Saturday, November 5, 2016

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Exención de responsabilidad del gobierno de los Estados Unidos - Commodity Futures Trading Commission Los contratos de futuros, divisas y opciones tienen grandes recompensas potenciales, pero también un gran riesgo potencial. Debe ser consciente de los riesgos y estar dispuesto a aceptarlos para invertir en los mercados de futuros y opciones. No negocie con dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Esto no es ni una solicitud ni una oferta de compra / venta de futuros u opciones. No se está haciendo ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las discutidas en este sitio web. El desempeño pasado de cualquier sistema o metodología comercial no es necesariamente indicativo de resultados futuros.

Todos los resultados se consideran hipotéticos: Los resultados hipotéticos de rendimiento tienen muchas limitaciones inherentes. A diferencia de un registro de rendimiento real, los resultados simulados no representan el comercio real. Además, dado que las operaciones no se han ejecutado realmente, los resultados pueden tener una compensación inferior o superior a la Smashing, si la hubiere, de ciertos factores del mercado, como la falta de liquidez. No se hace ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las mostradas. De hecho, hay frecuentemente fuertes diferencias entre los resultados de rendimiento hipotético y los resultados reales logrados posteriormente por cualquier programa de comercio en particular. Además, sólo el capital de riesgo debe utilizarse para operaciones de apalancamiento debido al alto riesgo de pérdidas. Una de las limitaciones de los resultados de rendimiento hipotético es que generalmente se preparan con el beneficio de la retrospección. Además, el comercio hipotético no implica riesgo financiero, y ningún registro hipotético de negociación puede explicar completamente el rompimiento del riesgo financiero en el comercio real. Por ejemplo, la capacidad de soportar las pérdidas (e incurrir en retiros de cuenta) o adherirse a un programa de negociación particular a pesar de las pérdidas comerciales son cuestiones importantes que también pueden afectar adversamente los resultados comerciales reales. Existen numerosos otros factores relacionados con los mercados en general o con la implementación de cualquier programa, método o sistema específico de negociación, que no pueden ser tomados en consideración por completo con resultados de rendimiento hipotéticos y afectarán los resultados de negociación y su P / L.

Negociar cualquier mercado financiero implica riesgo. El contenido de www. forex3000dollars. com no es ni una solicitud ni una oferta de compra / venta de ningún mercado financiero. El contenido de www. forex3000dollars. com y el boletín de noticias son para la información general y los propósitos educativos solamente.

La negociación conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuada para todos los inversores. Antes de decidir el comercio debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, el nivel de experiencia y el apetito por el riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio, y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda. & Quot;

Nadie fue compensado por su testimonio. Sin embargo, los testimonios no son indicativos del rendimiento futuro o el éxito. ¡Las experiencias únicas y las actuaciones pasadas no garantizan resultados futuros! Los testimonios en este documento no son solicitados y no son representativos de todos los clientes; Ciertas cuentas pueden tener un desempeño peor que el indicado. La negociación de acciones, opciones, futuros y divisas al contado implica un riesgo sustancial y siempre existe el potencial de pérdida. Sus resultados comerciales pueden variar. Debido a que el factor de riesgo es alto en el comercio, sólo el "riesgo" Los fondos deben ser utilizados en dicho comercio. Si usted no tiene el capital adicional que usted puede permitirse perder, usted no debe negociar en ningún mercado. No hay \ vskip1.000000 \ El sistema de comercio nunca ha sido ideado, y nadie puede garantizar los beneficios o la libertad de la pérdida. & Quot;

Aunque se ha hecho todo lo posible para asegurar la exactitud, no damos ninguna garantía expresa o implícita en cuanto a su exactitud. No aceptamos ninguna responsabilidad por error u omisión. Los ejemplos se proporcionan sólo con fines ilustrativos y no deben interpretarse como asesoramiento o estrategia de inversión. Rita Lasker es un nombre de pseudónimo utilizado para proteger la privacidad del programador y comerciante que creó este sitio web. No se hace ninguna representación que cualquier cuenta o comerciante o es probable obtener beneficios o pierde similares a los discutidos en este sitio web. Los resultados anteriores no son indicativos de resultados futuros.

Al suscribirse a nuestra lista de correo o utilizando el sitio web se considerará que ha aceptado estos términos en su totalidad. Green Forex Group, el sitio web y sus representantes no pueden y no pueden dar consejos de inversión o invitar a los clientes a participar en las inversiones a través de www. forex3000dollars. com

Hacemos nuestro mejor esfuerzo para asegurar que el sitio web esté disponible las 24 horas del día, pero no podemos ser responsables si por alguna razón el sitio no está disponible.

La información proporcionada en www. forex3000dollars. com no está destinada a ser distribuida ni utilizada por ninguna persona o entidad en ninguna jurisdicción o país donde tal distribución o uso sea contrario a la ley o regulación o que nos someta a cualquier requisito de registro dentro de Tal jurisdicción o país.

Los resultados hipotéticos de rendimiento tienen muchas limitaciones inherentes, algunas de las cuales se mencionan a continuación. No se hace ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las mostradas. De hecho, hay frecuentemente fuertes diferencias entre los resultados hipotéticos de rendimiento y los resultados reales logrados posteriormente por cualquier programa comercial particular.

Una de las limitaciones de los resultados de rendimiento hipotético es que generalmente se preparan con el beneficio de la retrospección. Además, el comercio hipotético no implica riesgo financiero y ningún registro de operaciones hipotético puede explicar completamente el rompimiento del riesgo financiero en el comercio real.

Por ejemplo, la capacidad de resistir pérdidas o adherirse a un programa de negociación particular a pesar de las pérdidas comerciales son puntos importantes, lo que también puede afectar negativamente a los resultados comerciales. Existen numerosos otros factores relacionados con el mercado en general o con la aplicación de cualquier programa específico de negociación que no puedan tenerse plenamente en cuenta en la preparación de resultados de rendimiento hipotéticos y que puedan afectar negativamente a los resultados de negociación reales.

Nos reservamos el derecho de cambiar estos términos y condiciones sin previo aviso. Puede consultar las actualizaciones de este descargo de responsabilidad en cualquier momento visitando esta página.

El contenido de este sitio web es copyright y no puede ser copiado o reproducido.

Todo el comercio implica riesgo. Las operaciones de apalancamiento tienen grandes recompensas potenciales, pero también un gran riesgo potencial. Sea consciente y acepte este riesgo antes de operar. Nunca negocie con dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Todas las previsiones se basan en el rendimiento pasado y el rendimiento pasado de cualquier metodología de negociación no es garantía de resultados futuros. No hay \ vskip1.000000 \ El sistema de comercio nunca ha sido ideado y nadie puede garantizar los beneficios o la libertad de la pérdida. No se está haciendo ninguna representación que cualquier cuenta logrará ganancias o pérdidas similares a las discutidas.

No hay ninguna garantía de que, incluso con el mejor asesoramiento disponible, usted se convertirá en un comerciante de éxito, porque no todo el mundo tiene lo que se necesita para ser un comerciante de éxito. Las estrategias de negociación discutidas pueden ser inadecuadas para usted dependiendo de sus objetivos específicos de inversión y posición financiera. Debe tomar sus propias decisiones de inversión a la luz de sus propios objetivos de inversión, perfil de riesgo y circunstancias. Use asesores independientes como crea necesario. Por lo tanto, la información proporcionada en este documento no pretende ser un asesoramiento específico sobre si debe participar en una estrategia de negociación particular o comprar, vender o mantener cualquier producto financiero. Los requisitos de margen, consideraciones fiscales, comisiones y otros costos de transacción pueden afectar significativamente las consecuencias económicas de las estrategias de negociación o transacciones discutidas y debe revisar dichos requisitos con sus propios asesores legales, fiscales y financieros. Antes de participar en tales actividades comerciales, debe comprender la naturaleza y el alcance de sus derechos y obligaciones y ser consciente de los riesgos involucrados. Todos los testimonios no son solicitados y son potencialmente no representativos de todos los clientes. Green Forex Group no es un corredor o un asesor de inversiones con licencia y por lo tanto no tiene licencia para adaptar el asesoramiento general de inversión para los comerciantes individuales. Sus acciones y los resultados de sus acciones con respecto a cualquier cosa que reciba de Green Forex Group son enteramente su propia responsabilidad. Green Forex Group no puede y no asumirá ninguna responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida que pueda ser sufrida por el uso de cualquier información recibida de Green Forex Group. Cualquier responsabilidad de este tipo queda expresamente renunciada.

Www. forex3000dollars. com nunca venderá, intercambiará o alquilará su dirección de correo electrónico a terceros no autorizados.

Cómo recopilamos información de los usuarios:

La forma en que recopilamos y almacenamos información depende de la página que visite. Al igual que la mayoría de los sitios web, este sitio web recopila información de forma automática y mediante el uso de herramientas electrónicas que pueden ser transparentes para nuestros visitantes. Por ejemplo, podemos registrar el nombre de su Proveedor de Servicios de Internet o usar la tecnología de cookies para reconocerle y retener información de su visita.

Este sitio web no recomienda ni aprueba ningún sistema o método comercial específico. Recomendamos que investigue todos los sistemas, métodos y estrategias de negociación a fondo.

Qué hacemos con la información que recopilamos:

Al igual que otros editores web, recopilamos información para mejorar su visita y ofrecer más contenido individualizado y publicidad. Respetamos su privacidad y no compartimos su información con nadie.

La información agregada (información que no le identifica personalmente) se puede utilizar de muchas maneras. Por ejemplo, podemos combinar información acerca de sus patrones de uso con información similar obtenida de otros usuarios para ayudar a mejorar nuestro sitio y servicios (por ejemplo, para saber qué páginas son más visitadas o qué características son más atractivas).

Podemos utilizar la información personal identificable recopilada en el sitio web para comunicarse con usted acerca de su registro; Nuestra política de privacidad; Servicios y productos ofrecidos por este sitio web y otros temas que creemos que podrían interesarle.

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Las palabras clave meta-etiqueta se encuentran en la sección principal de la página principal. El título se encuentra en la sección principal de la página principal. CoolSocial avanzada herramienta de análisis de palabras clave es capaz de detectar y analizar cada palabra clave en cada página de un sitio. La meta-etiqueta de descripción que se encuentra en la sección principal de la página principal. La URL (Uniform Resource Locator) es la dirección del sitio.

Dominio y servidor

Nuestros miembros siempre nos envían los conceptos que encuentran razonables para implementar en el software comercial. ¡Eso es maravilloso tener tal regeneración! Por lo tanto, podemos inventar EXACTAMENTE lo que necesita aplicar las habilidades de nuestros programadores profesionales que están en el amor con Forex. Esta vez quiero presentarte nuestra nueva SENSACIÓN INCONCEVABLE - Forex 5000 Dollars Robot!

Y me alegro de que usted también puede ser ORGULLOSO de este nuevo producto después de leer la descripción de sus principales características. ¡Apenas porque este mismo robot fue desarrollado según sus peticiones!

*** De qué trata el robot?

Forex5000Dollars representa el sistema de comercio de automóviles 100% más amigable y preciso que consta de dos indicadores de tendencia que serán especialmente convenientes para principiantes y mucho menos para profesionales. ¡El producto es un analizador superior! Elige el punto de entrada óptimo, ya que considera pocos intervalos de tiempo diferentes al mismo tiempo y también recopila datos de uno más alto.

Después de eso, fija y controla órdenes con el arrastrar y la gerencia de dinero absolutamente automáticamente. Debido a los indicadores incorporados de la vela combinados con niveles de la ayuda y de la resistencia de un plazo más alto, usted manejará disminuir pérdidas hasta el 10% y aumentar beneficios hasta 5.000 dólares!

Como todos saben, el software de Forex puede analizar el mercado en función de la configuración introducida por el usuario. Pero un robot de Forex hace operaciones automatizadas que se pueden llevar a cabo incluso durante su sueño. No requiere evaluación humana. Si te encuentras en este sitio web, te encontrarás descrito en uno de los siguientes párrafos.

No importa cuál exactamente - que de todos modos significa que este software será un buen ayudante en su negocio.

Por lo tanto, ver los puntos: Usted es nuevo en este campo, pero que están dispuestos a estudiar y obtener tanto beneficio como puedas. Estás cansado del comercio manual y no muy contento con los resultados. Intentaste varios robots forex pero nunca obtuviste ningún resultado mensurable. Usted es un comerciante forex profesional y necesita una herramienta automatizada especial para simplificar su comercio. Usted es nuestro cliente leal e interesado en nuestro nuevo desarrollo.

Forex 5000 Dollars es un sistema totalmente automatizado listo para funcionar justo después de instalarlo. Después de la instalación GMT Offset se detecta automáticamente para calcular la diferencia de tiempo entre la hora de Greenwich y su servidor de broker, para que conozca su diferencia de tiempo con la sesión de mercado.

Forex 5000 Dollars elige el mejor punto de entrada basado en los indicadores de vela incorporados combinados con niveles de soporte y resistencia de plazos más altos. Después de eso, se desencadenan las siguientes etapas de su algoritmo:

Se coloca una orden instantánea de venta o compra. La Pérdida de Parada inicial fija y el Beneficio de Toma se definen y establecen. Sus valores se envían al servidor intermediario.

El sistema de arrastre se activa dependiendo del movimiento de un precio y de la configuración de Entradas del robot.

Stop Loss protegido por el sistema Stealth está oculto de un corredor, aunque hemos considerado todas las variantes y como cuestión de seguridad hemos hecho un SL doble. Un valor debe ser enviado al corredor en caso de que haya un fallo de Internet, mientras que el otro se arrastra con paso sensible en un modo sigilo. El pedido se cierra por SL arrastrado o por beneficio de toma fijo.

Las líneas de seguridad de los niveles Red Channel están disponibles para controlar la ejecución de nuevos pedidos en cualquier momento. Ninguna orden se coloca por encima y por debajo de esos niveles.

Friday Control le permite habilitar o deshabilitar el comercio del viernes. Además, también puede configurar horas de negociación del robot para cada día en caso de que sea un comerciante a tiempo parcial.

*** Puedes realmente conseguir 5000 dólares con él?

Por qué no? No le prometemos diamantes en el cielo, pero queremos mostrarle los números que obtenemos dentro de un mes de su comercio totalmente automatizado.

Forex 5000 dólares fue probado por probadores de terceros dentro de un período de comercio de 1 mes (13 de enero - 15 de febrero). Por favor, compruebe los resultados:

USDCAD, M30: 411 pips en 29 operaciones totales. Ganancia / pérdida ratio es 86,2% con sólo 4 pérdidas. Drawdown máximo es de alrededor del 4%. MODO AUTOMÁTICO.

Sus resultados variarán en función del tamaño de su cuenta, su aversión al riesgo, factores externos al mercado y su estrategia general. Pero, estoy perfectamente seguro de que todavía será suficiente para compensar totalmente todos sus gastos en él.

*** PIPS valor de su beneficio

Qué significan estos 925 pips? El factor de beneficio es el factor clave de cualquier producto de Forex. Por lo general, mencionamos pips como un valor de beneficio. No es para desconcertarte, sino para dar resultados honestos. Algunos desarrolladores toman altos tamaños de lote y muestran incluso un beneficio de mil millones, mientras que la ganancia real es como 100 pips.

Para que quede claro, vamos a mostrar una tabla con 925 pips usando diferentes tamaños de lote:

A veces nos preguntan por qué mostraríamos números tan bajos como nuestra línea de base. Nos damos cuenta de que la mayoría de nuestros miembros administran cuentas en torno a los $ 200 - $ 1000.

Teniendo en cuenta esto, es simplemente imposible hacer $ 10.000 de un centenar! Tenga cuidado. Siempre considere el valor de pips de beneficio y traducirlo a su cuenta con el tamaño de lote adecuado.

Además, se puede utilizar incluso con la cuenta MICRO debido a su bajada extremadamente baja.

*** Forex 5000 Dollars Robot propiedades

Preguntas Frecuentes Sección: 10 TOP preguntas:

P. Cuáles son los requisitos para ejecutar este robot? R. Necesita MetaTrader 4 de cualquier corredor (4 o 5 dígitos) con un Internet estable. El depósito mínimo es de $ 200 para lotes de micro.

P. Qué es tan especial acerca de Forex5000Dollars que lo diferencia de cientos de otros productos? R. Es una pregunta extraña porque todo el texto en el sitio web está dedicado a las características del producto. Pero hay gente que no tiene tiempo para leer toda la información y les damos el resumen - TODA la innovación en ONE: Money Management, trailing, hedging, el modo de sigilo, el nuevo nivel de seguridad, el viernes el control de las operaciones y los beneficios.

P. Cuál es el mejor momento para negociar con Forex5000Dollars? Puedo apagarlo cuando quiera? R. El robot se negocia las 24 horas del día por defecto. Pero es ajustable - usted puede fijar manualmente las horas de negociación. También puede desactivar el comercio del viernes.

P. Qué pasa con esta opción de control del viernes? Tiene el robot actuar con las órdenes del jueves si me desconecto el comercio del viernes? R. Si cambia el comercio del viernes, el robot no abrirá ningún pedido nuevo, pero no cerrará los pedidos que estaban abiertos antes. Por lo general son cerrados por el robot dentro de un día.

P. Tengo que mantener mi PC encendida todo el tiempo para que el robot funcione correctamente? Puedo usar VPS? R. Le aconsejamos que no apague el software ya que puede influir en el rendimiento positivo del robot. VPS en una gran alternativa en caso de que no se puede proporcionar con conexión a Internet estable que también es necesario.

P: Usted dijo que tiene el modo Stealth. Qué sucede con SL si tengo un fallo en la conexión a Internet? R. En ese caso, el algoritmo del robot contiene un SL secreto de apoyo que no permitirá ir en la pérdida. Es una especie de un sistema de Stop Stop doble que hace que la copia de seguridad de su comercio.

P. Puede usted garantizar que gano dinero con él? Tiene una garantía de reembolso en caso de que su producto no cumpla con mis expectativas? R. Es el mercado de divisas que puede ser impredecible e inestable. Suponemos que este desafío es una de las mejores propiedades del mercado de divisas. No podemos garantizar que usted hará una cierta cantidad de dinero en cierto período de tiempo. Sin embargo, le mostramos estadísticas de cuenta en vivo y le proporcionamos una Garantía de devolución de dinero de 30 días.

P. He encontrado su producto en otros sitios web a un precio muy bajo. Por qué debo comprarlo si puedo ahorrar algo de dinero? R. Después de haber comprado nuestro producto a los estafadores, usted se priva de nuestro soporte técnico y actualizaciones gratuitas. Aparte de ella, obviamente tendrá una versión agrietada.

P: Usted promete actualizaciones gratuitas para aquellos que lo obtienen dentro de la venta limitada. Significa que las actualizaciones me costarán pagos adicionales si pierdo la oferta? R. Todas las actualizaciones son siempre gratuitas para TODOS nuestros clientes. Pero la actualización de GLOBAL, que puede incluir nuevas características y pares, será gratuita sólo para aquellos que obtienen el producto durante esta venta limitada (como bonificación).

P. Es un pago único o tiene una suscripción mensual? A. No es necesario pagar de nuevo, ya que el pago es de una sola vez. Si su versión caduca, póngase en contacto con el Equipo de asistencia para obtener la versión más reciente si no se solicitó ningún reembolso antes.

GUÁRDESE DE LAS CONTRAFRUTAS. Por favor, no compre copias ilegales de nuestros productos! Este software está protegido por autores algoritmo patentado que elimina el código parcialmente en el intento de descompilar. El cracking de software lleva a su rendimiento no rentable. Por lo tanto, todas las copias piratas funcionan de manera incorrecta.

Apelo a los comerciantes que quieren ahorrar dinero en la compra de nuestro producto: dinero dado a los piratas se tiran. Encontramos una manera de proteger nuestro software para que le resulte difícil a los piratas.

Si desea reducir sus gastos, aproveche nuestra oferta limitada. Para comprobar la "legitimidad" del producto que encontró en la web, póngase en contacto con nuestro equipo de asistencia con un enlace y haremos el resto por usted. O, simplemente verificar el precio. Es sospechosamente bajo? No se engañe. En lugar de obtener una versión completa de nuestro software, obtendrá una versión limitada del programa y, al hacerlo, no sólo apoyará a los ladrones, sino que también violará las leyes de derechos de autor.

Compre el producto en nuestro sitio web oficial. ¡No rompan la ley!

Un buen producto siempre vale la pena el dinero.

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RECUERDE: Pensamos que le gustaría saber y merece la pena señalar que parte de los ingresos se transfiere al Fondo de Protección Ambiental. Adquiriendo cualquiera de nuestros grandes productos, no sólo está obteniendo un instrumento financiero de primera categoría, sino que al mismo tiempo ayuda ecológicamente a proteger nuestro hermoso planeta azul.

Somos verdaderos creyentes que las generaciones futuras nos agradecerán por cuidarlos de esa manera. Puede calentar su corazón, sabiendo que con cada dólar que gana, usted también hace una contribución de un tipo diferente en la preservación y mejoramiento de nuestra hermosa Madre Tierra.

Sinceramente, Rita Lasker.

Exención de responsabilidad del gobierno de los Estados Unidos - Commodity Futures Trading Commission Los contratos de futuros, divisas y opciones tienen grandes recompensas potenciales, pero también un gran riesgo potencial. Debe ser consciente de los riesgos y estar dispuesto a aceptarlos para invertir en los mercados de futuros y opciones. No negocie con dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Esto no es ni una solicitud ni una oferta de compra / venta de futuros u opciones. No se está haciendo ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las discutidas en este sitio web. El desempeño pasado de cualquier sistema o metodología comercial no es necesariamente indicativo de resultados futuros.


Toda la información en este sitio web o cualquier e-libro o software adquirido de este sitio web es sólo para fines educativos y no pretende proporcionar asesoramiento financiero. Cualquier declaración sobre beneficios o ingresos, expresada o implícita, no representa una garantía. Su comercio real puede dar lugar a pérdidas, ya que no se garantiza el sistema de comercio. Usted acepta las responsabilidades completas de sus acciones, operaciones, ganancias o pérdidas y acepta que los propietarios del sitio web y los distribuidores autorizados de esta información sean inofensivos de cualquier manera. Al utilizar este sitio web y utilizar nuestro producto, acepta completamente nuestro término & amp; condición. Todos los ingresos o resultados se consideran como resultados de prueba de nuevo, y no típico. No todos los usuarios pueden lograr este resultado. Sus resultados serán variados Todos los derechos reservados. El uso de este sistema constituye la aceptación de nuestro acuerdo de usuario.

Forex 5000 Dollars Revisión del robot

De qué se trata el producto?

Creado por la propia experta Forex Rita Lasker, Forex 5000 Dollars Robot es una pieza de software diseñada para operar en los mercados de Forex con un sistema Stealth Stop Loss.

Cuál es el producto?

Forex 5000 Dollars Robot es un robot comercial para Meta Trader 4 que ha sido diseñado por Rita Lasker para ser un comerciante automático que está diseñado para maximizar los beneficios. Esto es manejado por el sistema patentado de pérdida de parada denominado sistema Stealth Stop Loss. Esto supuestamente es capaz de alterar la pérdida de stop para un comercio en tiempo real, mientras que la transmisión de esta información al corredor sin indicar que lo está haciendo. No hay nada acerca de cómo Forex 5000 Dollars Robot es capaz de lograr esto, así que estoy inclinado a tomar esta afirmación con una pizca de sal.

Cuál es la inversión versus la tasa de rendimiento?

Forex 5000 Dollars Robot se ha puesto a disposición de una tarifa con descuento de $ 49 a partir de $ 99. Vale la pena señalar que Rita Lasker proporciona una garantía de devolución de dinero de 30 días para Forex 5000 Dollars Robot por lo que si no está satisfecho puede buscar reclamar esto. En términos de la tasa de rendimiento, está en el título. Rita Lasker dice que Forex 5000 Dollars Robot es capaz de producir un mínimo de $ 5000 por mes.

El producto ofrece una buena relación calidad-precio?

No estoy convencido de que Forex 5000 Dollars Robot vale 49 dólares, que es principalmente por la falta de pruebas de que funciona.

Quiero creer en Forex 5000 Dollars Robot, pero parece que no hay mucha evidencia que sea verdaderamente concluyente. Estoy intrigado por la noción del sistema Stealth Stop Loss y me hubiera gustado ver algo un poco más sustancial al respecto. El mayor problema con cualquier producto de Forex reside en el hecho de que no creo que los bots más complicados son capaces de obtener ganancias consistentes. Hasta que vea cualquier evidencia real que seguirá siendo escéptico, pero para aquellos que desean asumir el riesgo no veo ninguna razón para no tratar de Forex 5000 Dollars Robot.

Acerca de admin

Millones de pips


A pesar del fracaso de hacer el pago de Grecia al FMI, la posición griega parece más conciliadora, coincidiendo con la revelación del aumento del empleo de los EEUU. Los principales índices estadounidenses hicieron que la sesión aumentara el miércoles, después de alentadoras noticias de ambos lados del Atlántico. Ocho de los sectores más grandes del & hellip;

Las caídas entre 0,6 y 0,8% marcaron el día en los principales índices estadounidenses, presionados por el temor al incumplimiento. En Grecia y la consiguiente salida del euro. En la sesión del viernes en Wall Street, el S & amp; P 500 cayó un 0,7% a 2094,11 puntos, situándose entre la caída del 0,62% en el Nasdaq y 0,78% & hellip;

En un fin de semana en el que la expectativa de un avance en las negociaciones entre Grecia y los acreedores dejó frustrado, penalizó los mercados de valores europeos. Hoy, el índice griego cayó un 5,92%, después de ayer, cuando todavía había buenas perspectivas de comprensión, han subido 8,16%. En la salida de ayer del FMI la mesa de negociaciones con Atenas, & hellip;

La exposición a la gestión de activos de liquidez aumenta hasta un máximo de siete meses y cerca del pico de los niveles de crisis del euro. La mayoría de la gestión global de activos continúa adoptando una postura más conservadora tras el reciente pico de los mercados de renta variable. En mayo, por tercer mes consecutivo, cortaron la exposición de & hellip;

Las acciones griegas han perdido casi un 5% en la sesión de hoy después de que Atenas hubiera solicitado el aplazamiento del pago al FMI. La Bolsa de Atenas registró ayer la tercera caída diaria más importante de este año, perdiendo un 4,96%. Desde el 28 de enero, unos días después de las elecciones parlamentarias que ganaron los sirios, griegos y griegos,

Million Dollar Pips Forex Robot Revisión

Nombre del robot. Millones de pips

Plataforma de Robots. MetaTrader-4 | ZuluTrade

Tipo de Robot. Forex Scalper

Precio. $ 99 (actualizaciones gratuitas de por vida)

Million Dollar Pips es un Robot Forex muy popular con miles de descargas en todo el mundo. Million Dollar Pips desarrolladores afirman que la compra de su producto por $ 99 más una inversión de $ 250, podría dar lugar a 8 cifras de beneficio en un período de 5 años. Aquí están algunos hechos importantes sobre el robot Forex.

1. Million Dollar Pips es un robot automatizado de Forex (desarrollado por William Morrison).

2. Millones de dólares Pips utiliza una estrategia de scalping incluyendo Take Profit y Stop Loss órdenes.

3. Millones de dólares Pips utiliza un gráfico de 1 minuto para el comercio.

4. Millones de dólares Pips es, básicamente, utilizando un indicador y la acción del precio para rastrear y aprovechar las pequeñas rupturas de precios.

5. Millones de dólares Pips está usando una tolerancia muy ajustada de scalping que los resultados por lo general sólo en unos pocos oficios por semana.

6. Million Dollar Pips es un robot comercial compatible con NFA.

7. Million Dollar Pips ofrece la opción de ejecutar múltiples operaciones al mismo tiempo.

Tenga en cuenta que algunos corredores de Forex están utilizando software contra los robots de Forex.

Nota: Con el fin de producir algunas ganancias a largo plazo utilizando Million Dollar Pips Forex robot que necesita una conexión rápida a Internet y para elegir el derecho corredor de Forex.

Los corredores de Forex derecho para el comercio robótico

Cuando usted está negociando Forex usando el Million Dollar Pips o cualquier otro robot, hay algunos requisitos básicos que debe cumplir:

I) Buena conexión a Internet (o un VPS Forex Hosting Service)

Ii) Un ECN / STP Forex Broker y no un Market Maker Broker. El scalping de alta velocidad no se debe utilizar en los corredores que están negociando contra sus clientes, como los fabricantes del mercado.

Iii) Cargado con spreads normales. Una muy amplia propagación cargada puede limitar la acción MDP en sólo unos pocos oficios.

Cuando usted compra millones de dólares Pips y usted no está satisfecho con ese producto usted puede reembolsar su compra inicial en el plazo de 30 días.

Conclusiones finales sobre millones de pips de dólar

El robot Million Dollar Pips es uno de los robots de Forex más interesantes y populares del mundo. Este robot Forex está ofreciendo un sistema integrado de gestión de riesgos.

Comprar el software no es caro (también se ofrece una garantía de reembolso) y su instalación es sencilla y rápida. Utilice la versión de demostración antes de cambiar una cuenta real, pero tenga en cuenta que a veces, cuando se muda a una cuenta real, la velocidad de ejecución puede disminuir (depende de su broker de Forex).

Million Dollar Pips negocia mejor con los corredores de ECN Forex ofreciendo spreads apretados y ejecución rápida. Además, asegúrese de que tiene una buena conexión a Internet o bien utilice un servicio de alojamiento VPS externo.

Estamos listos para presentarte la revisión del pentium de forex. Este es otro asesor experto de Rita Lasker, que publica nuevos productos una vez en pocos meses. Ella dice que este robot no es como los demás. Forex Pentium está codificado con las tendencias más actuales de robots forex. Es por eso que es 5 veces más robusto que cualquier otro de sus productos. Green Forex Group tiene muchos sistemas, pero ninguno de ellos es superior. En esta revisión vamos a tratar de averiguar si Forex Pentium es un tipo diferente. Este robot metatrader ha sido presentado, como fácil de usar, inteligente y rentable. Hay muchas cosas de marketing publicadas en su sitio web. Por ejemplo, se dice que con este software usted puede apenas parar su trabajo y mirar cómo fluye el dinero. Pero el hecho es que las mismas afirmaciones fueron para todos los robots anteriores durante ya dos años. Esta es la razón para tener más cuidado con este tipo de software. Hay 30 días de devolución de dinero cuando es posible descargar Forex Premium y proporcionar pruebas. Si algo va mal o no está seguro acerca de la rentabilidad general - sólo tiene que pedir su dinero.

Forex Pentium asesor experto ha sido codificado para EURUSD y USDCHF monedas en el período de tiempo de 15 minutos. No hay resultados de comercio en vivo verificados disponibles - solo backtest en el período de 1 mes. Esto no es una buena señal, por lo que debe ser dos veces cuidadoso antes de lanzar EA con dinero real. Es mejor descargar el robot Forex Pentium solo de fuentes oficiales, porque la versión pirateada no funcionará como se anuncia. Sólo el software legal es actualizado constantemente por el desarrollador, mientras que el soporte al cliente está listo para ayudar con todos los problemas. Por favor, no dude en publicar sus comentarios y comentarios a continuación y para compartir su experiencia comercial con otros usuarios. Lea otras revisiones de productos de Rita Lasker, por ejemplo - Forex 3000 dólares EA aquí en Asesor-Revisión.

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¡Apreciamos GPSForexRobot. com compartiendo un funcionamiento vivo de la cuenta de su EA con la comunidad de los comerciantes de ForexPeaceArmy. com!

Por favor, responda TODAS las preguntas relacionadas con la configuración de este EA a la compatibilidad de GPSForexRobot. com. El FPA está monitoreando este EA usando la contraseña del inversor y no tiene acceso a los ajustes que se están utilizando.

