given timeframe, though p atterns could also be a lot of larger than thirteen periods on a given timeframe. Traders might interpret this as a symbol to maneuver to a bigger timeframe within which the pattern will work among this vary to ascertain for trend/Fibonacci convergence .

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Advertencia de Riesgo. La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

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DISCLOSURE OF RISK: The risk of loss in trading Forex can be substantial; therefore only genuine risk funds should be used. Forex may not be suitable investments for all individuals, and individuals should carefully consider their financial condition in deciding whether to trade. El rendimiento pasado no es necesariamente indicativa de resultados futuros. The High degree of leverage that is often obtainable in Forex Trading can work against you as well as for you. The use of leverage can lead to large losses.

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This forex indicator will show the name of the pattern by placing point XABCD manually and also will search the next Potential Reversal Zone (PRZ) automatically. This idea was first published by Snorm as DavincisKiss indicator. I have modified Harmonic Ratios. mq4 by alltraders, and added more command that needed. The data above is harmonic pattern database, and must be saved as harmontrad. csv and placing the file at terminal_data_folder\MQL4\Files. After indicator loaded, placing XABCD to any point, and at the left panel will show the name of the pattern, if the pattern found, otherwise will show comparison of AB to CD.


If we want to search the next PRZ that may occur, placing text D at the right of the last candle (Time[0]), if text D above the text C, indicator will search PRZ to upper direction, and vice versa. Put text and name it with ON, and insert the amount of PRZ that we want to search.

Figure below show the result:

We can add much more pattern at harmontrad csv, but you need to change the number of database record at line 622 as shown at the figure below: If point D disappear to nowhere, simply press Ctrl+B and delete the text, name D and ON, as shown at figure below: And the new text D will formed.

1 comment:

Hi I tried using the indicator, but i did not get expected result. As soon as i apply the indicator a possible pattern is formed before i move X, A,B, C,D and when trying to find out PRZ moving D above and below C is not working, Can you please post a video or something to get better understanding on how to use this video.


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Premier System is a mechanical trading system developed for the spot currency market (Forex).

& # 13; It is intended to use in the six major currency pairs or in each pair individually. & # 13;

The concept behind the system is to exploit the short term volatility break out. & # 13;

It uses hourly forex data for the trade setup and place a limit order (either long or short) for the next trading hour.

When a position is open, a protective stop loss is placed based in the same volatility concept.

& # 13; The position sizing is fixed and based on the desired leverage and drawdown target. & # 13;

2- Backtesting and Optimization

Premier System was backtested in a portfolio composed by the six major currency pairs. & # 13;

This diversification improve the overall system performance, minimize drawdown and assure the system robustness.

& # 13; Due to the few parameters used, the optimization process was straightforward and intended for test the system reliability. & # 13;

The following performance report was obtained backtesting the system in Wealth Lab Developer, using daily forex data in a 35 months periods from 01/01/2002 to 30/11/2004.

& # 13; It assumes a starting capital of $10000 and trade one mini lot ($10k) per contract per currency, so the leverage may vary approximately from 1:1 to 6:1 according to the amount of open trades.

Premier System employs a simple trading concept to achieve an encouraging risk weighted overall performance.

This simplicity allow us to implement the system in the six major currency pairs without parameter optimization and providing some degree of diversification.

& # 13; Further research and development will continue specially in areas such as risk management (risk per trade) and money management (position sizing). & # 13;

The performance per currency pair and the detailed trade history is keep in another document.

Copyright y copia; 2004 Forex Premium. Todos los derechos reservados

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Tag Archives: Forex

Larry Pesavento: ‘The Euro is at a critical level as we come into trading on January 23. As you can see by the hourly chart of the EUR/USD has reached the 0.618 retracement of the longer price swings in the 0.786 retracement of the smaller price swing. Both of these levels come in at the price of 129.80.

Should the Euro exceed the 130 level it would assume that the trend has changed and the Euro is getting ready to rally for longer-term time, which would not be unexpected as the market has been incredibly oversold over the past weeks and months. By using the drawing tools and isolating the price swings, the Fibonacci numbers can be calculated with the Fibonacci retracement tool or use the Pesavento Patterns tool to give exact numbers for where the Euro might react. As always you must use good money management and stop placement to adequately make your risk control the strongest part of your trading model.

The daily chart for the Euro shows several equals moves that are highlighted in pink rectangles. What this is telling you is that the market is at a critical level and is repeating previous price action. This is valuable information as it tells you when the trend is changing, i. e. breaking out of the previous price range.’



Best Forex Trend Indicator

To understand how to choose the best Forex trend indicator we first have to look at why the trend direction is important, and how to properly classify a trend.

Trading with the trend is widely known as the “safest” way to trade, because you are going with the momentum of the market. This gives the typical trader a sense of security because they are moving with the herd instead of against it.

However, just because you are trading with the trend does not mean you are exempt from using proper money management and disciplined entry points. Trends change direction often, especially in the Forex market.

Defining A Trend

By definition a trend is created when the market makes higher highs, or lower lows. The example below shows a downward trend characterized by its lower highs, and lower lows.

Easy enough right…

Viewing Trends On Multiple Time frames

Where defining a trend starts to get tricky is when you zoom in, or zoom out. Other data becomes available which may give you mixed signals as to whether the trend direction is up or down. It is often referred to as having “trends within trends”.

So if we we’re looking at just one currency pair, we need to take into consideration the 5 primary time frames like the example below.

You can see by looking at the 1 minute chart that it is in an apparent up-trend, as soon as you start to back out to the longer time frames you can see that it is actually in a longer term down trend.

So ultimately the best Forex trend indicator would give the trend direction for:

Short Term Trend direction

Medium Term Trend Direction

Long Term Trend Direction

By knowing the trend direction for theses these time-frames you can understand the big picture of whats going on in the market and trade accordingly.

Creating The Best Forex Trend Indicator

That is why the FxPM Software is designed to think in terms of multiple time-frames. It allows the trader to easily see the big picture of what’s going on in the market at a glance.

In the video example above you can see that just by glancing at the FxPM Matrix Software you’re able to confirm the trend direction in a matter of seconds.

Traditionally, you would have to analyze 5 different charts just to come up with the same conclusion.

Entering & Exiting A Trending Market

Once the trend has been defined its a matter of choosing the safest entry point and knowing how much profit potential you have in the trade.

With the FxPM Matrix Trend Indicator you are presented several options for entering the market depending on your appetite for risk.

If you’re a more aggressive trader you can take entries more frequently, where as if your a passive trader it is best to be patient and let the market pull back into a deeper zone giving you a better Risk: Reward trading opportunity.

En conclusión

When you’re looking to define a trend there is more too it than simply choosing any one time frame. Trends are cycles in the market, and depending on they time frame you’re viewing you will see a different cycle.

Having a tool that will instantly show you trend direct in multiple time frames gives the trader a huge advantage over the typical trader that is shuffling through charts trying to make a decision.

In the 8+ years I’ve been trading the FxPM software has constantly proven to be the best Forex trend indicator I can find.

I’d like to hear your feedback, what trend indicators do you find useful, and for all of our FxPM Software users out there, what advantages do the Trend Indicators give you?

Matt Miller

For over 8 years I have been trading Forex and working closely with Armando Martinez, the Founder and creator of The FxPM Software to develop FxPM. It is our goal to develop a Forex Software that not only simplifies trading decisions but also delivers institutional performance to the retail trader.

HarmonikManual – Indicador para MetaTrader 4


This indicator will present the identify of the sample by putting level XABCD manually and in addition will search the subsequent Potential Reversal Zone (PRZ) mechanically.