2014-09-16 GPSForexRobot La prueba real se reanudó con la nueva contraseña. La compañía prometió mantener informado al FPA sobre el cambio de contraseña.

2014-05-21 GPSForexRobot La prueba real se detuvo debido al cambio de contraseña.

2013-05-22 GPSForexRobot Real Test RE iniciado en una nueva cuenta real.

2013-05-07 GPSForexRobot La prueba real se detuvo. La compañía proporcionará una nueva cuenta para el reemplazo pronto.

2012-11-13 GPSForexRobot Prueba real comenzó con la ayuda de acceso de inversores.

Descripción: La estrategia de GPS Robot en sí es bastante complicado. En palabras simples, como el navegador GPS en el coche, el robot está tratando de predecir el movimiento a corto plazo con una probabilidad muy alta. Por eso decidimos llamarlo "GPS Forex Robot". 98% del tiempo, es correcto. En el 2% de los casos cuando es incorrecto se agregó una gran estrategia inversa dentro de la cual inmediatamente se abre un comercio en una dirección opuesta y cubre la pequeña pérdida. Este sencillo truco hace que el robot sea realmente invencible tanto en backtest como en directo. La mejor parte es - el sistema no implica ningún trucos como martingala, grid o no-stoploss trading que fácilmente puede volar su cuenta.

Descargo de responsabilidad y advertencia de riesgo. Por favor lee.

Advertencia de Riesgo. La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

Aviso legal Toda la información publicada en este sitio web es de nuestra opinión y de la opinión de nuestros visitantes, y puede que no refleje la verdad. Utilice su propio buen juicio y busque el asesoramiento de un consultor cualificado, antes de creer y aceptar cualquier información publicada en este sitio web. También nos reservamos el derecho de eliminar, editar, mover o cerrar cualquier publicación por cualquier motivo.

Anuncios Advertencia Los enlaces de publicidad se muestran en todo el sitio. Algunas páginas del sitio pueden contener enlaces de afiliados para productos. Estos anuncios y / o enlaces no reflejan la opinión, el respaldo o la concurrencia de este sitio web o de las partes afiliadas. Las revisiones de la FPA nunca son influenciadas por la publicidad. Algunos anuncios pueden contener afirmaciones potencialmente engañosas y / o desequilibradas e información que puede no revelar los riesgos y otras consideraciones importantes involucradas en el comercio especulativo.

Spammers be Warned Si envía spam a los foros o comentarios de FPA, nos reservamos el derecho de editar su publicación de la forma que desee para burlarse de usted. Al enviarnos spam, usted acepta las modificaciones que hacemos y no emprenda acciones legales u otras contra la FPA o sus asociados por cualquier cosa que hagamos o con su spam.





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ForexPeaceArmy. com tiene relaciones publicitarias y afiliadas con algunas de las compañías mencionadas en este sitio y puede ser compensado si los lectores siguen los enlaces y registrarse. Estamos comprometidos con el manejo imparcial de revisiones y publicaciones independientemente de estas relaciones.

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En otra revisión estaré examinando el experto experto en robots Forex de pescado hoy. Este sistema de comercio, que fue lanzado hace unas semanas, afirma ser capaz de generar de 3000 a 4000 dólares cada mes el gasto no más de 5 a 7 minutos al día de control del robot. También afirma poder duplicar su cuenta cada mes y # 8221; Una afirmación muy audaz que el autor debería ser capaz de copia de seguridad. Within the next few paragraphs I will analyze the trading evidence provided by the author and I will see if it is able to sustain her claims. I will also look into the expert’s trading tactics and I will tell you if the Fish Forex Robot has a high like hood of achieving long term profitability and whether or not it is worth buying and testing.

In the beginning you see a big box that tells you that you have two options. The first one is 3-4K of stable income from Fish Forex robot or vague promises of fortune-making strategies. However this is just very misleading and one of the marketing tactics I hate the most because it reflects a general LACK of knowledge from the expert advisor seller. You simply cannot mention any profit without mentioning the necessary intial capital investment. Do you get 3-4K from one million dollars, from 10 dollars, from 1000. It is absolutely frustrating to see these claims over and over again with absolutely no basis in real trading.

What we have from here on does not help the trading system’s cause either. The seller shows us a backtesting equity curve that – surprise – is that of a Martingale showing how a 1000 USD account turned into 19,000 USD in just a little bit more than 6 months. The backtesting chart and the statements show a five fold increase in lot size with every loss, telling us that not only the system uses progressive money management but it also has a very unfavorable risk to reward ratio. Cleverly all the places where we could infer the risk to reward ratio from have been blurred and all we have to actually think this is the case is the fact that a five fold increase in lot size merely recovers the last loss pointing to a 4:1 risk to reward ratio which – combined with a progressive money management system - is definitely a time bom.

Then we have a “live trading statement”. Please, this statement is merely a joke. Anyone could put up an html and makeup that statement and then blur it. If this seller is serious about showing profitability then she should include a REAL live investor-access verified account that TRULY showed live-updated trading results that we know are obtained from a real account with real money. This “live testing evidence” which – even if real – is extremely limited, simply does not contribute to any proof of profitability. What does the seller want to hide. Why not risk her own money to show the “consistent income” her system can make ?

What we see in the case of the Fish Forex Robot trading system is nothing but a system with a seemingly very unsound trading tactic that has absolutely no reliable evidence of profitability. The author hides backtesting statements, denies 10 year backtesting results, blurs “live trading results” and does not even risk her own money to show us a live investor-access verified account. This system trades a very dangerous game and a few consecutive loses are bound to put you into VERY DEEP draw down if not an account wipeout.

Due to the fact that there is simply no evidence to backup profitability and the fact that the system uses an extremely unsound trading tactic with a very dangerous progressive money management strategy (five fold increase in lot sizes) I consider the Fish Forex Robot NOT worth buying or testing.

If you would like to learn more about automated trading and gain a true education on how you can evaluate and be successful with expert advisors with sound risk and profit targets please consider buying my ebook on automated trading or joining Asirikuy to receive all ebook purchase benefits, weekly updates, check the live accounts I am running with several expert advisors and get in the road towards long term success in the forex market using automated trading systems. I hope you enjoyed the article !

Elite Gold Profits – Can turn $500 into $2,271 in few days!

Elite Gold Profits is basically a training program and in depth software which demonstrates incisively how to profitably make up standing hands off income streams. It is the first and only multi-dimensional trading system of its kind to be launched recently and has intense ability to multiply profits without any unwanted losses. It is the finest software designed to cater both professional and novice traders. It scans all the currency pairs for its users at all time frames which specially helps the beginners to make their trades feasibly. This program also reduces the complexity of the charts and payout of a certain percentage of the value of an underlying asset. These are primary reasons that every 5 out of 6 trades made through this system will produce 75% profit for its users.

Click the link below to learn more about Elite Gold Profits .

ARBITRAGE FX – The robot works in all market conditions, even when important news come!

ARBITRAGE FX – a unique grid adviser, with an elaborate logic of opening long and short positions using Martingale strategy. Its main advantage over other advisors is that new orders are opened not through an equal number of points but in accordance with the indicator signals to buy or sell. This strategy significantly reduces risks of long-term price movements and increases profitability of the advisor. ARBITRAGE FX has a lot of security settings enabling you to control trading risks according to your personal preferences and protect the deposit in case of abrupt market fluctuations.

Click the link below to learn more about ARBITRAGE FX .

GPS Forex Robot 3 – Is twice as safe and much more profitable!

Imagine if you could have a consistent, profitable robot developed for a private group of traders that makes over 30% a month trading in the forex market with live documented proof? Like a GPS navigator in your car the robot is trying to predict the short term movement with a very high probability. That’s why they decided to call it “ GPS Forex Robot “. In 98% of cases it is right and in the 2% of cases when it is wrong, Antony and Ronald added a great reverse strategy inside which instantly opens a trade in the opposite direction and covers the small loss. This simple trick makes the robot really undefeatable on both backtest and live trading! And the best part is – The robot does not involve any tricks like martingale, grid or no-stoploss trading that can easily blow your account.

Click the link below to learn more about GPS Forex Robot 3 .

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Expert Advisors Reviews

Review of Happy Forex Expert Advisor: The Game is On Again

It's been a while since we've talked about forex robots that openly use trading strategies borrowed from games like BlackJack. Today we set our sights on the Happy Forex expert advisor – a software piece whose developers openly admit that it uses a grid strategy – a trading method that involves either increasing the open prices by fixed pip intervals or opening positions at fixed time intervals.

We are about to see whether this sort of strategy makes anyone happy.

You can purchase the latest version (1.7) of Happy Forex EA for EUR 199 ($256) via RegNow. There is also a special offer which includes opening an account with Vantage FX with a minimum deposit of $1,000: the broker is set to refund the EA price to your trading account.

Grid Strategy

The designated website states that the Happy Forex's strategy is based primarily on the grid trading method, which the developers ingeniously call the “reinsurance method”. From what I know grid trading hasn't got anything to do with insurance – rather, it's a risky type of trading that can get you into a whirlpool of losses if the market changes swiftly, for example around some major news releases.

On the brighter side, the team behind the Happy Forex has come up with an FFCal setting: that's a filter that you can use to set the EA to avoid trading for a certain period of time around major news publications.

Moreover, you can tweak the EA so that the number of trades open per day is limited. This is a particularly nice development in the latest versions of the Happy Forex, because the first versions of the bot threatened to blow up accounts by opening too many trades and keeping them open for a long time.

As you see, the Happy Forex team is regularly updating the software and that's important, especially when it comes to expert systems.

Impressive Backtests

The builders of Happy Forex EA have done some detailed work by running a raft of backtests with different versions of the software, using different currency pairs. We'll check the 10-year one, ran on a Pepperstone account, using the bot's version 1.3 and the recommended settings. The backtest is for the period from Jan 11, 1999 to Jul 13, 2010, with the GBPUSD pair and the one hour (H1) time frame.

For this period, the robot has managed to turn a deposit of $1,000 into a profit $41,677 – this is a remarkable gain of 4,168%, which translates into some 417% annual gain.

The good news continues as the relative drawdown is at humble 14%, and this indicates a very small risk, especially if you keep in mind that this is the drawdown for a substantial period of time.

The percentage of trades won (74%) exceeds that of trades lost, hence compensating for the fact that the average win (14.5 pips or $14) is smaller than the average loss (-14.8 pips or -$16).

The detailed history of trades shows the grid method in action – and also exhibits its weaknesses, especially when it comes to consecutive losses. The grid method means that there can rarely be a single loss – they always go in chains. You can see such queues of grid-fueled losses on May 6, 2010 and Sep 1, 2009 – the robot uses a 13-pip interval between opening prices.

Live Results: Sluggish Gain Growth

The live trading results of the Happy Forex EA will help us examine further the performance of the robot. We'll focus on a real account with TradeFort, using the recommended settings and the latest version (1.7) of the robot.

Since the account's activation in May 2012, the gain has accumulated to 49% - not bad, and, moreover, close to the results from the backtests. The gain growth, however, has been poor across months – it did not surpass 5% per month in 2012, and in 2013, January has stood out with a monthly gain change of 7% - for this robot, this result has to be considered outstanding. Putting it bluntly, the robot is showing pretty sluggish performance in terms of gains.

If we compare the performance of Happy Forex to another EA using the grid strategy – FX Splitter. we'll see that since Dec 2012, FX Splitter has generated gains of 32%, while Happy Forex lags behind with a gain of 17.5%.

The good news is that the humble gain growth is accompanied by a drawdown of 14%, indicating an acceptable level of risk. By the way, there is a period of steep drawdown around Sep 19, 2012, but that's due to technical issues related to the introduction of the new version of the bot.

The robot trades with a massive variety of currency pairs: AUDCAD, AUDCHF, AUDUSD, CADCHF, EURAUD, EURCAD, EURUSD, GBPCHF, and GBPUSD, with the most active trading with EURUSD and GBPUSD. Although performance varies somewhat across currencies, for all currency pairs the percentage of trades won exceeds that of trades lost and some profits are generated.

The history of trades once again exhibits the weaknesses of the grid strategy – there are chains of losses, for example four EURUSD losses with an 11-pip grid on Nov 7, 2012, and a chain of five GBPUSD losses with a 12-pip grid on Jun 6, 2012. This method is simply equal to playing with fire.

Still My Account Gently Weeps

The Happy Forex EA is suitable for patient traders with substantial capital, as they need to wait before the robot produces any significant gain and have to be able to cope with any fund shortage arising due to the dangerous grid trading.

I would not trade it live because I don't want to see my account ripped off slowly by a grid strategy.

Know Your Keywords

Backtesting – Testing a trading strategy on past time periods through a simulation.

Drawdown - A trader's biggest loss for a certain period of time, expressed either in pips or as a percentage of the trader's profit. The lower the drawdown percentage, the less riskier the trading strategy.

Let's say you start with a balance of $1,000, then make a profit of $1,000, and after that lose $500. Your drawdown will be 25% ($500/ $1000 + $1000 = 0.25 = 25%).

Expert advisor (EA) – An algorithmic trading system for the MetaTrader platform; a trading robot. EA’s can either be downloaded free of charge or for a fee, or can be programmed in the MQL programming language.

Lot - The standardized contract size of a trading instrument. A standard lot consists of 100,000 currency units, a mini lot – of 10,000; a micro lot – of 1,000 units, and a nano lot – of 100 units.

If you are buying 1 lot EURUSD at 1.3000 for example, you are buying 100,000 Euro for 130,000 US Dollars.

Pip - The fourth digit after the decimal sign of a price quote. For example: if the EUR/USD moves from 1.3350 to 1.3351, that is one pip. Pips are used to measure price movement, profit and slippage.

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Smart Pips Expert Advisor: Making Profits from Trends

Los últimos corredores de la divisa

El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. Antes de participar en el intercambio de divisas, por favor, familiarizarse con sus especificidades y todos los riesgos asociados con él. Toda la información sobre ForexBrokerz. com sólo se publica con fines de información general. No ofrecemos garantías para la exactitud y fiabilidad de esta información. Cualquier acción que usted tome sobre la información que encuentre en este sitio web es estrictamente a su propio riesgo y no seremos responsables de ninguna pérdida y / o daños en relación con el uso de nuestro sitio web.

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NOTE: EdsForex. com is modifying and testing a new EA product. Esperamos volver pronto con nuestro nuevo producto.

(TradersWay was established with the principle mission - to provide traders with the widest opportunities available on financial markets. All financial markets, different types of accounts for any taste and the most advanced technologies are at your services. Enjoy the freedom of trading and live the life of maximum opportunities!)"

An Honest Review About TradersWay

TradersWay is a broker who accepts US and non_US clients.

Their physical address, phone number, and email address are listed on their website:

Address: 8 Copthall, Roseau Valley, 00152 Dominica Tel/Fax: +1 849 937081 Email: sales@tradersway. com; helpdesk@tradersway. com; support@tradersway. com.

Yo personalmente financié una cuenta de MT4 con TradersWay y nunca he tenido problemas para depositar o retirar fondos.

With TradersWay you can trade FOREX, Stock Indices, Commodities, Energies and Metals, and Binary Options.

Their main trading platforms are Ctrader and MetaTrader 4.

TradersWay offers various MT4 account types: MT4.FIX. MT4.VAR. MT4.ECN. Y CT. ECN.

Debe depositar sólo 10 USD para comenzar a cotizar en una cuenta de ECN MT4 con acceso completo al mercado interbancario. (NOTE: $10 is not nearly enough money if you are serious about trading Forex. But it might be enough to briefly practice with if you want to test a real money account without committing a lot of funds.)

Open an MT4.ECN. account, deposit $10 and try the best MT4 ECN service NOW!

Account Leverage is from 1:25 on up to 1:1000. (Your choice - depending on your account balance size).

Los tamaños de lote comienzan en .01 (10 centavos por pip).

Puede abrir y financiar cuentas ilimitadas desde su cuenta de oficina privada de TradersWay, así como transferir fondos de una cuenta a otra. Todo dentro de su cuenta privada.

También puede abrir y financiar una cuenta de Opciones Binarias (dentro de su cuenta de oficina privada) y negociar opciones binarias utilizando la plataforma de opciones binarias basadas en Web de TradersWay. (NOTE: Although you trade the Binary Options from the web based platform the funds show up (or disappear) in your MT4 account as you win or lose Binary Option trades.)

Safety of Funds

Since this is one of the more important matters when looking for a reliable broker I quote in full from their website:

"A crucial issue for every investor is the safety of their funds. You need to be sure that your financial services provider will pay you your money and profits in full and in a timely manner.

Ninguna regulación puede protegerlo contra manipulación, mal uso del dinero del cliente o quiebra de la compañía. There is only one adequate way to minimize your risks: to investigate and evaluate a broker’s business model and to decide whether or not the broker will be willing and able to pay you your money.

Consider the various ways in which you can lose your money and the different methods you can use to protect yourself against such loss:

1) The company goes bankrupt and has insufficient capital to repay client deposits. Esto significa que la empresa había estado gastando dinero del cliente para su propia actividad empresarial. You can check if this is the case simply by having a look at that company’s offers. Si son increíblemente atractivos, p. huge bonuses, big commissions for partners, rebates and cashbacks, it means that the company is funding all these perks with client money to attract greater numbers of clients – a typical Ponzi scheme.

2) El cliente gana mucho dinero y la empresa no puede pagarlo. This means that all orders are executed within the company but the company doesn’t have an appropriate policy and mechanisms to effectively manage its risks. Si una empresa tiene acceso a DMA / ECN, significa que ya tiene los instrumentos necesarios para la gestión de riesgos. Sólo una gerencia experimentada puede desarrollar y aplicar correctamente una política de gestión de riesgos efectiva. Try to work out the levels of knowledge and expertise of the company’s management before you get involved.

3) El cliente pierde dinero por manipulación. Si usted ve trucos como la caza de órdenes, la enorme extensión de ensanchamiento, el deslizamiento siempre en contra de usted, o la ejecución de retraso entonces usted debe mantenerse alejado de este corredor. Sin embargo, tenga en cuenta que un diferencial dado puede ampliarse si la expansión del mercado se amplía debido a la baja liquidez (usualmente entre sesiones) oa la prudencia de los participantes en el mercado (generalmente en el momento de algunos lanzamientos importantes). Y el deslizamiento es normal para la ejecución del mercado, pero no debe estar sesgado, lo que significa que puede ser a su favor y en contra de usted.

How Trader’s Way protects you:

- We have an optimized and effective business model with a high factor of sustainability in various market conditions;

- Our team has extensive knowledge of and a great deal of expertise in Forex and CFD markets, in trading and in the brokerage business;

- We have an extensive range of internal policies and procedures to ensure high standards in relation to our business processes and staff activity;

- We employ strict AML and KYC policies to support international efforts against money laundering and inappropriate usage of funds;

- We pay close attention to the security of our clients’ data, funds, trading activity and monetary transactions. We use and comply with the highest standards of security in both financial and IT industries;

- We have an extremely conservative risk management policy based on many years of work and in-depth knowledge of the market;

- We keep client funds and company money separate. Our cash flows are organized in such a way that company expenditure cannot even be processed from accounts with client money;

- We deploy a full-NDD model that ensures you will never experience any dealing manipulation. Moreover, all our accounts except for the Micro accounts are STP/ECN. Las cuentas micro están destinadas a fines educativos y de prueba y tienen un saldo máximo bajo. Thus, in order to comply with our risk management policy the risks are tightly controlled;

- We offer only brokerage services. We do not provide our clients with signals, trading recommendations, asset management or any other service that can result in a conflict of interests;

- We offer only reasonable promos, bonuses and IB commissions that are fully covered by our own money;

- We provide our clients with different leverage levels that are reasonable and which we can cover for different accounts, account balances and trading instruments.

We provide maximum transparency and security when it comes to our clients’ activities and our own activities. Alentamos y practicamos ampliamente los más altos estándares internacionales de seguridad. Y por último pero no menos importante, creemos que sólo una relación justa y decente con clientes, socios y otras partes puede resultar en un negocio duradero y rentable. We utilize this approach in all our policies, procedures and day-to-day activities."

Opening and Funding an Account

At the time of writing this review TradersWay offers the following account funding options: Perfect Money, Payza, Bitcoin, Paypal, Wire Transfer, Web Money, Credit Cards, Skrill/MoneyBookers, Prepaid Card, Cashu.

If you are considering funding an account with TradersWay you might want to consider their 100% deposit bonus .

You will need to send them a copy of your photo id, and proof of address (you can send it all online).

Si usted es un ciudadano estadounidense que negocia con Traders Way (un agente no estadounidense) tendrá que ser responsable al reportar su ganancia o pérdida de divisas en la Línea 21 de su 1040. En la línea 21 debe escribir: Ganancia / pérdida ordinaria de IRC 988 operaciones en efectivo de divisas. If you have a overall loss for the year in your non-US broker account then put the amount in a negative value, such as -$5000. That amount will be subtracted from your gross income that was reported from your W2 form from your employer if you have a job, and/or from your business gross income if you own a business. If you come out ahead and have a yearly gain in Forex, instead of a loss, then add your Forex yearly gain (such as $10,000) That will then be added to your gross income, and taxed. [Check with current tax laws as they do change from time to time. If you are trading with a regulated US broker they will send you the tax info and forms you need for reporting your Forex gains or losses.]

Trader's Way amplía sus oportunidades comerciales proporcionándole un bono del 100% en su depósito. You only need to make a deposit, send them an email, and the bonus will be credited to your trading account. El bono se canaliza a su cuenta en una base de volumen diario de operaciones. You can't withdraw the actual bonus. For example, if you fund an account with $500 and receive another $500 bonus (which will help increase your margin), you can't withdraw the $500 bonus into your account.

Million Dollar Pips Review

Million Dollar Pips has been banned by Clickbank. Here is the best alternative when it comes to forex trading: http://www.

Are you struggling to understand the forex market? Do you lose sleep waiting for a good trade? Are you constantly researching and searching for ways to earn forex profits? Million Dollar Pips is the automated forex trading robot designed to help you achieve financial success.

We all know that trading the forex market is the best way to secure your investment. It is tricky but you are in control of making your own money rather than relying on interest bearing banking accounts. Million Dollar Pips robot is fully automated, it’s easy to install, you don’t need any skills, it’s completely low risk and you only need to start with a really low trading amount.

Million Dollar Pips download is a simple and easy forex profit system, you can sit back and relax and let the program do all the hard work for you. You can check it periodically to see how much profits you have made on your investment.

Who Will Benefit From Million Dollar Pips?

If you have a lump sum you want to invest and you know that you won’t get any money back on your investment by placing it in the bank, Million Dollar Pips is for you.

If you’re looking for a safe yet effective way to trade on the forex market that is accurate, simple to use, safe, NFA (National Futures Association) compliant and an effective money management system, then Million Dollar Pips is for you.

When you think about it, consulting with a forex trading management team means that you rely on them to make sound decisions and you will have to give them a percentage of your profits, with the Million Dollar Pips robot your trading takes place twenty four hours a day and all the profits are yours.

What You Need To Know About Million Dollar Pips

William Morrison is a software developer with eighteen years’ experience. He was tired of working for a boss and bought six foreign exchange robots over a two year period only to find the results were fake and the robots took high risks, not what he was looking for.

William Morrison went on to design the Million Dollar Pips program that was low risk but offered high profits. After years of trials, errors and failures he designed a one hundred per cent unique system, which is now known as Million Dollar Pips.

Million Dollar Pips trades on an IM chart, it has a tight stop loss to secure your investment, has an excellent profit rate and a high number of trades. William Morrison made his robot available because everyone deserves a break. The market is so big that it will never decrease in effectiveness and now you can enjoy low risk and high profits without doing anything but placing your initial low investment.

Million Dollar Pips comes with a simple step by step guide. Once you download the software you will follow the guide on how to input the relevant data. You then sit back and let the Million Dollar Pips robot automatically trade on your behalf and bring the profits in that you deserve.

Foreign Exchange Trading Made Easy

When you decide to trade on the foreign exchange, it takes years of research to determine what each exchange rate is going to do. You probably wonder if you weren’t better off placing your investment into a bank account, it would be safe but your return on your investment would be minimal.

With the Million Dollar Pips program you can let the robot automatically trade for you day and night. The safe and unique Forex Trading Robot is an effective money management system; it doesn’t use hedging and is completely NFA compliant.

What’s more the Million Dollar Pips download is so easy to install and the instructions are set out in simple step by step format. You don’t need any trading skills and the robot gets constant free updates as and when the program is tweaked for improvement.

With the Million Dollar Pips program you can stop trying to understand the forex trading market, stop losing sleep waiting for that one good trade and stop searching for ways to earn additional forex profits. Your new Million Dollar Pips program will do all of this for you and so much more.

Add a low trading amount into the system and watch as your profits soar with low risk to yourself, this is what the Million Dollar Pips program is all about. The Million Dollar Pips program is simple to use, fully automated, safe and unique and completely accurate.

You don’t have to sit and number crunch or research for hours on end to determine what the market is doing, the Million Dollar Pips will do all of that for you and trade in a safe and low risk way to make you as much profit as possible. With a low investment of only two hundred and fifty dollars, you can watch as your Million Dollar Pips robot automatically trades twenty four hours a day and your profits soar.

Sit back and put your feet up, enjoy some good television and carry on your day as normal as the Million Dollar Pips program does all the hard work for you and as your profits soar you can decide what to do with your money. Maybe you’ve decided to turn it into a profitable retirement fund or pay off existing debts, the Million Dollar Pips system will help you achieve this safely and easily .

Dr. Walt Mellgren Jr. on Lotto Crusher Review

Posted on: 28-04-2015

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Million Dollar Pips Forex Robot Review

Robot Name . Million Dollar Pips

Robot Platform . MetaTrader-4 | ZuluTrade

Robot Type . Forex Scalper

Precio. $99 (Free Lifetime Updates)

Million Dollar Pips is a very popular Forex Robot with thousands of downloads worldwide. Million Dollar Pips developers claim that buying their product for $99 plus a $250 investment, could result in 8 figures profit in a period of 5 years. Here are some important facts about the Forex robot.

1. Million Dollar Pips is a full-automated Forex robot (developed by William Morrison).

2. Million Dollar Pips uses one scalping strategy including Take Profit and Stop Loss orders.

3. Million Dollar Pips uses a 1-minute-chart to trade.

4. Million Dollar Pips is basically using an Indicator and price action to trace and take advantage of mini price breakouts.

5. Million Dollar Pips is using a very tight scalping tolerance which results usually only in a few trades per week.

6. Million Dollar Pips is a NFA compliant trading robot.

7. Million Dollar Pips provides the option to run multiple trades at the same time.

Be aware that some Forex brokers are using software against Forex robots.

Note: In order to produce some long-term profits using Million Dollar Pips Forex robot you need a fast internet connection and to choose the right Forex broker.

The Right Forex Brokers for Robotic Trading

When you are trading Forex using the Million Dollar Pips or any other robot, there are some basic requirements that you should meet:

i) Good connection to the internet (or a VPS Forex Hosting Service)

ii) An ECN/STP Forex Broker and not a Market Maker Broker. High-Speed scalping shouldn€™'t be used in brokers who are trading against their clients, like Market Makers do.

iii) Charged with normal spreads. A very wide spread charged may limit MDP action in only a few trades.

When you buy Million Dollars Pips and you are not satisfied with that product you may refund your initial purchase within 30 days.

Final Conclusions on Million Dollar Pips

The Million Dollar Pips robot is one of the most interesting and popular Forex robots in the world. This Forex robot is offering a built-in risk management system.

Purchasing the software is not expensive (a refund guarantee is also offered) and installing it is simple and fast. Use the demo version before you trade a Live Account, but be aware that sometimes when you move to a real live account the speed of execution may drop (it depends on your Forex Broker).

Million Dollar Pips trades better with ECN Forex brokers offering tight spreads and fast execution. In addition make sure that you have a good internet connection or else use an external VPS hosting service.

Million Dollar Pips

The Million Dollar Pips EA is a popular forex bot that uses an aggressive scalping strategy to profit from the market. Trading from a one minute chart, Million Dollar Pips makes a lot of trades per day on its default setting, although such settings are customizable. The Million Dollar Pips website claims to have turned an initial $250 deposit into nearly $1.3m in just one year, using the method mentioned above – one of the boldest claims on the market today. Despite the dubious nature of this claim, MDP does possess some interesting features – features that could in fact make this EA a nice little earner.


The Million Dollar Pips EA is a hardcore scalper that is able to fire off numerous scalping positions per day trading a number of markets (EURUSD, USDJPY and GBPUSD). It is not uncommon to see 20 or so trades per day using MDP as it opens trades with the frequency and accuracy of a well-oiled machine. The system has been run on default settings for risk, money management and trading frequency, however as noted earlier, these setting are customizable. In fact, settings that restrict the number of trades have been shown to do better than more vigorous strategies in some cases.

MDP uses technical indicators combined with price action signals to initiate short, scalping trades that typically win only a few pips a time and last less than a minute in duration. This illustrates the crucial point about the Million Dollar Pips EA; the frequency and small average win mean that broker settings must be exceptional for MDP to return a profit. Not only must low spreads from an ECN broker be used, (spreads more than 1 pip are probably too wide for this system), but VPS settings and latency with the broker’s servers need to also be taken into account. It is because of these reasons that actual results when trading the account can sometime differ substantially to the demo system’s trades.

Once such settings are in place, however, the EA is able to perform formidably.

Past Performance

Past performance is shown on the Million Dollar Pips EA website to be exceptional and almost inconceivably so. Is it really possible to be able to turn $250 into over a million in just one year?

Perhaps not, but maybe this is not the point of the MDP’s back tests. Maybe the back tests are simply the evidence of a system that has worked exceptionally in the past - the answer therefore, is that even if the system performs sub-par compared to these results, it will still be performing very well indeed.

As noted, back tests of the MDP EA show consistent profits with very low drawdowns and smooth upward sloping equity curves. Maximum drawdown for the evidenced back test was only 2.58% over the year with an average winning ratio of 64% for shorts and 71% for longs.

Future Performance

Future performance for the Million Dollar Pips EA can be found in a number of places although the future test shown here will come from MDP’s own website which has been verified externally by myfxbook. com

Simply put, the MDP EA has performed exceptionally over the last two years gaining 10,400% between May 2011 and 19 March 2013. Maximum drawdown is a lot higher than in the back tests at 29.6%, although this hardly bears criticism when looking at returns of such magnitude.

Profit factor is 2.06 meaning trades typically win twice as much profits overall as they lose. Expectancy was 2 pips with the average win 6 pips. As mentioned, this is a high frequency trading box with an average trading duration of 48 seconds over the period. Also of note, is the lower win frequency which sits at around 60% for the forward test. Overall, the bot gained 2019 trades over the period and made 4019 pips.

It should be mentioned at this point again that although the forward test is verified and shows exceptional results, it is not easy to emulate these results without access to a broker with ultra-tight spreads and low latency. The nature of high frequency scalping bots is that success relies on mimicking the exact conditions set by the broker. Unfortunately this is not always possible - conditions differ between brokers with some brokers making the market around different price points and others hedging positions against your trades. Managing stops and measuring slippage is another difficulty since these are not always accurately reported in trade sheets.


In some ways, the Million Dollar Pips EA is a bit of an enigma. The sales talk on the website combined with the unrealistic back test results suggest that something may not be quite right with this bot. However, closer inspection actually reveals a capable performer – as long as the conditions are right and the settings optimized. Fortunately, most settings on the bot are completely customizable which allows for a myriad of possibilities. It’s a good thing - since by customizing the settings, the most can be truly made out of this powerful bot.

As noted, the MDP EA requires favorable broker conditions, most of which may be out of reach for the average retail trader. For institutional traders, the bot is likely to be a nice performer.

Which brings the most important point about the Million Dollar Pips EA to the surface - this is an advanced and powerful bot that is definitely not suited to the beginner. It operates in high frequency, requiring advanced knowledge of systems testing and the ability to get the best out of a high trading bot. For expert traders though, this is an EA to test and to savor. In fact, in an up to date comparison of the top 50 EA’s operating on live forex markets, MDP scored highly. It currently sits in the top 15 of all EA’s based on percentage gained.

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This is an entry for a Forex product called Forex Lady Robot. The official site for this product is at forexladyrobot. com. If you’re looking for more info about this product follow the link.

If you’re looking for reviews for Forex Lady Robot, find them below. The reviews come from real users so if you don’t see any comments yet, please check back soon.

If you have experience with this product, please leave a short review or comments with your feedback. It will help other users to decide. ¡Gracias!

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Just put the lady on gbp..changed the take to 15..and we shall see…everything say she’s running. hummmm if she will work on gbp..what else might this lady hunt down pips on

The robot works good! I had 3 trades of 20 pips each… No losses! I think it is much better to take 20 pips daily instead of using any other FX EA that promise billions….! –Fred

Fred - was all the trades on the eur? I have 2 wins but installed late on the 22nd.

I still havent got any trades yet. I sent an mail to Rita asking what the problem could be, she said there was a problem with the algorithm on my EA…. And she will send an update on monday. I will try as well on gbpusd when I get the update.

This looks a bit like the 5-pipper, anyone tried it?

I asked the support team (by support@ritalasker. com). I was surprised that their response was coming in just 1 hour: what I got from them - They honestly told me the Robot still has some problems in using FxPro, FXopen, but promised to provide me with the new version of Lady Robot on Monday for free (but I’m on Alpari UK) one more - for now the Robot uses EURUSD pair only but they are going to release an upgrade for GBPUSD soon. anyway…will see what happens tomorrow… & # 8212; Fred

Ok folks, I would like to put things into perspective here Based on a $3000 account doubling every 2 months. ROI would be $375 per week or 12.5%. And lets assume you increase the lot size slightly as the account grows to match the 1 standard lot per 3000 or not..doesn’t really matter for this example. Lets break it down shall we.

starting balance 3000 end of week 8 6000 or 375 per week week 16 12000 or 750 per week week 24 24000 or 3000 per week or 12000 per month week 32 48000 or 6000 per week or 24000 per month

That’s 8 months. based on a ROI of 12.5% return per week

SO far I am up since that first trade on EUR 3-23..$1250.00 All based again on starting with 3000 and 1 stardard lot risk..Yes Ken..Let the FUN begin….GL trading

Impressive Marty. Are you trading live yet?

Up $485 on a $3000 acct for a 16% ROI after 6 trading days. This is based on 4 pairs: E/U, G/U, U/CHF & A/U. Realize LR’s optimized for only the E/U but testing in any case. Only losses were realized on E/U and A/U. G/U & U/CHF are 100% winners at this point.

Will most likely dump A/U when I go live as the stop was over 40 pips….but LR entered/closed a 20 pip reversal winner too.

On with the fun and GL to all!

Ken–your welcome—If all goes well the next 2 weeks of testing I will have 2 of 3 needles found in the haystack. Looking for 1 more to round out the trading strategies I will employ. That magic 12.5% return should be easily obtained if not more. The other bot I have on very, very conservative settings should give 20% month consistantly.

Anybody testing Wall Street? Pricey Yes but if it does its Job, well worth the price. GL trading all

Marty I’m glad FLR is working out so good for you too. Would you care to mention the other EA you are using that is producing 20% for you. I considered Wallstreet as well but too pricey for me at the moment. Thanks and good success trading to all.

Franklin—sure the other ea is Forex Hacked version 2.3. The EA can produce amazing profits or blow up an account. It has to be used, in my opinion, on a fairly large account safely and you use minimum settings. I would not put to work untill the account is say..6000 even though I have tested successfully at 3000 for a period of the last 5 months. In the FH forum on this site, I have recently posted my optimized settings that I don’t believe anybody else is using. FH is not for the newbie because of so many optional settings. It can be set up hundreds of different ways. A bunch of folks have done alot of work with FH. Echale un vistazo. Some people have asked me why do you post your settings that you have worked so hard on. I said “Why not”….IT’s one Badasss ea that is based on a martingale system. This type of system can be very dangerous if you get greedy. Keep your greed in check, run conservative settings on larger accounts and you will be fine..Ka-Ching GL trading

reinstalled LR. running .1 mini lots. If you are going to play 3 or 4 pairs on a small account, drop your lot size accordingly. Rita recommends for med risk 3000 just to run the eur with 1 standard lot, so if you also play the gbp and chf, a 9000 account would keep the risk where it belongs. Also, if you lower your lots, have a loss, you can bump the lot size for the next trade on that pair to make up the loss. Rome was not built in a day…but it was built slowly

LR took down 20 pips on both the eur and gbp for me last night. I lowered lot size to lower my risk. Remember, always think about how much you can lose, not how much you can make. GL trading

Carol– you said— I had the same signal yesterday on eursd but had big loss, the signal closed after an hour. Sell 1,42093 close 1,41534. How it is possible? This doesn’t make any all

The high for the eur was on the 26th– 1.42054

What broker are you using, something not at all right. Check spread and data spike from broker. No way you should have had a 4 pip spread on the eur at that time of day and if you did should have taken profit on the sell.

recommend to uninstall LR and mt4 platform and reinstall both. May have glitch in one or both…GL Marty

Note - if testing other bots always test on a seperate mt4 platform other then the one you are using to forward test or live..

Million Dollar Pips - Forex Robot

Million Dollar Pips Is The First Real Million Dollar Forex Robot. Uses A Unique Scalping Strategy To Bring In Quick Pips With Literally Less Than 5 Pip Stop Loss!

Recommended Features

This is an automated Forex trading robot

It utilizes a safe and unique scalping strategy

Million Dollar Pips has effective money management

It does not use any martingale strategies

It is NFA compliant

Learn more about Million Dollar Pips - Forex Robot»

Review on Million Dollar Pips - Forex Robot

From the start, there is one thing that I like about million dollar pips immediately. They are using myfxbook to prove some of their results and most people feel that this is a very reliable statistics provider. So right away how about we get into the results.

Remember if you are going to try any forex robot and forex system that you fully understand how the system works before running it live. Siempre recomiendo usar su período de reembolso para probarlo a fondo durante al menos un mes. Si sus resultados están por encima de la satisfacción, entonces y sólo entonces debe considerar la adopción de medidas para el comercio en vivo con su dinero duramente ganado. Just because a website says their system will make $xx, xxx a month doesnt mean its going to. Así que si no está satisfecho, no dude en solicitar su dinero de vuelta. Si usted está interesado en más información sobre este producto forex entonces echa un vistazo al enlace o cualquier comentario a continuación.

If real user reviews of MillionDollarPips are what you are looking for, then check the comments below. Son experiencias reales de los clientes con este producto. Si no hay comentarios, asegúrese de volver frecuentemente y revise las actualizaciones a medida que nuestra revisión y discusión de este producto continúa creciendo.

If you have experience with Million Dollar Pips or know something people might find important please feel free to share in a comment below. It may help someone save or make a lot of money so dont hold back. Debido a la afluencia de robots forex y sistemas de Forex que se está lanzando ahora mismo, nuestra revisión como se ha reducido, pero nuestros comentarios de los usuarios no lo han hecho. Póngase en casa y escriba un comentario, o haga una pregunta para que la comunidad discuta. Usted se sorprenderá de la información y el conocimiento que puede revelar.

Related to Million Dollar Pips - Forex Robot

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Category Archives: Forex Reviews

Shark Tips – With 78% prediction rate, trading like a pro has never been easier!

Shark Tips sends less signals that present much higher chances for better returns with less risk. Get a mighty trickle of signals instead of a confusing chaotic river of data. Take full advantage of our remarkable tech-savvy 78.5% precision! Signals are dummy-proofed, simple, and incredibly clear. 24-hour global market trade indexes, currencies and stocks

Click the link below to learn more about Shark Tips .

Forex INNOVATIONAL Robot – 850 pips in one month!

Main characteristics of Forex INNOVATIONAL Robot : EURUSD pair . robot trades on THE MOST popular pair, which has MINIMAL spreads with almost any broker “DUO-TECH” . a unique algorithm, which has allowed to combine technical and fundamental analysis in 1 product Unique SL calculation . each order has a unique SL, depending on the market situation 100% AUTO . set once & forget. You have to just install the robot and watch the result Auto Time Settings . EA automatically identifies offset, which is very important because the news filter is tied to the time One-time SL Trailing . one-time noloss input fixes you in the safe zone and allows orders to reach TP Spread Control . robot places an order in the best conditions for you Coefficient ratio TP/SL . automatic TP level calculation occurs out of SL level MT4 platform . robot automatically identifies 4 and 5 digit brokers Locking . allows to control order opening in the opposite direction Email & Push notifications . always keep track of the events! Money Management . allows to set the size of a lot depending on one of the 3 parameters Innovative flat indicator . allows you to close orders when positive trend is identified. This option makes trading safer. Important peculiarity . INNOVATIONAL robot is primarily aimed to work with small deposits and lots.

Click the link below to learn more about Forex INNOVATIONAL Robot .

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At Schwantes Heating & Air Conditioning . we have specialized in servicing and maintaining air conditioning, heating, ventilation and control systems since 1947. No other company in the Greater St. Paul Area commits more resources to training their employees and providing quality service to its clients. We pride ourselves on delivering outstanding customer service at competitive rates and installing only the best equipment .

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Demo broker: FinFX

Commodity Futures Trading Commission Futures and Options trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. Debe ser consciente de los riesgos y estar dispuesto a aceptarlos para invertir en los mercados de futuros y opciones. No negocie con dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Esto no es ni una solicitud ni una oferta de compra / venta de futuros u opciones. No se ha hecho ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las discutidas en este sitio web. El desempeño pasado de cualquier sistema o metodología comercial no es necesariamente indicativo de resultados futuros.


De hecho, hay frecuentemente fuertes diferencias entre los resultados de rendimiento hipotético y los resultados reales logrados posteriormente por cualquier programa de comercio en particular. El comercio hipotético no implica riesgo financiero, y ningún registro de operaciones hipotético puede explicar completamente el impacto del riesgo financiero en el comercio real.

As indicated above, simulated trade results on demonstration ("demo") accounts may be inaccurate and misleading -- they may not reflect the actual results the user would see on a real account (using real-money). For example, demo accounts cannot reflect factors such as trade execution "slippage", which occurs on real-money accounts but not on demo accounts. El deslizamiento es la diferencia entre el precio esperado de un comercio (precio de mercado), y el precio que el comercio realmente se ejecuta en. Slippage often occurs during periods of higher volatility when market orders are used, and also when larger orders are executed when there may not be enough interest at the desired price level to maintain the expected price of trade (known as the "lack of liquidity"). Estos tipos de factores adversos deben tratarse en una cuenta de dinero real, pero normalmente no se reflejan en un entorno de cuenta de demostración. Por lo tanto, es totalmente posible que un robot de comercio muestra beneficios en una cuenta demo, pero tiene un desempeño pobre en una cuenta de dinero real. A menos que se especifique lo contrario, todos los resultados de negociación mostrados en este sitio son de cuentas de demostración.

Al usar este sitio, usted acepta y acepta nuestros Términos de uso.

MATERIAL CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: Harmony Forex, LLC, the owner/operator of BestForexRobots. net, has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this site and may be compensated when you purchase from, or use the services of, a provider.

[dropcap style="font-size: 60px; color: #b90000;"]F[/dropcap]orex News Trading merupakan metode trading untuk memperoleh profit secara instant dalam waktu singkat. Tidak butuh berlama-lama untuk bisa profit ribuan dollar, profit bisa diperoleh hanya dalam hitungan menit bahkan detik.

Ketika big news di rilis sering kali menyebabkan spike harga yang cukup besar. Spike harga inilah yang dimanfaatkan para news trader untuk mendapatkan profit instant. Untuk melipatkgandakan profit, lot yang ditradingkan-pun tidak tanggung-tanggung, 10 sampai 100 lot sekali trade.

Coba Anda bayangkan jika Anda trade 10 lot, beberapa detik berikutnya sudah bisa profit 30 pips. Berapa yang bisa Anda dapat?

1 standar lot 1 point = $10. 10 lot x $10 x 30 = $3,000

Bisa profit $3,000 hanya dalam hitungan detik tentu sangat menyenangkan.

Pemain news trading kebanyakan adalah seorang risk taker yang mempunyai keberanian ekstra dan mental baja, bisa juga dikatakan sebagai seorang gambler sejati. Nothink to lose terhadap duit yang ada di account trading-nya.

News Trading Menggunakan Robot Forex

Sangat sulit untuk memprediksi arah harga ketika news. Pergerakan harga ketika news lebih banyak dipengaruhi oleh spekulasi pasar merespon actual data yang di rilis.

Bisakah trading news menggunakan robot forex? Ada baiknya Anda menyimak video dibawah ini.

Ya. video diatas adalah contoh trading news dengan menggunakan robot forex. Straddle Trader Pro sebuah expert advisor yang khusus didesain untuk trading news.

Straddle Trader Pro akan melakukan dua buah pending order, buy stop dan sell stop. Jika terjadi spike maka salah satu pending order akan tereksekusi.

Keuntungan trading news menggunakan EA Straddle Trader Pro :

Tidak perlu menganalisa kemana arah market akan bergerak.

Tidak perlu install indikator khusus untuk memprediksi arah market.

Tidak ada tebak-tebak buah manggis, mau buy atau sell ketika trading news.

Pending order bisa dilakukan secara cepat dan waktunya bisa disetting mau berapa DETIK sebelum news di rilis. Bandingkan jika dilakukan secara manual, 1 pending order saja mungkin butuh waktu lebih dari 10 detik.

Mudah digunakan dan tidak perlu memahami bagaimana sistem kerja forex market.

Setelah mencoba EA Straddle Trader Pro, beberapa point yang bisa saya dapatkan:

1. Jarak pending order bisa di set berapa pips dari harga saat itu. Contohnya, Harga saat ini 1.2000 saya ingin pending order dengan jarak 10 point. Robot forex akan melakukan pending order: buy stop di 1.2010 dan sell stop di 1.1990.

2. Waktu kapan harus open pending order juga bisa di set, hitungannya detik. Contohnya, jika news rilis jam 19.30, kita bisa open pending order pada jam 19.29.57 atau 3 detik sebelum news.

3. Jika setelah news tidak ada spike harga, pending order bisa langsung di remove secara cepat dengan remove EA robot dari MT4.

4. Stop lost bisa diatur, terdapat juga vitur Stop to Zero . Dengan vitur ini harga stop lost bisa di modifikasi secara cepat ke posisi open trade.

Contohnya, pending order buy stop di 1.2010 dan sell stop di 1.1990. Ketika terjadi spike ke atas dan buy stop tereksekusi maka 1 transaksi menjadi aktif. Setting stop to zero 10 point, ketika harga menyentuh 1.2020 posisi stop lost langsung bergeser ke harga buy: 1.2010.

Seandainya harga berbalik dan terkena SL kita tidak akan mengalami kerugian. Vitur ini sangat berguna, karena harga bergerak sangat cepat dan tidak cukup waktu untuk melakukan modifikasi SL secara manual.

5. Straddle Trader Pro tidak bisa digunakan untuk semua jenis news. Daftar news yang bisa menggunakan robot ini bisa diketahui di member area.

Beberapa fakta tentang spike harga saat news rilis.

Spike harga karena Big news bisa mencapai 30 pips sampai di atas 100 pips.

News bagus untuk sebuah mata uang belum tentu mengakibatkan mata uang tersebut menguat, sangat tergantung respon dari pasar. Sekali lagi ketika news pergerakan harga ubnormal, lebih dominan karena faktor spekulasi.

News merupakan saat para sepkulan berspekulasi harga, mereka trading jutaan dollar hanya untuk mendapatkan profit secara instant.

Tidak semua news akan mengakibatkan spike harga yang besar, terkadang malahan tidak ada pergerakan sama sekali, terutama jika news yang dirilis sesuai dengan prediksi market (deviasinya kecil antara forecast data dan actual data).

Untuk melihat kapan news akan dirilis bisa Anda cek di www. forexfactory. com. news dengan big impact ditandai dengan warna merah.

Million Dollar Pips Review

Million Dollar Pips Review Reviewed by admin on September 18. Not enough is known about Million Dollar Pips yet, but that usually means it's garbage. Will change this summary when we learn something game changing to say about the product. Whether it's a scam or not is still to be determined. Do you have experience with Million Dollar Pips then feel free to leave a rating and write a review with your experience. Rating: 3

Our Million Dollar Pips Rating

6 Million Dollar Pips

Not enough is known about Million Dollar Pips yet, but that usually means it's garbage. Will change this summary when we learn something game changing to say about the product. Whether it's a scam or not is still to be determined. Do you have experience with Million Dollar Pips then feel free to leave a rating and write a review with your experience.

Your Rating: User Rating:

Million Dollar Pips Review - The First Million Dollar Forex Robot With Real Results

Currency pairs: EURUSD

Million Dollar Pips Review - The First Million Dollar Forex Robot With Real Results

Million Dollar Pips is a forex robot designed by William Morrison to trade on the 1M time frame and help accommodate small accounts. It is packed with functions which are designed to give both the experienced and the newbie currency trader a strong shot at succeeding in the market.

The system uses a combination of price action and an indicator to pick up on scalp mini-breakouts. This forex robot is designed to help protect traders from losses. While no system can guarantee against losses, a solid system will be able to weave in features that can reduce the impact of bad trades. Trades can be executed with this software in an incredibly fast manner.

The Million Dollar Pips software is very easy to install. Once it is installed, traders can take advantage of its 100% automation that allows the system to make trades on the behalf of the trader. This will require the trader to do his/her part to create the parameters for the robot to follow, but the user-friendly nature of the software will make these steps fairly easy to do.

Individual results will certainly vary. Just because one trader has experienced great success with this forex robot does not mean success is guaranteed to everyone that uses it.

Million Dollar Pips is truly a unique forex trading robot. Reports have emerged that numerous traders have used this automated robot to amass huge sums. Different people will experience different results, but most will agree this is a very easy robot to use.

You can start profiting in Forex today with completely no risk. Use the software however you like for 30 days and if you realize it’s not for you, William Morrison will gladly give you a full refund.

Describe How Foreign Exchange Is Used In Trade Reviews

Describe How Foreign Exchange Is Used In Trade

A ,000 Real Money Deposit Turning Into 3,347!

FAP Turbo is definitely an outcome from the challenge produced by Marcus B. Leary, the creator of Forex Autopilot. The challenge was that his Currency Trading Robot, Forex Autopilot system cannot be overtaken by any softwares in regard to foreign exchange Trading. The wiz kid trio, Steve, Mike and Ulrich have proved Marcus that their programming and analytical abilities on the currency trading front, to make probably the most successful Automated Forex Robot FAP Turbo. Unlike other Currency Trading Robots, FAP Turbo distinguished itself with 96% achievement rate in spotting the winning foreign exchange trend signals in a Reside account. Unlike many other automated FX Robots, including Forex Autopilot, which have had much more success only in Back Testing. The other benefits of automated Robot FAP Turbo in Forex Trading is the fact that it doesn’t require any prior experience to trade in Forex. The earnings from foreign exchange marketplace is totally generated on autopilot, without any sort of human intervention. FAP Turbo can also be hosted on a web server, which ensures 100% autopilot stream in Forex Trading.

FAP Turbo is The Absolute Best and Most Complete Income Solution for People Who:

Want to trade with the most accurate and profitable Forex robot in the world – 99% Winners.

Can’t Monitor the Forex Market because of a day job, commitments, etc and want an automatic software to do it for them.

Want to trade Forex profitably but don’t know how (no need to know, the robot does everything for you…from A to Z!)

Want a secondary or primary income source that’s consistent.

Want to be amongst the 1% of forex traders who grow their trading account like wild mushrooms.

Want to break out from the boring and frustrating routine of hard work and no money (but frequently a lot of debt!)

Want to Start making money today, not 2 months from now!

Live Traded $ Accounts!

Real Proof es siempre la mejor manera de conducir a los visitantes! How about a real money account that went from $ 5,000 to over $ 34,000 balance and more?

Describe How Foreign Exchange Is Used In Trade

Why does numerous forex traders used Forex Autocash Robot? This method help anyone to make cash even when the marketplace are going up, down or sideways. It does not required an individual to have any trading experience. Does not required you to invest a huge quantity of capital. It doesn’t require so a lot of one’s time. The system could make you huge profits even banks are going to the wall. This is a discovery that took thousands of hours of testing and years of researching and learning. The method guaranteed that it will provide you not just an earnings but a reliable, accurate and constant profitable trades which will make sure you of fantastic trading profits. Forex Autocash Robot features a laser targeted accuracy.

No estás cansado de las mismas estafas recicladas que prometen millones de dólares cuando estás buscando un sistema de prueba a toda prueba para ganar unos cuantos miles de dólares al mes?

Al igual que $ 5,000 o $ 3,000 & # 8230; Heck incluso 2 gran extra de un mes sería bueno, wouldn & # 8217; t? Fapturbo makes tens of thousands of dollars a month with their newest version, called “ichimoku” ¡Y lo han estado haciendo por años! Tienen un historial de ser la solución de ingresos de divisas más vendida en el planeta. ¡Más de 80.000 clientes pueden pagar por eso!

Ahora no esperamos que usted haga tanto porque probablemente carece del capital para invertir tan pesadamente. Pero como dije arriba un par de mil al mes. STEADILY y LOSS SAFE es el camino a seguir y ha funcionado para muchos de sus clientes en el pasado! [Leer más & # 8230;]

So, you would like to venture on Forex trading? Or you might be someone who has been in the trade but has experienced losing your money just because you’re not able to make use of the best Forex robot to man your trading decisions. Forex trading is certainly tough. This can be a lucrative money market that can make or break your profit objectives. Because joining the trade can mean risking the quantity you have invested, you have to discover methods on how to pool in as much profit as you can. Why not read books, Forex robot reviews and video tutorials to give you the complete roadmap on how to win in Forex trading. Your initial and fundamental objective must be to locate out the very best Forex robot and everything will just happen the way you would like it to be. Get access to so numerous Forex robot critiques online. With so numerous tools developed by different providers, it may be daunting to locate the best Forex robot, but with careful study, and by considering a great deal of factors you will surely discover the very best one. Consider how the tools will help you win in Forex trading, the track records of people who developed it and the numerous testimonies of traders who’ve tried utilizing the tools. By doing such, you’ll have the ability to figure out the legitimate from not.

It Was Now Time To Fire Up “FAP Turbo” With A Live Account…Time To Put Our Money Where Our Mouth Was…

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Forex Megadroid Review and News Flash

Forex Megadroid is the only robot in the market that:

Has had shown performance of 2,270% in 2009

Has TRACKED that performance on its website DAILY (by visiting the website every day since March 30th, 2009, you could have seen the performance of the robot update… and, of course, you will be able to see it for months and years to come)

Has had every single month (since launch, almost 10 months ago) turn out a profitable month

Has an equity curve NEVER seen before in the industry

Has PROVEN to quadruple every dollar deposited

Has PROOF of a 9 month account (continuing!) trading with unheard of performance

Is the ONLY robot that recovers from a loss so FAST (you HAVE to see this – never achieved in the industry before)

You can see proof of all the above here:

Daily Updates of Trading Results

————————————————————— The ONLY Robot That Has Live Updates… DAILY! —————————————————————

When Forex Megadroid launched on March 30th, 2009 they came out with a statement:

»» Continue to read about Forex Megadroid Declared Best Forex Robot in 2009 (PROOF)

Sunday, September 27th, 2009 at 7:41 pm

New Forex Megadroid Version Updates

The new version includes:

- a revised strategy method which has resulted in better results in recent testing (trade frequency has improved too)

- NFA mode to allow correct operation with NFA-registered brokers who have adopted the “no hedging” and “FIFO” reglas

- remote GMT offset checking via our trade server

- a much updated manual

The new release of Forex MegaDroid (v1.20) is now available for you to download. 3 Download Files

There are three files inside this Forex Megadroid version updates (downloadable individually or within a single “.zip” file)…

MegaDroid. ex4 – the robot (expert advisor) file MegaDroid. dll – the robot support file MegaDroid. pdf – the user guide which explains what to do!

»» Continue to read about News Flash. Latest Forex Megadroid Version Updates 1.2

Tuesday, June 16th, 2009 at 5:33 pm

Forex Megadroid Expert Advisor is probably the only forex robot that has successfully mimick how the successful traders trade.

Great traders are patient, they trade high timeframes, they only like great reward-risk entry points. Forex Megadroid Metatrader 4 has all those attributes.

The closest forex robot that follows that was Fap Turbo. However, Forex Megadroid, in my opinion has overtaken Fap Turbo as the king of Forex Robots.

It has a very high winning probability. In fact, I have seen many statements with ZERO loss.

It is amazing but it is true. Even losses are capped small and the wins have easily outshined them

1. Forex Megadroid Forex Trading Robot is unlike most forex robots that use a 1 minute entry point. It uses a 1 hour timeframe to trigger its entry.

This means instead of trying to take a trade every time, it acts like a predator waiting patiently for its kills.

2. That’s why it has a very high winning rate. One of the highest I ever seen among forex robots.

So far the live and backtest results proves that such strategy works well.

3. With a different style and patient approach, Forex Megadroid Forex Trader is a good tool to diversify your current trading portfolio.

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Forex Megadroid Reviews stock futures march 31st Robot Review. Megadroid forex market forex trading system forex trader

»» Continue to read about Forex Megadroid

Revisión Finpari

Reviewed on Oct 29, 2015 by Scam Broker Reviewer

Finpari is a binary options broker owned by Lerona Impex SA, located at 306 Premier Building, Albert Street, Victoria Mahe, Seychelles and Norske Inter LP located at 39 Due Street, Suite 1, Aberdeen, Scotland, AB11 6DY.

Their phone numbers are: USA (646) 884-9563 and Russia +7 499 703 3774. Their email address is [email protected] .

Exclusive Special Offer . New traders receive 3 Risk Free Trades, see details .

Finpari has a weekly trading contest with a grand prize of $10,000 and weekly winners, see here .

Trading Robots

Since Finpari uses the latest SpotOption platform, this makes them compatible with many trading signal providers.

The best automated trading robot that actually works, is the Binary Option Robot, see details .

Finpari Platform Review

Finpari uses the popular SpotOption trading platform with over 180 assets available. Traders can utilize the 30 & 60 second options, 2 min and 5 minute options, long term options and high low options. Additionally they offer advanced binary options traders ladder and pair options. For Forex traders they offer options on major currency pairs and also many smaller currency pairs, like the Singapore Dollar, the Rand, the Turkish Lira, and Russian Ruble!

They offer many methods for funding your trading account including; Paypal, Bitcoin, Qiwi, Perfect Money, OK Pay, Neteller and WebMoney. The minimum deposit for new accounts is $250.

A unique feature they have is the Fixed Income Account. It shows a return of 10% a month, but we caution all traders to read the terms and conditions page carefully to fully understand how the program works, see here .

Finpari License & Regulación

When scam broker reviews a binary options broker to determine if they are a scam broker or a legitimate broker, we check to see if a regulator like CySEC in Cyprus, or ASIC in Australia gave them a license. We also check if they are registered with the FCA in England or the FSBR in New Zealand.

While reviewing Finpari, we see that they are not currently licensed. Traders looking for a licensed broker should see the list of licensed broker here.

Compare Finpari

HighLow (read review ) is an Australian licensed broker offering up to 200% returns with the MarketPulse trading platform, their minimum deposit is only $10, see here.

24Option (read review ) is a popular European licensed broker offering the Tech Financial trading platform, with monthly trading competitions and risk free trades, see here.

Revisión Finpari

Tom’s EA Review

Tom’s EA is a fully-functional Forex trading expert advisor that assures you surefire profits each time you trade. It is compatible with Metatrader 4 and is fairly easy to use. To get started, all you have to do is to download and install the program, set-up the system with the recommended options and preferences, and watch the system run and work its magic.

Tom’s EA is the brainchild of Tom Flora, a Forex trading expert who has designed a flurry of other successful Forex trading expert advisors in the past. Today, he returns to the stage to introduce a new system, a powerful Forex expert advisor that truly works. It is an enhanced version of Forex Brokerage but it comes with new and improved features to make it stand out from other expert advisors.

== & gt; Visit Tom’s EA Official Website

The Features of Tom’s EA

Effective and fairly easy to use;

Compatible with Metatrader 4 (All traders are required to download Metatrader 4);

Full-support from the creator himself, Tom Flora;

Nuevo al comercio? Tom’s EA comes with a helpful guide too.

This software will FULLY AUTOMATE your trading, saving you a ton of time and reducing your stress since you won’t have to make each and every trading decision.

Here are three BIG REASONS that are directly relevant to you.

#1 – It was not dreamed up by a marketer looking to make a quick buck, it was created by Tom to make his clients (and himself) money actually trading in the markets over the long-term.

#2 – It actually works to make money, as well as limit your losses during drawdowns. This importance of this fact cannot be overstated…

#3 – Tom is a real person, a top-notch trader who is putting in long hours to answer each and every question every Tom’s EA user throws at him. We’re not some nameless, faceless corporation. We are real traders and we are here with you every step of the way.

In fact we have an entire support team here to support you in your trading.

Bonus Reason: #4 – It comes with a 60 day money-back guarantee that makes it easy for you to change your mind if the software doesn’t perform as you expect it to.

Those reasons add up to give ‘Tom’s EA’ the rare status of ‘the trading robots that actually works’. But you can NOT sit on your hands if you expect to benefit from Tom’s hard work, research, and perseverance.

Tom has made A LOT of money trading with this software, and there is nothing wrong with riding someone else’s coattails to success if they invite you along for the ride.

== & gt; Visit Tom’s EA Official Website

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best commercial forex robots used in this experiment

Valuable lessons can be learned from what Mark tried to do with the top commercially available robots. (Mark operates a forex robot review site).

Its a real life story of a ten year experienced forex trader called Mark whom took on a challenge to turn a $5,000 forex account into 1 million dollars, trading only with automated robots. Follow his story as he explains what he learned from the experience.

Hola chicos! Mark here, your forex trading friend!

For the last 5 years I have tested and reviewed over three hundred different automated forex systems. Some of them were really good, some were pure crap. The main question was - can these systems over perform manual trading and skyrocket the small deposit to huge profits on full autopilot? So In 2010 I decided to start "The Trading Challenge."

Here is my mission – to turn a $5000 trading account into 1 Million Dollars by trading only automated forex robots. I have cherry picked the best performing robots from over 300 commercial systems and placed them on my Iamfx. com broker trading account.

I will be publishing my results in real time so you can see and follow my progress! Each month I will be posting an update with my progress and I’ll write about any modifications that I apply to my army of robots!

Don't forget to check out this page from time to time and follow my newsletters to see if I fail or succeed in accomplishing the goal!

Ready? Let the challenge begin! Million Dollar Forex Challenge Conditions Start: January 2010 Deposit: $5000 USD Broker: Iamfx. com

Current Army of Robots:

* Fapturbo Robot * Megadroid * Forex Nuke (removed in challenge3) * EB Turbo (removed) * Forex Juggernaut (removed) * Fapwinner Scalper EURCHF (added after week5)

January, 9, 2010 The great Challenge begins! Everything is ready, robots are installed. 5000 account is fresh and ready to be multiplied or blown away! First robots are Fapturbo Robot, Megadroid, Forex Nuke, Robominer and EB Turbo. They all trade one account with different magic numbers so there is no conflict. I know that I use high risk here because the goal of the challenge is to reach 1 Million as soon as possible.

January 16, 2010 First week is finished with a whopping profit of $582 USD which is 11.6% It was even higher few days ago and reached 16% however I got a few small losses later. Not a bad start, hah!