This concept was first revealed by Snorm as DavincisKiss indicator. I have modified Harmonic Ratios. mq4 by alltraders, and added extra command that wanted.

The knowledge above is harmonic sample database, and have to be saved as harmontrad. csv and putting the file at terminal_data_folder/MQL4/Files.

After indicator loaded, putting XABCD to any level, and on the left panel will present the identify of the sample, if the sample discovered, in any other case will present comparability of AB to CD.


If we need to search the subsequent PRZ which will happen, putting textual content A on the proper of the final candle (Time[0]), if textual content A above the textual content A, indicator will search PRZ to higher course, and vice versa.

Put textual content and identify it with ON, and insert the quantity of PRZ that we need to search.

Figure under present the outcome:

We can add far more sample at harmontrad csv, however it is advisable to change the variety of database document at line 622 as proven on the determine under:

If level A disappear to nowhere, merely press Ctrl+C and delete the textual content, identify A and ON, as proven at determine under:

And the brand new textual content A will shaped.



Cypher shows up very often on the chart. It also has less rule to follow compared to other harmonic patterns. Although the successful rate of this pattern has nothing special compared to Bat or Gartley, the frequency of showing up and the ease of rules make this pattern become the favorite for all newbie traders. In our experience, this pattern works best when the market is calm. In a strong trending market, especially after the news, Cypher pattern becomes less reliable. The bigger the pattern (the longer it takes to form the pattern), the stronger the support/resistance it provides. Rules: B point at less than 0.886 retracement of XA. C point needs to be in the range of XA projection. The price must at least touch the 1.272 XA projection but NOT CLOSE above 1.414 XA Projection. It’s the projection of XA and NOT AB. D point at 0.786 retracement of XC There is only 1 element forming the PRZ of Cypher pattern – 0.786 retracement of XC (not XA)

1)Bullish Cypher pattern

To be honest, C point did close above 1.414 XA projection slightly. However the price immediately closes back below 1.414 Projection. With our experience through observing hundreds of Cypher pattern, a little subjective interpretation at C point can be allowed. Indeed, the price comes right in 0.786 XC retracement and reverse.

Figure 2 provides a standard Cypher. C point is right at 1.272 XA projection. D point pinpoints a temporary support at 0.786 retracement of XC. With Cypher pattern, when price already reverse, stop loss should be moved to at least break-even as Cypher pattern usually doesn’t allow for a second test the 0.786 retracement level.

2)Bearish Cypher pattern

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Figure 3 is a Cypher pattern on Gold daily chart. This pattern is super powerful as it is very “big”, which takes 7 months to complete the pattern. The price comes into 0.786 XC retracement and get rejected decisively. Again, the bigger the pattern, the stronger the support/resistance. In this example, C point is at 1.272 XA projection. B point is obviously valid so we don’t need to check.

Figure 4 represents a standard Cypher pattern. C point is at 1.272 XA projection and D point reverse at 0.786 XC level. The stop loss level should be put right above point X as we need to leave room for the price to “breath” before the reversal takes place.

Generally, it is easy to spot Cypher pattern on the chart. However, execution and take profit are the most critical factors in successful trading Cypher pattern. We will cover these skills later. This article is reserved to introduce and help new traders identify pattern in the market.



◙ EURUSD Preface:

EURUSD is the most liquid pair worldwide. Almost all Forex brokers offer EURUSD at their lowest available spreads (Bid/Ask) and that makes this pair ideal for Forex scalping and algorithmic trading. Additionally, there are many Expert Advisors that trade exclusively EURUSD. Historically, EURUSD is fluctuating in a general range between €/$=0.80 and €/$=1.60. In addition, there is a positive historic correlation between EURUSD and GBPUSD. On the other hand, there is a negative correlation between EURUSD and USDCHF.

◙ EURUSD Monthly Statistics:

These are the monthly average returns of EURUSD based on 15 years of daily data.

According to data during 2000-2014 the best months to go long on EURUSD are:

→ DECEMBER, with positive average returns +1.69%

→ APRIL, with positive average returns +0.76%

→ JUNE, with positive average returns +0.65%

→ SEPTEMBER, with positive average returns +0.63%

According to 2000-2014 data the best months to go short on EURUSD are:

→ JANUARY, with negative average returns -0.91%

→ MAY, with negative average returns -0.64%

→ OCTOBER, with negative average returns -0.55%

→ AUGUST, with negative average returns -0.50%

◙ EURUSD Monthly Statistics Chart:

This is the EURUSD Monthly Performance Chart.

Gráfico. EURUSD Average Returns (%) per Calendar Month

-The Blue Line corresponds to the average EURUSD returns for each calendar month.

-The Green Line corresponds to the number of Bullish (↑) and Bearish (↓) calendar months: For drawing the Green Line, the following formula was applied:

◙ Most Volatile Days of the Week to Trade the EURUSD

These are the most volatile days to trade EURUSD based on the average pip range of each day of the week.

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How To Use Fibonacci To Trade Forex

Fibonacci analysis can improve forex performance for both short and long-term positions, identifying key price levels that show hidden support and resistance. Fibonacci used in conjunction with other forms of technical analysis builds a powerful foundation for strategies that perform well through all types of market conditions and volatility levels.

12th-century monk and mathematician, Leonardo de Pisa discovered a numerical sequence that appears throughout nature and in classic works of art. While his studies were theoretical, these Fibonacci numbers show profitable applications in our modern financial markets, describing relationships between price waves within trends, as well as how far waves will carry before reversing and testing prior levels.

The .386. 50 and .618 retracement levels comprise the primary Fibonacci structure found in charting packages, with .214 and .786 levels adding depth to market analysis. These secondary ratios have taken on greater importance since the 1990s. due to the deconstruction of technical analysis formula by funds looking to trap traders using those criteria. As a result, whipsaws through primary Fibonacci levels have increased, but harmonic structures have remained intact.

For example, it was commonly believed the .618 retracement would contain countertrend swings in a strongly trending market. That level is now routinely violated, with the .786 retracement offering strong support or resistance, depending on the direction of the primary trend. Traders and market timers have adapted to this slow evolution, altering strategies to accommodate a higher frequency of whipsaws and violations.

Historical Analysis

Fibonacci grid applications can be roughly divided into two categories, historical analysis and trade preparation. The first category requires an examination of long-term forex trends, identifying harmonic levels that triggered major trend changes. Active market players will spend more time focused on the second category, in which Fibonacci grids are placed over short term price action to build entry and exit strategies.

There’s great synergy between the two applications because price levels uncovered through long-term historical analysis work well with short-term trade preparation, especially at key inflection points. Since currency pairs oscillate between contained boundaries through nearly all economic conditions. these historical levels can impact short-term pricing for decades.

Given the small number of popular crosses compared to the stocks or bonds, it makes sense to perform a historical analysis on each pair, outlining primary trends and levels that might come into play in coming years. Perform this task by zooming out to weekly or monthly charts, and placing grids across secular bull and bear markets. The analysis only needs to be performed once as long as price action doesn’t exceed the highs or lows of the long term grids.

EURUSD Historical Fibonacci Grid

The EURUSD currency pair came to life in the 1980s near .90000 and traded up to 1.42890 in 1995. It fell to an all-time low at .82300 in 2001 and rocketed to an all-time high at 1.60380 in 2008. A grid placed over the massive uptrend has captured all price action in the last eight years. The initial decline off the rally high ended near the .50 retracement a few months later, with that level providing support during tests in 2010 and 2012. Meanwhile, a 2014 breakdown found new support at the .618 retracement, with the forex pair spending 2015 bouncing along that level.