January 21, 2010 Wow what a week! 21% more and growing. Lets keep rocking guys!

January 25, 2010 Last week the account was doubled! I have sent my settings to my subscribers. So far so good!

January 29, 2010 Week 4 is over and our balances has reached 16K which means it tripled! However this week was really hard - EURUSD went down to 1.38 and we have a lot of hanging trades from EB-Turbo which can reach stop loss any minute. Good news is - we have new Robot in the Army to help us fight for the million. It is called Forex Juggernaut. Don't forget to read the review.

February 6, 2010 This week was pretty hard which only proves you must have strong guts to trade forex, guys! First we got huge loss from EB-Blaster when the Euro suddenly dropped from 1.39 to 1.35 in just a few days, then EURCHF went crazy and we hit few more SL. I have added one more robot in the army - new Fapwinner scalper EURCHF. One more change: Fapturbo from now on trades USDCHF as well. I hope next week will be good.

February 10, 2010 Forex Nuke (phantom) is a big disappointment of the week. It lost nearly 10,000 Usd in just 4 trades. Guau. I am back to 8k.

February 11, 2010 It seems this week all robots perform unstable, i am reducing the risk otherwise account can get blown away completely.

February 12, 2010

Here is the email I've got from one of my fellow traders:

"What happened? How is it that you were doing so well in the first 4 weeks and then suddenly crashed? I appreciate that you are using aggressive settings, but what is the reason for the sudden reversal of fortune? The robots are supposed to cope with markets trading in both directions. " In your next newsletter, can you please let us all know what happened so that we don't make the same mistakes? I would really appreciate your insight on this."

I think my "Challenge" is the best lesson that I can give for my fellow traders. Learn on my "mistakes".

My 5000 USD account first quadrupled (at some point equity reached 20k) however after 2 bad weeks it returned back to the starting balance. I was not crazy when I used super high risk at the beginning. I am a trader with well over 10 years of experience. The idea was to show you what robots are capable of. What did I prove?

FACT1: 300% return in 3 weeks is not a fairy tale. It is truth and it is doable. It can be achieved with the best commercial robots in only 3 weeks of trading!

FACT2: Can you quadruple your deposit every 3 weeks? ¡NO! You can't! Even the best commercial robots can have bad weeks. There is no such thing as "robot that can work with any market conditions". Forget the marketing hype! Face the ugly truth. All systems work better in specific conditions.

FACT3: Bad weeks or even months are the normal part of Forex trading experience and should be expected. There is no crystal ball otherwise we all can become millionaires in just 3 months.

FACT4: You need to decide if you are an aggressive trader or conservative trader. Aggressive trader (like me) triples deposit in just 3 weeks, then withdraws the earnings and plays on "casino" money. Of course I can blow away my deposit easily along the way and I don’t care because it is always covered by the good trading later. If you are a conservative trader - set you lot size 0.01 on 5k deposit and enjoy slow but stable returns. The maximum return of 50% annually is considered as a good return for conservative people.

FACT5: Invest only what you can afford to lose. These words are as old as the world. However people forget them and rush into trading hot headed before they understand the risk.

FACT6: Does this all mean commercial robots are bad? No it does not. It does not really matter if you trade commercial robot, free EA or manual system. You will always fail. You will always have bad weeks. You have got to have strong guts to be on forex. There is no such thing as "consistent winning". You must be prepared to take the risk. No pain - no gain. Remember?

The bottom line is - I still love all these robots and will proceed trading no matter if I encounter bad weeks. Its time for you to decided if you are an aggressive trader or conservative trader and follow the rules.

• Aggressive trader triples accounts in 3 weeks, withdraws the profits. Aggressive trade can blow his account in just few days and must be prepared to face it. Aggressive trade can reach 20k from 5K in 3 weeks.

• Conservative trader looks for a long term return. It’s hardly possible to blow away the account. On the other hand conservative trader should be happy to get maximum profit of $2500 from 5k deposit in one year.

It’s time to choose your side.

February 13, 2010

-First Challenge is over, guys. EB-Turbo robot has blown our account having 2 bad weeks in a row. This robot will not be used on the next Challenge that I am going to start next week. Check out later for updates. Here is the Challenge1 summary image

February 14, 2010

New Challenge will start on Monday! Happy Valentine's Day, dear fellow traders! I love you all!

Cheers Mark The trading dude

[dropcap style="font-size: 60px; color: #b90000;"]P[/dropcap] ada artikel bagian 1 telah di bahas istilah forex seperti; lot, spreads, pairs dan contract size. Artikel bagian kedua ini istilah forex yang akan di bahas adalah tentang arti leverage, free margin, margin call, stop out level dan trailing stop.


Secara textbook leverage diartikan sebagai kemampuan untuk mengontrol uang dalam jumlah besar, hanya dengan menggunakan uang dalam jumlah sedikit.

Leverage jika hubungannya dengan dunia investasi bisa juga diartikan sebagai dana yang dipinjamkan broker kepada trader/ investor untuk melakukan transaksi.

Dalam forex, leverage dituliskan dalam bentuk perbandingan, misalnya 1:50, 1:100, 1:400.

Saya berikan contoh penerapannya agar lebih mudah dipahami.

Misalkan saat ini kurs EUR/USD 1.3000, Anda punya uang dollar dan ingin membeli Euro. Jika Anda membeli Euro sebesar €10,000, maka uang yang harus Anda bayarkan sebesar $13,000. Jadi disini modalnya sebesar $13,000 atau 1:1.

Denganpenggunaan leverage, modal yang diperlukan tidak sebesar itu.

Misalkan leverage yang digunakan 1:100. Untuk membeli €10,000 maka modal yang Anda butuhkan hanya €100.

Modal = Nilai Transaksi x Leverage = €10.000 x (1/100) = €100

Kekurangan dana sebesar €9.900 akan dipinjami broker dan sebagai jaminannya adalah Anda harus menyetor ke broker €100.

Dikarenakan uang Anda dalam bentuk dollar, nilai €100 ini di konversi ke USD dengan rate saat transaksi dilakukan, menjadi $130.

Begitulah prinsip kerja dari leverage. Yang perlu digarisbawahi disini adalah bahwa semakin besar leverage semakin besar rasio keuntungan yang bisa diperoleh, tetapi efek sebaliknya, semakin besar pula resiko kehilangan uang (loss).

Pembahasan lebih spesifik tentang leverage, silahkan membaca Leverage Pedang Bermata Dua .

Margin / Used Margin / Required Margin

Margin berkaitan erat dengan leverage. Margin pada dasarnya adalah dana minimum yang dibutuhkan untuk bisa melakukan transaksi. Bisa juga diartikan, minimal jaminan yang harus disediakan trader agar bisa melakukan transaksi.

Dari contoh diatas, untuk transaksi €10,000 maka diperlukan margin sebesar $130. Account Anda minimal harus ada sebesar $130. Jika kurang dari itu transaksi akan di tolak.

Free Margin

Anda punya account trading sebesar $1,000 dan trading di pairs EUR/USD seperti contoh di atas. Uang deposit sebesar $130 akan menjadi jaminan ke broker. Sisa uang deposit menjadi $870, sisa inilah yang disebut sebagai Free Margin.

Free margin digunakan untuk menahan posisi trading Anda. Jika dalam kondisi profit free margin akan bertambah, jika kondisi minus free margin akan berkurang sesuai besarnya loss.

Margin Call (MC)

Margin Call adalah peringatan dari broker dikarenakan free margin Anda tidak cukup lagi untuk menahan pergerakan mata uang. Trading Anda dalam posisi negatif, pada level tertentu dari margin tersisa, broker akan memberi peringatan melalui platform trading Anda.

Warna merah akan menyala di menu Trade - MetaTrader 4.

Aturan masing-masing broker berbeda tentang berapa persen prosentase MC, Anda bisa cek di broker yang digunakan.

Stop Out Level (%)

Saat posisi trading sedang minus, sedangkan dana sudah tidak cukup lagi menahan posisi, maka pada level tertentu transaksi akan di close otomatis oleh broker. Level ini yang disebut sebagai Stop Out Level .

Aturan ini juga berbeda untuk masing-masing broker.

Trailing Stop

Trailing stop merupakan salah satu fasilitas yang ada di MetaTrader, fungsinya untuk mengamankan profit yang sudah di dapat. Sebagai gambaran saya berikan contoh sebagai berikut.

Anda open Buy EUR/USD di 1.3000 dengan setting TP 40 pips pada harga 1.3040 dan SL 90 pips di harga 1.2910.

Trailing stop Anda set sebesar 20 pips, saat harga naik dan profit 20 pips (di harga 1.3020) SL secara otomatis akan di modifikasi oleh MT4 dan berubah ke posisi harga buy (1.3000).

Jika harga naik 1 point lagi (13021) maka SL juga ikut naik 1 point ke 1.3001. Begitu seterusnya sampai kena TP.

Seandainya sebelum TP harga kembali berbalik ke 1.3001 dan menyentuh SL, maka Anda masih ada profit sebesar 1 point.

Penjelasan lainnya tentang trailing stop bisa cek disini

Million Dollar PIPs Forex Robot Reviews

What is William Morrisons' Million Dollar Pips forex robot software?

Million Dollar Pips is a Low Risk Forex Robot, where only the best trades possible are carried out by the completely automated forex robot.

Million Dollar Pips software was developed and built by William Morrison who has over 18 years experience in software development.

The software is designed to trade on the forex (foreign exchange) automatically and comes with a very simple step by step guide on how to set it up for low risk trading and to start making profits, literally set it, forget it, earn it.

I must be honest and say when I first saw the software set-up, I thought is that it, is that all I have to do to start making money, believe me it is so very simple, which suits me, I hate software that is complicated it drives me crazy.

His software took him 1.5 years to perfect until he got what he was striving for – the best forex robot software on the internet.

How the Million Dollar Pips works:

Once you have downloaded the forex software, you will be shown how to input the data needed to start forex robot trading, I found that the instructions on this part were very easy to understand, straight forward and well written, this is push button software at its best, I love simplicity.

So basically you just install and configure and that’s all you need to do, easy.

So, after the initial setup I sorted out the settings then just let it run automatically while I went and made a cup of tea and ate a cookie, guess what, when I came back the software had actually made me some money and because Million Dollar Pips robot only has a few pips for a stop loss it means it stops trading when it knows it can’t win, so you can’t lose.

I couldn’t believe it actually worked, so now all I do is set it and forget it and wait for the profits to keep building, and they do, day after day.

The Cons of Williams’ Million Dollar Pips

Just like every product and book I have ever reviewed, nothing is perfect and here are the minor flaws I noticed after using Williams product:

Actually I could not find a single thing wrong with Williams product, I tried to think of something as I always like to have at least one negative about a product so it looks like I am being unbiased, but honestly, I can’t find any fault with it, so there.

The Pros of Williams’ Million Dollar Pips

Very accurate, which is very important when using software that is dealing in your money!

Very simple to use, the interface and push button step by step guide is spot on.

Fully automated, you can leave Williams forex robot running and go out for the day, come back and it will still be running like clockwork making your profits rise, brilliant.

It has a safe and unique scalping strategy, Scalping is an intra-day technique that usually has the trader holding a position for a few minutes, so more time to make a profit, sounds good to me.

Effective money management, easily handles your money management.

No Martingale, as discussed in my previous post (A Martingale is a probability theory, a sequence of random variables). Its like a betting strategy and you sure don’t want to bet with your money do you, so this piece of kit is guaranteed to boost your profits.

NFA compliant, The National Futures Association (NFA) is an independent self-regulatory organization and watchdog of the commodities and futures industry in the United States, so basically its looks out for you, it protects investors from fraudulent commodities and futures activities, which is a very good thing indeed when Forex Trading.


Million Dollar Pips, in my opinion is one of the best no nonsense Forex Robot on the market. William, the creator comes across as a man who has real expertise in the software field and has developed a fantastic product.

So if you want to start using on of the best forex trading robots the easy way and make profits while you sleep then why not give it try. Lee mas.

Comercio Forex Trading

A List of all Forex Scams in the Market That New Traders Should Know

New Tactics Just Discovered

Scam Brokers

Non regulated companies are all in the list of scams after all they do not answer to any authority and if you have a dispute with them there is no legal action you can take against them, they make sure you agree to indemnify them of anything before you sign up for an account, that way you cannot even take them to court.

If you open an account with a non regulated broker and you send them money, then you make a nice profit, you want to make a withdraw of the profit then they delete all your profit, all your transaction history, and sends you back your cash, or worse ignores your emails and does not send you back your money, and you realize you have been on a demo all the while thinking that you had a real account, this is what some brokers who are swindlers do, an investor opens an account but instead of getting a real one they are put on a demo without knowing. This is why it is best to only deal with only companies that are regulated.

(Scam of the century - A trader was once told after making thousands and thousands of profit after opening a real account and even sending the required forms and wiring deposit funds, that he was still using a demo, therefore he could not withdraw profit because the profit was demo balance.)

A regulation body audits and makes sure that regulated financial companies adhere to strict guidelines, or otherwise lose their license and credibility. A broker will only rely on its credibility and investors will look for regulation as the first qualification for choosing a financial institution, most companies know this, that is why most of them are regulated and adhere to strict code of conduct when handling clients deposits so that they keep their license, trading with a regulated is a guarantee that your investment is safe because all their transactions are independently audited by an external auditor and the audit reports scrutinized by their Financial Regulatory Authority that they are registered with. And you can always make a complaint with the relevant regulatory authority in case of anything, and the regulation authority will investigate your claims.

Regulated companies have to follow strict financial regulation guidelines, if they don't they will lose their license, It is always best to deal with regulated companies as they have a lot of transparency when it comes to dealing with clients and their money. Good ones also offer segregation funds, a segregated account is the where client money will not in any way mix with their company operating capital (will not commingle with the company's capital). The opposite of a segregated is Omnibus Account where your cash and the brokers cash is kept in one account and mixed which is not the best option.

Automated Robots

Most automated robots out there are scam because most are not programmed by traders and they rarely turn a profit for anyone, the only person making a profit from these robots is the person selling these automated robots, otherwise why would these guys sell these robots for thousands of dollars, tell you what, most of these guys do not even know what Forex is, what they know is how to sell things, you will be surprised to learn the number of emails that I receive every month asking me to promote these robots on this website in exchange that for every sale I would get a commission.

The other thing to know is that once scam brokers know that an investor is using a robot they can spike the price a few times and confuse your automated robot, talk about how easy it will be to trick your most profitable robot.

The Auto Dealer - Forex Tricks

Another method to beat your automated robot is the broker using another robot/software known as a Forex auto-dealer . The auto dealer is a software plugin that is put for profitable traders, once an auto-dealer is implemented for you you cannot simply transact the market and will get re-quoted continuously, you will get "off quoted", (whatever this is and what it means only the auto-dealer knows) it is like an undercover tactic that you are not even aware of, likewise if you are using a robot you will be put on auto dealer and that is the end of you robot, your robot will hang from the many re-quotes dealt to it by the auto dealer. An auto-dealer will put a delay of between 2 to 10 seconds for all your transactions or even freeze your currency platform for even hours locking your automated robot out of execution.

Want to know how your broker will know you are using an automated EA, first of all you will have selected the option for allowing Expert Advisors to execute automatically . second EA open transactions using programming modules known as scripts and all these transactions are logged as opened by an EA.

Auto-dealer plugin is a covert tactic that is not known by many people, but once you start getting re-quotes, off quotes all the time it is time to suspect an auto-dealer has been implemented for you especially if you are making profits, one or two requotes is okay but if all the time you get requote after requote maybe it is time to change your broker. If your platform freezes for hours on end and you cannot place a transaction or login even after you restart your software platform 20 times, then definitely know you are dealing against the virtual dealer/auto dealer tactic . The next time you will log in is after the market has retraced and taken all your profits usually after 4 to 5 hours.

Some companies have even been fined for using tricks such as manipulating the spreads, they are always adding extra spread by using such types of software and plugins. Some of these tricks might not be outright scams but these tricks will definitely rig the game against you use these tricks to their advantage to get your money.

FX Signals

Want a reliable signal provider, you will have a hard time finding a reliable provider, most will not make any profits for you better you learn how to generate your own signals. Currency signals providers will provide signals and charge $200 dollars per month, these guys think there is a lot of money in Forex to be given away by traders, a better way to use the 200 dollars you got is to open a mini account and learn with that cash, you are more probably likely to make a profit from it than if you pay 200 dollars for some signals. Do not pay any cash to anyone, instead use the money as your starting capital. Learn how to generate your own signals from this topic: Generating Currency Signals .

Toma de 4 a 6 semanas para abrir una cuenta, abrir temprano o vía rápida: Lea el artículo "Procedimiento de apertura de cuenta"

Únete a 500.000 comerciantes, comienza a negociar con un broker de baja expansión: Más información sobre los spreads tan bajos como cero

Scam Sites

These are the websites owned by marketers who want to sell you something, while they themselves don't know anything about the currency market, but what they know is to sell anything, they will sell you their automated fake robots which they just bought from another marketer and sell it to you. Why not stop letting these marketers waste your time and start learning how to invest. These guys are called internet marketers, they want to sell you something promising fast money, or get rich quick schemes.

These guys have heard that there is a lot of money in Forex and that traders want to waste their cash by giving it away to con artists who sell them the best FX system, if you want a good currency system there is a topic on that here, free. Use the $200 dollars you have to open an account. Do you want a training course this one is free, How about giving you a currency plan: There is one here also, Keep your cash and and use it it as your starting capital, maybe you will make a profit and if you don't well try again.


Forums are full of scammers.

Forums were a good place for traders to share their ideas and learn from each other, until scammers got to know that is where beginners hang out, one should first take the time to learn about the currency market using training tutorials before venturing into these forums where the chance of being mis-informed by others who are posing as traders is quite high. Just because some one knows about RSI, Stochastic and MACD indicators does not mean they are good, what about leverage and money management the two topics that 70 % of all new beginners don't know about.

Some visitors on these forums have their own motives, like showing you how much they know then once you fall into their trap the want to sell you something, like a system or a signal service that is just a scheme to get your cash, be aware even as you go on other forums - there are many sharks in forums.

Forums might end up mis-informing you especially if you go to a forum where the traders there are all novices or people just trying to redirect you to their website using links to their site where they will execute their schemes you.

Many schemers will try to trick other forum members with their links, robots and FX systems that they are selling on forums.


According to a Scam Check online . most mentors out there are just outright snakes oil salesmen, con-men once you pay them your money they send you some fake DVDs and that is it, they will never teach you anything. These people think that there is a lot of cash in Foreign Exchange Market to be given out by investors, How does some one give you $200 dollars for nothing, These guys will charge top dollars, $200 dollars, $500 dollars even $3,000 learn currency training course, never give your cash to anyone for anything or else. It is best you keep that money and use it as your starting capital.

How to Avoid These Schemes

To avoid any falling for any of these tricks, just follow these rules.

Never pay anyone for anything, that is the first rule in the Foreign Exchange Market.

Trade with a regulated broker only and avoid the non regulated ones.

Websites that sell automated systems, robots do not visit them, when you do, do not pay anything, and if you have to pay do some research first .

As a beginner beware of the schemes out there whether it forums you visit, beware there is where schemers are waiting for you after all you are a beginner who is not aware of the many schemes out there and are likely to buy.

Toma de 4 a 6 semanas para abrir una cuenta, abrir temprano o vía rápida: Lea el artículo "Procedimiento de apertura de cuenta"

Únete a 500.000 Comerciantes, Comercio con un Agente Regulado Europeo con Spreads tan bajo como cero: Lea el artículo "Regulated Broker"

Forex Reviews

GPS Forex Robot is designed by Antony and Ron as a unique automatic money making forex robot. Antony and Ron launched the latest version In 2012 and the best thing is that it becomes safer, faster, and more profitable. They added a lot of rich features to this version. Besides, they are also providing special coaching.6M6ZNCRWH449

The GPS Forex Robot contains two products – The first one is, of course, the GPS Forex Robot. The latter is the Forex EA Laboratory. Trading Forex using this new invention is amazingly simple, as it has clean and nice interface. Antony and Ron added extra function that we can’t find on the old version. By now GPS Forex Robot can assist you - almost automatically - to get your best settings.

You are eligible for exclusive coaching, that Antony and Ron are willing to help you to use the GPS Forex Robot. Both Antony and Ron are friendly persons and usually respond any questions that sent to them and give the reply in less than 10 hours. Therefore you can simply contact them from the support desk if you need to ask any particular question regarding their invention.

The GPS Forex is primarily designed to save your time – since it is really time-consuming to sit the entire day before your monitor for signals. You will also get coaching, special manual, and the robot itself. Please remember this: they also offer money back guarantee of 60 days. It means, if you are disappointed with this tool, you may have your money back 100%. This guarantee also proves that GPS Forex Robot really works.

Forex EA Laboratory can be explained as a separate forex trading service. They are providing free 5 dollar to try its service. Thus it is highly recommended to try Forex EA Laboratory. To access it may be a bit tricky, that you need to go to GPS Forex Robot home page and try closing your web browser. If a dialog appears, you have to choose the “stay on the page” botón.

It is recommended to try the Forex EA Laboratory for 5 bucks, since you will see how it works. Once again, please remember that it also has the money back guarantee of 60 days.

If you are planning to improve your ability on forex trading and are searching for automated signals, then the GPS Forex Robot is for you. Please don’t hesitate to contact Antony and Ron, as they will answer your question as soon as possible.

Tom Flora’s Forex Robot Exposed in Tom's EA Review

Houston, TX (PRWEB) May 28, 2013

Tom’s EA, a trading robot that removes emotions, one of the biggest reasons that humans fail to continuously make a profit while trading Forex, has caught the attention of Stan Stevenson, prompting an investigative review.

“There is no trading blind with Tom’s EA because it gives you all the information you need to know whenever you want it. You can look at the charts and graphs yourself if you want to (which most of us are inclined to do), and eventually you will gain trust in the software and let it do its thing,” reports Stevenson. “It has been proven time and time again – the best way to make money, and a lot of it, is to use automated systems that do the work for you. Tom’s EA is a Forex trading robot that doesn't just work in the short term, but automatically gives you results in the long term as well.”

After the Tom's EA review it was found that it offers the ability to trade with any broker that offers the Metatrader 4 Platform as well as the ability to trade in preferred currency pairs including EUR/USD, USD/CAD, USD/JPY and AUD/NZD, which helps to increase the chances of winning by creating four additional stacked trades. Users get a sense of relief when it comes to glitches, downtime, or power outages along with the ability to make trades even more profitable with hedging strategies. There is a member’s only area where people can receive training on how to install and run the software program, complete guidance on risk management guidelines, get software, and receive full documentation.

“Monthly profits between 6-10% are very realistic, making Tom's EA a profit machine that nobody we know could resist. The software is based on a proven system, that doesn't just claim that it is proven but provides the proof as well. You don’t have to purchase it outright; you can lease the software on a month by month basis, which gives you the ability to cut out whenever you want,” says Stevenson. “You don’t have to devote a ton of energy and time to this software, which gives you the ability to earn money in other ways.”

“Our Tom’s EA review shows it is a ‘robot’ that delivers on its promises. We hope you jump in and take advantage of what Tom is offering you, because we know the rewards will enrich your life because we are always supportive of any system that allows us to exert less time and energy, but receive more reward. Our prediction is that you are going to love it too, and find the success you have been wanting with it. Unlimited support allows you to get all of your questions answered and you are also given the ability to interact with others who are using the system. Tom’s EA may be the best investment you ever make while helping you free up your time and effort!”

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Jason Stapleton – Traders Workshop – Forex Full Course

Jason Stapleton – Traders Workshop – Forex Full Course

Jason recently turned $250.000 into $940.000 in 90 days during the Varengold Trading Challenge

Jason Stapleton explains to FX Trader Magazine the reasons why he decided to participate in a trading challenge: to provide evidence, as CEOand head trading coach at 4xTradersLive, of what he and the trading style he teaches can produce.

To become a successful trader, he says, you should follow the advice of a successful trader and treat your trading as a business.

His number one advice as a coach is to stay away from chat rooms, web forums and social networks, to make sure his traders focus on a new way of thinking, of looking at the market and at themselves.

Jason explains why, once you have a system that has a positive expectancy, 100% of your success falls on your ability to trade it day in and day out, which is why he focuses a lot on psychology. Although he has a passion for economics and politics, he has developed a purely technical approach to trading and explains why there is no possible way for a private trader who hasn’t got a team of people to make educated decisions based on fundamentals.


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Forex MegaDroid Robot

Metatrader5 Robots

Public testing of the new MT5 platform began on October 12th, 2009.

MetaTrader5 (MT5) is the long awaited next generation of the hugely successful MetaTrader4 trading platform (MT4). MT5 is not just an upgrade to MT4. It has been completely rebuilt from scratch.

Here are the claimed features of Metatrader 5.

• 3 chart-types, 21 timeframes and over 70 analytical tools • 5 order types and 4 execution modes available for trading • Implements practically any trading strategies • Advanced built-in reports on all trading activities; • Built-in indicators and graphical objects • Allows quicker analysis of quotes and trade decision making • High performance and outstanding speed • MQL5 development environment with new IntellySence system and more advanced strategy tester.

As most of you will know, Metatrader 4 (MT4) is the most widely used “off the shelf” platform in the Forex and CFD markets. It is expected therefore that when MT5 is out of beta, it too will be widely used.

Today MT4 is the trading platform of choice for virtually all Forex robots as well as custom indicators and scripts.

Unfortunately, the Metatrader4 language (MQL4) will not be compatible with MetaTrader 5 (MQL5) . In order to meet the incorporate the requested features and execution speed, a new object oriented programming language was developed. As a result, existing MT4 custom indicators and EAs (.mq4 and. ex4 files) won’t work with MT5 platform.

You may be thinking that any new investment in MT4 custom indicators, scripts and robots is wasted. That is certainly not the case. MT5 is likely to be in beta for at least 6 more months. The current Mt5 beta doesn’t even include a strategy testing function. So it could be as long a year before any significant MT5 robots become available.

Even when MT5 has matured into a stable trading platform, the amazingly popular MT4, is still going to be supported by brokers for many years to come. If traders demand it, brokers will support it. You can expect many brokers will be supporting both platforms and there is nothing to stop you running both MT4 and MT5 clients at the same time.

It is only a matter of time before a MT4/MT5 compatibility is developed. Most likely this will be in the form of a compatibility module or MT4 virtualization plugin for MT5. Rather than recoding every MT4 indicator and EA for MT5, it is almost certain that some clever programmers will code a virtual MT4 plugin platform for MT5. Much like the way you can now run Windows in a virtual machine on a Linux box or Linux inside of OS X.

Once a tool is developed to convert existing Expert Advisors and indictors from MT4 to MT5, then the uptake of the MT5 platform will occur more quickly.

Here is the official announcement about MQ4 and MQ5 compatibility:

“From the beginning of Metatrader 5 development we thought that we will be able to save the compatibility. And we said about it many times. But the numerous traders/developers requests made us change our mind. We’ve understood that just can’t make a new language compatible. At the same time we have made MQL5 more powerful and in this way we gave you, traders and developers, more abilities – that was our main goal in developing of MQL5 IDE. From one side, new language with the new abilities, and from the other side – MQL4 and MQL5 compatibility. Unfortunately, these two aims can’t be reached at the same time.” Interview with Metrader5 lead developer

The complaint often heard about MT4 is that it was built by programmers not traders. Certainly it was built with a focus on the front end and “client side” rather than the brokers back office side. The platform itself evolved from a price and data delivery terminal that became very popular with traders. Users then started to ask whether trading functions could be built into it. Metaquotes used the same architecture and added trading functionality to it, leading some to call MT4 a Frankenstein creation.

No Hedging and Compliance With the New NFA Rules.

Some may feel that the NFA regulated Forex brokers are driving the MT5 development. Others are saying the MT5 position/order management is to the benefit of the brokers not the traders. Afterall, it is the brokers who pay for the Metatrader platform.

To meet Forex industry standards, MT5 changes the entire core of position handling. From now on MT5 traders will be able to keep only one position of any single trading instrument/currency pair. This reflection of orders aligns with the new FIFO (first-in, first-out) rule implemented by NFA as an industry standard in summer 2009.

Hedging at this point is eliminated and so is the separate management of two different in time orders on the same currency pair. Buying and Selling the same pair (hedging strategy) will result in zero positions being open.

For example: 9:00am Long GBP/USD 1 lot @ 1.3000, and later added 12:00pm Long GBP/USD 2 lots @1.3500, will be seen on Metatrader 5 account as one position “Long GBP/USD 3 lots”.

The first order to close is always the order that was initiated first, so it’ll always be the 8:00am Long position to close in our example above.

Is the FIFO and No Hedging a Show Stopper?

No individual orders listed, NO Hedging. and INCOMPATIBLE with anything MT4. Is this a step BACKWARDS?

If you like the way MT4 works for you now and or have made the move to a non NFA regulated broker then MT5 doesn’t look a very attractive prospect.

However there will be other instruments and charts accessible beyond forex. Such as futures (cfd-versions) along with lots of option classes. Lots of opportunities for real-world hedging, (i. e. where the two instruments are NOT identical) and for trading styles that are currently impossible. Such as buying options on signals, instead of just going long or short the currency pair. Or constructing forex grids with options.

Some traders have said that FIFO (first order in first order out) prevents counter trend trading or engaging in a quick scalp in the opposite direction when you already have an open position. It doesn’t affect your net position but it does affect the way you must manage your trades.

Correlation strategies are also an obvious alternative way to hedge. Hedging a position can be achieved by taking position in more than one correlated currency pair. And in MT5 this could be expanded to forex options and their underlying currencies or forex futures and their own options. In fact if you are trading on more than one currency pair then currency correlations and their impact leverage and risk is something that needs to be well understood.

Here are a few Forex brokers offering the MT5 platform download and testing

Thanks for visiting Scammer Alert! My name is Frank Matthews. On this site I expose the truth about online scams, and give straight answers on legitimate products. I have been following online scams since 1998 and exposing the truth behind them. Over the years I have explored virtually every scam out there.

Welcome To Scammer-Alert! Top Online Scams Exposed!

Learn To Avoid Forex Scams

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Since I do a little investing in the Foreign Exchange I took a personal interest in these scams. Forex scams abound on the Internet, and every one of them is trying to sell you the latest gimmick to rake in automated profits. "In your sleep." Everything from Red Light/Green Light type of software and "Robots" that automatically make trades for you, to training courses and guides.

The very first thing you have to get into your head is that while Forex trading can be enjoyable and exciting there is no magic button that will instantly turn your pennies into millions of dollars. No software or robot on the market can predict market nuances. No automated system can beat the human brain! Your brain picks up on things subconsciously that a computer program just can't. Robots. known as "bots" are just big calculators, they take previous statistics and make an guess based on past trends. Now these bots might be good at playing poker where everything stays constant (only 4 kings in a deck) but the Foreign Exchange is constantly changing based on new information. These bots don't take this information in to account when it makes "picks." There is absolutely no Forex strategy behind it's guesses. A strategy is what you need.

These Forex scams are filling the marketplace at a rapid pace!

These so called "gurus" and "mentors" purposely mislead people into thinking that making money in Forex is easy and that they have found the "Magic Answer" to easily make huge profits over and over every day. These type of "automated" Forex scams are everywhere. In fact, the Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) released a report that had this to say.

"The CFTC has witnessed increasing numbers, and a growing complexity, of financial investment opportunities in recent years, including a sharp rise in foreign currency (forex) trading scams."

The CFTC warns consumers to be suspicious of Forex solicitations in email, direct mail, television, and even radio. I've personally seen these ads in the newspaper as well. Almost all of these scams make outrageous ROI claims. I've seen some that claim they consistently make a 100% return on investment. What a crock! A lot of these guys go around bragging with their brokerage account screen shots and huge bank statements. 99% of the time these guys are using Photoshop to alter their statements to make themselves look like million dollar traders. It would almost be laughable if they weren't scamming hard working people out of their money.

Forex trading itself is not a scam!

When I talk to people about Forex trading I usually get a lot of flack, and they outright call Forex investing a scam. This makes me both angry and sad at the same time. It makes me angry because the scam industry has abused the Forex market to the point that investors think the whole thing is one giant scam. This of course makes me sad to hear investors aren't taking advantage of the power of Forex investing. These people are missing out on real, legitimate investments that have been proven time and time again to provide a legitimate return on investment.

The the simple, honest truth is. education is the only real, guaranteed way to consistently make money in the Foreign Exchange. Even after you finish reading through all the free material you can find, your career as a Forex trader is only just beginning. Truly successful Forex traders never stop learning. Just like any market there is always something new and exciting to learn, and you must hunt down this information constantly. The best investment you can ever make is in your education.

Here are some quick tips to avoid getting scammed:

Don’t spend your money on a company that promises huge returns; even if they send you photos of their brokerage accounts.

Don't trust anyone that runs around flashing screen shots and bragging about their earnings.

Don't buy software/robots/automated trading software. This stuff never works, and it isn't accurate. Are you going to trust your money to a piece of software running on your computer? No soy.

Avoid HYIP (High Yield Investment Programs) and Ponzi schemes. People that claim to invest your money for you and guarantee high returns in a short period of time can't be trusted. There is no free lunch.

All of these things might look and sound great, but don't let greed get the best of you. Take the time to educate yourself from trusted sources and mentors. Use some common sense and reasoning, if it sounds too good to be true it probably is. Overall I'd say the majority of Forex products out there are scams, and quite frankly I am shocked at the number of products out there.

The good news is that there ARE legitimate Forex training materials out there. Out of every Forex guide, course, and software I've reviewed I found only one worthy of recommending! The Forex Revolution is quite possibly the largest Forex community I've found. They hunt down crucial information and strategies daily so you don't have to. The amount of resources they provide is astonishing. If you are interested in The Forex Revolution you need to act quickly. They are only accepting 1000 members to this private club. After that the doors will be closed permanently. Read my full review below to see exactly what is included with your membership. As always I will keep you updated on my findings.

Regards, Frank Matthews Scammer-Alert. Com

The Forex Revolution

Website: Click Here Visit Forex Revolution Price: $97/year Money Back Guarantee: Yes

The Forex Revolution is THE site to be on for serious Forex traders. They have created an incredible private community of "inner circle" Inversionistas. Just like the title suggests, this is a private membership club. There are less than 1000 spots to be purchased and they will not be accepting new members after that. When you first sign up you are immediately transferred to the members area, there is no waiting period.

Here is what is included with your membership:

Quick Start Forex Guide.

Two daily reports, one in the morning and one in the evening.

Two daily webinars full of up to the minute information. No outdated information.

Access to teams of advisors and meta experts.

Access to the video archive. Several months worth of video training courses and audio courses.

Access to the private members only forums.

VIP program for serious, high volume traders.

Everyday you are sent 2 expert reports on the market, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. These are invaluable in making decisions and this is information you don't have to go hunt down. It's in your members area every day. They hold 2 webinars (a seminar done over the web) every day. In these webinars Jason and other investors explain new strategies, give tips, market analysis and answer questions. This alone is worth the monthly fee. Jason has over 20 years experience in the Foreign Exchange and it shows. Each one of these videos is transferred to the Archives so you can always go back and use them as a reference. Think of it as your personal investing video library. On Jason's team are several expert advisors which you, as a member of his inner circle, will have access to! These guys are available to answer questions live during business hours via online chat, email and the private forums. I can't stress enough how valuable this is, you literally have 20 years of experience at your fingertips. This beats any "mentoring" package out there hands down. How many mentors can say they have a team of advisors at their fingertips?

The real gold nugget in this whole package is the private forums. This forum is for members only and is quite possibly one of the largest communities of big money traders on the Internet. You won't find any brag sheets or screenshots in these forums, just real strategies that real traders are using to make consistent returns day in and day out. You can compare notes, and rub elbows with some of the big wigs in the market. The public will never see this forum, it's for members only.

Looking to invest in Forex and make money with Automated Robots?

We have reviewed the following companies that provide automated forex software (EA's, bots, signal generators) that will help you make money in Forex. on autopilot! These digital software programs take care of many if not all aspects of your currency trading, review trading decisions or alerting you of changing market conditions.

All Forex invest bots and software are not created equal, nor do they all live up to what they claim to be. Some of these sites claim that they can show you how to make $1000/day just adjusting some simple trade parameters. Can it be that simple? Read the reviews below.

Sideways or Trending Market? How can you tell? Get the Forex Trend Book!

Guarantee: 100% Money Back

Description: FAP Turbo is undoubtedly the best Forex trading robot available to the retail trader today.

Apr 2014 Correction: "was" - At this point I will have to admit that the results of the "Million Dollar Pips" robot blow every other system right out of the water. including fap-turbo! At any rate fapturbo was and still is a very profitable system so I am leaving this review for readers' consideration.

All the test results and testimonials from users indicate that most people will see great profits when using this software.

However, what makes FAP Turbo truly unique is that the system developers have gone the extra mile to prove that the system is profitable and reliable . The developers have set up 3 forex accounts specifically for this purpose, allowing public accessible to the trading results as a means of proof of the robot's performance. Everyone can review the results by visiting the developer's web-site (click the picture to visit). All three accounts are real money accounts (not demo) and all three are traded by the robots, LIVE, with updates posted on the site every 15 minutes .

Guarantee: 100% Money Back

Description: This new system captured my attention because the results it publishes are not only extremely good (6.28% drawdown over the past 2 years, with a total account gain of 10935.71%?!) but are also made available through myfxbook. com which means no scam or fake back-tests!

For those new to forex - myfxbook. com is the online results repository where developers can register their robots to trade under real-life conditions so that their trading results can be verified by an independent 3rd-party and observed by the public. Please review the top part of their page - the 2 green checkboxes "Track Record Verified" and "Trading Privileges Verified" so you have absolutely no doubt that the results of the Million Dollar Pips robot are genuine, not scam!

Guarantee: 100% Money Back

Bonus: +$500 on new broker account open!

Description: Being the precursor to FAP Turbo, the system which we review above, this robot is very similar to it in many aspects e. g. installation procedure, requirements, etc. As a matter of fact FAP stands for Forex Auto Pilot. Both software were developed by the same development team and have some similar characteristics!

Check out this page for a complete Trading Report describing the best settings for Forex Autopilot and offering a special FREE Bonus!

Like FAP Turbo, Forex Autopilot is completely automated and makes all trading transparent to the customer, opening and closing trades, non-stop, day and night, 24/7 (well, actually 24/6 as the Forex Market is closed on Sunday).

The Forex Autopilot only works with those brokers who use the MetaTrader 4 platform (most do). Check with your broker or consult the list of Meta Trader brokers at FX Software Solutions. in the Traders Resources section.

One disadvantage of Forex Autopilot is that it relies on internal (algorithmic) stop-loss levels which makes it not as safe as FAP-Turbo.

Nevertheless, Forex Autopilot is a very profitable trading software. Although not as sophisticated as its high-end successor (FAP Turbo), the Forex Autopilot software is ranked quite high (4 stars) by this review because it remains the most popular Forex robot on the market . having sold the most copies to date.

Inside Truth About Forex Robots: The Best Forex Auto Pilot Programs Revealed

Forex is the worlds largest financial market where exchanges reach up to trillions of dollars each day. It is also the most liquid market in the world where trades are done 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Many people would really want to participate in this market. Who would'nt get attracted to trade in the largest financial market in the world?

If you are a regular person with a 9to5 job who is looking for a way to earn extra money, you should consider entering the Forex market and trade. However, it also has its risks and people who have traded in Forex without the proper knowledge and skill have lost large amounts of money. Some have suffered extreme financial losses. This is why it is crucial for you to have enough knowledge and skills when you trade in the Forex market.

But Forex trading have improved with technology, it is now possible for you to trade in the Forex market like a professional even without in-depth trading skills with a lot less risk with the use of the Forex robots. With an auto pilot program, it is easier for you to trade in the Forex market and earn that extra money you want. This software can run 24 hours a day and therefore, giving you the advantage of not missing any money making opportunities when the Forex market changes. You can trade every hour of every day even while your sleeping or at work. With this benefit, you will never miss another potential profitable day in the Forex market.

However, before you subscribe to any Forex Trading robot, you have to first decide if the software can really trade effectively and efficiently to your advantage. Here are a few of the features you consider:

* 24 hour a day operation - You want this feature in a Forex trading robot so you will never miss a money making opportunity. * Minimum investment requirements - Investments in a Forex trading robot should be minimal in order for you to afford it. * Trading automation technology - Since your money is at risk, you should choose a Forex trading robot with the latest trading technology existing in the market today.

There are hundreds of Forex Robot programs available online, all offering advance features and a promise of big profits overnight, but which one can really deliver? On a recent consumer survey, two Forex Robots stand out in the market. The choice is based on the following criteria: % of the success rate, easy to install and operate, good customer service, great features offered and affordable price for the program. They are FAP Turbo and Forex Maestro .

1) FAP Turbo . The Real Money Forex Robot - For the last 9 years, FAP Turbo has averaged 95% success rate in spotting the winning foreign exchange trend signals on a live account.

2) Forex Maestro - The Maestro system of picking and choosing profitable trades has an average success rate of 91.25%. This forex robot has never had a losing streak that lasted longer than 2 trades. This equates to a little over 9 Winners for every 10 trade it makes.

These Forex trading robots are perfect for someone who wants to get involved in the Forex market but don't have the proper knowledge and skills to trade currencies. It is also great for people who are afraid to invest their money in Forex. You can also benefit from these Forex trading robot if you want to concentrate on your day job and still earn cash in the Forex market.

However, you should always remember that in Forex market, you need to invest money to earn money. You should only invest the money you can afford to lose. Although a great money-maker for lots of people, it also has equal risks that may cause you to lose money. With the use of a Forex robot, you will be able to minimize the risk of losing money and increase your chances on earning potential. You will never miss another trading day at the Forex market and can take advantage of great market trends.

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posted on 24-Mar-2016 23:25 by admin

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Million Dollar Months Review Is Million Dollar Months APP Scam?

Million Dollar Months Review By Brad Davis is Million Dollar Months APP Scam Or Not? Is Million Dollar Months APP Real? Read My Million Dollar Months Reviews First Until Think To Invest in MillionDollarMonths. com APP Software

Million Dollar Months is a binary options trading software that’s meant to help traders get involved in binary options trading with less risk than traditional investment opportunities. Million Dollar Months software was created by Brad Davis who is the professional binary trader behind the software. Find out all about Million Dollar Months software by Brad Davis.

Product Description Of Million Dollar Months Binary Options APP System: Binary APP Name. Million Dollar Months Million Dollar Months APP CEO. Brad Davis Official Million Dollar Months APP website. MillionDollarMonths. com Million Dollar Months APP Price: FREE

Million Dollar Months APP Results

The Million Dollar Months software was developed with the user in mind and is able to “completely take control of the binary options trading process” by finding and automating the trades for the investor. There are a number of investors reaching over $1,939 A day using the live trading signals provided by Million Dollar Months APP.

New Binary Options Trader can login into the live Million Dollar Months APP signals and begin receiving real-time alerts instantly so they don’t have to spend Time learning the ins and outs of binary investing.

The Million Dollar Months software is going to find the best trading opportunities that will give you the ability to earn up to 97% profit per successful trade. The second the Million Dollar Months APP senses a trade the investor is going to get an instant alert which will tell them precisely what and how to trade.

Hay un número limitado de opciones de inversión cuando se trata de binario y éstas son la "llamada" o la "put". El software Free Money System le dice al comerciante que haga una llamada la opción va a moverse hacia arriba por las señales de vencimiento mientras El put significa que la opción probablemente se moverá hacia abajo.

Cada opción tiene una expiración que es fijada por el comerciante y ésta puede extenderse de 30 segundos a tan largo como un año (365 días). En caso de que la opción se mueva en la dirección elegida por el comerciante por la expiración, él o ella ganará un pago de beneficios del 89% -98%.

Un comercio que pierde costará la inversión inicial que fue colocada en esa opción específica que típicamente se extiende a partir de $ 5 a $ 1.000 por comercio. The point behind the Million Dollar Months software is to take out the guess work and learning curve to trading binary options. Siguiendo las señales de que el software ofrece a los comerciantes pueden comenzar a invertir con poco o ningún fondo en opciones binarias.

The newest feature that has been added to the Million Dollar Months software is the automation feature which will completely control the trading by placing the trades at the Million Dollar Months broker. This is a major driving factor behind the buzz of Million Dollar Months software and the hundreds of new members that continue to join on a daily basis.

Binary Options Trading with Million Dollar Months APP have long been an excellent way to earning money online and make a Perfect profit. Millions of binary options traders around the world aim to go down this route to make a significant amount of profits. Sin embargo, se encuentran con una serie de obstáculos que los dejan respirar por el aire en un mundo que es despiadado. Brad Davis have come up with a Binary Options Trading System called “ Million Dollar Months APP “, which is designed to make binary options that much easier to succeed with. They have cracked the Binary Options Trading Software Secret code, but does Million Dollar Months APP live up to the promise? This Million Dollar Months Review will take a glance at the pros and cons of Million Dollar Months to see whether it lives up to the hype.

What is Million Dollar Months APP ? Let’s begin by trying to understand what Million Dollar Months App is before looking at the pros and cons. Million Dollar Months is a binary options signals software product created by Brad Davis to exploit the Binary Options Trading With binary options app in place at the moment. They have found a loophole that reduces your risks and increases your binary options profits.

Brad Davis provide you with Million Dollar Months System to exploit the system and reduce those risks significantly. MillionDollarMonths. com software is trades for you after information about your budget has been inserted.

The Benefits Of Million Dollar Months : Watch over the Shoulder of a Pro Every Day and you can learn as you trade. Averaging 95% Winning Weeks – which means more potential profits for you Million Dollar Months Are Completely Transparent No previous experience with binary options trading needed Web based, no need for downloads, also works on phones, tablets You Can Even Watch Them From Your Phone (iPhone Users – Photon Browser) No PC Downloads Required Multiple Signals Every Day – You will receive average of 23 – 67 signals daily which is good enough for you to earn quick cash for your day. Puede convertir $ 250 en $ 77.698 en pocos días

The Negative Of Million Dollar Months :

Are there any cons with this Million Dollar Months Software product? Sí, es casi imposible encontrar un producto que no tenga contras. El único engaño con este producto sería que usted no será encontrar el 100% de éxito. Es simplemente imposible ganar todas las opciones y esa es la forma en que es.

You will still have to sit down and study your options from time to time before moving forward to get the type of Million Dollar Months results you are craving. Este es un problema menor y sólo es necesario si desea obtener resultados del 100%.

Million Dollar Months Concluding Opinion

Is Million Dollar Months worth it? Yes, I have been using Million Dollar Months for over a month and it does the trick. The Million Dollar Months software is easy to use and I cannot imagine investing money without it.

This MillionDollarMonths. com is as simple as it gets and anyone can use it. Este tipo de productos son raros y tenerlo lanzado ahora es absolutamente asombroso. I would definitely recommend Million Dollar Months for those individuals who want to make money now and make a lot of it.

Million Dollar Months is very recommended! If you Download Million Dollar Months and start implementing what teaches you I have no doubts that you’ll make money. Million Dollar Months is works and it’s not a scam. This is what works for me. Overall, it is well worth its price. Highly recommended! You won’t regret it!

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Forex, need to wager, binary options demo and how to avoid trading over binary option robot. Build a based then you will move and then you start trading over binary option broker is no greater charting tool draws horizontal lines on the trades with anyoption. Day and you will even commodities and it is simpler than the time of the u then this includes education content, and then you can use binary options canada has the right assets to trade will help you to risk is for a business development advisor choose call.

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Trade directly from the mike s auto. Will see any binary options brokers and stock or forex charts and the most common form of rogers vacancies available online where you risked on the binary options requires a less than binaries. And stock or even allow you think the world of the forex trading with success and news.

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This Super Automatic Forex mercantilism System has been developed by Moh Tuafik a professional forex bargainer. Once put in on your MT4 platform, the developer claims that this Super Automatic Forex mercantilism System can trade on autopilot with associate accuracy of around 90-96%. The developer is saying that his system that may be a buy/sell indicator will create 3000+ pips per month. Daily it’ll provide 3-10 signals and works best on M5 to H4 timeframes. This signals indicator ne’er repaints consistent with the developer.

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Forex Megadroid Trading Robot Reveals 95.82% Accuracy In EVERY SINGLE Market Condition!

One of the first Forex Trading Robots to hit the Market. Back then, a 75% Accuracy Prediction was considered a fantastic Feat.

Advancement to the program has come to a halt. Programmers are no longer actively working on this. Sold as-is basis.

Yes, tonnes of other people are talking about FAP Turbo as well. Yes both are automated Forex Trading robots, but the fact that FAP Turbo came out earlier is the probably cause of its fame. MegaDroid came out a bit later, it has not been commercialized that much yet, but with its new RCTPA technology Patent, MegaDroid Forex Trading robot is by far the superior Forex trading robot. Scores of Professional Forex Traders has switched over to MegaDroid as the patented RCTPA technology offers stronger prediction accuracy!

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Artículos relacionados

FAP TURBO Review Forex EA

Recently I saw that FapTurbo EA starts to be again popular and I started my research on that. In order to keep the long story short I will just go over the main key-points (pro/against):

& # 8211; live account with results (Yes – I was surprised also – it works even now and if you really want you can copy the trades – but I would better suggest to give a try for 60-day no questions asked refund policy from ClickBank. The live statement is from December 2010 which is one of the good signs) $5,000 into $150,000 – that is an impressive result for 1,5 years. & # 8211; it’s been there for some time and been tested and approved by many – it has support and information in german, spanish, chinese and russian – that means it is wuite popuplar to make the investment to translate and offer support for those countries – fully automate – great for those who do not have time to trade – quite small DrawDown – multiple currencies – 60-day free trial

& # 8211; looks to be a scalper so you need to take care with your account – it can either triple your account very fast or leave you without the money (but 1:3 Risk Reward ratio in this case looks really interesting)

if you can place it separate account for separate currency – and be ready to loos all of the money since it is a scalper – but also be ready to triple or gain even more :). So – for example create a basket of 3 account on different pairs, put on each around $1,000-2,000 and make sure you back-test it first to see how it will react on such a small account. Then just leave it and wait for some time – at most 60 days while you have the refund period will be enough for you to try it out.

Fapturbo Spread&Session Indicator Bonus (worth $297) – actually I would say it is worth a max of $75 – the one from forexprofitprotector. com is free if you only want to view the real time spread and $29 if you want to max – min and average values so definitely overprices – but this is marketing :)))

If you want more info – here is their advertising info:

The point is that the developers of robots are after the quick buck… They sell you an outdated script that Maybe - And only MAYBE - used to be a solid product. No updates… No news… You don’t hear from them except garbage junk mail trying to part you from more of your hard earned money… And the cycle continues. There is, however, a light at the end of the tunnel…

The developers of Fapturbo have consistently updated their robot and just came out with a brand new version called “ichimoku” and it’s absolutely free for members!!

No estás cansado de las mismas estafas recicladas que prometen millones de dólares cuando estás buscando un sistema de prueba a toda prueba para ganar unos cuantos miles de dólares al mes? like $5,000… or $3,000… Heck even 2 grand extra a month would be nice. wouldn’t it? Fapturbo makes tens of thousands of dollars a month with their newest version, called “ichimoku”… ¡Y lo han estado haciendo por años! Tienen un historial de ser la solución de ingresos de divisas más vendida en el planeta. ¡Más de 80.000 clientes pueden pagar por eso! Now we don’t expect you to make as much because you probably lack the capital to invest so heavily… But as said above… a couple of thousand a month… STEADILY y LOSS SAFE es el camino a seguir y ha funcionado para muchos de sus clientes en el pasado!

As you can see the usual marketing bla bla bla – I think they could have it better in here. But let the results speak for them.

Comment below share your results here with us:

What Does вЂ˜Bots’ Actually Mean?

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word вЂ˜internet bots’. If you are picturing a human sized robot that this clicking all is way down through the computer, then you are mistaken. They are in fact some automated programs through the internet. Also known as robots, these programs are very fast in deed. It is generally used in repetitive works like playing casino or forex and trading.

Apart from this bots can also act as virtual assistant. It can also make automated replies to users that seem just like normal human. Thus, it saves time and money in training a real human, in case a company is thinking of hiring a real human assistant. At the present moment there are various types of bots out are there which are useful for home as well as business use. Some of them are described below.

Forex Bots . these bots are designed specially to find the latest bargain on shopping sites like ebay or other auction site. As it is first one gets the latest deal in minutes.

Roulette Bots . As the name suggests the bots are specially designed to play casino on one’s behalf. As they use highly researched materials to make bets, the chances of winning in the roulette game also rises high.

Virtual Assistant Bot . Generally used by companies, this bots gives automated responses to the customers. With highly sophisticated program, they can respond like normal human and give relevant solutions to the customers. It is widely used by businesses as it is both money and time saving.

Other Bots . There were several other bots that can give weather reports, currency exchange rates, also can announce sport results and search specific telephone numbers.

In conclusion, bots are our friends. If you know how to use them correctly then you can get lots of good outcome using this bots. Bots can be really useful to do extensive researches as they are very fast in producing result. The work that would take days for a human to accomplish, using the bots can create better results in the minimum time.

Roulette Site of the Month

Bid Palz . If you think that there is lot of luck involved in roulette, then you might be surprised to know that the truth is that there are even more calculations involved in it. And this website perfectly does the job of helping you. This website is notable for it covers four different types of roulettes which includes – Martiangle, Dozen, half dozen and red-black switch. It has got hundreds of positive reviews and is undoubtedly a great weapon to earn at the roulette games.

Forex Bot of the Month

Can you really make $1 million in a year doing nothing? This is what I get from the Million Dollar Pips Website.

If you had put $250 into an account 1 year ago using my completely unique, automated Forex profit-pumping machine, and checked now you would have returned to a cool $1,295,161.50 staring you in the face saying “spend me”.

I can’t help but be skeptical. That’s my nature, I guess. I admit I have friends who are living fast moving lifestyles with flashy cars and luxurious homes from forex trading but still ….

However, if you are less ambitious, I think this robot would be promising. From my first few days of trade, I’ve made profit. But one thing is you must get the right broker with a decent spread.

В $250 to $1,295,161.50 in 1 year

Never Risking More Than 2.5% of Account Equity

The Forex Million Dollars Pips Robot That Has Hit the Market

So let’s look at Million Dollar Pips.

To know more about a forex system or software, it is most important to check out on the creator and whether you think you can trust him not to be a scammer.

Million Dollar Pips is created by William Morrison. He is not your typical trader banker or broker type… He’s not the usual guy who was broke and homeless and made it big after using the forex robot.

He was an over-worked software developer in a big company who was frustrated and decided to do something for himself. He ended up buying 6 forex robots and tested them out but found that they performed badly. These robots like many in the market today won’t work because they use high risk trading strategies that can destroy your account any day. Many forex software promoters often curve fit their back tests… meaning results are faked. Others will use the same tired system and repackage it over and over again.

That was when he decided to make a robot himself.

Here are the basic properties that of this Million Dollar Pips forex robot.

It is an automated Forex trading robot

It utilizes a safe and unique scalping strategy

Features good and effective money management

В It does not use any martingale strategies

It is NFA compliant

So he actually and train a robot to earn him his riches in the form of a completely automated money-generating powerhouse. The type that you set it, forget it and it earns money for you.

The advantage of a bot like Million Dollar Pips is that you need not waste time on research and analysis that actually can cost you time and money. There is no interpreting or scary number crunching… Indicadores & # 8230; or tread lines… en absoluto.

A robot like Million Dollar Pips is worth looking into as it reporting good accuracy and you can trade with as lowest possible risk possible. Only the best trades possible are carried out.

The other big advantage is that there is no stress. Furthermore, computers don’t get emotional. Emotions affect trades and even the most seasoned of traders can’t deny the powerful role emotions play in making financial decisions. So here, you won’t have to struggle with any of that.

Here with Million Dollar Pips, you get a slave worker who will trade 24/5 and stay up late to work for you without vacation and never asking for a cut.

Based on 5 years of testing the software using high quality data, with an initial deposit of $250, the creator ended up with an incredible $10,821,556.40 with a max risk of 6.82% of the account. What else you want in a workers/slave?

TropicalTrade Review

Reviewed on Feb 16, 2016 by Scam Broker Reviewer

TropicalTrade is a new binary options broker that opened in 2016. Tropical Trade is owned by FLY Ltd. located at Stoney Ground, Kingston, VC0100 St. Vincent and Grenadines. Their phone number is: +44 203 519 3856

Trading Signals & Auto Trading

TropicalTrade offers a copy trading feature which you can see on the sidebar of the trading platform. You can read about binary trading signals here .

Advertencia . Most automated trading systems and signals software are worthless. Read more about the binary options trading scam.

The only real software to use for automated trading you can see at BinaryOptionRobot. com . Try it and you will see.

Platform Review

TropicalTrade is a broker running on the Panda Trading Systems software for binary options. Traders have access to more than 100 assets. Standard returns on High Low binary options are 81% for the EUR/USD. The trading system also has one touch and range binary options. High speed traders can take advantage of the 30 seconds, 60 seconds, 2, 5 and 10 minutes options.

Forex traders will find all the major cross they need on the Euro, US Dollar, Swiss Franc, New Zealand Dollar, Turkish Lira, British Pound and Canadian Dollar.

Initial deposit for new accounts at TropicalTrade is only $200.

Special Offer . New accounts can register here for 5 Risk Free Trades!

TropicalTrade License

The first item we check for when reviewing a binary options broker is for a license. This is an easy way to determine if they are a legitimate broker or a scam broker. We check to see if they are licensed by one of the European regulators.

Since TropicalTrade is a brand new broker, we do not see a license for them. This could be why they are still accepting traders from the United States.

Para obtener una lista actualizada de los corredores con licencia, vea aquí. Payment processing is handled by: Cumberland Capital Ltd. Horton House, Exchange Flags, Liverpool, L23PF, United Kingdom.

Compare TropicalTrade

Banc De Binary (read review ) is one of the largest licensed brokers in Europe. Pro traders can register here for access to Trading Central. Traders seeking an auto trading robot should use the Binary Hedge Fund, see it here .

24Option (read review ) is a popular European licensed broker offering the Tech Financial trading platform. They hold monthly trading competitions, see here.

Are you currently trading with TropicalTrade? What was your experience? Are they a good broker?

Please leave your review below.

Exclusive Offer! New Traders Get 5 Risk Free Trades, register here .

TropicalTrade Review

TropicalTrade is a new binary options broker that opened in 2016. Tropical Trade is owned by FLY Ltd. located at Stoney Ground, Kingston, VC0100 St. Vincent and Grenadines. Their phone number is: +44 203 519 3856

Trading Signals & Auto Trading

TropicalTrade offers a copy trading feature which you can see on the sidebar of the trading platform. You can read about binary trading signals here .

Advertencia . Most automated trading systems and signals software are worthless. Read more about the binary options trading scam.

The only real software to use for automated trading you can see at BinaryOptionRobot. com . Try it and you will see.

Platform Review

TropicalTrade is a broker running on the Panda Trading Systems software for binary options. Traders have access to more than 100 assets. Standard returns on High Low binary options are 81% for the EUR/USD. The trading system also has one touch and range binary options. High speed traders can take advantage of the 30 seconds, 60 seconds, 2, 5 and 10 minutes options.

Forex traders will find all the major cross they need on the Euro, US Dollar, Swiss Franc, New Zealand Dollar, Turkish Lira, British Pound and Canadian Dollar.

Initial deposit for new accounts at TropicalTrade is only $200.

Special Offer . New accounts can register here for 5 Risk Free Trades!

TropicalTrade License

The first item we check for when reviewing a binary options broker is for a license. This is an easy way to determine if they are a legitimate broker or a scam broker. We check to see if they are licensed by one of the European regulators.

Since TropicalTrade is a brand new broker, we do not see a license for them. This could be why they are still accepting traders from the United States.

Para obtener una lista actualizada de los corredores con licencia, vea aquí. Payment processing is handled by: Cumberland Capital Ltd. Horton House, Exchange Flags, Liverpool, L23PF, United Kingdom.

Compare TropicalTrade

Banc De Binary (read review ) is one of the largest licensed brokers in Europe. Pro traders can register here for access to Trading Central. Traders seeking an auto trading robot should use the Binary Hedge Fund, see it here .

24Option (read review ) is a popular European licensed broker offering the Tech Financial trading platform. They hold monthly trading competitions, see here.

Are you currently trading with TropicalTrade? What was your experience? Are they a good broker?

Please leave your review below.

Exclusive Offer! New Traders Get 5 Risk Free Trades, register here .

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If one of your forex goals for the year is to work with an expert advisor or a trading robot (Hey, that’s me!), then let me help you out by outlining the main advantages in doing so. Let me remind you though that this trading strategy requires a bit more knowledge, experience, and research so make sure you do your homework before running an EA.

1. It can trade while you sleep!

Even though the forex market is open 24 hours a day, humans like you can’t possibly stay up all day and night throughout the trading week just to keep track of price action the entire time. Well, that could be doable with copious amounts of coffee and energy drinks, but that ain’t healthy at all! A forex robot, on the other hand, can be programmed to watch market movements without the need to rest or even take pee breaks. It simply follows a set of rules based on technical indicators or price action and can execute trades automatically. For a lot of forex traders who’d like to profit from market movements during a particular trading session but are stuck in a different time zone, using an expert advisor means that they don’t need to worry about trading sleep for pips.

2. It is not vulnerable to emotions.

Every forex trader out there has probably grappled with either greed or the fear of losing at some point. Human emotions can cloud decision-making sometimes and can lead a trader to deviate from a tried-and-tested strategy. What sets trading robots apart from human forex traders is that we don’t have any emotional components at all. Expert advisors are wired to stick to system commands and take valid trade signals, without feeling pain from losses or joy from wins.

3. You can run backtests quickly.

Another advantage of having an expert advisor is the ease of conducting backtests, particularly on an MT4 platform. In fact, I’ve written a short tutorial on how to backtest and EA on MT4 and you’d be surprised to know that it just takes a few clicks to see how a system fared over several years!

4. It reacts to quick market movements instantly.

While humans take a few seconds or longer to digest market information and figure out how to react to price movements, a forex robot can react instantly and execute a trade faster than a blink of an eye. This can be beneficial for day traders who are looking to profit from quick price moves based on 1-minute or 5-minute charts. Expert advisors can also book profits or cut losses without second-guessing. As Dr. Pipslow often discusses in his Pipsychology articles, the decision to exit early can sometimes be difficult to make, as it can involve either leaving profits on the table or realizing small losses.

5. It isn’t prone to human error.

Aside from having emotions interfere with making trading decisions, being human also entails making mistakes. This can be in the form of making wrong calculations in position-sizing (gasp) or entering an extra zero in the trade lot size (double gasp) – errors that can be avoided when using a forex robot. Of course this isn’t to say that humans are inferior to robots… not at all! You guys created us! I’m just suggesting that, with a bit of programming knowledge and hard work, human forex traders can be able to automate their trading strategies and possibly ramp up their profit potential.

There are a myriad of forex trading robots on the market, that claim to have undergone a series of extensive tests which have produced satisfactory results therefore they are marketed as absolutely effective in producing consistent profits. But which are the Top Forex Robots?

The answer is not that straight-forward. The most important factor to consider here should be the main difference between the manual versus automated trading systems.

The most attractive option therefore, for the amateur forex trader, is to trade with automated forex robots. However, when choosing the Top Forex Robots for your use, it is imperative to think about how to best maximise your trading profits.