Trade Preparation

Start your trade preparation analysis by placing a single grid across the largest trend on the daily chart. identifying key turning points. Next, add grids at shorter and shorter time intervals, looking for convergence between key harmonic levels. Similar to trendlines and moving averages. the power of these levels tracks relative time frame, with grids on longer term trends setting up stronger support or resistance than grids on shorter term trends.

Many forex traders focus on day trading. and Fibonacci levels work in this venue because daily, and weekly trends tend to subdivide naturally into smaller and smaller proportional waves. Access these hidden numbers by stretching grids across trends on 15-minute and 60-minute charts but add daily levels first because they’ll dictate major turning points during forex’s 24-hour trading day.

Having a hard time figuring out where to place starting and ending points for Fibonacci grids? Stretching the grid across a major high and low works well in most cases but many traders take a different approach, using the first lower high after a major high or first higher low after a major low. This approach tracks the Elliott Wave Theory. focusing attention on the second primary wave of a trend, which is often the longest and most dynamic.

Interaction with Other Indicators

The reliability of retracement levels to stop price swings and start profitable counter swings directly correlates with the number of technical elements converging at or near that level. These elements can include Fibonacci retracements in other time periods, moving averages, trendlines, gaps. prior highs/lows, and relative strength indicators hitting overbought or oversold extremes.

For example, multiple grids on a daily chart that align the.618 retracement of one trend with the .386 retracement of another trend raise odds that forex pair will reverse at or near that level. Add a 50- or 200-bar moving average and odds increase further, encouraging bigger positions and a more aggressive trading strategy. This methodology applies to exits as well, telling forex traders to take profits when price reaches a retracement level that shows multiple alignments.

EURJPY Indicator Alignment

The EURJPY forex pair sells off from 133.75 to 131.05 in just six hours, carving out a vertical trend swing that offers a perfect fit for a Fibonacci retracement entry on the short side. The countertrend wave crawls higher for four days, finally reaching the .618 selloff retracement at the same time the 200-bar EMA descends into the same price level, in a tight alignment. This raises odds the pair will turn lower in a profitable short sale. The subsequent decline gives up nearly 70% of the countertrend wave.

La línea de fondo

Add long-term Fibonacci grids to favorite currency pairs and watch price action near popular retracement levels. Add shorter term grids as part of daily trade preparation, using alignments to find the best prices to enter and exit positions. Add other technical indicators and look for convergence with retracement levels, raising odds that prices will reverse in profitable counter swings.

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Vea cómo los comerciantes usan el análisis de las cuentas en gráficos de puntos y figuras y aprenda por qué este método difiere de los tipos más tradicionales. Leer respuesta >>

Aprenda lo que es una prueba t, y descubra los cinco supuestos estándar que se hacen con respecto a la validez del muestreo y los datos. Leer respuesta >>

Learn how the pip is used in the pricing of a currency pair in forex trading, and see how the foreign exchange market is. Leer respuesta >>

US Stock Market Plunges

September 22nd, 2011 by Matthew Mocorro

World events certainly have a strong reaction on the stock market.

Since Monday’s close, the US stock market has lost 786 points. From its three-month high of 12,724, it is down to 1,999 points. In the foreign currency exchange market (Forex), traders can capitalize on the market regardless of the direction.

Here, at Next Step Financial Holdings, we have been taught by Market Traders Institute (MTI) to react to these market changes and see the possibilities in the foreign currency exchange market. MTI has over 17 years of experience analyzing the various currencies and finding the opportunities that each market presents.

The chart below shows how the USD has gained 20% over the CHF. MTI students had the ability to capture over 1,500 pips in just over 10 weeks using one of MTI’s strategies.

Market diversification allows you to weather these stock market storms by having the ability to profit in the Forex market 24-hours a day, 5-½ days a week.

If you would like to hear more about what is happening in the foreign currency exchange market and the impact it may have on the individual currencies, join our next complimentary Forex webinar. Register by completing the form below.

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Аналитические обзоры Форекс

Представляем Вашему вниманию ежедневно обновляемый раздел аналитики, который ведут для Вас профессиональные аналитики компании ИнстаФорекс. Каждый из специалистов, представленных в разделе, проводит аналитические обзоры в соответствии с его видением текущей ситуации на международном валютном рынке Форекс. Однако все представленные ниже обзоры не являются прямыми рекомендациями или поводом для действий, а несут в себе исключительно анализ текущей ситуации на валютном рынке. В некоторых случаях мнения аналитиков на какие-либо изменения в текущей ситуации рынка могут расходиться, в этой связи, мы рекомендуем Вам следить за публикациями только одного аналитика, который на Ваш взгляд наиболее ясно и верно оценивает ситуацию на международном валютном рынке Форекс.

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FX Trading Strategies

This forex indicator will show the name of the pattern by placing point XABCD manually and also will search the next Potential Reversal Zone (PRZ) automatically. This idea was first published by Snorm as DavincisKiss indicator. I have modified Harmonic Ratios. mq4 by alltraders, and added more command that needed. The data above is harmonic pattern database, and must be saved as harmontrad. csv and placing the file at terminal_data_folder\MQL4\Files. After indicator loaded, placing XABCD to any point, and at the left panel will show the name of the pattern, if the pattern found, otherwise will show comparison of AB to CD.


If we want to search the next PRZ that may occur, placing text D at the right of the last candle (Time[0]), if text D above the text C, indicator will search PRZ to upper direction, and vice versa. Put text and name it with ON, and insert the amount of PRZ that we want to search.

Figure below show the result:

We can add much more pattern at harmontrad csv, but you need to change the number of database record at line 622 as shown at the figure below: If point D disappear to nowhere, simply press Ctrl+B and delete the text, name D and ON, as shown at figure below: And the new text D will formed.

A very simple indicator to display the difference in time between candles in seconds. Intended for use with offline renko charts to indicate how long each block or brick has taken to form. On a regular timeframe chart, it can indicate dropped candles because the subsequent candle starts late.

Long indicator bars at the period separator as market closed. You might expect indicator bars to be double height where the renko colour changes as the price has had to move twice as far to make the block. My guess is that when the market moves then the bars are small, indecisive market produces longer bars as price takes longer to move.

On a regular timeframe chart, it can indicate dropped candles because the subsequent candle starts late. Here, news was out at 15:30 but the candle was skipped so the 15:31 candle took 120 seconds to start, counted from the start of the previous (15:29) candle.

Seems odd to put the time element back into renko charts but I figured it might produce useful information such as slow bricks indicating a turn in the market or price moving slowly inside a range. Or fast bricks indicating a real move in the price. On a regular, standard timeframe chart, it can show where the chart / broker has skipped one or more candles. This is surprisingly often! Particularly at news times.

Forex Technical Analysis of GBPUSD for January 18, 2016

Support - S1 : 1.4195 | S2 : 1.4135 | S3 : 1.4019 Resistance - R1 : 1.4372 | R2 : 1.4488 | R3 : 1.4548 Main Trend - Bearish Intraday Trend - Bearish The exchange rate GBPUSD accept very strong pressure all these days, as we can see on the 4H chart of forex technical analysis . On Friday price finally, close inside lower channel of Andrew's Pitchfork exactly on the bottom line. Is very clear that the price remains below EMA(50) and EMA(200). This point is critical for the next move because right now is acting as support. We must consider that there are Bullish Harmonic Patterns on 1H, 4H, and Daily chart. An upward reaction is possible, but in any case, we must filter the move in order to be sure that is a real and valid reaction.

Considering all the details from the charts of forex technical analysis we can detect all critical levels and trading targets for H1 and H4 timeframes:

4H Chart

The area 1.4360 – 1.4395 is a neutral zone.

Bullish scenario: If price moves upwards and close above the neutral zone, then the upward trading targets will be: 1.4440, 1.4500, 1.4545, 1.4580, 1.4620, 1.4665, 1.4720. Bearish scenario: If price moves downwards and close below the neutral zone, then the downward trading targets will be: 1.4190, 1.4150, 1.4100, 1.4060, 1.4030.

1H Chart

The area 1.4290 – 1.4305 is a neutral zone.

Bullish scenario: If price moves upwards and close above the neutral zone, then the upward trading targets will be: 1.4320, 1.4345, 1.4365, 1.4390, 1.4415, 1.4445, 1.4470, 1.4500.

Bearish scenario: If price moves downwards and close below the neutral zone, then the downward trading targets will be: 1.4220, 1.4185, 1.4135.

There are Bullish Harmonic Patterns on 1H chart: nen Star [0886/0.786/2.236], on 4H chart: 1.618xAB=CD, on Daily chart: 1.618xAB=CD.

Using the above elements of forex technical analysis . everyone can plan his own personal forex trading strategy . We note the need to use stop-loss levels.

You agree with our estimates? If you have another point of view, you can write your opinion in comments.

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GBP/USD 4 hours chart pull back

Trend is bullish in 4 hours chart of GBP/USD currency pair. Since last week, price is showing signs of selling pressure and market is probably going to drop towards 1.5461 which is a 0.618% Fibonacci retracement level. Based on Elliott wave analysis, price could also drop further towards 1.5403 level which is 0.786% Fibonacci retracement level. To me; this is just a pull back in an up trend which offers a buy trade setup to join an up trend in GBP/USD currency pair.

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Harmonic Indicator Forex are ways that acknowledge value patterns mistreatment Fibonacci ratios to assist confirm reversal points within the monetary markets. Harmonic commercialism could be a methodology that uses the popularity of specific structures that possess consecutive Fibonacci magnitude relation alignments that validate harmonic patterns. These patterns calculate the Fibonacci sides of those value structures to acknowledge probable reversal points within the monetary markets.

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When placed on the monetary markets, this analysis of Fibonacci measurements will outline the extent of value action with regards to natural alternating growth limits of commercialism behavior. T he collective entity returning from all consumers and sellers within a specific market continue with constant universal principles exhibiting alternating behavior. Harmonic commercialism identifies repetitive things from the chaos from the stock and Forex markets. Essentially, these patterns are value structures that have mixtures of distinct and consecutive Fibonacci retracements and projections. Example of a harmonic indicator is that the The ABCD pattern is AN indicator that identifies 3 consecutive value swings. This Harmonic Indicator Forex pattern are often recognized during a form of a lightning bolt. This pattern is exclusive as a result of the distinction between the swing either of low is that the same distance.

The Harmonic Indicator Forex is nice tool to assist live the best AB=CD magnitude relation. A fascinating ABCD pattern ought to retrace either .618%, or .786% Fib. The length as shown within the chart of B-C ought to be one.27 or 1.618 Fibonacci. However, a .618% Fib retracement at purpose C ought to end in a one.618 distance, and .786 Fib ought to end in one.27.A profit target are often created concerning 0.5 or 2 thirds of the AB=CD move, and also the stop loss are often placed beneath the completion of D.

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Harmonic Indicator Forex are ways that acknowledge value patterns mistreatment Fibonacci ratios to assist confirm reversal points within the monetary markets. Harmonic commercialism could be a methodology that uses the popularity of specific structures that possess consecutive Fibonacci magnitude relation alignments that validate harmonic patterns. These patterns calculate the Fibonacci sides of those value structures to acknowledge probable reversal points within the monetary markets.

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When placed on the monetary markets, this analysis of Fibonacci measurements will outline the extent of value action with regards to natural alternating growth limits of commercialism behavior. T he collective entity returning from all consumers and sellers within a specific market continue with constant universal principles exhibiting alternating behavior. Harmonic commercialism identifies repetitive things from the chaos from the stock and Forex markets. Essentially, these patterns are value structures that have mixtures of distinct and consecutive Fibonacci retracements and projections. Example of a harmonic indicator is that the The ABCD pattern is AN indicator that identifies 3 consecutive value swings. This Harmonic Indicator Forex pattern are often recognized during a form of a lightning bolt. This pattern is exclusive as a result of the distinction between the swing either of low is that the same distance.

The Harmonic Indicator Forex is nice tool to assist live the best AB=CD magnitude relation. A fascinating ABCD pattern ought to retrace either .618%, or .786% Fib. The length as shown within the chart of B-C ought to be one.27 or 1.618 Fibonacci. However, a .618% Fib retracement at purpose C ought to end in a one.618 distance, and .786 Fib ought to end in one.27.A profit target are often created concerning 0.5 or 2 thirds of the AB=CD move, and also the stop loss are often placed beneath the completion of D.

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Jforex Renko Mq4 is a type of chart, developed by the Japanese, that’s solely involved with worth movement; time and volume don’t seem to be enclosed. It’s thought to be named for the Japanese word for bricks, “renga”. A Jforex Renko Mq4 chart is made by putting a wall up subsequent column once the value surpasses the highest or bottom of the previous brick by a predefined quantity. White bricks area unit used once the direction of the trend is up, whereas black bricks area unit used once the trend is down. This sort of chart is extremely effective for traders to spot key support/resistance levels. Group action signals area unit generated once the direction of the trend changes and also the bricks alternate colours.

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Jforex Renko Mq4 charts ignore time and focus alone on worth changes that meet a minimum demand. during this regard, these charts area unit quite almost like purpose & figure charts. Rather than X-Columns and O-Columns, Jforex Renko Mq4 charts use worth “bricks” that represent a hard and fast worth move. These bricks area unit generally stated as “blocks” or “boxes.” They move up or down in forty five degree lines with one brick per vertical column. Bricks for upward worth movements area unit hollow whereas bricks for falling worth movements area unit crammed with a solid color (typically black). As an example, a merchant can sell associate degree underlying plus once a black brick is placed at the top of series of rise white bricks.

Since this Jforex Renko Mq4 sort of chart was designed as some way to follow the overall worth trend of associate degree plus, there will usually be false signals wherever the color of the bricks changes too early, manufacturing a whip-saw impact. Because the name implies, this book goes on the far side candlesticks to indicate chartists alternative technical analysis techniques from the Far East. Nison devotes a complete chapter to Renko charts. Nison additionally covers 3 Line Break charts, Kagi charts and explains however Japanese traders use moving averages.

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PZ Harmonic Trading

"Harmonic Trading profits from the natural order of the financial markets." - Scott M. Carney

Are you an harmonic trader? The PZ Harmonic Trading indicator is probably the most complete harmonic patterns auto-recognition indicator, and takes fibonacci projections as seriously as you do.

Detects Bat, Gartley, Crab, Butterfly, Cypher and Shark patterns

It plots primary, derived and complementary Fibonacci projections

It evaluates past price action and displays every past pattern

It plots all the pattern ratios on the chart

Inspired by Scott M. Carney's book "Harmonic Trading Vol. 1" . this indicator has been designed to fulfill the needs of the most purist and exigent harmonic traders.

Fibonacci projections are vector-independent

It implements email/sound/push alerts

It plots the AB=CD projection

Enhance your trading activity with the best Harmonic Patterns auto-detection indicator, just like our customers have already done.

Lifetime software updates and support

Current version is 1.0 (Updated November 2013)

Cómo negociar

A brief introduction

Harmonic Trading is a methodology that utilizes the recognition of specific price patterns and the alignment of exact Fibonacci ratios to determine highly probable reversal points in the financial markets. This methodology assumes that trading patterns or cycles, like many patterns and cycles in life, repeat themselves. The key is to identify these patterns, and to enter or to exit a position based upon a high degree of probability that the same historic price action will occur. Although these patterns are not 100% accurate, these situations have been historically proven. If these set-ups are identified correctly, it is possible to identify significant opportunities with a very limited risk.