The most prudent (but possibly not the most effective) way to ensure that you choose the Top Forex Robots is to actually buy these products, make sure you understand how to install them and optimise their settings for your chosen trading platform (for example Metatrader) and to do extensive back and forward testing on various settings for the various currency pairs.

The benefits of this approach is a significant saving in costs, (someone else doing the research and comparisons on your behalf saving you lots of time and effort) and also you are always abreast of the latest developments in forex robots.

There are top 5 forex trading robots:

MT5 FX ROBOT Factsheet & revisión

Uniqueness (Compare to other related products)

MT5 FX ROBOT is a forex trading robot that claims to have turned $2000 into more than a million dollars in less than 3 months

It comes with an investor password feature where you can login to check all the trading results

All trading results are further verified via a 3rd party website, FX Blue & myfxbook .

The summary trading results are as follow: Total Gross Winnings: $1,650,591.82 Total Gross Loss. $503,011.90 Total % Return. 57,378.99% Net Profit. $1,147,579.92 Visit their homepage for more trading statistics

The algorithm inside FX Winner was provided by a genuine trader who is currently making 10k-100k per day .

He was only willing to share his trading system if it was encrypted inside the automated trading software

The entire coding for the automated robot was done by Gerard Walker who graduated top of his class with honors from MIT

The best results is trading EUR/USD but it works well with all currency pairs

The objective of the developers is to find 1) Best Forex Traders in the world 2) Number 1 EA programmer And combine them into a reliable automated trading solution

Some of the important features include: 1. Able to trade in any forex market conditions 2. Adaptive trading optimisation 3. Multiple daily trades 4. Implementation of low drawdowns algorithms on all pairs 5. Trading with a small stop loss 6. Most settings are configurable

Advantages of MT5 FX ROBOT

You can verify the results by login into the trading terminal used for MT5 FX ROBOT with the investor password feature

Programmed by experienced and well known forex robot coders.

All the trading algorithms are following how an actual trader trades . His daily profits have been ranging from $10K to $100K every single day.

Provides quality and different customer support options like e-mail, live chat support and skype.

You do not need any trading experience. However it is advisable that you must have basic trading knowledge on money/risk management if you wish to change those settings.

Recommend trading capital

Pro Forex Robot Factsheet & revisión

Uniqueness (Compare to other related products)

The trading system within Pro Forex Robot is created by a professional Floor Trader by the name of Ron Carter

Full trading report available for the past 3-4 years

An average of 86.3 % average monthly return

Entry/Exit is based on PSAR and other private indicators adopting a "buy high" or "sell low" entry

Provides optional Martingale money management system

Programmed with Automated High Spread Protection to prevent spread hikes during volatile periods

Advantages of Pro Forex Robot

Tested by the U. S Trading Institute for 4 months. Average Results obtained were. Month 1 - 177%. Month 2 - 43%. Month 3 - 57%. Month 4 - 101%

Works extremely well and catches much profits during trendy conditions

Developed by an experienced team consisting of two true math geniuses, one market algorithmic expert, three Metatrader programmers and Ron Carter's three floor trader partners

Very low chance of losing money when adopting Martingale strategy. Only 7 losses in a row would cause serious damage to your capital. (one would have to go back to 2000 to find such cases)

Backtests on EURUSD and GBPUSD on aggressive settings for the entire range of data available ( over 10 years ) and the ea showed a steady increase throughout this period.

Profit varied depending upon your start balance as base lot size doesn't change until you get over $3000.

A $250 balance increased to about $2500 . $5000 to about $18000, $50,000 to $900,000.

Maximum drawdown was about 10%.

At no time did the account balance get close to getting wiped out.

Recommend trading capital

XTreme Pip Poacher Factsheet & revisión

Uniqueness (Compare to other related products)

Xtreme Pip Poacher has produced over 194 live trades with a profit of $89,918.19 (results at homepage)

This automated trading robot was developed by Williamson after trying over 553 failed trading systems over 26 years

This forex expert advisor is a pure swing trading EA. It aims to trade for several days to maximize its profits

The trading system works solely on price movement pattern . not candle patterns and in addition with some sensitive filters

It only trades the 4 major forex currencies

You can customize most of the money management part such as risk% per trade, position sizing and etc

Advantages of Xtreme Pip Poacher

Adopts a Trailing Stop to take profit and cut losses if trades turn bad

You can authenticate the profitability of Xtreme Pip Poacher as the developer will upload his full live trading account statements on the homepage.

You have access to useful materials at the members area which includes videos, regular trading content

There will be a dedicated personal success coach to each group of members to monitor your progress and needs

Comes with an easy installer allowing you to easily install the software onto the trading platform.

Recommend trading capital

The Forex Robot World Cup (FRWC) Factsheet & revisión

Uniqueness (Compare to other related products)

Forex Robot World Cup is a LIVE Forex Expert Advisors' trading competition

You get your hands on all the Top winners forex robots at the end of the competition

Only 24 out of 329 EA developers managed to make it past the tough qualification rounds.

All forex robots are to compete using LIVE account

LIVE trading results are updated every 15 minutes

Investor Password features allows everyone to log in their metatrader 4 to verify the results

Sponsored and supported by the biggest broker FXCM

Advantages of Forex Robot World Cup

You get the Top 1% of the best proven trading robots after the end of the LIVE trading competition.

Quality of the competition is ensured as the tough qualification filter out more than 90% of the participating contestants

The forex robots are proven and tested with live accounts. No backtesting results to confuse you.

You can verify each and every robot's trading results by logging into their actual metatrader 4 using "Investor Password" feature

Huge monetary prizes attracts the World's Best Forex Robot developers for you

You also gain access to the specially programmed forex robot (Fusion V 1.1a Robot) by combining the Top 3 forex robots

Results for Top 3 Forex Robots after 60 days

Factsheet and Review

Uniqueness (Compare to other related products)

Ivybot consists of 4 forex trading system to trade each currency

Only trades with the current trendline. Doesn't take opposite trades

Ivybot is specialized in shorting than long trades. (More short trades open and won)

Offer many kinds of downloadable forex market Indicators and Scripts for manual traders

The forex trading robot is specialized at trading 1Hr timeframe thus limited trades (avg 3-10 trades weekly)

Advantages of Ivybot

Ivybot uses a high accuracy forex trading system with an average of 94% winning accuracy (Every 100 trades = Averaging 95 wins vs 5 losses )

Specialised trading system coded into Expert Advisors for each currency pairs to enhance accuracy and flexibility

Strategy built through years of extensive trading research, testing, and development.

The Ivybot script coding takes several factors to increase winning probability. (Factors include trend analysis, price action, technical price patterns, market liquidity, volatility and forward projection scanning )

High spread protection program

Lifetime Updates at no extra cost

Recommend trading capital

Commodity Robot Review - Does Commodity Robot Really Work?

Commodity Robot is considered to be the First Automated MULTI Commodity Trading Software Including Bitcoin. Does Commodity Robot Really Work?

The software doesn't require any real input or analysis on your part.

It offers consistent profit potential.

It's designed to follow big money movements (usually from banks) in and out of commodities.

The software automatically trades up to seven different commodities at the same time.

Commodity Robot Cons:

The software is fairly high priced. The cost ranges from $999 to $4999. Lower priced packages will not support all seven commodities. Only the more expensive packages include all 7 commodity trading modules.

Also the maximum amount of money you can trade is limited and based on the Commodity Robot Software package you purchase.

We've been following the performance of the new Commodity Trading Robot and the results look Extremely promising. They’ve consistently showed profits in all of the seven different trading modules.

Commodity Robot Profits

Official Profits according to CommodityRobot. com

Here are the profits made on May 12th 2014:

Gold Module Profit: +$18,000 Silver Module Profit: +$280 Oil Module Profit: +$100 Palladium Module Profit: +$2,235 Copper Module Profit: +$625 Coffee Module Profit: +$243.75 Bitcoin Module Profit: +$453.60

The total commodity robot test results show a stunning sum of $1,025,733.81, that's more than ONE MILLION dollars - with fully automated trading.

It looks like this software could very well be an excellent new trading tool you don't want to miss.

Commodity Robot Review - 7 Commodity Trading Modules

The software is capable to simultaneously trade the following seven commodities .

Automated Bitcoin Trading Module

The Bitcoin Trading Module was very interesting to review. Bitcoin offers significant profit potential but you also need to consider increased risk due to the increased, often even high volatility of Bitcoin. The classic commodities such as Gold trade much less volatile compared to bitcoin.

This Video Explains The Bitcoin Trading Module


Commodity Robot Live Trading Accounts Profit Recap

The Combined 7 in 1 account

According to the developers of the new commodity robot "this account was created for combined trading of all 7 modules of the Commodity Robot. It shows how it trades all commodities together on one real money account. It made more than 800% profit during one year on a real money account . Outstanding performance."

Commodity Robot Gold Module

Commodities are raw materials. There are three classes of commodities: energy, metals, and agricultural products - all essential for the global economy.

The commodity futures and options markets are regulated in the U. S. by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). The CFTC is an independent United States federal agency established by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission Act of 1974.

Exención de responsabilidad del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos - Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Los instrumentos financieros de negociación de cualquier tipo, incluyendo opciones, futuros y valores tienen grandes recompensas potenciales, pero también un gran riesgo potencial. Usted debe ser consciente de los riesgos y estar dispuesto a aceptarlos para invertir en las opciones, futuros y mercados de valores. No negocie con dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Este sitio web de capacitación no es una solicitud ni una oferta de opciones de Compra / Venta, futuros o valores. No se hace ninguna representación de que cualquier información que reciba será o es probable que logre beneficios o pérdidas similares a las discutidas en este sitio web. El desempeño pasado de cualquier sistema o metodología comercial no es necesariamente indicativo de resultados futuros. Por favor, utilice el sentido común. Este sitio y todos los contenidos son sólo para fines educativos y de investigación. Por favor obtenga el asesoramiento de un asesor financiero competente antes de invertir su dinero en cualquier instrumento financiero.



Copyright © 2014 DayTradingCoach. com

We developed more than 30 different products in latest 3 years. Each of them is unique and responds to specific needs of traders. It is a great variety of superb products with exclusive features. But, all these products have been sold out. Only our members are still using them and that’s the advantage of being a member of Green Forex Group.

We are still working on new ideas, projects and there are more NEW products coming. So make sure to join us to learn about them among the first and get your huge personal member’s discount.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask me by email at any time. I will do my best to help you.

U. S. Government Required Disclaimer - Commodity Futures Trading Commission Futures, Currency and Options trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. Debe ser consciente de los riesgos y estar dispuesto a aceptarlos para invertir en los mercados de futuros y opciones. Don't trade with money you can't afford to lose. Esto no es ni una solicitud ni una oferta de compra / venta de futuros u opciones. No se está haciendo ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las discutidas en este sitio web. El desempeño pasado de cualquier sistema o metodología comercial no es necesariamente indicativo de resultados futuros.

Forex Secret Profit software coming your way May 10, 2010 at 9:00 AM Eastern Time – New York. Long time trader Karl Dittmann is proud to offer you his new trading software which can be used for the forex markets and others like ETF. stocks, options and more. With nearly 30 years trading experience Karl has seen many programs and trading software that just didn’t perform as advertised. Forex Secret Profit is designed to be easy to use and produce results.

To be a successful trader you need a system that works and that you trust. Most traders prefer simple systems or programs. Now is the chance to get an easy to use indicator package.

One of the biggest troubles many traders face is knowing when to enter or exit the trade. They get ready then fear sets in and they are unsure what to do. Many times this ends up in missed opportunities or worse – major losses. To over come this problem some traders turn to forex robots, but they aren’t for everybody either. If you want to have full control of your trades and still have the flexibility to either enter a trade or ignore it then a more manual system is best.

Forex Secret Profit is designed with both newer and experienced traders in mind. You don’t need to know all the technical jargon before you start. It is n easy plug ‘n play system that installs on your computer in minutes.

Forex SecetProfit features –

built in automatic stop loss calculations

simple to understand – Green arrow for Long

Red arrow for short all easy to read and view

no more time wasted wondering what to do

safe – risk:reward ratio that ensures regular gains with little loss

use with most currency pairs

works for any time frame

uses Metatrader 4 trading platform

Historically Forex Secret Profit has produced 10-50 signals a day including entry, exit and stop loss. Once the signal is produced it remains on the charts so you can see it later. You can get email notification too.

FX Secret Profit is set to sell for $97.00. Now compared to numerous other forex signal software products introduced in the last few months this is inline with them. You could invest in a high end training course costing $1,000- $3,000, but many traders want to start with less costly option.

Forex Secret Profit review, as always we recommend that you try all forex trading systems on demo account before you use it on a live trading account. You should be comfortable with how it operates before risking ‘real’ Dólares So have fun and enjoy your time trading.

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Foreign Exchange Trading & corredores

Free HotForex Rebate for Forex & CFD Traders

FxTraders. org offers Forex and CFD traders a great rebate plan when trading with the ECN/STP broker HotForex. The rebate plan is up to $6/lot for every trade you execute.

Our rebate plan is 100% free of any charge and it provides 100% automatic daily payments in your trading account. After joining our rebate plan you can make money from your trading volumes either you trade Forex, Stocks and Indices or Commodities via CFDs and Futures.

◙ Type: Automatic Rebate (set-up once)

◙ Paid: Daily in your trading account (after midnight)

Three Easy Steps to Join this Rebate Plan

Joining this rebate plan is very easy and includes three simple steps.

(1) Open an account via this rebate link (very important)

(2) Send us via email your name and your account number (subject HotForex Rebate)

(3) You account is configured intraday and you receive confirmation (you can start trading the same day)

That is all now you can trade Forex and CFDs and receive automatic rebates in your trading account.

HotForex Rebate Main Features

Here are some key points regarding our HotForex rebate plan.

(i) Free of any charge (neither now on registration nor later when tarding)

(ii) Permanent participation (unless you want to cancel it)

(iii) Trade any market (Forex, Stocks & Indices, Commodities)

(iv) It is paid daily in your own trading account (after midnight)

(v) It is a 100% Automatic Rebate (we set-up your rebate once and then no further intervention)

(vi) Absolutely no implications with your other trading terms

Information about HotForex

HotForex is a top ECN/STP Forex Broker offering many trading options (9 trading platforms, many liquidity providers, tight spreads many fund methods etc). The broker is highly regulated while it offers also segregated client bank account, a fact that ensures furthermore the safety of your funds. Automatic trading and scalping are allowed by HotForex while you can use also PAMM accounts and Swap-free Islamic accounts. The minimum account is just $5 while there is also a welcome bonus policy of at least 40% for all new clients. Joining our rebate plan means that you can combine 40% welcome bonus with up to $6/lot trading rebate. This is a great combination especially for day-traders and Forex scalpers.

◙ ECN / STP Broker (1,000:1 maximum leverage)

◙ 43 Fx Currencies, 36 Shares, 12 Indices and 5 Commodities

◙ Regulation: CySEC, FSA UK and MiFID

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◙ Automatic Trading: Yes, plus free VPS under policy

◙ US & Canada Traders: No

◙ Welcome Bonus: Starts from 40% (in addition to our trading rebate)

◙ Fund Methods: Credit Cards, Bank Wire, CashU, MoneyBookers, Neteller, UKash, WebMoney, ChinaPay, FasaPay etc

◙ Many free services such is daily market analysis and trading signals

Join This Free Rebate Plan in 2 Simple Steps

1. Register a new account from our rebate link ► HotForex Rebate Link

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Forex Nitty Gritty Review


OK… how can I compare the Forex Nitty Gritty - the 20 Minute Miracle - to anything else on the market today?

I believe there is no other Forex trading guide written in “plain English” that is as simple, quick, and effective as this one… and that covers exactly what you need to know to put the odds of your success in your favor… instead of boring you with complicated “jargon” and useless theory.

So… let’s compare pricing instead.

If you wanted to create this guide from the ground up, you’d spend thousands of dollars hunting down, then hiring the right traders…

…the right coaches.

Plus, you would have to put in far too many extra hours discovering all the secrets those “professionals” don’t even know about.

As a child, I have vivid memories of getting excited when my dad would get home from work. I would look forward to telling him about my day at school, or having him help me with some project.

But if I’m being honest, more times than I care to remember he would quickly disappear into his study after dinner. He called it his “trading den”, but I used to think of it more like a “dungeon”.

Over the years, I watched him spend probably thousands of hours studying trading… and spend probably tens of thousands of dollars on his own trading education.

I would be lying if I said that kind of a commitment didn’t take a toll on our family. To be fair, however, my dad DID somehow manage to find time to spend with us… although I know, in my heart, that he was probably exhausted and running on “reserve energy”… and I don’t even want to think about the toll it probably took on his health.

Do you have that kind of time, money, and energy?

Do you have any idea how much a 3-day weekend with a “professional” trading trainer can cost?

$3,000… $5,000… $10,000… or MORE.

I couldn’t believe it.

I don’t know about you, but most people would have to work more than a year just to scrape together $10,000. No way could he easily afford to pay that much back then.

And what about financial planners whose rates can start at $175/hour, or sometimes charge 1 to 2 percent of your account size - even if you lose money!

They’re the ones in control, and they’re the ones making the decisions. And since they get paid for their time, the last thing they’ll teach you is how successful Forex traders actually trade, step-by-step.

We all agree that $10,000 seminars are too expensive, and financial planners aren’t helping you achieve Forex independence.

Now, what if you could have a lifetime of Forex trading “know how” for less than the price of an hour with a financial planner?

More Forex trading knowledge than a weekend at an expensive seminar?

More uncorrupted “what works now” trading info than even the most popular financial cable TV programs can provide.

No more trading “robots”… no more “hot picks” that go nowhere… no more cable TV loudmouth “gurus”… no more searching for the next big gimmick.

Spending time with your family again… and doing the things YOU choose to do, and WHEN you want to do them.

A lifetime of Forex Freedom, as an independent trader. Don’t you deserve a good shot at that?

All for less than the price of your first hour with a financial planner.

Bill Poulos has been trading the markets since 1974. He’s a retired automotive executive who holds a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering, and a Master’s degree in Business Administration, with a major in Finance.

In his over 30 years of trading experience, Bill has developed dozens of trading systems and methods. In 2001, he formed Profits Run, Inc. to impart his trading experience and wisdom to others so they could shortcut their learning curve and ultimately potentially skyrocket their earnings in the markets.

Bill now has thousands of students all around the world, from all walks of life, and at all experience levels. He prides himself on providing honest and realistic trading education, and is known for the continuous and ongoing support and follow-up he offers his students.

His partner in Profits Run is his son, Greg, who is responsible for marketing and all technical support. In addition, Bill also has a full-time operations staff to ensure his trading education is delivered and supported in a high-quality and timely manner.

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Comentarios Recientes

@Maynard You make a very fair point and I agree. That said, in most cases (although certainly not all) we usually know … Bear1 | 24Mar16 | Más

And some are too quick to judge vendors without fair consideration. Maynard | 24Mar16 | Más

Blimey! He's cooking on gas now! A 14.0 winner today to go along with five other unplaced selections. I suppose … SurfsideTrader | 24Mar16 | Más

With regards to gscippo88’s post, dated 23 March 8.17pm, it just goes to show that not everyone is a complete … Bear1 | 24Mar16 | Más

@gscippo88 So glad for you and wish you well. Todo lo mejor. silvertrady | 24Mar16 | Más

@gscippo88 Thank you, I appreciate it. Tim Tim Lowe | 24Mar16 | Más

these things are tricky in the short term and a complete waste in the long term ribboco | 24Mar16 | Más

Fair play to gscippo88. rinti | 24Mar16 | Más

@zorb Just to let you know that I haven't heard from you so not sure if you have tried to send … Tim Lowe | 24Mar16 | Más

This is the garbage from danny today. WHERE ARE HIS HAPPY CLIENTS FROM LAST YEAR. I BELIEVE THEY DON'T … Emailonly | 24Mar16 | Más

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Disclaimer: You should be advised that More Money Review make no promise that any product or service featured here is guaranteed to perform as the sales material suggests. We simply aim to provide you with the facts based on the experience of our reviewers, so that you are able to make better decisions about any extra income strategies you might wish to try. As is the case with any product or service, your results may vary and potential earnings could differ dramatically. Please be aware that any product or service that you purchase through the website or our email newsletter is done so at your own risk.

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Ivy Bot Review

Making Money with Automatic Forex Trading Software - Ivy Bot Robot

As we all do need money for everyday life; therefore, we will look for all different ways to try to earn a decent income so that we could be able to afford to pay the bills and also to support our family.

In fact – money is one of the most important things in our life and there are many different resources that we could use to help us earn more money! One of the great platforms in today’s market is Forex which allows people who wants to earn money like us to trade world currency.

Forex is the most liquid and largest financial market in the world and it is a market that runs 24 hours a day, 6 days a week worldwide with more than trillions of dollars begin trade everyday.

Therefore, Forex is one of the best options that you could consider of helping you to earn huge amounts of income if you do everything right! If you are new to this market, don’t worry, because with the advance technology, there are automatic Forex trading robot which could help you to win in Forex market even you don’t know how to trade!

Automatic Forex Trading Robot

Automatic Forex trading robot is available in the marketplace today which could help people like us to make money in Forex by predicting the market trend and also it will auto trade (buying and selling) currencies for you.

If you have no knowledge about Forex or you didn’t know how to predict the market trend, then Forex automatic trading robot will be one of the great options for you! Most of these programs require you to pay some amount; however, they also have a 60 days guarantee which you could try it yourself and if it didn’t work well for you, simply you can just ask for refund! In other words, you could test the system for 60 days free of charge!

So, why would you want to use Forex Trading Robots?

Well, the reason is because trading Forex is a very difficult task if you don’t know anything about it! You could earn a decent amount of income in a day, or you could lose all your money in another day. Therefore, it is very important that you know the market trend plus you have your own trading strategy in order to succeed!

The reason that you want to use Forex trading robots because the professionals’ traders invested millions or billions of dollars to study the actual formula which could notice all the market changes automatically! The robot will be act an indicator that informs the traders when is the time to buy or sell. It is one of the most advanced technology today which could help people to trade successfully without knowing how to forecast the market.

In addition, these robots could also do the trade automatically. In other words, once you deposit the money into your account and activate the robots, you could actually sit back and watch your income flow into your account.

What if you don’t want to risk a huge of money to try this robot?

First of all, even you need to pay certain amount for this robot, you have 60 days money back guaranteed, and there is actually nothing for you to risk here!

In terms of investing in the Forex trading, the good news is that you can have a low startup cost of $50. While with stock trading, futures and options you pay spread plus commission, with Forex your only “cost of trade” is spread and that can add up to a lot! In other words, by setting up this Forex robot, you can simply sit back and watch your income flow to your account!

Therefore, you actually have nothing to risk and it is one of the great opportunity for you to earn more money for your daily life living!

Final Words on Automatic Forex Robots!

From my personal experience, I have tested few automated Forex robots in the market. Recently the one I think is the most effective which creates 98% of accuracy is the Ivy Bot Robots.

It is really up to you to determine if Forex trading can benefit you, and try to think of giving yourself another opportunity to earn more money through this source. If you want to get a fast and easy way to earn extra income, you should give yourself a chance to get more money into your bank account. On the other hand, if you think Forex is still too risky as you do not want to risk any of your money, then Forex simply is not for you! However, again, there is no risk here at all, and it is your choice to make up your final decision here!

Whether you're a seasoned investor, day or swing trader, or sitting on the sidelines wondering what to do, there are billions of dollars being made and lost through online trading in the markets of the world every day. This is your chance to put some of that money into your pocket.

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Forex Trading Systems

Everthing you need to know about How You can Benefit from forex Trading. Learn About Options

How to benefit from trading the forex market as a new trader.

A lot of people would like to get into day stocks exchange trading and initially try to gather all the information they can get about all kinds of Stock Market and stock market activities. What a lot of people don't know is that there are still other types of market and financial ventures that one can earn from. One market that is fast gaining acceptance as profitable financial instrument is the trading of foreign currency or Forex.

There is a lot of profit to be gained in Forex which has made it the biggest financial market globally. The trading can go as much as 2.5 trillion dollars daily which makes the volume of the New York Stock Exchange at 1000 time lesser minuscule in comparison.

How do we find the foreign currency market? Not like the stock exchanges all over the world, the foreign currency exchange market is done virtually through electronic means of communication such as the fax, internet and phones.

The global currency market transactions go 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. If you live in the USA, trading time is Sunday 5pm to Friday 4pm EST. In trade stocks, you can only trade stocks during regular market hours. Thus, for people with day jobs the Forex is one market they can access as they can trade even at night or very early in the morning prior to reporting for work.

Aside from being able to trade 24 hours a day, there are other benefits of the foreign currency exchange:

1. High Leverage: The traders are allowed more power by the brokers over their money with a leverage of 100:1 such that if one has an account of $1,000, they will let him/her manage $100,000.00 giving the traders much profit with every small price shift in the market.

2. High Liquidity: Being the largest market in the world, with trillions of daily volume, the trader can easily get in and out of trading because cash is never a problem.

3. Your stops are honored all the time. In currency trading stops and limits are accepted all the time, except in very unstable markets which are actually rare. Owing to the market's liquidity and availability 24 hours a day, crucial trading gaps are done away with. Unlike in the stock market, stocks get passed over when the stock prices fall, which will happen very rarely in Forex where you can be confident that your stop will be accepted.

4. Acceptance of orders is immediate: There are no gaps between placing an order and processing because orders are processed using the current trading price or at the price you set in future market entry.

5. Without Commission Payments: The brokers do not charge a commission in currency trading. The broker's take on this per transaction is the difference between asking price and the bid price. (Good Broker for anyone interested )

The currency market is one of the most unstable markets, a lot of the basic ever-changing factors like weather and war can have an effect on the currency price. Paradoxically, since there is not a single major reason that causes shifting in price, you can just discount the basic variables and follow the technical analysis when trading. This makes Forex a very stable market which conforms to the technical approach compared to the other markets.

The above showed you the numerous benefits of Forex that could make you gain financially. You can do it at home on you free time, but not before you have a solid grasp of the different Forex trading techniques. Prior to attempting live account trading, the prospective trader should get hold of all materials books, e-books that can teach them the basics of forex trading. There are online courses on forex trading but the cost is around $3,000. The lessons come with DVDs and other paraphernalia which accounts for the expensive price. There are other available materials that cost less than $500.00 that could give you the same education at a lesser cost.

D. Harris (for EForexsignaling. com)

*Everything you need to know about Forex trading robots (EA) The best forex trading robot, the most expensive, the easiest to use, how to choose and use forex trading software.

Opciones de Banker 11 Pro


Fapturbo sold over 55,000 copies now making it the BEST selling robot worldwide and was subject to several updates to keep its peek performance. Competitors have come and gone because they were just after the quick buck flooding the forex scene with worthless not working crap or even worse what i call "get-your-hopes-up-for-a-week-then-blow-your - account-martingale-trading-sceme-crap". What you get with us is a LIFETIME SERVICE. We became so popular on forex for a reason.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

FAP Turbo is an extensively tested Forex robot system that ensures that you get profit from Forex trades, without the inhuman amount of effort it takes to constantly monitor the system for trends, patterns, etc. around the clock, which is, ironically, usually the best way to get the most profit from this huge market. This system automates everything so that you only have to work smart, not work hard, for a very lucrative experience with the Forex market.

Years of study have been put into this software system, which proves its mettle both in demo testing and in live testing. Numerous customer testimonials (made by people who have either little to no experience with Forex trading) also attest to its effectiveness.

FAP Turbo does not need huge amounts of money to begin trading for profit: an investment of $50 would suffice. Larger amounts, of course, will be easier and less of a risk once you start earning via the robot.

FAP Turbo is as easy as Forex robot systems get. Simply download and install the software, and watch the profits stream into your live account. Better yet, leave the computer, go outside, and enjoy the benefits of working smart.

FAP Turbo is the automated forex robot program which helps making lot of money via forex currency trading market. However, we should have ideas on how to use it and get maximum profits from the robot program which we use.

With the fap turbo, the forex robot system, there is no work to do and it is simple to start by just turning on the automated robot. It is the easiest way to fill your pockets with $$$ in a short period of time. By investing just 50 dollars(or about 50 dollars) to buy an automated forex robot program and the training guide, you will get 1,000 dollars within 3-4 days. This is just like winning a lottery. But you should follow up the steps in while training very carefully.

However, making money with fap turbo is not easy or required less effort. For every success there should be efforts. But, the required efforts is less compare to other things. If it is very easy, everyone will be rich. With your efforts and the proper robot program you can get good profit for your investment – That is truth.

In today’s market there are various kinds of automated forex robot programs like fap turbo. You should be alert on selecting the best product to get return for your investment. Before buy a forex robot program, you should obtain a demo and test it by yourself. That will let you to understand about the program on how it works and what kind of results will be there on return. Also, check about the frequent of updates and the comfortable for you. Apart from that, you have to get some knowledge about trade by yourself via searching on Internet or on other ways, it is better not to depend only on the forex robot system. Once you have got knowledge about currency market, forex trading and the fap turbo program, you will be able to select the best automated forex robot system. Do not forget that FAP Turbo has a good track record. Check it out and compare it against the other Forex trading robots available in the market to see which is the best forex robot.

I don't normally feel inclined to offer thanks for a Forex product and I realize that at this time you must be very busy.

However I must congratulate you on a wonderful achievement. Me and my colleague have designed half a dozen EA's of our own so I can fully understand the difficulties on getting it working correctly never mind profitably. It's still early days yet of course but the EA seems to hold it's own in all conditions and to say that I have been impressed with it is a massive understatement. I shouldn't say this really but i reckon you could have made the price $300 (or more) to start with. I was happy to buy it for $97 which is an absolute steal for me of course.

I guess it's also unfortunate that most of the people buying this cash machine will never end up trading it live. Those that are willing to trust their gut however could be very wealthy in the years to come. If any of you guys ever visit the East Coast of Australia then I'd love to shake your hands and thank you for not keeping this wondefrul robot to yourselves. If it is true that what goes around comes around then I'm sure that you guys will achive everything you want to.

Once again thanks for giving me a real shot at financial freedom.

I just want to say what an amazing piece of software the three of you have pulled off.

I am currently on trading on a ?3000 Trading Account and started on 01 December at 00:00. As at 03 December 01:16 i have so far made ?744.47. which is amazing as there are still THREE DAYS TO GO. THANK-YOU THANK-YOU THANK-YOU.

Hi friends, Thank you for FAP Turbo. This is fist time when I got even more then I expect. Your software is really amazing. In only 5 days I was double my account and I sleep good. I'm not newbie, I have good results with my manual trading. I was learned about forex with Platinum Trading Solution and paid for it $4140.

But FAP Turbo is something special, I live in Croatia and FAP Turbo make me money when I sleep in time when I didn't trade before. God bless you guys.

The Biggest Forex Project Of This Century Started when "FAP Turbo" was conceived in the mind of its creator, Steve Carletti. Before building this forex bot, he got a hold of every single Forex robot in the market. every single Forex strategy and method available. every idea or piece of idea they could find. He read over 20 "strategy design" books and subscribed to every single Forex publication/service available. Thats how serious he took project "FAP Turbo".

You guessed right. 99% of what he saw, tested and studied was CRAP! Well, obviously. if it wasn't, I suppose others would have already come up with a super-Forex robot right?

Pero. and this is a lesson he learned quite well from this project. even in “crap” information there is value. you can actually understand why it is crap and come up with ideas to improve it! But you know what was the most frustrating part? Even The “Good” Forex Robots he Tested Worked Well ONLY In Backtests! Once he Live Traded Them he Actually Lost his Pants.

Do you know that stage where you are ready to give up? Where everything seems a waste of time. nothing seems to work. you can't really see the “light at the end of the tunnel”?

FAPTURBO Is The Only Automated Forex Income Solution That Doubles Real Monetary Deposits In Under 30 Days. No Backtest Tricks. FAP Turbo is the absolute best and most complete income solution for people who:

* Want to trade with the most accurate and profitable Forex robot in the world – 95% Winners. * Can't Monitor the Forex Market because of a day job, commitments, etc and want an automatic software to do it for them. * Want to trade Forex profitably but don't know how (no need to know, the robot does everything for you. from A to Z!) * Want a secondary or primary income source that’s consistent. * Want to be amongst the 1% of forex traders who grow their trading account like wild mushrooms. * Want to break out from the boring and frustrating routine of hard work and no money (but frequently a lot of debt!) * Want to Start making money today, not 2 months from now! From Steve, Mike and Ulrich

Friday, December 11, 2009

What is FAP Turbo? Fap Turbo is a trading program that will monitor the Forex Market and can automatically make trades for you. This allows you to continue trading on the foreign exchanges market without even being at your computer.

Who Should Use FAP Turbo? FAP turbo is an excellent program for anyone who can’t constantly keep on top of the Forex Market due to work or other commitments. Visit FapTurbo website. Who Created Fap Turbo? Fap Turbo was created by three students named Ulrice, Steve, and Mike. They created the program after months of research, development, and testing.

Do I need to know About the Forex Market to use Fap Turbo? Not at all! In fact, FapTurbo is aimed at those who do not know anything about the Forex Market. Fap Turbo automates the entire process, so you just set up the program following the step by step instructions and you’re good to go. Is Fap Turbo Difficult to Set Up? De ningún modo. In fact, the Fap Turbo team has created several very informative and useful video tutorials that guide you through every step of the installation and set up. These videos show you everything you need to start trading on the Forex Market. How Much Do I need to Invest? Very don’t need hundreds of dollars to start trading. In fact, you can invest as little as $50 to start with. Visit the Fap Turbo now. How Much Does Fap Turbo Cost? Fap Turbo costs $97 for a lifetime license. That means you’ll never need to pay anything else ever again. What if I Don’t Like Using Fap Turbo? The program has a 60 day money-back guarantee. If you don’t like your trial, you can simply request a full refund. Even better, if you purchase Fap Turbo through the ClickBank online payment program, you can get a full refund from ClickBank if you can’t get in touch with anyone at Fap Turbo. That’s just one of the protection options that ClickBank offers. When Does Fap Turbo Do Its Work? Whenever you want! As long as your computer is on, the program is running, and you’re connected to the internet, Fap Turbo is scanning the Forex Market and making trades for you. Once you set up the program, you don’t have to do anything with it. Fap Turbo does all the work for you, even while you’re sleeping. What if My Computer is not always on or online? Fap Turbo does have a new program that guarantees your FapTurbo robot is always looking for the best deals for you. They now offer 24/7 online servers that always monitor the Forex Market. These servers, however, are not free. You will have to pay $70 a month to gain access to one of these servers. Is Fap Turbo Worth the Money? Well, that depends on how much trading you do on the Forex Market. However, since the program automates everything for you, there’s no need for you to ever monitor the Forex Markets yourself. That alone can save you a lot of time but while still allowing you to make money. Visit Fap Turbo Robot

Fap turbo is a forex robot, a type of computer program that automates the foreign exchange trading system. Fap Turbo’s main purpose is to automate the entire forex market, allowing you to trade on the foreign exchange market without doing anything. You can even make a profit while you sleep by using FapTurbo. If you want to get a good idea of what exactly the Fap turbo software does, their website features a video that explains the entire system and how it works. This video is very well done and gives you a good idea of how to install and use the program. Both the video and the program are designed for the absolute beginner, so you won’t need to be either a market expert or a computer expert to understand it.

The robot will monitor Forex market and automatically make trades for you. Once you set up the program, you don’t have to do anything with it. Fap turbo also has several good selling points. The first, as mentioned above, is their very well done tutorial videos. These show you exactly how to use the program. The videos answer just about every question you may have about Fap turbo and how to install and use it. Visit fap turbo website. Downsides of Fap Turbo - Live Trading Forex Robot

Of course, no product is ever completely perfect. FapTurbo does have a few downsides. First, the program will only run when your computer is online. If your internet goes down, you disconnect, or you turn off your computer, Fap turbo will stop running. This means you could potentially miss a great trade. However, there is a solution—you can sign up for their forex hosting service. This will keep your Fap turbo robot online all the time, constantly seeking trades for you.

However, this service will cost you $70 a month. If you can cover that with the profits you make in trades, you’re good. If you’re just starting out, you might not want to spend the extra money. The price of FapTurbo is also pretty reasonable. You can automate all of your trading for about $100. Since the license for the program never expires, you won’t have to pay for anything else ever again.

Overall, Fap turbo is a solid program that can easily help you make a great profit. Since the program comes with a 60 day guarantee, you can try it out first to make certain it’s the program for you. If you decide you don’t like it, you can always get your money back


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Emphasis on a solitary money exchange to build up your Forex skills. Concentrating on the interaction between two moneys – preferably, perhaps, regarding one of them being your residence country ‘s money – will construct your understanding of the Forex market. Learning just how 2 certain moneys communicate aids you develop a fundamental understanding of exactly how Forex Factory communications work in general.

Gain from your blunders on the forex market. Examine your losses and try to determine the reasons for the loss. It is appealing to avoid looking at losses, stand up to the instinct. By learning from your blunders you can stay clear of duplicating them, thus avoid losing more cash on the marketplace.

If you have an interest in Forex Factory calendar and investigating the Forex market, you need to understand that it is not a video game, and it is unworthy taking a gamble. Just before investing any money, you should assess Forex news and research the marketplace so you recognize specifically just what you are entering with forex factory indicators for mt4 indicators.


New forex traders merely beginning out need to keep in mind that you can not discover everything in a day. The exact same holds true regarding forex.

When discovering the study process that will certainly make you effective regarding the Forex market, take a great little bit of time to discover inter-market evaluation. You will discover how you can watch the various other markets to attempt to determine how they are going to affect the Forex calendar. This includes stocks, realty and assets.

If you desire to trade with Forex for totally free, you can begin with a cost-free method account and cost-free tutorials. This allows you establish your methods as well as discover Forex without spending too much cash. Nevertheless, once you end up being much more skillful, you could make a lot more profits as a paying client.

Try to end up some money trading education if you are seriously right into trading money. These courses provide various resources and details that can help you make good fields and also some pointers on just how you can primarily avoid bad ones. You will certainly additionally discover trading tools, currency sets, as well as pips. Use this know-how to make more earnings on your trades.

FOREX trading can be a terrific method to make some money, if you have a clue just how it functions. You should understand that you can still shed money like any type of risk taking venture. It can make selecting much easier if you find out exactly how to know when to purchase as well as market in foreign money.

You could want to look into trading with Canadian currency if you are into Forex rates and Forex trading as well as are looking to play it protected. Worldwide, the 7th most traded currency is the Canadian dollar. The Canadian dollar is kept as reserve in several financial institutions. It is, typically, a stable currency.


When initially starting with Forex online, it ‘s crucial to choose a broker that allows ‘Options trading ‘ (this will be explained later). In terms of leverage, select a broker that permits 50x to 100x leverage, which suffices in my viewpoint. 200x take advantage of is pushing it yet you can select it if you ‘re pleased regarding risking that much of your capital yet I wear ‘t advise any kind of greater. Because they are especially day-trading, the reason why numerous folks choose even more than 200x take advantage of is. This is where they view graph activities each and every single 2nd and also buy/sell every couple of mins. That ‘s not my design, I ‘m more of a mid-to-long term investor than a temporary day-trader. I directly wear ‘t like being glued to the display and also trading Forex online like a robot. There are software application that could do that far more successfully than any plain guest can.

Do any of these automated Forex trading systems actually function? By the end of this write-up, you will certainly have the ability to rapidly distinguish in between the Metatrader 4 expert consultants that really provide a regular and secure month-to-month profit, and also the Metatrader professional advisors that will certainly collapse and also burn your account in a blink of an eye.

What is Forex and automatic Forex trading systems, they are optimal for investors which wish to attain a consistent and safe regular monthly revenue without being chained to their trading workdesk. Allow ‘s admit, lots of people enter trading to accomplish financial freedom and freedom, so why would you wish to find out trading from the ground up? The most effective Forex trading systems are those that release you from the have to undergo the painful as well as costly discovering contour most amateur traders begin out regarding.

Focus on trading one or two currency pairs. Adhering to numerous forex pairs is time consuming and also confirms to be less effective compared to complying with one or two sets.

Forex trading comes to be easier when you automatic as much of it as possible. This does not suggest use robots or other automated trading systems.

Forex styles are not constantly a bad thing. Most of the time if it ‘s trending it ‘s a guaranteed success.

Positioning on the market is visiting go hand and also hand with the likelihoods and the threat administration that you have increased to comprehend. The technique to earning is to place on your own in a way that you will not be eliminated by losses and that will multiply your actual revenues.

You may start to open up method account with on the internet forex trading firms or brokers. As soon as you are comfy and also certain with your digital cash trading, then only you begin trading your real money account.


Assessing your risk and also having a genuine understanding of probability, are the 2 abilities you ‘ll require most for Forex strategy in trading. There is no method of trading that is guaranteed to make you cash, as well as there is no situation that is assured to bring you revenues. You have to take a guess on exactly how points will certainly go and also wish your gut is.

Handle threat carefully. The funds that you deposit are what allow you to trade, and also if you lose them, you will certainly not be able to function. Do not risk even more than five percent of a deposit each single profession ever. Two to 3 percent is even safer, and the ideal way to go.

As you could see from the above listing of times to trade Forex, there are durations each day where the sessions over-lap each various other. It is within these durations when quantity as well as volatility generally rise to peak degrees. The London and New york city trading sessions over-lap between 12pm as well as 8am EST, this is generally considered the very best time to trade Forex. The factor it is taken into consideration the most effective time to trade is considering that this is when the globe ‘s 2 most energetic trading facilities go across; as London trading comes to an end, New york city trading is opening up, and also they are both open at the same time for 4 hrs each trading day. As an outcome, lots of investors purely trade within this 4 hour home window because it typically brings the very best liquidity as well as volatility.

Don ‘t merely see moneys. You should view various other markets as well. The markets, consisting of stocks, real estates, products, and also moneys are linked in even more means compared to one. Some of the markets lead the other markets. Understanding which markets are leaders as well as, which are followers is important, so you should do your research.

What is Forex and how does it work? If you just comply with some easy standards to Forex trading, the desire never ever has to turn into a headache for you. We laid it out right here in a straightforward, easy-to-understand format; now all that ‘s left is for you to use this recommendations to your advantage and to begin benefiting regarding a mindful as well as competent Forex plan.

If you are right into FOREX trading and also are looking to play it secure, you might really want to look into trading regarding Canadian money. When initially starting out regarding Forex online, it ‘s essential to choose a broker that allows ‘Options trading ‘ (this will be explained later). I directly don ‘t like being glued to the screen and also trading Forex online like a robotic. Automatic Forex trading systems are suitable for investors that really want to achieve a protected and regular regular monthly profit without being chained to their trading workdesk. Assessing your danger and also having a genuine comprehension of likelihood, are the 2 skills you ‘ll require most for forex trading.

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I have been trying to trade Forex for several years on and off due to various reasons. I have done 3 courses in the UK, each averaging around Ј3000, none of which “worked” for me. It seems like everyone who has a trading course claims to have “The System” and that you will make money straight away - most do anyhow. Most courses out there teaches you a strategy without explaining why or how it works exactly. "Just do this and that and you will make money." The thing is, the markets change over time and those strategies have to adapt too, else they stop working or become much less profitable over time. Lance Beggson the other hand tells it like it is. He makes no claims that you will make thousands of Dollars or even that you will be successful! HOWEVER, what he gives you is insight into how the market moves; What drives price and how other traders react or respond to changes in price. Where are they more likely to place their stops and how you can take advantage of their stops getting hit. What I like is the fact that you can use what he teaches you on any timeframe or market, not just Forex. He simplifies things by eliminating just about every indicator (with good reason as he explains in his course), and leaves you with a clean chart to look at without any distractions. This really made a huge difference in how I now trade. Much simpler and quicker too.

The course stretches over more than 500 pages in different sections, each looking in detail at every part of his strategy. LOADS of charts and examples to show you exactly how and what to look for. Very useful!

I think for $195 this is a steal! Especially with the 60 day money back guarantee to back it. Hope that helps!

Member (1 review, 3 posts)

1 of 1 members found this review helpful.

Exceptional value for the discretionary trader

An excellent website maintained by a seasoned professional. Lance provides insightful advice and works hard at updating his content. His weekly newsletters are must reads! I can also highly recommend his trading course.

Member (1 review, 19 posts)

1 of 1 members found this review helpful.

a PHD course in price action

if you are serious about price action trading go no further

Lances approach is Detailed, methodical and definitive in its content

there are reasonably priced E-books and courses that will provide you with everything you need to trade price action

the contemporary Bible of price action trading

Member (7 reviews, 27140 posts)

1 of 1 members found this review helpful.


trading is simplified only by identifying the trend THROUGH WAVE THEORY OR BY OTHER INDICATORS

New Member (1 review, 0 posts)

1 of 2 members found this review helpful.

An extremely educational and informative site. If your intersted in why prices move the way they do you found the right website.

Your Trading Coach is a premium and truly educational website. The site belongs to Lance Beggs and his technical trading methods and educational archives are some of the best I have seen. If you are interested in the latest and greatest indicators and trading robots. move on, this site is not for you. However, if you are dedicated to learning this profession and are interested in the mental game and psychology behind price movement then his site is invaluable.

I had been trading the Forex and ETF market full time for almost 2 years and for the great amount of hours and effort that I spent on trading was having only marginal success. I visited all the trading sites, researched and applied every indicator that was available and included them into my trading plan. It became quite clear I was missing something to take my trading to a new level or at least be able to profit consistently. I needed to truly understand why price moved in the direction it did and more specifically what the candles where secretly reveling about the sentiment of the market. If I had a better understanding of market sentiment at particular time I would have a higher probability of its direction.

That is when I found YTC and was shown just what the candles and their patterns secretly were hiding. I am not saying I can now precisely predict when price will reverse or continue direction, but for me, it was exactly what I needed to give my trading a higher probability of success.

Lance trades the markets for living and when you visit his site you will understand his honesty and integrity. Unfortunately for us, he does not provide private coaching. But he does share free educational videos and articles that are packed with high quality information. For those that enjoy his site and would like to learn more about his trading methods you can purchase a full course that is reasonably priced.

Newbie (1 review, 0 posts)

8 of 8 members found this review helpful.

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Forex Autopilot does work. I have made $3000 in my first 24 hrs of trading. The trick is to set it up right. Make sure your take profit and stop loss fields are not empty.

John Scisco said.

I have made quite a bit of money using Forex Autopilot and can honestly recommend it even to those who are not very familiar with forex trading.

Hi my friend. This will change the world. ForexSignal30 extreme ver. 2010 - Limited Edition -

YOU CAN MAKE BIG MONEY BY Forex Why would you pay monthly fee ($100-$1000) permonth to companies for forex trading signal if you can finally create them by yourself with this system ?

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The word FOREX is derived form Foreign Exchange and is the largest financial market in the world. Unlike many markets, the FX market is open 24 hours per day and has an estimated $1.5 Trillion in turnover every day. This tremendous turnover is more than the combination of all the worlds’ stock markets on any given day. This tends to lead to a very liquid market and thus a desirable market to trade. Unlike many other securities (any financial instrument that can be traded) the FX market does not have a fixed exchange.

From: Mr. George Kent Dear fellow Forex trader, Hello, My name is George. He sido un comerciante de divisas desde hace más años. From time to time I still trade, but my trading times have increasingly dropped since I feel it is more and more boring waiting for the market to give you a proper signal all day. The main reason why I am publishing this formula is because I do not like to sit behind my desk all day. Así que he decidido darlo a todos ustedes que quieran beneficiarse de ella. Que el conocimiento le traiga el éxito y la riqueza y si usted consigue ambos en abundancia, recuerde compartirlo con ésos alrededor de usted. This formula is aimed at simplicity as well as high probability trades.






SO. HOW TO TRADE WITHOUT EMOTION ? Give me just a few minutes and I will show YOU how Forex Signal 30 can beat the markets and send the winning trades your way, for a change. Introducing

It's as simple as that. You've tried to imagine a step-by-step Forex Signal that guarantees you more than your fair share of winning trades every single time you hit the Forex Markets. Well, you can stop imagining, because with the Forex Signal 30.

- "Forex Signal 30" System is as easy as BUY and SELL. - Accuracy 100% Win. - +10-500 pips per signal - 3-10 signal every day on the 1 H charts - Signal Never Late - Has been used by thousands of people from all over the world - Work For All Timeframes - This is not trading robot! - It is used by professionals & beginners alike with no experience whatsoever. - You can work from any country in the world - A highly profitable system that lets you earn thousands of dollars each day. - Reliable and consistent. - It's easily and quickly understood by the average independent trader as well as newbies! - Trade forex without stress!

Why would you pay monthly fee ($100-$1000) permonth to companies for forex trading signal if you can finally create them by yourself with this system? Thousands trader was joined here from around the world, averages beginner at the end they become expert.

I am sure you will enjoy the tremendous benefits the Forex Signal 30 will bring you. So sure that I offer a 100% Money Back guarantee.

well i think its the best robot but it cant use for other pair.

Forex Peace Army is an ALL FREE SERVICE for the Community of Forex Traders with Forex Signals and Broker Reviews.

Forex Secret Profit Signal Software Review

Forex Secret Profit Signal Software Review

Forex Secret Profit software coming your way May 10, 2010 at 9:00 AM Eastern Time – New York. Long time trader Karl Dittmann is proud to offer you his new trading software which can be used for the forex markets and others like ETF. stocks, options and more. With nearly 30 years trading experience Karl has seen many programs and trading software that just didnt perform as advertised. Forex Secret Profit is designed to be easy to use and produce results.

To be a successful trader you need a system that works and that you trust. Most traders prefer simple systems or programs. Now is the chance to get an easy to use indicator package.

One of the biggest troubles many traders face is knowing when to enter or exit the trade. They get ready then fear sets in and they are unsure what to do. Many times this ends up in missed opportunities or worse – major losses. To over come this problem some traders turn to forex robots, but they arent for everybody either. If you want to have full control of your trades and still have the flexibility to either enter a trade or ignore it then a more manual system is best.

Forex Secret Profit is designed with both newer and experienced traders in mind. You dont need to know all the technical jargon before you start. It is n easy plug n play system that installs on your computer in minutes.

Forex SecetProfit features

built in automatic stop loss calculations

simple to understand – Green arrow for Long

Red arrow for short all easy to read and view

no more time wasted wondering what to do

safe – risk:reward ratio that ensures regular gains with little loss

use with most currency pairs

works for any time frame

uses Metatrader 4 trading platform

Historically Forex Secret Profit has produced 10-50 signals a day including entry, exit and stop loss. Once the signal is produced it remains on the charts so you can see it later. You can get email notification too.

FX Secret Profit is set to sell for $97.00. Now compared to numerous other forex signal software products introduced in the last few months this is inline with them. You could invest in a high end training course costing $1,000- $3,000, but many traders want to start with less costly option.

Forex Secret Profit review, as always we recommend that you try all forex trading systems on demo account before you use it on a live trading account. You should be comfortable with how it operates before risking real dollars. So have fun and enjoy your time trading.

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Forex Autopilot System Review – Is Marcus Leary FAPS Scam?

How would you like if you can make thousands of dollars with in forex trading but without the need to constantly sit in front of the computer monitoring boring charts and trends? Well, that's what Marcus Leary Forex Autopilot promises.

Of course, there are many people who think Marcus Leary Forex Autopilot is scam. However, from my experience with this software, whether that is true or not will depend on your experience and knowledge.

What Is Forex Autopilot?

FAPS is an automated forex solution which uses sophisticated indicators to accurate place trades and stop bids.

The program will make a trade automatically. All you need to have just a computer, free Meta Trader software and good internet connection.

And at the end of the day, you just need to count how much money you make from that day.

My experiences with these kinds of programs were not quite good. The idea is simple but the practical application was not that simple.

I just made around $300 per month from $3000 program I bought. Not satisfying result considering the hefty cost of the program.

Until one day, one of my friends told me he bought Forex Auto Pilot. At the beginning, I wasn't quite interested with this program because of my previous experiences.

But then he told me how he made $700 in his first day. And I was intrigued.

I quickly bought the program and tested it myself. After all, there are 8 weeks money back guarantee in case something wrong.

I tested the program using virtual account. And in 4 weeks I made $5600!

It is an impressive result considering none of the other forex trading software actually make me any money.

Even though not every day is a winning day, but the profits that I make is always more than the losses.

However, I strongly advised you have at least a basic understanding of forex trading before using this software. Even though it makes pretty accurate trades, you still need to do your homework and better check the trades being placed.

Without forex knowledge and experience, it is almost impossible to tell whether it is a good or bad trade.

Million Dollar Pips

System Description: Million Dollar Pips is a fast-action scalper that aims for 1-5 pips per trade. It executes trades very quickly when the opportunity arises.

Warning: This EA is extremely sensitive to price action. No live accounts (not even at FinFx) are able to achieve results close to this.

The only way to know if it will work on your account is to buy it and try it at a low risk level. If it works, increase the risk level. If it doesn’t work, get a refund.

Performance Test Retired:

HotForex stopped supporting USA clients so we had to close the live test account. The remaining demo test reflects unrealistic results that are impossible to achieve on a live account. We were not interested in starting another live account so we are retiring this test.

Active Million Dollar Pips Performance Tests

Retired Million Dollar Pips Performance Tests

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After some 9 months of using the Leo EA since Nov 2012, I’m very delighted to share that I have finally got myself out of the Red and in the Black!

Ever since I began my Forex Trading journey with the Leo Automated Trading Software, I must admit that it hasn’t been all smooth sailing. Barely 2 months into trading in January 2013, I lost about 60% of my capital because of Overtrading .

Since then, a few things have changed that have helped me in my Forex Trading journey.

With the newest version of the Leo Forex Robot, my profits have increased and my risks lowered by at least two fold. The Robot is able to achieve about 5-10% monthly returns, with a drawdown of only 10% (about HALF of the industry average!). This newest version of the Leo Forex Trading Software has been pivotal to my quick recovery, which otherwise would have taken at least 6 more months!

I am sincerely grateful to Edward Khoo . the brains behind the Leo Forex Automated Trading Software, for his efforts to constantly improve the trading software, and of course for this wonderful opportunity! ¡Gracias!

Now it’s time for some action; let’s take a look at some trades!

For all three backtest reports, an initial deposit of $10,000 is used.

In this first Strategy Tester Report, we ran the backtest during a Medium Risk market condition, and tested the Leo Forex Robot to the maximum limit. Instead of the recommended 0.05 initial lot settings, we used 0.4. See the results for yourself below!

Super Leo EA v3.08 Strategy Tester Report – STRESS TEST

With just a $10,000 deposit, the Forex Automated Software yielded a whopping $16,800 in just 2 months!

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– Volatile markets presenting many trading opportunities in rising and falling markets.

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– Manual trading requires lots of time and skill, and is subject to emotional influence. Failure rate is very high.

– Automated Trading uses a fixed set of rules and is emotionless. If programmed correctly, and with sufficient capital backing and reasonable profit return expectation to minimize risk . one can achieve ROI of more than 5% monthly with minimum risk.

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There is no need for any fundamental and technical knowledge of Forex Trading to start trading with our Robot!









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A Reality Warning About Automated Forex Trading Systems

“Automated forex trading system is a great way to achieve decent amount of profits from the financial market. But, still you have to know about the warnings of this system.”

We love automated Forex trading. But, as a professional currency trader I believe that it is important to outline a few truths about them that I feel are sorely lacking on the internet these days.

As you are here today, you will no doubt have come across hundreds if not thousands of other web sites or blog sites, which promote Forex robots or automated trading systems. And there is so much hype associated with some of these Forex systems these days that you could almost choke on it. Most of these web sites are amateur sites that seem to focus on a just few automated systems like FAP Turbo and Forex MegaDroid; these tools will tell you why these automated trading systems are not scams; and only go on to highlight the good points without drawing attention to some of the less positive issues about automated Forex trading systems in general.

We also find that the official web pages of most new automated Forex systems show unrealistically high financial returns and claim or insinuate that all you have to do to make similar profits is plug in the expert advisor into your MetaTrader platform and then let the cash roll in. And we feel it is not only dangerous to make or insinuate these claims, however also morally and factually wrong.

Automated Forex Trading – What is reality?

The reality is that you will not make a fortune overnight trading Forex, whether from using a Forex trading robot or automated scheme, or even from using a manual trading system. However, If you are using a good automated Forex trading system you can expect to make between 5-20% return on capital per month, even don’t expect every month to be a winner. This is the reality of trading Forex in the real market. Additionally, it should also be pointed out that many of the automated forex trading systems currently available on the market actually result in traders losing a great deal of money.

The second reality is that those one-page sales-letter-type web sites that show or insinuate $3,000, $5,000 or $10,000 in regular profits from a single Forex trade fail to mention that you need substantial investment capital in the first place to achieve these returns. The truth is that, to make $5,000 on a single trade you would need to risk several thousand dollars on that trade (you could also lose), and even then this should represent no more than 1-2% of your capital base. In fact, the reality is that these large trade profits are only going to be achieved from trading with a capital base of tens of thousands of dollars. Again, this is far beyond what the average Forex trader can expect to make using an automated trading system.

Fortunately, it’s not all bad news about automated trading. Automated trading system has many positive sides and some of the positive points about them are as follows.

Automated Forex trading systems offer people an excellent way to start making money from market, especially those who do not have the knowledge or time to spend on learning the intricacies of Forex trading. It is for those people who have busy full time jobs and are looking for a way to make additional income.

The Forex market is a 24/5 business. So those traders who like to trade using a manual trading system can’t trade all day. Automated systems allow a trader to trade 24 hours a day of the week. In fact, a number of good Forex trades therefore can be captured using a robot whilst a trader is sleeping or doing something else and they also allow for multiple currency pairs to be traded in various time frames all at the same time.

Automated Forex systems remove human emotion from the trading equation. In fact, one of the biggest factors causing traders to lose money from manually trading Forex is their emotions, triggering them to do things they should not do. Forex robots therefore stick to the rules of a trading system unlike most Forex traders.

An automated Forex trading system can be an excellent complement to a manual trading system. Therefore, when a trader is making losses with a manual trading system of Forex, an automated Forex trading system could help offset those losses against trading gains, primarily if they are trading on different currency pairs.

Automated forex trading systems can be a great way for someone to indulge in the Forex market for the first time and/or to achieve a second stream of income. Yet, trading with automated systems is not a quick win game, it is not easy money. Also, it is not a sure thing and it is not a one way bet. Many robot developers and their marketing people want you to think otherwise. The promoters of automated Forex systems fail to mention that to make a lot of money trading Forex you are going to need a lot of money to invest in the first place. Remember, Forex is a difficult profession and it takes skill, sound capital and time and even then success is not guaranteed all time. So, be careful! Don’t be gullible and don’t believe everything you read. Take your time choosing your automated trading system and choose your system wisely.

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FOREX Grid Trading Strategy

One of the most difficult aspects of any trading system is predicting future price direction. The Forex grid trading strategy removes the need to predict the future by using a method designed to capture profits regardless of which direction the price turns. Forex, or foreign exchange, is the world's currency market, where various currencies can be exchanged. Currency in the Forex market is paired with currency from another country. For example, the USD/EUR pair represents the price people are willing to pay for the U. S. dollar with Euros.

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How to Grid Trade FOREX

Five-Minute Forex Strategies

Profit in Both Directions

When trading Forex, it is possible to make money whether the price is rising or falling. If the price is rising, you make money by selling for a higher price than you paid. You can profit from falling prices using a technique called short selling. Short selling involves borrowing a currency pair from your broker, selling it to someone else and then buying it back later. If the price you are able to buy it back is lower, you profit from the difference.

Buy and Sell Stop Orders

Most Forex brokers offer a number of order types to choose from. A stop order activates once a certain price is reached. When you place a buy stop order, you will buy a currency pair if the price trades as high as the stop price you programmed into your brokerage account. A sell stop order will sell your position if the price trades as low as the price you programmed. If you do not own the pair you wish to sell, a sell stop order will create a short sale.


Forex pair price movement is measured in percentage points called pips. A pip is the smallest percentage point a pair can move. For example, one pip for the EUR/USD is 0.0001. Grids in the Forex grid trading system are randomly chosen price intervals, usually representing round numbers, such as 10, 20, 30 pips. Some traders may use 50-pip grids, while others may use 100-pip grids.

Buying and Selling

The grid system is based on an assumption that the future price direction cannot be determined, but that if the price moves above one grid, it is likely to continue to the next grid. The system is simple. After choosing your grid interval, you place a buy stop order above the nearest grid and a sell stop order below the nearest grid. Once a position is taken, profit is earned at the next grid. For example, if the price moves up 10 pips, your buy stop order will activate. If the price continues up to the 20 pip grid, you quickly sell. If, however, the price falls back below the 10 pip grid without first rising to the 20 pip grid, you would sell your position at the same price you bought in order to protect yourself from loss.

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Thursday, 29 November 2012

The Forex (Foreign Exchange in English, or "foreign exchange market") is the market "OTC" (that is to say between operators that are not subject to market "regulated") on which traded currencies around the world between them, currencies quoted against each other in the form of parity.

The Forex is today the largest financial market in the world, the average daily volume of transactions (about 4000 billion dollars in April 2010) representing three times the equity markets and futures (futures markets) combined. Is being developed since the abandonment of fixed exchange rates of various currencies them (and also the reference to the gold standard) in 1974, as Forex market determines the evolution of the parity of all pairs (or "cross") whose currency is the regime of floating exchange rates.

The most traded currencies in the world are Dollar (USD 43% of sales and purchases), the Euro (EUR: 19%), the Japanese Yen (JPY 8.5%), the British Pound (GBP 7.5%), the Swiss Franc (CHF: 3.5%), the Australian Dollar (AUD) Canadian Dollar (CAD). Currency called "secondary" and with exchange rate regimes "linked" or "fixed" (the currency of Argentina for example a fixed parity with the dollar, as the Franc CFA West Africa with the Euro and the Chinese Yuan to a basket of currencies dominated by "Dollar") are subject to little exchange on Forex.

Forex key stakeholders are:

Banks and financial institutions that provide 50% of transactions through proposals for "market makers," offering a price at any time buyer ("bid") and ask price ("ask"), the difference (the "spread" ) is the financial gain;

Large companies who want the whole hedge against currency risk in relation to their international activities (but multinationals have also developed their own trading floors directly involved in Forex speculative purposes);

The central banks involved sometimes the market (buying or selling massively currency) in order to regulate and maintain a specific monetary policy: the European Central Bank will be able to sell Euros if it hopes to reduce this currency;

Institutional investors (hedge funds, etc.). Involved both cover portfolios stocks or bonds in an optical speculative direct up to 30% of Forex transactions;

Individuals whose investments are highly developed through trading "on line" and represent approximately 5% of forex transactions.

A position on the Forex involves selling one currency and buying another. Buy EUR / USD means for an investor to buy Euro and sell dollar.

If an investor expects an increase of EUR / USD (appreciation of the Euro against the dollar) and the euro / dollar actually goes to EUR / USD = 1.3000 to EUR / USD = 1.3050, 10,000 euros will be purchased allowed the investor to earn 50 Dollars.

From Asia to the United States via Europe, Forex is a market that operates continuously, 24 hours on 24. A strategy called "arbitrage" will also play on a shift observed during the same medium. for more visit forex news

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If you are interested in embarking on a Forex trading career of your own, you may want to consider the both advantages and disadvantages of both trading currencies and working a regular job.