The Potential Reversal Zone (PRZ)

The concept of the Potential Reversal Zone (PRZ) was originally outlined by Scott M. Carney in his book, "The Harmonic Trader".

History has proven that a convergence of Fibonacci numbers and price patterns provides a highly probable area for a reversal. This area of convergence is called the potential reversal zone. When three, four, or even five numbers come together within a specific area, you must respect the high probability for some type of reversal. - Scott M. Carney (The Harmonic Trader)

A Potential Reversal Zone (PRZ) represents the critical areas where the flow of buying and selling is potentially changing. These harmonic zones attempt to identify the price levels where imbalanced overbought and oversold situations are reversing back to their respective equilibrium level.

An ideal reversal usually tests all of the price levels in the Potential Reversal Zone (PRZ) on the initial test. The predominant trend usually reverses from this initial test of the entire PRZ and continues in the reversal direction shortly thereafter. In an ideal reversal, the price bar that tests all of the fibonacci projections in the PRZ is called the Terminal Price Bar .

The trade must be taken when the Potential Reversal Zone (PRZ) has been tested and rejected by a Terminal Price Bar or a strong breakout has taken place in the reversal direction without testing all the PRZ levels. The farthest price level of the PRZ or the Point X of the pattern are suitable stop-loss levels.

Harmonic Trading Ratios

The indicator calculates all the important fibonacci ratios for the XA and BC vectors of the pattern, and plots them by the Point D if applicable.

Primary Ratios Directly derived from the Fibonnaci Number Sequence. - 0.618 = Primary Ratio - 1.618 = Primary Projection Primary Derived Ratios - 0.786 = Square root of 0.618 - 0.886 = Fourth roof of 0.618 or Square root of 0.786 - 1.130 = Fourth root of 1.618 or Square root of 1.27 - 1.270 = Square root of 1.618 Complementary Derived Ratios - 0.382 = (1 - 0.618) or 0.618² - 0.500 = 0.770² - 0.707 = Square root of 0.50 - 1.410 = Square root of 2.0 - 2.000 = 1 + 1 - 2.240 = Square root of 5 - 2.618 = 1.618² - 3.141 = Pi - 3.618 = 1 + 2.618

Watch the video!

Take a look at the video in which I explain how does the indicator work, how to use it, what makes it especial and how properly identify potential reversal zones.

Ejecución comercial

Once a pattern is detected, the following steps have to be taken, which can lead to take or discard the trade. Bear in mind that a pattern is not valid by itself and it can expand as long as it likes. Your job has an harmonic trader is to assess the validity of the pattern and the potential reversal zone before entering the market.

1. Pattern Recognition This indicator auto-detects and alerts harmonic patterns. 2. Find the Potential Reversal Zone (PRZ) Evaluate the fibonacci projections plotted on the chart by the indicator and look for strength signs. Can you find at least three converging projections? Do you see primary ratios? Is the AB=CD projection present? 3. Wait until the PRZ is rejected by the market The PRZ can be tested and rejected by one single Terminal Price Bar . or the market can reverse and breakout the PRZ without testing all the fibonacci projections. In any case, the market has to move before you take the trade. You are a follower, not a predictor.

4. Enter the market setting the proper stop-loss Trade the breakout or the rejection of the PRZ and set the proper stop-loss. The farthest price level of the PRZ or the Point X of the pattern are suitable stop-loss levels. 5. Position Management It is recommended to reap partial profits as soon as possible to lock into a free ride. Scott M. Carney proposes a very interesting position management system based on a 0.382 Trailing Stop, measured from the reversal point to the reversal extreme.

The Potential Reversal Zone (PRZ) is a crucial element in Harmonic Trading. Hence the importance of vector-independent primary, derived and complementary fibonacci projections, which all other harmonic indicators ignore completely.

Some trading examples

The following are trading examples using Harmonic Patterns. The trade is taken when the Potential Reversal Zone (PRZ) is rejected.


The indicator parameters

When loading the indicator to any chart, you will be presented with a set of options as input parameters. Don't despair if you think they are too many, because parameters are grouped into self-explanatory blocks.

Indicator Settings The indicator is constantly looking for tops and bottoms. The amplitude is the minimal amount of bars where there will not be two tops or two bottoms. Increase the period to see bigger patterns or for intraday trading. Enable OnlyPerfectPatterns to display only perfect and pure harmonic patterns, with perfect ratio measurements. El parámetro MaxHistoryBars controla cuántas barras anteriores se examinan para minimizar el uso de memoria. Colors Choose your own pattern colors. Labels Enable or disable labels and choose your own label color. Ratios Enable or disable ratios and choose your own ratio color. Projections Display or hide the fibonacci projections on the chart Alerts Enable display/email/push/sound alerts for patterns.

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FOREX is the world's largest and most liquid trading market. Many consider FOREX as the best home business you can ever venture in. Even though regular people have had the opportunity to take part in trading foreign currencies for profit (in the same way banks and large corporations do) since 1998, it is just now becoming the cool, hip, new "thing" to talk about at parties, business events, and other social gatherings.

Even though it has been somewhat of a loosely guarded secret, every day more and more investors are turning to the all-electronic world of FOREX trading for income and profit because of its numerous benefits & advantages over traditional trading vehicles, like stocks, bonds and commodities.

But, still, whenever something seems new or is just becoming a part of social conversation, news articles, and water cooler gossip, misconceptions have to be overcome, the mind has to be open and the slate has to be clear for starting out fresh with the CORRECT information. So, in this article, it is my attempt to give you some solid, but not over-detailed, information on just what the heck "FX" (FOREX) means, what it is, and why it exists.

As a successful trader said, Trading FOREX is like picking money up off the floor. Not trading FOREX is like leaving it there for someone else to pick up." Others in the industry have also said,

Trading FOREX is like having an ATM machine on your own computer. Here's an explanation (one I feel you'll appreciate) of what FOREX is and how a bunch of traders, profit from it:

The Foreign Exchange Market, also referred to the "FOREX" or "FX" market, is the spot (cash) market for currency.

But, don't mistake FX as trading the futures market, where you buy a contract to purchase a particular currency at a future price in time. What FX traders do is much less risky than trading currencies on the futures market, much more profitable, and a lot easier, than trading stocks. So, you're probably wondering where it's at. o. how to access the FX market?

The answer is: FX Trading is not bound to any one trading floor and is not centralized on an exchange, as with the stock and futures markets. The FX market is considered an Over-the-Counter (OTC) or 'Interbank' market, due to the fact that the entire market is run electronically, within a network of banks, continuously over a 24-hour period.

Yes, if that's the first time you've heard about an all-electronic market, I know this may sound somewhat intriguing to you.

Here's what you are actually trading when you participate in the Foreign Exchange (FOREX) market:

Essentially, like the large banks who use the FX market to protect themselves from the fluctuating exchange rate of different currencies, as an investor, what a FX trader is doing is simultaneously exchanging one countries currency for another. So, in actuality, they're electronically trading a currency-pair and the price that is quoted to us is the exchange rate between the two currencies. In other words, simply the quoted price is how many of the one currency is worth 1 of the other currency.