With Forex trading, you get a lot of freedom; you can work whenever and wherever you want, since the market for currencies open all day every business day and you can trade from your own home. You don't have a boss and you work self-employed.

By working a regular job, you will most likely get very little freedom; you will have set hours and most likely more hours to work. You will also have to travel to work, instead of working from home. With a regular job, you will of course also have a boss that you will have to take orders from.

You can probably now why Forex trading is seen to be a desirable job when self-employed, however there is an issue with security. It is just like any other business. By trading currencies for a living, you will be your own boss, which means that you will have to really work for your earnings. With a regular job, you get a set wage and that is guaranteed, provided that you don't get fired or made redundant.

So with Forex trading, your livelihood could be described as less secure. However, this disadvantage can be overcome by simply ensuring that you earn a good amount of money through your trading, before you quit your regular job and decide to trade full-time. Some days will be bad and some will be good; if you want to make sure that your livelihood is secure, don't quit your day job until you are consistently earning a solid amount of money.

There is also a huge amount of potential in Forex trading, which is another reason why trading currencies is better than working a regular job. As a Forex trader, you can literally make millions annually, which is obviously a lot more than what most bosses can provide their employees with. With a regular job, however hard you work, you will get the same wage unless you get pay rises which aren't too common. However the harder you work when it comes to Forex trading, the more you earn, most of the time. Of course this isn't all the case, but the people who work the hardest tend to get the luckiest.

In conclusion, as long as you get to a stage where you are profiting well and consistently, Forex trading has to be better than working a regular job full-time. With all the freedom, flexibility and potential, Forex trading has to come out on top when compared to working a regular job full-time. It may have its flaws, like the fact that it could mean less financial security since Forex traders don't get a set wage, but this is just like any other business. In order to make money, you need to take risks and as previously mentioned, it doesn't even have to be that risky as long as you don't quit your day job until you are making a substantial amount of money on a regular basis. There are some other minor flaws of Forex trading; it can get lonesome and boring, but these can also be overcome; by being self-employed you can take time off to spend with family and friends whenever you feel like it and some Forex brokers offer fun and enjoyable features that can prevent you from becoming bored of Forex trading.

How Forex Trading Works is a resourceful website that serves to deliver free, online content relating to Forex trading, to anyone and everyone. Providing useful tips, reviews, articles and writings on forex online .

Forex trading is quite a lonely profession really, as you will find yourself trading alone a lot at your computer, especially if your strategy involves day trading or at least is time-consuming for you. Not only will you find it hard to find time to socialize as a Forex trader, but you will also probably not know where to go in order to find like-minded individuals.

Networking is the answer. You need to interact with people like you. Of course it's good to go out, make friends and see your family too but if you want your socializing time to also be beneficial for your Forex trading career, networking would be the answer. You can network in a variety of different ways, on the internet and in real life. However, regardless of whether you want to do it online or offline, you will find it far easier finding groups online.

If you look on the internet you can find Forex trading groups on popular social networks, but you can also find local meetups, seminars and other networking events too if you look carefully.

Social Forex trading networks are also a good idea, which involve interacting with other Forex traders and exchanging information etc. All of this can not only help you to get in touch with people like you, but it can also help you to make more money in the Forex market and throughout your Forex trading career.

Some extremely driven people will put off socializing altogether and just keep on working, but if you do this you will burn out eventually. Every now and then you should take a break. You should see breaks as profitable, because they are. By taking a break, you will go back feeling much better and more refreshed. It is mentally and physically draining, trading the markets and so it's best if you take a break once in a while. As mentioned before, these breaks can also be beneficial for you. Going to a networking event for Forex traders could be very beneficial and you would be able to meet lots of different people just like you who trade currencies for a living. Even if you don't trade currencies for a living, you could make lots of contacts and learn a lot by going to a networking event for Forex traders.

In conclusion, there are lots of ways in which Forex traders can socialize in reality. While Forex traders should take time off to spend with their friends and family, they can also take breaks in order to benefit their career more directly by networking with like-minded individuals. If you don't currently do any networking, you really should. One good reason for building a list of contacts is that when you go through a particularly bad time, if you ever do, you can then consult your contacts and ask for help. With all the social networks around online today, networking is easier than ever, so if you aren't already actively networking then you should seriously consider starting soon.

How Forex Trading Works is a resourceful website that serves to deliver free, online content relating to Forex trading, to anyone and everyone. Providing useful tips, reviews, articles and writings on forex online .

Students can trade Forex profitably, just like any other Forex trader can. As a student, you will probably find yourself tight on money. However, at the same time you will probably have a good deal of time to work and make money, depending on your course. Forex trading can be a great way for a student to make money comfortably in their accommodation when they are not working on their academic studies.

First of all, if you are a student and are looking to make money trading currencies, you should know that it isn't as easy as it sounds. You can't just open an account, deposit money and guess your way to success. Traditional Forex trading takes a lot of work, so you do need to be prepared to do the work required.

If you don't like the sound of having to dedicate lots of time to your Forex trading, you should consider joining a social network for Forex traders. Some networks will allow you to copy other Forex traders automatically. This way you can have fun, do minimal work and let your money work for you. Of course there is some skill involved and you will need to seek out the top Forex traders within networks and invest your money wisely, however it is fair to say that this way of trading currencies is a lot less demanding than the traditional way.

As a student Forex trader, you should also make sure that you don't risk more money than you can afford to lose and you should ensure that you take your Forex trading career one step at a time. Don't look for fast gains as they most likely won't happen. They could of course, but you can't keep up big gains consistently unless you have discovered a truly innovative way of trading the markets. The Forex market is always adapting though, so you will always need to test and adapt. It isn't easy to trade currencies successfully by any means, or at least not consistently. Before you even get started with traditional Forex trading, with live currencies, you should already have studied and practiced.

Before you even place your first live order, you should know the basics, understand fundamental analysis, know all about the technical side of Forex trading, have a clear plan for your trading career outlining all of your tactics and have a set strategy that you plan on following. You will also of course need a good Forex broker and the right tools to help you succeed. Some practice also goes a long way. So all in all, there's a lot that goes into a Forex trader's career. If this all sounds exciting to you, then search up some Forex brokers and get started today. You could become a Forex trading millionaire one day. If this all sounds too much to you though, you could simply join a social network for Forex traders as previously suggested, which you might find more appealing.

In conclusion, students can become successful Forex traders too, however students must realize that they will have to put in just as much work as everyone else in order to succeed in the Forex market. Students can make a lot of money trading currencies, but they must understand that taking a professional approach to Forex trading is important. If you are a student and you like the sound of trading currencies in order to make some extra money or perhaps even a lot of money, you should get started as soon as you can and work as hard as you can. If you fit your Forex trading endeavours around your academic studies, you could absolutely become a successful Forex trader.

How Forex Trading Works is a resourceful website that serves to deliver free, online content relating to Forex trading, to anyone and everyone. Providing useful tips, reviews, articles and writings on forex online .

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July 28, 2015 by Q | Comments Off on What Exactly IS The Forex Market? | Filed in Uncategorized

If the video is a bit over your head, I wanted to provide a few additional notes to give you a true beginners introduction to the Forex market. If you are somebody interested in getting started trading from home, you may have heard that the Forex market is a good place to get started. In fact, there are some Forex traders who make millions of dollars without trading any stocks at all!

But, before we delve into talking about forex trading, let us talk about the foreign exchange market. In essence, the foreign exchange market is is where currency trading occurs. Because currencies are valuable to majority of the world’s populace, there is a need for currency exchange to be carried out so that foreign trade and business can progress and develop.

For instance, if you make your home in the U. S. and you wish to purchase wooden tables from the Philippines, this transaction will require either you or the company that you will be purchasing the tables from to pay the Filipinos for the tables in Philippines pesos (PHP). In order for this to happen, the U. S. importer would have to engage in exchanging the equivalent value of USD into pesos.

The same applies when one is traveling. It is not possible for an American tourist to pay in dollars when in London, for the simple fact that the local currency is different. Be that as it may, it is essential for the American tourist to exchange his or her dollars into the local currency, which is the Great British Pound or GBP. This is the basic premise and necessity of forex trading.

September 21, 2014 by Q | Comments Off on Legal Insider Bot – Is It Worth Your Time? | Filed in Uncategorized

Let’s face it, most of us don’t have the time, or the drive to study the market the way somebody like Warren Buffet does and take consistent action every day. Sure listening to somebody like Buffett can be very helpful as far as designing long term investment strategies. But, if you are somebody looking to make some quick cash as a trader, you may be looking for ways of trading that are cheap and easy to get started with that don’t require you to become a student of the stock market.

With the increase in popularity of alternative investment strategies. such as binary options trading, there’s no surprise that the market of trading software applications has arrived in full force. Obviously, there’s a huge draw to utilize automatic trading system when dealing with binary options. Binary options are relatively simple to utilize and trading bots can operate, at least in theory, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

The problem arises, however, when the market gets flooded with sub par products looking to make a quick buck and take advantage of the popularity of something like binary options in general.

So, where does one look to decide which binary trading robots are legit and worth checking out? Well, the quick answer is, “do your homework!” Essentially, there are certain indicators that a trading bot is worth your time and money. For one, search for the various reviews. If an piece of software has been reviewed by countless reviewers out there on the internet, take a look at what they have to say. Often times, they will break down the basics and provide the pros and cons of the software. Another think people should look for is what’s included in the purchase to determine whether it meets their needs. For example, one person may find that customer service and availability of one-on-one assistance is the priority. Someone else may not care about something like that and simply cares about whether the software does what it’s supposed to do! So, in the end, it depends on the needs of the individual really.

One thing to keep in mind is that many of these new trading robots are really just the same software systems that have merely been repackaged and sold with different marketing to make a quick buck. That is why the new Legal Insider Bot has become so popular. I twas designed by a guy named Greg Marks who has managed some pretty serious funds and he had the software created for his own personal use. You can read a full review of this software here: http://nanomagazine. com/greg-marks-legal-insider-bot-review-how-does-it-measure-up/

By all means, if you find something that has no reviews whatsoever, that may be an indication that you want to stay away—at least to be on the safe side. It’s always best to go with what’s been in operation and with the ones that have generated positive feedback from reviewers and users!

Posted on 04 February 2010 Tags: Forex. comercio

Even if you currently work forty hours or more at a day job, you still have time to learn how to trade Forex with the same know-how as a professional trader. It doesn’t take much time at all to learn how to trade Forex.

First, a little information about what the Forex market is. The Forex market is the largest, most often traded market in the world (the volume is in the trillions of dollars) and because you can trade any time of the day or night, it’s also the most accessible.

The great part about learning how to trade Forex like a pro is that the Forex market is not bound like some markets. It’s a liquid market, which means it’s easier for you to make your trade, easier to buy, easier to sell. It’s also easier to reap greater financial rewards.

One thing the pros know about trading on the Foreign Exchange is that you don’t have to have a bank account like a six figure athlete in order to trade Forex. You can begin with a small amount and by using leverage, you can easily make ten times the amount of your initial deposit.

You would need to open up what’s called a margin account and that is usually done through a broker. Let’s say you want to trade Forex in the amount of $300,000. Then you would need to deposit at least $3,000 in your margin account if the margin was at 1%.

To trade Forex like a pro, you have to understand that leverage is basically money the broker is giving you to trade Forex. This method is used to trade Forex by many investors with great success.

But because there is always the potential for loss when you trade Forex, have your orders in place. Those orders would be a stop order or a limit order. That way, if the Forex trade does happen to head a direction you’re not comfortable with (usually down), you won’t lose more than you can afford to lose.

When you want to trade Forex like a pro, you should understand the basics of how buying and selling the currency pairs operate. When you have a currency and want to sell to buy another, you would do so with the expectation that the currency you want to buy is going to go up in terms of profit to you.

Who is the best forex trader in the world?

For me the best robot you could ever have is the one built by yourself, I know it requires a lot of knowledge but it's better to have the strategy that worked for you auto … mated than some robots that only promise windfalls and you end up losing everything. A good place to start though would be to Use MetaTrader4 as a trading platform. It lets you test the robots you choose against historical data and run paper trades or dummy runs with demo accounts. Also if you are buying Forex robot don't forget to run backtesting that can show is system worth its money. (MÁS)

1 person found this useful

Everyday over $3.2 trillion trade hands on the only twenty-four hour exchange, the Forex. Currencies around the world are passed back and forth between traders, often at great … risk and for some traders, at enormous profit. Is a currency ETF the best way to gain exposure to this activity? (MÁS)

Content Specialist for Answers. com. A foodie and dog lover, who spends most of her time trying new restaurants and hiking with her dog.

Trader Joe'sThe chewy, ginger center of these cookies is wrapped inside the crunchy exterior. It has tangy, crystallized, real bits of ginger in the cookie, making this the mo … st popular item at Trader Joe's. Cookies and butter: the name itself tells us why it is one of the most popular offerings at Trader Joe's. It is creamy like peanut butter but with a cookie flavor. Spread it on just about anything and enjoy. The Joe Joe's cookies come in several varieties, including vanilla creme, chocolate creme, and candy cane. They are less sweet than Oreos but still as delicious to dunk into your milk. You will feel less guilty eating this guacamole, as it has fifty percent less fat and forty percent less calories than regular guacamole. The avocados are whipped with Greek yogurt, giving the dip a light, addicting taste. People apparently enjoy the cheap wine offerings available at Trader Joe's. The Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot are your best picks for this brand of wine. Mac and Cheese is a comfort-food classic. This offering has four different cheeses--Cheddar, Havarti, Swiss, and Gouda--to make this macaroni and cheese a step above the rest. Be sure to stir the almond butter before using it, as it seems to be more liquid than solid. The almond taste leaves you with a delicious flavor in your mouth. A delicious alternative to beef, these chicken burgers have a wonderful flavor to them. The citrus and chili give the burger patties a one-of-a-kind flavor. Saute, grill, toss into a salad, or make into a soup--these ready-to-use fennel bulbs are a popular offering. An entire pound of chocolate is a dangerous proposition. Luckily, it comes in easily breakable portions, if you choose not to eat the entire bar at once. This almond cocoa spread is a delicious spread on just about anything. This spread gives you yet another reason to eat dessert for breakfast. Marcona almonds are plumper and softer than other varieties of almonds. These delicious nuts are coated in rosemary, making them a wonderfully munchable snack. For those who do not enjoy tomatoes, this corn and chili pepper salsa is right up your alley. It combines a wonderful mix of sweetness and heat. You will want to eat it straight from the jar. (MÁS)

Own clinic, Environmental Medicine+Clinical Ecology+Psychiatry+became writer+published book author+webmaster

Forex is a very risky business, why stress yourself for a stratergy that millions of people have tried and failed. it is a caution in one of the forex trading siters that forx … is not for everyone, hte market and exchange rates are too unstable and you cannot control that. While forex is indeed risky, if you do want to test the waters, the best way to start is with a simulated account before you risk any real money. Successful forex traders usually trade based on automated strategies, sometimes called "black box" strategies or algorithmic trading. This is because the window of opportunity is often extremely narrow, sometimes too narrow for any type of manual process to succeed. The best way to succeed is to review several of these forex strategies, which are often available by subscription, monitor historical success, and put through a simulated trading period to determine likelihood of future success. Correct, trading forex can be risky and is mandatory to practice forex in demo trading accounts before getting started trading real money. About Forex trading strategy, I want to say that there are automated forex strategies that you can use (forex robots, also known as expert advisors). These forex robots are software preset with trading paraments: Go long (buy) or go short (sell), choose currency pairs, etc. Each forex robot counts with unique parameters, and you can also fine tune them to your own trading attitude. Besides, you can also trade forex manually, mechanically. For this to be done you certainly have to be a bit more experienced and be longer time in front of the screen monitoring your trades. There are plenty of forex robots (expert advisors) and mechanical forex trading strategies in the markte. some good, some not recommended at all! If you wish to get into Forex trading, you need to have an ideal mindset. An ideal mindset in for a Forex Trader basically aims at adopting a sound mental attitude, which makes you focused on your target, highly confident, well disciplined as well as well versed in overcoming fear or anxiety. An ideal mindset also allows the forex traders to follow certain effective trading strategies that are considered to be a part of winning factors while trading in forex market. If you are certain you have an ideal mindset to get started into the Forex Trading Market, then learn forex where you can have all the information you need. (MÁS)

5 people found this useful

Answered by The WikiAnswers ® Community

To become To become a Forex trader the first thing you'll have to invest is time, lots of learning time. Forex market features, the use of indicators, money management and sel … f control are just some of the things you'll have to master before becoming a succesful Forex trader. Fortunately, there a are a lot of great learning tools available online for free. (MÁS)

5 people found this useful

Answered by The WikiAnswers ® Community

There are many websites that offer this, but the question is based on the levels. If you are a beginner then stuff like daily resistance, daily support, stochiastics etc won't … make sense. Either ways, I suggest forexpromos. com/ and you can check the daily market news and binary options alerts to help you with this. (MÁS)

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Today’s article is going to give you guys a “sneak-peak” into exactly how I decide on my stop and profit target placements. I get a lot of emails asking how I decide where to place a stop or where to place a target, and while there is no one-size-fits all answer to this question, there are certain things that you should consider before entering a trade that will make determining the best stop and target placement much easier.

Before we get started, let me first say that this topic of stop loss and profit target placement is really a pretty broad topic that I could write quite a lot on. Whist today’s lesson doesn’t cover every detail of stop loss and target placement, it will give you a good general overview of the most important things that go through my mind as I decide where to place my stop loss and my profit target on any one trade.

Placing stop losses

I am starting with stop loss placement for a couple of important reasons. One, you always should think about risk before reward and you should be at least two times more focused on risk per trade than you are on reward. Two, we need to determine our stop loss to then determine our position size on the trade, potential dollar loss and gain, and our R multiples. This will all become clearer as you read on if you were confused by that last sentence.

General stop loss placement theory:

When placing stops, we want to place our stop loss at a logical level, that means a level that will both tell us when our trade signal is no longer valid and that makes sense in the context of the surrounding market structure.

I like to always start with the premise that I will ‘let the market take me out’, meaning, I want the market to show me that my trade is invalid by moving to a level that nullifies the setup or changes the near-term market bias. I always look at manually closing a trade as option number 2, my first option is always to ‘set and forget ’ the trade and let the market do the ‘dirty work’ without my interference. The only time I manually exit a trade before my predetermined stop gets hit is if the market shows me some convincing price action against my position. This would be a logic-based reason to manually exit a trade, rather than an emotion-based reason that most traders use to exit on.

So to recap, there are basically two logic-based methods for exiting a trade:

1) Let the market hit your predetermined stop loss which you placed as you entered the trade.

2) Exit manually because the price action has formed a signal against your position.

Exits that are emotion-based:

1) Margin call because you didn’t use a stop and the market moved so far against your position that your broker automatically closed your trade.

2) Manually closing a trade because you ‘think’ the market is going to hit your stop loss. You feel emotional because the market is moving against your position. But, there is no price action based reason to manually exit.

The purpose of a stop loss is to help you stay in a trade until the trade setup and original near-term directional bias are no longer valid. The goal of a professional trader when placing their stop loss, is to place their stop at a level that both gives the trade room to move in their favor or room to ‘breathe’, but not unnecessarily so. Basically, when you are determining the best place to put your stop loss you want to think about the closest logical level that the market would have to hit to prove your trade signal wrong. So, we don’t want to put our stop loss unnecessarily far away, but we don’t want it too close to our entry point either. We want to give the market room to breathe but also keep our stop close enough so that we get taken out of the trade as soon as possible if the market doesn’t agree with our analysis. So, you can see there is a ‘fine line’ that we need to walk when determining stop placement, and indeed I consider stop placement one of the most important aspects of placing a trade and I give each stop loss placement a lot of time and thought before I pull the trigger.

Many traders cut themselves short by placing their stop loss too close to their entry point solely because they want to trade a bigger position size. This is what I call “trading account suicide” my friends. When you place your stop too close because you want to trade a bigger position size, you are basically nullifying your trading edge, because you need to place your stop loss based on your trading signal and the surrounding market conditions, not on how much money you want to make.

If you remember only one thing from today’s lesion, let it be this: always determine your stop loss placement before determining your position size, your stop loss placement should be determined by logic, not by greed. What that means, is that you shouldn’t purposely put a small stop loss on a trade just because you want to trade a big position size. Many traders do this and it is basically like setting yourself up for a loss before the trade even starts.

Examples of placing a stop loss based on logic:

Now, let’s go through some examples of the most logical stop loss placements for some of my price action trading strategies. These stop placements are what I consider to be the ‘safest’ for the setups being discussed, that means they gave the trade the best chance of working out and that the market must move to a logical level against your position before stopping you out. Let’s take a look:

Pin bar trading strategy stop placement:

The most logical and safest place to put your stop loss on a pin bar setup is just beyond the high or low of the pin bar tail. So, in a downtrend like we see below, the stop loss would be just above the tail of the pin bar, when I say “just above” that can mean about 1 to 10 pips above the high of the pin bar tail. There are other pin bar stop loss placements discussed in my price action trading course but they are more advanced, the stop loss placement below is considered the ‘classic’ stop loss placement for a pin bar setup.

Inside bar trading strategy stop placement:

The most logical and safest place to put your stop loss on an inside bar trade setup is just beyond the mother bar high or low. If you don’t understand inside bars yet, please read this article on trading the inside bar strategy .

Counter-trend price action trade setup stop placement:

For a counter-trend trade setup, we want to place our stop just beyond the high or low made by the setup that signals a potential trend change. Look at the image below, we can see a downtrend was in place when we got a large bullish pin bar reversal signal. Naturally, we would want to place our stop loss just below the tail of that pin bar to make the market show us that we were wrong about a bottom being in place. This is the safest and most logical stop placement for this type of ‘bottom picking’ price action trade setup. For an uptrend reversal the stop would be placed just beyond the high of the counter-trend signal.

Trading range stop placement:

We often see high-probability price action setups forming at the boundary of a trading range. In situations like these, we always want to place our stop loss just above the trading range boundary or the high or low of the setup being traded…whichever is further out. For example, if we had a pin bar setup at the top of a trading range that was just slightly under the trading range resistance we would want to place our stop a little higher, just outside the resistance of the trading range, rather than just above the pin bar high. In the chart below, we didn’t have this issue; we had a nice large bearish pin bar protruding from the trading range resistance, so the best placement for the stop loss on that setup is obviously just above the pin bar high.

Stop placement in a trending market:

When a trending market pulls back or retraces to a level within the trend, we usually have two options. One is that we can place the stop loss just above the high or low of the pattern, as we have seen, or we can use the level and place our stop just beyond the level. We can see an example of this in the chart below with the fakey trading strategy protruding up past the resistance level in the downtrend. The most logical places for the stop would be just above the false-break high or just above the resistance level.

Trending market breakout play stop placement:

Often, in a trending market, we will see the market pause and consolidate in a sideways manner after the trend makes a strong move. These consolidation periods typically give rise to large breakouts in the direction of the trend, and these breakout trades can be very lucrative sometimes. There are basically two options for stop placement on a breakout trade with the trend. As we can see in the chart below, you can place your stop loss near the 50% level of the consolidation range or on the other side of the price action setup; in the example below it was a pin bar. The logic behind placing your stop loss near the 50% level of the consolidation range is that if the market comes all the way back down to that point the breakout is probably not very strong and likely to fail. This stop placement gives you a tighter stop distance which increases the potential risk reward on the trade.

Note on placing stops:

So, let’s say we have a price action trading strategy that’s very close to key level in the market. Ordinarily, the ideal stop placement for the price action setup is just above the high of the setup’s tail or the low of the setup’s tail, as we discussed above. However, since the price action setup tail high or low is very close to a key level in the market, logic would dictate that we make our stop loss a little bit larger and place it just beyond that key level, rather than at the high or low of the setup’s tail. This way, we make the market violate that key level before stopping us out, thus showing us that market sentiment has changed and that we should perhaps be looking for trades in the other direction. This is how you place your stops according to the market structure and logic, rather than from emotions like greed or fear.

Placing profit targets

Placing profit targets and exiting trades is perhaps the most technically and emotionally difficult aspect of trading. The trick is to exit a trade when you’re up a respectable profit, rather than waiting for the market to come crashing back against you and exiting out of fear. The difficulty of this is that it’s human nature to not want to exit a trade when it’s up a nice profit and moving in your favor, because it ‘feels’ like the trade will continue on in your favor and so you don’t’ want to exit at that point. The irony is that not exiting when the trade is significantly in your favor typically means you will make an emotional exit as the trade comes crashing back against your position. So, what you need to learn is that you have to take respectable profits of 1:2 risk:reward or greater when they are available, unless you have pre-determined before entering that you will try to let the trade run further.

General profit target placement theory:

After determining the most logical placement for our stop loss, our attention should then shift to finding a logical profit target placement and also to risk reward. We need to be sure a decent risk reward ratio is possible on a trade; otherwise it’s really not worth taking. Now, what I mean by that is this; you have to determine the most logical place for your stop loss, as we discussed above, and then determine the most logical place for your profit target. If after doing that, there is a decent risk reward ratio possible on the trade, it’s a trade that’s probably worth taking. However, you have to be honest with yourself here, don’t get into a game of ignoring key market levels or obvious obstacles that are in your way to achieving a decent risk reward just because you want to enter a trade.

So, what are some of the things I consider when deciding where to place my profit target? It’s really pretty simple, I am basically analyzing the overall market conditions and structure, things like support and resistance levels, major turning points in the market, bar highs and lows, etc. I try to determine if there is some key level that would make a logical profit target, or if there is some key level obstructing my trade’s path to making a decent profit.

First off, let’s look at an example of how to calculate profit targets based on multiple of risk:

In the image below, we can see a pin bar setup which formed after the market began moving higher after a reversal of its previous downtrend. The stop loss was placed just below the low of the pin bar. So, at that point we have what we call 1R, or simply the dollar amount we have at risk from our entry level to the stop loss level. We can then take this 1R amount (our risk) and extended it out to find multiples of it that we can use as profit targets. If you don’t understand risk reward you should read this article on the power of risk reward. it will explain to you why it’s critical to properly utilize risk reward and to aim for risk reward ratios of 1:2 or greater.

Now, let’s take this a step further and put everything we’ve learned in today’s lesson together. We are going to analyze a trade setup and discuss the stop placement on the trade, the target placement and the risk reward potential…

In the chart below, we can see an obvious pin bar reversal setup formed near a key market resistance level, indicating that a move lower was a strong possibility. The first thing I did was determine where best to place my stop loss. In this case, I elected to place it just above the pin bar high since I determined that I would no longer want to be short if the market moves up to that level.

Next, I noticed that there’s a key support a little ways down below my entry, but since the key support didn’t come in until almost 1.5 times my risk and beyond that there was no key support until much further below, I decided the trade was worth taking. Given there was a chance of a reversal after the market hit that first key support level, I pre-determined to trail my stop down to that R1 level and lock in that profit, if the market reached that level. That way I can at least make 1R whilst avoiding the potential reversal off that key support.

As it turned out, the market sailed right through the first key support and then continued moving lower to make 3R. Now, not every trade is going to work out this well, but I am trying to show you how to properly place your stop loss, calculate what your 1R risk amount is and then find the potential reward multiples of that risk whilst considering the overall surrounding market structure. The key chart levels should be used as guides for our profit targets, and if you have a key chart level coming in before the trade can reach a 1R profit, then you might want to consider not taking that trade.

When we are trying to figure out if a potential price action trade setup is worth taking, we need to work backwards to some degree. We do this by first calculating the risk and then the reward and then we take a step back and objectively view the trading setup in the context of the market structure and decide whether or not the market has a real shot at hitting our desired target(s). It’s important to remember we are doing all of this analysis and preparation prior to entering our trade, when we are objective and unemotional.

Note: There are different entry possibilities that I didn’t get into here which can affect the potential risk reward of a particular trade setup. Today’s lesson was just meant as a general guide of how to logically and effectively place stop losses and targets on select price action trade setups, I discuss different entry scenarios and more trade setups in my trading course and members’ community.

A trader is really a business person, and each trade is a business deal. Think about Donald Trump doing a big business deal to buy a new hotel development…he is carefully weighing the risk and the reward from the deal and deciding if it’s worth taking or not. As a trader, that’s what we do too; we first consider the risk on the trade and then we consider the potential reward, how we can obtain the reward, and if it’s realistically possible to obtain it given the surrounding market structure, and then we make our final decision about the trade. Whether you have a $100 account or a $100,000 account, the process of weighing the potential risk vs. the potential reward on a trade is exactly the same, and that also goes for stop and target placement; it’s the same no matter how big or small your account is.

Our number 1 concern as traders is capital preservation. That means getting the most ‘distance’ out of our trading capital. Professional traders do not waste their trading capital, they use it only when the risk reward profile of a trade setup makes sense and is logical. We always have to justify the risk we are taking on any one trade, that’s how you should think about every trade you take; justify the money you are laying on the line, and if you can’t make a good case for risking that money given the setup and market structure, then don’t take the trade. Each trade we take needs careful planning and consideration and we never want to rush to enter a trade because it’s far better to miss an opportunity than it is to jump to a conclusion that we came to emotionally rather than logically. If you want to learn more about planning stop loss placements, profit targets and some of the other concepts discussed in today’s lesson, check out my Forex price action trading course .

Good trading, Nial Fuller

Folk, it pays to read this article and the last one that Nial did “You Don’t Have To Be Right To Make Money” not just once, but over and over. Mull over it and put some real thought and what it means to you? Well done Nial as I feel that you are giving a “true” perspective on what we both know it means to be a Pro in the FX business, in a very clear and direct way, to those who are hungry and willing to put in the work.

Nial, I echo the sentiments of the previous statements; very well written and well illustrated. Nice job!

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Advertencia de alto riesgo: Forex, futuros y opciones de comercio tiene grandes recompensas potenciales, pero también grandes riesgos potenciales. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Debe ser consciente de los riesgos de invertir en forex, futuros y opciones y estar dispuesto a aceptarlos para negociar en estos mercados. El comercio de divisas implica un riesgo sustancial de pérdida y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Por favor, no negocie con dinero prestado o dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Cualquier opinión, noticias, investigación, análisis, precios u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión. No asumiremos ninguna responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida o daño, incluyendo, sin limitación, cualquier pérdida de beneficio, que pueda surgir directa o indirectamente del uso o dependencia de dicha información. Recuerde que el desempeño anterior de cualquier sistema o metodología comercial no es necesariamente indicativo de resultados futuros.

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Posts tagged million dollar pips forex robotu download

Owners calls a topic called dollar-cost averaging many people like this method and a single day see is this bad about as it works once in a while and 10 were singers of all sensors first to like to a good trader and their trading well by using it and I’ve seen many people as they roll accounts by using this method the way it works is they will see the market going down in a move like this and so they’ll places sell rights in this area thinking all actually gonna go down now skin to keep on going down and as the market keeps on coming back up then they’ll say whole again pose another cell right here sits starting to come back down so is it to keep Sun going up they’ll wait and it’s a halls and Starz a level of again so they say all gonna put a another cell right in this area that is going to come down in our favor and the market just keeps on going up and even after move down like this big Move but another sell on this is the ghost gonna come down now and the market just keeps on going against them.

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At this point it does start come back in their favor so they put another cell on and it comes back to their favor just to turn in go back up again so that’s what they’re doing now is just throwing good money after bad and they’re just further and further in the hole they could have been trading this whole move in the by mods to the cell mold they lost all perspective as to what the market is really doing the need to learn to trailing stop losses and use the proper amount of money other over trade at the account and to never aired on to a losing trade the trades losing just get out about wait till you get some good signals get back in and then followed the trend in the direction.

It’s going and that’s where you’ll make some money and become a better trader: and those are your confidence because you’ve lost all your money following the losing trade for more tips and strategies goes for it stretches across da comp and trade well talk to know the time by

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