EUR/USD last trade 1।2850 - One Euro is worth $1।2850 US dollars

The first currency (in this example, the EURO) is referred to as the base currency and the second (/USD) as the counter or quote currency।The FOREX has a DAILY trading volume of around $1।5 trillion dollars - 30 times larger than the combined volume of all U।S। equity markets। This means that 1,498,574 skilled traders could each take 1 million dollars out of the FOREX market every day and the FOREX would still have more money left than the New York Stock exchange every day! The FOREX plays a vital role in the world economy and there will always be a tremendous need for the FOREX। International trade increases as technology and communication increases। As long as there is international trade, there will be a FOREX market। The FX market has to exist so a country like Japan can sell products in the United States and be able to receive Japanese Yen in exchange for US Dollar।There's plenty of money to be made using FOREX for plenty of traders that use the right trading techniques / tactics that will allow them to profit immensely. And, with only 5% of the daily turnover of volume coming from banks, government and large corporations who need to hedge, the other

95% is for speculation and profit.

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Egypt 's Stock Exchange (CASE) comprises two exchanges, Cairo and Alexandria. both of which are governed by the same board of directors and share the same trading, clearing and settlement systems. In March 2009, the 30 largest companies being traded, CASE 30 Index, changed its name to EGX 30 Index. The Alexandria Stock Exchange was officially established in 1883, with Cairo following in 1903.

Both exchanges were very active in the 1940s, and the combined Egyptian Stock Exchange ranked fifth in the world. The central planning and socialist policies adopted in the mid 1950's led to the Stock Exchange's dormancy between 1961 and 1992.

In the 1990s, the Egyptian government's restructuring and economic reform program resulted in the revival of the Egyptian stock market, and a major change in the organisation of the Cairo and Alexandria Stock Exchanges took place in January 1997 with the election of a new board of directors and the establishment of a number of board committees.

Under the chairman at that time, Sherif Raafat, the board of directors determined to modernise the Exchange. Steps taken since then have included:

creating a coherent organisation structure with clear division of authority and responsibilities

deciding to install a new state-of-the-art trading, clearing and settling system conforming to international standards (In May 1998 a contract was signed with EFA Software Ltd.. a Canadian company, to this end)

developing new membership and trading rules, and arbitration and dispute resolution procedures

Planning the improvement of the clearing, settlement and payment systems

By the end of November 1998, these efforts had started to bear fruit and there were 833 listed companies on the Egyptian Stock Exchange with a market capitalization of approximately L. E. 71.3 billion (up from 627 companies listed in 1991 with a market capitalization of L. E. 8.8 billion).

Please kindly be informed that this is not Butterfly, Gartley, Bat Patterns although it looks similar. The Crab is a Harmonic pattern discovered by Scott Carney in 2000. It is one of the most precise of all the Harmonic patterns. Check out this study summary, it was conducted on 15+M timeframe and include both bullish and bearish patterns. The Harmonic Chart Pattern Crab is the only one which has over 93% of accuracy which is really great, thing is you need to pay attention to its Fibonacci ratios to distinguish it with other Harmony Chart Patterns.

The critical aspect of this pattern is the tight Potential Reversal Zone created by the 1.618 of the XA leg and an extreme (2.24, 2.618, 3.14, 3.618) projection of the BC leg. The pattern requires a very small stop loss and usually provides an almost exact reversal in the Potential Reversal Zone.

The good point here is you don't have to wait and check for the pattern, it is really time consuming. With the power of technology, we can have the computer do it, it will tell us what the pattern is and draw it out, you can buy such Harmonic pattern indicator for a cheap price.

Browse > Home / Forex Systems / GBPJPY GBPUSD Breakout Strategies

& # 8226; Trade frequency: Daily

& # 8226; Pair: GBP/JPY

& # 8226; Timeframe: 15 minutes

Find the opening price of the pair which will be the price at 12:00am GMT.

Find out the range of the previous day, if range is below 200 pips, do not trad.

Place a buy stop order 30 pips above the high of the 12:00 GMT candle and a sell stop order 30 pips below the low.

Take profit is 25% of the previous days range or maximum 100 pips. Stop Loss is 40 pips.

Trailing stop loss is 50% of the Take Profit. Close opposite order once an order has been filled.

& # 8226; Trade frequency: Daily

& # 8226; Pair: GBP/USD

& # 8226; Timeframe: 15 minutes

Find the high and low between 14:00 GMT and 16:00 GMT.

Buy Stop order 3 pips above high, Sell Stop order 3 pips below low.

Take profit 50 pips. Stop Loss 5 pips above and below high and low.

Close opposite order once an order has been filled.


With this buying and selling training, Elliott Wave International’s Jeffrey Kennedy demonstrates how you should use Fibonacci in order to identify potential turning points in your charts. You’ll discover the most typical Fibonacci retracements as well as where you can anticipate all of them inside your charts. At the conclusion from the training, discover ways to obtain a 14-page Fibonacci e-book, free of charge!

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The main Fibonacci percentages which I use within determining wave retracements tend to be. 236. 382. 500. 618 as well as. 786. A number of somehow which. 500 as well as. 786 aren’t Fibonacci percentages; nicely, it’s just about all within the mathematics. Should you separate the 2nd 30 days associated with Leonardo’s bunny instance through the 3rd 30 days, the solution is actually. 500, 1 split through two;. 786 is merely the actual sq. cause of. 618. There are various Fibonacci percentages accustomed to figure out retracement amounts. The most typical tend to be. 382 as well as. 618. The actual associated charts additionally show the actual importance associated with. 236. 382. 500. 618 as well as. 786. It’s really worth observing which Fibonacci retracements may be used upon whenever body to recognize possible change points. An essential element to consider is actually that the Fibonacci retracement of the prior influx on the every week graph is actually much more substantial compared to what you will discover on the 60-minute graph.

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Originally Posted by eniyanman

Exactamente. I haven't seen Mr 'Fall guy' toothpick on the import list. More telling is the absence of cement in the export list. So what happened to the promise of cement being a serious forex earner? Perhaps, Nigeria now exports cocoa mixed with cement!

The import list also shows clearly that income from crude exports is 5X petrol imports. Nigeria does NOT need to provide subsidies for refining crude oil!!

I think its important to note that the data we're all currently basing our conclusions on, is the data from Q4 2015..which is during a period in which FOREX controls were already in place . It would be better to apply this conclusion of yours to something like data from Q4 2014 or Q1 2015 when the FX reserves were depleted by approx $4b dollars within the 5 months of elections and handover. Since that time our FX reserves have been well managed and has only lost about $1b dollars since this government came in despite significantly less oil revenue. I will supply the data on the FX reserves movement in a future post.

Last edited by duduspace; 21st March 2016 at 02:53 PM.

Originally Posted by eniyanman

What do you think will happen if CBN starts charging 'aboki' rates. Demand for forex subsidy will reduce, perhaps more than the fall in debit card ATM transactions. Subsidy barons understand economics too!

What most people don't realize is that the government is aware that it is in its own selfish interest to devalue the Naira. If you move the band from N197 to N250 or N300, FAAC allocation will increase by more than 50%. All these issues of delayed and unpaid salaries will be a thing of the past and the government 'inflates' its way out.

The government is looking for an reasonable economic reason to devalue. I have read none. Under Abacha, the official rate was N22 and the black market rate N88. We have devalued almost 1000% over 20 years. Have imports increased or reduced? Recently The Economist reported a study by IMF which showed that there is very little evidence that devaluation increases exports even for a diversified economy ( After the dips | The Economist ). This is partly because devaluation (like QE) is similar to standing in the middle of sitting spectators during a football game. You only have advantage if you are only the one doing it. If everyone else does, you will be better off not standing (not devaluing).

__________________ “Successful investing is anticipating the anticipations of others.” (John Maynard Keynes quotes (English economist, journalist, and financier, 1883-1946)

What most people don't realize is that the government is aware that it is in its own selfish interest to devalue the Naira. If you move the band from N197 to N250 or N300, FAAC allocation will increase by more than 50%. All these issues of delayed and unpaid salaries will be a thing of the past and the government 'inflates' its way out.

The government is looking for an reasonable economic reason to devalue. I have read none. Under Abacha, the official rate was N22 and the black market rate N88. We have devalued almost 1000% over 20 years. Have imports increased or reduced? Recently The Economist reported a study by IMF which showed that there is very little evidence that devaluation increases exports even for a diversified economy ( After the dips | The Economist ). This is partly because devaluation (like QE) is similar to standing in the middle of sitting spectators during a football game. You only have advantage if you are only the one doing it. If everyone else does, you will be better off not standing (ore devaluing).

Very good point, I wonder why Oga Eni either can't see this or is just plain not acknowledging it because of his grouse with Dangote and the 'Subsidy Barons'. If this government devalues, the inflation people are seeing now would be child's play compared to what people would be seeing.

Last edited by duduspace; 21st March 2016 at 02:52 PM.

21st March 2016, 03:01 PM

Rank: Senior Member

Points: 13,619, Level: 75

What most people don't realize is that the government is aware that it is in its own selfish interest to devalue the Naira. If you move the band from N197 to N250 or N300, FAAC allocation will increase by more than 50%. All these issues of delayed and unpaid salaries will be a thing of the past and the government 'inflates' its way out.

The government is looking for an reasonable economic reason to devalue. I have read none. Under Abacha, the official rate was N22 and the black market rate N88. We have devalued almost 1000% over 20 years. Have imports increased or reduced? Recently The Economist reported a study by IMF which showed that there is very little evidence that devaluation increases exports even for a diversified economy ( After the dips | The Economist ). This is partly because devaluation (like QE) is similar to standing in the middle of sitting spectators during a football game. You only have advantage if you are only the one doing it. If everyone else does, you will be better off not standing (not devaluing).

Originally Posted by duduspace

Very good point, I wonder why Oga Eni either can't see this or is just plain not acknowledging it because of his grouse with Dangote and the 'Subsidy Barons'. If this government devalues, the inflation people are seeing now would be child's play compared to what people would be seeing.

The inflation you are so scared about is happening anyway as most importers now source their forex demand from autonomous sources. Even independent marketers cannot get forex allocation from CBN any more. Or what else could be the reason why they didn't meet their import allocation for Q1? Fuel scarcity continues to bite. Na for filling station I park my car since morning as I dey type so hoping that they will bring fuel for them before close of business today.

From smartphones to pure water to food items. The inflation shit is real. The inflation is gonna happen anyway and it is already happening. Wait till next month's inflation statistics come out and ask if the stance against devaluation/free float is helping anyway.

The simple reason FG will not devalue/float the Naira is political. Any increase in exchange rate will see an automatic increase in landing cost of fuel. This government does not want to pay subsidy!

__________________ when an earthworm begins to crawl like a millipede, it's time to run to the king's palace. naked! - horlads

A hen that leaves her chicks unguarded should not complain when the predatory hawk comes calling - horlads

Originally Posted by duduspace

I think its important to note that the data we're all currently basing our conclusions on, is the data from Q4 2015..which is during a period in which FOREX controls were already in place . It would be better to apply this conclusion of yours to something like data from Q4 2014 or Q1 2015 when the FX reserves were depleted by approx $4b dollars within the 5 months of elections and handover. Since that time our FX reserves have been well managed and has only lost about $1b dollars since this government came in despite significantly less oil revenue. I will supply the data on the FX reserves movement in a future post.

Here is the data on the FOREX Reserves Movement that I promised you, meanwhile in the period before mid 2015, the lowest oil price was about $47, meanwhile we've seen oil prices in the mid $20s since then, I think this government is not getting enough credit for the extent to which its making Nigeria cut its coat according to its material :

EDIT: I took out the other figures and left just the gross valued of the FX reserves because the information was somehow jumbled up. What you have up there is the gross FOREX reserves on particular dates I find interesting, Let me summarize it thus, in the period from September 2014 - May 2015 (8 months), the past government depleted Nigerian FX reserves by greater than $9b while in the period from May 2015 till now (about 9 months), the current government has depleted our reserves by less than $2b despite earning approximately about half of what the previous government earned in oil revenues.

Last edited by duduspace; 21st March 2016 at 03:11 PM.

Originally Posted by horlads

The inflation you are so scared about is happening anyway as most importers now source their forex demand from autonomous sources. Even independent marketers cannot get forex allocation from CBN any more. Or what else could be the reason why they didn't meet their import allocation for Q1? Fuel scarcity continues to bite. Na for filling station I park my car since morning as I dey type so hoping that they will bring fuel for them before close of business today.

From smartphones to pure water to food items. The inflation shit is real. The inflation is gonna happen anyway and it is already happening. Wait till next month's inflation statistics come out and ask if the stance against devaluation/free float is helping anyway.

The simple reason FG will not devalue/float the Naira is political. Any increase in exchange rate will see an automatic increase in landing cost of fuel. This government does not want to pay subsidy!

Once you devalue, subsidy re appears and you have the cabal to deal with. Ready for that.

Once you devalue, labour union will bring the nation to a standstill. Ready for that?

Abeg, they should just work on reducing round tripping!

21st March 2016, 03:48 PM

Rank: Senior Member

Points: 13,619, Level: 75

Once you devalue, subsidy re appears and you have the cabal to deal with. Ready for that.

Once you devalue, labour union will bring the nation to a standstill. Ready for that?

Abeg, they should just work on reducing round tripping!

APC told GEJ to deal with the Cabal rather than remove subsidy. I'm sure they have the Silver bullet. Let them get to work abeg.

Do you really think round tripping is the biggest monster in the room? I don't think so!

Round tripping is not the reason we have fuel queues.

Round tripping is not the reason why Buhari's entourage will get BTA and d hustler on the street going to India to source machinery will not be able to get.

Round tripping is not the reason I bought a new smartphone whose charging port is bad, I took it to Carlcare in the name of warranty and Carlcare can't fix it because "they don't have accessories".

I can go on and on.

__________________ when an earthworm begins to crawl like a millipede, it's time to run to the king's palace. naked! - horlads

A hen that leaves her chicks unguarded should not complain when the predatory hawk comes calling - horlads

Last edited by horlads; 21st March 2016 at 03:51 PM.

Originally Posted by horlads

APC told GEJ to deal with the Cabal rather than remove subsidy. I'm sure they have the Silver bullet. Let them get to work abeg.

Do you really think round tripping is the biggest monster in the room? I don't think so!

Round tripping is not the reason we have fuel queues.

Round tripping is not the reason why Buhari's entourage will get BTA and d hustler on the street going to India to source machinery will not be able to get.

Round tripping is not the reason I bought a new smartphone whose charging port is bad, I took it to Carlcare in the name of warranty and Carlcare can't fix it because "they don't have accessories".

I can go on and on.

How many people exactly are on PMB's entourage. and how much of a drain on the economy exactly are they. put a value to it and then lets compare that value to what was being lost to Subsidy. The government shouldn't be scared of paying Subsidy anyway, it shall soon return one day as soon as crude oil price rises. I just pray local refinery capacity is available at that time to block that loophole even if 70% of nigeria's expenditure on refined petroleum subsequently ends up in Dangote's pocket. E pele for the fuel scarcity problem, I thought Kachikwu said it would be resolved by last week. wetin dey happen.

Last edited by duduspace; 21st March 2016 at 04:07 PM.

Originally Posted by duduspace

How many people exactly are on PMB's entourage. and how much of a drain on the economy exactly are they. put a value to it and then lets compare that value to what was being lost to Subsidy. The government shouldn't be scared of paying Subsidy anyway, it shall soon return one day as soon as crude oil price rises. I just pray local refinery capacity is available at that time to block that loophole even if 70% of nigeria's expenditure on refined petroleum subsequently ends up in Dangote's pocket. E pele for the fuel scarcity problem, I thought Kachikwu said it would be resolved by last week. wetin dey happen ?

Resolve wetin. You dey ask us wetin happen abi. I thought you say that you know what is happening in this Contraption. When this fuel scarcity started, they said that it was because of hoarding. Now what is the excuse?.

Iam not going to Afemai land in this Easter because of fuel scarcity. The stress too much. Na black market i buy yesterday.

__________________ Want things to change fast. put all politicians at all levels on minimum wage .

Originally Posted by horlads

APC told GEJ to deal with the Cabal rather than remove subsidy. I'm sure they have the Silver bullet. Let them get to work abeg.

Do you really think round tripping is the biggest monster in the room? I don't think so!

Round tripping is not the reason we have fuel queues.

Round tripping is not the reason why Buhari's entourage will get BTA and d hustler on the street going to India to source machinery will not be able to get.

Round tripping is not the reason I bought a new smartphone whose charging port is bad, I took it to Carlcare in the name of warranty and Carlcare can't fix it because "they don't have accessories".

I can go on and on.

You mean a smuggler or tourist? In this day of internet. I know fit laugh. Most machinery manufacturers have youtube presentations, or you can request for a video and if you are convinced, you only ask for references of past and current buyers. then obtain info based on their experiences Just a commonsense approach which really works or (worked) . and saves costs

What most people don't realize is that the government is aware that it is in its own selfish interest to devalue the Naira. If you move the band from N197 to N250 or N300, FAAC allocation will increase by more than 50%. All these issues of delayed and unpaid salaries will be a thing of the past and the government 'inflates' its way out.

The government is looking for an reasonable economic reason to devalue. I have read none. Under Abacha, the official rate was N22 and the black market rate N88. We have devalued almost 1000% over 20 years. Have imports increased or reduced? Recently The Economist reported a study by IMF which showed that there is very little evidence that devaluation increases exports even for a diversified economy ( After the dips | The Economist ). This is partly because devaluation (like QE) is similar to standing in the middle of sitting spectators during a football game. You only have advantage if you are only the one doing it. If everyone else does, you will be better off not standing (not devaluing).

And more naira to loot . on the first bold and to the second bold. it is the reason I have been saying commonsense is lacking in this country . or is it insanity. o. Oga Citizen"s frustration of the black man?

21st March 2016, 06:19 PM

Rank: Senior Member

Points: 9,415, Level: 65

Originally Posted by horlads

APC told GEJ to deal with the Cabal rather than remove subsidy. I'm sure they have the Silver bullet. Let them get to work abeg.

Do you really think round tripping is the biggest monster in the room? I don't think so!

Round tripping is not the reason we have fuel queues.

Round tripping is not the reason why Buhari's entourage will get BTA and d hustler on the street going to India to source machinery will not be able to get.

Round tripping is not the reason I bought a new smartphone whose charging port is bad, I took it to Carlcare in the name of warranty and Carlcare can't fix it because "they don't have accessories".

I can go on and on.

Get Carlcare that had been importing the phones for many years without thinking of making some little parts locally, as an after-sales service. to get moving now and explore such production opportunity

O ya, go on and on.

Originally Posted by eniyanman

Is forex subsidy the only subsidy Dangote enjoys? What of the quasi-protection received when Segun Agaga was Trade minister. There is a long history of market distortion, subsidy and 'protection'!

I am sure you know Multilinks was effectively dead when Telkom SA took over. It was dead because it backed the 'wrong' technology, CDMA2000. Other CDMA playesrs like Intercellular and Starcomms 'went under' as well.

Yes, South Africans are lousy managers, no wonder the top 3 biggest banking groups are South Africa based. African's biggest telcoms company is also based there and its GDP per capita is twice Nigeria's. Imagine what these figures would have been if Zuma wasn't President!

Finally, how many of these companies were brought up on and remain addicted to subsidies?

The bolded is classic. it is the black man's burden. Zuma will eventually handover to another drag

Understanding Fibonacci

Understanding Fibonacci Learn to apply Fibonacci ratios to calculate price targets in stocks October 06, 2011

By Elliott Wave International

The Fibonacci ratio can be an invaluable tool for calculating price retracements and projections in your analysis and trading. This excerpt from The Best Technical Indicators for Successful Trading explains the origins of the Fibonacci sequence and how you can apply it to the markets.

You can read the entire Fibonacci section — plus 7 more lessons on how to use technical indicators to improve your trading for FREE — see below.

Leonardo Fibonacci da Pisa was a thirteenth-century mathematician who posed a question: How many pairs of rabbits placed in an enclosed area can be produced in a single year from one pair of rabbits, if each gives birth to a new pair each month starting with the second month? The answer: 144.

The genius of this simple little question is not found in the answer, but in the pattern of numbers that leads to the answer: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, and 144. This sequence of numbers represents the propagation of rabbits during the 12-month period and is referred to as the Fibonacci sequence.

The ratio between consecutive numbers in this set approaches the popular .618 and 1.618, the Fibonacci ratio and its inverse. (Relating non-consecutive numbers in the set yields other popular ratios – .146. 236. 382. 618, 1.000, 1.618, 2.618, 4.236, 6.854….)

…In addition to recognizing that the stock market undulates in repetitive patterns, R. N. Elliott also realized the importance of the Fibonacci ratio. In Elliott’s final book, Nature’s Law . he specifically referred to the Fibonacci sequence as the mathematical basis for the Wave Principle. Thanks to his discoveries, we use the Fibonacci ratio in calculating wave retracements and projections today.

How to Identify Fibonacci Retracements The primary Fibonacci ratios that I use in identifying wave retracements are .236. 382. 500. 618 and .786. Some of you might say that .500 and .786 are not Fibonacci ratios; well, it’s all in the math. If you divide the second month of Leonardo’s rabbit example by the third month, the answer is .500, 1 divided by 2; .786 is simply the square root of .618.

There are many different Fibonacci ratios used to determine retracement levels. The most common are .382 and .618. Sin embargo. 472. 764 and .707 are also popular choices. The decision to use a certain level is a personal choice. What you continue to use will be determined by the markets.

…It’s worth noting that Fibonacci retracements can be used on any time frame to identify potential reversal points. An important aspect to remember is that a Fibonacci retracement of a previous wave on a weekly chart is more significant than what you would find on a 60-minute chart.

See charts that show the application of Fibonacci ratios, plus 7 other lessons on technical indicators, by accessing your free report now.

Learn the Best Technical Indicators for Successful Trading

In this free report, you will learn the tools of the trade directly from the analysts at Elliott Wave International. Using both video lessons and reports, they teach you how to incorporate technical indicators into your analysis to improve your trading decisions.

How to employ Fibonacci ratios to calculate possible turning points.

How to interpret technical indicators such as Moving Average Convergence/Divergence — MACD.

How to exploit trendlines to uncover trading opportunities when stock charting.

Technical patterns that can alert you to major moves, and how to know if it s a legitimate pattern.

And more — 8 lessons in all!

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This article was syndicated by Elliott Wave International and was originally published under the headline Understanding Fibonacci . EWI is the world’s largest market forecasting firm. Its staff of full-time analysts led by Chartered Market Technician Robert Prechter provides 24-hour-a-day market analysis to institutional and private investors around the world.

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